Assignment Overview - Australian Volunteers International

Governance/Anti-corruption expert
Hanoi, Vietnam
AVI has negotiated this assignment in good faith with the Host Organisation, and the information
contained was correct at the time of acceptance of the request. However, while AVI takes
responsibility for matters under our direct control, all assignments and arrangements are subject to
change due to the inherent low levels of predictability in developing country environments. This
assignment may be amended or withdrawn to reflect changes in circumstances.
General Details
Assignment Title
Governance/Anti-corruption expert
Host Organisation
Towards Transparency (TT)
Website of Host Organisation
Duration of Assignment
24 months
Start Date
4 June 2015
Pre-departure Briefing Date
25-27 May 2015
AVI Assignment Code
Host Organisation Overview
TT was established in November 2008 and became the official National Contact of Transparency
International (TI) in Vietnam.
The key objective of TT is to contribute to Vietnam’s efforts in corruption prevention and anti-corruption
enforcement, and to promote transparency, integrity and accountability. TT has received increasing
recognition from national and international stakeholders as a key civil society actor in promoting
transparency and accountability in Vietnam.
Their main target groups include:
Key government agencies, in particular Vietnam’s anti-corruption agencies and local authorities
Other civil society organisations and educational institutions
Business sector organisations (companies and chambers of commerce)
Citizens, in particular young people
The key activities of TT’s work are centred around research, advocacy and project implementation
under the following components of work:
Institutional, Capacity & Network Strengthening: Strengthen the capacity of TT and other CSOs
to effectively work on anti-corruption issues, and to contribute individually and collectively to the
fight against corruption in Vietnam.
Public Sector Diagnostics & Solutions: To contribute to enhanced implementation and
enforcement of anti-corruption policy in Vietnam.
People and Youth Engagement: To increase the participation of people, especially the youth in
the fight against corruption.
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Business Integrity: To encourage businesses to play an increasingly active role in promoting
integrity and transparency, and to apply anti-corruption standards and tools.
In addition, TT is currently implementing a project to strengthen transparency and accountability in the
REDD+ mechanism (forestry sector).
TT currently has 15 staff based in Hanoi, with one additional staff based in HCMC.
Assignment Overview
In the context of anti-corruption work in Vietnam, the ability to provide an international perspective on
challenges and opportunities in anti-corruption is absolutely critical to the success of our work. In
particular, the development of capacity of TT’s Vietnamese staff in technical anti-corruption and
governance expertise is fundamental to the sustainability and impact of our organisation.
The development of high-quality anti-corruption policy analysis is a fundamental component of TT’s
work across all areas of activity. For this, strong internal capacity is needed among various staff and
the organisation as a whole to design and deliver research and policy products.
Due to its nature as an advocacy organisation, TT primarily works with other Hanoi-based
stakeholders. However, TT has increasingly engaged with actors elsewhere, including private- and
education-sector audiences in HCMC and local authorities in several provinces. Going forward, such
sub-national level engagement will be an increasing priority for TT, in order to demonstrate practical
solutions in partnership with local actors.
Over the last 3 years, AVI has placed 2 volunteers with TT: a research and organisational development
officer and a business integrity and organisational development expert.
Assignment Objectives
1. To increase the capacity of TT’s Vietnamese staff and of the organisation as a whole to develop
high-quality policy research, analysis and actionable recommendations for anti-corruption work in
2. To contribute an international anti-corruption and governance perspective to TT’s ongoing policy
and research work.
Duties and Responsibilities of the Volunteer
In consultation with their line manager and relevant stakeholders, Volunteers complete a work plan in
the first three months of their assignment. The duties below are an indication of the type of work that
may be involved in meeting the Assignment Objectives:
Support the development of anti-corruption expertise among TT’s Vietnamese staff by
providing international experiences and expertise.
Contribute to the development of TT’s analytical products (research, policy analysis,
development of policy recommendations).
Assist, on occasion, in building the capacity of TT’s partner organisations (local NGOs, and
government representatives in particular) on technical anti-corruption issues.
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Assignment Information
Line Manager
TT’s Executive Director
Staff supervision
The volunteer will not supervise staff.
Other staff
The volunteer will work closely with the team of two Vietnamese professionals in charge of public
sector integrity work, but will provide capacity development support to all other staff as well.
Hours & Days of employment
TT’s core office hours are 09:00 to 17:00, during which all staff are expected to be present at the office.
However, within this framework, TT employees and volunteers are free to choose their preferred
starting and leaving time, e.g. o8:30 am to 17:30 or 09:00 to 18:00, including a one hour lunchbreak.
The expectation is that the volunteer will work the equivalent of a 5 day week to a maximum of 40
hours per week.
Leave entitlements
Same conditions and terms as local colleagues apply, including national holidays. However, as a
minimum, volunteers will accrue 1 week of leave for each 3 months of work.
Other Conditions
There is no requirement for out of hours work. However, on occasion, TT organises events during
weekends, or preparation of deadline driven work may require exceptional evening work. However, this
does not usually occur more than once per month, and overtime is compensated with leave in lieu.
Working in a sensitive field like transparency and anti-corruption is specially challenging in the
Vietnamese political and institutional context. Some partners may be cautious about the implications of
their collaboration with TT.
TT’s office is located close to Hanoi downtown and easily reachable by taxi and other forms of public
transport. All necessary resources (desk, computer etc.) will be available to the volunteer to perform
their work.
Language skill and level required
Vietnamese is the main language spoken by nearly all in the country. In local areas, very few people
may speak English.
The level of language competency in Vietnamese that a Volunteer will need to carry out this
assignment is LOW, mostly for daily interactions at market, shops, taxis, etc… The Volunteer will need
basic survival Vietnamese for shopping and travel. However, the more language skills the volunteer will
acquire, the better the integration in the community.
Language support
AVI offers 2 week language training support to volunteer during an initial in-country orientation
program. Further language training is encouraged and financially supported.
Living as a Volunteer
Working in Vietnam can be challenging in terms of organisation of work and importance of personal
relationships for successful outcomes. There is also often relatively late notice for participation in public
events, speaking slots in workshops or unplanned changes in programs and work schedules. This
requires flexibility and a level of comfort handling multiple priorities, as well as working to tight
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deadlines with a high level of quality.
Personal boundaries are different in the Vietnamese context as the country as a whole lacks public and
personal space. In addition to the lack of privacy, the amount and level of noise can be overwhelming
for Westerners.
Vietnam in general provides a safe and welcoming living environment. Crime levels are low – with petty
street crime increasing, although at levels far below most Western capital cities. Tropical storms and
floods commonly occur between June and December. The standard of primary health care is sufficient
in major cities, but more complicated treatments may require evacuation to a third country, usually
Thailand. In Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City and Danang, there are international medical clinics. Dengue
Fever is endemic to Vietnam and can occur throughout the year. Outbreaks of Avian Influenza (Bird
Flu) in Vietnam have led to 50 reported human fatalities. The last fatality was in March 2009. Malaria
occurs in certain parts of Vietnam, but only in remote forested and mountainous areas.
Traffic accidents cause thousands of deaths each year.
In the city, buses, moto-taxis and taxis are the preferred mean of transportation for volunteers. For
inter-city travels, there is a well organised network of public buses. Many volunteers have found it
helpful to buy a bicycle. The average cost of a brand-new between AUD $50 to $100
Vietnam has a very modern, reliable and extensive Internet and mobile phone coverage. Internet
service is easy to get in the volunteer’s accommodation with a cost of about AUD 15-20 per month for
unlimited access. Internet cafes are found everywhere except the most remote locations and costs are
much lower than in Australia. Most volunteers use Skype for overseas calls: computer-to-computer
(free) or computer-to-phone (about 3.5 cents/minute to land lines and 31 cents/min to mobiles). Phone
cards are also available for even lower rates.
Other Requirements
Selection Criteria
Please begin by writing your responses to the following three questions, in a document headed Response to Selection Criteria:
a. Why do I feel that volunteering overseas is the right thing for me to be doing at this time in my life?
(up to half a page)
b. What are the biggest personal adjustments I’m likely to have to make to be accepted as a useful
colleague and engaged community member in this assignment? (up to half a page)
c. How do I match the Essential Skills & Experience: Write a brief summary of your most relevant
experiences, results and achievements responding to each criteria in the Essential Skills & Experience
section of the Assignment Description.
Please click here for more details about preparing your application.
Please click here to learn more about the personal competencies required to be a volunteer.
Personal Circumstances Constraints
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We are NOT able to accept applications from people with the following personal circumstances due to
security, cultural, legal or visa restrictions in this location.
Same sex partners who wish to accompany applicants must secure their own visa outside the
AVID program.
Partners of applicants to whom they are not legally married may face issues in applying for and
being issued a visa.
This assignment is not suitable for couples with school age children due to the extremely high
cost of international education institutions, unless one of the partners does home schooling.
First–Aid Competency
Apply First Aid Certificate (HLTFA 311A) or equivalent course dated within 3 years of the start date of
the assignment.
Master level education in political science, development, public administration, governance/anticorruption or other relevant fields of study.
Essential Skills & Experience
Strong background in public policy analysis and development
Proven track record in the public or NGO sector working on policy development or policy
Prior experience working in anti-corruption, governance issues ideally at the national or
international levels
Strong research, academic/writing and presentation skills and a willingness to coach others to
become more effective policy advocates
Previous experience in working alongside and building the skills of others through formal
and/or informal training and coaching
Previous experience in consulting with stakeholders and facilitating the work of others to
achieve an agreed outcome
Desirable Skills & Experience
Strong personal integrity and commitment to TT’s organisational values of Integrity,
Transparency, Accountability, Knowledge, Independence.
Allowances & Support
These allowance levels are based on the Cost of Living in country. They will be reviewed periodically
and may increase or decrease. Volunteers will be given notice of any change to the allowance level.
Living Allowance
Accommodation Allowance
AUD 900 per month
AUD 500 per month
The volunteer will be responsible for finding and securing his/her own accommodation. This is done
with the help of work colleagues, Internet sites and local housing agents. Housing for couples or
families is readily available.
Most housing is rented with all furnishings included and obtaining telephone and home-based Internet
access is quick and inexpensive.
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Other Allowances & Support
All AVID Volunteers receive the following:
Pre-departure Briefing in Melbourne
In-country Orientation on arrival
Pre-departure vaccination expenses
Visa expenses
Pastoral care, assignment monitoring and security guidance
Return airfare to country of assignment
Psychological and medical advice and support services
Re-entry Support services
Settling in allowance (assignments longer than 6 months)
Re-settlement allowance (assignments longer than 6 months)
How to Apply
Should you wish to apply for this position please visit
Select the assignment you are interested in and follow the prompts at the end of the page.
This assignment is part of the Australian Volunteers for International
Development program, an Australian Government initiative.
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