Action Plan: Mental Health
1. Define and develop a continuum of integrated care
1. Increase awareness of what defines integrated care and its benefits
2. Explore best practice models for sustainability of integrated care
3. Increase number of integrated primary care practices in
4. Utilize assessment and capacity study to address gaps
1.1 Define the term integrated care
1.2 Provide culturally competent education and training to community at large to include individual primary care providers and stakeholders
1.3 Establish a team to take the lead from MHA,
Meck Co, CCNC, NAMI, CHS and NH
2.1 Develop a review team
2.2 Conduct literature review
2.3 Recommendations to team in strategy and communication re: ROI to integrated care (cost effectiveness)
2.4 Identify current assessment of integrated care models within the County
3.1 Utilize and expand psychiatric consult with current consumers being served
3.2 Explore funding sources
3.3 Use evidence based screening tools to identify behavioral health needs and refer and /or treat as appropriate
4.1 Subcommittee to review assessment and identify gaps
4.2 Gap analyzed to identify needed resources
Definition defined
Rollout plan developed and training provided
Team established
Team developed
Survey of all providers completed
Comparison between current and new initiative
Presentation of current data by Cardinal
Task completion
2. Establish an Executive
Integrated Health Council representative of the community to serve at the pleasure of the BOCC
1. Identify a small work group to develop a proposal for this council
2. Secure County leadership support and buy in
1.1 Hold community meeting
2.1 Meet and present idea for support to Director of
County Health and Human Services (Michelle
2.2 Meet and present idea for support to County
Manager and Deputy County Manager
Task completion
Task completion
3. Establish an environment of care that fosters trusted relationships and values the participants
4. Build capacity to fill gaps in the behavioral health continuum
Action Plan: Mental Health
1. Establish core values and standards that foster trusted relationships
2. Ensure transparency and accountability of values
3. Introduce Trauma-Informed care to the community at large
1. Connect with the existing service gaps subcommittee
2. Conduct a comprehensive needs and capacity assessment
3. Create a database of providers and resources
4. Develop and implement a plan for addressing gaps in capacity
1.1 Encourage agencies to adopt core values
1.2 Train, coach, model and monitor core values
2.1 Conduct Secret Shopper
2.2 Communicate standards/values to consumers
3.1 Identify trauma-informed care model
3.2 Develop rollout plan for the model
1.1 Meet with the subcommittee to determine approach for the assessment process
2.1 Select and administer appropriate assessment process/tools
2.2 Responsible parties conduct the assessments
(engage the universities?)
2.3 Analyze data and disseminate findings
3.1 Develop a vetting process for inclusion of providers in database
3.2 Determine funding sources to support creation and upkeep of database
4.1 Conduct feasibility study to build facility-based crisis care center
4.2 Create a strategic plan to address identified gaps
4.3 Determine funding sources (encourage community will to provide funding to address gaps/needs)
4.4 Disseminate and build collaboration around activities of plan
# of agencies adopted core values
Create a report card based on surveying participants/observation
Having standards for quality assurance
Model adopted
Plan developed
Meeting held
Comprehensive needs and capacity assessment report available to the public by timeline determined by providers
Functional database will be live on timeline identified by workgroup
Strategic plan disseminated to public with clear plan to of action