APUSH Midterm Review - Marblehead High School

APUSH Midterm Review
“Conscience Whigs”
Oregon Trail
Aroostook War
Oregon Treaty of 1846
Wilmot Proviso
Stephen A. Douglas
Spoils system
“Bleeding Kansas”
“kitchen cabinet”
“Bleeding Sumner”
Maysville Road veto
Tariff of Abominations
Lincoln-Douglas Debates (1858)
John C. Calhoun
John Brown, Pottawatomie and Harper’s Ferry
Martin Van Buren
Border ruffians
Henry Clay
Fort Sumter
William Lloyd Garrison
Trent Affair
John Marshall
Jefferson Davis
Nicholas Biddle
Alexander Stephens
Bank of the United States
Anaconda Plan
Specie Circular
Appomattox Court House
Seneca Falls Convention
General U.S. Grant
Second Great Awakening (Causes & Religious
Outcomes )
Robert E. Lee
Turning point of Civil War: Gettysburg
Anti-Masonic Party
Battle of Vicksburg
Battle of Shiloh
Panic of 1837 (Causes)
First Battle of Bull Run
1840s: Whigs v. Democrats Political Platforms
Corrupt bargain
Monitor and the Merrimack
Writ of habeus corpus
J.Q. Adams
Northern economy in antebellum period
Southern economy in antebellum period
New York City Draft Riots
Northern advantages at beginning of War
Missouri Compromise (1820)
European states denying aid to Confederacy
Compromise of 1833
California statehood
Wade-Davis Act
Pocket veto
Civil Rights Act of 1866
Andrew Johnson
Contract theory
Andrew Johnson’s Impeachment
Compact theory
Edwin Stanton
Compromise of 1850
Tenure of Office Act
Fugitive Slave Law
Thaddeus Stevens
Popular sovereignty (in terms of statehood)
Charles Sumner
Dred Scott decision
Radical Republican platform
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Enforcement Acts
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Poll tax
Crittenden Proposal
Grandfather clause
Election of 1860 (outcomes)
Literacy tests
Emancipation Proclamation
Homestead Act of 1862
Black Codes
Morrill Tariff of 1861
Hiram Revels
Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo
Ku Klux Klan
Texas Revolution and statehood
Election of 1868
Manifest destiny
Know-nothing Party
Credit Mobilier Scandal
South Carolina Exposition (1828)
Whiskey Ring Scandal
Thirteenth Amendment
Indian Ring Scandal
Fourteenth Amendment
Union Pacific and Central Pacific Railroads
Fifteenth Amendment
Election of 1876
Freedmen’s Bureau
Rutherford B. Hayes
Lincoln’s plan for Reconstruction
Samuel Tilden
Ironclad Oath
Reconstruction Act of 1867
Ex parte Milligen
Compromise of 1877
Lowell System
Clay’s American System
Alexis de Tocqueville: Democracy in America
Jacksonian Democracy
Know-Nothing Party
Economic outcomes of Jackson Administration
Andrew Jackson and Texas statehood
Republican platform, 1850s
Impact of Civil War on economy
Marshall Court rulings; general interpretation
Jim Crow Laws
“54’40 or fight”
Age of Reform origins
Effects of Jackson’s attack on Second BUS
American Colonization Society
Erie Canal
Reason for increase in slaves from 1810-1860
Reasons for railroad expansion in post-Civil War America