2.3 Differential Energy-Balance Equation 2.3.1 Derivation In materials processing, the kinetic and potential energy are negligible as compared to the thermal energy, that is the total energy per unit mass et=CvT. Furthermore, the pressure, viscosity, and shaft work are usually negligible. According to Gauss’ divergence theorem, we have A and CvTv ndA ( CvTv)d q ndA qd A [2.3-1] [2.3-2] Substituting Eqs.[2.3-1] and [2.3-2] into Eq.[2.2-6] CvTd ( CvTv)d qd sd 0 A A t If the control volume Ω does not change with time, t in Eq.[2.3-3] can be moved inside the integration sign: {t ( CvT ( CvTv) q - s}d 0 19 The integrand, which is continuous, must be zero everywhere since the equation must hold for any arbitrary region. ( CvT ) ( CvTv) q - s 0 t [2.3-5] The first two terms can be expanded and the equation becomes CvT [( ) ( v)] 0 ( CvT ) ( CvTv) t t (CvT ) (CvT ) (CvT ) ( v) v (CvT ) t t (CvT ) v (CvT ) t 0 [2.3-6] Note that q=-k▽T, substituting the Equation into Eq.[2.3-5], we have (CvT ) v (CvT ) (kT ) s t [2.3-7] 20 Assuming constant Cv and k T Cv [ v T ] k 2T s t [2.3-8] Eq. [2.3-8] is the differential energy-balance equation, or the equation of energy. 2.3.2 Dimensionless form The equation of energy can be presented in the dimensionless form to make the solutions more general. For forced convection the following dimensionless variables can be defined: Dimensionless temperature T* T T0 T1 T0 [2.3-9] v [2.3-11] V p - p o [2.3-12] dimensionless pressure p V 2 tV x y z Dimensionless timet [2.3-10] dimensionless coordinates x , y , z , , L L L L Dimensionless velocity v [2.3-13] Dimensionless operator , *2 L, L2 2 [2.3-14] 21 In the absence of a heat source, the energy equation Eq.[2.3-8] reduces to T v T 2T t [2.3-15] Substituting Eqs.[2.3-9] through [2.3-14] into Eq. [2.3-15] V 1 2 1 T T1 T0 Vv T T1 T0 2 T T1 T0 L t L L [2.3-16] Multiplying Eq.[2.3-16] by L/[V(T1-T0] T 2 v T T t LV [2.3-17] By combining Eq. [2.3-17] with Eq.[1.5-25] through Eq.[1.5-28], the following equations can be obtained for heat transfer in forced convection: Continuity: v 0 [2.3-18] Motion: v 1 2 1 v v p v eg t Re Fr [2.3-19] Energy: T 1 1 2 2 v T T T t Re Pr PeT [2.3-20] 22 Where LV inertia force V 2 L [2.3-21] Re Reynold number = v viscous force V L2 [2.3-22] V2 inertia force V 2 L Fr Froude number = gL gravity force g v viscous diffusivity v [2.3-23] Pr Prandtl number = thermal diffusivity PeT Re Pr LV convection heat transport CvV T1 T0 thermal Peclet number conduction heat transport k T T L 1 0 [2.3-24] 23 2.3.3 Boundary conditions Heat flow boundary conditions in rectangular coordinates 24 25 Heat flow boundary conditions in cylindrical coordinates 26 2.3.4 Solution procedures T v T 2T t 27 Example 2.3.1 Heat conduction in a resistance heated rod 0 Cv [ 0 0 0 T T v T T vr vz ] t r r z 0 0 1 T 1 2T 2T k[ (r ) 2 2 ] s 2 r r r r z T 0 t No convection inside the rod Axisymmetry T 0 T Neglect end effect 0 z Steady state Governing Eq. B.Cs. vr v vz 0 1 d dT s (r ) r dr dr k dT 0 at r = 0 and dr dT -k h(T T f ) at r = R 28 (A) Example 2.3.2 Heat conduction in a cooling fin qz+dz Given: No temp. variation in thickness dir. wall temp. Tw dz ambient temp. Ta heat transfer coefficient h w q=hA(T-Ta) f qz Find: T and Q under steady state T T T T 2T 2T 2T Governing Eq. Cv [ vx vy vz ] k[ 2 2 2 ] s t x y z x y z 0 Steady state 0 No convection 0 T varies with z only Consider the volume of a C.V. with the length of dz in the fin: f w dz, f : fin thickness Arte of convection heat loss from the wall: 2w dz h (T-Ta) (heat sink loss heat) 2h (T Ta ) dT f 2 0 at z = L and dT 2h Governing Eq. B.Cs. dz a (T Ta ) where a= 2 dz fk T Tw at z = 0 f w dz s 2w dz h(T Ta ) s 29 Example 2.3.2 Heat conduction in a cooling fin qz+dz qz f w qz dz f w w q=hA(T-Ta) dz f 2h (w dz)(T-Ta ) qz dqz dz 2(h wdz )(T -Ta ) dz d dT fw ( k )dz 2(h wdz )(T -Ta ) dz dz d 2T fk 2 (2h)(T -Ta ) dz d 2T 2h (T -Ta ) a (T Ta ) 2 dz fk fw qz f w qz dz f w 2h (w dz )(T -Ta ) dqz dz dz dq qz f w (qz z dz ) f w 2h (w dz )(T -Ta ) dz qz dz qz dT 0 at z = L and B.Cs. dz T Tw at z = 0 30 Example 2.3.3 Heat conduction into a semiinfinite solid No source term T T T T 2T 2T 2T Cv [ v x vy vz ] k[ 2 2 2 ] s t x y z x y z 0 No convection 0 0 T varies with x only T d 2T Governing Eq. 2 t dx T ( x, 0) Ti B.Cs.: T (0, t ) Ts T (, t ) Ti 31 Example 2.3.4 Heat loss from a rising film Given: Film thickness L Belt velocity V Temp. of liquid bath Ti Temp. at infinite Tf Find: T under steady state No source term 0 Governing Eq. T T T T 2T 2T 2T Cv [ v x vy vz ] k[ 2 2 2 ] s t x y z x y z 0 Steady state 0 Flow in the z-dir. only, Vx=vy=0 0 No Temp. variation In the x-dir 0 No conduction, Heat transfer mainly by convection in the z-dir Governing Eq. reduces to T 2T vz 2 z y 32 T 2T vz 2 z y Velocity distribution vz ( y) V g 2 2 ( y L ) (Example 1.5-3) 2 The temp. drops significantly only near the free surface (y<<L), especially for high-Pr liquid (heat conduction is slow) v z ( y) v min V g 2 L 2 Then governing Eq. reduces further to B.Cs.: T ( y, 0) Ti T 2T z v min y 2 T ( y, z ) Ti as y k T (0, z ) h(T (0, z ) T f ) y Can the condition T(0,z)=Tf be used ? 33 Example 2.3.5 Heat transfer in laminar flow over a flat plate Given: Steady state, laminar flow, incompressible, Newtonian, uniform temp. Ts. Physical properties is not a function of temp., no source term and viscous dissipation Governing Eq. Steady state 0 No source term 0 0 T T T T 2T 2T 2T Cv [ v x vy vz ] k[ 2 2 2 ] s t x y z x y z 0 No temp. gradient in the x-dir. 0 0 No Temp. gradient In the z-direction, In the x-dir heat transfer mainly due to convection but not conduction T T 2T vy vz 2 (energy Eq.) (2.3-70) y z y v z v z 2vz vy vz (Eq. of motion) 2 y z y v y v z y 0 (Continuity Eq. ) v y v z dy (2.3-71) 0 z y z 34 Substituting (2.3-71) into (2.3-70) to give ( y 0 vz T T 2T dy) +vz = 2 z y z y (2.3-72) Using the temp. profile of T Ts 3 y 1 y 3 ( ) ( ) (2.3-73) T Ts 2 T 2 T Subjective to the B.Cs. T Ts at y = 0 (2.3-74) T T T and 0 at y = T y (2.3-75) Take the derivation of T T 2T (2.3-76) , (2.3-77), and (2.3-78) 2 z y y Substitute Eqs. (2.3-76) through (2.3-78) to Eq. (2.3-72) and substitute Eq. (1.5-78) for vz and Eq. (1.5-81) for v z z 35 We have 8 T 5 1 T 2 d T 6 4 2 1 T 2 d 8 2 1 ( ) ( ) T (2.3-79) T 7 dz 5 3 7 dz v According to Eq. (1.5-87) vz 4.64 (2.3-80) v vz 280 v 2 (4.64) 2 and 2 d dz (2.3-81) v 13 v Let T =a (2.3-82) where a is a constant depending only on the physical properties of the fluid. Substituting Eqs. (2.3-80) and (2.3-82 into Eq. (2.3-79), we have 13 a -14a + =0 Pr 5 3 (2.3-83) Let consider the case where a<1, that is a 5 <<14a 3 Equation (2.3-83) reduces approximately to a=Pr (1/3) That means vz T (2.3-87) =Pr ( 1/3) (2.3-86) and T 4.64 Pr (1/3) v 36 Example 2.3.6 Heat transfer with laminar in a tube Given: Steady state, laminar flow, incompressible, Newtonian, uniform heat flux qR at the wall T qR h(TR Tav ) k r r R Define average fluid temperature R Tav 2 rv zTdr 0 m R 2 rv zTdr 0 (2.3-89) Q(volume flow rate) Fluid flow is significant enough that heat transfer in the z-dir is dominated by convection Find: h According to B.Cs. h(TR Tav ) k In order to find h, we must first find T r T r r R r R h k T (TR Tav ) r r R and (TR Tav ) 37 Governing Eq. 0 Cv [ 0 0 0 T T v T T vr vz ] t r r z 0 0 1 T 1 2T 2T k[ (r ) 2 2 ] s 2 r r r r z Governing Eq. reduces to vz T 1 T (r ) z r r r From Eq. [1.5-54] 2Q r 2 [1 ( ) ] and thus 2 R R 1 T r 2 2Q T (r ) 1 ( ) 2 r r r R R z vz (2.3-94) B.Cs. T 0 at r = 0 and T=TR (z) at r=R r 38 T TR T 4 2 2 4 (3 R 4 R r R ) 4 2 R z Q (2.3-99) T Q T 2 3 ( 8 R r 4 r ) 4 r 8 R z and T r rR T 2 R z Q (2.3-101) Substitution Eqs. (2.3-94) and (2.3-99) into Eq.(2.3-89), we have Tav TR 11Q T 48 z (2.3-102) Substitution Eqs. (2.3-101) and (2.3-102) into Eq.(2.3-90), we have NuD hD D k T k k (TR Tav ) r r R D Q T (TR Tav ) 2 R z DQ T 48 T 1 48 ( ) 4.36 2 R z 11Q z 11 39 2.5 Turbulence 2.5.1 Time-smoothed variables The velocity fluctuations arising in turbulent flow affect the local pressure. The velocity fluctuations also affect the local temperature. T T T ' 1 T t0 1 T t0 ' t t0 t t t 0 t [2.5-1] Tdt T ' dt 0 [2.5-2] [2.5-3] 40 2.5.2 Time-smoothed governing equations Substituting v v v' [1.7-1] and T T T [2.5-1] into [2.3-7] ' (CvT ) v (CvT ) (kT ) s t [2.3-7] and taking the time average, we get the time-smoothed equation of energy T Cv v T q q ' s t where q kT [2.5-4] and the turbulent heat flux q ' Cv v x ' T ' v y ' T ' vz ' T ' [2.5-5] Eq. [2.5-4] is the same as the equation of energy for laminar flow Eq.[2.3-7], except that the time-smoothed velocity and temperature replace the instantaneous velocity and temperature, and that one new terms q ' arises. 41 2.5.3 Turbulent heat flux Several semiempirical relations have been proposed for the turbulent heat flux To solve Eq. [2.5-4] for temperature distributions in turbulent flow. Eddy thermal conductivity By analogy with Eq. [2.1-1] Fourier’s law of conduction, one may write dT q y ' k ' dy [2.5-6] The coefficient K’ is a turbulent or eddy thermal conductivity and is usually position-dependent. Prandtl’s Mixing length By analogy with Eq. [1.7-13] 2 dvz dT q y ' Cvl dy dy [2.5-7] And from Eq. [2.5-7] dvz k ' Cvl dy 2 [2.5-8] 42 In the turbulent boundary-layer energy equation in time-averaged values for small velocities T T 2T (v 'T ' ) Cv (u v ) k 2 Cv x y y y This equation differs from the corresponding laminar equation for steady flow by the last term on the right-hand side, which is an expressed for the turbulent exchange of heat equivalent to the following Eq. qt m ' C p (T T ') Boussinesq introduced for this turbulent heat flow the expression. T qt C p v T C p q y ' ' With q called the turbulent diffusivity for heat. This expression, together with the turbulent diffusivity for momentum, has become very useful for a calculation of heat transfer from flow information, since even the simplest assumption for the ratio m/q, namely, that is a constant. 43 Heat and Mass Transfer, by Eckert & Drake, McGraw-Hill 1950, p.219 turbulent diffusivity for momentum u t u v m y ' ' T qt C p q y By dividing the equations for the turbulent heat flow and the turbulent shear stress, The result is q T Cp t m u qt The ratio of m/q, which is called turbulent Prandtl number (Prt), has a value of approximately 0.7 in boundary-layer flow and approximately 0.5 for wake flow behind blunt objects and for vortex flow. 44 Heat and Mass Transfer, by Eckert & Drake, McGraw-Hill 1950, p.219 2.6 Heat transfer correlations Convection heat transfer can be determined by solving the governing equation for fluid flow and heat transfer. Correlations that are derived theoretically but verified experimentally or are based on experimental data alone, are useful for studying convection heat transfer. 2.6.1 External Flow Forced convection over a flat plate Flow over a flat plate is laminar for local Reynolds number Rez < 2 x 105. The following correlation can be used for laminar flow of fluid with a bulk temperature T∞ over a flat plate with a surface temperature Ts. Nu z 0.332 Re z1 2 Pr1 3 0.6 < Pr < 50 Nu z (local Nusselt number) hz v [2.6.2] k k Nu z 0.332 Re1/ 2 Pr1/ 3 z z Re z (local Reynolds number) Pr (Prandtl number) hz z k [2.6.1] Cv k zv z v v [2.6.3] [2.6.4] 45 From these equations, the heat transfer coefficient averaged over a distance L from the leading edge of the plate is 1 L hL hz dz L 0 [2.6.5] Substituting Eq. [2.6-1] into Eq. [2.6-5] 1 L k hz 0.332 Re1/ 2 Pr1/ 3 dz L 0 z or 1 2 k 1/ 3 v hz 0.332( ) Pr ( ) z dz z 0 L NuL 0.664 Re L1 2 Pr1 3 (0.6<Pr<50) [2.6.6] [2.6.7] where hL L NuL (average Nusselt number) k Re L (average Reynolds number) Lv L v v [2.6.8] [2.6.9] 46 The fluid properties in Eqs. [2.6-1] and [2.6-7] are evaluated at the film temperature T Ts Tf 2 For liquid metals and semiconductors Pr<<1 and Eqs. [2.6-1] and [2.6-2] cannot be applied. For these materials the following theoretical correlation has been suggested: Nu z 0.565 Re z Pr 12 0.565 Pez1 2 [2.6-11] where Pez (local Peclet number) Re z Pr zv [2.6-12] For turbulent flow over a flat plate, the following theoretical correlation has been suggested: Nu z 0.0288 Re z 4 5 Pr1 3 (0.6<Pr<60) [2.6-13] and from Eq. [2.6-5] Nu z 0.036 Re L 4 5 Pr1 3 (0.6<Pr<60) [2.6-14] 47 Forced convection normal to a cylinder For the flow of air normal to a cylinder of diameter D. An empirical correlation for the forced convection heat transfer is NuD a Re D b Pr1 3 0.1 Re D 3 105 , Pr 0.7 where hD Dv D v Re [2.6-16] D k v The constants a and b are listed in Table 2.6-1 NuD [2.6-15] [2.6-17] The following empirical correlation has also been suggested: NuD 0.3 12 D 13 0.62 Re Pr [1 (0.4 / Pr) 2 3 ]1 4 58 Re D 1 282, 000 45 [2.6-18] 48 Forced convection past a sphere For the flow of air past a sphere of diameter D, an empirical correlation for the forced convection heat transfer is 14 12 23 0.4 NuD 2 0.4 Re D 0.06 Re D Pr s [2.6-19] (0.71 < Pr < 380, 3.5 < ReD < 7.6 X 104, 1 < /s < 3.2) All fluid properties are evaluated at bulk T∞ except for s, which is evaluated at the surface temperature of the sphere. This correlation is accurate to within ±30% for the range of parameter values specified. A special case of convection heat transfer from sphere is that of a freely falling drop. The following theoretical correlation has been proposed: NuD 2 0.6 Re D1 2 Pr1 3 [2.6-20] 49 2.6.2 Internal flow Forced convection inside a circular tube For laminar fully developed flow inside a circular tube of diameter D and uniform surface heat flux. The following theoretical correlation has been proposed: NuD 4.36 Pr 0.6 [2.6-21] For a uniform surface temperature rather than heat flux, the following theoretical correlation has been proposed: [2.6-22] NuD 3.66 Pr 0.6 For turbulent fully developed flow inside a circular tube of diameter D and length L, the following theoretical correlation has been suggested: NuD 0.023Re D 4 5 Pr1 3 [2.6-23] A slightly different and preferred correlation is as follows: NuD 0.023Re D 4 5 Pr n L (0.6 Pr 160, Re D 10, 000, 10) D where n is 0.4 if the fluid is being heated and 0.3 if it is being cooled. [2.6-24] 50 Eq.[2.6-24] is good for small to moderate temperature difference between the wall and the bulk fluid. The following equation is preferred for flows characterized by large property variations: 0.14 NuD 0.027 Re D 4 5 Pr1 3 b w [2.6-25] L (0.7 Pr 16, 700, Re D 10, 000, 10) D All fluid properties are evaluated at the bulk temperature except w, which is evaluated at the wall temperature. Equations [2.6-23] through [2.6-25] are ReD>104. The following correlation can be used even if ReD is below 104. f 8 Re D 1000 Pr NuD 12 1 12.7 f 8 Pr 2 3 1 [2.6-26] 6 (0.5 Pr 2000, 2300 Re D 5 10 ) Where the friction factor f can be obtained from the Moody chart or, for smooth pipes, from. f 0.79 ln Re D 1.64 2 [2.6-27] 51 Example Air at 200C and 1 atm flows over a flat plate at 35 m/s. The plate is 75 cm long and is maintained at 600C. Assuming unit depth in the z direction, calculate the heat transfer from the plate. Given: P=1.0132x105 N/m2, R=287, =2.007x10-5kg/ms, Cp=1.007 kJ/kg0C k=0.02723 W/m0C Eq. for forced convection heat transfer 1 hL 0.8 Nu L Pr 3 (0.037 Re L 850) k 52