Unit 8: WWI & the Russian Revolution

Unit 8: WWI & the Russian Revolution
Chapter 27:(pp. 887 –916)
1. Three Emperors’ League
2. Algeciras Conference of 1906
3. Central Powers
4. Armenian genocide
5. Total War
6. War Raw Materials Board
7. Auxiliary Service Law
8. Easter Rebellion
9. Bolsheviks
10. Petrograd Soviet
11. Army Order No. 1
12. Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
13. war communism
14. League of Nations
15. Balfour Declaration
16. Emperor William II of Germany
17. David Lloyd George
18. Archduke Francis Ferdinand
19. Tsar Nicholas II
20. President Woodrow Wilson
21. Chancellor Bethmann-Hollweg
22. Rasputin
23. Vladimir Lenin
24. Alexander Kerensky
25. Leon Trotsky
Chapter 27 Reading Questions
Part A: Causes of WWI (p.887-892)
1. Identify the actions taken by Bismarck to secure German peace from 1871 to 1890.
2. Analyze how the actions of Emperor William II led to greater tensions between European nations.
3. Explain how Great Britain was pulled into the alliances of rivalries by providing specific events.
4. Discuss the contributing factors to the growing tension between Germany and Great Britain from 1904 to
5. Summarize the events that occurred in the Balkans between 1903 and 1914.
Part B: WWI (p.893-904)
1. Analyze the two views by modern historians about the origins of the war in Germany.
2. Contrast the events of WWI on the western front with those of the eastern front.
3. Summarize the actions taken by governments to mobilize their country’s economies for war.
4. Identify the social impacts of the war.
5. Discuss the growing political tensions that existed within the societies at war – causes and reactions
Part C: The Russian Revolution (pp.904-908)
1. Summarize the events that led to the abdication of Czar Nicolas II.
2. Explain how the Petrograd Soviet undermined the war efforts of the provisional government.
3. Summarize the three “interrelated ideas” of Lenin and discuss how these ideas led to the split of Russian
socialist into the Mensheviks and Bolsheviks.
4. Discuss the reasons for the Bolshevik (Reds) victory over the Mensheviks (Whites) in the Russian civil war.
5. In what ways does the new Communist government under Lenin represent a move toward a totalitarian
government led by a dictator?
Part D: Reading Questions (pp. 911-916)
1. Describe the events that led to the end of World War I.
2. Why did the moderate socialist gain control of the post war German government rather than the more radical
socialist led by Liebknecht and Luxemburg.
3. Compare and contrast the positions of the leaders of the victorious nations toward the post war treatment of
4. Identify the terms set by the Treaty of Versailles for post war Germany.
5. Summarize European treatment of lands of the defeated Ottoman Empire after WWI.