Multinational Corporations Or Transnational Corporations Background • Headquarters of these corporations are in industrialized countries. • Transnational companies, (TNC) (also known as multinational companies) are very large businesses that have offices and factories all over the world. • The headquarters and main factory are usually located in developed countries (often USA and Japan). • Smaller offices and factories tend to be in the developing countries where labour is cheap and production costs low. • In the past 30 years, the TNC’s have grown in size and influence. • Some of the largest ones make more money in a year than all the African countries put together. • The world’s 500 largest companies now control at least 70% of the world’s trade and produce more than half of the world’s manufactured goods. Why Rapid Expansion? GLOBALIZATION!!!!! Why Rapid Expansion? • Scientific and Technological Advancementsenable TNC’s to direct operations from anywhere • Cheap, unskilled labour in LLDC (Least Developed countries) plus a reduction of transportation and communication costs. • Establishing branch plants in LLDC’s allow TNC to avoid tarrif barriers • LLDC’s invite these TNC’s to set up • Lack of standards in LLDC’s environmental, labour etc. Arguments for MNC’s • • • • Supply wealth and technology to LLDC’s Provide goods and services to LLDC’s Create jobs MNC’s are an instrument of international stability and cooperation • MNC’s reflect the global economy • They are a fact of life. Arguments Against MNC’s • Countries give up local power to foreigners • Natural resources are placed in the hands of foreigners • Poor are induced to spend their money on things they don’t need • Money made is sent back to “home” country • LLDC have to pay for western technology • Companies often bribe governments • Deplete “local” work forces and stifle cultural growth • Makes LLDC’s subject to the fluctuations of the global economy- prices, layoffs. Top Companies • Top Companies Worst Offenders • Kraft, Miller Beer, Imperial Margarine, M&Ms (Child Slave Labour), Nestle (Child Slave Labour), Clorox (Animal Testing), Maybelline (Animal Testing, Carcinogens) , Full Throttle ( Human Rights Violations, Clean water violations), Walmart ( Human Rights violations, Pollution) Coke (Human Rights violations) Some of the Best in 2014 • Toyota, Kettle Chips, Aveda, Sony, Ikea