Water Security for Wangaratta DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND PRIMARY INDUSTRIES Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Phase 2 Project Report | Final Contract No. 306796 August 2014 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Water Security for Wangaratta Project no: VW07492 Document title: Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Document no: Phase 2 Project Report Revision: Final Date: August 2014 Client name: Department of Environment and Primary Industries Client no: Contract No. 306796 Project manager: Simon Lang Author: Simon Lang, Tara Smith, Elisabeth Norman, Peter Corrie, Michelle Freund File name: DMCA/VW07492 Sinclair Knight Merz Pty Ltd (Jacobs) ABN 37 001 024 095 Level 11 452 Flinders Street Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia PO Box 312 T +61 3 8668 3000 F +61 3 8668 3100 www.jacobs.com COPYRIGHT: The concepts and information contained in this document are the property of Sinclair Knight Merz Pty Ltd (Jacobs). Use or copying of this document in whole or in part without the written permission of Jacobs constitutes an infringement of copyright. Document history and status Revision Date Final Draft Description By Review Approved i Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Revision Date Draft A Description 13.06.14 Draft for comment by the Project Steering Committee Final 07.07.14 Updated draft based on Project Draft Steering Committee comments Final 04.08.14 Final, based on further Project Steering Committee comments Final Draft By Review S. Lang K. Approved K. Austin Austin S. Lang K. K. Austin Austin S. Lang K. K. Austin Austin ii Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Contents 1. Introduction .............................................................................................................. 5 1.1 Background ........................................................................................................................................... 5 1.2 This project............................................................................................................................................ 6 1.3 Report structure .................................................................................................................................... 6 2. Triple Bottom Line assessment method ................................................................ 8 2.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................................ 8 2.2 Steps ...................................................................................................................................................... 9 3. The base case (Option 1) ...................................................................................... 13 3.1 The Wangaratta water supply system ............................................................................................... 13 3.2 Reliability of supply ............................................................................................................................ 15 4. Additional groundwater use (Option 2)................................................................ 17 4.1 Number of bores required .................................................................................................................. 17 4.2 Concept design ................................................................................................................................... 20 4.3 Indicative cost ..................................................................................................................................... 21 4.3.1 Capital cost ........................................................................................................................................... 21 4.3.2 Operating cost....................................................................................................................................... 22 5. Enlarge Lake Buffalo (Option 3) ........................................................................... 24 5.1 Storage size required.......................................................................................................................... 24 5.2 Concept design ................................................................................................................................... 27 5.3 Indicative cost ..................................................................................................................................... 30 5.3.1 Capital cost ........................................................................................................................................... 30 5.3.2 Operating cost....................................................................................................................................... 31 6. Alternative water use (Option 4) ........................................................................... 32 6.1 Potential water sources ...................................................................................................................... 32 6.2 Potential water users .......................................................................................................................... 34 6.3 Concept design ................................................................................................................................... 35 6.4 Indicative cost ..................................................................................................................................... 36 6.4.1 Capital Cost .......................................................................................................................................... 36 6.4.2 Operating Cost ...................................................................................................................................... 37 7. Assessment against Triple Bottom Line criteria ................................................. 40 7.1 Financial Criteria ................................................................................................................................. 42 7.1.1 Net cost (40% weighting) ...................................................................................................................... 42 7.1.2 Third party impacts (10% weighting) ..................................................................................................... 44 7.2 Environmental criteria ........................................................................................................................ 46 Final Draft iii Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing 7.2.1 Terrestrial flora and fauna impacts (10% weighting) ............................................................................. 46 7.2.2 Surface water impacts (10% weighting) ................................................................................................ 47 7.3 Social Criteria ...................................................................................................................................... 49 7.3.1 Reliability of supply for downstream users (4% weighting) ................................................................... 49 7.3.2 Cultural heritage (4% weighting) ........................................................................................................... 51 7.3.3 Amenity and recreation (4% weighting)................................................................................................. 53 7.3.4 Local community acceptance (4% weighting) ....................................................................................... 55 7.3.5 Price impacts (4% weighting) ................................................................................................................ 57 7.4 Technical criteria ................................................................................................................................ 60 7.4.1 Resilience (5% weighting) ..................................................................................................................... 60 7.4.2 Timing and complexity of implementation (5% weighting) ..................................................................... 61 8. Triple bottom line assessment ............................................................................. 64 8.1 Raw scores .......................................................................................................................................... 64 8.2 Weighted scores ................................................................................................................................. 65 8.3 Sensitivity analysis ............................................................................................................................. 70 8.4 Discussion ........................................................................................................................................... 72 9. Conclusions ........................................................................................................... 73 10. References ............................................................................................................. 74 Appendix A. Groundwater resource investigation........................................................ 76 Appendix B. Possible locations for new bores ........................................................... 114 Appendix C. Concept design – additional groundwater use ..................................... 115 Appendix D. Concept design – enlarge Lake Buffalo ................................................. 135 Appendix E. Concept design – alternative water use ................................................. 136 Appendix F. Estimated capital cost – additional groundwater use ........................... 139 Appendix G. Estimated capital cost – enlarge Lake Buffalo ...................................... 143 Appendix H. Estimated capital cost – alternative water use ...................................... 144 Appendix I. Flora and fauna risks ................................................................................ 146 Appendix J. Predicted changes in streamflow ............................................................ 154 Appendix K. Impacts on downstream users ............................................................... 158 Final Draft iv Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Executive Summary Water security for Wangaratta has been a topical issue for several years, and assumed a particularly high profile during the millennium drought and when 2003 bushfires affected the water quality of the Ovens River. In 2013, the Victorian Government announced funding for the Water Security for Wangaratta Project to assess the demand for water in Wangaratta, and consider the best option for improving water security. This first phase of the project estimated that the reliability of Wangaratta’s water supply is 88%, assuming current demands and operating rules, and historic climate conditions. That is, there will be restrictions in 12% of years (or on average a 12% likelihood of restrictions in any one year). This does not meet North East Water’s level of service objective of 90% reliability. The first phase of the project also investigated several options to improve Wangaratta’s reliability of supply: The use of groundwater as a regular supplement to surface water supplies The enlargement of Lake Buffalo by 10 GL (from 24 GL to 34 GL) The use of alternative water sources, such as those identified in North East Water’s Alternative Water Atlas (NEW, 2012) This project forms part of phase two of the Water Security for Wangaratta project. The objective was to undertake a more detailed analysis of the options listed above, and recommend which of them would provide the most benefits, with the least negative impacts, for the best value for money. To do this, concept designs of the three options were completed, and their costs, benefits and impacts were compared using a triple bottom line (TBL) assessment. The options were designed with the aim of providing 90% reliability of supply to Wangaratta under a “return to dry climate” and future (2060) demand scenario. The return to dry climate represents a repeat of climate conditions experienced from 1997/98 to 2008/09. The concept design for the additional groundwater use option involves upgrading the water treatment infrastructure at NEW’s Kerr Street site, and installing two new bores with associated water treatment infrastructure. The first would be located at NEW’s Phillipson Street site. Three options were considered for the location of the second new bore, and the preferred location was Cruse Street (near Kerr Street). Final Draft 1 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing The concept design for enlarging Lake Buffalo involves raising the main and secondary embankments by 3.8 m, upgrading the existing primary and secondary spillways, installing a tertiary spillway, installing a new high level outlet, and placing filters in the secondary embankment. The dam would become a fixed crest rather than gated storage, and the full supply level would rise by 2.9 m. During the concept design for the alternative water use option, several potential water sources were considered, including treated trade waste, storm water and effluent from Wangaratta’s waste water treatment plant (WWTP). Recycling effluent from the WWTP to Class A standard, and using it to meet up to 700 ML of industrial, commercial and Wangaratta City Council demands, and 250 ML of non-potable residential demands, was found to be the most viable option. The concept design therefore involves a Class A water treatment plant and a distribution system for the recycled water. Table 1.1 summarises the estimated capital and operating costs, and net present value, for these three options. Although not included in the concept design, the additional groundwater use option may also need a ‘stand-alone’ treatment plant for groundwater to be built at the Faithfull Street Water Treatment Plant (WTP). This would cost an extra $1.5 - 2.0 million. Similarly, although not included in the concept design, an enlarged Lake Buffalo may need a new intake tower and outlet arrangement at an extra cost of $20 - $25 million, and a fish ladder at an additional cost of at least $5 million. Table 1.1 : Indicative costs Option Estimated Estimated Net present capital cost additional value operating cost Additional groundwater use $15 million $260,000*1 $17 million Enlarge Lake Buffalo $80 million $0*2 $54 million*3 Alternative water use $95 million $1,000,000*1 $86 million*4 1 for return to dry climate scenario 2 relative to current operating costs 3 accounts for avoided future dam safety upgrades 4 accounts for avoided costs in developing additional agricultural re-use schemes For the TBL assessment, each option was scored against financial, environmental, social and technical criteria which were selected and weighted in consultation with the Project Steering Final Draft 2 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Committee. Based on the adopted criteria, additional groundwater use is the highest ranking option (Figure 1.1). Enlarging Lake Buffalo and alternative water use have similar, but much lower TBL scores. The ranking of additional groundwater use as the best option was not sensitive to the weighting of each criterion. For example, the cost drives much of the difference between the TBL score for each option. However, even if financial criteria were excluded, groundwater remained the highest ranked option (Figure 1.2). One reason for this is the additional groundwater use option scored highest on the resilience criterion, because it is a climate independent source of water, and it is not affected by events which may reduce surface water quality (e.g. bushfires and floods). Enlarging Lake Buffalo scored the lowest totals on the environmental and technical criteria, and similarly to the alternative water use option on the social and financial criteria. The large scale of capital investment required to deliver the project was somewhat off-set by the expected third party benefits to irrigators. However the complexity of the works, their impact on terrestrial flora and fauna, and the anticipated price impact for irrigators also contributed to the low TBL score. The large cost of capital works for the alternative water use option also contributed to its relatively low score compared with groundwater. In addition, this option is not expected to reduce the demand for potable water enough to achieve 90% reliability of supply for Wangaratta under return to dry climate scenarios. Potential users of recycled water will also need to be incentivised to switch over from their current potable water supply. In summary, the use of additional groundwater was assessed as the option most likely to improve water security for Wangaratta, and provide the best value for money with the least negative impacts. Figure 1.1 : The TBL assessment score for each option (relative to a base case score of 0) The graph illustrates the TBL assessment score for each option. The Base Case (Option 1) has a score of 0; Additional Groundwater Use (Option 2) has a score of minus 21; Enlarge Lake Buffalo (Option 3) has a score of minus 143; and Alternative Water Use (Option 4) has a score of minus 188. Figure 1.2 : The TBL assessment score for each option, excluding financial criteria The graph illustrates the non-financial TBL assessment score for each option, excluding financial criteria. The Base Case (Option 1) has a score of 0; Additional Groundwater Use Final Draft 3 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing (Option 2) has a score of between 35 and 40; Enlarge Lake Buffalo (Option 3) has a score of between minus 60 and minus 70; and Alternative Water Use (Option 4) has a score of between minus 35 and minus 40. Final Draft 4 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing 1. Introduction Water security for Wangaratta has been a topical issue for several years, and assumed a particularly high profile during the millennium drought and when 2003 bushfires affected the water quality of the Ovens River. In 2013, the Victorian Government announced funding for the Water Security for Wangaratta Project to assess the demand for water in Wangaratta, and consider the best option for improving water security. The project has been divided into the following phases (refer to the Water Security for Wangaratta page on the website of the Department of Environment and Primary Industries)1: Phase one – investigate and report on Wangaratta’s current and future water requirements Phase two – identify and assess options to improve Wangaratta’s water security Phase three – final report with recommendations 1.1 Background A Project Steering Committee has been established to guide the work for the Water Security for Wangaratta Project. Representatives from North East Water (NEW), Goulburn-Murray Water (G-MW), the North East Catchment Management Authority (NECMA) and the Department of Environment and Primary Industries (DEPI) provide technical support to the committee as required. The Project Steering Committee has directed the work completed for the first phase of the project, including: The prediction of inflows and demands in the Ovens River water supply system (SKM, 2013) Determining the degree to which the current water supply system can satisfy Wangaratta’s residential, commercial and industrial needs at current and future levels of demand under historic and potential future climate scenarios (RMCG, 2013; SKM, 2014) Testing different options to increase water supply to Wangaratta or reduce demands (SKM, 2014) 1 http://www.depi.vic.gov.au/water/urban-water/regional-water-supply-programs/water-security-for-wangaratta Final Draft 5 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing This first phase of the project estimated that the reliability of Wangaratta’s water supply system is 88%, assuming current demands and historic climate conditions. That is, there will be restrictions in 12% of years. This does not meet NEW’s level of service objective of 90% reliability. Under a return to dry climate (i.e. 1997-2009 millennium drought) and future (2060) demand scenario, the reliability of Wangaratta’s current water supply system is estimated to be 46%. The first phase of the project also concluded that several options could improve Wangaratta’s reliability of supply: The increased use of groundwater as a supplement to surface water supplies The enlargement of Lake Buffalo by 10 GL (from 24 GL to 34 GL) The use of alternative water sources, such as those identified in NEW’s Alternative Water Atlas (NEW, 2012) 1.2 This project This project is part of phase two of the Water Security for Wangaratta project. The objective was to undertake a more detailed analysis of the options listed above, and recommend which of them would provide the most benefits, with the least negative impacts, for the best value for money. To do this, concept designs of the three options were completed, and their costs, benefits and impacts were compared using a triple bottom line (TBL) assessment. The options were designed with the aim of providing 90% reliability of supply to Wangaratta under the return to dry climate and future demand scenario considered in phase one of the project. 1.3 Report structure This remainder of this report is divided into the following sections: Section 2 summarises the TBL assessment method used to compare the options investigated Section 3 describes the base case against which the three options are compared Section 4 provides information on the additional groundwater use option Section 5 provides information on the option to enlarge Lake Buffalo Final Draft 6 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Section 6 provides information on the alternative water use option Section 7 summarises the outcomes of the TBL assessment Conclusions are presented in Section 9 Additional technical information is available in the Appendices Final Draft 7 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing 2. Triple Bottom Line assessment method 2.1 Overview The Triple Bottom Line (TBL) assessment aims to take a balanced approach to evaluating the additional groundwater, enlarging Lake Buffalo and alternative water use options by scoring each option against relevant financial, environmental and social criteria. A summary of the TBL process is provided in Figure 2.1, and Section 2.2 describes how each step was applied in this project. [Image replaced with text] Step 1 – Objectives Establish objectives of TBL assessment Step 2 – Options Identify and screen options Step 3 – Criteria Identify and screen assessment criteria Step 4 – Weightings Assign weightings to each criterion Step 5 – Gather information Gather technical information for each option according to the selected criteria Step 6 – Scoring method Determine scoring method for selecting relative scoring Step 7 – Score options Score options Step 8 – Sensitivity analysis Conduct sensitivity analysis (vary weightings and scores and evaluate outcome) Final Draft 8 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Step 9 – Results Provide recommendations based on TBL results Figure 2.1 : A summary of the TBL assessment method [Replaced] 2.2 Steps Step 1 was to establish the objective of the TBL assessment. For this project, the objective was to find the option that improves the water security for Wangaratta, and provides the most benefits, with the least negative impacts, for the best value for money. Step 2 was to identify and screen options. This screening process occurred in the previous phase of the Water Security for Wangaratta project, and led to the selection of the additional groundwater, enlarging Lake Buffalo and alternative water use options investigated in this project. Step 3 was to develop the criteria against which each option is assessed. These criteria were grouped within four domains (financial, environmental, social, and technical), as summarised in Table 2.2. Early in the project, draft criteria were provided to the Project Steering Committee for comment. The criteria were refined based on the comments received. It is important to note that there are additional criteria which each option must meet. That is, each option must: Comply with relevant legislation and regulations Provide the required water quality (e.g. potable water if being used to meet residential demands) Comply with the Sustainable Diversion Limits (SDLs) of the Murray Darling Basin Plan Not reduce the reliability of supply for surface water users in the Ovens River catchment Aim to provide 90% reliability of supply during the return to dry climate and future demand scenario considered in phase one of the Water Security for Wangaratta project. For example, the option to enlarge Lake Buffalo by 10 GL was chosen for this TBL assessment on the basis that it provides 90% reliability of supply under the return to dry climate and future demand scenario. The concept design of each option was based on these pass/fail criteria, and they are not included in Table 2.2. Final Draft 9 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Step 4 was to assign weighting to each criterion. The following weightings were adopted for each domain, based on advice from the Department of Treasury and Finance: Financial: 50% Environmental: 20% Social: 20% Technical: 10% Within the domains, the weightings were split evenly between each criterion. The exception was within the financial domain, where net cost was given the highest weighting. Step 5 was to gather the information needed to undertake the TBL assessment. This information is summarised in Sections 3 to 6. Step 6 was to select a scoring method. Again, advice from the Department of Treasury and Finance was followed, and the scoring method is summarised in Table 2.1. Step 7 was to score the options against each criterion. Step 8 was to undertake a sensitivity analysis, by varying the weighting and scores within reasonable bounds to see if the outcome of the TBL assessment was sensitive to these assumptions. The outcomes of steps 7 and 8 are reported in Section 7. Step 9 was to summarise the outcomes of the TBL assessment as recommendations for the Project Steering Committee. Table 2.1 : Scoring method for TBL assessment Description Score Very much better than base case +4 Much better than base case +3 Moderately better than base case +2 Little better than base case +1 Same as base case 0 Little worse than base case -1 Moderately worse than base case -2 Much worse than base case -3 Very much worse than base case -4 Final Draft 10 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Table 2.2 : Criteria for the TBL assessment [Table split and adapted for accessibility] Domain (weighting) - Financial Criteria (50%) Criteria - description Required Input Disciplines Notes Net Cost – net capital and operating cost Required capital works including Engineering Requirements for achieving relevant standards such as of the option (as net present value), pipes, pumping, treatment, dam Water Resources Planning Australian National Committee on Large Dams relative to the base case construction, etc. Quantity Surveying (ANCOLD) advice on acceptable flood capacity are (40% weighting) Permit, licence, approvals and Economics incorporated into the concept designs and indicative associated studies costs. Avoided capital costs (e.g. planned dam safety upgrades) Energy consumption Maintenance requirements Third Party Impacts – costs and Change in water volumes available Economics Irrigators will be third party beneficiaries if they receive benefits of changes in reliability of supply for third parties Water Resources Planning the benefits of increased reliability of supply without for other users in the Ovens River Change in reliability of supply for catchment (e.g. irrigators) third parties having to pay a full share of the net costs. (10% weighting) Domain (weighting) - Environmental Criteria (20%) Criteria - description Required Input Disciplines Notes Terrestrial Flora and Fauna – risks to Footprint of options and impact on Terrestrial Flora and Fauna Should additional statutory requirements be triggered this native flora and fauna habitat will be factored into financial and technical criteria (e.g. (10% weighting) timing and complexity of implementation). Surface Water Impacts – changes to Changes in the volume and timing Aquatic Ecology river flow within the Ovens River of river flows within the Ovens Water Resources Planning catchment River catchment [Empty cell] (10% weighting) Domain (weighting) - Social Criteria (20%) Criteria - description Required Input Disciplines Notes Reliability for Downstream Users – Changes in flow from the Ovens Water Resources Planning The options are designed to comply with the Sustainable positive and / or negative impacts for River catchment to the River Hydrogeology Diversion Limits within the Murray Darling Basin Plan. other groundwater users, and surface Murray system Final Draft 11 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Criteria - description Required Input Disciplines Notes Cultural Heritage – impacts to cultural Register of cultural heritage and Cultural Heritage [Empty cell] heritage or historical heritage sites historical heritage sites Social Impacts [Empty cell] Social Impacts This project did not include consultations with the local water users in the River Murray system (4% weighting) (4% weighting) Amenity and Recreation – impacts to Impacts to existing recreational existing amenity and recreation facilities uses of land and water (4% weighting) Local Community Acceptance – Community perception of alignment with local community values acceptability of options community. Therefore, there is some uncertainty (4% weighting) associated with the TBL scores assigned for these criteria. Pricing Impact – willingness of NEW Estimated bulk water and retail Economics This project did not include consultations with the local and G-MW customers to pay increased price impacts Water Resources Planning community. Therefore, there is some uncertainty prices for water associated with the TBL scores assigned for these (4% weighting) criteria. Domain (weighting) - Technical Criteria (10%) NB: reliability of supply is also a threshold (pass /fail) criteria Criteria - description Required Input Disciplines Notes Resilience – ability of the option to Volume of additional supply Water Resource Planning The reliability of supply above NEW’s acceptable service supply water during extreme events (e.g. Timing of additional supply Hydrogeology level is a “threshold criteria”. when bushfires affect surface water Quality of additional supply quality), and increase or decrease supply to match changes in demand. (5% weighting) Timing and Complexity of Approvals and licencing Flora and Fauna If works are likely to trigger additional approval or studies, Implementation – delivery timeframes requirement Land Use and Statutory Planning such as development of a Cultural Heritage Management based on the complexity of Engineering works and program Cultural Heritage Plan, EPBC referral, or land use rezoning, this would implementation Land use, availability and zoning inform the scores for this criteria. (5% weighting) Final Draft 12 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing 3. The base case (Option 1) In the TBL assessment, the additional groundwater use, enlarging Lake Buffalo, and alternative water use options will be compared to a base case. The base case is the current situation, and represents a ‘business as usual’ approach. 3.1 The Wangaratta water supply system The following information, unless referenced otherwise, is paraphrased from NEW’s Water Supply Demand Strategy (NEW, 2012): Wangaratta is a rural city located at the confluence of the Ovens and King Rivers approximately 60 km south west of Wodonga. The water supply services over 9,000 connections for a population of more than 18,000. The Wangaratta water system also supplies the town of Glenrowan via a pipeline. When referring to water, the remainder of this document uses the name ‘Wangaratta’ to cover both Wangaratta and Glenrowan. The Wangaratta water supply is sourced from the Ovens River at Faithfull Street, immediately downstream of the King River confluence. Flow in the Ovens River is regulated by Lake Buffalo (approximately 24 GL capacity), with flow in the King River regulated by Lake William Hovel (13.7 GL). The Ovens System Bulk Entitlement (BEE017172) allows for Wangaratta to extract up to 7,720 ML annually, at a maximum rate of 79 ML/day. Wangaratta’s annual demand is approximately 3,200 ML on average, and this is expected increase to 3,600 ML on average by 2060 (SKM, 2014; based on RMCG, 2013). As the water resource manager, G-MW may impose restrictions on extractions from the Ovens and King Rivers, if they predict that full water demands in the catchment (including from irrigators) cannot be met. For example, extractions from the Ovens and King Rivers were severely restricted during the millennium drought. Extractions for Wangaratta may also be restricted because of water quality, as occurred in 2003 when bushfires in the catchment reduced water quality in the Ovens River. Three contingency groundwater bores are maintained in Wangaratta to supplement or replace the Ovens River when restrictions reach Stage 4. Two of the bores are located at Kerr Street, and one at the Faithfull Street Water Treatment Plant (WTP). Final Draft 13 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing NEW currently holds the following groundwater licences: Licence 7079206 provides access to 415 ML annually from the two Kerr Street bores (combined), at a maximum extraction rate of 3 ML/day for each bore. This entitlement has been used intermittently for contingency purposes. Licence 8032870 provides access to 200 ML annually from the Faithfull Street bore, at a maximum extraction rate of 2.6 ML/day. Two observation bores located nearby are used to monitor groundwater levels as part of the licence conditions for the Faithfull Street production bore. This entitlement is yet to be used, but is available if required. Licence 881228 provides access to 50 ML annually from the irrigation bore in Anker Road, at a maximum extraction rate of 10 ML/day. There is currently no infrastructure connected to this bore, but the entitlement can be traded to other bores in Wangaratta if required. Raw water extracted from the Ovens River and the Faithfull Street bore is treated at the Wangaratta WTP. At Kerr Street, one of the two bores is operational, and the raw water is treated in a package treatment plant before being pumped to the 0.7 ML Kerr Street tower. Waste water from Wangaratta is treated at the Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) north of Wangaratta. Effluent from the WWTP is discharged to land or Reedy Creek. Further details of the water treatment and distribution network is summarised in Figure 3.1. For more information, refer to the Water Supply Demand Strategy (NEW, 2012). Final Draft 14 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Figure 3.1 : Schematic of the existing Wangaratta Water System (NEW, 2012) The base case, or business as usual option, already includes planned investment in and maintenance of Wangaratta’s water related infrastructure. For example, $22.5 million of dam safety upgrades are planned for Lake Buffalo over the next 15 years, and $6 million is expected to be spent in future on expanding the agricultural re-use of effluent from the Wangaratta WWTP. 3.2 Reliability of supply The reliability of supply under the base case was modelled by SKM (2014) over the period 1891 to 2012 for six different climate and demand combinations. The location where water is extracted for Wangaratta is part of the regulated Buffalo system. Therefore, under the base case, restrictions on Wangaratta’s water use can be expected in 12% of years assuming historic climate conditions and current demand (Table 3.1). That is, the reliability of supply is 88%. Under a return to dry climate and future demand scenario, the base case reliability of supply is expected to be 46%. NEW’s level of service objective is 90% reliability. Final Draft 15 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Table 3.1 : Reliability of supply for base case [Table split and adapted for accessibility] Percentage of years with restrictions (1891–2012) (Reliability) Scenario Climate Demand Buffalo system William Hovell system (including Wangaratta) BAS1 Historic Current 12% (88%) 17% (83%) BAS2 Return to dry*1 Current 49% (51%) 51% (49%) BAS3 2060 median*1 Current 19% (81%) 31% (69%) BAS4 Historic Future*2 12% (88%) 18% (82%) BAS5 Return to dry*1 Future*2 54% (46%) 52% (48%) BAS6 2060 median*1 Future*2 21% (79%) 33% (67%) Notes: 1 as defined by Moran and Sharples (2011) 2 predicted for the year 2060 The following sections describe the three options investigated to improve Wangaratta’s reliability of supply, and the information used to compare them in a TBL assessment. The three options are: The increased use of groundwater as a supplement to surface water supplies The enlargement of Lake Buffalo by 10 GL (from 24 GL to 34 GL) The use of alternative water sources, such as those identified in NEW’s Alternative Water Atlas (NEW, 2012) Final Draft 16 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing 4. Additional groundwater use (Option 2) 4.1 Number of bores required The number of bores needed to increase Wangaratta’s reliability of supply to 90% was assessed using the groundwater resource investigation described in Appendix A, the concept design described in Appendix C, and the water resource modelling undertaken in phase one of the Water Security for Wangaratta Project (SKM, 2014). For this option, it was also assumed that in future, groundwater would be used to supplement extractions from the Ovens River whenever surface water restrictions occurred, instead of only being used when restrictions reach Stage 4 (as per the base case). If the existing groundwater bores are used to supplement Ovens River extractions whenever surface water restrictions occur, they supply enough additional water to increase Wangaratta’s reliability of supply above 90% assuming (Table 4.2): Historic climate and current demand Median climate change and current demand Historic climate and future (2060) demand To do this, the bores need to be able to operate daily for long periods of time (i.e. for up to 40 weeks per year during extreme droughts). To provide water day after day while maintaining groundwater levels within available drawdown limits, the bores need to have a recovery period each day. Table 4.1 shows the estimated volume that can be sustainably extracted from each bore each day, assuming it pumps for 16 hours and recovers for eight. These proposed daily extraction volumes were used to estimate the influence of additional groundwater use on Wangaratta’s reliability of supply. Combined, they are within the total licensed extraction limit for the existing bores. However, in contrast with the existing licences which allow for 3 ML/d to be extracted from each Kerr Street bore, it is proposed that more water be taken from the No. 2 bore and less from the No. 1 bore. The reasons for this are described in Appendix A. Final Draft 17 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Table 4.1 : Existing bore capability and licence conditions [Table split and adapted for accessibility] Bore Pumping Discharge Proposed Licensed Licensed duration rate daily daily annual extraction extraction extraction each day limit Kerr Street No. 1 16 hr 40 L/s 2.3 ML/d 3.0 ML/d 415 ML with Kerr Street No. 2 Kerr Street No. 2 16 hr 60 L/s 3.5 ML/d 3.0 ML/d 415 ML with Kerr Street No. 1 Faithfull Street 16 hr 33 L/s 1.9 ML/d 2.6 ML/d 200 ML Total proposed daily extraction: 7.7 ML/d Total licensed daily extraction: 8.6 ML/d Total licensed annual extraction limit: 615 ML Average proposed daily extraction: 2.6 ML/d One new bore, and trading the unused groundwater licence for the irrigation bore in Anker Road to the water supply bores, would increase Wangaratta’s reliability of supply above 90% for the following scenarios: Return to dry climate and current demand Median climate change and future (2060) demand This is based on the assumption that the new bore has a daily extraction limit of 2.6 ML/d (the average of the proposed daily extraction limits for the existing bores) and an annual extraction limit of 200 ML. The actual yield from the new bore and its licence conditions would need to be confirmed by further groundwater investigations. A second new bore would be required to increase Wangaratta’s reliability of supply to 90% under the return to dry climate and future demand scenario. The unused groundwater licence for the irrigation bore in Anker Road would again need to be traded to the other bores, and the annual extraction limit across the water supply bores would need to be increased by a further 30 ML. Constructing a second new bore also means that, for all but the return to dry climate and future demand scenario, the 90% reliability of supply target can be met with one bore on standby (i.e. as back up if other bores fail or are taken offline for servicing). Final Draft 18 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Assuming two new bores are constructed, Figure 4.1 shows the number of bores that would operate from year to year under the historic climate and current demand scenario. Figure 4.2 repeats this for the return to dry climate and future demand scenario. Each of these scenarios assumes that 10% of the raw groundwater extracted is lost during treatment. Table 4.2 : Reliability of supply for Wangaratta with additional groundwater use [Table split and adapted for accessibility] Modelled Reliability of Supply for Wangaratta Scenario Climate Demand Base case Current Current Current bores*1 bores plus bores plus one new two new bore*1, *2 bores*1, *3 BAS1 Historic Current 88% 95% 98% 98% BAS2 Return to Current 51% 74% 90% 93% Current 81% 90% 96% 98% dry BAS3 2060 median BAS4 Historic Future 88% 92% 96% 98% BAS5 Return to Future 46% 64% 80% 90% Future 79% 85% 91% 95% dry BAS6 2060 median Notes: 1 assuming the groundwater bores are used whenever surface water restrictions occur 2 requires the unused groundwater licence for the irrigation bore in Anker Road to be traded to the other bores 3 requires the unused groundwater licence for the irrigation bore in Anker Road to be traded to the other bores, and the combined annual extraction limit for the bores increased by a further 30 ML Figure 4.1 : Number of bores used for the historic climate and current demand scenario, assuming two new bores are installed Final Draft 19 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Figure 4.2 : Number of bores used for the return to dry climate and future demand, assuming two new bores are installed 4.2 Concept design The concept design for the additional groundwater use option is included in Appendix C. In brief, the concept design includes: An upgrade to the package treatment plant at NEW’s Kerr Street site A new groundwater bore with associated pump and headworks, raw water balance tank, and treatment plant at NEW’s Phillipson Street site A second new groundwater bore If the existing bores are used to increase Wangaratta’s reliability of supply to 90%, instead of being used as a contingency supply during Stage 4 restrictions, it is appropriate to upgrade the water treatment infrastructure associated with the Kerr Street bores. An upgrade to water treatment infrastructure at the Faithfull Street WTP was not included in the concept design; however Appendix C includes some words and approximate costs regarding ‘stand-alone’ treatment of groundwater at Faithfull Street if further trials show this is required. With regards to the new bores, Phillipson Street is the preferred location for the first new bore (Figure 4.3; Appendix B). Operating a bore at Phillipson Street would not significantly influence groundwater levels at the Kerr Street or Faithfull Street bores, and the water supply could be easily integrated into Wangaratta’s reticulation system. Appendix A includes more details on how the operation of each current and proposed bore is expected to affect groundwater levels at the other bores. Several locations were considered for the second new bore (Appendix B): Near (i.e. within 500 m of) the Faithfull Street WTP Near NEW’s Kerr Street site (e.g. Cruse Street, Figure 4.3) Near NEW’s Phillipson Street site The search for appropriate locations was informed by maps showing Crown land, flood prone land, and 200 m buffers around waterways and 300 m buffers around bores not owned by NEW. Final Draft 20 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing NEW would prefer the second new bore to be near their existing Kerr Street or Faithfull Street sites, again because this would simplify the works required to integrate the additional groundwater into Wangaratta’s reticulation system. The concept design in Appendix C considers both sites. It is likely that a second new bore near Kerr Street would be easier to construct and license compared with one near Faithfull Street. This is because the Crown land sites near Faithfull Street, on which a bore could be easily constructed, are prone to flooding and are within 200 m of waterways or 300 m of existing bores. However, there is anecdotal evidence that Wangaratta Turf Club recently drilled an irrigation bore within the race course, which is near Kerr Street. If this bore is viable, the Cruse Street (near Kerr Street) location will be within 300 m. Drilling a new bore at Cruse Street may therefore impact groundwater levels at the Turf Club bore. If the Turf Club bore is not viable, the probability that a good yield can be achieved from a bore near Cruse Street will be reduced. In summary, the preferred site for the second new bore will need to be confirmed during detailed design of this additional groundwater use option. For the concept design of the new bores, it was assumed that they would produce 3.5 ML/day by pumping for 16 hours and recovering for eight. This is higher than the 2.6 ML/day assumed when considering the number of new bores required (Section 4.1), but it is appropriately conservative from a cost perspective. It is also important to note this additional groundwater use option can be implemented in stages, if required. That is: Stage 1: upgrade the water treatment infrastructure at Kerr Street, so that the existing Kerr Street bores can be used more frequently Stage 2: construct the first new bore at Phillipson Street Stage 3: construct the second new bore 4.3 Indicative cost 4.3.1 Capital cost Table 4.3 summarises the estimated capital cost to implement the additional groundwater use option. More detail is provided in Appendix F. The total cost estimate assumes: Final Draft 21 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Stand-alone groundwater treatment is not required at the Faithfull Street WTP. If further trials show this is required, the additional cost is expected to be $1.5 – 2.0 million. The second bore is constructed at Cruse Street (near Kerr Street) rather than near Faithfull Street (Figure 4.3). Table 4.3 : Estimated capital cost – additional groundwater use Item Estimated cost Upgrade of water treatment infrastructure at Kerr Street $3.5 million First new bore at Phillipson Street, with additional water $5.4 million treatment infrastructure Second new bore at Cruse Street, with additional water $6.3 million treatment infrastructure Total 4.3.2 $15.2 million Operating cost The operating cost for the additional groundwater use option was estimated on the basis that: Pumping costs are approximately $30 per ML. This includes the cost of power, and ongoing entitlement fees for groundwater extractions. Treatment costs are approximately $450 per ML It costs $70,000 every eight years to replace filter media in the Amiad treatment plants. Across the Kerr Street and Phillipson Street sites, this equals $280,000 every eight years once all bores are installed. Maintenance costs for the groundwater bores and treatment plants at Kerr Street and Phillipson Street are $35,000 per year, in total Bore operation costs are $15,000 per bore in the years when groundwater is required For the return to dry climate and future demand scenario on which the concept design is based, groundwater is required in 65 years out of 121, and the average raw volume extracted is 300 ML per year. Therefore, for this scenario the operating cost is estimated to be $260,000 per year on average. Final Draft 22 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Figure 4.3 : Proposed location for first new water supply bore – figure shows proposed location for first new supply bore on Phillipson Street in Wangaratta Final Draft 23 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing 5. Enlarge Lake Buffalo (Option 3) 5.1 Storage size required The following information is paraphrased from URS (2003) and SKM (2014): Lake Buffalo is located on the Buffalo River, approximately 20 km south of Myrtleford. It was constructed in 1965 as the first stage of a much larger dam, and was never intended to be a permanent structure. The storage capacity of Lake Buffalo is approximately 24 GL, which is relatively small given its catchment of 1,062 km². The Lake Buffalo embankment is comprised of two earth and rockfill sections separated by a concrete gated ogee primary spillway. The left abutment embankment (main embankment) is a 120 m long zoned central clay core-rockfill section with a maximum height of approximately 35 m. The right abutment embankment (secondary embankment) is a 490 m long homogeneous earthfill section with upstream rockfill protection. It has a maximum height of approximately 17 m. A secondary unlined spillway is constructed in natural ground at the eastern end of the secondary embankment. Figure 5.1 shows the current general arrangement of Lake Buffalo. A bigger Lake Buffalo has been investigated several times in the past. For example: DWR (1992) developed concept designs to: - Build a 65 m high dam to create a 300 GL storage - Build a 85 m high dam to create a 800 GL storage SKM (2008) investigated the hydrological impacts of enlarging Lake Buffalo to 1,000 GL as part of the Northern Region Sustainable Water Strategy Most recently, SKM (2014) modelled the effect of enlarging Lake Buffalo on Wangaratta’s reliability of supply, as part of phase one of the Water Security for Wangaratta project (Table 5.1). SKM (2014) found that enlarging Lake Buffalo’s capacity by 10 GL would provide 91% reliability of supply for the Buffalo system (including Wangaratta) under a return to dry climate and future demand scenario. This modelling assumed that the current gated spillway is replaced by a fixed crest structure. Final Draft 24 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Table 5.1 : Reliability of supply improvements from enlarging Lake Buffalo [Table split and adapted for accessibility] Modelled Reliability of Supply for Buffalo system (including Wangaratta) Scenario Climate Demand Current Lake Buffalo Enlarged Lake Buffalo capacity (24 GL) (34 GL) BAS1 Historic Current 88% 98% BAS2 Return to dry Current 51% 92% BAS3 2060 median Current 81% 98% BAS4 Historic Future 88% 98% BAS5 Return to dry Future 46% 91% BAS6 2060 median Future 79% 98% Final Draft 25 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Figure 5.1 : Current general arrangement of Lake Buffalo (URS, 2003) Figure is a diagram showing the location of the current dam wall, spillways and other infrastructure Final Draft 26 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing 5.2 Concept design An interim dam safety upgrade of Lake Buffalo was performed in 2003 to address concerns regarding cracking in the upper portions of the main embankment and insufficient flood capacity (URS, 2003). The works included treatment of the clay core and left abutment areas, construction of a partial height downstream filter and rockfill berm, strengthening works for the primary and secondary spillways, and a 2.2 m raise of the main and secondary embankment crests. This raising was achieved through a combination of earth and rockfill construction, and installation of a concrete parapet wall. The works undertaken in 2003 were designed as an interim upgrade. At the time, URS (2003) also considered the dam safety works required to make the dam fully compliant with modern engineering standards, including: The installation of filters in the secondary embankment Increasing spillway capacity further, so that the dam can pass the Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) Upgrading the spillway gates The concept design for enlarging Lake Buffalo developed in this project was based on concepts and recommendations in the URS (2003) report. Sketches are included in Appendix D. In summary, the design includes (Table 5.2): Raising the main and secondary embankment crests by 3.8 m, again through a combination of earth and rockfill construction, and installation of a concrete parapet wall (1.7 m high) Raising the primary spillway crest by 6.5 m, widening it from 32 m to 70 m, and removing the three vertical lift gates Widening the secondary spillway from 100 m to 150 m, and installing a fuse plug embankment approximately 7.5 m high, that has a top elevation of 272.0 m AHD and a nominal base elevation of 269.8 m AHD. The fuse plug is intended to increase spillway capacity by eroding when overtopped. Creating a 160 m wide tertiary spillway through an overflow portion in the secondary embankment, with a spillway crest elevation of 271.1 m AHD. Installing a new high level outlet Final Draft 27 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Installing filters in the secondary embankment The concept design achieves two objectives. Firstly, it raises the full supply level (FSL) of Lake Buffalo by 2.9 m, thus increasing its storage capacity from 24 GL to 34 GL. The additional area expected to be inundated upstream of Lake Buffalo is shown in Figure 5.2. Secondly, the concept design addresses the remaining dam safety concerns, i.e. the primary spillway gates, spillway capacity and filters in the secondary embankment. Converting to a fixed crest storage removes the need for upgrading the spillway gates. And the additional spillway capacity provided by widening the primary and secondary spillway (with fuse plug) and constructing a new tertiary spillway would be sufficient to pass the Probable Maximum Precipitation Design Flood (PMPDF) of approximately 8,200 m³/s. The PMPDF is a smaller flood than the PMF, but based on the most recent consequence assessment (SKM, 2011), and the recently updated guidelines on Consequence Categories for Dams (ANCOLD, 2012), a spillway capacity that passes the PMPDF is appropriate for Lake Buffalo. The current spillway capacity at Lake Buffalo is 3,670 m³/s. Enlarging Lake Buffalo would also involve the following complementary works: Raising the two-lane road and bridge that passes over the main and secondary embankments Relocating facilities inundated at the Main Recreation Area and Marshalls Ridge Seasonal Recreation Area A fish ladder was not included in the concept design, but G-MW as the dam owner would be obliged to consider installing one as part of any major upgrade of storage capacity. As part of the concept design, consideration was given to the cost versus storage capacity achieved by increasing FSL by more than 2.9 m. However, larger augmentations of Lake Buffalo are not considered feasible if they have the same geometry as the existing dam (as per the concept design in Appendix D). This is because of the compressible nature of the existing rockfill, and limitations on how far the dam access road and bridge can be moved downstream. These factors, together with the nature of the original dam construction (as a temporary dam for a much larger water storage reservoir) mean that increasing Lake Buffalo’s capacity beyond 34 GL would likely require a new dam. Final Draft 28 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Table 5.2 : Summary of key elevations and widths for enlarging Lake Buffalo [Table replaced with text] Element: Full supply level (FSL) Elevation Existing: 264.4 m AHD Elevation New: 267.3 m AHD Increase: 2.9 m Element: Embankment crest Elevation Existing: 269.2 m AHD Elevation New: 273.0 m AHD Increase: 3.8 m Element: Top of parapet wall (Parapet wall height is 1.7 m.) Elevation Existing: 270.3 m AHD Elevation New: 274.7 m AHD Increase: 4.4 m Element: Primary spillway Elevation Existing: 260.8 m AHD Elevation New: 267.3 m AHD Increase: 6.5 m Width Existing: 32 m Width New: 70 m Increase: 38 m Element: Secondary spillway (New elevation is at the base of the fuse plug. The top of the fuse plug is 272.0 m AHD.) Elevation Existing: 265.5 m AHD Elevation New: 269.8 m AHD Increase: 4.3 m Width Existing: 100 m Width New: 150 m Increase: 50 m Element: Tertiary spillway (Overflow section on secondary embankment.) Elevation New: 271.1 m AHD Width New: 160 m Final Draft 29 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Figure 5.2 : Expected inundation extent upstream of Lake Buffalo if storage capacity is increased from 24 GL to 34 GL . Figure shows a map of Lake Buffalo with the area expected to be inundated if Lake Buffalo storage capacity is increased marked on the map. 5.3 Indicative cost 5.3.1 Capital cost The estimated capital cost for the works required to enlarge Lake Buffalo is approximately $70 million. Appendix G shows how this estimate was derived. The enlarging Lake Buffalo option is also likely to require: $5-$10 million to be spent on vegetation offsets, to account for the native vegetation lost when the lake level rises (see Appendix I for more details) Approximately $0.5 million to buy back water entitlements in the Ovens River catchment, so that average total surface water diversions are the same pre and post the enlargement of Lake Buffalo, and therefore remain compliant with the proposed Murray Darling Basin Plan Sustainable Diversion Limits for the Ovens River catchment. The $0.5 million price is based on the assumption that 280-300 ML of High Reliability shares are purchased from currently active water users (rather than sleepers) at $1,600-$1,800 per ML (see Appendix K for more details). The total capital cost of enlarging Lake Buffalo is therefore estimated to be $80 million (Table 5.3). Table 5.3 : Estimated capital cost – enlarge Lake Buffalo Item Estimated cost Capital cost of upgrade (Appendix G) $71.3 million Vegetation offsets (estimated to be $5-$10 $7.5 million million) Buyback of water entitlements $0.5 million Total $79.3 million It is also important to note that the concept design includes a new high level outlet to access the water stored above the current FSL, for an estimated cost of $1 - $2 million. The existing low level outlets through the primary spillway would be retained. However, it may be Final Draft 30 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing appropriate to construct a new intake tower and outlet arrangement as part of the enlargement of Lake Buffalo. The type and cost of an intake tower is influenced by many variables, including the construction method, number of offtakes, discharge capacity, geological conditions and environmental controls during construction. If a new intake tower which provided access to the full range of storage levels was required, the most feasible scenario would be to construct one in the dry land and then connect it to the storage via an approach channel excavated under water. This would potentially cost a further $20 - $25 million. Refining this cost estimate requires more investigations and design. Likewise, the concept design and indicative cost does not include a fish ladder. If a fish ladder was included in the enlarging of Lake Buffalo, the additional cost would depend on the type of fishway. A relatively simple trap and haul operation would cost approximately $5 million to install. There would then be ongoing costs to operate the fishway. If a fish ladder with less operating cost is preferred, the cost to install it will rise. For example, a fish lock may cost $15 - $20 million. Enlarging Lake Buffalo as per the concept design in Appendix D would remove the need for planned dam safety upgrades. The avoided cost is estimated to be $22.5 million over the next 15 years. This has been accounted for in the net present value (NPV) calculations used in the TBL assessment (Section 7). 5.3.2 Operating cost The cost of operating an enlarged Lake Buffalo is not expected to be materially different to the current operating costs. It is already managed by G-MW as a High to Extreme Consequence Category dam, and this practice would continue after the enlargement. Final Draft 31 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing 6. Alternative water use (Option 4) 6.1 Potential water sources In their Water Supply Demand Strategy (NEW, 2012), NEW has prepared an Alternative Water Atlas for Wangaratta. The atlas tables ‘alternative’ options for increasing water supply or reducing the demand for potable water. Options include rainwater tanks, shallow bores, recycled water and stormwater use. The following alternative water use options were considered in more detail in this project: a) Storing treated trade waste from Cleanaway’s south Wangaratta site via managed aquifer recharge (MAR), and extracting it when needed for further treatment and use b) Storing treated trade waste from Cleanaway’s south Wangaratta site in a new storage on NEW’s Sandford Road site, and extracting it when needed for further treatment and use c) Capturing storm water from the main drain passing through the Sandford Road site, before storing it via MAR for later extraction, further treatment and use d) Capturing storm water from the main drain passing through the Sandford Road site, and holding it in a new storage on Sandford Road, before further treatment and use e) Upgrading the Wangaratta Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP), so that it can supply Class A recycled water to meet commercial, industrial, and Wangaratta City Council demands, and some non-potable residential demands The conclusions were: Option A was not pursued further, given MAR of treated trade waste is unlikely to be approved by the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) Option B provides less water compared with Option E (200 – 450 ML/year versus 1,950 ML/year) In addition to MAR infrastructure, Option C would require the same investment in infrastructure proposed for the additional groundwater use option (Section 4). The additional groundwater use option has been designed to supply enough water to Wangaratta without needing MAR, and therefore this option was not pursued further. Final Draft 32 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Option D provides less water than Option E (1,150 ML/year versus 1,950 ML/year), and storm water is a less reliable source of water in dry periods compared with water recycled from the WWTP Option E is the most feasible alternative water use option, because recycled water is a reliable, climate independent source of water. Alternative water use options will only increase Wangaratta’s reliability of supply if they reduce the demand for potable water. Table 6.1 shows the volume of demand in Wangaratta that would need to be met using recycled water so that 90% reliability of supply is achieved (i.e. restrictions occur in 10% of years). Table 6.1 : Demand reduction required to achieve 90% reliability of supply for Wangaratta Model Results for Wangaratta Demand Reduction Scenario Climate Demand Reliability of Supply Required to Achieve 90% Reliability of Supply Per Year Demand Reduction Required to Achieve 90% Reliability of Supply % of Average Demand BAS1 Historic Current 88% 107 ML 3% BAS2 Return Current 51% 767 ML 24% Current 81% 411 ML 13% to dry BAS3 2060 median BAS4 Historic Future 88% 133 ML 4% BAS5 Return Future 46% 944 ML 26% Future 79% 513 ML 14% to dry BAS6 2060 median Final Draft 33 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing 6.2 Potential water users Flow through the Wangaratta WWTP is approximately 1,950 ML/year. (Refer to Wangaratta Sewer System.2) Therefore, the WWTP would supply enough treated water to increase Wangaratta’s reliability of supply above 90% for all climate and demand scenarios, if the recycled water could be used as a potable water source. However, at present the use of recycled water is restricted to non-potable demands. Therefore, metered consumption data for 2009-10 was used to estimate the potential demand for recycled water in Wangaratta. To do this, firstly an assessment was made of the industrial, commercial and Wangaratta City Council demands which potentially could be met using recycled water. The results are shown in Table 6.3. In summary, it was estimated that recycled water use by industrial and commercial users and Wangaratta City Council could reduce Wangaratta’s current demand for potable water by 700 ML per year. This estimate assumes that potential industrial and commercial users could reduce their demand for potable water by 90% by using recycled water. It is important to note two things. Firstly, none of the potential users of recycled water identified during this assessment have been consulted to confirm that they could use recycled water to reduce their demand for potable water. Secondly, RMCG (2013) have projected that Wangaratta’s future demand for water will be driven by increased residential use, and non-residential demands are expected to remain static. Therefore, the potential demand for recycled water is not expected to increase in future unless it is used for residential purposes. Reducing Wangaratta’s demand for potable water by 700 ML per year would be sufficient to increase the reliability of supply to 90% in the historic and median climate change scenarios considered in phase one of the Water Security for Wangaratta project, but not in the return to dry climate change scenarios. To achieve 90% reliability of supply under these scenarios, a further 250 ML per year of residential demand would need to be met using recycled water. In Wangaratta, average residential use is approximately 200 kL per year (NEW, 2012). Of this, approximately 40% would be used for outdoor use (source: Australian Bureau of Statistics3). Therefore, to have 250 ML of recycled water used each year by households 2 3 http://www.newater.com.au/residential/forms/residential-customers/images/Sewer_Wangaratta.pdf http://www.abs.gov.au/ Final Draft 34 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing would require approximately 3,100 houses to be connected to a recycled water distribution system, assuming the recycled water is for outdoor use only. Each of these scenarios also assume that potable water savings made by using recycled water throughout the year can be stored (e.g. in Lake Buffalo) and made available in summer periods when the demand for potable water increases. Such an arrangement would require a change to current dam operations or an off-stream storage near Wangaratta, but this has not been investigated further in this project. Further modelling with the Ovens River REALM model would be needed to confirm how potable water savings are best stored and used to increase Wangaratta’s reliability of supply. Table 6.2 : Estimate of demand for recycled water from industrial and commercial users, and Wangaratta City Council Class/User 2009-10 Consumption (ML) Estimated demand Estimated demand which could be met which could be met with Recycled with Recycled Water Water ML % Residential 1,750 n/a n/a Commercial 480 20 4% Industrial 775 630 80% Vacant Land 3 0 0% 105 50 50% 3,110 700 23% Wangaratta City Council Total 6.3 Concept design The demand for potable water in Wangaratta will only be reduced by a significant amount through use of recycled water, if the recycled water can be used for the variety of purposes described in Section 6.2. This would require taking secondary treated effluent from lagoons at the existing Wangaratta Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP), treating it to Class A standard, and distributing it to users via a recycled water reticulation network. Similar to the additional groundwater use option, the recycled water use option could be implemented in stages. The first stage would include a 5.5 ML/d Class A recycled water Final Draft 35 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing treatment plant, a 2.5 ML treated water storage tank, a 5 ML/d pump station, and the reticulation network for non-residential users (Figure 6.1). Appendix E includes more detail on this first stage. The second stage would include an upgrade to the Class A recycled water treatment plant (8 ML/d), storage tank and pump station, and the roll-out of the reticulation network for residential users. A 40 km reticulation network would be required to supply 3,100 households with recycled water for outdoor use, and this distribution system would branch off the reticulation network installed in stage one. 6.4 Indicative cost 6.4.1 Capital Cost The capital cost of treating waste water to Class A standard and distributing it to nonresidential users is estimated to be approximately $40 million (Table 6.3). This is comprised of: $22.9 million for a 5.5 ML/d Class A recycled water treatment plant $17.6 million for the 2.5 ML treated water storage tank, 5 ML/d pump station and the reticulation network shown in Figure 6.1 Appendix H shows how this estimate was derived. The capital cost for the second stage is estimated to be approximately $55 million (Table 6.3). This is comprised of: $8.0 million to increase the capacity of the Class A recycling plant, treated water storage tank and pump station $17.1 million for a 40 km reticulation network $29.5 million to connect 3,100 households to the reticulation network Appendix H includes more details for this cost estimate. Using Class A recycled water to meet non-potable demands in Wangaratta would remove the need for planned expansions of agricultural re-use schemes. NEW has estimated the Final Draft 36 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing avoided cost to be approximately $6 million. This has been accounted for in the net present value (NPV) calculations used in the TBL assessment (Section 7). Table 6.3 : Estimated capital cost – recycled water use [Table split for accessibility] Stage 1 Item Stage 1 Estimated cost Class A recycled water treatment plant $22.9 million Treated water storage, pump station and reticulation $17.6 million network Stage 1 Total $40.5 million Stage 2 Item Stage 2 Estimated cost Upgrade Class A recycled water treatment plant, treated $8.0 million water storage and pump station Reticulation network for non-potable residential use $17.1 million Connections to households $29.5 million Stage 2 Total $54.6 million Total $95.1 million 6.4.2 Operating Cost The operating cost for the recycled (alternative) water use option was estimated on the basis that: Pumping costs are approximately $22 per ML Treatment costs are approximately $800 per ML It costs $250,000 every five years to replace the ultrafiltration membranes in the recycled water treatment plant It costs $15,000 every two years to replace the ultraviolet lamps in the recycled water treatment plant Maintenance costs for the recycled water plant, pump station and distribution network are $50,000 per year in total for stage 1, and $100,000 per year for stage 2 Operator costs are $35,000 per year Final Draft 37 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Therefore, if 700 ML of recycled water is produced each year, the operating cost is approximately $720,000 per year. This cost rises to approximately $1,000,000 per year following stage 2 when 950 ML of recycled water is produced each year. Final Draft 38 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Figure 6.1 : Concept design for recycled water use – supply to non-residential users. This shows a map of Wangaratta marked with the proposed locations of the recycled water treatment plant and recycled water reticulation network. Final Draft 39 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing 7. Assessment against Triple Bottom Line criteria The three options for improving the reliability of water supply to Wangaratta were assessed against the following criteria: Economic criteria Net cost, as a net present value (NPV) – Section 7.1 Third party impacts – Section 7.1.2 Environmental criteria Terrestrial flora and fauna impacts – Section 7.2 Surface water impacts – Section 7.2.2 Social criteria Reliability of supply for downstream users – Section 7.3 Cultural heritage – Section 7.3.2 Amenity and recreation – Section 7.3.3 Local community acceptance – Section 7.3.4 Pricing impacts – Section 7.3.5 Technical criteria Resilience – Section 7.4 Timing and complexity of implementation – Section 7.4.2 The net cost (as a NPV) criteria has the highest weighting. The NPV was estimated over a 30-year period. Costs were discounted to 2014/15, by applying a discount rate of 4.5% (real), which reflects NEW’s and G-MW’s weighted average cost of capital. Building costs were estimated to escalate at 4% annually, relative to an assumed long term CPI of 2.5%. CPI escalation was excluded from the analysis, because all costs were estimated in 2014/15 dollars. The NPV estimates do not include GST. It is also important to note that the assessments of third party impacts, local community acceptance and pricing impacts were based on desktop investigations, and were not Final Draft 40 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing informed by community consultations. Therefore, there is some uncertainty associated with the scores for these criteria. Final Draft 41 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing 7.1 Financial Criteria 7.1.1 Net cost (40% weighting) In this assessment, the estimated net capital and operating cost of each option is compared (as net present value). [Table replaced with text for accessibility.] Option 1 (base case) Option description: Business as usual Are there any potential fatal flaws? No Key impacts/considerations (including legal and regulatory): Under the base case, G-MW expects to undertake dam safety works at Lake Buffalo. Will these impacts delay the implementation of this option? No Scoring for option – relative to “base case”: 0 Option 2 Option description: Additional groundwater use Are there any potential fatal flaws? No Key impacts/considerations (including legal and regulatory): For this option, the upgrade of existing or construction of new infrastructure can be staged over time. Assumptions and uncertainties: The total capital cost is estimated to be $15 million (2014/15 dollars).The cost estimate is indicative only and will vary with further investigation and design. Indirect project costs are 27% of direct construction costs. These include contractor preliminaries, contractor margins, consultant fees (design, investigations, etc.), and project management fees (external and internal). The contingency allowance is 50%. A high contingency is required given the preliminary nature of the concept design. The upgrade of Kerr St water treatment infrastructure and installation of the first new bore are assumed to occur in 2014/15. The second new bore is assumed to be constructed in 2023/24. Operating costs are estimated to be $260,000 per year once all bores are in. Scoring for option – relative to “base case”: -1. NPV = $17 million Option 3 Option description: Enlargement of Lake Buffalo by 10GL Are there any potential fatal flaws? No Final Draft 42 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Key impacts/considerations (including legal and regulatory): For this option, there will be cost implications for NEW and G-MW. Will these impacts delay the implementation of this option? Potentially. The cost implications for G-MW customers may be resisted. Potential mitigation measures for impacts and implications: The transfer of cost to G-MW customers should not exceed the value of the benefit to irrigators. Assumptions and uncertainties: The capital cost of works is estimated to be $70 million (2014/15 dollars).The cost estimate is indicative only and will vary with further investigation and design. Indirect project costs are 35% of direct construction costs. These include contractor preliminaries, contractor margins, consultant fees (design, investigations, etc.), and project management fees (external and internal). The indirect costs are expected to be higher for this option because of the design and investigations involved. The contingency allowance is 50%. A high contingency is required given the preliminary nature of the concept design. The project is assumed to be delivered over three years – with design and planning in 2014/15, 70% of the balance in 2015/16 and the completion of works in 2017/18. The dam operating costs are not expected to change as a result of this project, and are therefore not included in the NPV estimate. This option is expected to avoid the need for dam safety upgrades that would otherwise be required. This avoided cost is estimated to be $28 million (real dollars) or $22 million (discounted over the 30 year assessment period). This option will also involve purchasing $0.5 million of water entitlements, and $5-$10 million of vegetation offsets. Therefore, the total capital cost is approximately $80 million. Scoring for option – relative to “base case”: -3. NPV = $54 million. NPV = $77 million, if excluding currently planned dam safety upgrades Option 4 Option description: Use of alternative water sources Are there any potential fatal flaws? There may be insufficient demand for recycled water to increase Wangaratta’s reliability of supply to 90% in a return to dry climate scenario. Key impacts/considerations (including legal and regulatory): For this option, there may be cost implications for NEW customers who are provided recycled water (e.g. further on-site water treatment). Will these impacts delay the implementation of this option? Potentially. It may take some time for NEW customers to be ready to use recycled water. Assumptions and uncertainties: The total capital cost is estimated to be $95 million (2014/15 Final Draft 43 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing dollars). The cost estimates are indicative only and will vary with further investigation and design. Indirect project costs are 27% of direct construction costs. These include contractor preliminaries, contractor margins, consultant fees (design, investigations, etc.), and project management fees (external and internal). The contingency allowance is 50%. A high contingency is required given the preliminary nature of the concept design. Stage 1 of the project is estimated to be delivered over three years – with design and planning in 2014/15, 70% of the balance on 2015/16 and the completion of works in 2017/18. Stage 2 of the project is also estimated to be delivered over three years – with design and planning in 2024/25, 70% of the balance on 2025/26 and the completion of works in 2027/28. Operating costs are expected to commence the year after commissioning, and are estimated to be $720,000 per year following Stage 1 and $1,000,000 per year following Stage 2. This option is expected to avoid the need for investment in additional agricultural re-use schemes. This avoided cost is estimated to be $6 million (real dollars) or $5.8 million (discounted over the 30 year assessment period). Scoring for option – relative to “base case”: -4. NPV = $86 million. NPV = $92 million, if excluding currently planned agricultural re-use schemes 7.1.2 Third party impacts (10% weighting) In this assessment, the potential costs and benefits of changes in reliability of supply for other users in the Ovens River catchment (e.g. irrigators) are compared. [Table replaced with text for accessibility.] Option 1 (base case) Option description: Business as usual Scoring for option – relative to “base case”: 0 Option 2 Option description: Additional groundwater use Are there any potential fatal flaws? No Key impacts/considerations (including legal and regulatory): This option will only provide potable water for Wangaratta. That is, there are no third party impacts. Assumptions and uncertainties: The funding and cost recovery process for this option is yet to be determined. Scoring for option – relative to “base case”: 0 Final Draft 44 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Option 3 Option description: Enlargement of Lake Buffalo by 10GL Are there any potential fatal flaws? No Key impacts/considerations (including legal and regulatory): Enlarging Lake Buffalo increases the reliability of supply to Wangaratta and other water users (i.e. irrigators). The irrigators will be third party beneficiaries if they receive the benefits of this increase in reliability without paying their full share of the costs. Will these impacts delay the implementation of this option? No, assuming that if there is any price impact associated with the increased reliability of supply for irrigators, that this price change is accepted. Assumptions and uncertainties: The funding and cost recovery process for this option is yet to be determined. Scoring for option – relative to “base case”: +1 Option 4 Option description: Use of alternative water sources Are there any potential fatal flaws? Potentially Key impacts/considerations (including legal and regulatory): The use of recycled water for non-potable demands in Wangaratta would need to be established in a manner that does not reduce the volume and reliability of supply for irrigators who currently use effluent from the WWTP to irrigate Lucerne. Users of recycled water may need to change their current water management practices, and install on-site storage and further treatment infrastructure so the recycled water is fit for their purpose. Having a secure source of Class A recycled water may attract new industries to Wangaratta. Will these impacts delay the implementation of this option? Potentially, assuming customers are responsible for any on-site storage and further treatment required. Potential mitigation measures for impacts and implications: Offer recycled water at a discount compared with the price of potable water. Assumptions and uncertainties: The funding and cost recovery process for this option is yet to be determined. Scoring for option – relative to “base case”: -1 Final Draft 45 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing 7.2 Environmental criteria 7.2.1 Terrestrial flora and fauna impacts (10% weighting) In this assessment, the potential risks to native flora and fauna are compared. [Table replaced with text for accessibility.] Option 1 (base case) Option description: Business as usual Are there any potential fatal flaws? No Scoring for option relative to “base case”: 0 Option 2 Option description: Additional groundwater use Are there any potential fatal flaws? No Key impacts/considerations (including legal and regulatory): This option affects small areas within an urban context. One potential new bore site has no issues. The other sites have native vegetation mapped; including two sites with potentially EPBC listed vegetation. The likelihood of finding threatened flora and fauna at the new bore sites is low to medium, and the likelihood that construction works would impact their habitat is low. Will these impacts delay the implementation of this option? Unlikely Potential mitigation measures for impacts and implications: EPBC offsets may be required, in addition to offsets under the Permitted Clearing regulations. Assumptions and uncertainties: See Appendix I for more details. This is a desktop assessment only. The data has not been verified with field visits. This cost of the vegetation offsets has been accounted for in the indicative costs for each option, and therefore the scores for this criterion are primarily based on the expected risk to threated flora and fauna. Scoring for option relative to “base case”: 0 Option 3 Option description: Enlargement of Lake Buffalo by 10GL Are there any potential fatal flaws? No Key impacts/considerations (including legal and regulatory): A large area (90 ha) of native vegetation would be lost by raising the full supply level of Lake Buffalo by 2.9 m. The likelihood of finding threatened flora and fauna in the vicinity of Lake Buffalo is medium to Final Draft 46 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing high, but the likelihood that raising the full supply level would result in a significant impact to their habitat is low. Will these impacts delay the implementation of this option? Potentially. The large area of native vegetation loss may trigger specific offset requirements (i.e. areas of new regulations that have yet to be tested). Potential mitigation measures for impacts and implications: Large vegetation offsets may be required (likely to cost $5 - $10 million on the open market). Assumptions and uncertainties: See Appendix I for more details. This is a desktop assessment only. The data has not been verified with field visits. This cost of the vegetation offsets has been accounted for in the indicative costs for each option, and therefore the scores for this criterion are primarily based on the expected risk to threated flora and fauna. Scoring for option relative to “base case”: -2 Option 4 Option description: Use of alternative water sources Are there any potential fatal flaws? No Key impacts/considerations (including legal and regulatory): There may be some vegetation loss resulting from laying recycled water pipelines along road reserves. The likelihood of finding threatened flora and fauna within urban road reserves is low to medium, and the likelihood that construction works would impact their habitat is low to medium. Will these impacts delay the implementation of this option? Unlikely. Potential mitigation measures for impacts and implications: Use existing linkages with the WWTP to minimise vegetation and habitat loss. Assumptions and uncertainties: See Appendix I for more details. This is a desktop assessment only. The data has not been verified with field visits. This cost of the vegetation offsets has been accounted for in the indicative costs for each option, and therefore the scores for this criterion are primarily based on the expected risk to threated flora and fauna. Scoring for option relative to “base case”: -1 7.2.2 Surface water impacts (10% weighting) In this assessment, expected changes to river flow in the Ovens River catchment are compared. [Table replaced with text for accessibility.] Final Draft 47 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Option 1 (base case) Option description: Business as usual Are there any potential fatal flaws? No Scoring for option – relative to “base case”: 0 Option 2 Option description: Additional groundwater use Are there any potential fatal flaws? No Key impacts/considerations (including legal and regulatory) Extraction from the Calivil Formation (target aquifer) is unlikely to have significant impact on nearby surface water systems, because the Tertiary Aquitard acts as a low permeability boundary between the groundwater and surface water systems. Will these impacts delay the implementation of this option? No Assumptions and uncertainties: This assessment assumes no change in the pattern of current surface water use Scoring for option – relative to “base case”: 0 Option 3 Option description: Enlargement of Lake Buffalo by 10GL Are there any potential fatal flaws? No Key impacts/considerations (including legal and regulatory) Enlarging Lake Buffalo results in a change in the downstream flow regime. There is a reduction in mean monthly flow from Feb to July and an increase in the mean monthly flow from Sept to Nov (see Appendix J). This change is primarily a result of changed operating rules rather than the increased storage capacity. Decreased autumn flow has the potential to adversely impact fish in downstream reaches if flow falls below recommended minimum low flows. Increased spring flow has the potential to benefit downstream values by contributing to an increased likelihood of high flows and floods that promote fish spawning, and floodplain and wetland inundation. The greatest impact occurs in the Buffalo River downstream of the dam. The impact diminishes downstream of Wangaratta, because natural tributary inflows contribute a greater proportion of the stream flow. Will these impacts delay the implementation of this option? Need to consider environmental flow requirements in dam operating rules Final Draft 48 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Potential mitigation measures for impacts and implications: Alter release rules to meet environmental flow recommendations Assumptions and uncertainties: This assessment is based on modelled dam operating rules. A change in operating rules would change the assessment outcome. Scoring for option – relative to “base case”: -1 in autumn; +1 in spring Option 4 Option description: Use of alternative water sources Are there any potential fatal flaws? No Key impacts/considerations (including legal and regulatory) There is the potential for river flows downstream of Wangaratta to increase slightly if recycled water use reduces the demand for surface water extractions from the Ovens River. However, the increase will be small relative to typical stream flows. Will these impacts delay the implementation of this option? No Assumptions and uncertainties: This assessment assumes there is a minor change in the pattern of current surface water use Scoring for option – relative to “base case”: 0 7.3 Social Criteria 7.3.1 Reliability of supply for downstream users (4% weighting) This assessment compares the positive and negative impacts expected for other groundwater users, and surface water users in the River Murray system. [Table replaced with text for accessibility.] Option 1 (base case) Option description: Business as usual Are there any potential fatal flaws? No Key impacts/considerations (including legal and regulatory): No change to existing reliability for surface water diversions in the Ovens River catchment or River Murray system Assumptions and uncertainties: Assumed no change to surface water downstream reliability Scoring for option – relative to “base case” 0 Final Draft 49 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Option 2 Option description: Additional groundwater use Are there any potential fatal flaws? No Key impacts/considerations (including legal and regulatory): For nearby groundwater users G-MW imposes buffer zones, which means new bores should be at least 300 m away from existing bores. Each proposed new bore site breaches these buffer zones. However, the surrounding users are all screened within the shallower Shepparton Formation. The Tertiary Aquitard is thought to be present at the new bore locations, and therefore the impact to neighbouring users in the overlying Shepparton Formation is expected to be negligible. Users within the Calvili Formation may see interference. However, there does not seem to be any active bores in the area that utilise the Calivil Formation. Will these impacts delay the implementation of this option? No Assumptions and uncertainties: Assumed no change to surface water downstream reliability Scoring for option – relative to “base case” 0 Option 3 Option description: Enlargement of Lake Buffalo by 10GL Are there any potential fatal flaws? No. The impact on downstream users is expected to be manageable. Key impacts/considerations (including legal and regulatory): Operation of the enlarged Lake Buffalo at a fixed crest level will improve Ovens River reliability and is expected to slightly decrease River Murray reliability (see Appendix K for more details). Will these impacts delay the implementation of this option? Possible, but unlikely Potential mitigation measures for impacts and implications: Buyback of high reliability water shares in the Ovens River catchment Assumptions and uncertainties: Modelling Murray reliability impacts is outside scope of this project, so the impacts have not been quantified Scoring for option – relative to “base case” -1 Option 4 Option description: Use of alternative water sources Are there any potential fatal flaws? No Key impacts/considerations (including legal and regulatory): There is no impact on reliability Final Draft 50 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing of supply for Ovens River diverters. There is potentially a very small increase in River Murray reliability assuming recycled water use in Wangaratta decreases the demand for surface water extractions from the Ovens River. Will these impacts delay the implementation of this option? No Assumptions and uncertainties: Modelling Murray reliability impacts is outside scope of this project, so the impacts have not been quantified Scoring for option – relative to “base case” 0 7.3.2 Cultural heritage (4% weighting) This assessment compares the impacts to cultural heritage or historical heritage sites. [Table replaced with text for accessibility.] Option 1 (base case) Option description: Business as usual Are there any potential fatal flaws? No Key impacts/considerations (including legal and regulatory): NA Assumptions and uncertainties: Assumes no proposed ground works Scoring for option – relative to “base case” 0 Option 2 Option description: Additional groundwater use Are there any potential fatal flaws? No Key impacts/considerations (including legal and regulatory): Bore installation by itself is unlikely to require a cultural heritage management plan, but if the associated infrastructure has > 25 m² impact area or is a pipeline >500 m in length and is <200 m from waterway, then a cultural heritage management plan will be required. New Kerr St, Phillipson St bores: No cultural heritage or historical heritage constraints identified, provided all works are 200 m or more from waterways. A voluntary cultural heritage management plan would be recommended for these options. New Faithfull St bore: Works would be within an area of cultural heritage significance (within 200 m of a waterway) and will trigger a cultural heritage management plan if these works are defined as high impact activities. No historical heritage constraints. Will these impacts delay the implementation of this option? Need to factor sufficient time for cultural heritage management plan preparation, consultation with Aboriginal communities and Final Draft 51 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing submission. Potential mitigation measures for impacts and implications: A detailed desktop cultural heritage assessment will determine the exact requirements for a cultural heritage management plan. Scoring for option – relative to “base case” 0 Option 3 Option description: Enlargement of Lake Buffalo by 10GL Are there any potential fatal flaws? No Key impacts/considerations (including legal and regulatory): There are no registered cultural heritage places or historical heritage sites within the proposed activity area. However, the Lake Buffalo Land and On-Water Management Plan (G-MW, 2014) recognises that “the current status of Aboriginal and European heritage at Lake Buffalo has not been specifically investigated and is not well understood or documented” (p.17). Therefore a lack of data should not be interpreted as a lack of risk. The enlargement of Lake Buffalo would impact areas of cultural heritage significance and therefore a mandatory cultural heritage management plan would most likely be required. The area of impact is large; therefore fieldwork requirements may be extensive. Historical heritage sites listed on the Alpine Shire LEP have been identified in the area. These will need to be avoided and the impacts managed. Will these impacts delay the implementation of this option? Need to factor sufficient time for cultural heritage management plan preparation, consultation with Aboriginal communities and submission. Time will be required for consultation with the National Trust, Heritage Victoria and G-MW. Potential mitigation measures for impacts and implications: A detailed desktop cultural heritage assessment will determine the exact requirements for a cultural heritage management plan. A desktop historical heritage assessment is also recommended. Assumptions and uncertainties: Assumes a cultural heritage management plan is required. Assumes a historical heritage assessment is required Scoring for option – relative to “base case” -2 Option 4 Option description: Use of alternative water sources Are there any potential fatal flaws? No Final Draft 52 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Key impacts/considerations (including legal and regulatory): Infrastructure for recycled water use would be established at the existing WWTP north of Wangaratta. Works adjacent to the existing WWTP would be likely to trigger a cultural heritage management plan, due to proximity to waterways. In addition, pipelines into Wangaratta from this location would be likely to cross multiple areas of cultural heritage significance. A mandatory cultural heritage management plan would most likely be required. No historical heritage constraints were identified for this option. Will these impacts delay the implementation of this option? Need to factor sufficient time for cultural heritage management plan preparation, consultation with Aboriginal communities and submission. Potential mitigation measures for impacts and implications: A detailed desktop cultural heritage assessment will determine the exact requirements for a cultural heritage management plan. Assumptions and uncertainties: Assumes a cultural heritage management plan is required Scoring for option – relative to “base case” -1 7.3.3 Amenity and recreation (4% weighting) This assessment compares the impacts to existing amenity and recreation facilities. [Table replaced with text for accessibility.] Option 1 (base case) Option description: Business as usual Are there any potential fatal flaws? Unlikely Scoring for option – relative to “base case”: 0 Option 2 Option description: Additional groundwater use Are there any potential fatal flaws? Unlikely Key impacts / considerations (including legal and regulatory): Could enable continued irrigation of urban recreational infrastructure such as golf courses and playing fields during dry periods. Will these impacts delay the implementation of this option? Unlikely Scoring for option – relative to “base case”: +2 Final Draft 53 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Option 3 Option description: Enlargement of Lake Buffalo by 10GL Are there any potential fatal flaws? Unlikely Key impacts / considerations (including legal and regulatory): Could enable continued irrigation of urban recreational infrastructure such as golf courses and playing fields during dry periods. Raising the water level of the lake may better enable water based activities to continue in dry years. Construction activities may result in: temporary loss of access to public boat ramps, recreation areas and public facilities Reduced recreational fishing opportunities Will these impacts delay the implementation of this option? Unlikely. However, the construction program should consider peak tourist times such as school holidays, Easter, and long weekends. Potential mitigation measures for impacts and implications: Reinstate disturbed areas with landscaping. Employ environmental management measures to manage dust, run-off, and waste with a view to maintaining amenity. Maintain access to recreational areas where feasible. Include appropriate signage to new recreation areas. Replace any recreational infrastructure inundated or removed. Establish a communication program with community notifications for upcoming works and changes to access. Assumptions and uncertainties: Access to recreation areas, including boat ramps, will be maintained during construction. All recreational assets subject to inundation will be replaced. Scoring for option – relative to “base case”: +3 Option 4 Option description: Use of alternative water sources Are there any potential fatal flaws? Unlikely Key impacts / considerations (including legal and regulatory): Could enable continued irrigation of urban recreational infrastructure such as golf courses and playing fields during dry periods. Construction activities will result in disturbances to road reserves in industrial, commercial and residential areas. Will these impacts delay the implementation of this option? Unlikely Potential mitigation measures for impacts and implications: Reinstate disturbed areas with landscaping. Employ environmental management measures to manage dust, run-off, and Final Draft 54 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing waste with a view to maintaining amenity. Establish a communication program with community notifications for upcoming works. Scoring for option – relative to “base case”: +1 7.3.4 Local community acceptance (4% weighting) This assessment considers the alignment of each option with local community values. [Table replaced with text for accessibility.] Option 1 (base case) Option description: Business as usual Are there any potential fatal flaws? Unlikely Key impacts/considerations (including legal and regulatory): A secure water supply is considered by the community as important to facilitating growth in tourism, commercial and agricultural activities. Reduced water security is likely to be a concern for the community under the base case. Assumptions and uncertainties: This assessment has not been informed by consultations with the local community, and therefore there is uncertainty in the scores assigned to each option. Scoring for option – relative to “base case” 0 Option 2 Option description: Additional groundwater use Are there any potential fatal flaws? Unlikely Key impacts/considerations (including legal and regulatory): The extraction of groundwater may concern users of other bores if it is perceived this option will cause a decline in groundwater availability. Community members may have concerns around groundwater quality and taste. It will be important for groundwater to be treated to remove risk to public health. This option could potentially be inconsistent with community values should it result in a decline in groundwater dependent flora and fauna, or cause a change in how the water supply tastes. Will these impacts delay the implementation of this option? Unlikely Potential mitigation measures for impacts and implications: Periodically communicate the results of groundwater monitoring to the community. Establish an ongoing mechanism (e.g. CRG) to provide the community an opportunity to provide feedback on the project. Final Draft 55 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Assumptions and uncertainties: This assessment has not been informed by consultations with the local community, and therefore there is uncertainty in the scores assigned to each option. Scoring for option – relative to “base case” +1 Option 3 Option description: Enlargement of Lake Buffalo by 10GL Are there any potential fatal flaws? Unlikely Key impacts/considerations (including legal and regulatory): Recent dam enlargements (e.g. Cotter Dam) have generally been well received by local communities. However, some people in the local community may have concerns about the environmental impacts of enlarging Lake Buffalo. Construction activities may also cause short term community concern with respect to: safety for visitors to Lake Buffalo reduction in the Buffalo River water quality (sedimentation, dust and pollutants) Will these impacts delay the implementation of this option? Unlikely Potential mitigation measures for impacts and implications: Communicate safety measures to all lake visitors. Establish an ongoing mechanism (e.g. CRG) to provide the community an opportunity to provide feedback on the project. Assumptions and uncertainties: This assessment has not been informed by consultations with the local community, and therefore there is uncertainty in the scores assigned to each option. Scoring for option – relative to “base case” +2 Option 4 Option description: Use of alternative water sources Are there any potential fatal flaws? Unlikely Key impacts/considerations (including legal and regulatory): There may be negative community perceptions of the risks associated with alternative water sources. Given the water will be used for non-potable purposes; this is less likely to be of concern to the community. The community would expect recycled water to be treated to remove risks to public health, and for individual property connections to the recycled water reticulation network to be paid for (and undertaken by registered plumbers). Final Draft 56 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Will these impacts delay the implementation of this option? Unlikely Potential mitigation measures for impacts and implications: Engage with key stakeholders early to test which forms of reuse will be acceptable and which may not. Assumptions and uncertainties: This assessment has not been informed by consultations with the local community, and therefore there is uncertainty in the scores assigned to each option. Scoring for option – relative to “base case” +1 7.3.5 Price impacts (4% weighting) This assessment considers the willingness of NEW and G-MW customers to pay the increase in water prices that may occur. [Table replaced with text for accessibility.] Option 1 (base case) Option description: Business as usual Scoring for option – relative to “base case” 0 Option 2 Option description: Additional groundwater use Are there any potential fatal flaws? No Key impacts/considerations (including legal and regulatory): Expenditure projections will need to be captured in NEW’s Water Plan and its efficiency will be assessed as part of the ESC’s pricing determination. This may impact opportunities for recovering the full project cost with customer tariffs. The maximum increase in fixed fee charges for NEW customers is estimated to be $20 per connection point (2013/14 dollars) over a 30 year assessment period. This is an increase of approximately 10% compared with annual fixed charges for residential customers in Wangaratta (currently $197.73). The impact of this option on volumetric charges (currently $2.36 per kL) is more difficult to estimate. Once all bores are installed, the operating cost is approximately $960 per ML of treated water feed into the distribution system, which is 60% higher than the current costs ($596 per ML) for Wangaratta. Therefore, assuming groundwater supplies 8% of Wangaratta’s demand on average in a return to dry climate scenario, volumetric charges may increase by 5%. Assumptions and uncertainties: The estimated pricing impact is indicative, and will need to be confirmed by NEW. The preliminary estimates are based on the following assumptions: Final Draft 57 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing The capital costs plus cost of depreciation are assumed to be recovered through fixed charges, and the operational costs are recovered through volumetric charges Price increases are spread over 47,500 water assessment (i.e. connection) points Straight line depreciation has been applied to new infrastructure, with an assumed design life of 50 years Prices are in 2013/14 dollars, and are compared to 2013/14 tariffs Charges for 20 mm meters in Wangaratta have been used as the basis for estimating the percentage increase in fixed charges Scoring for option – relative to “base case” -2 Option 3 Option description: Enlargement of Lake Buffalo by 10GL Are there any potential fatal flaws? Potentially, if the pricing impact is unacceptable to those affected. Key impacts/considerations (including legal and regulatory): The enlarging Lake Buffalo option has a price impact for both NEW and G-MW customers (i.e. irrigators). An $80 million project to enlarge Lake Buffalo would increase the annual fee for high reliability water in the Ovens River catchment by approximately $130 per ML (G-MW, pers. comm.). This is a 330% increase compared with the current fee of $38.39 per ML. Annual fees for G-MW customers in the Murray River system would also increase by approximately $2-$5 per ML. Will these impacts delay the implementation of this option? Price impacts for G-MW customers may be met with opposition, which might delay the project. Assumptions and uncertainties: It has been assumed that the capital cost of enlarging Lake Buffalo is recovered using current Bulk Entitlement arrangements Scoring for option – relative to “base case” -4 Option 4 Option description: Use of alternative water sources Are there any potential fatal flaws? Potentially, if the pricing impact is unacceptable to those affected. Key impacts/considerations (including legal and regulatory): Expenditure projections will need to be captured in NEW’s Water Plan and its efficiency will be assessed as part of the ESC’s Final Draft 58 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing pricing determination. This may impact opportunities for recovering the full project cost with customer tariffs. For the alternative water use option, the price of water may need to be less for recycled water users to encourage use; however the price of water for the remainder of NEW’s customers will increase. The maximum increase in fixed fee charges for NEW customers is estimated to be $120 per connection point (2013/14 dollars) over a 30 year assessment period. This is an increase of approximately 60% compared with annual fixed charges for residential customers in Wangaratta (currently $197.73). The impact of this option on volumetric charges (currently $2.36 per kL) is more difficult to estimate. The operating cost is approximately $1,000 per ML of Class A treated water feed into the distribution system, which is 70% higher than the current treatment costs ($596 per ML). Therefore, assuming recycled water supplies approximately 25% of Wangaratta’s demand once Stage 2 is complete, volumetric charges may increase by 14% on average. Will these impacts delay the implementation of this option? Price impacts for customers not receiving recycled water may be met with opposition, if they feel they are cross-subsidising recycled water users. Assumptions and uncertainties: The estimated pricing impact is indicative, and will need to be confirmed by NEW. The preliminary estimates are based on the following assumptions: The capital costs plus cost of depreciation are assumed to be recovered through fixed charges, and the operational costs are recovered through volumetric charges Price increases are spread over 47,500 water assessment (i.e. connection) points Straight line depreciation has been applied to new infrastructure, with an assumed design life of 50 years Prices are in 2013/14 dollars, and are compared to 2013/14 tariffs Charges for 20 mm meters in Wangaratta have been used as the basis for estimating the percentage increase in fixed charges Scoring for option – relative to “base case” -3 Final Draft 59 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing 7.4 Technical criteria 7.4.1 Resilience (5% weighting) This assessment compares the ability of each option to supply water during extreme events (e.g. when bushfires affect surface water quality), and increase or decrease supply to match changes in demand. [Table replaced with text for accessibility.] Option 1 (base case) Option description: Business as usual Are there any potential fatal flaws? Wangaratta’s current reliability of supply does not meet NEW’s target of 90% Scoring for option – relative to “base case” 0 Option 2 Option description: Additional groundwater use Are there any potential fatal flaws? No Key impacts/considerations (including legal and regulatory): Groundwater provides a climate independent source of water, and is also unaffected by events which can reduce surface water quality (e.g. bushfire; flood). However, groundwater bores can be unreliable if not used frequently. Will these impacts delay the implementation of this option? No Potential mitigation measures for impacts and implications: Service the bores frequently, and install enough bores to have spare capacity (except in the most extreme climate and demand scenarios). Assumptions and uncertainties: This assessment has assumed groundwater will be used to increase Wangaratta’s reliability of supply to 90%, and not just when restrictions reach Stage 4. Scoring for option – relative to “base case” +4 Option 3 Option description: Enlargement of Lake Buffalo by 10GL Are there any potential fatal flaws? No Key impacts/considerations (including legal and regulatory): Enlarging Lake Buffalo will reduce the frequency of restrictions in Wangaratta because of drought. However, it will not Final Draft 60 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing prevent restrictions attributable to poor water quality in the Ovens River (e.g. following bushfires or floods). Will these impacts delay the implementation of this option? No Potential mitigation measures for impacts and implications: Maintain the current groundwater bores in Wangaratta, so they provide supply during periods of poor water quality in the Ovens River. Assumptions and uncertainties: This assessment has assumed that Lake Buffalo will be converted from a gated to fixed crest storage if enlarged from 24 GL to 34 GL. Scoring for option – relative to “base case” +3 Option 4 Option description: Use of alternative water sources Are there any potential fatal flaws? The demand for recycled water is not enough to achieve 90% reliability of supply in return to dry climate scenarios Key impacts/considerations (including legal and regulatory): Use of recycled instead of potable water may not be appealing to industrial and commercial users if they need to make changes to their water management practices (e.g. installing on-site storage and treatment). Will these impacts delay the implementation of this option? Potentially Potential mitigation measures for impacts and implications: Offer recycled water at a discount to potable water, and engage with potential users early to maximise demand for and acceptance of recycled water use. Assumptions and uncertainties: This assessment assumed that savings made throughout the year from using recycled water can be stored (e.g. in Lake Buffalo), and then released in periods of high demand (i.e. summer). Scoring for option – relative to “base case” +2 7.4.2 Timing and complexity of implementation (5% weighting) This assessment compares the expected time required to implement each option, based on their complexity. [Table replaced with text for accessibility.] Option 1 (base case) Option description: Business as usual Are there any potential fatal flaws? No Scoring for option – relative to “base case” 0 Final Draft 61 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Option 2 Option description: Additional groundwater use Are there any potential fatal flaws? No Key impacts/considerations (including legal and regulatory): This option can be implemented in stages. Depending on siting options for above ground infrastructure, there may be an opportunity to avoid the need to obtain a planning permit, particularly if native vegetation removal can be avoided. Will these impacts delay the implementation of this option? A planning permit may be required; however, the minor nature of any native vegetation removal should limit the time taken for the responsible authority to make a decision. Potential mitigation measures for impacts and implications: Locate new infrastructure to avoid the need to obtain planning permits. Scoring for option – relative to “base case”: -1 Option 3 Option description: Enlargement of Lake Buffalo by 10GL Are there any potential fatal flaws? There is significant risk in relation to obtaining planning approvals (if the native vegetation loss exceeds exemptions in the G-MW Native Vegetation Management Code of Practice). There is no guarantee that a planning permit would be issued, considering there are other options available for increased water supply to Wangaratta. Key impacts/considerations (including legal and regulatory): It will take several years to design and construct an enlarged Lake Buffalo. Compliance with Basin Plan SDLs would also need to be demonstrated. The G-MW Native Vegetation Management Code of Practice identifies where G-MW does not require planning approval, pursuant to Clause 52.17 of the Alpine Planning Scheme. Where the loss of native vegetation is not consistent with the code, then planning permits will be required. Will these impacts delay the implementation of this option? Timeframe associated with obtaining planning approvals (if approved) can be protracted. There would be additional costs associated with preparation of planning permit application documents, specialist reports (ecology assessments etc.). Any decision from the responsible authority may be appealed to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal, which adds time and costs. Potential mitigation measures for impacts and implications: Minimise the loss of native vegetation. This is a key operational element in the Code of Practice. Final Draft 62 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Assumptions and uncertainties: The application of the Code of Practice includes consideration of other options to secure water for Wangaratta, to minimise native vegetation removal. Scoring for option – relative to “base case”: -4 Option 4 Option description: Use of alternative water sources Are there any potential fatal flaws? No Key impacts/considerations (including legal and regulatory): The time required to design and construct this option is expected to be more than option 2 and less than or similar to option 3. Depending on siting options for above ground infrastructure, there may be an opportunity to avoid the need to obtain a planning permit, particularly if native vegetation removal can be avoided. Will these impacts delay the implementation of this option? A planning permit may be required; however, the moderate nature of any native vegetation removal should reduce the time taken for the responsible authority to make a decision. Potential mitigation measures for impacts and implications Locate new infrastructure to avoid the need to obtain planning permits. Assumptions and uncertainties: The application of the Code of Practice includes consideration of other options to secure water for Wangaratta, to minimise native vegetation removal. Scoring for option – relative to “base case”: -2 Final Draft 63 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing 8. Triple bottom line assessment 8.1 Raw scores Table 8.1 summarises the raw (unweighted) scores for each of the options against the criteria included in Section 7. The additional groundwater option received the highest raw score, with the enlargement of Lake Buffalo and then the alternative water use option scoring the same. Table 8.1 : Summary of raw scores for each option against each criteria [Table split for accessibility] Additional The Base Groundwater Enlarge Lake Alternative Case Use (Option Buffalo Water Use Financial (Option 1) 2) (Option 3) (Option 4) Net cost (NPV) 0 -1 -3 -4 Third party impacts 0 0 +1 -1 Additional Environmental Terrestrial flora and fauna impacts Surface water impacts The Base Groundwater Enlarge Lake Alternative Case Use Buffalo Water Use (Option 1) (Option 2) (Option 3) (Option 4) 0 0 -2 -1 0 0 0 0 Additional The Base Groundwater Enlarge Lake Alternative Case Use (Option Buffalo Water Use (Option 1) 2) (Option 3) (Option 4) 0 0 -1 0 Cultural heritage 0 0 -2 -1 Amenity and recreation 0 +2 +3 +1 Local community acceptance 0 +1 +2 +1 Pricing impact 0 -2 -4 -3 Social Reliability for downstream users Final Draft 64 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Additional The Base Groundwater Enlarge Lake Alternative Case Use (Option Buffalo Water Use Technical Criteria (Option 1) 2) (Option 3) (Option 4) Resilience 0 +4 +3 +2 0 -1 -4 -2 Timing and complexity of implementation Additional The Base Groundwater Enlarge Lake Alternative Case Use Buffalo Water Use Total (unweighted) (Option 1) (Option 2) (Option 3) (Option 4) Unweighted Total 0 3 -7 -8 8.2 Weighted scores Table 8.2 summarises the weighted scores for each of the options against the criteria included in Section 7. The highest score an option can receive is +400, and the lowest is 400. Again (excluding the base case), the additional groundwater option received the best score. The enlargement of Lake Buffalo and the alternative water use option scored similarly. Figure 8.1 graphs the total weighted TBL scores for the each option. The base case is not visible because it scores 0. Final Draft 65 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Table 8.2 : Summary of weighted scores for each option against each criteria (Table split for accessibility] Option 1 - The Base Case 7.1 Financial Score Weighted score Net cost (NPV) – Weighting 40 0 0 Third party impacts – Weighting 10 0 0 Total N/A 0 7.2 Environmental Score Weighted score Terrestrial flora and fauna impacts – Weighting 10 0 0 Surface water impacts – Weighting 10 0 0 Total N/A 0 7.3 Social Score Weighted score Reliability for downstream users – Weighting 4 0 0 Cultural heritage – Weighting 4 0 0 Amenity and recreation – Weighting 4 0 0 Local community acceptance – Weighting 4 0 0 Pricing impact – Weighting 4 0 0 Total N/A 0 7.4 Technical Score Weighted score Resilience – Weighting 5 0 0 Timing and complexity of implementation – Weighting 5 0 0 Total N/A 0 Total weighted score out of a total weighting of 100: 0 Option 2 Additional Groundwater Use 7.1 Financial Score Weighted score Net cost (NPV) – Weighting 40 -1 -40 Final Draft 66 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing 7.1 Financial Score Weighted score Third party impacts – Weighting 10 0 0 Total N/A -40 7.2 Environmental Score Weighted score Terrestrial flora and fauna impacts – Weighting 10 0 0 Surface water impacts – Weighting 10 0 0 Total N/A 0 7.3 Social Score Weighted score Reliability for downstream users – Weighting 4 0 0 Cultural heritage – Weighting 4 0 0 Amenity and recreation – Weighting 4 +2 +8 Local community acceptance – Weighting 4 +1 +4 Pricing impact – Weighting 4 -2 -8 Total N/A +4 7.4 Technical Score Weighted score Resilience – Weighting 5 +4 +20 Timing and complexity of implementation – Weighting 5 -1 -5 Total N/A +15 7.1 Financial Score Weighted score Net cost (NPV) – Weighting 40 -3 -120 Third party impacts – Weighting 10 +1 +10 Total N/A -110 Total weighted score out of a total weighting of 100: -21 Option 3 Enlarge Lake Buffalo Final Draft 67 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing 7.2 Environmental Score Weighted score Terrestrial flora and fauna impacts – Weighting 10 -2 -20 Surface water impacts – Weighting 10 0 0 Total N/A -20 7.3 Social Score Weighted score Reliability for downstream users – Weighting 4 -1 -4 Cultural heritage – Weighting 4 -2 -8 Amenity and recreation – Weighting 4 +3 +12 Local community acceptance – Weighting 4 +2 +8 Pricing impact – Weighting 4 -4 -16 Total N/A -8 7.4 Technical Score Weighted score Resilience – Weighting 5 +3 +15 Timing and complexity of implementation – Weighting 5 -4 -20 Total N/A -5 Total weighted score out of a total weighting of 100: -143 Option 4 Alternative Water Use 7.1 Financial Score Weighted score Net cost (NPV) – Weighting 40 -4 -160 Third party impacts – Weighting 10 -1 -10 Total N/A -170 7.2 Environmental Score Weighted score Terrestrial flora and fauna impacts – Weighting 10 -1 -10 Surface water impacts – Weighting 10 0 0 Total N/A -10 Final Draft 68 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing 7.3 Social Score Weighted score Reliability for downstream users – Weighting 4 0 0 Cultural heritage – Weighting 4 -1 -4 Amenity and recreation – Weighting 4 +1 +4 Local community acceptance – Weighting 4 +1 +4 Pricing impact – Weighting 4 -3 -12 Total N/A -8 7.4 Technical Score Weighted score Resilience – Weighting 5 +2 +10 Timing and complexity of implementation – Weighting 5 -2 -10 Total N/A 0 Total weighted score out of a total weighting of 100: -188 Final Draft 69 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Figure 8.1 : Weighted TBL assessment of each option (relative to the base case) The graph illustrates the TBL assessment score for each option. The Base Case (Option 1) has a score of 0; Additional Groundwater Use (Option 2) has a score of minus 21; Enlarge Lake Buffalo (Option 3) has a score of minus 143; and Alternative Water Use (Option 4) has a score of minus 188. 8.3 Sensitivity analysis The Victorian Department of Treasury and Finance (DTF) have a recommended approach to weighting TBL criteria. The options examined in this Water Security for Wangaratta Project fall under the category of ‘revenue generating’ because they involve some financial returns from end users to offset their costs. For such projects, the DTF’s recommended weightings are 50% for financial, 20% for environmental, 20% for social and 10% for technical criteria. To test the sensitivity of the TBL assessment outcome to different weightings, and sensitivity analysis was undertaken. The sensitivity analysis involved varying the weightings to see if this changed the ranking of options. The tests were an: Equal weighting scenario (25% weighting for financial, 25% for environmental, 25% for social and 25% for technical criteria) Social weighted scenario (20% weighting for financial, 20% for environmental, 50% for social and 10% for technical criteria) Environmental weighted scenario (20% for financial, 50% for environmental, 20% for social and 10% for technical criteria) Non-financial weighted scenario (0% for financial, 40% for environmental, 40% for social and 10% for technical criteria) The results of the sensitivity analysis are show in Figure 8.2 to Figure 8.5. In each test, the additional groundwater use option scored better than the enlarging Lake Buffalo and alternative water use options. Final Draft 70 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Figure 8.2 : Sensitivity analysis – equal weighting scenario The graph illustrates the sensitivity of the TBL assessment outcome for each option in an equal weighting scenario (25/25/25/25). The Base Case (Option 1) has a score of 0; Additional Groundwater Use (Option 2) has a score of between 20 and 25; Enlarge Lake Buffalo (Option 3) has a score between minus 90 and minus 100; and Alternative Water Use (Option 4) has a score between minus 100 and minus 110. Figure 8.3 : Sensitivity analysis – environmental scenario The graph illustrates the sensitivity of the TBL assessment outcome for each option in an environmental weighted scenario (20% for financial, 50% for environmental, 20% for social and 10% for technical criteria). The Base Case (Option 1) has a score of 0; Additional Groundwater Use (Option 2) has a score of between 0 and 5; Enlarge Lake Buffalo (Option 3) has a score between minus 100 and minus 110; and Alternative Water Use (Option 4) has a score between minus 100 and minus 105. Figure 8.4 : Sensitivity analysis – social scenario The graph illustrates the sensitivity of the TBL assessment outcome for each option in in a social weighted scenario (20% weighting for financial, 20% for environmental, 50% for social and 10% for technical criteria). The Base Case (Option 1) has a score of 0; Additional Groundwater Use (Option 2) has a score of between 0 and 10; Enlarge Lake Buffalo (Option 3) has a score between minus 80 and minus 85; and Alternative Water Use (Option 4) has a score between minus 90 and minus 100. Figure 8.5 : Sensitivity analysis – non-financial scenario The graph illustrates the non-financial TBL assessment score for each option, excluding financial criteria. The Base Case (Option 1) has a score of 0; Additional Groundwater Use (Option 2) has a score of between 35 and 40; Enlarge Lake Buffalo (Option 3) has a score of between minus 60 and minus 70; and Alternative Water Use (Option 4) has a score of between minus 35 and minus 40. Final Draft 71 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing 8.4 Discussion The TBL assessment of each option shows that, based on the adopted criteria and assessment of impacts, additional groundwater use is the highest ranking option. Enlarging Lake Buffalo and alternative water use have similar, but much lower TBL scores. The ranking of additional groundwater use as the best option was not sensitive to the weighting of each criterion. The net cost drives much of the difference between the options for the weighted TBL score (Figure 8.1). However, even under the non-financial sensitivity test (Figure 8.5) groundwater was the highest ranked option. For example, additional groundwater use scored highest on the resilience criterion, because it is a climate independent source of water, and it is not affected by events which may reduce surface water quality (e.g. bushfires and floods). Enlarging Lake Buffalo scored the lowest totals on the environmental and technical criteria, and similarly to the alternative water use option on the social criteria. The large scale of capital investment required to deliver the project was somewhat off-set by the expected third party benefits to irrigators. However the complexity of the works, their impact on terrestrial flora and fauna, and the anticipated price impact for irrigators also contributed to the low TBL score. The large cost of capital works for the alternative water use option also contributed to its relatively low score compared with groundwater. To achieve 90% reliability of supply for Wangaratta under this option, potential users of recycled water will also need to be given incentives to switch over from their current potable water supply. Final Draft 72 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing 9. Conclusions In this project, three options for improving Wangaratta’s reliability of supply were evaluated: The use of groundwater as a regular supplement to surface water supplies The enlargement of Lake Buffalo by 10 GL (from 24 GL to 34 GL) The use of alternative water sources To do this, concept designs of the three options were completed, and their costs, benefits and impacts were compared using a triple bottom line (TBL) assessment. The use of additional groundwater was assessed as the option most likely to improve water security for Wangaratta, and provide the best value for money with the least negative impacts. Final Draft 73 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing 10. References Australian National Committee on Large Dams (ANCOLD), (2012), Guidelines on the Consequence Categories for Dams, October 2012 Department of Water Resources (DWR) (1992), State Water Resources Plan: New Source Development, Potential Water Storage Sites in Northern Victoria Goulburn-Murray Water (G-MW), (2014), Lake Buffalo Land and On-Water Management Plan, 2014 Moran, R. and Sharples, J. (2011), Guidelines for the Development of a Water Supply Demand Strategy, Published by the Victorian Government Department of Sustainability and Environment, Melbourne, August 2011 North East Water (NEW), (2012), Water Supply Demand Strategy RMCG, (2013), Wangaratta and District Water Demands, Report prepared for the Department of Environment and Primary Industries, September 2013 SKM, (2008), Hydrological Modelling to Assess the Impact of Enlarging Lake Buffalo, Report prepared for the Department of Sustainability and Environment, 2008 SKM, (2011), Buffalo Hydrology Review, Dambreak Analysis and Consequence Assessment, Report prepared for Goulburn-Murray Water, June 2011 SKM, (2013), Ovens River REALM Model, Input Data and Model Update, Report prepared for the Department of Environment and Primary Industries and Goulburn-Murray Water, September 2013 SKM, (2014), Water Security for Wangaratta Urban and Industrial Water Reliability, Technical Report, Report prepared for the Department of Environment and Primary Industries, January 2014 URS, (2003), Lake Buffalo Interim Upgrade Design, Design Report, Volume 1: Main Report, Report prepared for Goulburn-Murray Water, August 2003 Final Draft 74 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Important note about your report The sole purpose of this report and the associated services performed by Jacobs is to undertake an options evaluation and indicative costing for three options for increasing water security for Wangaratta, in accordance with the scope of services set out in the contract between Jacobs and the Client. That scope of services, as described in this report, was developed with the Client. In preparing this report, Jacobs has relied upon, and presumed accurate, any information (or confirmation of the absence thereof) provided by the Client and/or from other sources. Except as otherwise stated in the report, Jacobs has not attempted to verify the accuracy or completeness of any such information. If the information is subsequently determined to be false, inaccurate or incomplete then it is possible that our observations and conclusions as expressed in this report may change. Jacobs derived the data in this report from information sourced from the Client (if any) and/or available in the public domain at the time or times outlined in this report. The passage of time, manifestation of latent conditions or impacts of future events may require further examination of the project and subsequent data analysis, and re-evaluation of the data, findings, observations and conclusions expressed in this report. Jacobs has prepared this report in accordance with the usual care and thoroughness of the consulting profession, for the sole purpose described above and by reference to applicable standards, guidelines, procedures and practices at the date of issue of this report. For the reasons outlined above, however, no other warranty or guarantee, whether expressed or implied, is made as to the data, observations and findings expressed in this report, to the extent permitted by law. This report should be read in full and no excerpts are to be taken as representative of the findings. No responsibility is accepted by Jacobs for use of any part of this report in any other context. This report has been prepared on behalf of, and for the exclusive use of, Jacobs’s Client, and is subject to, and issued in accordance with, the provisions of the contract between Jacobs and the Client. Jacobs accepts no liability or responsibility whatsoever for, or in respect of, any use of, or reliance upon, this report by any third party. Final Draft 75 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Appendix A. Groundwater resource investigation A.1 Regional geology Geological mapping (GSV, 1981) shows that on a regional scale, Wangaratta consists of mid to late Palaeozoic bedrock overlain by Tertiary and Quaternary ages sediments. As described by SKM (2007a), around Wangaratta the Tertiary and Quaternary sediments are contained within a broad river valley incised into the Palaeozoic bedrock. Two northerly oriented faults have resulted in a downthrown block which forms the valley floor (graben). The maximum thickness of these sediments in the vicinity of Wangaratta is approximately 120 m. Further to the south, the elevation of the basement increases towards the highlands and the broad floodplain around Wangaratta narrows into the King and Ovens River valleys where the rivers transect the margins of the graben. With the increasing elevation to the south the bedrock approaches the surface to eventually outcrop in the mountains, and the river valleys become increasingly narrow and steep-sided. Accordingly, the sediments within the valleys become thinner and narrower towards the mountainous region to the south. A.2 Local geology The geology of Wangaratta can be summarised into two groups – consolidated units and unconsolidated units (SKM, 2007a). The unconsolidated units are primarily alluvial sediments deposited in valleys that have been incised into the consolidated regional bedrock. These two groups are described in more detail below: Consolidated units The regional bedrock is comprised of the following geological units (SKM, 2007a): Ordovician sandstone, shale and mudstone. Devonian granite. Carboniferous sandstone and cross-bedded mudstone. Permian sandstone and conglomerate. Unconsolidated units Geological mapping (VandenBerg 1997) indicates that Wangaratta is directly underlain by: Quaternary Coonambidgal Formation, comprised of clay, sand and sandy clay directly related to the course of Ovens River. Final Draft 76 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Quaternary Shepparton Formation, comprised of fluvial silt, sand and minor gravel. Underlying the Coonambidgal Formation and Shepparton Formation is the Tertiary Calivil Formation, also referred to as the Deep Lead. The Calivil Formation is the deepest and oldest alluvial formation and is primarily comprised of sand and gravel (G-MW, 2012). A.3 Hydrogeology Regional hydrogeology of the Lower Ovens Groundwater Management Area (GMA) is summarised in Figure A.1. Locally, the hydrogeology of the Wangaratta area can be summarised as: The Shepparton Formation Aquifer – a major aquifer for the area, extending from the surface to depths of up to 70 m. The Upper Tertiary Aquitard – semi-confining clay layer that occurs at the base of the Shepparton Formation and which slows the groundwater interaction between the Shepparton Formation Aquifer and the deeper Calivil Formation Aquifer. Regionally, this layer is thin and typically non-continuous, but locally is known to increase in thickness north of Wangaratta. The Calivil Formation Aquifer – a high yielding aquifer of good quality water. Bedrock Aquifer – provides an extensive aquifer system, but due to low yields and transmissivity, it is secondary compared to the overlying unconsolidated sediments. Groundwater quality in the bedrock aquifer is typically good (below 90 milligrams per litre total dissolved solids (mg/L TDS) (SKM, 2007a). Figure A.2 shows the hydrogeological conceptual model of the Wangaratta area. The unconsolidated units (Shepparton Formation and Calivil Formation) represent major aquifers in the area and are used extensively (SKM, 2004). Regionally, these aquifers are often well connected and are usually treated as a single aquifer system (SKM, 2007a). Locally, however, the Calivil Formation Aquifer north of Wangaratta is poorly connected to shallow aquifers and surface water due to the Upper Tertiary Aquitard separating it from the overlying Shepparton Formation Aquifer (SKM, 2006). Due to this poor connectivity, the lag period between changes observed in deep groundwater levels and potential changes in shallow groundwater or surface water resources is in the order of months to years (G-MW, 2012). Final Draft 77 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Water quality in these unconsolidated aquifers is generally less than 300 mg./L Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) and becomes fresher closer towards the Ovens River due to recharge from the river. Groundwater within the Shepparton Formation Aquifer tends to be more saline than that in the Calivil Formation Aquifer (G-MW, 2012). Groundwater from the Calivil Formation Aquifer is known to exceed Australian Drinking Water Guidelines for iron, manganese and arsenic (SKM, 2004). Recharge to the Shepparton and Calivil Formations aquifers is predominantly through rainfall infiltration, with a smaller component from river and surface water interaction (SKM, 2004). Groundwater levels are generally intersected within 10 m of the natural surface. Regionally groundwater flows northwards towards the Murray River and discharges to the Murray Trench. Figure A.1 : Hydrogeological conceptual diagram of the Lower Ovens GMA (G-MW, 2012). This diagram shows the geological layers and location of the aquifer of the Lower Ovens Groundwater Management Area and how the aquifers interlink with surface water. Wangaratta lies within the Ovens Plain Zone which is described as being poorly connected to surface water with Longer Lag period and currently low extraction. Figure A.2 : Hydrogeological conceptual model of the Wangaratta area, based on data available at Faithfull Street (SKM, 2007a) This diagram shows the location of the Calivil Formation Deep Lead Aquifer and its hydrogeological links to the surface. The sediments of the Shepparton and Calivil Formations aquifers can be quite coarse and bore yields are typically between 1 – 50 L/s, with yields increasing with the thickness of the intersected unit (SKM, 2004). Highest yielding areas are immediately east of the Ovens River and south of the confluence between the Ovens and King Rivers. Yields decrease rapidly away from the River as the aquifer as the bedrock rises in the south (SKM, 2007a). A summary of the aquifer and aquitard characteristics local to Wangaratta are shown in Table A.1. Final Draft 78 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Table A.1 : Hydrogeological parameters [Table split for accessibility] Aquifer parameters - Shepparton Formation Transmissivity 5 – 66 m2/day (Tickell, 1978) 2000 m2/day in wider Murray Groundwater Basin (Nahm, 1985) Storativity - Hydraulic conductivity 0.5 – 6 m/day (Shugg, 1987) Model Unconfined Thickness 40 m (SKM, 2007a) Aquifer parameters - Aquitard Transmissivity - Storativity - Hydraulic conductivity 0.001 m/day Model Aquitard Thickness 45 m (SKM, 2007a) Aquifer parameters - Calivil Formation Transmissivity 550 - 620 m2/day (SKM, 2004) 190 m2/day (SKM, 2007a) 140 m2/day (SKM, 2007b) 428 m2/day (SKM, 2007d) Storativity 0.0015 (SKM, 2004) 0.0019 (SKM, 2007d) Hydraulic conductivity 10 – 60 m/day (Shugg, 1987) Model Confined (SKM, 2004) Thickness 35 m (SKM, 2007a) A.4 Groundwater management areas Wangaratta occurs within the Lower Ovens GMA. The groundwater resources of the Lower Ovens GMA are managed through the conditions included in the Local Management Plan. The GMA considers all major aquifers in this region, including the Calivil Formation (Deep Lead) Aqufier, the Shepparton Formation Aquifer, the overlying Coonambidigal Formation Aquifer and the Bedrock Aquifer. To ensure management of all aquifers, no depth limit has Final Draft 79 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing been specified for the GMA. The GMA includes the following management zones that intersect the Wangaratta area (G-MW, 2012): Mid Ovens Zone (which includes the narrow alluvial aquifers in the mid Ovens south of Wangaratta) Ovens Plain Zone (which includes the floodplain north of Wangaratta to north of Peechelba) Bedrock Zone (which includes the bedrock aquifer across the entire Lower Ovens GMA) Groundwater extraction in the Lower Ovens GMA is currently capped through the declaration of the Permissible Consumptive Volume (PCV). The PCV is currently set at 25,200 ML/a (GMW, 2012). The allocation for 2013/14 was 100% for all areas (G-MW, 2014). In the Ovens Plain Zone, there is a 2 km buffer zone adjacent to the Ovens River which caps the amount of licence entitlement in the Shepparton Formation in this zone. Development of the Deep Lead aquifer in the Ovens Plain Zone is permissible as extraction from the aquifer is known to have a significantly reduced impact on surface water flows when compared with a similar volume extracted from the Shepparton Formation (G-MW, 2012). Groundwater entitlement in the Calivil Formation Aquifer within the Ovens Plain Zone makes up just 4% of the total licence entitlement volume in the Lower Ovens GMA. Currently, the Calivil Formation Aquifer is relatively underdeveloped and there is opportunity for increased development from this Aquifer (G-MW, 2012). A.5 Existing supply bores There are currently three groundwater bores with capacity for town water supply in Wangaratta. The location of the existing bores is shown on Figure 3.1. Each of the bores is described below. Kerr Street No. 1 An emergency relief bore was drilled, constructed, developed and tested at Kerr Street in 2003. The bore was constructed to a depth of 91 m with mild steel casing and stainless steel screens. The Calivil Formation Aquifer was screened at intervals of 56.5 – 64.5 m and 79 – 84.5 m. The testing results indicated that the bore is capable of yields in excess of 85 L/s, however these higher yields exceed the recommended transmission capacity of the screens. Final Draft 80 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing As such, the pumping rate utilised was recommended to remain below 85 L/s (SKM, 2004). The results of the SKM (2004) pumping test analysis are provided in A.12, which includes the predicted drawdown and available yield. The mild steel/stainless steel interface at the top of the screens may be susceptible to accelerated galvanic corrosion, and this section will need to be checked by CCTV inspection every two years from 2015. This is because the bore has been operated intermittently to date, and therefore there are no trends to analyse in flow rates, drawdown levels or water quality data to determine whether there are potential issues with the casing integrity. Kerr Street No. 2 A second drought relief bore was drilled (WRK013103), constructed and tested at Kerr Street in April 2007. The bore was constructed using Class 12 uPVC with wire-wound stainless steel screens (apertures ranging from 0.5 – 1.2 mm) to a depth of 127 m. Screened intervals corresponded with gravel and sand layers of the Calivil Formation Aquifer at 56 – 64 m and 122 – 125 m. A sustainable pumping rate of approximately 60 L/s was obtained for the bore for 30 consecutive days of pumping. SKM (2007d) noted that the rate could be increased in the short term, or if cyclical pumping was carried out where periods of recovery would be allowed for between periods of pumping. The results of the SKM (2007) pumping test analysis are provided in A.13, which includes predicted drawdown and available yield. An assessment of the effect of simultaneous pumping of the Kerr Street No. 1 and Kerr Street No. 2 bores on yields was undertaken and showed that pumping both bores at their maximum capacities for a period of 90 days would result in drawdowns of approximately half their available drawdown (SKM, 2007d). Faithfull Street A drought relief bore was drilled, constructed and tested at Faithfull Street in March 2007. The bore was constructed with 225 mm dia. Class 12 uPVC and 250 mm dia. stainless steel wire-wound screens (apertures of 1.2 and 1.0 mm) to a depth of 122.15 m. The bore was screened in the Calivil Formation Aquifer at 89.5 – 95.1 m and 117.1 – 120.1 m. A sustainable pumping rate of approximately 33 L/s was obtained for the bore for 30 consecutive days of pumping. SKM (2007b) noted that the rate could be increased in the Final Draft 81 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing short term, or if cyclical pumping was carried out where periods of recovery would be allowed for between periods of pumping. The results of the SKM (2004) pumping test analysis are provided in Section A.14, which includes the predicted drawdown and available yield. Licences Wangaratta currently holds licences to access 665 ML of groundwater annually (NEW, 2012): Licence 7079206 provides access to 415 ML annually from the two Kerr Street bores (combined), at a maximum extraction rate of 3 ML/day each bore. This entitlement is used intermittently for contingency purposes. Licence 8032870 provides access to 200 ML annually from the Faithfull Street bore, at a maximum extraction rate of 2.6 ML/day. Two observation bores located nearby are used to monitor groundwater levels as part of the licence conditions for the Faithfull Street production bore. This entitlement is yet to be used, but is available if required. Licence 881228 provides access to 50 ML annually for the irrigation bore in Anker Road, at a maximum extraction rate of 10 ML/day. There is currently no infrastructure connected to this bore, but the entitlement can be traded to other Wangaratta bores if required. The sustainable yield determined from previous pumping tests and current extraction licence for each bore is summarised in Table A.2. As the turf irrigation bore is not connected to the supply network, the current capacity of the existing Wangaratta groundwater bore supply network is 615 ML/year (maximum of 8.6 ML/day). Table A.2 : Summary of current Wangaratta supply bore capacity, based on current licence volume [Table split for accessibility] Kerr Street No. 1 Capable of > 85 L/s (SKM, 2004) Reported sustainable yield However, 40 L/s for 30 consecutive days has been deemed the sustainable pumping rate due to screen design and installation of the nearby Kerr Street No. 2 – combined operation should not exceed 85 L/s (SKM, 2007d) Maximum licence 415 extraction (ML/year) From two Kerr Street bores (combined). Final Draft 82 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Maximum licence extraction (ML/day) 3.0 An assessment of the effect of simultaneous pumping of Kerr St No. 1 and Kerr St No. 2 on yields was undertaken and showed Issues that pumping both bores at their maximum capacities (40 and 60 L/s) for a period of 90 days would result in drawdowns of approximately half their available drawdown – 22 m at Kerr St No. 2 and 18 m at Kerr St No. 1 (SKM, 2007d). Kerr Street No. 2 Reported 60 L/s for 30 consecutive days of pumping (higher rates sustainable yield achievable for short-term cyclic pumping) (SKM, 2007d) Maximum licence 415 extraction (ML/year) From two Kerr Street bores (combined). Maximum licence extraction (ML/day) 3.0 An assessment of the effect of simultaneous pumping of Kerr St No. 1 and Kerr St No. 2 on yields was undertaken and showed Issues that pumping both bores at their maximum capacities (40 and 60 L/s) for a period of 90 days would result in drawdowns of approximately half their available drawdown – 22 m at Kerr St No. 2 and 18 m at Kerr St No. 1 (SKM, 2007d). Faithfull Street Reported 30 L/s for 30 consecutive days of pumping (higher rates sustainable yield achievable for short-term cyclic pumping) (SKM, 2007b) Maximum licence extraction (ML/year) Maximum licence extraction (ML/day) Issues Final Draft 200 2.6 Close proximity to the Ovens River will require ongoing monitoring to ensure that there is no impact as a result of pumping. 83 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Total Maximum licence extraction (ML/year) 615 Maximum licence extraction (ML/day) 8.6 A.6 Groundwater demand In phase one of the Water Security for Wangaratta project, an investigation was undertaken to determine the volume of groundwater required to offset the reduction in supply to Wangaratta caused by surface water restrictions. This was done by calculating the difference between unrestricted and supplied demand for Wangaratta for each of the climate and demand scenarios investigated. From this, the volume of groundwater required to increase Wangaratta’s reliability of supply to 90% was estimated (Table A.3). Table A.3 : Groundwater volumes required to increase Wangaratta’s reliability of supply to 90% reliability Number of years to be Scenario Climate Demand offset (i.e. number of Maximum volume years groundwater use required within those required to get 90% years reliability) Bas1 Historic Return to Bas2 dry 2060 Bas3 median Bas4 Historic Return to Bas5 dry 2060 Bas6 A.7 median Current 3 107 ML/year; 4.5 ML/d Current 47 767 ML/year; 9.4 ML/d Current 12 417 ML/year; 7.6 ML/d Future 4 133 ML/year; 8.5 ML/d Future 53 963 ML/year; 12.4 ML/d Future 13 513 ML/year; 12.2 ML/d Existing licensed capacity for augmentation To determine whether the existing bores and associated licences would be sufficient to augment water supply in Wangaratta, current entitlements (Table A.2) were compared to the demand requirements (Table A.3) to determine the potential for augmentation with the existing supply network. A summary of the findings is provided in Table A.4. In summary, current supply from available groundwater bores is insufficient to meet the return to dry Final Draft 84 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing scenario currently (Bas2) or in the future (Bas5) and as such, additional groundwater would be required. The 2060 median scenario (Bas6) annual demand can be met with existing supply bores, however peak daily demand cannot be met and as such an additional supply bore may also be required for this scenario. Table A.4 : Demand volume compared to available groundwater supply Maximum volume Scenario Climate Demand required within Met with existing licence volume? those years Bas1 Historic Return to Bas2 dry 2060 Bas3 median Bas4 Historic Return to Bas5 dry 2060 Bas6 median Current Current Current Future Future Future 107 ML/year; 4.5 Yes, 615 ML/year / 8.6 ML/day ML/d available. 767 ML/year; 9.4 No – additional groundwater supply ML/d required. 417 ML/year; 7.6 Yes, 615 ML/year / 8.6 ML/day ML/d available. 133 ML/year; 8.5 Yes, 615 ML/year / 8.6 ML/day ML/d available. 963 ML/year; 12.4 No – additional groundwater supply ML/d required. 513 ML/year; 12.2 ML/d A.8 Existing bore capability A.8.1 Kerr Street 615 ML/year available, but peak daily demand cannot be met. Additional supply bore required. The following is a summary of information on the capability of the Kerr Street No. 1 bore (SKM, 2004): Available drawdown in 2003 was approximately 41.5 m, which included a 10% safety factor for seasonal variation and interference with neighbouring users. During the constant rate test (22 May 2003), 17.6 m of drawdown was observed after pumping for 24 hours at 47.5 L/s. Water level recovery was rapid, with 80% recovery experienced within 20 minutes following the end of the step-test. Final Draft 85 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing The results of the 2003 pumping test indicated that the bore was capable of yields in excess of 85 L/s. The transmittance capacity of the bore screens was rated to 85 L/s. The bore could be pumped at higher rates, however this would likely lead to increased groundwater entrance velocities which would in turn cause fine sediments to be dragged into the bore thereby decreasing bore efficiency, increasing drawdown and potentially causing screen collapse and / or damage. The 200 mm diameter casing enables the installation of a 150 mm (6”) submersible or vertical shaft turbine. A standard 6” electronic submersible (Grundfos SP95) is capable of yields up to 35 – 40 L/s, or a 6” turbine (Thompson & Lewis 140 HC) may achieve 40 – 50 L/s. Larger capacity pumps cannot be installed owing to their physical size. The following is a summary of Kerr Street No. 2 bore (SKM, 2007d): Available drawdown in 2007 was approximately 41.0 m, which includes 2 m safety of seasonal variation and a 10% safety factor for interference with neighbouring users. During the constant rate test (8 June 2007), 31.2 m of drawdown was observed after pumping for 14 days at 47.6 L/s. Water level recovery was rapid, with 92% recovery experienced within 24 hours following the end of the constant rate test. The results of the 2007 pumping test indicated that the bore was capable of 60 L/s for 30 days continuously without exceeding available drawdown. The transmittance capacity of the bore screens was rated at 60 L/s. Since the Kerr Street No. 1 and No. 2 bores are on the same site, their capacity to operate together should be assessed. Two bores that are pumped within close vicinity will exhibit a cumulative impact, meaning that drawdown will be greater in both bores operating together than if they were operating alone. SKM completed an assessment in 2007 to determine the effect of simultaneous pumping at the Kerr Street No. 1 and No. 2 bores and to establish combined sustainable pumping rates. The assessment involved calibrating the drawdown curve to the observed data in the monitoring bore during the testing of the Kerr Street No. 2 bore, then simulating the simultaneous pumping of both bores at a range of pumping rates and finally determining the drawdown in both pumping bores over a range of timescales. The assessment considered pumping rates of 20, 30 and 40 L/s in the Kerr Street No. 1 bore, and Final Draft 86 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing 30, 50 and 60 L/s in the Kerr Street No. 2 bore. The simulated drawdowns from simultaneous pumping are shown in Table A.5. Table A.5 : Simulated drawdown of simultaneous pumping (SKM, 2007d) where T = 500 m2/day and S = 0.0016 [Table image reproduced and content split for accessibility] 1 day Bore Discharge Rate Drawdown Drawdown m % Bore 2 60L/s 16 38 Bore 1 40L/s 12 30 Bore 2 50L/s 13 32 Bore 2 30L/s 10 25 Bore 2 30L/s 10 25 Bore 1 20L/s 7 16 Discharge Rate Drawdown Drawdown m % 7 days Bore Bore 2 60L/s 18 45 Bore 1 40L/s 15 36 Bore 2 50L/s 15 37 Bore 2 30L/s 12 28 Bore 2 30L/s 12 29 Bore 1 20L/s 8 20 Discharge Rate Drawdown Drawdown m % 30 days Bore Bore 2 60L/s 20 50 Bore 1 40L/s 17 41 Bore 2 50L/s 17 41 Bore 2 30L/s 13 32 Bore 2 30L/s 13 32 Bore 1 20L/s 10 23 Final Draft 87 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing 90 days Bore Discharge Rate Drawdown Drawdown m % Bore 2 60L/s 22 53 Bore 1 40L/s 18 47 Bore 2 50L/s 18 44 Bore 2 30L/s 14 35 Bore 2 30L/s 14 34 Bore 1 20L/s 10 25 In summary, previous work completed by SKM (2004 and 2007d) indicates that: Maximum yield of the Kerr Street No. 1 bore is 40 L/s, based on limitations of screen specification and casing diameter (therefore, pump availability). Maximum yield of the Kerr Street No. 2 bore is 60 L/s, based on available drawdown. The bores can be pumped for up to 30 days consecutively. A.8.2 Faithfull Street The following is a summary of information on the Faithfull Street bore (SKM, 2007b): The available drawdown in 2007 was 46 m, which accounts for standing water level, depth to screen, seasonal changes and interference with other users. The constant rate test (23 May 2007) could not be completed at the planned pumping rate due to rapid drawdown, consequently the constant test pumping rate was reduced. After 4 hours of pumping at 37.1 L/s and 14 days of pumping at 29.1 L/s, the cumulative drawdown was 36.7 m. Water level recovery was rapid, with 100% recovery experienced with over 30 m of recovery within first 5 min following the end of the constant rate test. The results of the 2007 pumping test indicated that the bore was capable of 33 L/s for 30 consecutive days of pumping. The sustainable yield of the bore for longer pumping periods (7 – 365 days consecutively) was predicted to be 30 L/s. Final Draft 88 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing A yield of 40 L/s was tested as part of the pumping test, but was found to have a rapid rate of drawdown, compared to 30 L/s, which provided stabilised drawdown results (Figure A.4 and Figure A.5 in A.14). A.8.3 Recommended pumping regime for water supply augmentation – maximum daily operation In order to augment Wangaratta water supply, the maximum possible daily operation from existing bores has been assessed using results from previous studies. As a worst case scenario, it was assumed that the bores would be required to operate at full capacity, daily and continuously. A daily period of recovery is therefore required. On this basis, assuming continuous daily use is required to augment Wangaratta, a 16 hour per day pumping period followed by an 8 hour recovery period is recommended. The resulting cumulative daily extraction will be 7.7 ML per day (Table A.6). Table A.6 : Existing bore capability Bore Pumping duration Discharge rate (L/s) (hours per day) Daily extraction (ML) Kerr Street No. 1 16 40 2.3 Kerr Street No. 2 16 60 3.5 Faithfull Street 16 33 1.9 Total daily extraction is 7.7 ML. NB: Current licence for Kerr Street No. 1 and No. 2 is 3 ML per day respectively, with a maximum annual extraction of 415 ML cumulatively. The daily extraction can be increased by extending the pumping period beyond 16 hours or increasing the pumping rate; however, modelling of cyclic pumping to determine minimum required daily recovery periods and extent of the boundary conditions would need to be completed in order to make an informed decision on a sustainable pumping regime. It should be noted that if a pumping schedule does not provide for full recovery, there will be a progressive and incremental decline in water level and therefore available drawdown. The amount of increment and the extent of its occurrence with time will depend upon the recovery capacity of the bore. Indications from the pumping tests are that recovery is relatively rapid, however the time required for recovery would be expected to increase as the overall volume of water extracted increases. Final Draft 89 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing The proposed daily extraction regime exceeds the existing licence for the Kerr Street No. 2 bore; however across the bores the proposed daily extraction total is less than the licensed volume (Table A.7). It is recommended that the G-MW extraction licences are amended to allow for the proposed daily extraction. Table A.7 : Proposed daily extraction against current licensed daily extraction Bore Maximum licensed extraction (ML/day) Proposed daily extraction (ML/day) Kerr Street No. 1 3.0 2.3 Kerr Street No. 2 3.0 3.5 Faithfull Street 2.6 1.9 Total 8.6 7.7 A.9 Capacity for additional bores The comparison between sustainable yield and current licensed entitlement with the water supply demand requirements in Section A.7 highlighted the requirement for up to two additional groundwater bores. The likelihood of obtaining additional groundwater supply bores has been considered below. As described in Section A.3, the two major aquifer systems are the Shepparton Formation Aquifer and the Calivil Formation Aqufier. These two aquifers are widely present across Wangaratta. Currently, the Calivil Formation Aquifer is underdeveloped in the Ovens Plain Zone. Moreover in north Wangaratta, the presence of the Upper Tertiary Aquitard limits interaction between the Shepparton Formation Aquifer and the Calivil Formation Aquifer and hence would limit the impact of extraction from the Calivil Formation Aquifer on surrounding users that are typically intersecting the overlying Shepparton Formation Aquifer. Given the above points and the acceptable groundwater quality and yield from this Aquifer, the Calivil Formation Aquifer would therefore be a suitable target for additional groundwater supply bores. A.9.1 Bore location North East Water (NEW) has indicated that from an infrastructure point of view: An ideal location for the first additional bore would be Phillipson Street. Close to Faithfull Street or Kerr Street (e.g. Cruse Street) would be ideal for the second new supply bore. Final Draft 90 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Appendix B shows potential locations for the second new supply bore (a location near Phillipson Street was also considered but was not investigated further). As bore interference is a major factor in determining a suitable location for additional bores, a simple analytical model was used to predict cumulative drawdown at the bore sites. The analytical model was based on the Theis non-steady state radial flow solution (Theis, 1935) and the principle of superposition. The model assumed that the aquifer is confined, homogenous (the system is uniform) and isotropic (hydraulic properties of the aquifer are the same in all directions). The model predicted cumulative drawdown under four scenarios: Existing bores pumping Existing bores pumping, plus Phillipson Street pumping Existing bores pumping, plus Phillipson Street and Faithfull Street (new) pumping Existing bores pumping, plus Phillipson Street and Cruse Street (near Kerr Street) pumping Inputs to the analytical model are shown in Table A.8. The model was run with two flow rates for the new bores, based on the minimum and maximum flow rates proposed for the existing bores. Table A.8 : Analytical model inputs Bore name Location (Zone 55) Distance from Flow Available Kerr Street No. 2 rate drawdown (m) (L/s) (m) Kerr Street No. 2 E 437069 N 5975824 0 60 41 Kerr Street No. 1 E 436951 N 5975835 118 40 45 Faithfull Street E 439856 N 5976496 2,867 33 46 Phillipson Street E 437948 N 5978538 2,853 33 – 60 NA Faithfull Street E 440032 N 5976038 2,971 33 – 60 NA E 436700 N 5976120 473 33 – 60 NA (new) Cruse Street (near Kerr St) NB: Flow rates shown in brackets was input into Model 2 and Model 3 – assumed to be the same as Faithfull Street T = 500 m2/day, S = 0.0016 Final Draft 91 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Cumulative drawdown was predicted over a range of continuous pumping periods. The results of the four models are shown in Table A.9 to Table A.15. The results show that ongoing, continuous pumping from all bores will result in a cone of depression that will affect the available drawdown for neighbouring bores. None of the scenarios investigated exceeded available drawdown, indicating that the suggested locations for new bore sites may be suitable. The level of uncertainty regarding the predicted drawdown is proportional to the assumptions of the model and the assumed aquifer characteristics of the new sites. Table A.9 : Results of Model 1 – bores turned on are highlighted blue [Table split and colour removed for accessibility] 1 day Bore name Total drawdown % of available (m) drawdown Kerr Street No. 2 (turned on) 16 38% Kerr Street No. 1 (turned on) 12 30% Faithfull Street (turned on) 7 16% Phillipson Street 0 NA Faithfull Street (new) 1 NA Cruse Street (near Kerr St) 2 NA Total drawdown % of available (m) drawdown Kerr Street No. 2 (turned on) 19 45% Kerr Street No. 1 (turned on) 15 36% Faithfull Street (turned on) 9 19% Phillipson Street 0 NA Faithfull Street (new) 2 NA Cruse Street (near Kerr St) 5 NA Total drawdown % of available (m) drawdown 21 51% 7 days Bore name 30 days Bore name Kerr Street No. 2 (turned on) Final Draft 92 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Bore name Total drawdown % of available (m) drawdown Kerr Street No. 1 (turned on) 17 42% Faithfull Street (turned on) 11 23% Phillipson Street 2 NA Faithfull Street (new) 3 NA Cruse Street (near Kerr St) 7 NA Total drawdown % of available (m) drawdown Kerr Street No. 2 (turned on) 23 56% Kerr Street No. 1 (turned on) 19 47% Faithfull Street (turned on) 12 27% Phillipson Street 4 NA Faithfull Street (new) 5 NA Cruse Street (near Kerr St) 9 NA Total drawdown % of available (m) drawdown Kerr Street No. 2 (turned on) 25 62% Kerr Street No. 1 (turned on) 22 53% Faithfull Street (turned on) 15 32% Phillipson Street 6 NA Faithfull Street (new) 8 NA Cruse Street (near Kerr St) 11 NA 90 days Bore name 365 days Bore name Table A.10 : Results of Model 2 – bores turned on are highlighted blue; 33 L/s for Phllipson Street [Table adapted and colour removed for accessibility] 1 day Bore name Kerr Street No. 2 (turned on) Final Draft Total drawdown % of available (m) drawdown 16 38% 93 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Bore name Total drawdown % of available (m) drawdown Kerr Street No. 1 (turned on) 12 30% Faithfull Street (turned on) 7 16% Phillipson Street (turned on) 7 NA Faithfull Street (new) 1 NA Cruse Street (near Kerr St) 2 NA Total drawdown % of available (m) drawdown Kerr Street No. 2 (turned on) 19 45% Kerr Street No. 1 (turned on) 15 37% Faithfull Street (turned on) 9 19% Phillipson Street (turned on) 9 NA Faithfull Street (new) 2 NA Cruse Street (near Kerr St) 5 NA Total drawdown % of available (m) drawdown Kerr Street No. 2 (turned on) 21 52% Kerr Street No. 1 (turned on) 18 43% Faithfull Street (turned on) 11 24% Phillipson Street (turned on) 11 NA Faithfull Street (new) 4 NA Cruse Street (near Kerr St) 8 NA Total drawdown % of available (m) drawdown Kerr Street No. 2 (turned on) 24 58% Kerr Street No. 1 (turned on) 20 49% Faithfull Street (turned on) 13 29% 7 days Bore name 30 days Bore name 90 days Bore name Final Draft 94 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Bore name Total drawdown % of available (m) drawdown Phillipson Street (turned on) 13 NA Faithfull Street (new) 6 NA Cruse Street (near Kerr St) 10 NA Total drawdown % of available (m) drawdown Kerr Street No. 2 (turned on) 27 66% Kerr Street No. 1 (turned on) 23 57% Faithfull Street (turned on) 16 36% Phillipson Street (turned on) 16 NA Faithfull Street (new) 9 NA Cruse Street (near Kerr St) 13 NA 365 days Bore name Table A.11 : Results of Model 3 – bores turned on are highlighted blue; 33 L/s for Phllipson Street and Faithfull Street (new) [Table adapted and colour removed for accessibility] 1 day Bore name Total Drawdown % of available (m) drawdown Kerr Street No. 2 (turned on) 16 38% Kerr Street No. 1 (turned on) 12 30% Faithfull Street (turned on) 8 17% Phillipson Street (turned on) 7 NA Faithfull Street (new) (turned on) 8 NA Cruse Street (near Kerr St) 2 NA 7 days Total Drawdown % of available (m) drawdown Kerr Street No. 2 (turned on) 19 46% Kerr Street No. 1 (turned on) 15 37% Faithfull Street (turned on) 10 22% Bore name Final Draft 95 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Total Drawdown % of available (m) drawdown Phillipson Street (turned on) 9 NA Faithfull Street (new) (turned on) 10 NA Cruse Street (near Kerr St) 5 NA Total Drawdown % of available (m) drawdown Kerr Street No. 2 (turned on) 22 54% Kerr Street No. 1 (turned on) 18 44% Faithfull Street (turned on) 13 29% Phillipson Street (turned on) 12 NA Faithfull Street (new) (turned on) 13 NA Cruse Street (near Kerr St) 8 NA Total Drawdown % of available (m) drawdown Kerr Street No. 2 (turned on) 25 60% Kerr Street No. 1 (turned on) 21 51% Faithfull Street (turned on) 16 35% Phillipson Street (turned on) 14 NA Faithfull Street (new) (turned on) 16 NA Cruse Street (near Kerr St) 11 NA Bore name 30 days Bore name 90 days Bore name 365 Days % of available Bore name Total DD (m) Kerr Street No. 2 (turned on) 29 70% Kerr Street No. 1 (turned on) 25 60% Faithfull Street (turned on) 20 43% Phillipson Street (turned on) 18 NA Faithfull Street (new) (turned on) 19 NA Final Draft drawdown 96 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Bore name Total DD (m) Cruse Street (near Kerr St) 14 % of available drawdown NA Table A.12 : Results of Model 4 – bores turned on are highlighted blue; 33 L/s for Phillipson Street and Cruse Street [Table adapted and colour removed for accessibility] 1 day Total Drawdown % of available (m) drawdown Kerr Street No. 2 (turned on) 16 38% Kerr Street No. 1 (turned on) 12 30% Faithfull Street (turned on) 7 16% Phillipson Street (turned on) 7 NA Faithfull Street (new) 1 NA Cruse Street (near Kerr St) (turned on) 2 NA Total Drawdown % of available (m) drawdown Kerr Street No. 2 (turned on) 19 45% Kerr Street No. 1 (turned on) 15 37% Faithfull Street (turned on) 9 19% Phillipson Street (turned on) 9 NA Faithfull Street (new) 2 NA Cruse Street (near Kerr St) (turned on) 5 NA Total Drawdown % of available (m) drawdown Kerr Street No. 2 (turned on) 21 52% Kerr Street No. 1 (turned on) 18 43% Faithfull Street (turned on) 11 24% Phillipson Street (turned on) 11 NA Faithfull Street (new) 4 NA Bore name 7 days Bore name 30 days Bore name Final Draft 97 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Total Drawdown % of available (m) drawdown 8 NA Total Drawdown % of available (m) drawdown Kerr Street No. 2 (turned on) 24 58% Kerr Street No. 1 (turned on) 20 49% Faithfull Street (turned on) 13 29% Phillipson Street (turned on) 13 NA Faithfull Street (new) 6 NA Cruse Street (near Kerr St) (turned on) 10 NA Total Drawdown % of available (m) drawdown Kerr Street No. 2 (turned on) 27 66% Kerr Street No. 1 (turned on) 23 57% Faithfull Street (turned on) 16 36% Phillipson Street (turned on) 16 NA Faithfull Street (new) 9 NA Cruse Street (near Kerr St) (turned on) 13 NA Bore name Cruse Street (near Kerr St) (turned on) 90 days Bore name 365 Days Bore name Table A.13 : Results of Model 2 – bores turned on are highlighted blue; 60 L/s for Phllipson Street [Table adapted and colour removed for accessibility] 1 day Total Drawdown % of available (m) drawdown Kerr Street No. 2 (turned on) 16 38% Kerr Street No. 1 (turned on) 12 30% Faithfull Street (turned on) 7 16% Phillipson Street (turned on) 14 NA Faithfull Street (new) 1 NA Bore name Final Draft 98 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Total Drawdown % of available (m) drawdown 2 NA Total Drawdown % of available (m) drawdown Kerr Street No. 2 (turned on) 19 46% Kerr Street No. 1 (turned on) 15 37% Faithfull Street (turned on) 9 19% Phillipson Street (turned on) 16 NA Faithfull Street (new) 2 NA Cruse Street (near Kerr St) 5 NA Total Drawdown % of available (m) drawdown Kerr Street No. 2 (turned on) 22 53% Kerr Street No. 1 (turned on) 18 44% Faithfull Street (turned on) 12 25% Phillipson Street (turned on) 18 NA Faithfull Street (new) 4 NA Cruse Street (near Kerr St) 8 NA Bore name Cruse Street (near Kerr St) 7 days Bore name 30 days Bore name 90 days Bore name Total Drawdown (m) % of av. DD Kerr Street No. 2 (turned on) 25 60% Kerr Street No. 1 (turned on) 21 51% Faithfull Street (turned on) 14 31% Phillipson Street (turned on) 21 NA Faithfull Street (new) 7 NA Cruse Street (near Kerr St) 11 NA Final Draft 99 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing 365 Days Total Drawdown % of available (m) drawdown Kerr Street No. 2 (turned on) 28 69% Kerr Street No. 1 (turned on) 25 60% Faithfull Street (turned on) 18 39% Phillipson Street (turned on) 25 NA Faithfull Street (new) 10 NA Cruse Street (near Kerr St) 14 NA Bore name Table A.14 : Results of Model 3 – bores turned on are highlighted blue; 60 L/s for Phllipson Street and Faithfull Street (new) [Table adapted and colour removed for accessibility] 1 day Total Drawdown % of available (m) drawdown Kerr Street No. 2 (turned on) 16 38% Kerr Street No. 1 (turned on) 12 30% Faithfull Street (turned on) 8 18% Phillipson Street (turned on) 14 NA Faithfull Street (new) (turned on) 14 NA Cruse Street (near Kerr St) 2 NA Total Drawdown % of available (m) drawdown Kerr Street No. 2 (turned on) 19 46% Kerr Street No. 1 (turned on) 15 37% Faithfull Street (turned on) 11 25% Phillipson Street (turned on) 16 NA Faithfull Street (new) (turned on) 17 NA Cruse Street (near Kerr St) 5 NA Bore name 7 days Bore name Final Draft 100 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing 30 days Total Drawdown % of available (m) drawdown Kerr Street No. 2 (turned on) 23 56% Kerr Street No. 1 (turned on) 19 46% Faithfull Street (turned on) 15 33% Phillipson Street (turned on) 19 NA Faithfull Street (new) (turned on) 21 NA Cruse Street (near Kerr St) 9 NA Total Drawdown % of available (m) drawdown Kerr Street No. 2 (turned on) 26 64% Kerr Street No. 1 (turned on) 23 55% Faithfull Street (turned on) 19 41% Phillipson Street (turned on) 23 NA Faithfull Street (new) (turned on) 24 NA Cruse Street (near Kerr St) 12 NA Total Drawdown % of available (m) drawdown Kerr Street No. 2 (turned on) 31 76% Kerr Street No. 1 (turned on) 28 66% Faithfull Street (turned on) 23 51% Phillipson Street (turned on) 27 NA Faithfull Street (new) (turned on) 29 NA Cruse Street (near Kerr St) 17 NA Bore name 90 days Bore name 365 Days Bore name Final Draft 101 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Table A.15 : Results of Model 4 – bores turned on are highlighted blue; 60 L/s for Phillipson Street and Cruse Street [Table adapted and colour removed for accessibility] 1 day Total Drawdown % of available (m) drawdown Kerr Street No. 2 (turned on) 16 38% Kerr Street No. 1 (turned on) 12 30% Faithfull Street (turned on) 7 16% Phillipson Street (turned on) 14 NA Faithfull Street (new) 1 NA Cruse Street (near Kerr St) (turned on) 2 NA Total Drawdown % of available (m) drawdown Kerr Street No. 2 (turned on) 19 46% Kerr Street No. 1 (turned on) 15 37% Faithfull Street (turned on) 9 19% Phillipson Street (turned on) 16 NA Faithfull Street (new) 2 NA Cruse Street (near Kerr St) (turned on) 5 NA Total Drawdown % of available (m) drawdown Kerr Street No. 2 (turned on) 22 53% Kerr Street No. 1 (turned on) 18 44% Faithfull Street (turned on) 12 25% Phillipson Street (turned on) 18 NA Faithfull Street (new) 4 NA Cruse Street (near Kerr St) (turned on) 8 NA Bore name 7 days Bore name 30 days Bore name Final Draft 102 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing 90 days Total Drawdown % of available (m) drawdown Kerr Street No. 2 (turned on) 25 60% Kerr Street No. 1 (turned on) 21 51% Faithfull Street (turned on) 14 31% Phillipson Street (turned on) 21 NA Faithfull Street (new) 7 NA Cruse Street (near Kerr St) (turned on) 11 NA Total Drawdown % of available (m) drawdown Kerr Street No. 2 (turned on) 28 69% Kerr Street No. 1 (turned on) 25 60% Faithfull Street (turned on) 18 39% Phillipson Street (turned on) 25 NA Faithfull Street (new) 10 NA Cruse Street (near Kerr St) (turned on) 14 NA Bore name 365 Days Bore name It is recommended that if detailed design for Wangaratta water supply augmentation is required, a numerical model should be examined to allow for boundary conditions (particularly those observed at Faithfull Street), recharge and heterogeneous aquifer characteristics. The results of a numerical model will produce results with more certainty than those produced by the analytical model above. A.9.2 Likelihood of obtaining suitable supply Hydrogeology The likelihood of obtaining a suitable supply of groundwater for town water supply augmentation is considered to be reasonable at any of the sites listed above. The expected conditions are as follows: Calivil Formation would be the target aquifer, where the top of the aquifer is likely to start at a depth greater than 85 mBNS (below natural surface). Final Draft 103 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Suitable aquifer material for screening is likely to occur at around 100 m below ground surface (mBNS). Water quality is expected to be < 500 mg/L TDS (Section A.15). Groundwater is likely to exceed drinking water quality guidelines for iron, manganese and arsenic and this should be considered in terms of treatment. Yield is likely to exceed 30 L/s. Licencing Previous G-MW licencing conditions stated that new groundwater supply bores should be located at least: 300 m from any bore not in the licensee’s ownership 200 m from the nearest waterway 30 m from any Authority channel, reserve or easement Appendix B shows that all suggested locations for additional bores (Faithfull Street, Kerr Street and Phillipson Street) fall within these buffer zones. However, the licence conditions listed above no longer exist. Rather, the impacts on surrounding groundwater users would need to be identified and proved to be acceptable, as part of the technical assessment undertaken during the licensing of any new bore. All suggested locations for the additional bores fall within the Lower Ovens GMA. Kerr Street and Phillipson St fall within the Ovens Plain Zone and Faithfull Street lies within the Mid Ovens Zone. A.10 Conceptual design for drilling program – new bores The following details the conceptual design for a drilling program. Stage 1 – field preliminaries This stage would include the following tasks: Conceptual design and drilling technical specification. Drilling licence application. RFQ from three suitable and reputable drillers. Tender assessment, contractor engagement. Final Draft 104 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Conceptual design and pumping test technical specification RFQ from one or two suitable pumping test contractors. Tender assessment, contractor engagement. Safety planning. Site visit to finalise final site selection with NEW and access issues with selected contractor. Stage 2 – field program This stage would include the following tasks: Site mobilisation and set-up. Pilot hole drilling to at least 120 m. Geophysical logging. Determination of final construction specification. Reaming, construction, development. Construction likely to be with 250 mm diameter PVC casing and stainless steel screens. Pumping test. Water quality sampling. Site demobilisation and clean up. Stage 3 – analysis and reporting This stage would include the following tasks: Preparation of formal bore logs. Pumping test analysis to determine bore capability and sustainable yield. Assessment of water quality against Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. Reporting on field program and findings of analysis. Final Draft 105 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing A.11 References Goulburn-Murray Water (G-MW), (2012), Lower Ovens Groundwater Management Area – local management plan, August 2012 Goulburn-Murray Water (G-MW), (2014), Lower Ovens GMA, (url: http://www.gmwater.com.au/water-resources/ground-water/groundwater_management/lowerovensgma), accessed 16 April 2014 Geological Survey of Victoria (GSV), (1981), Wangaratta geological map sheet 8125:II Zone 55 – 1:50,000 scale Nahm, G., (1985), Groundwater resources of Victoria, Department of Industry, Technology and Resources North East Water (NEW), (2012), Water supply demand strategy – Wangaratta System Plan, (url: http://www.newater.com.au/about-us/all-publications/water-supply-demandstrategies/images/WSDS_2012_-_Wangaratta_System_Plan.pdf) accessed 23 April 2014 SKM, (2004), Wangaratta Town Water Supply - Production Bore Drilling, Construction and Testing, Kerr St, Report for North East Water, January 2004 SKM, (2006), Lower Ovens Basin Groundwater Boundary Review, Cross Sections and GMA Boundary Definition, Report for Goulburn Murray Water, October 2006. SKM, (2007a), Emergency drought relief water supply for Wangaratta – Faithfull Street bore groundwater assessment report, Report for North East Water, June 2007 SKM, (2007b), Wangaratta urban water supply – bore construction and pumping tests (Faithfull Street Bore), Report for North East Water, August 2007 SKM, (2007c), Emergency water supply investigations – Wangaratta, Bright, Glenrowan, Oxley, Moyhu, Myrtleford and Chiltern, Report for North East Water, August 2007 SKM, (2007d), Wangaratta urban water supply – reporting on bore construction and pumping tests (Kerr Street Bore 2), Report for North East Water, September 2007 Theis C.V., (1935), The relation between the lowering of the piezometric surface and the rate and duration of discharge of a well using groundwater storage. Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 2, 519 – 524 Final Draft 106 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Tickell, S., (1978), Geology and hydrogeology of the eastern part of the riverine plain in Victoria, Geological Survey Report, 1977/8 VandenBerg, A., (1997), Wangaratta 1:250,000 geological map series, Geological Survey of Victoria, May 1997 Final Draft 107 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing A.12 Kerr Street No. 1 bore pumping test results Available DD = 41.5 m Final Draft 108 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing A.13 Kerr Street No. 2 bore pumping test results Final Draft 109 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing A.14 Faithfull Street bore pumping test results Figure A.3 : Predicted drawdown Final Draft 110 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Figure A.4 : Observed drawdown during the constant rate test Final Draft 111 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Figure A.5 : Observed drawdown during the constant rate test (semi-log plot) Final Draft 112 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing A.15 Groundwater quality – Calivil Formation (SKM, 2007c) This diagram show the salinity of the Calivil formation. The diagram shows that the groundwater around Wangaratta has low salinity. Final Draft 113 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Appendix B. Possible locations for new bores See separate document for Appendix B. Final Draft 114 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Appendix C. Concept design – additional groundwater use This appendix is divided into the following sections: Section C.1 summarises the existing infrastructure for supplying groundwater to Wangaratta Section C.2 describes the proposed upgrade to NEW’s Kerr Street site Section C.3 describes the new bore and associated infrastructure proposed for NEW’s Phillipson Street site Section C.3.2 includes options for a second new bore C.1 Existing infrastructure C.1.1 Existing groundwater bores Table C.16 summarises relevant details about the existing groundwater bores in Wangaratta, while Table C.17 summarises how they are proposed to operate if used to supply groundwater more frequently (see Appendix A for more details). See Figure C.6 for an explanation of how the different levels in Table C.16 and Table C.17 relate to one another. Final Draft 115 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Table C.16 : Existing groundwater bores [Table adapted for accessibility] Extraction Bore Construction Date Bore Total Depth Screen Location SWL Licence Daily Kerr St No. 1 Kerr St No. 2 Faithfull St May 2003 April 2007 March 2007 10.40 m BGL 3.0 ML/d 79.00-84.50 m BGL 126.50 m BGL 122.15 m BGL Annual 415 ML per annum 56.50-64.50 m BGL 91.00 m BGL Extraction Licence (combined with Kerr St No. 2) 415 ML per annum 56.25-63.75 m BGL 12.75 m BGL 3.0 ML/d 122.25-124.75 m BGL (combined with Kerr St No. 1) 89.50-95.10 m BGL 12.23 m BGL 2.6 ML/d 117.10-120.10 m BGL 200 ML per annum Table C.17 : Proposed operation for existing groundwater bores [Table adapted for accessibility] Bore Proposed Daily Extraction Proposed Operation Period in 24 hr Extraction Flow Rate Expected Draw Down over 16 hr Operation Assumed Maximum Draw Pump Position Assumed Down Level Below Max Pump Level Draw Down Kerr St No. 1 2.3 ML/d 16 Hrs 40 L/s 12 m below SWL 22.40 m BGL 10 m 32.40 m BGL Kerr St No. 2 3.5 ML/d 16 Hrs 60 L/s 16 m below SWL 28.75 m BGL 10 m 38.75 m BGL Faithfull St 1.9 ML/d 16 Hrs 33 L/s 35 m below SWL 47.23 m BGL 10 m 57.23 m BGL Final Draft 116 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing GROUND LEVEL 10m MINIMUM SUBMERGENCE FOR BORE PUMP EXPECTED DRAW DOWN STANDING WATER LEVEL SWL ASSUMED THAT BORE LEVEL RETURNS TO SWL AFTER 8 HR RECOVERY PERIOD DRAW DOWN LEVEL OVER 16 HOURS ASSUME NO ADDIITONAL DRAW DOWN OVER LONG TERM OEPRATION TOP OF BORE PUMPSET BOTTOM OF BORE PUMPSET MUST BE HIGHER THAN BORE SCREENS TO ENSURE MOTOR COOLING Figure C.6 : Typical operating levels Final Draft 117 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing C.1.2 Existing groundwater treatment Groundwater extracted from the Faithfull Street bore is passed through the main Wangaratta Water Treatment Plant (WTP), before being discharged to the distribution system as part of the total treated water output from the WTP. For this concept design, it has been assumed that this treatment and integration configuration will continue in future if groundwater becomes a more permanent part of Wangaratta’s water supply. However, it is acknowledged that previous trials of treating groundwater blended with surface water extracted from the Ovens River have proved difficult. If these difficulties cannot be resolved, a ‘stand-alone’ treatment plant for the groundwater water supply may be required at the Faithfull Street WTP site. This could be achieved using a 3.3 ML/d package treatment plant, similar to the existing one at NEW’s Kerr Street site, but installed in a permanent building. Given the space constraints at Faithfull Street, installing a package groundwater treatment plant would also require the small on-site office to be relocated. Based on the costs estimated for constructing a new bore at Phillipson Street and upgrading the Kerr Street treatment facility, the additional cost of providing stand-alone groundwater treatment at the Faithfull Street WTP is estimated to be approximately $1.5-2.0 million. Currently, a 3.5ML/d Amiad package treatment plant is located at Kerr Street to treat groundwater extracted from the Kerr Street bores. This treatment facility will need to be upgraded if groundwater is used more regularly to augment water supply to Wangaratta. This upgrade has been considered further in Section C.2. Treated groundwater from the Kerr Street bores is currently put into the 9 ML Kerr Street ground tank, and distributed to the town from there. It is assumed that this integration of the Kerr Street groundwater will continue if future. C.1.3 Existing Kerr Street groundwater quality Table C.18 provides a summary of the raw and treated water quality data available for the Kerr Street No. 2 bore between July 2007 and December 2013. The data indicates that the raw water generally has low turbidity, as would be expected in a groundwater source. Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) and Hardness values are well within Australian Drinking Water Guideline (ADWG) limits. Iron and manganese levels are elevated in the raw water sample results, but both are significantly reduced by the existing treatment process. It should be noted that the 95 th percentile treated water value for both parameters meets the ADWG recommended limit, but Final Draft 118 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing is higher than the water industry standard long term targets for a treated water supply. Residual iron and manganese in the treated water supply can lead to a build-up of biofilms in the distribution system, and create aesthetic “dirty water” issues at customer taps, as well as potentially limiting chlorine residual disinfection effectiveness. It is therefore recommended that the existing package treatment plant be reviewed for its capacity to deliver treated water with iron and manganese levels below long term recommended limits. Arsenic levels are elevated above the ADWG recommended limit in the raw water samples. The form of the arsenic is not stated, and it is therefore assumed to be the total arsenic value, including both particulate and dissolved forms. The form of the Arsenic, including the particular dissolved form – whether trivalent Arsenite As (III) or pentavalent Arsenate As (V) – has a significant impact on the ease of removal in the treatment process. The treated water sample results indicate that total arsenic is removed through the treatment plant process, to a level below ADWG recommended limits. It is recommended that the groundwater treatment plant sludge disposal method be reviewed, given the presence of accumulated arsenic removed by the plant. Final Draft 119 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Table C.18 : Summary of water quality data provided by NEW for the Kerr Street No. 2 bore [Table split and adapted for accessibility] Parameter – TDS Unit: mg/L ADWG 2011 limit: 600 Risk Type: Aesthetic/asset Sample point Max Min Ave Med 95th percentile 5th percentile Count Raw 420 240 296.4 260 400 250 11 Treated 290 270 280.0 280 289 271 3 Parameter – Alkalinity Unit: mg/L (as CaCO3) Sample point Max Min Ave Med 95th percentile 5th percentile Count Raw 150 130 133.3 130 146 130 9 Treated 140 120 130.0 130 135.5 124.5 10 Parameter – Hardness Unit: mg/L (as CaCO3) ADWG 2011 limit: 200 Risk Type: Aesthetic/asset Sample point Max Min Ave Med 95th percentile 5th percentile Count Raw 58 31 37.7 32 56.4 31 9 Treated 56 28 33.7 31 47.45 28.45 10 Parameter – Turbidity Unit: NTU ADWG 2011 limit: 0.2 Risk Type: Health Sample point Max Min Ave Med 95th percentile 5th percentile Count Raw 13 0.1 1.5 0.1 12.15 0.1 18 Treated 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 19 Final Draft 120 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Parameter – pH Unit: pH ADWG 2011 limit: 6.5<pH<8.5 Risk Type: Aesthetic/asset Sample point Max Min Ave Med 95th percentile 5th percentile Count Raw 8.2 6.7 7.2 7 7.96 6.7 13 Treated 8.2 6.7 7.3 7.15 8.14 6.7 14 Parameter – Iron Unit: mg/L ADWG 2011 limit: 0.3 Risk Type: Aesthetic/asset Long term limit (to prevent build-up of biofilms in water supply system): 0.1 Sample point Max Min Ave Med 95th percentile 5th percentile Count Raw 2.500 0.020 1.893 2.000 2.200 0.863 2.500 Treated 0.500 0.010 0.062 0.020 0.200 0.010 0.500 Parameter – Manganese Unit: mg/L ADWG 2011 limit: 0.1 Risk Type: Aesthetic/asset Long term limit (to prevent build-up of biofilms in water supply system): 0.03 Sample point Max Min Ave Med 95th percentile 5th percentile Count Raw 0.100 0.001 0.079 0.080 0.100 0.053 0.100 Treated 0.100 0.001 0.011 0.010 0.036 0.001 0.100 Parameter – Arsenic Unit: mg/L ADWG 2011 limit: 0.01 Risk Type: Health Sample point Max Min Ave Med 95th percentile 5th percentile Count Raw 0.100 0.001 0.022 0.015 0.080 0.013 0.100 Treated 0.010 0.001 0.002 0.001 0.010 0.001 0.010 Final Draft 121 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing C.2 Upgrade to Kerr Street groundwater supply C.2.1 Future operating regime The basis of this concept design is that the two existing bores at Kerr Street will need to operate 16 hours per day each day for extended periods of time to reduce the frequency of restrictions at Wangaratta. The volumes they produce in these 16 hours will be greater than the existing on site treatment capacity. In addition, there is insufficient space available on site to comfortably locate a raw water balance tank. Therefore, the treatment capacity on site will need to be upgraded. The assumed pumping and treatment regime is shown in Figure C.7 and Table C.19. Min 200kPa for operation of WTP. May be >200kPa depending on TWL in Kerr St Tank Chlorine AMIAD WATER TREATMENT FILTERS (INCREASED CAPACITY) EXISTING KERR ST BORES AND BORE PUMPS KERR ST TANK TO BACKWASH WASTE HOLDING TANK AND SEWER Figure C.7 : Kerr Street bores – proposed future operating regime Final Draft 122 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Table C.19 : Kerr Street bores – proposed future operating regime Proposed daily Bore pump flow – Required Treatment extraction limit 16 hrs production Inflow Capacity - 16 (ML/d) (L/s) hrs operation (L/s) Kerr St No. 1 2.3 40 40 Kerr St No. 2 3.5 60 60 Total 5.8 100 100 Existing Bore C.2.2 Treatment upgrade On site there is currently one 3.5 ML/d Amiad filtration plant. The 3.5 ML/d designation is the production volume capacity of the plant over 24 hours of operation, which translates to an average production flow rate of 40 L/s. The inflow capacity of the plant is 3.83 ML/d, or 44.5 L/s. The difference in input and output flow rates is attributable to losses from filter backwash. A second 3.5 ML/d Amiad filtration plant was recently relocated from Kerr Street to Bright, and refurbished with an alternative media to suit the surface water source at Bright. This second plant has not been considered further in this concept design. Therefore, the remaining treatment inflow capacity at Kerr Street is 44.5 L/s. To run both Kerr Street bores simultaneously, the capacity of the treatment facility at Kerr Street needs to be increased by installing a second filtration plant. The additional treatment capacity required is the difference between the total combined bore flow rate of 100L/s, and the existing treatment capacity flow rate of 44.5 L/s. That is, a 55.5 L/s inflow capacity upgrade is required. The existing 44.5 L/s and proposed 55.5 L/s plant are expected to produce a combined total of 90.5 L/s of treated water (Table C.20). The current Amiad filtration plant located at Kerr Street has been built inside two shipping containers. NEW has advised that if the Kerr Street bores are to be used more regularly in future, it would prefer the treatment plant to be relocated inside a permanent building, for ease of access for operation and maintenance. The building can be sized to house both the existing filtration plant and the new 55.5 L/s filtration plant. Figure C.8 shows two possible locations for this building. It is understood there is a chlorine disinfection plant at Kerr Street, dosing the treated groundwater, and boosting chlorine residual in the treated surface water transferred to the Kerr Street tank from the Wangaratta WTP. It is expected that the existing chlorine disinfection plant will need to be upgraded in order to disinfect the 90.5 L/s treated Final Draft 123 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing groundwater flow rate, in addition to boosting chlorine residual in the surface water passing through the Kerr Street tank. Therefore, a new disinfection plant may be required. This new plant could also be located inside the new the treatment plant building, alongside the filtration units. Table C.20 : Kerr Street – treatment capacity Treatment Plant Inflow Average treated water Treated water - daily capacity - production - 16 hrs production (ML/d) 16 hrs operation (L/s) operation (L/s) Existing plant 44.5 40.0 2.3 Proposed new 55.5 50.5 2.9 100.0 90.5 5.2 plant Total Figure C.8 : Kerr Street – layout options. This diagram shows the options for the groundwater treatment plant locations. C.3 First new bore: Phillipson Street The concept design for the new bore at Phillipson Street is based on the operating regime described in Table C.21, The concept design includes a new bore, raw water balance tank and treatment plant. It was assumed that the new bore would produce 3.5 ML/d by pumping for 16 hours and recovering for eight. This is higher than the 2.6 ML/d assumed when considering the number of new bores required to meet the 90% reliability of supply target for Wangaratta (Section 4.1), but it is appropriately conservative from a design and cost perspective. Final Draft 124 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Table C.21 : New Phillipson Street bore – proposed operating regime Daily New Bore extraction limit (ML/d) Phillipson 3.5 Bore pump Treatment Average Average plant – treated water treated water flow – 16 hrs inflow rate production - production - production 24 hrs 24 hrs 24 hrs (L/s) operation operation operation (L/s) (L/s)*1 (ML/d)*1 40.5 37.0 3.2 60 Street Note: 1 10% of inflow lost to filter backwash C.3.1 Bore, bore pump and headworks The new bore constructed at Phillipson Street would require the following fit out: 1) Submersible pumpset: a) Located a minimum of 10m below maximum draw down level for adequate pump submergence, and above bore screens, to provide passing flow for motor cooling b) With a duty flow of 60L/s at 40m head, requiring a 37kW motor c) Fitted with shroud to encourage passing flow and motor cooling 2) Bore pump riser to surface level (assumed to be constructed of 38m of DN150 carbon steel pipe) 3) Bore headworks including: a) Manual isolation butterfly valve b) Non return valve c) Air release valve d) Flow meter e) Pressure indicating transmitter 4) Electrical equipment situated locally: Final Draft 125 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing a) Switchboard b) Motor control centre (MCC), either for soft starter or variable speed drive (VSD). A VSD may be installed to slow the pump and control flow output at bore water levels above maximum draw down c) Power and communications cabling between the switchboard, MCC, and instruments on the bore headworks and bore pump The standing water level and expected drawdown from operating the Kerr Street No. 2 bore at 60 L/s for 16 hours has been used to design the bore configuration (Figure C.9) A pump supplier provided a quote for a 60 L/s pump at 40m head, with pumpset dimensions. The outside diameter of the pump shroud is 295mm. The supplier recommends 10 mm clearance to the outside of the shroud. This limits the minimum internal diameter of the bore casing to 315 mm. The bore pumpset discharge pipe diameter is DN150 with flange OD 280mm. The resulting velocity is high at approximately 3.5 m/s. The next pipe size is DN200 with flange OD 335mm. This larger pipe could be used; however the bore casing ID would need to be significantly greater than 335mm to allow for power cabling to pass between the flange and the casing. Final Draft 126 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing PIT AIR VALVE FE ISOLATION VALVE BORE HEADWORKS NRV GROUND LEVEL GL BORE RISER 10m MINIMUM SUBMERGENCE FOR BORE PUMP EXPECTED DRAW DOWN 16m SWL ASSUME 12 mBGL DRAW DOWN LEVEL OVER 16 HOURS ASSUME 28 mBGL ASSUME NO ADDITIONAL DRAW DOWN OVER LONG TERM OPERATION TOP OF BORE PUMPSET ASSUME 38 mBGL BORE PUMPSET BOTTOM OF BORE PUMPSET MUST BE HIGHER THAN BORE SCREENS TO ENSURE MOTOR COOLING Figure C.9 : Phillipson Street bore configuration Final Draft 127 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing C.3.2 Raw water balance tank In the operating regime outlined in Table C.21, it is proposed that the bore pump will have a duty flow of 60 L/s, operating for 16 hours in every 24 hours. It is recommended that the associated groundwater treatment plant be designed with a raw water balancing tank, and sized to treat the total volume of raw water extracted over 24 hours, rather than 16 hours. There are a number of reasons for this: 1) The physical size of the plant is less than would be required for a plant sized to treat a bore production flow rate of 60L/s. 2) The operation of the treatment plant is not tied to the operation of the bore. The plant will be able to supply treated water to the distribution system at a reasonably constant rate 24 hours a day, rather than only when the bore is operating. This constant production is easier to integrate in the Wangaratta treated water system compared with periodic supply. 3) The bore can be operated primarily at night when power tariffs are reduced, while the treatment plant operates 24 hours a day, including during the day when peak demands occur 4) The bore flow rate can be varied up or down, and the plant, with the balancing storage, will always produce the daily extracted volume. 5) Treatment plant performance tends to improve with continuous operation, compared with stop-start operation. The proposed raw water balance tank would be sized for eight hours of plant capacity. This is the maximum volume of treated water that can be produced while the bore is offline. Eight hours of peak demand storage volume is also a standard sizing method for tanks to allow for an emergency failure of equipment, providing a time period to fix the failure, or bring in replacement equipment. Eight hours of plant demand requires a usable tank volume of 1.2 ML. Allowing for 600 mm dead volume and 400 mm freeboard, a tank 16 m in diameter and 7 m high would be suitable. Note that although the bore may produce 3.5 ML/d, the plant will only put out approximately 3.2 ML/d of treated water, with approximately 10% of the inflow volume lost to waste from filter backwash. Final Draft 128 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing The raw water balance tank also acts as a break pressure tank. Therefore, a feed pump is required to pump water from the raw water tank through the treatment plant. The Amiad package filtration plants proposed for the Phillipson Street site (Section C.3.3) require a minimum feed pressure of 200 kPa to operate. They can receive higher pressures, however a review and possible upgrade of the pressure rating of the fibreglass media tanks becomes necessary. At Phillipson Street, it is assumed that treated water will be delivered into the two 10 ML treated water tanks. Therefore, the feed pump will need to deliver sufficient head to supply through the Amiad treatment plant to the top water level of the Philipson Street tanks. It is assumed that the pressure loss through the treatment plant is nominally 150 kPa. C.3.3 Treatment plant NEW has advised that it is satisfied with the performance of the Amiad package filtration plant currently located at Kerr Street, and would like to use the same type of plant to treat water extracted from the proposed Phillipson Street bore. The treatment plant has been sized to process 3.5 ML/d over 24 hours. The total treated water output will be approximately 3.2 ML/d. The Amiad package plant consists of: Fibreglass filter tanks Filter media suitable for iron and manganese removal Piping and valving A minor sodium hypochlorite plant to dose backwash water to activate oxidising filter media It is assumed that if any additional chemical dosing, for coagulation, pH correction and disinfection is required, these plants will be designed and supplied separately. Filter backwash water is supplied from the filtered water stream, which results in a reduced production flow rate for short periods, while a filter is in backwash. Waste washwater will be discharged to a nearby sewer, with sufficient capacity to receive this additional load. It is recommended that a waste washwater balance tank be installed to control the discharge to sewer and ensure it is not overwhelmed by an excessive flow rate. It is assumed the waste washwater balance tank would hold three filter backwashes, and will be approximately 30 kL in size. Final Draft 129 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing The proposed scheme is summarised in Figure C.10. Min 200kPa for operation of WTP. May be >200kPa depending on TWL in Phillipson St Tank HGL Chlorine RRAW WATER BALANCE TANK AMIAD WATER TREATMENT FILTERS PHILLIPSON ST TANK RAW WATER FEED PUMP NEW PHILLIPSON ST BORE AND BORE PUMP TO BACKWASH WASTE HOLDING TANK AND SEWER Figure C.10 : Phillipson Street – proposed operating regime NEW has advised that the new package Amiad treatment plant would need to be housed in a permanent building. The package treatment plant would be provided standard with free standing filters and skid mounted pipework and valving. It has been assumed that the treatment plant building should also provide room for additional chemical storage, which might be required during continuous plant operation. A possible building footprint is shown in Figure C.11. The total footprint area is approximately 17.5 m x 12.5 m. Figure C.12 shows a possible site layout. The new infrastructure required could also be located in the north-east corner of NEW’s Phillipson Street site. The site layout will need to be considered further during detailed design. The filtered water out of the treatment plant will require chlorination before entering the two Phillipson Street tanks, to disinfect and provide a chlorine residual. Therefore, a dedicated sodium hypochlorite disinfection plant will be required, separate to the minor system supplied with the Amiad package treatment plant for media activation. Final Draft 130 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing 1000 17500 4 NO. AMIAD FILTERS TOILET 5300 OFFICE AND LABORATORY 3000 PIPE AND VALVE SKID EQUIPMENT AREA 12500 PIPE AND VALVE SKID 1000 4 NO. AMIAD FILTERS 3500 1000 FUTURE COAGULENT STORAGE TANK, DOSING EQUIPMENT AND BUND FUTURE pH CORRECTION STORAGE TANK, DOSING EQUIPMENT AND BUND SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE STORAGE TANK, DOSING EQUIPMENT AND BUND 3500 SWITCHBOARD ELECTRICAL ROOM Figure C.11 : Building layout of treatment plant Figure C.12 : Phillipson Street – layout option. This diagram show the potential location of the groundwater treatment plant. C.3.4 Power, instrumentation and control A power supply to the new Phillipson Street bore and treatment plant will be required. It has been assumed that the adjacent overhead power supply will have sufficient capacity and will not require an upgrade. The main loads at the Phillipson Street site will be the bore pump, and the feed pump. All other power demands, such as dosing pumps and instrumentation and control will be minor in comparison. The main site switchboard would be located inside the treatment plant building as shown in Figure C.11. A site PLC would also be installed in the treatment plant building to control the treatment plant and bore pump operation. It is expected that an RTU would also be installed with the PLC to provide an interface with the NEW SCADA system, and enable remote monitoring and control. Final Draft 131 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing C.4 Second new bore A second new groundwater bore is required if Wangaratta is to have 90% reliability of supply under a return to dry climate and future (2060) demand scenario. Three locations for this second new bore were considered (Appendix B). NEW would prefer the second new bore to be near their existing Kerr Street or Faithfull Street sites. Therefore, concept designs were developed for these two locations. If a new groundwater bore were located near Faithfull Street, it would be integrated into the existing system as shown in Figure C.13. Crown land sites on which a bore could be easily constructed would be inundated during a 1 in 100 annual exceedance probability (AEP) flood to a depth of approximately 1 m. It has been assumed the bore can be located in areas prone to flooding, provided the electrics (e.g. switchboard) are elevated well above expected flood levels. However, it would not be advisable to locate a water treatment plant on flood prone land. Raw water from the new Faithfull Street bore would therefore need to be pumped through to the head of the Wangaratta WTP, and be treated there, along with the raw water from the existing Faithfull Street bore. Pump through Transfer Pipeline HGL 550m RAW WATER TRANSFER PIPE NEW FAITHFUL ST BORE AND BORE PUMP HEAD OF WANGARATTA WTP EXISTING FAITHFUL ST BORE AND BORE PUMP Figure C.13 : Proposed operating regime – new bore near Faithfull Street If a new groundwater bore were located near Kerr Street (e.g. at Cruse Street as shown in Appendix B), there would be two options to integrated the additional groundwater supply into Final Draft 132 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing the existing system. Option one is to locate a treatment plant next to the new bore. Treated water would then be pumped through to the Kerr Street tank (Figure C.14). Option two is to transfer raw water from the new bore to a central treatment facility located at NEW’s Kerr Street site, where it could be treated along with raw water from the existing Kerr Street bores (Figure C.15). However, it is possible that the Kerr Street site would become too congested if a treatment facility of sufficient capacity to treat three bores were located there. Pump through Treatment Plant and Transfer Pipeline HGL Chlorine RRAW WATER BALANCE TANK AMIAD WATER TREATMENT FILTERS 650m TREATED WATER TRANSFER PIPE KERR ST TANK RAW WATER FEED PUMP NEW KERR ST BORE AND BORE PUMP TO BACKWASH WASTE HOLDING TANK AND SEWER Figure C.14 : Proposed operating regime – new bore near Kerr Street – option 1 Final Draft 133 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Pump through Transfer Pipeline Min 200kPa for operation of WTP. May be >200kPa depending on TWL in Kerr St Tank HGL RRAW WATER BALANCE TANK AMIAD WATER TREATMENT FILTERS RAW WATER FEED PUMP NEW KERR ST BORE AND BORE PUMP Chlorine 650m RAW WATER TRANSFER PIPE KERR ST TANK TO BACKWASH WASTE HOLDING TANK AND SEWER EXISTING KERR ST BORES AND BORE PUMPS Figure C.15 : Proposed operating regime – new bore near Kerr Street – option 2 Final Draft 134 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Appendix D. Concept design – enlarge Lake Buffalo The following pages show marked up drawings, describing the concept design of the: D.1 General arrangement D.2 Main embankment D.3 Primary spillway D.4 Secondary embankment D.5 Secondary spillway with fuse plug D.6 Tertiary spillway See separate document for Appendix D. Final Draft 135 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Appendix E. Concept design – alternative water use E.1 Stage 1 – non-residential use E.1.1 Recycled water plant The demand for potable water in Wangaratta from non-industrial users will only be reduced by a significant amount if the recycled water provided is treated to Class A standard. Stage 1 of this concept design therefore involves taking secondary treated effluent from lagoons at the existing Wangaratta Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP), and treating it to Class A standard, at a rate equal to the estimated peak daily demand (PDD) of approximately 5.5 ML/d. The cost for this option assumes the Class A recycled water treatment plant includes coagulation, flocculation and flotation (DAF), membrane ultrafiltration (UF), UV disinfection and chlorination. The DAF process would remove most colour, algae and suspended solids, thus protecting the UF plant from solids overload. The UF plant would remove residual turbidity and provide a positive 4 log barrier to pathogens. The UV disinfection and chlorination would provide at least an additional 3 log barrier, thus improving the pathogen removal to in excess of 6 log. The DAF float would be removed for treatment or returned to the head of the WWTP, and the UF backwash would be turned to the head of the WWTP. The Class A recycled water would be discharged to a 12 hour, 2.5 ML storage tank, providing the balancing volume necessary for stable recycled treatment plant operations and variable customer demand. It is assumed that the Class A recycled treatment plant described above will produce a water quality suitable for sustainable discharge to land; however consultation will be required with customers, to discuss changes which might be seen in water quality compared with their current potable water supply. Nutrients and total dissolved solids (TDS) are not removed by the process described above, and if present in elevated levels in the WWTP secondary treated effluent, these will pass into the recycled water distribution system. E.1.2 Distribution system The distribution system to non-residential customers was designed as a constant pressure system (between the 12 hour storage tank at the recycled water plant and the customer’s meter) based on the estimated PDD rates in Table E.22. It was assumed that customers would be responsible for any on-site facilities required (e.g. storage tanks) to balance the difference in flow rates between that received from the reticulation and on-site usage. Table Final Draft 136 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing E.23 summarises the total length of each pipe diameter within the non-residential distribution system. The distribution system is shown in Figure E.16. Table E.22 : Recycled water pressure reticulation pipe network – non-residential use [Table removed and converted to text for accessibility] Pipe Leg 1 from Recycle Plant To Intersection Wangaratta Rd/Sisely Ave: PDD Flow Range in Leg 41.9-44.3 L/s; Pipe Diameter DN250; Pipe Length 7500 m Leg 1 sub-demands to branch legs and direct connections To Group 1.1: Direct connections to users; PDD Flow Range in Leg - 0.85 L/s To Group 1.2: Branch to user 8; PDD Flow Range in Leg - 0.15 L/s; Pipe Diameter - DN80; Pipe Length - 300m To Group 1.3: Branch to users 4,9,25,26,29,31; PDD Flow Range in Leg - 0.75 L/s; Pipe Diameter - DN80; Pipe Length – 2500 m To Group 1.4: Direct connections to users; PDD Flow Range in Leg: 0.65 L/s Pipe Leg 2 from Intersection Wangaratta Rd/ Sisely Ave To User 16: PDD Flow Range in Leg - 29.8-31.0 L/s; Pipe Diameter - DN250; Pipe Length – 900 m Leg 2 sub-demands to branch legs and direct connections To Group 2.1; Branch to user 5: ;PDD Flow Range in Leg - 0.2 L/s; Pipe Diameter - DN80; Pipe Length – 400 m To Group 2.2; Branch to users 19,20: ;PDD Flow Range in Leg - 1.0 L/s; Pipe Diameter DN80; Pipe Length – 1500 m Pipe Leg 3 from Intersection Wangaratta Rd/ Sisely Ave To User 32: PDD Flow Range in Leg - 4.8-10.8 L/s; Pipe Diameter - DN150; Pipe Length – 3500 m Leg 3 sub-demands to branch legs and direct connections To Group 3.1; Branch to users 22,24: PDD Flow Range in Leg - 0.4 L/s; Pipe Diameter DN80; Pipe Length – 1500 m To Group 3.2; Branch to user 21: PDD Flow Range in Leg - 0.3 L/s; Pipe Diameter - DN80; Pipe Length – 400 m To Group 3.3; Direct connection to users: PDD Flow Range in Leg - 5.3 L/s Final Draft 137 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Pipe Leg 4 from Recycle Plant To User 17: PDD Flow Range in Leg - 7.9 L/s; Pipe Diameter - DN150; Pipe Length – 1200 m Table E.23 : Total lengths of each pipe diameter – non-residential use Pipe diameter Total length (m) DN250 8,400 DN150 4,700 DN80 6,600 Figure E.16 : Distribution system for Class A recycled water – supply to non-residential users. This diagram shows a map of Wangaratta marked with the possible locations for the recycled water treatment plant and recycled water reticulation network. Final Draft 138 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Appendix F. Estimated capital cost – additional groundwater use F.1 Upgrade water treatment infrastructure at Kerr Street Capital Cost Estimate PROJECT TASK Project No. VW07942 File SHEET No. 1 of DMCA 1 PREPARED BY EN Date May 2014 CHECKED BY NS Date May 2014 WANGARATTA WATER SECURITY CONCEPT DESIGN CAPITAL COST ESTIMATE Schedule: KU KERR ST BORE AND TREATMENT UPGRADE Item B Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount $ BORE FIT-OUT AND HEADWORKS B.1 60L/s submersible bore pumpset with shroud Not required B.2 DN150 MSCL Riser pipe Not required B.3 Power and instrumentation/comms cabling in bore Not required B.4 Headworks piping Not required B.5 NRV Not required B.6 Isolation BFV Not required B.7 Air Valve Not required B.8 Flow Meter Not required B.9 Pressure Instrument Not required B.10 Switchboard B.11 New VSD B.12 Local controller B.13 Electrcial installation Item 1 20,000 $20,000 B.14 New electrics Item 1 20,000 $20,000 Item 1 650,000 $650,000 D D.1 E Not required No. 2 15,000 $30,000 Not required AMIAD TREATMENT PLANT 55.5 L/s (4.8ML/d nom size 24hr operation) Free standing filters and skid mounted pipe and valves TREATMENT PLANT BUILDING AND ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT E.1 20 x 15 building - concrete slab, tilt-up panel, Colorbond roof Item 1 400,000 $400,000 E.2 Earthworks and foundation preparation for building Item 1 60,000 $60,000 E.3 Delivery Bay Item 1 50,000 $50,000 E.4 Sodium Hypochlorite system - storage tank, dosing equipment, bund Item 1 200,000 $200,000 E.5 PLC progamme modifications Item 1 10,000 $10,000 E.6 Swicthboard Replace Item 1 90,000 E.7 RTU Replace Item 1 15,000 $15,000 E.8 Relocaiton of exisitng filters and pipework into new building Item 1 100,000 $100,000 E.9 Electrical installation Item 1 50,000 $50,000 F $90,000 BACKWASH HOLDING TANK AND SEWER CONNECTION F.1 60kL tank including earthworks and foundation preparation Item 1 90,000 $90,000 F.2 Electrically actuated outlet control and isolation valve No. 1 2,000 $2,000 F.3 Level insturment - tank No. 1 2,000 $2,000 F.4 Connection to existing sewer main Item 1 5,000 $5,000 $4,500 G YARD PIPEWORK AND ELECTRICAL CABLE AND CONDUIT G.1 Pipe run - bore headworks to balance tank lin m 20 225 G.2 Pipe run - balance tank to Amiad treatment plant lin m 10 225 $2,250 G.3 Pipe run - Amiad treatment plant to Kerr St Tank lin m 50 225 $11,250 G.4 Pipe run - Amiad treatment plant to closest sewer main G.5 Power and intrumentation/comms run - From Building to Bore Switchboard and Local Controller lin m 30 100 $3,000 G.6 Power and intrumentation/comms run - From Building to Backwash Holding Tank lin m 10 100 $1,000 G.7 Instrumentation/Comms run to Balance Tank lin m 10 100 $1,000 H H.1 I I.1 Not required POWER Power upgrade to site Not included Commissioning and Defects Liability Commissioning and Defects Liability Support Item 1 30,000 DIRECT CONSTRUCTION COST SUBTOTAL $30,000 $1,847,000 INDIRECT PROJECT COSTS Indirect Construction Cost @ % of direct cost Item 8% $1,847,000 $147,760 Contractor Margin @ % of direct cost Item 7% $1,847,000 $129,290 Design and Preliminary Investigations @ % of direct cost Item 5% $1,847,000 $92,350 Project Management @ % of direct cost Item 5% $1,847,000 $92,350 Client - Project Management @ % of direct cost Item 2% $1,847,000 CONSTRUCTION COST SUBTOTAL $36,940 $2,345,690 ALLOWANCE / CONTINGENCY ABOVE ESTIMATED COST Nominal Allowance for Scope Creep @ % of total cost Item 25% $2,345,690 $586,423 Contingency Sum Item 25% $2,345,690 $586,423 CAPITAL COST ESTIMATE PLUS ALLOWANCES (ex GST) $3,520,000 COMMENTS ON CALCULATION RECORD The above estimate should be regarded as STRICTLY INDICATIVE and may vary significantly with further investigation and the construction methodology adopted. Final Draft 139 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing F.2 First new bore: Phillipson Street Capital Cost Estimate Project No. PROJECT TASK VW07942 File DMCA SHEET No. 1 of 1 PREPARED BY EN Date May 2014 CHECKED BY NS Date May 2014 WANGARATTA WATER SECURITY CONCEPT DESIGN CAPITAL COST ESTIMATE Schedule: P1 PHILLIPSON ST BORE AND TREATMENT Item A A.1 B Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount $ Item 1 300,000 $300,000 BORE Construction of bore BORE FIT-OUT AND HEADWORKS B.1 60L/s submersible bore pumpset with shroud No. 1 40,000 $40,000 B.2 DN150 MSCL Riser pipe lin m 40 225 $9,000 B.3 Power and instrumentation/comms cabling in bore lin m 40 100 $4,000 B.4 Headworks piping Item 1 10,000 $10,000 B.5 NRV No. 1 2,000 $2,000 B.6 Isolation BFV No. 1 1,500 $1,500 B.7 Air Valve No. 1 1,500 $1,500 B.8 Flow Meter No. 1 5,000 B.9 Pressure Instrument No. 1 2,000 $2,000 B.10 Switchboard No. 1 30,000 $30,000 B.11 VSD No. 1 15,000 $15,000 B.12 Local controller No. 1 5,000 $5,000 B.13 Electrcial installation Item 1 30,000 $30,000 C $5,000 BALANCING TANK AND FEED PUMP C.1 1200kL Balance Tank No. 1 700,000 $700,000 C.2 Earthworks and foundation preparation for balance tank Item 1 100,000 $100,000 C.3 Level insturment - tank No. 1 2,000 $2,000 C.4 44L/s feed pumpset No. 2 30,000 $60,000 C.5 Pump inlet and outlet isolation BFV No. 4 1,500 $6,000 C.6 Pump NRV No. 2 2,000 $4,000 C.7 Flow meter - pump discharge No. 1 5,000 C.8 Pressure Instrument - pump discharge No. 1 2,000 $2,000 C.9 Mechanical and electrical installation Item 1 30,000 $30,000 Item 1 500,000 $500,000 D D.1 E $5,000 AMIAD TREATMENT PLANT 3.5ML/d Free standing filters and skid mounted pipe and valves TREATMENT PLANT BUILDING AND ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT E.1 17.5 x 12.5 building - concrete slab, tilt-up panel, Colorbond roof Item 1 350,000 $350,000 E.2 Earthworks and foundation preparation for building Item 1 50,000 $50,000 E.3 Delivery Bay Item 1 50,000 $50,000 E.4 Sodium Hypochlorite system - storage tank, dosing equipment, bund Item 1 200,000 $200,000 E.5 PLC No. 1 20,000 $20,000 E.6 Swicthboard and control panel No. 1 90,000 $90,000 E.7 RTU No. 1 10,000 $10,000 E.8 Electrical installation Item 1 50,000 $50,000 F BACKWASH HOLDING TANK AND SEWER CONNECTION F.1 30kL tank including earthworks and foundation preparation Item 1 60,000 $60,000 F.2 Electrically actuated outlet control and isolation valve No. 1 2,000 $2,000 F.3 Level insturment - tank No. 1 2,000 $2,000 F.4 Connection to existing sewer main Item 1 5,000 $5,000 $4,500 G YARD PIPEWORK AND ELECTRICAL CABLE AND CONDUIT G.1 Pipe run - bore headworks to balance tank lin m 20 225 G.2 Pipe run - balance tank to Amiad treatment plant lin m 10 225 $2,250 G.3 Pipe run - Amiad treatment plant to Phillipson St Tank lin m 50 225 $11,250 G.4 Pipe run - Amiad treatment plant to closest sewer main lin m 50 225 $11,250 G.5 Power and intrumentation/comms run - From Building to Bore Switchboard and Local Controller lin m 30 100 $3,000 G.6 Power and intrumentation/comms run - From Building to Backwash Holding Tank lin m 10 100 $1,000 G.7 Instrumentation/Comms run to Balance Tank lin m 10 100 $1,000 H H.1 I I.1 POWER Power upgrade to site Not included Commissioning and Defects Liability Commissioning and Defects Liability Support Item 1 30,000 DIRECT CONSTRUCTION COST SUBTOTAL $30,000 $2,817,250 INDIRECT PROJECT COSTS Indirect Construction Cost @ % of direct cost Item 8% $2,817,250 $225,380 Contractor Margin @ % of direct cost Item 7% $2,817,250 $197,208 Design and Preliminary Investigations @ % of direct cost Item 5% $2,817,250 $140,863 Project Management @ % of direct cost Item 5% $2,817,250 $140,863 Client - Project Management @ % of direct cost Item 2% $2,817,250 CONSTRUCTION COST SUBTOTAL $56,345 $3,577,908 ALLOWANCE / CONTINGENCY ABOVE ESTIMATED COST Nominal Allowance for Scope Creep @ % of total cost Item 25% $3,577,908 Contingency Sum Item 25% $3,577,908 CAPITAL COST ESTIMATE PLUS ALLOWANCES (ex GST) $894,477 $894,477 $5,370,000 COMMENTS ON CALCULATION RECORD The above estimate should be regarded as STRICTLY INDICATIVE and may vary significantly with further investigation and the construction methodology adopted. Final Draft 140 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing F.3 Second new bore: Cruse Street (near Kerr Street) option Capital Cost Estimate Project No. PROJECT TASK VW07942 File DMCA SHEET No. 1 of 1 PREPARED BY EN Date May 2014 CHECKED BY NS Date May 2014 WANGARATTA WATER SECURITY CONCEPT DESIGN CAPITAL COST ESTIMATE Schedule: K3 KERR ST NEW BORE AND TREATMENT Item A A.1 B Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount $ Item 1 300,000 $300,000 $40,000 BORE Construction of bore BORE FIT-OUT AND HEADWORKS B.1 60L/s submersible bore pumpset with shroud No. 1 40,000 B.2 DN150 MSCL Riser pipe lin m 40 225 B.3 Power and instrumentation/comms cabling in bore lin m 40 100 $4,000 B.4 Headworks piping Item 1 10,000 $10,000 B.5 NRV No. 1 2,000 $2,000 B.6 Isolation BFV No. 1 1,500 $1,500 B.7 Air Valve No. 1 1,500 $1,500 B.8 Flow Meter No. 1 5,000 B.9 Pressure Instrument No. 1 2,000 $2,000 B.10 Switchboard No. 1 30,000 $30,000 B.11 VSD No. 1 15,000 $15,000 B.12 Local controller No. 1 5,000 $5,000 B.13 Electrcial installation Item 1 30,000 $30,000 C $9,000 $5,000 BALANCING TANK AND FEED PUMP C.1 1300kL Balance Tank No. 1 700,000 $700,000 C.2 Earthworks and foundation preparation for balance tank Item 1 100,000 $100,000 C.3 Level insturment - tank No. 1 2,000 $2,000 C.4 44L/s feed pumpset No. 2 30,000 $60,000 C.5 Pump inlet and outlet isolation BFV No. 4 1,500 $6,000 C.6 Pump NRV No. 2 2,000 $4,000 C.7 Flow meter - pump discharge No. 1 5,000 $5,000 C.8 Pressure Instrument - pump discharge No. 1 2,000 $2,000 C.9 Mechanical and electrical installation Item 1 30,000 $30,000 Item 1 500,000 $500,000 $350,000 D D.1 E AMIAD TREATMENT PLANT 3.5ML/d Free standing filters and skid mounted pipe and valves TREATMENT PLANT BUILDING AND ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT E.1 17.5 x 12.5 building - concrete slab, tilt-up panel, Colorbond roof Item 1 350,000 E.2 Earthworks and foundation preparation for building Item 1 50,000 E.3 Delivery Bay Item 1 50,000 $50,000 E.4 Sodium Hypochlorite system - storage tank, dosing equipment, bund Item 1 200,000 $200,000 E.5 PLC No. 1 20,000 $20,000 E.6 Swicthboard and control panel No. 1 90,000 $90,000 E.7 RTU No. 1 10,000 $10,000 E.8 Electrical installation Item 1 50,000 $50,000 F $50,000 BACKWASH HOLDING TANK AND SEWER CONNECTION F.1 30kL tank including earthworks and foundation preparation Item 1 60,000 $60,000 F.2 Electrically actuated outlet control and isolation valve No. 1 2,000 $2,000 F.3 Level insturment - tank No. 1 2,000 $2,000 F.4 Connection to existing sewer main Item 1 5,000 $5,000 $4,500 G YARD PIPEWORK AND ELECTRICAL CABLE AND CONDUIT G.1 Pipe run - bore headworks to balance tank lin m 20 225 G.2 Pipe run - balance tank to Amiad treatment plant lin m 10 225 $2,250 G.4 Pipe run - Amiad treatment plant to closest sewer main lin m 50 225 $11,250 G.5 Power and intrumentation/comms run - From Building to Bore Switchboard and Local Controller lin m 30 100 $3,000 G.6 Power and intrumentation/comms run - From Building to Backwash Holding Tank lin m 10 100 $1,000 G.7 Instrumentation/Comms run to Balance Tank lin m 10 100 $1,000 H H.1 I POWER Power upgrade to site Not included Commissioning and Defects Liability I.1 Commissioning and Defects Liability Support J Treated Water Transfer Pipeline (from Cruse St to Kerr St Tank) J.1 DN250 MSCL Pipe - Supply, Trench, Bed, Lay, Backfill, Reinstate Road Pavement Item 1 lin m 650 30,000 750 DIRECT CONSTRUCTION COST SUBTOTAL $30,000 $487,500 $3,293,500 INDIRECT PROJECT COSTS Indirect Construction Cost @ % of direct cost Item 8% $3,293,500 $263,480 Contractor Margin @ % of direct cost Item 7% $3,293,500 $230,545 Design and Preliminary Investigations @ % of direct cost Item 5% $3,293,500 $164,675 Project Management @ % of direct cost Item 5% $3,293,500 $164,675 Client - Project Management @ % of direct cost Item 2% $3,293,500 $65,870 CONSTRUCTION COST SUBTOTAL $4,182,745 ALLOWANCE / CONTINGENCY ABOVE ESTIMATED COST Nominal Allowance for Scope Creep @ % of total cost Item 25% $4,182,745 $1,045,686 Contingency Sum Item 25% $4,182,745 $1,045,686 CAPITAL COST ESTIMATE PLUS ALLOWANCES (ex GST) $6,280,000 COMMENTS ON CALCULATION RECORD The above estimate should be regarded as STRICTLY INDICATIVE and may vary significantly with further investigation and the construction methodology adopted. Final Draft 141 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing F.4 Second new bore: Faithfull Street option Capital Cost Estimate Project No. PROJECT TASK VW07942 File DMCA SHEET No. 1 of 1 PREPARED BY EN Date May 2014 CHECKED BY NS Date May 2014 WANGARATTA WATER SECURITY CONCEPT DESIGN CAPITAL COST ESTIMATE Schedule: F2 FAITHFUL ST BORE AND TRANSFER PIPE Item A A.1 B Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount $ Item 1 300,000 $300,000 $40,000 BORE Construction of bore BORE FIT-OUT AND HEADWORKS B.1 60L/s submersible bore pumpset with shroud No. 1 40,000 B.2 DN150 MSCL Riser pipe lin m 40 225 B.3 Power and instrumentation/comms cabling in bore lin m 40 100 $4,000 B.4 Headworks piping Item 1 10,000 $10,000 B.5 NRV No. 1 2,000 $2,000 B.6 Isolation BFV No. 1 1,500 $1,500 B.7 Air Valve No. 1 1,500 $1,500 B.8 Flow Meter No. 1 5,000 B.9 Pressure Instrument No. 1 2,000 $2,000 B.10 Switchboard No. 1 30,000 $30,000 B.11 VSD No. 1 15,000 $15,000 B.12 Local controller No. 1 5,000 $5,000 B.13 Electrcial installation Item 1 30,000 $30,000 C $9,000 $5,000 BALANCING TANK AND FEED PUMP C.1 1300kL Balance Tank No. 1 700,000 $700,000 C.2 Earthworks and foundation preparation for balance tank Item 1 100,000 $100,000 C.3 Level insturment - tank No. 1 2,000 $2,000 C.4 44L/s feed pumpset No. 2 30,000 $60,000 C.5 Pump inlet and outlet isolation BFV No. 4 1,500 $6,000 C.6 Pump NRV No. 2 2,000 $4,000 C.7 Flow meter - pump discharge No. 1 5,000 $5,000 C.8 Pressure Instrument - pump discharge No. 1 2,000 $2,000 C.9 Mechanical and electrical installation Item 1 30,000 $30,000 D D.1 E AMIAD TREATMENT PLANT 3.5ML/d Not required Free standing filters and skid mounted pipe and valves TREATMENT PLANT BUILDING AND ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT E.1 17.5 x 12.5 building - concrete slab, tilt-up panel, Colorbond roof E.2 Earthworks and foundation preparation for building E.3 Delivery Bay E.4 Sodium Hypochlorite system - storage tank, dosing equipment, bund E.5 PLC E.6 Swicthboard and control panel E.7 RTU E.8 Electrical installation F BACKWASH HOLDING TANK AND SEWER CONNECTION F.1 30kL tank including earthworks and foundation preparation F.2 Electrically actuated outlet control and isolation valve F.3 Level insturment - tank F.4 Connection to existing sewer main G Pipe run - bore headworks to balance tank G.2 Pipe run - balance tank to Amiad treatment plant G.4 Pipe run - Amiad treatment plant to closest sewer main G.5 Power and intrumentation/comms run - From Building to Bore Switchboard and Local Controller G.6 Power and intrumentation/comms run - From Building to Backwash Holding Tank G.7 Instrumentation/Comms run to Balance Tank H.1 I Not required POWER Power upgrade to site Not included Commissioning and Defects Liability I.1 Commissioning and Defects Liability Support J Raw Water Transfer Pipeline (from new bore to Wangaratta WTP) J.1 Not required YARD PIPEWORK AND ELECTRICAL CABLE AND CONDUIT G.1 H Not required DN250 MSCL Pipe - Supply, Trench, Bed, Lay, Backfill, Reinstate Road Pavement Item 1 Lin m 550 30,000 750 DIRECT CONSTRUCTION COST SUBTOTAL $30,000 $412,500 $1,806,500 INDIRECT PROJECT COSTS Indirect Construction Cost @ % of direct cost Item 8% $1,806,500 $144,520 Contractor Margin @ % of direct cost Item 7% $1,806,500 $126,455 Design and Preliminary Investigations @ % of direct cost Item 5% $1,806,500 $90,325 Project Management @ % of direct cost Item 5% $1,806,500 $90,325 Client - Project Management @ % of direct cost Item 2% $1,806,500 $36,130 CONSTRUCTION COST SUBTOTAL $2,294,255 ALLOWANCE / CONTINGENCY ABOVE ESTIMATED COST Nominal Allowance for Scope Creep @ % of total cost Item 25% $2,294,255 $573,564 Contingency Sum Item 25% $2,294,255 $573,564 CAPITAL COST ESTIMATE PLUS ALLOWANCES (ex GST) $3,450,000 COMMENTS ON CALCULATION RECORD The above estimate should be regarded as STRICTLY INDICATIVE and may vary significantly with further investigation and the construction methodology adopted. Final Draft 142 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Appendix G. Estimated capital cost – enlarge Lake Buffalo DRAFT Preliminary Cost Estimate - Capital Cost Project No. VW07492 File DMCA Sheet No. 1 of 1 Prepared By: NS Date Jun-14 Checked By: CK Date Jul-14 PROJECT Water Security for Wangaratta WBS LAKE BUFFALO 10GL AUGMENTATION (2.9m raising of Full Supply Level) Item Description Unit DIRECT COSTS: 1 1 1 1 Quantity Rate Likely Likely 1 General (~CH:0.0 to 800) Demolish existing guard fence 2 Demolish existing road. m m² 6,160 3 Demolish existing geotextile fabric m 800 4 Demolish existing parapet wall m 800 5 1.7m high parapet wall m 800 6 Geotextile fabric 7 Road surface m m² 6,160 8 Guard fence m 800 800 800 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Amount 50 15 1 100 1,225 15 50 150 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 1 2 $ 2 Excavation to remove vegetation Excavation on top to establish existing layer zones 3 1 3 3 Fill - Various layers 2,000 m³ 500 m³ 20,000 $ $ $ 2 $ 35 $ 75 $ 4,500 17,500 1,500,000 $ 4 1 4 1 Construction shoring Item 1 2 Demolish existing gate, bridge, etc. 3 Excavation Item m³ 45,000 4 Spillway walls - footings m³ 1,500 5 Spillway walls - walls m² 2,400 6 Spillway walls - blade walls m² 1,000 7 Spillway walls - backfill m² 3,000 8 Base (Upstream) m² 2,100 9 Base (Downstream) m² 2,100 10 Stressbar anchors 11 Ogee crest adjustment No m³ 9,100 12 Stressbar anchors 13 Road bridge No m² 560 1 625 25 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,400,000 100,000 35 1,500 1,500 1,500 75 750 750 500 500 5,000 3,500 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 5 1 5 $ 4 1 4 1 2 Excavation to remove vegetation Excavation on top to establish existing layer zones ~200m 3 Geotextile fabric 4 Fill - Various layers m² 6,000 m³ 10,800 m² 2,000 m³ 35,000 $ $ $ $ 2 35 15 75 $ $ $ $ 13,500 378,000 30,000 2,625,000 $ 6 1 6 ~160m Excavation to remove vegetation Excavation on top to establish existing layer zones m² 4,800 m³ 9,600 3 Geotextile fabric m² 1,600 4 Fill - Various layers m³ 16,000 5 Scour protection m² 30,000 $ $ $ $ $ 2 35 15 75 13 $ $ $ $ $ 10,800 336,000 24,000 1,200,000 382,500 $ 7 1 7 1 2 Excavation to remove vegetation Excavation on top to establish existing layer zones ~110m 3 Geotextile fabric 4 Fill - Various layers m² 3,300 m³ 5,940 m² 1,100 m³ 19,250 $ $ $ $ 2 35 15 75 $ $ $ $ 7,425 207,900 16,500 1,443,750 $ 1 Secondary Spillway (with Fuseplug) (~CH: 20 to 170) Excavation at ends to widen spillway m³ 8,500 2 Backfill - compacted clay layer m³ 21,000 3 Backfill - Sand / gravel fill m³ 4,500 1 High Level Outlet New outlet to access water above current FSL $ $ $ 35 $ 40 $ 50 $ 8 1 8 1 ~150m (increased from 100m) Assume deposit within 2 km $ No 1 $ 1,500,000 $ 1,675,575 297,500 840,000 225,000 1,362,500 1,500,000 $ 1,500,000 $ 34,440,575 DIRECT CONSTRUCTION COST SUBTOTAL 1 1,953,300 Secondary Embankment Part B (~CH: 170 to 280) Total 1 3,046,500 Tertiary Spillway (~CH: 280 to 440) 2 1 Total 1 21,747,500 Secondary Embankment Part A (~CH: 440 to 640) Total 1 ~70m Required for construction 2,400,000 100,000 1,575,000 2,250,000 3,600,000 1,500,000 225,000 1,575,000 1,575,000 312,500 4,550,000 125,000 1,960,000 Total 1 1,522,000 Primary Spillway (~CH: 640 to 710) Total 1 1,633,200 ~100m m² Total 1 Rate includes, linemarkings, etc. Assume reuse of existing /new posts Main Embankment Crest (~CH:710 to 810) 1 Comment: ~800m Assume ok to re-use 40,000 92,400 800 80,000 980,000 12,000 308,000 120,000 Total 1 Totals - INDIRECT PROJECT COSTS 1 Indirect Construction Cost @ % of direct cost Item 8% 2 Contractor Margin @ % of direct cost Item 7% 3 Design and Preliminary Investigations @ % of direct cost Item 10% 4 Physical Spillway Model and Investigation Item 1 5 Project Management @ % of direct cost Item 5% 6 Client - Project Management @ % of direct cost Item 5% 9 $ $ $ $ $ $ 34,440,575 34,440,575 34,440,575 1,000,000 34,440,575 34,440,575 $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,755,246 2,410,840 3,444,058 1,000,000 1,722,029 1,722,029 Contractors preliminaries, etc Margin / profit Consultants fees, etc Required to confirm spillway arrangement Large project Nominal allowance Total $ 13,054,202 TOTAL PRELIMINARY CAPITAL COST ESTIMATE $ 47,494,777 Total $ 23,750,000 CAPITAL COST ESTIMATE PLUS ALLOWANCES $ 71,250,000 1 ALLOWANCE / CONTINGENCY ABOVE ESTIMATED COST Nominal Allowance for Scope Creep @ % of total cost Item 25% 2 Contingency Sum 25% Item $ $ 47,494,777 $ 47,494,777 $ 11,873,694 11,873,694 Nominal allownace Nominal allownace Rounded up excl GST COMMENTS ON CALCULATION RECORD: The above estimate should be regarded as STRICTLY INDICATIVE and may vary significantly with further investigation and the construction methodology adopted. Final Draft 143 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Appendix H. Estimated capital cost – alternative water use H.1 Stage 1 – non-residential use Capital Cost Estimate PROJECT TASK Project No. VW07942 File SHEET No. 1 of DMCA 1 PREPARED BY EN Date May 2014 CHECKED BY NS Date May 2014 WANGARATTA WATER SECURITY CONCEPT DESIGN CAPITAL COST ESTIMATE Schedule: RECLAIMED WATER OPTION Item A Description Unit Rate Amount $ 5.5ML/d CLASS A RECYCLED WATER TREATMENT PLANT A.1 Coagulation, Floculation and Flotation (with DAF) A.2 Membrane Ultrafilration Plant A.3 UV Disinfection Plant A.4 Chlorination Plant B Quantity $12,000,000 TREATED WATER STORAGE AND PUMP STATION B.1 2.5ML Tank including earthworks Item 1 1,750,000 $1,750,000 B.2 5ML/d (58L/s) Pump Station Item 1 250,000 $250,000 C RETICULATION NETWORK C.1 DN250 Pipe - Supply, Trench, Bed, Lay, Backfill, Reinstate Road Pavement Lin m 8400 450 $3,780,000 C.2 DN150 Pipe - Supply, Trench, Bed, Lay, Backfill, Reinstate Road Pavement Lin m 4700 380 $1,786,000 C.3 DN80 Pipe - Supply, Trench, Bed, Lay, Backfill, Reinstate Road Pavement Lin m 6600 225 $1,485,000 C.4 Connections to Customers No. 40 5,000 $200,000 D D.1 E E.1 POWER Power upgrade to site Not included Commissioning and Defects Liability Commissioning and Defects Liability Support Item 1 30,000 DIRECT CONSTRUCTION COST SUBTOTAL $30,000 $21,281,000 INDIRECT PROJECT COSTS Indirect Construction Cost @ % of direct cost Item 8% $21,281,000 $1,702,480 Contractor Margin @ % of direct cost Item 7% $21,281,000 $1,489,670 Design and Preliminary Investigations @ % of direct cost Item 5% $21,281,000 $1,064,050 Project Management @ % of direct cost Item 5% $21,281,000 $1,064,050 Client - Project Management @ % of direct cost Item 2% $21,281,000 $425,620 CONSTRUCTION COST SUBTOTAL $27,026,870 ALLOWANCE / CONTINGENCY ABOVE ESTIMATED COST Nominal Allowance for Scope Creep @ % of total cost Item 25% $27,026,870 $6,756,718 Contingency Sum Item 25% $27,026,870 $6,756,718 CAPITAL COST ESTIMATE PLUS ALLOWANCES (ex GST) $40,550,000 COMMENTS ON CALCULATION RECORD The above estimate should be regarded as STRICTLY INDICATIVE and may vary significantly with further investigation and the construction methodology adopted. H.2 Stage 2 – residential use At $225 per linear metre for the expanded recycled water reticulation network (which would branch off the stage one reticulation network), and $5,000 per household connection (to separate potable and recycled water use), the direct construction costs for stage two would be approximately: $9 million for the approximately 40 km of reticulation network required to reach 3,100 houses $15.5 million for 3,100 household connections Final Draft 144 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing $4.2 million to increase the capacity of the stage one Class A recycling plant (8 ML/d), treated water storage tank and pump station After adding 27% for indirect costs, and a 50% contingency, the total capital cost for stage two equals approximately $55 million. Final Draft 145 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Appendix I. Flora and fauna risks A desktop flora and fauna risk assessment has been undertaken, as far as possible, for each option to improve reliability of supply to Wangaratta. The assessment involved a review of the following databases and documents: Biodiversity mapping (DEPI 2014a) – This database comprises large scale mapping and classification of native vegetation across Victoria. It also classifies areas of mapped native vegetation according to importance to biodiversity. Habitat Mapping for Threatened Species (DEPI 2014a) Victorian Biodiversity Atlas (DEPI 2014b) – This database comprises historical records of flora and fauna species from across the state. Records are added opportunistically, as flora and fauna surveys are conducted within Victoria for a variety of purposes. Records from a 5 km radius of the site have been assessed for this report. Protected Matters Search Tool (DotE 2014) – The Protected Matters Search Tool (PMST) highlights any matters of National Environmental Significance (NES) relevant to the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) that are likely to occur within an area. Findings were considered against the relevant flora and fauna legislation summarised in Table I.24. Table I.24 : Relevant environmental legislation regarding flora and fauna [Table converted to text for accessibility] Commonwealth: Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) Description The EPBC Act has significant implications for natural resource and environmental management in Australia. This Act provides for the listing of threatened species, threatened ecological communities and key threatening processes. It also relates to actions likely to have a significant impact on matters of National Environmental Significance (NES). There are nine matters of NES: World Heritage Sites National Heritage Places Ramsar Wetlands Final Draft 146 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Nationally threatened species and ecological communities Migratory species Commonwealth marine areas Nuclear actions the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Water resources from coal seam gas development or large coal mining development Project relevance/ actions required Determine whether any matter of NES is likely to be ‘significantly’ impacted by the proposed works. Recommend further assessment where required, such as targeted surveys. Where matter of NES may be impacted recommend mitigation measures to avoid and reduce impact. If impact cannot be avoided the project will need to be referred to the Commonwealth Department of the Environment. State: Environment Effects Act 1978 (EE Act) Description The Environment Effects Act 1978 provides for the assessment of actions that are capable of having a significant environmental effect. Actions which might have a significant environmental effect should be referred to the Victorian Minister for Planning, who decides if an Environmental Effects Statement (EES) is required. An EES might be required where: There is a likelihood of regionally or state significant adverse environmental effects There is a need for an integrated assessment of social and economic effects of a project or relevant alternatives Normal statutory processes would not provide a sufficiently comprehensive, integrated and transparent assessment This Act also allows an applicant to write to the Secretary of the Victorian Department of Planning and Community Development (DPCD) to confirm no EES is required. Project relevance/ actions required Determine whether the extent of removal of native vegetation and habitat for threatened species of state significance will trigger the need for a referral under the Environmental Effects Act. Final Draft 147 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Recommend further assessment where required, such as targeted surveys. If trigger for EES is met, recommend mitigation measures to avoid and reduce impact. If impact cannot be avoided an EES referral will need to be submitted. State: Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988 (FFG Act) Description The FFG Act provides a framework for biodiversity conservation in Victoria. Threatened species and communities of flora and fauna, as well as threatening processes, are listed under this Act. A number of non-threatened flora species are also listed as protected under the FFG Act. A Permit to Take is required to remove these species from public land. Project relevance/ actions required Determine if any FFG-listed flora or fauna species are likely to be affected or threatening processes occur by the proposed works within the Project area Recommend further assessment where required, such as targeted surveys. Where listed flora and fauna species are identified or threatening processes likely, recommend mitigation measures to avoid and reduce impact. If listed flora and fauna species are to be removed a Permit to Take may need to be obtained. State: Department of Environment and Primary Industries (DEPI) (formally DSE) Victorian Advisory Lists (VicAdv) Description The DEPI Victorian Advisory Lists (VicAdv) are not a statutory list of threatened species, but rather list species for which conservation management is recommended by DSE. The VicAdv lists are comprised of the Advisory List of Rare or Threatened Plants in Victoria – 2005 (DSE, 2005), the Advisory List of Threatened Vertebrate Fauna in Victoria – 2013 (DSE, 2007), and the Advisory List of Threatened Invertebrate Fauna in Victoria – 2009 (DSE, 2009). The presence, or likely presence, of a species listed on the VicAdv lists is used to determine whether species specific habitat is required to be offset. Final Draft 148 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Project relevance/ actions required Determine if any species present are listed on the VicAdv lists and likely to be affected by the proposed works within project area. Recommend further assessment where required, such as targeted surveys. Where listed flora and fauna species are identified, recommend mitigation measures to avoid and reduce impacts. If listed flora and fauna species are to be impacted an offset will be prescribed for the project area that incorporates habitat for the affected species. State: Planning and Environment Act 1987 Description Applications to remove, destroy, or lop native vegetation in Victoria invoke relevant municipal planning schemes and the Planning and Environment Act, which are given authority through the Victorian Planning Provisions (VPP). A range of exemptions apply under this Act. Depending on the scale of the native vegetation clearance, statutory referral to the DEPI may be required. Offset requirements for the clearances of native vegetation are determined by the NVMF and the relevant Catchment Management Authority’s Native Vegetation Plan. Project relevance/ actions required Determine whether native vegetation is present and will require removal. Where native vegetation is present within the project area, recommend mitigation measures to avoid and minimise the removal of native vegetation. If native vegetation is to be removed, a permit will be required from the approval authority. Certain overlays (e.g. Environmental Significance Overlays) may modify the permit requirements for the removal of native vegetation State: Permitted Clearing of Native Vegetation – Biodiversity Assessment Guidelines (Guidelines) Description The purpose of these Guidelines is to guide how impacts on biodiversity should be considered when assessing an application for a permit to remove, lop or destroy native vegetation. Final Draft 149 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing For the purpose of these Guidelines the term ‘remove native vegetation’ includes to lop or destroy native vegetation. Project relevance/ actions required Determine whether native vegetation is present and will require removal. Where native vegetation is present within the project area, recommend mitigation measures to avoid and minimise the removal of native vegetation. If native vegetation is to be removed, prescribe an offset in accordance with the Guidelines. State: Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994 (CaLP Act) Description The CaLP Act defines requirements to: Avoid land degradation; Conserve soil: Protect water resources; and Eradicate and prevent the spread and establishment of noxious weed and pest animal species. The Act defines four categories of noxious weeds: State Prohibited Weeds, Regionally Prohibited Weeds, Regionally Controlled Weeds and Restricted Weeds. Noxious weeds species and the category they are placed in is specific to individual CMA regions. Project relevance/ actions required Determine whether any pest plant or animal species are present within the project area. Recommend mitigation measures to control pest plant and animal species and to prevent any increase in the populations of these species as a result of proposed works A summary of the likely flora and fauna risks associated with each option is included in Table I.25. Table I.25 : Summary of likely flora and fauna risks [Table converted to text for accessibility] Water Supply Option: Additional groundwater EVC Impact: Small – depending on construction requirements and number of bores needed to be established, but assumed to be less than 5 ha. Final Draft 150 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Offset Requirement: Small. No specific threatened species offsets would be required given urban context. Threatened Species Risks: Low. Not considered significant given urban context. It is unlikely that specific approvals will be required. Permit Requirement: Likely managed by Council (although one potential EPBC community may be impacted). Potential drawdown impacts on local vegetation have not been considered in this assessment, but may involve additional permits and impacts. Water Supply Option: Enlarge Lake Buffalo EVC Impact: Very large – 90 ha Offset Requirement: Very Large. $5 m-$10 m on the open market. Potential threatened species offsets may also be required Threatened Species Risks: Moderate to Significant. A number of threatened species recorded in the area. Mostly aquatic or semi aquatic species unlikely to be adversely impacted with an EMP in place to manage the rate of water level/habitat change. Permit Requirement: DEPI. Given impact size, specific offsets may be required for threatened species habitat and individual EVCs. This is an untested part of the New Permitted Clearing Regulations. Water Supply Option: Alternative Water Use EVC Impact: Medium - <10 ha. Significant vegetation between the WWTP and proposed distribution system. Construction is likely to include Scattered Tree Offset requirements. Offset Requirement: Moderate. $200,000–$300,000 Threatened Species Risks: Low to Moderate. Not considered significant given largely urban context. It is unlikely that specific approvals will be required. Permit Requirement: Council. >15 scattered native trees of 10 ha requires DEPI referral. Unlikely to be any NES/EPBC triggers To provide more detail for each option: Table I.26 summarises the potential flora and fauna risks for each new bore site considered in the concept design for the additional groundwater use option. Figure I.17 shows the EVCs that will be inundated by raising the Lake Buffalo full supply level by 2.9 m. It is estimated that a total of 90 ha of mapped EVC will be inundated. Thirty-six threatened fauna and seven threatened flora species have also previously Final Draft 151 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing been recorded in the vicinity of Lake Buffalo. However, there is a low likelihood that enlarging Lake Buffalo would significantly impact their habitat. Figure I.18 shows the native vegetation (as EVCs) in and around Wangaratta. For the alternative water use option, there is the potential for scattered native vegetation in road reserves to be lost during the construction of the proposed recycled water distribution system (Figure 6.1) Potential flora and fauna risks have been assessed via a desktop study only, and field visits would be needed to confirm the actual flora and fauna values that could be impacted by each option. Table I.26 : Summary of flora and fauna risks for new bore sites Bore EVCs Offset Requirement Option Threatened Potential Species Permit Requirements Bore 1 – EVC 55 Plains Loss of <1 ha of Phillipson Grassy Woodland*1 potentially St 9 Council; DEPE; DotE Commonwealth listed vegetation Bore 2 – NA NA 0 No specific flora Cruse St and fauna (near Kerr permit St) requirements Bore 2 – EVC 56 Flood Plain Loss of <1 ha of Faithfull St Riparian Woodland riparian EVC Bore 2 – EVC 55 Plains Loss of <1 ha of Phillipson Grassy Woodland*1 potentially 4 Council 9 Council; DEPE; option St option DotE Commonwealth listed vegetation Note: 1 EVC 55 Plains Grassy Woodland is equivalent to the EPBC Listed and Critically Endangered White Box-Yellow Box-Blakely's Red Gum Grassy Woodland and Derived Native Grassland Final Draft 152 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Figure I.17 : EVC loss associated with the enlargement of Lake Buffalo. This diagram is a map of Lake Buffalo showing the potential areas of vegetation loss under the areas which would be inundated following the enlargement of Lake Buffalo. Figure I.18 : Native vegetation as EVCs in and around Wangaratta. This map shows the location of native vegetation in and around Wangaratta. Final Draft 153 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Appendix J. Predicted changes in streamflow The plots in this appendix show the predicted changes in streamflow in the Buffalo River and Ovens River if Lake Buffalo is enlarged from 24 GL to 34 GL, and the primary spillway changes from being gated to a fixed crest. The plots include three different climate scenarios, but each assumes current level of development demands. Similar plots were prepared for future level of development demand scenarios, but they do not differ significantly from the plots included in this appendix. The plots show that enlarging Lake Buffalo would reduce downstream flows in the autumn, and increase them in spring. This is attributable to the changes in dam operation, more so than the enlargement of Lake Buffalo’s capacity. Currently, Lake Buffalo is a gated storage. During spring, the gates are closed to fill the lake to full supply level (FSL). Conversely, in autumn the gates are opened and the storage is drawn down to sill level. If Lake Buffalo were enlarged, it would become a fixed crest storage. Therefore, the lake would fill and spill according to inflows rather than gate operations. Consequently, the dam would harvest more water in autumn (thus reducing downstream flows compared with current operations), and spill more water in spring (thus increasing downstream flows). This is demonstrated in the storage traces contained in the first plot on the next page. The changes in streamflow expected from enlarging Lake Buffalo to 34 GL are minor, especially compared to expected changes under the median climate change or return to dry climate scenarios. In addition, the changes become smaller with increased distance downstream. Enlarging Lake Buffalo has a minor effect on streamflow, because 34 GL of storage capacity is small compared to the mean annual inflow (400 GL under historic climate conditions). For this reason, increasing the capacity of Lake Buffalo to 34 GL is also expected to make no material difference to flood frequencies downstream of the storage (see the second plot on the next page). Final Draft 154 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Lake Buffalo storage traces - current level of development 40000 Historic climate, current Lake Buffalo Historic climate, enlarged Lake Buffalo Volume in Storage (ML) 35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Year Buffalo River downstream of Lake Buffalo - current level of development 1000000 Flow (ML/week) 100000 10000 1000 100 Historic climate, current Lake Buffalo Historic climate, enlarged Lake Buffalo 10 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Time Exceeded Final Draft 155 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing 90000 Buffalo River downstream of Lake Buffalo - current level of development Historic climate, current Lake Buffalo Historic climate, enlarged Lake Buffalo 80000 Return-to-dry climate change, current Lake Buffalo Return-to-dry climate change, enlarged Lake Buffalo Mean flow (ML/month) 70000 Median 2060 climate change, current Lake Buffalo Median 2060 climate change, enlarged Lake Buffalo 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 Jan 250000 Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Ovens River downstream of Buffalo River - current level of development Historic climate, current Lake Buffalo Historic climate, enlarged Lake Buffalo Return-to-dry climate change, current Lake Buffalo Mean flow (ML/month) 200000 Return-to-dry climate change, enlarged Lake Buffalo Median 2060 climate change, current Lake Buffalo Median 2060 climate change, enlarged Lake Buffalo 150000 100000 50000 0 Jan Final Draft Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 156 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing 250000 Ovens River upstream of Wangaratta - current level of development Historic climate, current Lake Buffalo Historic climate, enlarged Lake Buffalo Return-to-dry climate change, current Lake Buffalo Mean flow (ML/month) 200000 Return-to-dry climate change, enlarged Lake Buffalo Median 2060 climate change, current Lake Buffalo Median 2060 climate change, enlarged Lake Buffalo 150000 100000 50000 0 Jan 350000 Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Ovens River downstream of Wangaratta - current level of development Historic climate, current Lake Buffalo Historic climate, enlarged Lake Buffalo 300000 Return-to-dry climate change, current Lake Buffalo Mean flow (ML/month) Return-to-dry climate change, enlarged Lake Buffalo Median 2060 climate change, current Lake Buffalo 250000 Median 2060 climate change, enlarged Lake Buffalo 200000 150000 100000 50000 0 Jan Final Draft Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 157 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing Appendix K. Impacts on downstream users Improving the reliability of supply to Wangaratta may affect the reliability of supply for other water users, including in the River Murray system. Of the options examined in this project, only one is expected to have an impact on other users. Option 2 – Additional groundwater use The option involving additional use of groundwater is not expected to affect flow in the Ovens River. Bores constructed in this option will be screened in the Calivil Formation, where it is overlain by the Tertiary Aquitard. Due to the presence of the Aquitard, extractions from the Calivil Formation are known to have minimal to no influence on flow in the Ovens River. Therefore the use of additional groundwater from the Calivil Formation will have no impact on the reliability of supply for other users. Option 3 – Enlarging Lake Buffalo by 10 GL Enlarging Lake Buffalo from 24 GL to 34 GL, and replacing the gated spillway with a fixed crest spillway, will change the timing of spills from Lake Buffalo to the Ovens River, and therefore inflows to the River Murray. The expected changes are described in Appendix J. Reducing inflows from the Ovens River to the River Murray in autumn and increasing them in spring is likely to have a minor impact on reliability of supply in the River Murray system, because demands for River Murray water are generally higher in autumn compared with spring. Enlarging Lake Buffalo will also increase the reliability and volume of supply for both Wangaratta and other water users (e.g. irrigators) in the Ovens River catchment. Under the historic climate and current level of development scenario, surface water extractions in the Overs River catchment are expected to increase by 280 – 300 ML per year on average if Lake Buffalo is enlarged to 34 GL. Conversely, flows to the River Murray would reduce by approximately 1 GL per year on average, because of the increased diversions in the Overs River catchment, and increased losses to evaporation and seepage in Lake Buffalo and en route to the Murray. This reduction in inflow would also have a minor impact on River Murray system reliability. Option 4 – Use of alternative water sources The use of recycled water to meet some of Wangaratta’s demands would decrease surface water diversions from the Ovens River, and therefore increase inflows to the River Murray. Final Draft 158 Options Evaluation and Indicative Costing The volume of recycled water use may be in the order of 1 GL per year, and in turn 1 GL per year of additional flow may be passed to the River Murray under this option (depending on changes in Ovens River losses). The exact amount would depend on the volume and timing of recycled water use. Basin Plan Considerations Long term average sustainable diversion limits set out in the Murray Darling Basin Plan (Commonwealth of Australia, 2012) will take effect on 1 July 2019. The Basin Plan defines a Sustainable Diversion Limit (SDL) for an SDL resource unit, of which the Overs River catchment is one. The plan also defines a Baseline Diversion Limit (BDL) for the same SDL resource unit as the long term average volume of water taken from watercourses, intercepted by runoff dams or commercial plantations assuming historical climate conditions under the water management laws in place on 30 June 2009. This volume was estimated in the Basin Plan to be 83 GL/year in the Ovens surface water SDL resource unit (25 GL/year for watercourse diversions, 26 for runoff dam interception and 32 GL/year for plantations). Therefore, to remain compliant with the Murray Darling Basin Plan, any increase in extractions from waterways, runoff dams or plantation use in the Ovens River catchment would need to be offset by reductions elsewhere in the valley (e.g. through buybacks of water entitlements). Options 1, 2 and 4 do not increase diversions (Option 4 may reduce diversions by approximately 1 GL per year). However, Option 3 is expected to increase diversions from the Ovens River by approximately 280 – 300 ML per year assuming historic climate and current demands. To return diversions to their pre-enlarged Lake Buffalo average would therefore require the purchase of approximately 300 ML of High Reliability shares from active water users (i.e. not sleepers). These types of shares currently sell for approximately $1,600 - $1,800 per ML. The State would also need to demonstrate to the MDBA that long term average diversions in the Ovens River catchment were the same pre and post the enlargement of Lake Buffalo. References Commonwealth of Australia (2012), Water Act 2007 - Basin Plan 2012. Murray Darling Basin Authority (2012), Hydrologic modelling to inform the proposed Basin Plan - methods and results, MDBA publication no: 17/12, Murray-Darling Basin Authority, Canberra. Final Draft 159