Socket Layer Crypto, E-Commerce

CISC 210 - Class Today
• Looking Forward, Schedules
• Recap: Public key cryptography
• Secret Keys vs Public Keys
March 2005
R. Smith - University of St Thomas - Minnesota
Looking Forward
• Next Lab
– Due date is being pushed to the end of the semester
– I need to find a different way to run WireShark on the outside
• Viruses
– I’ll post a revised Chapter 3 with a section on viruses
• Cain and Abel, scanning, password cracking
– A security program I’ve been playing with
– I need to finish ‘sanitizing’ my laptop for the demonstration
– The password cracker is unreliable
March 2005
R. Smith - University of St Thomas - Minnesota
Presentation Schedule
Monday, May 11
• SQL Slammer
– Brakefield, Hart,
• Active Directory
– Allers-Hatlie, Hooper
• Crypto Algorithms
– McNeil, Schwarz,
• Botnets
– Heaney, Schreck
March 2005
Wednesday, May 13
• Conficker
– Hansohn, Lee
• Biometrics McCormick
• TBD - Chang
• HIPAA - Barrett
• Wireless Cracking
– Almutawa, Moore,
R. Smith - University of St Thomas - Minnesota
Public Key cryptography
• First successful version: Diffie Hellman
• ‘Distributive property’ of exponents
– (BX)Y = (BY)X
• Or, in Diffie-Hellman:
– (BX mod M)Y mod M = (BY mod M)X mod M
– (x) is Private Key; (BX mod M) is Public Key
• Why is it secure? Because…
– (BX mod M) * (BY mod M) mod M ! = (BY mod M)X mod M
– Modulus makes it impractical to reverse
March 2005
R. Smith - University of St Thomas - Minnesota
• More flexible variant
– Basic Math: Given M, My = Ciphertext; M = (My)-y
– y = Public Key; -y = Private Key (inverse of public key)
– RSA uses “Modular Inverse” instead of simple inverse
• Multiply two primes P x Q
– Product is the Modulus, part of the published key,
– 2 other numbers form rest of the key
• “Public” exponent “E” (often 3 or 65537)
• “Private” inverse “D” (computed from P, Q, and E)
• Works in both directions – encrypt and decrypt
March 2005
R. Smith - University of St Thomas - Minnesota
Using Public Key
• Diffie Hellman
– I can share one secret with another D-H user
• I use the other user’s PUBLIC key with my PRIVATE key
– If I have a user’s PUBLIC key, I can send them a secret
• I encrypt the secret with THEIR public key
• They decrypt with their own private key
– I can use my PRIVATE key to “sign” things
• I encrypt a hash (checksum) with my PRIVATE key
• Others can check the result with my PUBLIC key
March 2005
R. Smith - University of St Thomas - Minnesota
Public Key vs Secret Key
• Secret Key is good:
• Hosts already known
• Small number of
• Many hosts and KDC
– KDC is well protected
• Revocation is easy
March 2005
• Public Key is good:
• Many hosts, not
known ahead of time
• Revocation not a
major concern
• Host security not
very reliable
R. Smith - University of St Thomas - Minnesota
Encrypting to “sign” some data
• Use private key to encrypt
March 2005
R. Smith - University of St Thomas - Minnesota
Applying a Digital Signature
• Hash it, encrypt the hash
March 2005
R. Smith - University of St Thomas - Minnesota
Checking the digital signature
• Use the public key to decrypt the encrypted
March 2005
R. Smith - University of St Thomas - Minnesota
Authentication with public keys
• A variant of challenge-response
March 2005
R. Smith - University of St Thomas - Minnesota
FIPS 196 authentication
• Public key challenge-response
March 2005
R. Smith - University of St Thomas - Minnesota
RSA Encrypting Secret Keys
• First send the secret key, then send the data
John J. Jones
March 2005
Clear Text
4327 4445219
{ }
Clear Text
R. Smith - University of St Thomas - Minnesota
4327 4445219
John J. Jones
SSL Encryption
• Socket layer encryption
• The old story of Mosaic becoming Netscape
• Practical example of successful security
– Won on the basis of its practical application
– Security mechanisms themselves weren’t the deciding factor
March 2005
R. Smith - University of St Thomas - Minnesota
Basic SSL
• RSA to protect a shared secret
March 2005
R. Smith - University of St Thomas - Minnesota
SSL Phase 1
• pre master secret
March 2005
R. Smith - University of St Thomas - Minnesota
Build the secret
• Combine single secret and nonces to make
more secrets
March 2005
R. Smith - University of St Thomas - Minnesota
The rest of SSL
March 2005
R. Smith - University of St Thomas - Minnesota
Web Requirements
• Customers
– Can buy things and handle related issues (returns) through the
web site
– Info is only available as needed to handle their orders, etc.
• Implementation
– Order processing is as automated as possible
– As little down time as possible, especially for order entry
• Employees
– Can surf the web and use e-mail
– Can use shared file and print services
• Outsiders
– Can visit the commercial web site and buy things
– Can not access internal company components
March 2005
R. Smith - University of St Thomas - Minnesota
How the Web Works
• GET – reading data from a site
– Passive, relies purely on HTML text files
• POST – sending data to a site
– Requires an ‘active’ response on the server side
– Web site ‘programming’ via PHP, Perl, etc.
• Modern sites: active scripts and a database
E-Commerce Tools
Web servers + shopping carts
Database servers
Warehousing/shipping applications
3rd party support
– Payment processing; package tracking
Network server hosts
“Back end” hosts
E-mail servers
Routers and firewalls to control flow & access
Encrypting gateways for distributed companies
March 2005
R. Smith - University of St Thomas - Minnesota
Making things Interesting
• Or, at least, complicated
• Physical locations
– Web hosting location
– Warehouse(s) for merchandise
– Company headquarters
• Are these all in one place?
March 2005
R. Smith - University of St Thomas - Minnesota
Enterprise network architecture
• How many sites? Do we connect them? How?
• Do all employees get to surf the Web?
• Which sites provide a “public face”?
• Which sites host critical systems?
– I.e. those that directly affect the company’s immediate
• Which sites administer critical systems?
March 2005
R. Smith - University of St Thomas - Minnesota
Some questions
• How do we use these tools to build an ecommerce site?
• How might we use different types of firewalls?
March 2005
R. Smith - University of St Thomas - Minnesota
E-Commerce: Conflicting Goals
• Efficiency
• Security
– Sell lots of stuff at little expense
– Make the customers happy
Accept lots of connections
Respond quickly to net requests
High availability
Send merchandise quickly
Handle customer
problems/returns quickly
– Accurate feedback on
merchandise availability
– Accurate status on existing order
and shipped pkgs
March 2005
Detect fraudulent purchases
Keep company activities private
Make payments accurately
Block hacker attacks
– Record purchases accurately
– Don’t send merchandise unless
paid for
– Don’t accept returns unless
bought here
– Limit the scope of attacks
– On-line payment verification
– Keep records to help identify long
term bad trends
R. Smith - University of St Thomas - Minnesota
That’s it
• Questions?
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United
States License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative
Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
March 2005
R. Smith - University of St Thomas - Minnesota