“THE MANY HATS OF A UNIVERSITY PROPERTY MANAGER” PRESENTED BY: Frank Borrelli, CPPM, Proper ty Ser vices Manager (Proper ty Control, Shipping & Receiving, Surplus Proper ty, Record Retention and Management, Recycling, Mail Ser vices, Print Shop) California State University, Stanislaus University Support Services, One University Circle, Turlock, CA, 95382 E-MAIL: FBorrelli@csustan.edu PHONE: 209-667-3986 SUPPORT SERVICES CONSOLIDATION, COST SAVING AND REVENUE ENHANCEMENT PLAN Timing of staf f retirements Months of cross-training of current and new staf f Countless communications of goals with Administration, current staf f, and customers via focus group meetings, surveys, memos, and training. COMMUNICATE WITH ALL PARTIES-NO SUCH THING AS “OVER COMMUNICATING!! Talk, Talk, Talk and Talk!!! SUPPORT SERVICES CONSOLIDATION, COST SAVING AND REVENUE ENHANCEMENT PLAN Cost Savings: M a i l d e l i v e r y r o u te c o n s o l i d a t i o n Re a s s i g n m e n t o f s t a f f to fi l l u p c o m i n g Re c e i v i n g , P r o p e r t y C o n t r o l r e t i r e m e n t s C r e a te A u to m a t e d Re c o r d Re te n t i o n a r c h i v e p r o c e d u r e a n d m a n a g e m e n t o f c e n t r a l i z e d r e c o r d r e te n t i o n , p u r c h a s e S c a n n i n g S o f t wa r e C r e a te S u r p l u s p r o p e r t y we b s i te a n d d a t a b a s e to r e u t i l i z e u n u s e d s u p p l i e s a n d equipment I n te l l i g e n t b a r c o d e p r i n t i n g fo r m a i l c o s t r e d u c t i o n , p r o c e s s a l l N C OA’ s w i t h p u r c h a s e d a d d r e s s c h e c k i n g s o f t wa r e v s . o u t s i d e v e n d o r Re s e a r c h R F I D I nve n to r y o f A s s e t s v s . C u r r e n t B a r C o d e S c a n n e r s Fu r t h e r e n h a n c e Re c e i v i n g a n d M a i l P a c ka g e Tr a c k i n g S y s te m s Revenue Generators: Self-support ser vice charges P r o v i d i n g a “ P r i n t - to - M a i l ” o n e s to p s h o p C e r t i f i e d U S P S Po s t a l S e r v i c e C e n te r, O p e r a te a s a r e t a i l s h i p p i n g a n d m a i l i n g e n t i t y E s t a b l i s h a s t a f fe d s a l e s c o u n te r to s e l l s t a m p s , p a c ka g i n g m a te r i a l s , p a c ka g i n g s e r v i c e , shipping, and centralized print management Centralized print ser vices capturing all campus print jobs through partnering with local vendors C e n t r a l i z e d w h i te p a p e r r e c yc l i n g , C e n t r a l i z e d s h r e d d i n g c o n t r a c t a n d m a n a g e m e n t o f campus shredding needs WHO WE ARE: HOW WE ALL DID IT!! Property Control, Shipping & Receiving, Surplus Property, Record Retention and Management, Recycling, Mail Services, Print Shop 1 Working Supervisor, 6 Staff, 5 students make up Support Services Team. CSU Stanislaus: 9,000 FTE on Campus, 250 acres Focus more on primary function of divisions COST SAVINGS: DELIVERY ROUTE CONSOLIDATION Consolidate mail delivery locations on campus utilizing existing mail boxes not being utilized and relocating some to other areas. Consolidate 33 delivery locations to 8. Focus on delivering mail to “mail box arrays” located in major buildings on campus vs. individual departments. Shipping and Receiving assigned duty of pick -up and delivery of all Housing mail. Staff time out of Mail Room will be minimized and efficiency and service will be maximized. Save on vehicle fuel cost and staff/student work time. COST SAVINGS: REASSIGNMENT AND RESTRUCTURING Reassignment and Restructure of functions and staff to fill upcoming Receiving, Property Control retirements 2 staff retired (Property and Receiving Clerk) one year apart, others cross trained for over a year for those positions. Reassignment of staff. All Job Descriptions were rewritten. Receiving Clerk reassigned to Property Clerk. NPMA provided some training to the new Property Clerk Mail Clerk reassigned to Receiving Clerk. Cross trained with Buyers, Accounts Payable, Property. Mail Clerk reassigned to Stock/Records Clerk. Additional specifics tasks (Record Retention, Shredding Contract, Surplus Property) added from other positions assigned. Internal Mail Clerk recruitment was hired vs. adding higher paid positions of Property and Receiving Clerk . COST SAVINGS: AUTOMATED RECORDS RETENTION Create Automated Record Retention archive procedure and management of centralized record retention, purchase Scanning Software CSU Office of Chancellor Executive Order 101 requires the development of a Records/Information Retention Program that complies with legal and regulatory requirements and implements operational best practices. Worked with Campus Programmer to create a database that will interpret, update, and maintain record retention and disposition schedules and legal requirements are met. Purchase Knowledge Lake Software to merge scanning of records into current Campus Record Management program. COST SAVINGS: SURPLUS PROPERT Y WEBSITE & DATABASE Create Surplus property web site and database to reutilize unused supplies and equipment. Developed web based system (Craig’s List) to allow for the display of pictures of available surplus supplies and property and an automated request form. Will eliminate the need for staff to field phone requests or taking tours of surplus property storage. COST SAVINGS: INTELLIGENT BARCODING & NCOA Intelligent bar code printing for mail cost reduction, process all NCOA’s with purchased address checking software vs. outside vendor. Implement printing of intelligent bar codes on printed material and envelopes allows Mail Room a reduced rate on postage. Cost savings by purchasing NCOA (National Change of Address) software to process mail internally vs. outside vendor performing this service. COST SAVINGS: RFID INVENTORY Research RFID Inventor y of Assets vs. Current Bar Code Scanner s. Researching RFID Technology vs. Bar Code Scanner s for Asset Inventor y and how that will work with the CSU PeopleSof t Asset Management Module and the Proper ty Inventor y Legacy System currently in place. Contacted several vendor s waiting for demonstrations and webinar s. Joined NPMA Forum List ser ve to see what other s are doing. Look at raising tagging limit established by State. Look at other ways of doing inventor y: random sampling, spot checks, etc . COST SAVINGS: PACKAGE TRACKING SYSTEMS Further enhance Receiving and Mail Package Tracking Systems Install new version of campus developed Receiving/Mail Package Tracking System. Modify database to be web based so departments can look up status of their delivery once it arrives on campus. This will reduce phone calls and time. Af fix bar codes on packages to be able to scan data during delivery. ANY QUESTIONS ON COST SAVINGS? REVENUE GENERATORS: SERVICE CHARGES Self-support service charges Additional Revenue from Self-Support Enterprise Reimbursements Inclusion in Business Services Cost Allocation charged to nine self-support enterprises Costs in addition to charging the entities include actual postage costs, Mail Services, Receiving Delivery charges, overhead based on volume of services provided. REVENUE GENERATORS: ONE STOP SHOP Providing a “Print-to-Mail” one stop shop Respond to Industry Changes in Printing and Mailing Business Streamline and apply Lean Management principals to several processes to create Design, Print, Mail “one stop shop” Of fer services to campus community REVENUE GENERATORS: USPS POSTAL SERVICES Certified USPS Postal Service Center, Operate as a retail shipping and mailing entity Raise more revenue on process of more bulk mailings, more counter service. Established “Approved Shipper” status with United States Post Office (USPS) which allowed us to operate as a retail shipping and mailing service. Status lowers the rates we pay for sending priority mail and other types of services. Provides customers choices and price options for shipping needs. Service available for campus needs and is offered as a retail service to the campus community. Campus has entered into an agreement with UPS for same services Marketing has been done in form of creation of brochures, posters, attending new student orientations REVENUE GENERATORS: SALES COUNTER Establish a staffed sales counter to sell stamps, packaging materials, packaging service, shipping, and centralized print management. Sales of services have increased for both Print Shop and Mail significantly in 2011 -2012 due to emphasis on customer service. Amount of revenue generated requires that area be established as a satellite cashier station. Full time temporary position was hired with intent to establish a permanent position if the net revenue generated exceeds the cost. Retail operation includes sale of stamps, envelopes, packaging materials, packaging services, and printing services. Items will continue to be marketed to campus student clubs, departments and individuals and eventually a website for on -line ordering will be available. REVENUE GENERATORS: PRINT SERVICES Centralized print services capturing all campus print jobs through partnering with local vendors All campus printing requests to be submitted to the Print Shop in 2011-2012. If job cannot be completed in -house, the job will be sent by the Print Shop to an outside printer that has contracted with the Print Shop. Print jobs in-house will match or be lower than quotes provided directly from departments through independent printers. The service provided to campus departments has been cost effective and timely. Print Shop contracted with off -site printer to offer “unique” items that cannot be printed in -house (printed magnets, calendars, notepads, etc.) Items will be marketed to campus student clubs, departments and individuals and eventually a web –site for on-line ordering will be available. REVENUE GENERATORS: RECYCLING & SHREDDING Centralized white paper recycling, Centralized shredding contract and management of campus shredding needs Recycling of paper on campus has been done by Facilities Ser vices All types of paper have been mixed, if white is separated out, recycler will pay the campus higher prices for recycling. Print Shop purchases paper and sells to campus depar tments. They will receive a credit on price it pays for paper and be able to pass savings along to campus depar tments. Centralized Shredding will now be managed by Records Management. Records Management obtained one contract with an of f -site shredding ser vice and will coordinate the use of the ser vice by campus depar tments. This will eliminate the need for depar tments to submit purchase order s for their individual needs, saving time, coordinati on, and cost being one company will be doing this ser vice vs. five in the past. Record Management will bill the depar tment through the recharge process. ANY QUESTIONS ON REVENUE GENERATORS?