Big Monologue Assignment

Look up Monologues in Wikipedia.
1. What are monologues?
2. How are monologues are different from soliloquies, apostrophes, and asides?
3. What are the types of monologues?
4. Lookup monologues in Google. Find a monologue from a movie or play that you would like to learn
and present to the class. It should be a 1 – 2 minute monologue. Print out the monologue.
Memorizing a Monologue
Search - memorizing monologue techniques on Google
Find 5 tips for memorizing a monologue. Try out each tip and then discuss the effectiveness of each, by
picking a script from the blue box, finding a fairly long paragraph and trying to memorize it.
Tip 1: ________________________________________________________________________________
Effectiveness: :_________________________________________________________________________
Tip 2: ________________________________________________________________________________
Effectiveness: :_________________________________________________________________________
Tip 3: ________________________________________________________________________________
Effectiveness: :_________________________________________________________________________
Tip 4: ________________________________________________________________________________
Effectiveness: :_________________________________________________________________________
Tip 5: ________________________________________________________________________________
Effectiveness: :_________________________________________________________________________
Overall, which method worked best for you to memorize your monologue? Explain why.
Monologue Etiquette
1) INTRODUCTIONS: Clearly introduce yourself and the monologue you will perform.
A typical introduction might sound like this:
Hello, my name is Mrs. Demmans, and today I will be performing a monologue titled “My Life as a
Teacher” written by myself.
Once you have finished your introduction, take a moment to get into character and then begin.
2) Bow, and say “thank you” when you are done.
Assignment 1: (Formative)
 Find ONE monologue through the internet, scripts, books , or movie.
 Monologues must be 10-20 lines, typed, double-spaced, and size 14 TIMES
 You will be given one class period to locate the monologue
 Memorization is not required
 This will be performed in front of a classmate for feedback.
Assignment2: (Formative)
 Find ONE monologue through the internet, scripts, and monologue books
 Monologues must be 15-20 lines, typed, double-spaced, and size 14 TIMES
 You will be given 1 - 2 class periods to locate the monologue
 Rehearsal times will depend on your work ethic
 Memorization is required
 Costumes, music, and props may be used to enhance overall performances
 To be performed in front of the class.
Follow the proper monologue etiquette hand-out to learn how to begin and end
each monologue!
Assignment3: (Summative)
 Write a 1 page monologue typed, double-spaced, and size 14 TIMES NEW
ROMAN font.
 Rehearsal times will depend on your work ethic
 Memorization is required
 Costumes, music, and props may be used to enhance overall performances
 To be performed in front of the class.
You may choose any of the following "idea jump starters" as a way to begin
writing your own monologue.
remember your first romance you thought you'd never get over
Write to a specific theme, i.e.; guilt, pride, obsession, fear, etc.
think of a specific location, or time period
write without editing yourself - first thoughts
change your point of view - perspective of a dog, a bird, a teapot, God
imagine life through the eyes of a real person, in a fictional event
telephone conversation
a reporter on the scene
a speech - or preparing to give a speech
stand-up comedy routine
imagine the "real" story behind a news article, or tabloid headline
turn at random to a page in the dictionary, point to a word and use it
as your first word in the monologue
write about a painful memory
Monologues Rubric
Enhanced Understanding
Fully Meeting
Showed understanding of
their character. Through the
 Demonstrated
Proper emotion in
words and body
 Used voice levels and
dialects consistent
with their character
 Used gestures and
consistent with their
Recited the
monologue well with
proper voice and
Needed to add
motion and gestures
into their character
to make them more
Mostly Meeting
Demonstrated their
monologue without
many errors.
Lacking in one or more
of the following:
 Did not
 Very little
movement or
 Voice levels
never really
Not Yet Meeting
Struggled to
remember their
monologue. Might as
well have just read it
from a sheet of
paper. Their voice
was very monotone.