Biology - Everett Public Schools

DO NOW Weds 10/3
What are the two different solutions used in
today’s lab (Eggsperiment)? Give the exact
name and measurement needed.
Flowchart for Eggsperiment
Course Description
You asked…
Will we be doing many labs this year?
Will there be many projects this year?
Did you major in biology?
How much homework a night?
What was your SAT score?
Is there late work credit? If so how much?
How many hands on activities this year?
What do you expect from your students?2
How much individual learning is there going to be?
What lessons are we learning in bio?
Are we going to dissect organisms?
Will we have homework over weekends and other
How long will each unit be?
Will it be fun?
Will there be games?
How did you come to love biology?
How many years have you taught?
Why does biology help us?
What is most interesting thing about biology?
How difficult are the projects?
Are labs different from the ones in middle school?
Mix chemicals?
When will we use biology in life?
What units will we learn?
Is it easy to get lost during a lesson?
Who has impacted your life?
One thing you’d change about school?
How will I be able to manage my workload in order
to be successful?
Will we learn about evolution?
What life forms do we study?
What high school did you attend?
Favorite teaching methods?
Favorite memory with students?
Are we learning about humans or all life?
What are the differences between blood types?
Why did you choose biology or become a biology
Will we have one main focus this year?
Will we have reviews before test?
Will we be doing calculations a lot in biology?
Are you good at explaining things in different ways?
What makes honors different from regular biology?
What is your theory on how humans evolved into
what we are today?
How old are you?
Do you have any pets?
Will we be able to work on homework during class?
Is this class difficult?
Do you play volleyball? Position?
Will there be a final?
What makes Honors different from general biology?
What kinds of careers require a knowledge of biology?
Will we be learning about disease?
Dissect an animal?
Cell phone policy?
Do you give extra credit?
What was the best memory of your summer?
Why Biology?
Understanding nature, natural history
Careers include…
Use in society: health, fitness, medicine,
disease, environment, making decisions
• Appreciation for what we need on earth, what
we give, and with who/what we share this
living space – a finite place…?
• Your future: directly or indirectly
Mrs. Mason
• Jackson High School – 10th year
• High School /College/Graduate School
• What keeps me busy other than school
Units of Study
Diversity of Life
Cell Structure and Function
Molecules of Life
Inheritance Genetics
Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology
Energy and Matter
Major Work
7 unit exams
The Cell Campaign
The Disease Project Part I
Semester 1 final exam
Evidence for Change Across Time (Evolution) Project
The Disease Project Part II
End of Course Exam for Biology*
Semester 2 final exam
Formal Lab Reports
Symposiums for a few labs and The Disease Part II
Taking Notes
Examples and
Connections to Daily
3% Group or Partner 1%
Practice and
Problem Solving
Quiet and
Hands On
Grade Breakdown
• Summative Work
– 90%
– Unit Tests, Formal Lab Reports, Major Projects,
Semester Exams
• Formative Work
– 10%
– Notebook Checks, Class
or Homework, Small
Projects, Quizzes
Test Rescore Opportunities
The Formative/Summative
Parachute Packing
Test 1
Test 2
Test 3
Test 4
Test #
Test 5
Test 6
My goals for the year:
To engage you in science – both here and outside of school, enough to keep you
interested, learning, and making connections between science and “the real
world”. I want you to know what is out there for you in terms of careers.
To teach/help you strengthen your communication skills – your evidence based
explanations – to be concise, accurate, justified, and confident.
To teach you biology to prepare you for tests, future science classes, college, the
work force, general problem solving.
To stretch your organization skills, your diligence and pride in your work, and to
become a strong, active learner.
To be a positive influence on your journey to earning the life you want.
My website!
Just once I wish Jackson teachers would…
Bring doughnuts for their students
Be Appropriate
Work one on one with students
Buy kids food
Bring treats in class
Let students control their own learning
Give homework depending on their afterschool
Be friendly and understandable
Give no homework for one month
Turn up!!!!!!!
Sing foreign songs while dancing at a pep assembly •
Allow more retakes and homework help
Would let us play games
Compare homework schedules to lessen the load
Give us a week off
More involved with students
Wouldn’t make students present
No notes
Teaching in a fun and engaging way
Start wearing funny packs at school
Be great full teaching
Understand the students and the situation they are in •
Less or no homework
No homework over breaks
Help freshman’s interact with upperclassman
Give me straight A’s
Give full credit on retakes
Consider more input on students
Be more chill with things
Play cool music when they do play in class
Respect that some students have good reasons for
not getting work done.
Just chill
Give fewer syllabi
Put themselves in our shoes for a week
Enforce an actual dress code
Tell funny stories
Make class fun and not grade so strictly
Give us free days
Give us catch up time
Be kewl
Form a dance team
Go easy on the summative portion of our grade
Act in a school production
Not assign HW over internet
Ditch class and let us do whatever
Treat us like adults and not children
Reduce the number of ice breakers!
Hand out study guides to help us prepare for tests