CLEANED LVCs Towards a generic framework Livestock – the BIG numbers – 17 billion domestic animals globally! – 30% Earth’s ice-free surface occupied by livestock systems (SOFA 2009) (Reid et al 2008) – 1/3 global cropland for feed production – 15% global greenhouse gas emissions – 32% global freshwater consumption (Heinke et al forth coming) Livestock – the Economic Benefits – Significant global asset: value of at least $1.4 trillion (Thornton and Herrero 2008) – Livestock industry market chains employ 1.3 billion people (LID 1999) – Livestock GDP: 20-40% of agricultural GDP – Incomes for producers – often more constant than crops – A risk management tool, especially for the poor 600 million Poor Depend on Livestock 4 Thornton et al. 2002, revised 2009 Livestock and Nutrition – 17% global kilocalorie consumption – 33% of the protein consumption (FAOSTAT 2008) – Africa 8% of calories – Provides food for 830 million food insecure people (Gerber) – Significant differences in consumption of livestock products, but… highest increase in the Developing World Consumption of Milk and Meat Europe SSA Meat 10% 3% Dairy 11% 3% Herrero et al 2008a Per capita kcal intake livestock products (FAO: SOFA 2011) Most growth in consumption in Asia and Latin America Global Livestock Revolution Meat production Feed crop use Maize Poultry Pork Soy Beef Wheat ( Mton ) (FAOstat 2012) Richer People Consume more Meat FAO: SOFA2011 8 Why do we need to assess environmental impacts? • Development projects are interested in improving food security and livelihoods in agricultural value chains • But it is essential to ensure that promoted practices are environmentally sustainable NPK NPK NPK • • • • • • Grain legumes Green manures Agroforestry Fodder legumes Manure Fertilizers (Rowe, 2003) Farming Systems Research Global assessments Value Chain Research Life Cycle Analysis Nutrient cycling 3rd IPCC report EU Nitrate Directive 1991 Livestock Revolution 1999 2001 Livestock’s Long Shadow 2006 Integrated assessment of farming systems essential – at all levels – from global to local! Herrero et al, Science 2010 Value chains and institutions Approach: Solution-driven R4D to achieve impact Consumers Major intervention with development partners Value chain development team + research partners Strategic CRP 3.7 Cross-cutting Platforms • Technology Generation • Market Innovation • Targeting & Impact INTERVENTIONS TO SCALE OUT REGIONALLY GLOBAL RESEARCH PUBLIC GOODS Trade-offs and synergies income 1 external inputs 0.5 food security 0 water use GHG mixed pastoral Why do we need a new framework? • Practitioners need a relatively rapid and flexible tool that can be used across systems • Farming systems usually complex, especially in developing countries • Multiple livelihoods objectives, many environmental dimensions • Not one single indicator good enough for assessing environmental performance of a farming system • Need to upscale impacts in time and space BMGF Initiative “The key is to develop sustainable intensification methods that improve efficiency gains to produce more food without using more land, water, or other inputs” (Herrero et al. 2010) Agricultural Development Team Monika Zurek Kate Schneider New ex-ante environmental framework to secure sustainable livestock production Three core partners CLEANED members An Notenbaert, ILRI (CIAT) Mario Herrero, CSIRO Mats Lannerstad, SEI & ILRI Simon Fraval, ILRI Simon Mugatha, ILRI Ylva Ran, SEI Birthe Paul, CIAT Jennie Barron, SEI Eric Kemp-Benedict, SEI Silvia Silvestri, ILRI CLEANED LVCs Comprehensive Livestock Environmental Assessment for Improved Nutrition, a Secured Environment and Sustainable Development along Livestock Value Chains CLEANED LVCs Three Modules over 18 months Module I: Review of existing environmental frameworks Formulate new framework ideas Module II: Expert consultations - Stakeholders East Africa in Nairobi - High Level Consultation in Stockholm General framework Tailored framework for smallholder dairy EA Module III: Testing the framework - implementing a pilot study Final consultation with stakeholders & experts Three Modules over 18 months Module I: Review of existing environmental frameworks Formulate new framework ideas Module II: Expert consultations - Stakeholders East Africa in Nairobi - High Level Consultation in Stockholm General framework Tailored framework for smallholder dairy EA Module III: Testing the framework - implementing a pilot study Final consultation with stakeholders & experts Module III: A pilot study on smallholder dairy ……value chains in East Africa Background work 1. Review frameworks 2. Review LCA 3. E.A. stakeholder workshop Review Environmental Frameworks Impact categories used by frameworks Number of frameworks assessing impact categories 25 20 GHG emissions/air quality Water quantity 15 Land use Energy consumption Biodiversity and plant protection Soil use 10 Water quality Nutrient flows (N and P) Resource consumption Eco-toxicity potential 5 0 Waste N=35 Outcomes Most are weighted scores -Rise, AgBalance, Vital Signs, SPA, IDEA etc. Most frameworks look at the entirety of “sustainability” (ecological, social and economic) Illustrations of results: -aims for simplicity (e.g.. Spider diagram) - Backed up by a more descriptive report of suggestions/improvements RISE sustainability polygon AgBalance scored sustainability diagram Positioning of frameworks Frameworks differ in terms of audience, complexity/data intensity, spatial scales, indicators covered Lessons • Data intensity/practitioner skill: e.g. ESI / LCA / RISE • Choice of indicators: e.g. volumetric water vs. WSI LCA • Communication of results must be balanced between accuracy and simplicity • Most frameworks aim to cover multiple scales and multiple indicators • Biodiversity is the most challenging impact category Review LCAs of livestock and fish No. Publications LCA value-chain coverage N= 70 Feed Production 3 2000 2005 Livestock fish man. Process -ing 38 38 2010 4 4 2013 Retail Distrib. Consump. Disposal 5 77 LCA lessons • Standardisation and a critical eye – System boundaries – Life cycle inventory (data inventory) – Sensitivity analysis • Wealth of knowledge – LCIA methods – Allocation and system expansion • Catering for through chain and other scopes LCA limitations • Data intensity • Accurate representation vs. simplicity of communication • Site specific nature of some impacts Stakeholder workshop Dairy East Africa Stakeholders: Local policy/decision-makers Researchers on dairy livestock chains Farmers representative Aim: To identify key local challenges and environmental impacts in dairy development Presenters Charles Mutagwaba Dr. Grace Cheserek Dr. Clavery Tungaraza Dr. Robert Otsyina Gregory Sikumba, Luke Kessei Peter Bos Tanzanian Dairy Board Eldoret University; Lead consultant: Environmental Impact Assessment (NEMA) Faculty of science, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania Private Sector/Development Associates ltd ILRI/EADD, Senior Assistant Director of Livestock Production; Department of Livestock RE Advisor SNV Most important environmental issues along the dairy value chain Feed Water Animal production Land degradation Soil fertility Overgrazing Deforestation Overgrazing GHG emissions Water use and pollution Overuse of resources Inbreeding Dry seasons Intentional burning Nutrient mining Biodiversity Carbon stock depletion GHGs Rats invasion (storage) GHG emissions Zoonosis Nutrient load Biodiversity Nutrient loss Waste management related to animal husbandry and breeding Aestethic destruction Marketing GHG emissions/Energy Waste management Processing GHG emissions/Energy Waste Consumption Waste Water pollution Water use/pollution Air pollution and odour Gender Human health Pollution Frequency of key environmental issues identified by stakeholders along the value chain 25 Frequency 20 freq # issues 15 10 5 0 Value Chain Stages • VC interventions that are not rigorously environmentally evaluated may hurt farmers that they seek to benefit, • And impede on prospects of future VCs Therefore : • EA stakeholders want to consolidate VC gains with least negative impacts on natural resources, through a framework that works Qualities for a good framework For development & government agencies, a good framework should: – Be scalable spatially and temporary – Function on technologies accessible to farmers – Flexible and easy to operate For farmers, a good framework should: – Be flexible to address the difference between farmers – enable farmers understand the environmental impacts of their farming practices – be applicable at farmer level or at group level – incorporate more issues in addition to the environmental one Rationale for our proposal Why do we need a new framework? • Practitioners need a relatively rapid and flexible tool that can be used across systems • Farming systems usually complex, especially in developing countries • Multiple livelihoods objectives, many environmental dimensions • Not one single indicator good enough for assessing environmental performance of a farming system • Need to upscale impacts in time and space Target Users Audience: National programs and policymakers Other local implementers, such as private sector, NGOs and donors Initial implementation: Livestock and fish programme - complementing teams working on productivity, food security, nutrition and gender in VCs • Test the framework (on ”best-bets”) • Engage end users (through e.g. Dairy Development Forum in TZ) • Distribute the tool CLEANED – All, but less complex Why focus on production stages? Highest percentage of impact observed pre-farmgate Begtsson, Seddon, 2013 GWP Acidification Eutrophication POCP Ozone layer depletion Water depletion / footprint* Abiotic depletion Ridoutt, Pfister, 2010 Pasta sauce / Peanut M&Ms Thevenot et al., 2013 Verge et al., 2013 Verge et al., 2013 Chicken Milk Yogurt 85 92 97 84 62 - 89.67 97.73 98.22 - 86.9 - 72.2 - - - 97 - - - 34.64ƚ - - - - - - Berlin, 2002 Davis et al., Fantin et 2010 al., 2012 Chicken Cheese Pork chop (conventio nal) Milk 81.39 - 94.38 98.98 99.36 93.7 - 56.35^ 96.44 - 75.08 - 80.84 87.12 - Ecopoints *Stress-weighted, including grey water in Ridoutt et al. (2010) ^GWP: 13% of emissions at processor and 13% at household in Davis et al. (2010) ƚ Abiotic depletion: 19% of impact at processor, packaging 14%, household 23%. The Generic Framework Building Blocks • Four dimensions 1. 2. 3. 4. Value chain modules Spatial scales Time steps Environmental impact categories • Step-wise procedure A. Setting the baseline • • • Typologies Value chain description Environmental baseline B. Ex-ante assessment • • Environmental impact Out-scaling Dimension 1: Value Chain Modules • Modules can be combined into a value chain as appropriate to local context • Emphasis at the earlier stages in the chain, with less detail in the later stages Dimension 2: Spatial scales Global Regional/National Landscape/Catchment Farm Field Dimension 3: Time steps • Current • 1 year – E.g., water quality and availability • 5 years – E.g., soil fertility • 50 years – E.g., climate change Dimension 4: Environmental Impact Categories Four main categories • Resource use • Waste output • GHG emissions • Biodiversity loss • All have sub-levels, several variables with associated indicators • There are interactions between categories • Playing out: – at different scales (spatial and temporal) – differently in different systems, environments Step-wise procedure A. Setting the baseline 1. 2. 3. Typologies Value chain description Environmental baseline B. Ex-ante assessment 1. 2. Environmental impact Out-scaling Step A1: Typologies Different issues and impacts in different systems/environments Stratification of the landscape according to farming system typology – This will be used for out-scaling and estimating impact at the landscape/regional scale Assumption = information from one location (similar system/type/farm) can be used to predict the impact in another Local relevance of global livestock system classifications is limited, large uncertainties (Sere & Steinfeld, 1996) (Tittonell et al., 2007) Functional farm typologies can be too site specific, outscaling difficult Subtypes determined from hh survey – e.g. market orientation, off-farm income, income from livestock, land size, resource endowment… Type 1 Type 2 Type 4 Type 3 Planted fodder Grazing Relative use of feed Communa Private l Crop residues Grazed Cut-carry Opportunistic feed Tethered Cut-carry Supplements Level of intensification Agroecology Population density Market access Step A2: VC description Home consumption rate Sales rates Etc INFORMAL MILK PRODUCTION CONSUMER CC TRADER PROCESSOR Different types of markets Step A: Baseline setting Location Typology Type 1 E.g. grazing, Type 2 Mixed extensive Type n Mixed intensive VC description E.g. grazing / rural to rural market Extensive / rural to rural market Intensive / rural to rural market Intensive / rural to urban market Environmental Baselines Step 2: Ex-Ante Impact Assessment Intervention description + ex-ante impact assessment