Signal networks and pathways

Signal networks and pathways
Chitta Baral
Arizona State University
Goal: Decoding the cell and …
• Ultimate goal
– Decoding the cell (understand what is happening
inside the cell)
– Control cell behavior
• It involves
– Accurate description of cellular biochemistry that
• Explanation of particular cell behaviors and phenotypes
(such as proliferation, cell migration, cell death, etc.)
• Prediction of future behavior
• Planning interactions with the cell to control the cell behavior
Biochemistry, network of
• Relation between various molecules is often expressed
using network of interactions (called Biochemical
• Three kinds of biochemical networks
– Metabolic networks
• Represent the chemical transformation between metabolites
• Example: Glycolysis (breakdown of glucose)
– Signal networks (also called protein networks)
• Representing protein-protein interactions
– Gene networks
• Representing relationship between genes that encode the impact of
the expression level of one gene on another
• Pathways: Specific series of interaction in a network
G proteins
• 1994 Nobel prize. Discovery of G-protein coupled
receptors and their role in signal transduction. Gilman,
Alfred G. and Rodbell, Martin.
• 43,409 articles in Medline that mention G proteins.
• 1. Basic facts about G proteins
– Each G-protein consists of 3 sub-units: Ga, Gb, and Gg.
– These sub-units can be together or separated.
– Each G-protein has a binding site that can be occupied by either
– A G-protein is said to be inactive when it is bound to GDP.
– A G-protein is said to be active when it is bound to GTP.
cyclicAMP (cAMP) pathway
• 2. Up regulation: When a ligand binds to a
receptor in a cell membrane the effect is that
– A. the receptor becomes activated
– B. the nucleotide binding site on the G-protein is
– C. GTP replaces GDP,
– D. GDP is released,
– E. and Ga-GTP gets disassociated from GbGg.
– F. Ga being active triggers the binding of Ga-GTP to a
membrane bound adenylate cyclase molecule,
• activating it for production of cyclicAMP (cAMP).
G protein activation/inactivation
cyclicAMP (cAMP) pathway
• 3. Down regulation – when the ligand
dissociates from the receptor the effects are
– A. GTP is hydrolyzed by a GTPase activity on Ga
– B. Ga-GTP becomes Ga-GDP,
– C. and disassociates from adenylate cyclase
molecule, making the later inactive.
– D. Ga then reassociates with GbGg
– E. CyclicAMP (in the cytoplasm) is then inactivated
by the enzyme phosphodiesterase, which hydrolyzes
it to AMP.
Interference with cAMP
• A. Cholera toxin inhibits the GTPase activity of
the G-proteins of Gs subfamily, thus impacting
• B. The ras gene produces a G-protein that lacks
GTPase activity, thus impacting 3A.
• C. Pertussis toxin inactivates the process that
downregulates adenylate cyclase activity with
respect to G-proteins of the Gi subfamily, with a
few exceptions such as Gz, thus impacting 3C.
• D. G-proteins of the Gq subfamily are not
modifiable by pertussis toxin or cholera toxin,
thus nullifying A and C above.
A specific example of CAMP
mediated regulation – Glycogen
• In liver or muscle cells in presence of the ligand
epinephrine hormone (also called adernalin) increase in
the cAMP concentration (in the cytoplasm)
– activates protein kinase,
– active protein kinases then converts inactive phosphorylase
kinase to active form by ATP dependent phosphorylation,
– active phosphorylase kinase then phosphorylates (i.e., converts)
less active phosphorylase-b to more active phosphorylase-a,
– phosphorylase-a then catalyzes the phosphorolytic cleavage of
glycogen into molecules of glucose-1-phosphate. (i.e., glycogen
breakdown happens.)
References (for stuff so far)
• The world of cell 2nd ed. Becker, Deamer.
Chapter 21. (Latest one is 5th ed, by Becker,
Kleinsmith and Hardin; has a nice Cd-Rom with
the book and explains signal transduction very
• Biochemistry of signal transduction and
regulation. G. Krauss. Sec 5.5.1
• Look for signal transduction, pathways, signal
pathways, G protein, biochemical networks etc.
Reasoning about cAMP and
Glycogen degradation
• Observation: cAMP concentration way above
– Possible explanation: presence of Cholera toxin or
Pertussis toxin
– Planning: How to overcome it using drugs.
• Predicting the impact of not having enough
• Observation: Lack of glycogen breakdown.
– Explained by low cAMP concentration
• Explained by G proteins not getting activated in adequate
Computer Science (AI) challenges
• Represent signal networks
– Such that we can reason with it
– We can elaborate on it (add more details)
without making wholesale changes
• Reason with them
– Explain observations.
– Predict effect of particular actions.
– Plan to make the cell behave a particular way.
Analogy with current AI research
• Goal: To represent effect of actions on the world,
executability condition of actions, relation between
objects in the world, etc.
• An example:
– Description D.
Load causes loaded.
Shoot causes ~ alive if loaded.
Intially alive.
Initially ~loaded.
– Planning: D |= ~alive after X.
– Explanation: {S1, S2, S3, ~alive after shoot} |= Initially loaded
– Prediction:
• D |= ~alive after Load? D |= loaded after Load?
Home work 3 (Due Feb 17th) – 100
• Describe a particular signal pathway.
– Draw the figure.
– Write in English similar to the slides
– Write in English-like syntax. (such as in the
previous slide and make up specific terms like
`causes’ that you may need.)
– Source (journal: Cellular signaling; signal
transduction chapter in books on cell biology; etc.) 50% bonus if you use a
journal instead of a book.
Adenylate Cylase
A process of (i) initiating a chemical or biochemical reaction (ii) converting an
inactive component to a functionally active form.
The enzyme that catalyzes the synthesis of cyclic AMP (cAMP) from ATP,
ATP <--> cAMP + PP
– Pertaining to the topologically distinct sites on a protein or an enzyme molecule.
– An Adenosine 3'-monophosphate or Adenosine 5'-monophosphate nucleotide
with the
phosphate group linked to the carbon 3 (or 5 resp.) of the
– Family of inhibitory proteins that bind to tyrosine-phosphorylated receptors,
thereby blocking their interaction with G-proteins and effectively
terminating the signaling.
Glossary (cont)
Channel Protein
conformational change
Bioactive protein that catalyzes the biochemical reactions in the living cell.
GAPs (growth-associate proteins)
Small, biologically active molecule that acts as a regulator to control the activity of a protein
or an enzyme by binding to a specific region on the protein or enzyme.
An abbreviation for adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate or adenosine 2',3' -monophosphate.
An important intracellular regulator or second messenger for a number of cellular processes
in animals, bacteria, fungi and plants.
Effector molecule
change in the form differing in secondary or tertiary structure.
cyclic AMP (cAMP)
Proteins that form water-filled pores or channels across the membrane and are responsible
for transporting solutes across the membrane.
Promote the hydrolysis of bound GTP, thereby switching the G-protein to the inactive form.
GDP (Guanosine 5'-Diphosphate)
GEFs (guanine nucleotide exchange factors)
Family of proteins that facilitate the exchange of bound GDP or GTP on small G-proteins
such as ras and rho and thus activate them. (act in the opposite way to GAPs.)
Glossary (cont.)
GRK: G-Protein receptor kinase
GTP: Guanosine 5'-Triphosphate
GTPase (Guanosine triphosphatase)
(i) reduction or prevention in the rate of enzymatic activity (ii) repression of physical or
chemical activity.
An increase in the rate of enzyme synthesis due to the presence of substrate or inducer.
Enzyme that catalyzes the reaction GTP +H20 <---> Guanosine + Triphosphate
Guanine: A constituent base in nucleic acids.
Guanosine: A nucleoside and constitutent of nucleotides
Hydrolysis: Splitting of 1 molecule to 2 by incorporation of 1 water molecule.
A GTP binding membrane protein that is capable of hydrolyzing GTP, activating membrane
bound CAMP, and mediating a variety of signal transducing systems.
The enzyme that catlyzes the transfer of a phosphate group from one compound to another.
A component of a nucleotide that consists of a nitrogenous base (purine or pyrimidine) linked
to a pentose sugar (ribose or deoxyribose)
Glossary (cont.)
Nucleotide: The basic building blocks of nucleic acids it consists of a nucleoside and a
phosphatase (two kinds: acidic and alkaline)
A polymer of L-amino acids that folds into a conformation specified by the linear sequence of amino acids
nd functions as an enzyme, a hormone, an antibody or a structural component of the cell.
The enzyme that possesses a regulatory site for binding effector molecules in addition to the catalytic
binding site.
RGS (Regulators of G-Protein signalling)
Protein kinase A
Regulatory enzyme
The enzyme that catlyzes the hydrolysis of phosphodiester bond in the polynucleotides or cyclic
acidic phosphatase is an enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of a number of phosphomonoesters at acid
pH but not phosphodiesters.
Phosphoric monoester +H2O <--> Alcohol + Phosphoric acid.
alkaline phosphatase is an enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of phosphomonoester at alkaline pH.
RGS is a protein that can increase the GTPase activity by more than one order of magnitude.
Transport protein: A protein that mediates the entry of specific substances into a cell.