ASSIGNMENT: 1) pertaining to the topic assigned to your group – identify gaps that need to be bridged in order to improve the science of behavior change – all the way from fundamental science to commercialization – and 2) Develop an outline for the white paper of the sections that would be needed to write this up for a white paper for our funders and (peer reviewed) publications for broader audiences. Topic: Develop strategies/mechanisms that can influence behavior in the moment and offset momentary impulses when they arise. Tailoring and timing of information, does providing information at the right time and personalized for you, make it effective MEMBERS: Stephen Intille Karina Davidson Célia Boyer Robin Mermelstien Alberto Sanna Joni Kettunen Holly Jimison René van Bavel Scribe: Teresa Meneu What is known now: Background literature What influences behavior in the moment Cognitive depletion Social context Affective reinforcement Habit strength Reinforcing properties of the behavior Education level Automaticity Environmental barriers: choice architectures What behavioral theories contribute to understanding behavior in the moment Theory of addiction Evidence to change behavior in the moment Aversive stimuli Mindfulness training Impulse control Incentives Financial Intrinsic Other Neuromarketing Neurophysiology and breaking reward cycles Gaps for developing/using intervention How do we identify information processing preferences? (used for tailing interventions) Automatically Using other people How do we determine the preference for modality of delivery of presentation? Text, virtual people, real person, etc. Nature of the message How do we build credible, trusted, automated real-time messenger (without being AI-complete) How do you model... Longitudinal behavior change of the person? Intervention change and response to behavior change? Motivational level and engagement? (especially the temporal nature of the dose-response) How do we measure the onset of an impulse response to the environment? How do we model/implement real-time risk profiling for the current situation (behavior+context+past behavior+emotional state+stress+cognitive testing) How do we measure and model longitudinal engagement and adapt interventions accordingly? How do we determine become adaptive as behavior changes in the moment How (or what) can we provide less-studied types of feedback (physiological, sugar feedback) How do we achieve real-time risk profiling of the environment? Distributed sensing Shared databases Gaps in theory Identifying mechanisms of change/mediators Lack of integration of theories from... Marketing Economics Communication Creative industries Engineering Sociology Understanding boundary conditions Age SES Education Cultural belief Legislation/policy Gaps for evaluating interventions Need universal criteria for dimensions of success? Measurement in situ without impacting intervention Measurement of whether they work may be different than measurements needed to make them work. Implementation of burden Cost effectiveness What are criteria for success? Behavioral outcomes Monitoring for harm Gaps at policy Environmental sensing “Middleware” to facilitate data sharing Supermarket data Air quality Noise Smells Dead zones and disparities