GSEA Slides - Georgia Solar Energy Association

7th Annual Southern Solar Summit
Thursday, September 10th, 2015
7th Annual Southern Solar Summit
7:30 AM – 7:55 AM
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7th Annual Southern Solar Summit
Welcome Remarks
Georgia Public Service Commissioner
Tim Echols
7th Annual Southern Solar Summit
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Sharon Lee
2015-2016 Chair
Georgia Solar Energy Association
Champion & Terrawatt Sponsors
Sponsorship Opportunities Available
For more information, contact Lauren Hart
Gold “Gigawatt” Sponsors
Silver “Megawatt” Sponsors
Bronze “Kilowatt” Sponsors
7th Annual Southern Solar Summit
Southern Solar Summit Hashtag
7th Annual Southern Solar Summit
Upcoming GaSolar Events
Member Meeting – Solarize
Thursday, November 17
GA Solar Holiday Luncheon
Thursday, December 17
@ Villa Christina
7th Annual Southern Solar Summit
City of Atlanta Updates
Stephanie Benfield
Director of Mayor’s Office of Sustainability
City of Atlanta
7th Annual Southern Solar Summit
Morning Keynote Address
“Army Energy Initiatives with Civilian Counterparts”
Major General Al Aycock
US Army
7th Annual Southern Solar Summit
Discussion :
“When Will the Solar Free-Market Financing Act Benefit Solar in Georgia?”
Stephen O’Day – Smith, Gambrell & Russell
Shan Arora – Southface
Susan Kidd – Agnes Scott College
Russell Seifert – Creative Solar
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7th Annual Southern Solar Summit
Networking Break
10:00 – 10:30 AM
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7th Annual Southern Solar Summit
Solar O&M Panel
“Keys to Asset Optimization”
Brian Morrissey – Citizens Energy
Ryan Hoffman – Miller Bros. Solar
John Megna – SMA Solar Technology
Bob Schaefer – AlsoEnergy
Jordan Shechter – Radiance Solar
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7th Annual Southern Solar Summit
Discussion :
“How ^Not^ to Leave Money on the Table”
John Gornall – Arnall Golden Gregory, LLP
Todd Kice – Hecate
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7th Annual Southern Solar Summit
Updates From the Georgia PSC
Georgia Public Service Commissioner
Chuck Eaton
7th Annual Southern Solar Summit
12:00pm – 1:15 PM
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7th Annual Southern Solar Summit
Afternoon Keynote Address
“Do We Need Solar PV NOW? – Some Provocative Thoughts”
Jurgen Weiss
Principal, Renewables & Environment
The Brattle Group
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7th Annual Southern Solar Summit
Financial Panel:
“Building Value for the Long Run :
How to Structure Your Project for Resale Success”
Keith Adams – Deloitte
Nate Greenberg – WGL Energy Systems
Elias Hinckley – Sullivan & Worster
Robb Jetty – Onyx Renewable Partners
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7th Annual Southern Solar Summit
Afternoon Networking Break
3:00 – 3:30 PM
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7th Annual Southern Solar Summit
Discussion :
“Community Solar 101”
Jeff Hudson – Clean Energy Collective
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7th Annual Southern Solar Summit
Battery / Storage Panel
“Lifting the Limits: What’s in Store for Storage”
Jeff Ryan – SolarEdge
Carlos Chacón - S & C Electric
Carlos Restrepo – Sonnen Batterie
Sponsored By :
7th Annual Southern Solar Summit
Closing Remarks
Sharon Lee
2015-2016 Chair
Georgia Solar Energy Association
Gold “Gigawatt” Sponsors
Silver “Megawatt” Sponsors
Bronze “Kilowatt” Sponsors
7th Annual Southern Solar Summit
Thank you, Norene!
Norene Quinn
Association Management Services
7th Annual Southern Solar Summit
Solar by the Numbers
• 20,000 MW – The amount of solar energy now in production in the U.S.*
• 4 million – The number of homes that 20,000 MW can power.*
• 645,000 – The number of homes and businesses with solar installations in
the U.S.*
• 73% - How much the cost of solar installation has dropped since 2006.*
• 129 million – The number of people in the U.S. who live within 20 miles of at
least one solar installation.*
• 2X – How much the top 25 corporate users of solar in the U.S. have
increased their capacity since 2012.*
• 174,000 – The number of solar workers in the U.S. in 2014, a 20% increase
over 2013.*
• 25% - The target amount of its total energy use the U.S. Department of
Defense is committed to generating from renewable resources by 2025.
* Source: The Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA)
7th Annual Southern Solar Summit
Solar Numbers in Georgia
• 240 – The number of solar firms in Georgia in 2015, according to the
Southface Clean Energy Census.
• 1.2 GW – The amount of solar energy Georgia is projected to have in
production by the end of 2016.
• 3,000 – The number of solar jobs in Georgia, according to estimates from the
latest Clean Energy Census.
Georgia Solar Website
7th Annual Southern Solar Summit
Upcoming GaSolar Events
Member Meeting – Solarize
Thursday, November 17
GA Solar Holiday Luncheon
Thursday, December 17
@ Villa Christina
7th Annual Southern Solar Summit
Thank you!
Thank you for coming to the 7th Annual
Southern Solar Summit
We hope to see you again next year!
7th Annual Southern Solar Summit
Cocktail Reception and Networking Event
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