Old American History Final Review Packet

NAME: __________________
I. Civics Unit
1. Describe each branch of government, including number of members, length of terms,
qualifications that must be met, and duties of each branch.
2. What are the six responsibilities of the President?
3. What is a filibuster?
4. 1st Amendment:
5. 2nd Amendment:
6. 4th Amendment:
7. 5th Amendment:
8. 6th Amendment:
9. 8th Amendment:
10. John Locke:
11. Jefferson:
12. Why was the Articles of Confederation a failure?
II. Industrialization/Gilded Age
1. Who was Carnegie?
2. Who was Rockefeller?
3. Who was JP Morgan?
4. What role does a laissez faire government play in the economy?
5. What is social Darwinism?
6. What is the Gospel of Wealth?
7. Where did most immigrants come from in 1880? 1920?
8. Describe the typical immigrant experience at the turn of the century….
9. What are unions? Why were they necessary?
10. What was the blacklist?
11. How did companies try and completely control the life of their workers?
12. What happened at the Triangle Shirtwaist Company in 1911that illustrated the
dangerous working conditions that many Americans faced?
III. Progressivism
1. What were the progressives trying to do in America?
3. What were muckrakers?
4. What book did Upton Sinclair write? What was it about?
5. Who were the three Progressive Presidents?
6. Who was Robert LaFollette? What did he see as the biggest problem of the Gilded
7. Who was Margaret Sanger? Who was Jane Addams?
8. What were the 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th amendments?
9. What modern marvel was built from 1904-1914?
10. How was the government in the Progressive Era different from the government in the
Gilded Age?
IV. Spanish-American War
1. What was the Maine?
2. What was the DeLome letter?
3. What was Yellow Journalism?
4. Who were the Rough Riders?
5. What was the Monroe Doctrine? Roosevelt Corollary?
6. Who was Amelio Aguinaldo?
7. What land did the US gain from the Spanish American War?
8. What was the Open Door policy? What was the Boxer Rebellion?
V. World War I
1. Who was president during WWI?
2. What were the five causes of WWI and the spark that caused the war to break out?
3. What countries were part of the Triple Entente? Triple Alliance?
4. What was the Lusitania? What was the Zimmerman Note?
5. Who won WWI? What treaty ended the war?
6. What were some of the conditions to the Treaty of Versaille?
7. What was the League of Nations?
8. What is propaganda?
9. Who were the Doughboys?
VI. The Roaring 20’s
1. What was made illegal in the 1920’s?
2. Who was Al Capone? Babe Ruth? Charles Lindbergh? Langston Hughes? Marcus
Garvey? Bessie Smith?
3. Who were Sacco and Vanzetti?
4. What was the Scopes Trial?
5. Who were the flappers?
6. What was the Lost Generation? What was the Great Gatsby?
7. What was the Harlem Renaissance?
8. What were speakeasies? What were Bootleggers?
9. What political party controlled the White House during the 1920’s? What types of
economic policies did they return to?
10. What was the Teapot Dome Scandal?
VII. Great Depression
1. What date did the stock market crash?
2. Who was president at the beginning of the Depression? How did he react to the
3. What were Hoovervilles?
4. What were the causes of the Depression? What was Trickle Down Economics?
5. What was the Dust Bowl? Who were the Okies? Who was Woody Guthrie? Who
was Dorothea Lange?
6. Who was FDR? What was the New Deal?
7. What were Fireside Chats?
8. Describe the following New Deal programs…
Social Security:
9. What was the Bonus Army? What happened to them?
10. Who was Huey Long?
11. What was the Good Neighbor policy?
VIII. World War II
1. What countries made up the Axis powers? Who were their leaders?
2. What is appeasement? What effect did this have on the war?
3. Who was the Prime Minister of England at the beginning of the war? At the end?
4. What happened at Dunkirk?
5. What happened on 12/7/41? How did the US respond?
6. What happened on 6/6/44? Why was this important?
7. Who were the victims of the Holocaust? What happened to them?
8. What was Kristallnacht?
9. How did the war with Japan end? What was the name of the project to develop the
bomb? What two cities were targeted?
10. What was the Bataan Death March?
11. What happened to Hitler at the end of the war?
12. What country was invaded on Sept. 1, 1939?
13. What happened to many Japanese Americans during WWII?
14. What was determined at the following wartime conferences:
15. What happened in Nuremberg after the war?
IX. Cold War/Korea
1. What country and political philosophy were we fighting in the Cold War?
2. What was McCarthyism?
3. What was Sputnik?
4. What city was blockaded by the Soviets? What was the US response?
5. What was the Marshall Plan?
6. What did the Truman Doctrine say?
7. Why did we fight North Korea?
8. Who was fired during the Korean War?
9. Who won the Korean War? Why is it called the “Forgotten War?”
10. What does conformity mean? Why is this term applied to the 1950’s?
11. Describe George Kennan’s policy of containment.
12. What did Eisenhower’s “New Look” foreign policy consist of?
X. Kennedy
1. When was Kennedy elected?
2. What was the Bay of Pigs?
3. What was the Cuban Missile Crisis? What did the US do to stop the crisis?
4. What happened to Kennedy on 11/22/63? Who was responsible?
XII. Civil Rights
1. What did the Supreme Court rule in Brown vs. Board of Education?
2. Who was Rosa Parks?
3. What were the Freedom Rides?
4. Who was Emmett Till?
5. What was the Little Rock Nine?
6. What were the Sit-Ins?
7. What was the Freedom Summer?
8. What was the Black Panthers? SCLC? SNCC?
9. How were Malcolm X and Martin Luther King different? How were they similar?
10. Who was Booker T. Washington? Who was WEB DuBois?
11. Who were three people that were assassinated in the 1960’s?
12. What was the Great Society? What was Head Start?
XIII. Vietnam
1. Who controlled Vietnam before WWII? What was determined at the Geneva
2. Who was the leader of North Vietnam?
3. What happened at My Lai?
4. What happened at Kent State?
5. Why couldn’t we win in Vietnam?
6. What was Vietnamization?
7. Who was President during the Vietnam War? Who was President at the end?
8. What was napalm? Agent Orange?
9. What was the Domino Theory?
10. What was the Tet Offensive?
11. What effect did the Gulf of Tonkin incident have on the U.S. involvement in