OSBS 2014 Final Awards List 1. President's Award: Div. I Class 7

OSBS 2014 Final Awards List
1. President’s Award:
Div. I Class 7-0. Small. Clear and colored glass assorted. Must be labeled and mounted in class order.
(Anne Morgan) OSBS $5-3-2
2. Past-President’s Award:
Div. IX. Classes 6-0 and 7-0. Various. Black glass and /or Clear and colored glass, specialized to Art
Deco Style. May be clear, transparent colored, translucent, or opaque. No more than 5 black glass. No
balance required among the others, but try to represent at least one of each. Do not have to be labeled
as to class number or mounted in numerical order. Pictorials allowed. (Kathy Kanter) OSBS $5-3-2
3. Departed Members Award:
Div. IX Class 17-5.5. 25 any. Elephants. Other animals allowed. No humans allowed. No human
clothing or unusual activities allowed. OSBS $5-3-2
4. Velma Owens Award
Div. I Class 23-5. Med/Large. Combined materials. Look for variety of combinations as well as
number of materials combined (2, 3, 4, etc.) California State Button Society in memory of Velma
Owens. $25-15-10
Division I
5. Div. I Classes 7-1, 7-4.2, 7-4.12. Small. Clear and colored glass specialized to 14 each of: pinshanks,
coronets, overlays. Deb Chrowl $5-3-2.
6. Div. I (& Div. II) Class 9-8.3. 25 any. Horn, molded surface design. No tortoise shell allowed. Uniform
buttons allowed. Roxane Russell $5-3-2
7. L Div. I Class 10-14.2. Medium – Large. Metal, specialized to buttons with steel OME, or Steel
buttons with steel cuts (the steel cuts in this instance are not OME.) Try to represent all metals, and
different shapes of the steel OME. Limited to OSBS members of 5 years or less. Ada Squires $5-3-2
8. Div. I Class 10-14.1.1. Small. Pigeon Eye. Shape of “eye” other than strictly round allowed (e.g.
scalloped, berry.) Refer to page 43 of the 2013-2017 NBS Blue Book. Look for linear shapes other
than round of button body. Linda Kern $5-3-2
9. Div. I Class 21-7. Various. Pictorial summary specialized to black glass. See 2013-2017 NBS Blue
Book, page 21, for description. Must label and mount in class order. (Helpful hint: Fulfill your 6 large
size first, as these are harder to find.) Anne Morgan $10-5-3.
Division III
10. Div. III Class 12-1.3. 20 Any. Phenolic resin, specialized to reverse carved and painted. May be
apple juice color or other transparent color Bakelite. (Caution: if button body is clear is most likely not
Phenolic resin.) Bryan Gilbert $5-3-2
11. Div. III Class 12-5 and 12-6.5. 25 any. Clear and transparent colored Synthetic Polymers. The body
of the button must be clear or transparent. No balance among classes required, but must have at least
one of each. Shapes and colors count. EBC $ 5-3-2
12. Div. III Class 8-5.1. 25 any. Pot-metal with paste. No prong-set. Colored paste okay. Number of
pastes not a consideration. Gloria Skovronsky $5-3-2.
Division VI
13. Div. VI Non-competitive. Refer to page 3 of the NBS 2013-2017 Blue Book. Limit of three entries per
person. (OSBS allows entries as space available on the racks after all other entries are hung.)
Division VII
14. Div. VIIA and VIIB Class 17-0. 20 Any. Animals assorted specialized to Dinosaurs. Deb Chrowl
15. Div. VIIA Class 17-5.5. 20 Any. Elephants. OSBS $5-3-2
16. Div. VIIA Class 17-5.1 and 17-5.7. 20 Any. Cats (domestic) and Bunnies. No balance required.
Deb Chrowl $5-3-2
17. Div. VIIA and VIIB Class 19-2.5. 20 any. Roses. Small insects, birds, or containers allowed, as long as
roses are prominent. (Peggy Mathes) In loving memory of Myrel Rose by her daughters Donna, Marla,
and Norma. $10-6-4
Division IX
18. Div. IX Class 1-0 through 15-5. 25 Any. Assorted materials specialized to buttons representing golf.
Must have at least 10 depicting golfers in action. Other buttons may be golf equipment, clothing, etc.
No Golf Club/Society buttons allowed. Joan Andersen-Wells $5-3-2
19. Div. IX (& II) Class 1-0 through 15-5. 25 Any. Assorted materials specialized to buttons with Owls.
May be full bodies or heads. No human clothing or activities allowed. Uniform buttons allowed. Limit
of 5 studios. Diane Ford $5-3-2
20. L Div. IX Class 1-0 through 15-5. 25 any. Assorted materials specialized to buttons depicting
chickens and/or roosters. Label each material only once. Each different material including ceramics,
metals, shell, synthetic polymers or unlisted materials will count equally. Any number of realistics may
be used. Limit of 2 studio buttons. Label studios, and maker if known. Limited to novice collectors.
Julie Reifel $5-3-2.
21. Div. IX (& Div. II) Class 1-0 through 15-5. 25 Any. Assorted materials specialized to buttons with
predominately pink or green on the face. Uniform buttons allowed. The face color may be from the
DF, the button body, or the OME (as long as it is predominant.) PBC $5-3-2
22. Div. IX Class 1-0 through 15-5 (except 11, as the body is shell and any other shell is not an OME in
this instance.) Various. Assorted materials specialized to buttons with Shell OME. Sandie Olson $53-2
23. Div. IX Class 1-0 through 15-5. Medium. Assorted materials specialized to 15 square buttons and
15 round buttons with at least one square on the face design. Modified squares allowed. No
pictorials or studios. Jane Quimby $10-7-3.
24. Div. IX Class 1-0 through 15-5. 6 original cards (number of buttons on card may vary from 1 or
more.) Assorted materials, specialized to buttons on their original printed or decorated cards
(cards must be complete.) All buttons on the card must be the same size and shape, but is OK if they
are different colors. (The graphics of the card as well as the button materials will be judged.) Diane
Ford $5-3-2
25. Div. IX Class 2-3. 25 Any. Satsuma, specialized to animal life. No studios allowed. Mounted in metal
OK. Bryan Gilbert. $5-3-2
26. Div. IX Class 4-0. Various. Pierced/openwork enameled metal buttons. (Caution, the enamel must
encircle the openings.) No studios. Roxane Russell $5-3-2
27. L Div. IX Class 6-0. 25 Any. Black glass assorted. This class requires labeling class number and
mounting in order. There are many more class possibilities than 25, so try not to duplicate a class;
however, you may use buttons in the same class if they are listed in the blue book separated by
commas (such as the different types of overlays), as each one of those counts separately. Limited to
new collectors who have never entered black glass. J. Howells $10-6-4
28. Div. IX Class 6-5.4, 7-6.5, 8-1 and 8-2. 25 Any. Precision inlay glass. Must have at least 5 black glass,
5 clear/colored glass, and 5 mounted in metal (clear/colored or black.) No balance required of the rest.
CBC $5-3-2
29. Div. IX Class 6-7. 25 Any. Black glass, specialized to pearl OME. DF and other OME allowed.
Sandie Olson $5-3-2
30. L Div. IX Class 7-0. 25 Any. Clear and colored glass assorted. Must label and mount in numerical
order. Limited to novice collectors. Anne Morgan $10-5-3
31. Div. IX Class 7-0. 30 Any. C/C glass, specialized to the color pink. Different shades of pink okay,
but not too red, orange, etc. This class requires labeling class number and mounting in class
order. Represent as many classes as possible. 2 studios allowed, which must be labeled “studio” as
well as maker name if known. J. Howells $10-6-4
32. Div. IX Class 10-9. 25 Any. Copper buttons. Must be solid copper, no plated or copper wash allowed.
(e.g., no Battersea “copper” as this is a plating over a base metal.) Bryan Gilbert $5-3-2
33. Div. IX Class 11-0. 25 Any. Shell assorted. Label shell type if known. Label each class represented
once. No balance between shell types required. OCBC $5-3-2
34. L Div. IX Class 14-0. Various. Wood assorted. Refer to guidelines page 47 of the 2013-2017 NBS
Blue Book. Points for wood type if labeled, up to 3. Limited to OSBS members of 5 years or less. CBC
35. Div. IX Class 14-0. Various. Wood assorted. Refer to guidelines page 47 of the 2013-2017 NBS Blue
Book. Points for wood type if labeled, up to 3. CBC $5-3-2
36. L Div. IX Class 16-5. Diminutive. Materials Summary. Best assortment of all classes of Sections 1
through 15 (except 3.) Must label and mount in class order. Remember that no more than half may be
pictorial. Refer to 2013-2017 NBS Blue Book page 48. Limited to entrants who have not received the
blue ribbon in this category. Linda Kern $5-3-2
37. Div. IX (& Div. II) Class 16-1. 25 Any. Materials Summary. Uniform buttons allowed. Best
assortment of all classes of Sections 1 through 15 (except 3.) Must label and mount in class order.
Remember that no more than half may be pictorial. Refer to 2013-2017 NBS Blue Book page 48. PBC
38. Div. IX Class 16-1. Small. Materials Summary, best assortment of all classes of Secs. 1 through 15
(except 3 because 3 is included with 2 as well as having its own section). Specialized to small-small
3/8-5/8”. There is no official measure for 5/8, so use your ruler and measure at the widest point; BOD
will be given if it is close. This is a chance to use your small-smalls that often get overlooked in favor
of larger buttons. Remember, no more than 50% of these may be pictorial, per the definition of a
Materials Summary on page 48 in the 2013-2017 NBS Blue Book. Try for the most complete
assortment of materials. Each different material, including all metals, synthetic polymers or unlisted
materials, will count equally. No studio buttons allowed. Jocelyn Howells $20-10-5
39. Div. IX Class 17-0. Various. Specialized to buttons depicting one type of animal. Competitor chooses
the type animal. No other animals allowed, but multiples of the type animal selected are OK. Human
clothing or activities allowed; people/vehicles allowed. Refer to the 2013-2017 NBS Blue Book page
48. Anne Morgan $10-5-3
40. Div. IX (& Div. II) Class 17-5. 25 Any. Mammals, specialized to Wolves, Foxes and Coyotes.
Uniform buttons allowed. May be wearing human clothing or doing unusual activities. No cartoon
characters. Subject animal of any size on the button is ok. No balance required. PBC $5-3-2
41. Div. IX Class 17-5.1. 30 Any. Cats (domestic.) No humans allowed. May include human clothing or
unusual activities. Peggy Mathes $5-3-2
42. L Div. IX Class 17-5.6. 25 Any. Horses, domesticated only (that is, no donkeys, zebras, mules, etc.)
May be with or without people. Limited to novice collectors. CBC $5-3-2
43. Div. IX (& Div. II) Class 17-5.1 & 20.3 & 20-20 & 20-21. 35 Any. Specialized to Cats,
predominately black +/or white color. Other colors O.K. if base of button is another color and the
form of the cat is created by black or white lines. No balance of colors required. Other colors on ears,
eyes, nose or mouth also O.K. No people. Other animals O.K. Uniform buttons allowed. No Bone or
ivory material; no 18th century. Roxane Russell $6-4-2
44. Div. IX (& Div. II) Class 19-0. 25 Any. “Home grown in the Pacific Northwest.” Specialized to
vegetables, fruits, flowers, ornamentals, grasses trees etc. found or grown in the Pacific NW. Try to
cover all your whole numbers as well as sub classes for as wide a range as possible. Uniform buttons
allowed. No studios. OCBC $5-3-2
45. Div. IX Class 19-2.5. 25 any. Roses. Small insects, birds, or containers allowed, as long as roses are
prominent. (Peggy Mathes) In loving memory of Myrel Rose by her daughters Donna, Marla, and
Norma. $10-6-4
46. Div. IX Class 19-3.3. Various. Grapes. Refer to page 49 of the 2013-2017 NBS Blue Book for
description of what is allowed. Bryan Gilbert $5-3-2
47. Div. IX Class 20-7. 25 Any. Fabulous creatures specialized to Dragons and/or Wyverns. No people
allowed. No 18th century. Peggy Mathes $5-3-2
48. Div. IX Class 20-18. 20 Any. People, specialized to Native Americans. (USA) Includes men, women
and children. OCBC $5-3-2
49. Div. IX Class 21-7. Various. Pictorials Summary, limited to Wood. Best assortment Secs. 17 through
20 with at least 4 and not over 8 classes included from each section. Must label and mount in class
order. Anne Morgan $10-5-3
50. Div. IX Class 17-0 through 20-24. 30 Any. Pictorial realistics, specialized to Celluloid. Label
pictorial class represented. EBC $5-3-2
51. L Div. IX Class 17-0 through 20-24. 20 Any. Five buttons of each pictorial section. Try to represent 5
different class numbers for each section. Limited to novice collectors. Anne Morgan $10-5-3
52. L Div. IX Class 17-0 through 20-24 & 22-1 to 22-2.5. 25 Any. “Oregon A to Z.” Assorted materials
specialized to buttons representing persons, places, things, flora, fauna, events, etc. of Oregon.
One letter of the alphabet to be omitted. Emphasis is on subject matter, then materials. Label what is
represented. Limit of 5 studio buttons. Limited to competitors of 5 years or less. SOBC $5-3-2
53. Div. IX Class 17-0 through 20-24 & 22-1 to 22-2.5. 25 Any. “Oregon A to Z.” Assorted materials
specialized to buttons representing persons, places, things, flora, fauna, events, etc. of Oregon.
One letter of the alphabet to be omitted. Emphasis is on subject matter, then materials. Label what is
represented. Limit of 5 studio buttons. SOBC $5-3-2
54. Div IX (& Div. II) Class 17-0 through 20-24 & 22-1 to 22-2.5. 25 Any. Pictorials and/or
patterns/symbols which represent “Romance.” Label what is being represented. Uniform buttons
allowed. PBC in memory of Edouard Pecourt $5-3-2
55. Div. IX Class 18-0 and/or 22-1.3. 30 Any. Non-contour Geometric shapes assorted that represent 3D shapes. (Round shape included for ball.) May be pictorial (eg. box, drum, rectangular box, etc.) or
pattern. No studios. EBC $5-3-2
56. Div. IX Class 23-12. 30 any. Specific types unlisted, specialized to interactive buttons, which
includes mechanical, movable, and optical (hologram, blinking eye, iridescent luster that requires
movement to see all colors, etc.). Assorted materials important, please label them. No more than 15
pictorials. 2 studio buttons allowed, which must be labeled "studio", along with the name of the artist
if known. Refer to my lesson to Portland Button Club, handout attached or available from co-chairs of
judging or download from the state website. J. Howells $10- 6- 4
57. Div. IX Class 25-1 thru 25-12. 35 any. Usage, Non-Military. Try to represent all the whole numbers
first, then fill in with different sub-classes. Label one of each whole number class. Try for as many
different materials as possible; label one example of each. Besides different metals, there is vegetable
ivory, horn, pearl, glass, etc. No Div. II uniform buttons. J. Howells $10-6-4
58. Div. IX Class 25-4. 42 any. Glove buttons. May include typical glove shank, flattened loop shank,
rivet or snap shanks. No extra points for different shanks. Try to cover as many different aspects as
possible that are described in my article in the spring 2013 OSBS bulletin. Label one example of each
different material. J. Howells $10-6-4
59. L Div. IX Class 26-2. Medium. Complete summary. Best assortment Sec.1 through 25 with at least 1
and not over 6 classes included from each section (excluded are sections 3, 16, and 21.) Must label and
mount in class order. Refer to page 60 of the 2013-2017 NBS Blue Book for definitions. No more than
2/3 shall be pictorial. Each different material including ceramics, metals, shell, synthetic polymers or
unlisted materials will count equally. (Caution—this class does not include Div. II uniform.) Limited
to novice collectors. Julie Reifel $5-3-2
60. Div. IX Class 27-1. 5 sets. (number of buttons on set may vary). Sets: linear, contour and/or realistic
shapes. Must have 2 or more buttons per set. No balance required among shapes. Mount sets together.
Do not have to be on original card, but extra points earned if still on the original card up to 5 points.
Sets must be complete. Remember, all buttons must be different! Diane Ford $5-3-2
99. Creative Mountings. OSBS $15-10-5 (A person may enter more than one tray. Each tray must be
assigned a different random number at check-in.)
199. Junior Creative Mountings OSBS $3-2-1 (A person may enter more than one tray. Each tray must be
assigned a different random number at check-in.)
299. OSBS Educational Award OSBS $15-10-5 (Only one entry per person. Limit of up to 3 trays with the
educational subject.)