CNET204 Assignment 2 - Centennial College Faculty Web Hosting.

COURSE CNET204 Fall 2011
Assignment #2
Copy the Assignment2 folder from P:\BWARNE\CNET204\Assignments folder to your
H:\CNET204 folder. There is an images folder inside with the Page background and the Canada
Map you need to complete the assignment. Using Adobe CS4 Web Premium - Dreamweaver,
create a new HTML document. Hit the [Enter] key 4 times and the [up arrow] key 2 times so that
you can position the cursor below the 2 row table to insert the Canada map image and the
second table below the image. Save the page right away as Assignment2XX.html where XX is
your upper case initials in the H:\CNET204\Assignment2 folder. Use the Web page below and
follow the instructions that follow to implement the required functionality:
B Warne
Created on 1/24/2011 3:33:00 PM
Revised on 3/16/2016 4:34:44 PM
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Follow these hints:
► Find on the Internet a picture of the Canadian flag (MUST BE an animated gif) and save it in
the H:\CNET204\Assignment2\images folder. Place it in the upper left cell of a 2 column and 2
row table of the Web page.
► Place the Canadian map picture from you’re your H:\ CNET204\Assignment2\images folder
after the 2 row by 2 column table you placed at the top of your page to create an image map
with hot spots covering every part of each province for ALL provinces. When each of these areas
on the map is clicked, a Web page showing the home page of the provincial government website
of the respective province must open in the browser. (You have to research the Internet to find
those Web pages and use their URLs in your hyperlinks).
► Create an image map for a circle around the star showing Ottawa that will link to the CIA
world fact book on Canada
► The Canadian map contained in Canada.gif has a transparent background, which allows it to
“float” above the background of your page. Use the PageBackground.jpg gradient image I gave
you in the images folder and make sure you choose no-repeat in the Page Properties for this
background image. Those who attended class should have the following folder structure on their
H:\ drive: for the beginning of class next week
H:\CNET204\images (folder)
\index.html ( home web page)
\ClassExampleWeek3\images (folder)
\ClassexampleWeek3\classexampleweek3.html (Lab 2 web page)
\Assignment2\images (folder)
\Assignment2\assignment2XX.html (web page where XX is your initials)
► In the cell next to the animated flag gif file of row 1 in the table put a main heading with your
name and “Image Map Assignment”. In Row 2 of the table, merge the cells and put a message to
the person viewing your page to click on any province to go to the respective provincial
government website, and click on Ottawa to go to the CIA World factbook page for Canada.
► Add an HTML comment in your code with your name and student number one the next code
line after the <tiltle> Assignment 2 Your Name</title>line (The comment is not visible in the
browser when you display the Web page).
► Change the title tag in the code to show “Assignment 2 Your Name”
► Centre the Table at the top, the Canada Map and the Table after the Map showing the 4 links
requested as a bulleted list.
► Create the 4 links requested to Federal websites such as stats Canada, immigration, etc.and
the 4th one to the CIA world factbook on Canada as a bulleted list in 1 cell of the table below the
Canada Map
Upload your web page and support graphics to the studentweb server and provide an
Assignment 2 hyperlink to it from your index.html home page file.
This assignment is due at the beginning of the lab session week4.
B Warne
Created on 1/24/2011 3:33:00 PM
Revised on 3/16/2016 4:34:44 PM
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