Pangaea Activity Instructions: Continental Drift Worksheet

Instructions for Pangaea activity:
1. Cut out the continents, leaving a little bit of green around the black lines (this helps to make a
better fit of the continents and accounts for the sediments that are part of a continent).\
2. Paste the continents onto the blue paper to form Pangaea.
3. Once you have your Pangaea glued together in the correct format, trace the outline of the
continents by putting the white sheet over top of your blue sheet with Pangaea on it and trace.
4. Once you have traced onto the white sheet, you will list the 4 pieces of evidence for continental
drift and color code where they were found. This information can be found on page 240 of your
textbook (ex. puzzle fit of continents, fossil evidence, rock evidence, and climate evidence—give
me DETAILS about each of these).
5. Then complete the questions on the worksheet. When you are done, staple it all together and
make sure your name is on it.