Improvements to Combinational Equivalence Checking Alan Mishchenko, Satrajit Chatterjee, Robert Brayton Niklas Een Cadence Berkeley Labs UC Berkeley Overview Terminology Previous work Improvements Experimental results Conclusions M Terminology CEC two circuits to be compared are combined over the same inputs, while comparing their outputs Mitering combinational equivalence checking Miter … N1 N2 X X M SAT trying to prove output M = 0 using a SAT solver SAT-2 A B Fraiging (SAT sweeping) M trying to prove intermediate equivalences in topological order using a SAT solver SAT-1 C Mitering D Fraiging Previous Work Naïve approach simulate the miter while looking for assignments leading to M=1 construct BDDs for the miter and compare it with constant 0 assert output to be 1 and run SAT solver Efficient approach (A. Kuehlmann et al, TCAD 2002) perform simulation solves easy satisfiable problems detects potentially equivalent nodes Interleave mitering and BDD/SAT sweeping while increasing resource limits if mitering fails to prove, BDD/SAT sweeping may simplify the miter after some SAT sweeping, mitering may be easier use counter-examples to improve simulation Our Contributions Intelligent simulation Passing circuit information to a CNF-based SAT solver Interleaving CEC on the miter with synthesis of the miter Addressing hard cases with no intermediate equivalences Capability to prove correctness of the CEC engine Improved Simulation Run random simulation till saturation A successful pattern is a pattern that resolved a pair of intermediate nodes, not resolved by random simulation Counter-examples from a SAT solver are successful patterns How to easily get other patterns that are more likely successful than random patterns? Idea: Use distance-1 patterns derived from successful patterns Example: 01001 successful pattern 11001 distance-1 in 1st var 00001 distance-1 in 2nd var 01101 etc 01011 01000 Improved simulation algorithm Input: miter M, successful pattern p Output: some potentially equivalent classes resolved ImprovedSimulation( M, p ) { patterns S = {p}; while ( S is not empty ) { s = one pattern in S; remove s from S; simulate distance-1 from s; check if new pairs are resolved; add successful patterns to S; } } CNF-Based vs. Circuit-Based SAT Traditionally CEC uses circuit-based solvers Circuit is available and represents “high-level information” Faster constraint propagation, better decisions Substantial progress in CNF-based solvers (e.g. MiniSat-1.14) Constraint propagation became faster Efficient circuit-to-CNF conversion make CNF-solving faster Improved conflict analysis (clause minimization, etc) What is lacking, is the “high-level information” available in circuits There are hybrid solvers (Ganai et al, DAC ‘02; Jin et al, CAV ’04) They are more complicated and may take longer to catch up with the latest improvements in CNF-based solving (speculation) Using Circuit Info in CNF-Based SAT Two types of SAT solvers circuit-based CNF-based Using circuit-based information is often crucial for solving hard SAT instances originating from circuits Two approaches to address this problem Use circuit-based solver in CEC (A. Kuehlmann et al, TCAD ’02) Communicate circuit-based information to CNF-based solver (J. P. Marques-Silva et al, IEEE D&T of Computers, ‘03) Simulating J-frontier in a CNF-based solver Proposed Approach Drawbacks of previous approaches Circuit-based solvers do not use improvements in CNF-based solving J-frontier may be costly to support in a CNF-based solver We propose to modify variable activities in the CNF-based solver After each restart, increase activities of some variables Increase variable more if it is closer to the top of the miter M +3Δ +2Δ +Δ Using Fast Logic Synthesis Experiments show that interleaving CEC and fast logic synthesis reduces total runtime Possible reasons: Detects shallow equivalences, leaving less work for fraiging to do Reduces the number of variables/classes, leads to faster SAT Reduces memory footprint by simplifying the miter Our logic synthesis engine performs several passes over the miter and applies fast AIG rewriting Avoids “zero-cost replacements” (can slow down SAT) Takes 5% of runtime of mitering/fraiging AIG Rewriting Pre-computing subgraphs Rewriting subgraphs Consider function f = abc Rewriting node A Subgraph 1 Subgraph 2 a a b a c Subgraph 3 a b b b c a A A b a c c Subgraph 2 Subgraph 1 c a Rewriting node B B B a a b a c b c Subgraph 2 a b a c Subgraph 1 In both cases 1 node is saved Improved Integrated Approach to CEC status IntegratedCEC( Miter, VariousResourceLimits ) { status = undecided; for ( Iter = 1; Iter <= IterLimit; Iter++ ) { // try mitering status = DoMitering( Miter, MiteringLimit + Iter * MiteringIncrease ); if ( status != undecided ) break; // try rewriting status = DoRewriting( Miter, RewritingLimit + Iter * RewritingIncrease ); if ( status != undecided ) break; // try fraiging status = DoFraiging( Miter, FraigingLimit + Iter * FraigingIncrease ); if ( status != undecided ) break; } if ( status != undecided ) status = DoMitering( Miter, FinalMiteringLimit ); if ( status == satisfiable ) Miter->CounterExample = GenerateCounterExample( Miter ); return status; } Addressing Hard CEC Cases Typically, a CEC instance is hard if (a) the circuit is deep and (b) there are few or no internal equivalences SAT sweeping has no “foothold” for climbing up to the outputs Such cases cannot be handled effectively by current methods M Brute-force SAT runs are used (till timeout) Ad-hoc, semi-manual methods are developed for specialized circuits (multipliers) We propose to perform additional logic synthesis to synthesize internal equivalent points, then use a standard CEC engine M A = B Resolvent A resolvent is a clause implied by two clauses in a SAT instance 1. A SAT instance C 1. (~p + a) 4. (~q + a) 7. (p + q + ~z) 10. (~p + ~q + ~z) 2. 5. 8. 11. (~p + b) (~q + b) (p + ~q + z) (z) 3. (p + ~a + ~b) 6. (q + ~a + ~b) 9. (~p + q + z) 2. Resolvent of clauses 3 and 4 (w.r.t. a) is the clause (p + ~b + ~q) 3. Adding the resolvent to the original set does not alter satisfiability: 1. C’ 4. 7. 10. (~p + a) (~q + a) (p + q + ~z) (~p + ~q + ~z) 2. 5. 8. 11. (~p + b) (~q + b) (p + ~q + z) (z) 3. (p + ~a + ~b) 6. (q + ~a + ~b) 9. (~p + q + z) 12. (p + ~b + ~q) It can be checked that C’ is satisfiable if and only if C is. Resolution Proofs A resolution proof is a sequence of resolvents until the empty clause 1. Original set of clauses C 1. 4. 7. 10. (~p + a) (~q + a) (p + q + ~z) (~p + ~q + ~z) 2. 5. 8. 11. (~p + b) (~q + b) (p + ~q + z) (z) 3. (p + ~a + ~b) 6. (q + ~a + ~b) 9. (~p + q + z) 2. Sequence of resolvents 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. (p + ~b + ~q) (p + ~q) (~p + q + ~a) (~p + q) (~p + ~q) (p + q) (~q) (q) () (from 3 and 4) (from 5 and 12) (from 2 and 6) (from 1 and 14) (from 10 and 11) (from 7 and 11) (from 13 and 16) (from 15 and 17) (from 18 and 19) If the empty clause i.e. () is derived by resolution then the original set of clauses is UNSAT Thus the sequence of resolution steps 12-20 forms a proof of unsatisfiability of C if () is derived at the end. Certifying the CEC Engine When SAT solver returns “unsat”, the result can be verified using a resolution proof (Goldberg, DATE 2003) In additional to SAT solver runs, CEC engine performs several tasks: structural hashing, logic synthesis, etc A resolution proof can be produced in these cases, too The resolution proofs are composable! A single resulting resolution proof can be used to verify the result of the CEC engine It can checked by a very simple resolution proof checker Experimental Setup Benchmarks are generated using the following script in ABC: read <input_file>; resyn2; sfpga; miter -c; frames -i -F <num>; orpos; write_blif <output_file.blif> The resulting miters are publicly available in BLIF and in BENCH formats: Resource limits used in the experiments (for iteration number N) mitering - at most 1000*2N conflicts AIG rewriting - 3 iterations fraiging - at most 2*8N conflicts at a node IWLS Benchmark Statistics and Results Benchmark Fr spi 10 ss_pcm 80 systemcaes 15 systemcdes 15 usb_funct 10 usb_phy 50 vga_lcd 3 wb_conmax 4 wb_dma 20 Ratio AIG statistics PIs AND2 470 58788 1520 55739 3900 223480 1980 79641 1280 106051 750 33543 267 88784 4520 163548 4340 91034 Lev 201 453 434 270 118 364 35 60 128 prove 50.91 28.24 58.15 67.90 93.04 25.67 10.59 49.37 39.46 1.00 Runtime, sec prove-r prove -j 80.11 92.28 50.67 150.86 35.08 54.85 96.48 474.54 150.85 131.92 38.13 59.57 123.49 10.68 60.77 74.05 63.80 44.49 2.12 2.34 sat 1800.00 1800.00 6.37 1800.00 1800.00 1800.00 15.16 1800.00 1800.00 > 42.00 AIG Size Reduction and Breakdown of Runtime AIG size (AND2) Runtime, sec Orig Iter1 Iter2 Iter3 Miter Synth Fraig spi 58788 38812 0 0 2.18 8.16 40.47 ss_pcm 55739 41997 0 0 1.25 8.02 18.76 systemcaes 223480 54250 0 0 5.59 42.32 9.65 systemcdes 79641 59216 29355 0 1.56 18.02 47.09 usb_funct 106051 60228 14587 0 6.68 16.02 71.10 usb_phy 33543 25179 8921 3389 1.45 4.98 19.16 Vga_lcd 88784 11673 6821 0 1.04 7.19 2.23 wb_conmax 163548 52858 0 0 2.21 25.24 11.60 wb_dma 91034 91034 34858 0 1.34 10.42 27.40 Ratio 1.00 0.51 0.12 0.02 0.06 0.36 0.58 Benchmark Comparison with CSAT (UCSB) Benchmark spi ss_pcm systemcaes systemcdes usb_funct usb_phy vga_lcd wb_conmax wb_dma Ratio AIG after prepro Runtime, sec AND2 Lev Prepro Prove -r CSAT 46142 179 9.40 40.72 64.00 50619 446 9.17 22.86 38.00 161470 293 70.98 2.34 136.00 63955 216 15.23 48.91 87.00 73882 114 18.02 75.99 47.00 26626 340 4.05 20.63 15.00 63345 39 13.96 146.30 1004.00 58860 52 27.27 24.29 11.00 53104 88 13.33 30.13 17.00 1.00 4.62 Industrial Benchmarks File name ex01 ex02 ex03 ex04 ex05 ex06 ex07 ex08 ex09 ex00 ex11 ex12 ex13 ex14 ex15 ex16 Ratio AIG size 20631 27574 29745 30178 31869 35141 10619 36234 9731 36145 35978 40989 38093 44098 43302 47078 Equivalence checking runtime, sec prove prove -r prove -j sat 19.80 58.94 79.72 1800.00 36.59 333.94 142.98 1800.00 46.16 149.18 178.25 1800.00 36.26 152.25 942.53 1800.00 49.99 189.98 1800.00 1800.00 103.03 324.29 1663.56 1800.00 39.62 39.29 40.97 7.54 80.70 355.30 1800.00 1800.00 11.41 26.14 32.67 0.92 36.43 106.97 31.82 1711.21 95.20 2112.96 340.45 1800.00 108.45 2123.06 416.39 1800.00 105.61 2024.00 1287.46 1800.00 53.85 185.54 64.03 0.68 3.65 177.21 3.70 0.31 56.90 355.40 288.60 5.40 1.00 9.77 > 9.00 > 25.28 AIG size is the number of two-input ANDs after structural hashing prove is the runtime of the improved approach prove –r is the runtime without fast logic synthesis prove –j is the runtime without J-frontier heuristic sat is the runtime of brute-force mitering alone 1.6Ghz CPU, 1Gb RAM Recent Improvements File name Ex01 Ex02 Ex03 Ex04 Ex05 Ex06 Ex07 Ex08 Ex09 Ex00 Ex11 Ex12 Ex13 Ex14 Ex15 Ex16 Ratio AIG size 20631 27574 29745 30178 31869 35141 10619 36234 9731 36145 35978 40989 38093 44098 43302 47078 Runtime, sec Old New 19.80 2.92 36.59 4.96 46.16 5.05 36.26 4.68 49.99 5.49 103.03 11.17 39.62 3.73 80.70 9.88 11.41 1.27 36.43 3.42 95.20 11.30 108.45 15.94 105.61 12.26 53.85 10.27 3.65 11.10* 56.90 10.15 1.00 0.13 Old results reported in ICCAD 2006 paper New results after recent improvements * Indicates the benchmark, which was not used in computing ratios 1.6Ghz CPU, 1Gb RAM Conclusions Introduced CEC Proposed several improvements that reduce runtime Publicly available source code Showed that logic synthesis plays important role in CEC Commands “prove” and “cec” in the latest release of ABC: Future work: Improving CEC Developing new applications based on CEC Synthesizing equivalences Detecting useful function properties (such as NPN-equivalence, etc) Sequential equivalence checking Closely related to efficient CEC