POWER OF PERSUASION Advertising is everywhere! (Television, Internet, flyers, magazines, signs, billboards, etc.). It is important for us to recognize what we are seeing and hearing throughout a wide range of media. We need to have a basic understanding of the strategies companies use to promote their products in order for us to make informed decisions. Propaganda is used to elicit an emotional response and gain support for a specific cause. It is important for us to recognize the source of such persuasion in order for us to make appropriate decisions that affect us and the world around us. YOUR TASK: Advertisement or Propaganda We have been looking at a variety of advertisements, along with some of the techniques used to promote the product that is being advertised, as well as, viewing some propaganda examples. A. Your job is to become the campaign manager, the creator of the next “big thing” in the world of advertisement. As an individual or a small group (1-3 people) you are to create and advertise a new product or advertise an existing product in a new way (no plagiarism please). a) b) c) d) Create or choose a product to advertise. Choose your method of advertising (commercial, print based, computer generated or radio). Select the techniques you are going to use to advertise. Create an advertisement that addresses an intended audience and purpose. B. Your job is to become the campaign manager, the leader of an organization that has a specific goal or belief for which they need to gain support. As an individual or a small group (1-3 people) you are to create and promote support for your cause through the use of propaganda (no plagiarism please). a) b) c) d) Create or choose a specific topic or belief that you feel strongly about & want to generate support for. Choose your method for your propaganda (print based - poster, computer generated or video). Select the techniques you are going to use to elicit an emotional response for the cause. Create propaganda that addresses an intended audience and purpose. Students will submit their advertisement or propaganda to Mrs. Welch on _______________. Media Advertisement/Propaganda Rubric Criteria Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Persuasive Techniques: Demonstrates limited knowledge & understanding of a variety of techniques used in media advertisements or propaganda. Demonstrates some knowledge & understanding of a variety of techniques used in media advertisements or propaganda. Demonstrates knowledge & understanding of a variety of techniques used in media advertisements or propaganda. Demonstrates thorough knowledge & understanding of a variety of techniques used in media advertisements or propaganda. Product Form: Researches & generates appropriate information effectiveness Researches & generates appropriate information with some effectiveness Researches & generates appropriate information effectively Skillfully researches & generates appropriate information effectively Purpose & Audience: Expresses thoughts and ideas with limited effectiveness. Communicates for an identified audience and purpose with a little clarity. Expresses thoughts and ideas with some effectiveness. Communicates for an identified audience and purpose with some clarity. Expresses thoughts and ideas effectively. Communicates for an identified audience and purpose. Thoroughly expresses thoughts and ideas effectively. Clearly communicates for an identified audience and purpose. Conventions & Techniques: Uses a few appropriate conventions & techniques for the form chosen to help communicate their message. Uses some appropriate conventions & techniques for the form chosen to help communicate their message. Uses appropriate conventions & techniques for the form chosen to help communicate their message. Effectively uses appropriate conventions & techniques for the form chosen to help communicate their message. Producing Media Texts: Advertisement Produces an advertisement or form of propaganda using appropriate format, conventions & techniques to promote their product with limited effectiveness. Produces an advertisement or form of propaganda using appropriate format, conventions & techniques to promote their product with some effectiveness. Effectively produces an advertisement or form of propaganda using appropriate format, conventions & techniques to promote their product. Skillfully produces an advertisement or form of propaganda using appropriate format, conventions & techniques to promote their product. (knowledge & understanding) (thinking) (communication) (communication) (Application)