Power Screw Cost Size Load Capability Load Accuracy Repeatability Gear Box System: ~$1,000 Chain Drive System: ~$600 Either option will take up a considerable amount of space. Gearbox consolidates the chain drive system into a box, but will still exceed space requirements of both the EHA and Piezo systems. User preset Static Loading Only, will fulfill PRP requirements for load magnitude. Load accuracy will depend directly on gear reduction through chain drive or gearbox, and operator ability. Once preset, load should be locked in and remain the same for test duration. Since this system only delivers static loading. Test repeatability will be a in direct relation to load accuracy. (see above) Electrohydraulic (EHA) Pneumatics Piezoelectric ~$2,500 ~$1,000 (Static) ~$2,000 ( Dynamic) >$20,000 EHA is selfcontained hydraulic actuation unit, thus having a much smaller footprint than the power screw system. The units will require custom mounting blocks and spacers due to their length. Larger than piezos. Can statically load to PRP requirements. Some minor (slow) dynamic loading may be possible with proper control system. Load accuracy is marginal at best just in the nature of how the units are designed. They are meant for tilt displacement than for accurate load replication. Oil heating during testing could affect load accuracy and repeatability. Monitored and controlled through the PLC. Proper relief/check valve calibration will be critical. Pneumatic cylinder occupies roughly same space as EHA units and will require slightly larger brackets. Mounting is more ideal for load application. Smallest footprint of all load actuation systems. Will be able to statically load to PRP requirements. Load capability is in direct relation to available air pressure feed and piston size. Some dynamic ability if proportional regulators added. With a regulator, user input and regulator accuracy affect load accuracy. Once set, load will remain constant for test duration. Fast enough reaction time to replicate simulated ESH-1 compressor load profile. High load magnitude capabilities. Highest load accuracy of all load actuation systems in both static and dynamic load profiles. Again based on user-input and regulator accuracy and repeatability. Regulator and actuator calibration will be critical. Highlight of the piezoelectric system is the ability to provide an accurate dynamic load profile at a high level of repeatability. Manual level to turn the gear box or chain drive assembly to load Could be Controls/User preset. automated with Interface servo motor. McMaster Carr parts, high availability. Availability Purely mechanical, no additional power system required Power System (exception: servo motor). PLC (programmable logic controller.) Programming (coding) will be the challenge here. Usability will be simple inputs. Would also allow for a closed loop feedback system. Parker Hannifin. Parts and service readily available, though not simple McMaster Carr items. Power amplifier necessary for Servo motor (load based) power needs. No electronic user interface. Manual mechanical control via knob on regulator and the pressure dial gage make up the entire control system and user interface. (Static case) Dynamic option would consist of a proportional regulator. Parker Hannifin. Parts and service readily available, Regulators available through McMaster Carr. Air feed line into room or air compressor. PLC. More advanced coding than EHA option. Simple user inputs. Cutting edge technology, “made to order” systems contribute to high costs and long lead times. Power amplifier needed for powering piezos themselves as well as necessary control system. Summary: This project called for the design and build of a Dynamic Similarity Journal Bearing test rig. With the available budget of $5,000 the dynamic aspect is not feasible. EHA were considered for their compact size and self-contained design. They were later dismissed due to their lack of control, high power requirements, and high cost. Remaining static options were a mechanical system in the form of a gearbox or chain drive power screw systems, with the gear box and chain drive being implemented for gear reduction. Chain drive was dismissed due to space requirements, leaving the gear box and pneumatic options. Pneumatics were chosen due to their simple analysis, control, and low cost. The cheapest and simplest dynamic option would be an upgraded version of the static pneumatic system, replacing the manual control air regulators with proportional regulator units. This would provide dynamic load profiles but minimal control. The more load system control desired, the higher the cost. This is evidenced by the ideal dynamic load system; piezoelectric, providing high load capability and control, in both static and dynamic load profiles. The piezoelectric load actuation system was dismissed due to system cost far exceeding the project budget.