Click here to view remarks given by Rev. Dr. Don Ng at the event

Educational Ministries Staff Reunion, November 16, 2013
Words by Don Ng
Welcome to EM Staff Reunion! As the President-Elect of ABCUSA, I am very pleased
to see so many former colleagues here tonight. “For everything there is a season,
and a time for every matter under heaven.” Tonight is the time to celebrate and
remember because everything that has happened in our lives has been under God’s
heaven and earth.
On behalf of General Secretary Roy Medley and ABCUSA who made this reunion
possible, we thank you for your faithful service in Educational Ministries that has
made a difference in many people’s lives and in God’s grace continues on today.
Introductions—“Who is in the house?”
Judson Press
Graphics Department
Finance & Accounting
Christian Higher Education
Church Education
Education for Discipleship
Computer Center
Administratively Related Organizations
AB Women
AB Men
Historical Society
Ministers Council, Interim Ministries
Spouses, Partners, Friends who all made it possible for us to serve at EM
For Everything There Is a Season
Like many of you, I served EM for many years and these were some of the best years
of my ministry. In 1998, I became Senior Pastor of the First Chinese Baptist Church
in San Francisco and it still amazes me today on how much of what I experienced in
EM has helped me in my pastorate in the local church. I tell my church that I learned
from the very best in EM and now they are receiving the benefits.
When God created you and me, God had great expectations for us. And all of us had
the privilege of using those God-given gifts when we served in EM. God’s beautiful
creation included beautiful people like you. In my 20 years in EM, I had the joy of
knowing many of you here tonight. There are some whom I don’t know as well, but I
look forward to beginning a relationship with you. To run the risk of mentioning a
few I apologize but to say nothing would be a missed opportunity.
*I always remember Charlie Harker carrying a bunch of papers in his arms.
*Ruth Cramer who enjoyed coffee break as the best part of the day.
*Sam Duncan and Geri Blier who cleaned my laptop from time to time.
*Rose Dodd and Lynn Eckman who shared an office together.
*Linda Isham who made room for children in the church.
*Vergie Gillespie, John Pipe, Esther Pullis, Brenda Tribett, Joe Leonard, Linda
Isham and Bud Wilmot who were the core team of the Church Education division
and my closest colleagues.
*Sally Shelly and Helen Mainieri who were the happy Judson voices on the
*Joe Leonard who taught us to love our sexuality.
*Miriam Chacon-Peralta, Mayra Castenada and Miriam Gutierrez who spoke
the heavenly language.
*Valentine Royal who showed us that women can preach.
*Hal Germer’s daughter who babysat our kids in Malvern.
*Gary Lanette who gave our son, Greg a summer job in Traffic.
*Ron McBride and Bill Knoeller who kept Traffic moving.
*Art Munson who amazingly was able to do many tasks.
*Roxanne DeCarlo and Shirley Reifsynder who were my administrator
*A host of people who provided the platform for many of us to do ministry:
Alicia, Austin, Barbara, Portia, Joan, Michelle, Elaine, Eleanor, Chris, Janet, Martin,
Janine, Gale, Doris, Marie, Terry, Treni and many others.
*Ron Schlosser who gave me my first lesson on editing.
*Vicky Ganser and Tina Edginton who turned manuscripts into books.
*Randy Frame, Kristy Pullen, Linda Peavy and now Laura Alden who made
the books available to the world.
*Dayle Scott who to this day in California remains a close friend.
*Adam Kittrell and Bill Belli who taught us that we are learners all of our
*Ron Arena who I still talk about the Red Sox especially this year’s World
*Dean Hurst who signed my first payroll check.
*Jean Kim who trusted in my leadership.
*Betty Layton who told us that everything we did had historical significance.
*Pat Magdamo who showed us that God calls us to go into all corners the
*Marcia Jessen who believes that all of us can go where no one has gone
There are many of you whom I know but have now forgotten what you did in EM.
That’s not as important as the truth that God knows and that’s is all that really
counts. The truth is that we are not necessarily known for what we did but who we
are becoming.
“For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.” There
is the season to be born and a time to die. I was not prepared to learn that many of
our colleagues have returned to the Lord. When I learned of those who served with
us with joy, creativity, and the heart for Jesus Christ, I cried for I dearly missed these
departed friends.
When it was the season for each of us to leave EM, we threw away stones but tonight
as we gathered for this reunion, with these glass tokens, we gathered our stones
once more together again.
The purpose of this reunion dinner is to say to you, the living and to those whose
loved ones have now gone home that we have not forgotten the significant
ministries that you have done in the name of Christ through Educational Ministries.
It has been too long a time when we kept silent, but tonight was a time to speak. By
being here tonight, we share with each other and to those who can’t be with us in
person but absolutely in spirit that we are celebrating the life-changing ministries of
EM in the past that continues forward as long as we shall all live.
For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.
May the spirit in this room warms your hearts and enriches your soul.
May the faces that we see remind you of the face of God.
May the words expressed be as divine as the Word of Christ.
May the power of God, the love of Christ and the peace of the Holy Spirit abide with
you until we meet again. Amen.