Assessing for Oral Communication Competency Goals: O Elements of effective speeches & presentation O Methods for assessing speeches & presentations O Preparing students for speeches & presentations GOAL #1: Understanding elements of effective speeches & presentation Effective public speaking O Topics to Address… O Nervousness O Speech Making Process O Audience Analysis O Delivery O Preparation & Rehearsing Dealing with Nervousness O Acknowledge Your Fear O Focus on Message, not Fear O Act Confident O Give Yourself a Mental Pep Talk O Visualize Your Success O Channel Nervous Energy O BREATHE O Practice, Practice, Practice Understand the Speech Making Process O Choosing Topic O Focus Purpose O Research O Organizing Content O Developing an Outline O Delivering Speech O Rehearsing Choosing a Topic O Consider… O Is It Important to You? O Is It Important to Your Audience? O Will It Hold Audience’s Attention? O Is It Manageable in the Time Available? O Is It Clear? O Can You Support It? Focus Purpose O General Purpose: O TO Inform, Persuade, Entertain, Inspire, Pay Tribute, etc. O Specific Purpose: O What you hope to accomplish EXAMPLE: To inform the audience about the importance of having a college education. O Central Idea: O Summary of speech content (thesis) EXAMPLE: A college education opens the door to: greater earning potential, more employment opportunities and allows for personal growth. Researching Topic O Current Situation/Info O Background Info O Supporting Materials Organizing Content O Chronological O Topical O Spatial O Cause-Effect O Problem-Solution O Comparison-Contrast Introductions O PURPOSE O Introduce topic & preview what is to come O State purpose & importance O Grab Attention O Build Credibility TYPES: Story, Rhetorical Question, Quotation, Humor, Allude to conclusion Conclusions O PURPOSE O Summarize Speech & Re-emphasize Main Idea O Motivate Response O Provide Closure TYPES: Summary, Quotation, Story or Rhetorical Question, Refer to Introduction, Challenge Understand Your Audience CHALLENGES People Think Faster Than Hear Short Attention Span Easily Distracted How to Deal with… O Keep Speech Focused O Analyze Audience Carefully O Adapt to Situation What Audience most often remembers: O#1—Last thing they heard O#2—Introduction O#3—Topic Methods of Delivery O Manuscript Reading (hard to connect with audience) O Memorized (pressure to remember) O Impromptu (off the cuff) O Extemporaneous (best choice) Delivering Speech O O Use Effective… O Eye Contact O Gestures & Expressions O Volume—project and use variety in pitch & inflection O Pace—pause between points Use Clear… O Language–appropriate terms and definitions O Pronunciation and Articulation O Conversational style O Be Enthusiastic O End Well O Be Concise & Memorable O Pause before Returning to Seat GOAL #2: Methods for assessing speeches & presentations Assessing Speeches O Determine whether this is a speech or presentation O Is focus on oral content or overall presentation? O How important is delivery to overall assessment? O Prepare rubrics & assessment criteria O Determine what areas student should demonstrate proficiency O Review criteria and do a practice assessment. O Know in you mind the difference between a 1--5 or A-F etc. -Sample RubricGROUP/INDIVIDUAL PRESENTATION EVALUATION (50pts) Verbal Delivery Stage Presence Message Content Message Organization Effective Introduction Effective Conclusion Creativity Kept to Time Frame Overall Presentation TOTAL ______ (5) ______(5) ______ (5) ______ (5) ______ (5) ______ (5) ______ (5) ______ (5) ______(10) possible 50pts Category Verbal Delivery Message Organization 1 2 3 Little or no attempt made to demonstrate skill in this area. Inadequate: Delivery poor. -Volume, rate, pronunciation & enunciation unclear and audience cannot understand most of message. -You have to work to understand the words. Fair: Delivery quality minimal. -Rate too fast or slow -Choppy flow & pauses. -Volume is low or too loud. -Pronunciation & enunciation unclear. -Regular verbal crutches (ex: "ahs," "uh/ums," or "you knows”). -Delivery problems cause disruption to message. Competent: Delivery adequate. -Adequate rate & pauses -Suitable volume & variety. -Enunciation and pronunciation suitable. -Few verbal crutches (ex: "ahs," "uh/ums," or "you knows”). 4 Exemplary: Delivery emphasizes and enhances message. -Good rate & flow. -Good volume & variety. -Clear enunciation -No verbal crutches (ex: "ahs," uh/ums," or "you knows”). 5 Little or no attempt made to demonstrate skill in this area. Inadequate: The message is disorganized and purpose and focus unclear. Fair: Message organization appears random or rambling at points. -Difficult to understand sequence and relationships among ideas. -Ideas disorganized and do not follow a consistent logical pattern. Competent: Message is organized. -Sequence and relationships of ideas are understood. -Basic links made about sequence and relationships of ideas. -Ideas in message follow a logical outline. Exemplary: Message is well organized. -Speaker helps audience understand sequence and relationships of ideas through presentation aids, previews, transition, and summaries. GOAL #3: Preparing students for speeches & presentations Preparing Students O Clearly outline skills & content to be assessed O Explain what an effective speech looks & sounds like O Message Organization O Delivery O Explain Outlines & Speaking Notes O Review rubrics & assessment criteria O Allow opportunity for practice Developing an Outline O Preparation Outline used to organize research O Speaking Outline is actual speaking notes O DO NOT WRITE OUT WORD FOR WORD O Just enough detail to serve as reminder O Include cues (“pause” or “show slide”) O Consider transitions Types of Outlines Preparation Outline Title & Topic Specific Purpose Central Idea Introduction Main & Sub-Points Support/Evidence Conclusion O Speaker’s Outline O Introduction O Main Point O Support with Evidence O TRANSITION O Supporting Point O Support with Evidence O TRANSITION --REPEAT AS NECESSARY-O Conclusion Rehearsing Speech O Practice Out Loud O Practice Actual Delivery (eye contact , volume, stance) O Watch Yourself O Keep Track of Time Sources O A Concise Public Speaking Handbook by Steven & Susan Beebe O Lecture Notes from SPC 2608 by Heather Elmatti