Textile, Clothing and Footwear Small Business Program Application Form DEADLINES APPLY: APPLICATIONS CLOSE ON 28 FEBRUARY 2014 Applications must be received by 5pm Local Time on Friday, 28 February 2014 for projects to commence on 1 July 2014 All applications must be received by mail or in person at AusIndustry by this deadline. Privacy and confidentiality The use and disclosure of information provided to AusIndustry, a division of the Department of Industry (the ‘Department’) by applicants for the Textile, Clothing and Footwear (TCF) Small Business Program is regulated by the relevant provisions and penalties of the Textile, Clothing and Footwear Small Business Program Determination 2005, Public Service Act 1999, the Public Service Regulations, the Privacy Act 1988, the Crimes Act 1914, the Criminal Code and general law. The Department will use the information provided in this form for the purposes of discharging its functions under the program, and for related uses. These functions, which are set out in the TCF Small Business Program Customer Information Guide, include determining eligibility for assistance under the program, assessing merit, preparing grant agreements, calculating the amount of funding that will be paid to successful applicants, and assisting with compliance activities. The Department may also use information received in applications in any other legitimate Departmental business. While the Department will seek to protect sensitive information from disclosure to external parties, disclosure of some confidential information may occur as specified in the TCF Small Business Program Customer Information Guide or as mentioned in this application form. As part of the assessment of this application, the Department may need to consult with and provide material from the application to other government agencies or bodies, other organisations and/or relevant individuals, in order to substantiate any claims or statements made in the application form, or to otherwise assist in the assessment of the application. If this occurs, the Department will endeavour to ensure that the parties who are consulted observe appropriate confidentiality. Applicants must clearly identify any confidential information that is included in, or submitted with this application in an attachment to this application headed ‘Confidential Information’. Where an application contains genuinely confidential information, the Department will ensure that the information is kept on a strictly limited, need to know, basis. Detailed confidential information contained in applications may be disclosed for audit purposes to contractors or other experts engaged by the Department, the AuditorGeneral and to other Commonwealth agencies for audit, reporting and law enforcement purposes. Further, the Department may release confidential information if it obtains the applicant’s consent or is required or permitted by law to do so. This could happen, for example, if the Department is required to respond to a resolution of the Parliament, or the order of a court. Following approval of an application, the broad details of an application (for example, the identity of the successful applicant/consortium members, the amount of payment and a brief description of the project) will be disclosed by the Department for purposes such as promoting the program, reporting on its operation and policy development. This information may also be used in answering questions from the Parliament and its committees. NEED MORE INFORMATION? Contact the AusIndustry hotline on 13 28 46 or hotline@ausindustry.gov.au TCF SBP Application form – Round 9 1 Before beginning You must be eligible to apply for the TCF Small Business Program i.e. you must meet all the Eligibility Criteria (complete Checklist below). For information: Read the TCF Small Business Program Customer Information Guide (at www.ausindustry.gov.au) for information on the grant program, including eligibility and how to complete an application. Speak to a Customer Service Manager about the program, eligibility to apply and the applicant’s obligations. Ring the AusIndustry hotline on 13 28 46, or the Victorian State Office on (03) 9268 7565. The TCF Small Business Program is a competitive grants program to improve the ‘Business Enterprise Culture’ of TCF small businesses that do not qualify for assistance under the TCF (SIP) Scheme, the TCF Post-2005 (SIP) Scheme or the Clothing and Household Textile Building Innovative Capability (BIC) Scheme. You must demonstrate that the project will change your ‘Business Enterprise Culture’ (the way your business operates); for example, the way you apply strategies, or manage decisionmaking through improved information systems, and/or production processes. Eligibility self-assessment checklist Complete this checklist before commencing the application process, to determine whether or not the applicant is eligible to apply for funding under the TCF Small Business Program. Click on a box to check Yes or No 1. Can you confirm that the applicant business has not received funding from the TCF (SIP) Scheme, the TCF Post-2005 (SIP) Scheme, or the Clothing and Household Textile Building Innovative Capability (BIC) Scheme? Yes No 2. Does the TCF small business (or each TCF small business in the case of a consortium) have fewer than 20 employees (full-time equivalents)? Yes No 3. Does the TCF small business undertake eligible TCF activities (eg manufacture, or design for manufacture, in Australia - refer to the TCF SBP Customer Information Guide)? Yes No 4. Did the TCF small business have a turnover greater than $100,000 in the last year? Yes No 5. Is the proposed project aimed at improving the ‘Business Enterprise Culture’ of the TCF small business? Yes No 6. Can the applicant provide evidence that it can make cash contribution of no less than 25% of eligible project expenditure towards the funding of the project? Yes No 7. Is the TCF small business solvent and not under any administrative arrangement? Yes No 8. Is the applicant applying for funding of no more than $50,000 (exclusive of GST)? Yes No Where the answer to any of the above questions is NO you do not satisfy the eligibility requirements and are not eligible to submit an application for funding. If you need clarification on any of the above questions in relation to your eligibility, please contact the TCF SBP team on (03) 9268 7565. TCF SBP Application form – Round 9 2 Important information An application that does not meet the eligibility criteria will not be assessed. All applications received on or before the closing date that meet the eligibility criteria will be assessed against the merit criteria. Assessment is based on responses contained in the application. The information provided enables AusIndustry to assess eligibility and merit under the program. The application is then ranked for suitability against other applications received – it is a competitive process. The number of grants in any round will be subject to the availability of funding and the quality of the applications received. Applications will be dealt with in accordance with the standards and principles set out in the AusIndustry Customer Service Charter. Advice on completing the application form Please answer all questions and provide examples where possible. Once the word-fillable form has been completed, it should be printed and signed and posted or delivered to AusIndustry. Please note that the contact person and the signatory for this application should, unless an individual or sole trader, be an employee or director of the applicant and authorised to provide any further information and receive notices relevant to this application. E2 should be completed if a consultant has assisted with the application form. Applicants are encouraged to provide concise and factual responses. Competitive assessment of applications is based primarily on answers to the merit criteria, and consistency of all answers with the project description and supporting attachments such as consultant briefs, quotes, awards, etc. The key terms and phrases used in this application are as defined in the TCF Small Business Program Customer Information Guide, the Textile Clothing and Footwear Small Business Program Determination 2005 and the Textile Clothing and Footwear Small Business Program Determination (Amendment) 2011. Submitting an application The applicant is not permitted to modify the wording or layout of the application form. If the application is not complete, or if the form has been modified, it may not be accepted. The completed and signed application may be submitted by post to: The Manager TCF Small Business Program AusIndustry GPO Box 85 MELBOURNE VIC 3001 or at other AusIndustry State offices, or Regional Office locations by arrangement. All applications (whether posted or hand delivered) must be received by AusIndustry no later than 5pm local time on Friday, 28 February 2014. If the application is successful, the applicant will receive a letter offering grant support. The successful applicant must execute a grant agreement with the Commonwealth within 30 days from the date of the offer, unless extended in writing by the Commonwealth. A sample grant agreement is available on the AusIndustry website at www.ausindustry.gov.au. Further assistance For assistance with the application process, or if difficulties are experienced with completing this form, please contact the AusIndustry hotline on 13 28 46. TCF SBP Application form – Round 9 3 Part A Applicant details A1 Name of applicant All applicants: Legal business/company name (as registered for ABN on the Australian Business Register) Trading name Provide your name here if you are an individual/sole trader/partnership: Title Given name Other name(s) Family name Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy) A2 Applicant business registrations (where applicable) Australian Company Number (ACN) Australian Business Number (ABN) Is the applicant registered for GST? Yes No A3 Applicant’s primary contact Title Given name Other name(s) Family name Job title Contact details Office telephone number Mobile telephone number Office fax number Email address A4 Applicant addresses Registered business street address Address line 1 Address line 2 Address line 3 Suburb/town State/Territory TCF SBP Application form – Round 9 4 Postcode Business postal address Is this address the same as the registered business street address above? Yes No (If No, please complete the following) Address line 1 Address line 2 Address line 3 Suburb/town State/Territory Postcode Website address (where applicable) Business email address (where applicable) A5 Applicant’s Turnover Previous year’s turnover (ie 2012/13 or 2013) must be greater than $100,000 to be eligible. Please attach a letter from your accountant confirming turnover (template attached at Appendix B) Financial / Calendar Year: Annual Turnover (A$): $ A6 Consortium details Is the applicant in a consortium and planning to undertake the project with other consortium members? No Yes Go to A8 Provide the following information for all other consortium members. Note: At least one member in the consortium must be a TCF small business. Registered business name/company name ABN Tick if an eligible TCF small business Note: The applicant and the other consortium members must not have been named as organisations that have not complied with the Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Act 1999. TCF SBP Application form – Round 9 5 A7 Consortium agreement If the applicant represents a consortium, a draft or executed copy of the consortium agreement / agency agreement must be provided with this application. Consortium agreement attached. Note: The lead member of the consortium must be appointed by all the other consortium members as an agent with the power to act on their behalf for the purposes of the project. See TCF Small Business Program Customer Information Guide for more information. Now complete A8, A9 & A10 for each TCF small business that is a member of the consortium. A8 Eligible TCF activities a) Select the type of business activity currently being undertaken by the TCF small business by checking either: Design and manufacture in Australia by the same business Design in Australia, for manufacture by another entity in Australia on behalf of the business Manufacturing activities undertaken in Australia What is the percentage of manufacturing activities undertaken in Australia? % What percentage of the business’s activities is focused on eligible TCF activity? % b) Check the boxes to indicate the applicant’s eligible TCF activities [see Attachment A]: A. Textile fibre, yarn & fabric manufacturing B. Knitting mills manufacturing C. Clothing manufacturing D. Footwear manufacturing E. Leather manufacturing *G. Made- up textile or leather product * Note: Part G is only eligible if the product manufactured includes an activity in part A to E. So if you select ‘G’ please also tick another category to indicate which A to E activity is involved. A9 Current business profile Attach a business plan (summary) if relevant Provide an overview of the applicant’s current business operations, eg, core business, products, any outsourced activities, key markets, current strategy and risks. (No more than 150 words). What year was the business established? A10 Number of employees Note: An employee is defined as any individual (that is, a permanent full-time, part-time or casual worker) for whom the employer is required to withhold an amount under Section 12-35 or 12-40 of Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953. a) How many employees does the TCF small business(s) have? b) If part-time, what is the number of Full Time Equivalents (FTE)? TCF SBP Application form – Round 9 6 Part B The Project B1 Project working title (up to 15 words) B2 Project details: Description, Rationale & Objective Description of the project – what is it about; how will it be organised; who will manage it? (up to 100 words) Note: The project must be aimed at improving the ‘Business Enterprise Culture’ of the TCF small business. It should not relate to routine business activities. Refer to the TCF Small Business Program Customer Information Guide for more information. Rationale for the project – why is change needed, what has been holding back the business? (up to 100 words) Objective of the project - What will the business look like when the project is completed? (up to 100 words) B3 Project plan The project must be completed within twelve months, ie between 01/07/2014 and 30/06/2015 Project Start Date: (dd/mm/yyyy) Project End Date: (dd/mm/yyyy) Please outline a detailed project plan in progressive stages. Under each milestone heading, add dot points to list the main activities to be undertaken to achieve that milestone. The start/end dates must be consistent with those above. Note: Minimum 3 to maximum 5 milestones. Milestones: Give each Milestone a heading in the space alongside, and list related Activities below, as dot points. Use the tab key to enter each new grey text box below. Proposed Start Date Proposed End Date (dd/mm/yyyy) (dd/mm/yyyy) Milestone 1: Activities: - Milestone 2: Activities: - Milestone 3: Activities: - TCF SBP Application form – Round 9 7 Milestones: Give each Milestone a heading in the space alongside, and list related Activities below, as dot points. Use the tab key to enter each new grey text box below. Proposed Start Date Proposed End Date (dd/mm/yyyy) (dd/mm/yyyy) Milestone 4: Activities: - Milestone 5: Activities: - B4 Project Budget The applicant must make a minimum 25% cash contribution to the project, which is not obtained by means of another government subsidy (Commonwealth, State or Territory). Evidence of the applicant’s ability to make cash contribution must be submitted with this application. Budget table Please outline your estimated eligible project expenditure, including a brief description for each item. If Contract expenditure is applicable, please attach: a quotation of the contract expenditure from the contractor/consultant. the consultant’s brief or job description, used to engage them for the project ELIGIBLE EXPENDITURE TYPE Note: Routine business expenses will not be subsidised. See TCF Small Business Program Customer Information Guide for more information. Eligible expenditure (A$) – excluding GST A. Contract expenditure (contractors/consultants) - Please describe the item/s: 1. $ 2. $ 3. $ B. Equipment (please specify): 1. $ 2. $ C. Travel (Please specify details for reasonable level expenses, and include destination, number of persons, related activity) 1. $ 2. $ D. Other expenditure (please describe): 1. $ Total $ 0.00 TCF SBP Application form – Round 9 8 The Total Eligible Expenditure entered in the Budget table is the Project Budget. The budget includes both Grant and Cash Contribution, ie: Project Budget = Cash Contribution + Grant sought Grant sought (max 75%) $ + Cash Contribution (min 25%) $ = Project Budget $0 B5 Project outcomes List expected project outcomes in column one and how they will be measured in column two: Project outcome/s Performance indicator/s B6 Previously received Australian Government funding Please provide a list of Australian Government funding received in the last five (5) years. Department funding was received from Name of program Date received (dd/mm/yyyy) Amount received (A$) $ $ $ $ TCF SBP Application form – Round 9 9 Part C Merit criteria Projects will be assessed against merit criteria C1, C2 and C3: C1 Describe how the project will improve the ‘Business Enterprise Culture’ of the TCF small business in terms of the following criteria, a) to d), by focusing on anticipated outcomes: a) Growth strategy (How the project will support a growth strategy, ie, contribute to increased revenues, broaden customer base, identify new markets, etc) b) Business creativity (Development in areas of decision making, strategic planning, product development methods, new business model or work practices, etc) c) Flexibility (Ability to adapt to market or economic changes, eg, with more sophisticated communications &/or business systems, &/or manufacturing/design processes, etc) d) Risk Management (Ways in which the project will improve your business' ability to manage the risks associated with business development; eg, ability to identify and mitigate risk) C2 Value for money of the project to the Commonwealth and the applicant’s commitment. a) Describe why government funding is required to undertake the project? How will it enable the applicant to achieve / expedite its business outcomes ? How will it support wider industry benefits and manufacturing in Australia? b) Describe the level of commitment by the applicant to the project, including (but not limited to) the level of time, resources, cash and in-kind contribution. C3 Describe whether the project is capable of being completed within 12 months. (Eg, explain how you have planned the project timelines and confirmed availability of sufficient resources to implement the project within 12 months) TCF SBP Application form – Round 9 10 Part D Attachments to the application Attachments should not be bound. D1 Required attachments The following documents, where applicable, must accompany this application form. Please indicate by clicking in the boxes which of the following attachments have been provided. Attached Question number reference Name of document A5 Minimum $100,000 turnover: Accountant’s letter confirming. (Use template at Appendix B) A7 Consortium applications only: a draft or executed copy of the consortium agreement and agency agreement, if applicable. B4 Evidence of the applicant’s ability to make a cash contribution to the project (minimum 25%). B4 Relevant documentation in relation to contract expenditure for each project, if applicable (eg Quotes & consultant brief). D2 Additional attachments (optional) Include other attachments if they are directly relevant to and supporting the application, for example: Attached Type of document Business Plan, Executive Summary, or Needs Analysis Project Plan / Product development outline Financial summary Media mentions/ publicity / Industry Awards, etc Other (specify): TCF SBP Application form – Round 9 11 Part E Applicant declaration Authorised person declaration I declare that I am authorised by the applicant to complete this form on behalf of the applicant and to sign and submit this declaration on behalf of the applicant. I declare that I have read and understood the terms and conditions of the TCF Small Business Program. I understand that I may be requested to provide further clarification or documentation to verify the information supplied in this application and that the Australian government may during the application process, consult with other Commonwealth agencies about the applicant’s claims and may also enlist external technical or financial advisers to advise on information provided in the application. I understand that if the application is successful (approved) the applicant must enter into an agreement with the Commonwealth of Australia before financial assistance is provided. I am aware that, should a grant be offered, it will be subject to acceptance of the General Conditions for the TCF Small Business Program Grant Agreement. I understand that if an offer of financial assistance is made I will have 30 days in which to execute such an agreement, and acknowledge that no legal obligations will arise between the parties until such time as an agreement is formally executed. I declare that the information contained in this application together with any statement attached is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete in all material particulars. I also understand that the provision of false or misleading information or the making of a false or misleading statement to the Australian government in an application is a serious offence. I understand that the applicant (or consortium members) has and will, while carrying on the activities specified in this application, maintain records that substantiate the applicant’s carrying on of the activities. I declare that I understand that it is a requirement of the TCF Small Business Program that the project meets the needs of a particular TCF small business that has not received funding from the TCF (SIP) Scheme, the TCF Post-2005 (SIP) Scheme or the Clothing and Household Textile Building Innovative Capability (BIC) Scheme, and is not entitled to receive funding from the Clothing and Household Textile Building Innovative Capability (BIC) Scheme at the time the decision that the applicant is eligible for a TCF Small Business Program grant is made. I declare that I understand that it is a requirement of the TCF Small Business Program that the TCF small business in relation to which the project is conducted undertakes eligible TCF activities within the meaning of the TCF (SIP) Scheme, has a turnover greater than $100,000, is solvent and not under any administrative arrangement, and has fewer than 20 employees. E1 Applicant details Title Given name E2 External entity details Required if this form or attachments have been completed by an external entity (eg, a consultant or advisor), on the applicant’s behalf. Registered business or name of individual: Other name(s) Family name Job title Trading name (where the external entity signatory trades under a name other than the registered business name) Signature Australian Business Number (ABN) Date (dd/mm/yyyy) If individual and no ABN Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy) Contact details Office telephone number Mobile telephone number TCF SBP Application form – Round 9 12 Appendix A Email address TCF SBP Application form – Round 9 13 Applicant feedback AusIndustry requests that the following questions be answered to assist in meeting its customer service obligations. Please note that providing answers to these questions is not compulsory and does not form part of the application or assessment process. How did the applicant find out about the TCF Small Business Program? (One or more may be selected.) Newspaper/magazine article Advertisement Internet Direct mail/e-mail Industry group Word of mouth AusIndustry staff AusIndustry hotline Other, if other, please specify: Please tick this box if information about AusIndustry’s products and services is not required in future Note: Applicants should only submit a final and complete application. Significant changes to the application, particularly the inclusion of new material, will not be allowed, although the Australian Government may allow an applicant to make minor corrections to the application. TCF SBP Application form – Round 9 14 Appendix A: Eligible TCF activities Note The activities listed in this Schedule are based on Division C, Subdivision 22 of the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC) (Sections 1.4 and 1.6) Part A 1. Textile Fibre, Yarn and Fabric Manufacturing Man-Made Fibre Textile Manufacturing (including blends) This category consists of manufacturing continuous fibre filament, fibre staple or yarns, tyre cord yarn or fabrics woven, non-woven, felted, tufted, crocheted or knitted from those yarns, or mixed yarns, wholly or predominantly of man-made fibres. Manufacturing of elastic or elastomeric yarns or threads or fabrics are also included. Fibres, manufacturing Filament, manufacturing Yarns, manufacturing Yarns, elastic or elastomeric, manufacturing Tyre cord yarns or fabrics, manufacturing Fabrics or other textiles, manufacturing Fabrics, elastic or elastomeric, manufacturing Lacing, woven, manufacturing 2. Cotton Textile Manufacturing (including blends) This category consists of manufacturing of yarns, fabrics woven, non-woven, felted, tufted, crocheted or knitted, wholly or predominantly of cotton or similar fibres including flax, jute, hemp or kapok. Yarns, manufacturing Tyre cord yarns or fabrics, manufacturing Fabrics or other textiles, manufacturing 3. Wool Textile Manufacturing (including blends) This category consists of the manufacturing of yarns, fabrics woven, non-woven, felted, tufted, crocheted or knitted, wholly or predominantly of wool or other animal fibre including mohair, angora, cashmere, alpaca or silk. Fellmongered, slipe or skin wool, manufacturing Yarns, woollen or other animal fibre, manufacturing Fabrics or other textiles, from woollen or worsted manufacturing processes, derived from animal fibres 4. Textile Finishing This category consists of any activities involved in the processes of dyeing, printing, and finishing, including any process of impregnation, coating or lamination for imparting particular end use properties to yarns, fabrics or other textiles except wool tops. Textile dyeing, including textile pigmentation Textile printing, including flock printing Label, printed cloth, manufacturing Impregnation, coating or lamination 5. Textile Floor Covering Manufacturing This category consists of manufacturing of carpets, rugs or other textile floor coverings and includes manufacturing of felt or felt products, mats or matting of jute or twisted rags. Felt, manufacturing TCF SBP Application form – Round 9 15 Floor coverings, textile, manufacturing Floor rugs, textile, manufacturing Underfelt, manufacturing The manufacturing of felt clothing, grass, sisal or coir mats or matting, rubber underlay and rubber floor coverings is excluded from this category. 6. Textile Product Manufacturing n.e.c. This category consists of textile product manufacturing n.e.c. Cleaning cloth, manufacturing Embroidered fabrics, manufacturing Fabrics, manufacturing n.e.c. Flock, manufacturing Hemp product, manufacturing n.e.c. Hessian goods, manufacturing n.e.c. Kapok, manufacturing Labels or badges, woven cloth, manufacturing Part B 1. Knitting Mills Manufacturing Hosiery Manufacturing This category consists of manufacturing of hosiery. Panty hose, manufacturing Socks, manufacturing Stockings, manufacturing Tights, manufacturing 2. Cardigan and Pullover Manufacturing This category consists of the manufacturing of knitted cardigans, pullovers or similar garments. Custom knitting, of pullovers or cardigans Jackets, knitted, manufacturing Sweaters, knitted, manufacturing Twin sets, knitted, manufacturing Waistcoats, knitted, manufacturing 3. Knitting Mill Clothing Manufacturing n.e.c. This category consists of the manufacturing of knitted or crocheted clothing n.e.c. Outerwear, knitted, manufacturing (except hosiery, cardigans or pullovers) Sleepwear, knitted, manufacturing Swimwear, knitted, manufacturing Underwear, knitted, manufacturing (except hosiery) Part C 1. Clothing Manufacturing Men’s and Boys’ Wear Manufacturing This category consists of the manufacturing of men’s or boys’ outerwear from purchased or transferred in materials. Coats or jackets, men’s or boys’, manufacturing (except from fur or leather) TCF SBP Application form – Round 9 16 Dust coats, manufacturing Jeans, men’s or boys’, manufacturing Overalls, manufacturing Shirts, men’s or boys’, manufacturing Shorts, men’s or boys’, manufacturing Suits, men’s or boys’, manufacturing (except from leather) Trousers, men’s or boys’, manufacturing Uniforms, men’s or boys’, manufacturing The manufacturing of men’s or boys’ headwear, footwear, or garments made from leather or fur, is excluded from this category. 2. Women’s and Girls’ Wear Manufacturing This category consists of the manufacturing of women’s or girls’ outerwear from purchased or transferred in materials. Blouses, manufacturing Coats or jackets, manufacturing (except from fur, leather, plastic or rubber) Jeans, women’s or girls’, manufacturing Outerwear, women’s or girls’, manufacturing (except fur, leather, plastic, rubber) Suits, women’s or girls’, manufacturing (except from leather or plastic) Tunics, women’s or girls’, manufacturing Uniforms, women’s or girls’, manufacturing The manufacturing of women’s or girls’ waterproof clothing or clothing made from fur, leather, plastic or rubber, is excluded from this category. 3. Sleepwear, Underwear and Infant Clothing Manufacturing This category consists of the manufacturing of foundation garments, underwear, sleepwear or infants’ clothing from purchased or transferred in materials. Brassieres, manufacturing Corsets, manufacturing Foundation garments, manufacturing Girdles, manufacturing Infants’ clothing, manufacturing Sleepwear, manufacturing Underwear, manufacturing 4. Clothing Manufacturing not elsewhere classified (n.e.c.) This category consists of manufacturing of headwear, fur or leather clothing, clothing or clothing accessories n.e.c. Belts, manufacturing (for clothing) Clothing accessories, manufacturing n.e.c. Clothing, fur, manufacturing n.e.c. Clothing, leather or leather substitute, manufacturing n.e.c. Clothing manufacturing n.e.c., incl clothing for protective or safety purposes Gloves, manufacturing (except plastic or rubber gloves) Handkerchiefs, manufacturing Hats* or headwear,* manufacturing TCF SBP Application form – Round 9 17 Laces, manufacturing (for footwear) Leather or leather substitute suit, coat or uniforms, manufacturing n.e.c. Recreational clothing, manufacturing n.e.c.# Swimwear, manufacturing (except rubber bathing caps) Ties, manufacturing Waterproof clothing, manufacturing (except headwear, footwear or leather clothing) n.e.c. Part D Footwear Manufacturing This category consists of the manufacturing of footwear, or footwear components. Boots, manufacturing Footwear component, manufacturing Footwear, manufacturing Industrial footwear, including safety or protective footwear Sandals, manufacturing Shoes, manufacturing Slippers, manufacturing Thongs, manufacturing Part E Leather and Leather Product Manufacturing Leather Tanning and Fur Dressing This category consists of post full substance activities including sammying, splitting, shaving, tanning, currying, dressing, dyeing, embossing or japanning leather, animal skins or fur. Fur dressing or dyeing Hide and skin tanning, currying, dressing, crusting, dyeing or finishing Leather manufacturing Leather tanning Part G Made-up Textile and Leather Product Manufacturing Note: Part G product manufacturing activities are only eligible if production includes a Part A to E activity. This category consists of manufacturing of made-up textile and leather products including household textile goods, blinds, tents, awnings, sails, or goods of canvas or related materials. Animal rugs, manufacturing Awnings, textile, manufacturing Bags or sacks, textile or canvas, manufacturing for packaging Bags, leather or leather substitute, manufacturing Binding, textile, (including plastic coated) manufacturing Blinds, textile, manufacturing (including plastic coated blinds and woven slats for fabric blinds) Canvas goods, manufacturing n.e.c. Curtains manufacturing TCF SBP Application form – Round 9 18 Filters, manufacturing, if produced by a manufacturing process made predominantly from yarns, fabrics or other textiles of a kind listed in item 1, 2, 3, or 6 of Part A, or fabrics of a kind listed in item 3 of Part B Flags or banners, manufacturing Harness, manufacturing Helmet*, manufacturing Hose, canvas or other textile, manufacturing Household textile goods, manufacturing Leather or leather substitute goods, manufacturing n.e.c. Machine belting, leather or leather substitute, manufacturing Motor vehicle covers, textile, manufacturing Nets, including fish nets, manufacturing Parachutes, manufacturing Pillow manufacturing (except rubber) Ropes, twine, cord or cordage, strings (except paper string), braids or cable, manufacturing (except wire rope or wire cable) Saddles, manufacturing Sails, manufacturing Seat covers, manufacturing Sleeping bags, manufacturing Soft furnishings Suitcases, textile, manufacturing Tents, manufacturing (except oxygen tents or toy tents) Waterbags, textile, manufacturing Definitions In this Schedule: n.e.c. means not elsewhere classified. man-made fibres include cellulosics and synthetics. TCF SBP Application form – Round 9 19 Appendix B: Sample Format for Independent Accountant's Statement (Please delete this heading and print on Letter Head) Independent Accountant's Statement to [Applicant], [ABN] Program Manager TCF Competitive Programs AusIndustry GPO Box 85 Melbourne VIC 3001 Dear Sir/ Madam, On the basis of the evidence [Applicant] has supplied to me, I can confirm [Applicant Registered Business Name] achieved a turnover of not less than $100,000 in the last year [Insert Dates of Financial Year/Calendar Year]. We disclaim any assumption of responsibility for any reliance on this statement to any person other than the applicant and the Commonwealth or for any purpose other than that for which it was prepared. Signed ……………………………… Name ………………………………. Qualifications: Firm: Date: TCF SBP Application form – Round 9 20