Multinational Corporations

Multinational Corporations
Or Transnational Corporations
• Headquarters of these corporations are in
industrialized countries.
• Transnational companies, (TNC) (also known as
multinational companies) are very large businesses
that have offices and factories all over the world.
• The headquarters and main factory are usually located
in developed countries (often USA and Japan).
• Smaller offices and factories tend to be in the
developing countries where labour is cheap and
production costs low.
• In the past 30 years, the TNC’s have grown in
size and influence.
• Some of the largest ones make more money in
a year than all the African countries put
• The world’s 500 largest companies now
control at least 70% of the world’s trade and
produce more than half of the world’s
manufactured goods.
Why Rapid Expansion?
Why Rapid Expansion?
• Scientific and Technological Advancementsenable TNC’s to direct operations from anywhere
• Cheap, unskilled labour in LLDC (Least Developed
countries) plus a reduction of transportation and
communication costs.
• Establishing branch plants in LLDC’s allow TNC to
avoid tarrif barriers
• LLDC’s invite these TNC’s to set up
• Lack of standards in LLDC’s environmental, labour
Arguments for MNC’s
Supply wealth and technology to LLDC’s
Provide goods and services to LLDC’s
Create jobs
MNC’s are an instrument of international
stability and cooperation
• MNC’s reflect the global economy
• They are a fact of life.
Arguments Against MNC’s
• Countries give up local power to foreigners
• Natural resources are placed in the hands of foreigners
• Poor are induced to spend their money on things they
don’t need
• Money made is sent back to “home” country
• LLDC have to pay for western technology
• Companies often bribe governments
• Deplete “local” work forces and stifle cultural growth
• Makes LLDC’s subject to the fluctuations of the global
economy- prices, layoffs.
Top Companies
• Top Companies
Worst Offenders
• Kraft, Miller Beer, Imperial Margarine, M&Ms
(Child Slave Labour), Nestle (Child Slave
Labour), Clorox (Animal Testing), Maybelline
(Animal Testing, Carcinogens) , Full Throttle (
Human Rights Violations, Clean water
violations), Walmart ( Human Rights
violations, Pollution) Coke (Human Rights
Some of the Best in 2014
• Toyota, Kettle Chips, Aveda, Sony, Ikea