The Researcher Development Framework for career development of research degree students Alison Mitchell Vitae®, © 2011 The Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Limited Aims of presentation About Vitae The UK Researcher Development Framework Using the UK Researcher Development Framework Researchers Staff supporting researchers Institutions Discussion Vitae vision and aims For the UK to be world-class in supporting the personal, professional and career development of researchers Build human capital by influencing the development and implementation of effective policy relating to researcher development Enhance higher education provision to train and develop researchers Empower researchers to make an impact in their careers Evidence the impact of professional and career development support for researchers Researcher development in context The UK is committed to the development of worldclass researchers. Researchers are critical to economic success Researchers’ careers span a wider variety of employment sectors Strong UK commitment to researcher development The Researcher Development Framework (RDF) Major new approach to researcher development Builds the UK research base Develops world-class researchers Enhances the personal, professional and career development of researchers Developed through UK-wide interviews with successful researchers in a range of disciplines Led by Vitae in collaboration with the HE sector and other stakeholders The Researcher Development Framework (RDF) Framework of the knowledge, behaviour and attributes of successful researchers Enables self-assessment of strengths and areas for further development Common framework across institutions in the UK Universal language for communicating researcher capabilities The Researcher Development Framework (RDF) The professional development framework to realise the potential of researchers The RDF development Literature survey definitions of research and research roles Literature review – competency frameworks academic and related occupations Empirical data experienced researchers audio-recorded, semi-structured interviews >100 interviews range of experiences, institution types, geographical context, disciplines, demographics >1000 characteristics and variants, clustered into common groups Broad consultation 242 sector responses Employer validation Advisory & Project groups The Researcher Development Statement (RDS) The Researcher Development Statement (RDS) is the strategic statement of the RDF: for policy makers and research organisations endorsed by 26 stakeholder organisations including the Research Councils, QAA, UUK and the funding councils an evolution of the Research Councils’ Joint Skills Statement (JSS) The RDS and RDF together provide: strategic statement (RDS) operational framework (RDF) Using the RDF and RDS Researchers: identify strengths and priorities for professional and career development Managers, supervisors and employers of researchers fundamental to planning researcher development Staff supporting researchers in HEIs underpins strategies for researcher development Policy makers, employers and other stakeholders realising researchers’ potential for all sectors of the economy and society 4 domains 12 sub-domains 63 descriptors The Researcher Development CPD tool Choose a domain to develop skills Click on the relevant additional buttons to access report, guidance notes and useful resources for personal and career development planning Choosing areas for development Assess your skills/knowledge Lens on the RDF Clusters of knowledge, behaviour and attributes Identified using a special lens methodology Intrapreneurship Public engagement Enterprise Teaching Leadership Information handling Intrapreneurial Lens on RDF Example: mapping 1 section of Intrapreneurial capabilities RDF Domain RDF Category Intrapreneur capability A1.Persistence and resilience B1. Environmental scanning B Perseverance B Preparation and prioritisation D Networking; Interdisciplinary awareness C1. Maintains contacts out of academia or own discipline D Enterprise D1. Impact and influence B Self-confidence E1. Self awareness Researcher feedback ‘It was very good for me to reflect. I realised that nothing is stopping me but myself. The sky is the limit.’ ‘The RDF will encourage me to be more proactive about my career development as it provides me with a framework (list of milestones).’ ‘I’ve always thought of myself as being quite ambitious, driven and focussed on what I want, but the framework made me realise I can have a much larger vision.’ ‘It put career development back into the forefront of my mind as it can often slip back when you’re engaged in what you’re doing day to day.’ Links and resources RDF: RDS: RDF Downloadable CPD tool: Contact: