Medical Assisting Practice Test

Chapter 44 Medical Assisting
Multiple Choice Questions
1. A small amount of tissue removed from the body for examination under a microscope is a(n)
A. debridement
B. incision
C. biopsy specimen
D. laceration
E. abscess
2. A jagged, open wound in the skin that extends down into the underlying tissue is a(n) ____.
A. puncture
B. incision
C. laceration
D. abscess
E. lesion
3. Debridement is ____.
A. a collection of pus that forms as a result of infection
B. the surgical removal of debris or dead tissue from a wound
C. a deep wound caused by a sharp object
D. the use of extreme cold to destroy unwanted tissue
E. the process of aspirating fluid and tissue cells through a needle
4. The first step in preventing a nonsurgical wound from becoming infected is ____.
A. cleansing
B. irrigation
C. debridement
D. electrocauterization
E. draining
5. The proliferation phase of healing is characterized by ____.
A. a constriction of blood vessels
B. the formation of scar tissue
C. a release of white blood cells
D. the development of new tissue
E. the clotting of blood
Chapter 44 Medical Assisting
6. A wound will heal better if the edges are brought close together or ____.
A. minimized
B. infected
C. approximated
D. abscessed
E. debrided
7. Edges of an incision that are approximated ____.
A. are overgrown with unhealthy tissue and require surgical removal of the dead tissue
B. protect the area from contamination and minimize scab and scar formation
C. disrupt the tissue's blood supply by rupturing blood vessels throughout the area
D. delay the healing process because of the infection present
E. must be debrided to remove the jagged edges
8. Which of the following are characteristics of absorbable sutures?
A. They are made of gut and do not require removal after the wound has healed.
B. They are used for the outside layer.
C. They must be removed after wound healing is well under way.
D. They are made of silk, nylon, or Dacron.
E. They are inserted into the skin with a disposable staple unit.
9. On which type of wound would staples be used?
A. A small, superficial cut on the finger
B. The area where a mole was removed on the upper arm
C. A long, deep wound across the leg
D. An area inside the mouth where the dentist accidentally scraped the tissue
E. A puncture wound in the upper arm
10. Which of the following uses an intense beam of light to cut away tissue?
A. Cryosurgery
B. Electrocauterization
C. Conventional surgery
D. Needle biopsy
E. Laser surgery
Chapter 44 Medical Assisting
11. An advantage of laser surgery is that ____.
A. it promotes quick healing and prevents infection
B. a local anesthetic is never necessary, because the cold itself reduces sensation
C. no instructions on wound care are required after the procedure
D. no dressing is applied after the procedure
E. sterile instruments are not necessary
12. Which of the following would you include when preparing a room for laser surgery?
A. Open the blinds and shades to let the light in
B. Uncover any shiny or reflective surfaces
C. Make sure everyone in the room, including the patient, wears safety goggles
D. Place cotton-tipped applicators and liquid nitrogen within the physician's reach
E. Place paper items such as wrappers from instruments near the laser
13. How does a laser cut away tissue?
A. It vaporizes unwanted tissue.
B. Extreme cold destroys unwanted tissue.
C. A needle heated by electric current destroys the target tissue.
D. It removes all unwanted tissue with a sharp blade.
E. The bright light shrinks the tissue.
14. Which method uses extreme cold to destroy unwanted tissue?
A. Laser surgery
B. Cryosurgery
C. Conventional surgery
D. Electrocauterization
E. Needle biopsy
15. A medical assistant should include which of the following in preparing a patient for
A. Place a grounding pad somewhere on the patient's body
B. Ask the patient to put on safety goggles
C. Inform the patient that the initial sensation of cold will be followed by a burning sensation
D. Position the patient for the administration of a general anesthetic
E. Assist with the administration of a local anesthetic
Chapter 44 Medical Assisting
16. Which method uses a needle, probe, or loop heated by electric current to destroy target
A. Conventional surgery
B. Laser surgery
C. Cryosurgery
D. Electrocauterization
E. Needle biopsy
17. Which of the following should you include in preparing a patient for electrocauterization?
A. Tell the patient that more than one freezing cycle may be necessary
B. Ask the patient to wear safety goggles during the procedure
C. Place a grounding pad somewhere on the patient's body
D. Tell the patient that a sterile dressing will be applied after the procedure
E. Reassure the patient that some pain, swelling, and redness is normal
18. Which of the following would you include in teaching a patient who has had cryosurgery?
A. Tell the patient to protect the site from exposure to the sun
B. Encourage the patient to apply a heating pad to the surgical site
C. Inform the patient that a large, painful, bloody blister may form
D. Tell the patient that a dressing is never necessary
E. Tell the patient to call the doctor if swelling or redness occurs.
19. Which of the following would you include in the care of a patient who has had
A. Cleanse the wound with an antiseptic and apply a sterile dressing
B. Tell the patient to call the doctor if the blister becomes too painful
C. Encourage the patient to apply ice to the surgical site
D. Explain to the patient that a scab or crust generally forms over the area
E. Tell the patient to protect the site from sun exposure
20. Which condition puts a patient at risk for wound-healing problems?
A. A diet rich in vitamin C
B. Low levels of stress
C. Being young
D. Being underweight
E. Diabetes mellitus
Chapter 44 Medical Assisting
21. Which type of scissors is used to remove dressings?
A. Tissue scissors
B. Suture scissors
C. Bandage scissors
D. Clippers
E. Scalpel
22. Which of the following is used for scraping tissue?
A. Scalpel
B. Curette
C. Scissors
D. hemostat
E. Dilator
23. Instruments that are most often used to grasp or hold objects are ____.
A. scalpels
B. curettes
C. forceps
D. scissors
E. probes
24. Which surgical instruments are used to close off blood vessels?
A. Retractors
B. Hemostats
C. Scissors
D. Curettes
E. Forceps
25. Surgical instruments used to hold back the sides of a wound or incision for greater access are
A. retractors
B. forceps
C. curettes
D. scalpels
E. probes
Chapter 44 Medical Assisting
26. A slender, pointed surgical instrument used to enlarge a body opening, such as a tear duct, is
a ____.
A. hemostat
B. forceps
C. retractor
D. probe
E. dilator
27. Which surgical instruments are used to explore wounds or body cavities and to locate or clear
A. Dilators
B. Curettes
C. Probes
D. Hemostats
E. Forceps
28. Which of the following is a problem related to latex gloves?
A. Latex gloves leak more than vinyl gloves.
B. Latex gloves do not prevent contamination as well as vinyl gloves.
C. There is an increased incidence of latex allergy with latex gloves among healthcare workers.
D. Latex gloves cannot be sterilized.
E. Latex gloves do not fit as snugly as vinyl or nitrile gloves.
29. Which step helps prevent a latex glove allergy?
A. Select gloves with more powder on the inside
B. Put on gloves with slightly wet hands
C. Avoid the use of hand lotion
D. Clean areas contaminated with latex-containing dust frequently
E. Wear gloves as often as possible to desensitize your skin
30. An onychectomy tray is a ____.
A. nail removal tray
B. laceration tray
C. foreign body or growth removal tray
D. male sterilization tray
E. incision and drainage tray
Chapter 44 Medical Assisting
31. A Mayo stand is a(n) ____.
A. movable, stainless steel instrument tray on a stand
B. suture removal tray
C. incision and drainage tray
D. nail removal tray
E. male sterilization tray
32. The cleaning process that is required for all instruments that penetrate the skin or that come
in contact with normally sterile areas of the tissues and internal organs is ____.
A. sterilization
B. sanitization
C. purification
D. disinfection
E. ultrasonic cleaning
33. Which of the following is necessary when sterilizing items using an autoclave?
A. Placing the instruments in the closed position
B. Preheating the instruments before placing them in the unit
C. Using distilled water in the unit
D. Taking each instrument out of the unit by hand
E. Drying the instruments with a towel after sterilization
34. Which instruments and equipment must be sterilized?
A. Vaginal specula and curettes
B. Stethoscopes and tuning forks
C. Endotracheal tubes
D. Nasal specula
E. Blood pressure cuffs
35. The primary method for sterilizing instruments is ____.
A. chemical processes
B. autoclaving
C. gas processes
D. dry heat processes
E. washing with bleach
Chapter 44 Medical Assisting
36. The appropriate way to wrap instruments for sterilization in the autoclave includes ____.
A. placing the instruments together with surfaces touching
B. using double-thickness muslin to wrap instruments
C. placing all hinged instruments in the closed position
D. wrapping each instrument in the fabric as loosely as possible with the ends open
E. using electrical tape to close the wrapping
37. The maximum shelf life for a sterile pack is ____.
A. 30 days
B. 60 days
C. 90 days
D. 1 year
E. 2 years
38. What is the correct way to clean and preheat the autoclave?
A. Fill the water reservoir with tap water
B. Check the discharge lines and valves for obstruction
C. Overheat the chamber to warm it
D. Clean the autoclave after several uses
E. Load cold instruments into an overheated chamber
39. Which of the following would render an autoclaved load unsterile?
A. Steam temperature of 212F or 100C
B. Wrapping the instruments in muslin
C. Air trapped inside the chamber because of blocked discharge lines
D. Placing hinged instruments in the open position
E. Refilling the water reservoir before operating
40. Which of the following would cause incomplete sterilization of an autoclaved load?
A. Temperature of 250 to 270F
B. 15 to 30 pounds of pressure in the chamber
C. Steam temperature of 212F
D. Allowing the autoclave to cool before emptying
E. Too short a time period
Chapter 44 Medical Assisting
41. Which of the following is important when running a load through the autoclave?
A. If the load contains both wrapped packs and individual instruments, place the instruments
above the wrapped packs.
B. After the steam cycle and before the drying cycle, open the door to the autoclave 1 inch.
C. Do not unload any packs or instruments with wet wrappings.
D. Place each item immediately in a cold location when unloading.
E. Do not touch the outside of the wrapped packs.
42. When assisting a physician in closing a wound, you accidentally touch the inside of the
sterile dressing package with no gloves on. The appropriate step now is to ____.
A. avoid further touching of the inside of the package
B. obtain another unopened sterile dressing
C. hand the dressing to the physician
D. continue to assist the physician without saying anything
E. pour alcohol over the dressing to resterilize it
43. Which of the following should you do when assisting a physician during a surgical
A. Cover the open items that are not being used with a paper towel
B. Hand the physician items outside the sterile field with the tips of the transfer forceps
C. Hand the items to the physician before putting gloves on
D. Avoid reaching over the sterile field
E. Place unsterile items on the outer 1 inch of the sterile field
Chapter 44 Medical Assisting
44. Which numbered item in the diagram is the first step in wrapping instruments for
A. 5
B. 1
C. 7
D. 4
E. 2
45. Which numbered item in the diagram is the second step in wrapping instruments for
A. 5
B. 1
C. 7
D. 4
E. 2
Chapter 44 Medical Assisting
47. Which numbered item in the diagram is the third step in wrapping instruments for
A. 5
B. 1
C. 7
D. 4
E. 2
48. Which numbered item in the diagram is the fourth step in wrapping instruments for
A. 5
B. 1
C. 7
D. 4
E. 2
49. Which numbered item in the diagram is the fifth step in wrapping instruments for
A. 3
B. 4
C. 7
D. 5
E. 6
50. Which numbered items in the diagram are the sixth and seventh steps in wrapping
instruments for sterilization?
A. 5, 6
B. 1, 4
C. 2, 3
D. 4, 5
E. 2, 7
51. In this diagram, which of the following indicates the correct sequence for wrapping
instruments for sterilization?
A. 6, 2, 4, 1, 3, 5, 7
B. 5, 7, 4, 1, 6, 3, 2
C. 7, 4, 6, 1, 5, 2, 3
D. 4, 3, 1, 6, 6, 2, 5
E. 1, 5, 7, 3, 4, 6, 2
Chapter 44 Medical Assisting
52. The appropriate way to add instruments to a sterile field is to ____.
A. hand-place the sterile instruments on the sterile field
B. stand close to the sterile field and open the instruments pack
C. reach across the sterile field with the instruments to be added
D. place the instruments using sterile transfer forceps
E. place the instruments within the outer 1 inch of the sterile field
53. What part of the sterile field is considered contaminated?
A. The outer 2 inches
B. All of the sterile field is sterile
C. The outer 1/2 inch
D. The outer 1 inch
E. The edge of the field closest to the patient
54. What is the appropriate way to pour a sterile solution into a sterile bowl in the sterile field?
A. Cover the label on the bottle with the palm of your hand to keep the label dry
B. Pour the liquid directly into the bowl and avoid discarding any
C. Pour the liquid quickly into the bowl
D. Place the cap of the bottle facing down
E. Hold the bottle at an angle that allows you to reach over the sterile area
55. Which is a correct preoperative instruction for a patient who is scheduled for a minor surgical
procedure in the doctor's office?
A. Tell the patient to eat a light breakfast right before surgery
B. Tell the patient to bring someone to drive him or her home
C. Tell the patient to take all regular medications before surgery
D. Avoid telling the patient of the possible risks
E. Tell the patient it does not matter what she wears because she will change into a gown anyway
56. Which is the appropriate way to cleanse an area before surgery?
A. Place a sterile towel around the surgical site
B. Cleanse the surgical site with alcohol
C. Begin at the outer edges of the surgical site and work inward
D. Clean an area at least 2 inches larger than the surgical site
E. Clean in a zigzag path across the preparation area
Chapter 44 Medical Assisting
57. When preparing a patient for surgery, what should you do after you have applied the
A. Swab only the surgical site with the antiseptic
B. Pat the antiseptic dry
C. Cover the area with a sterile, fenestrated drape, from front to back
D. Reach over the area to position the patient correctly for the procedure
E. Trim the hair from around the surgical site
58. The most commonly used antiseptic for minor surgery is ____.
A. Betadine
B. Xylocaine
C. epinephrine
D. hydrogen peroxide
E. isopropyl alcohol
59. Which of the following is characteristic of a topical anesthetic?
A. It is injected under the skin.
B. It is used when the pain is severe.
C. It is applied directly to the skin.
D. It takes only 30 seconds for the area to become sufficiently anesthetized.
E. It provides general anesthesia.
60. Which of the following are characteristics of epinephrine?
A. It constricts blood vessels and prolongs the action of the local anesthetic.
B. It is useful in patients with heart or respiratory disease.
C. It is used in areas of the fingers, toes, nose, and ears.
D. It decreases wound infection rates.
E. It increases the rate at which the anesthetic spreads into the tissue.
61. Duties of the sterile scrub assistant include
A. passing instruments to the doctor during surgery.
B. measuring vital signs regularly throughout surgery.
C. observing the patient for a reaction to the anesthetic.
D. keeping a record of when surgery began and when it was completed.
E. adjusting lighting as needed.
Chapter 44 Medical Assisting
62. Which of the following would you include in a patient's postoperative wound care
A. Clean the wound every other day
B. Clean the wound with isopropyl alcohol
C. Change the dressing if it becomes wet, dirty, or soaked with blood
D. Cover the wound with a wet dressing
E. Remove the dressing after 12 hours
63. Which of the following is used in processing biopsy specimens for laboratory examination?
A. 10% formalin solution
B. 70% isopropyl alcohol
C. 3% hydrogen peroxide
D. 10% chlorine bleach solution
E. Normal saline solution
64. Why do you need to check the date and sterilization indicator on an instrument pack prior to
A. To be sure items inside will work
B. To avoid putting the patient at risk for postoperative infection
C. To be sure the package was stored properly
D. To make sure all the proper instruments are in the pack
E. To be sure the items inside have not been exposed to moisture
65. The instruments in the figure are ____.
Chapter 44 Medical Assisting
66. What are the instruments pictured here?
67. The instruments pictured here are ____.
Chapter 44 Medical Assisting
68. What are the instruments pictured here?
69. What is the surgical instrument pictured here?
Chapter 44 Medical Assisting
70. These surgical instruments are ____.
71. What are these surgical instruments?
Chapter 44 Medical Assisting
72. Carrie is a new medical assistant who is assisting for the first time as a floater for a minor
surgical procedure. The physician removes tissue from the incision and asks Carrie for the
container in which to place the specimen for laboratory examination. Carrie grasps the specimen
container and reaches across the tray so the physician can place the specimen in the container.
What did Carrie do wrong?
A. She should not have touched the sterile specimen container.
B. She should not have reached across the tray.
C. She should have asked the sterile scrub assistant to offer the container.
D. She should have used transfer forceps to grasp the tissue.
E. She should have placed the specimen container on the tray.
73. Part of Josie's responsibility as a medical assistant is to run the autoclave as needed to
sterilize instruments. Once a week, she includes a biological sterilization indicator with a load as
a general quality control measure. Today, she notices that the biological indicator from
yesterday's load is positive. What does this result mean?
A. The proper temperature was not reached
B. The pressure in the autoclave was not high enough
C. There was not enough steam in the autoclave
D. The water reservoir on the autoclave is running low
E. The items in that load are not sterile
74. Mr. Benson is back in the office for his follow-up appointment after having a laceration on
his right arm sutured eight days ago. The physician examines the wound, tells Mr. Benson that it
is healing nicely, and asks you to remove the sutures. You remove 14 sutures from Mr. Benson's
arm and compare this to the number of sutures recorded in Mr. Benson's chart. The chart says
Mr. Benson has 15 sutures. What should you do next?
A. Nothing; the other suture probably came out by itself sometime in the last eight days
B. Correct the medical record to show that only 14 sutures were placed in Mr. Benson's arm
C. Notify the physician that the number of sutures removed does not match the record
D. Document your removal of 14 sutures on today's date
E. Document your removal of 15 sutures on today's date