5E Planning Guide for Inquiry Teaching: Current Your Name: Allison Bailey Unit Name: Energy Learner outcomes: (content and inquiry – measurable). The students will: Test the temperature of a CFL bulb and IL bulb Compare efficiency of CFL and IL bulbs Compare cost savings of CFL and IL bulbs Grade Level Standards, Grade, Theme, & Topic Standard (highlight one): Earth Life Grade: 7 Grade Band Theme: Order and Organization Topic: Conservation of Mass and Energy Condensed Content Statements Energy can be transformed or transferred but it is never lost. 5-E Phase Engage (Day1) Time: 5 min. Tap prior knowledge Focus learner’s thinking Spark interest in topic Physical • Life ExpectancyLight Bulb Heat Bulb Planned Activity/Event Guiding Questions Notes: Materials, Safety, Modifictions ALL: Bell Ringer: Students are trained to fit this social norm of having a bell ringer every day. What is the difference between a heat bulb and a light bulb? Interactive Whiteboard Students will have a paper with a place for every day of the week where they answer the bell ringer for the day. What type of light bulbs does your family use at home? Teachers can collect these pages to make sure students prior knowledge is being activated. The questions for bell ringers should always relate to the unit and activate some kind of prior knowledge. Explore Time: 28 min. (Day 1- Group 1) (Day 2- Group 2) Provide learners with common, concrete, tactile experiences with skills and concepts Observe and listen to students Ask probing questions Act as a consultant Lesson Name: Heat Bulbs and Light Bulbs Academic Language: Heat Bulb Light Bulb Lumens Watts Kilowatt Kilowatt-hour GROUP 1: Heat Bulb/ Light Bulb Experiment Explain all materials to students. (light bulbs, bulb stand, radiometer, BULBS ARE HOT! DO NOT TOUCH) Have students complete Hypothesis question on Experiment Sheet. -Which light bulb do you think is hotter? The Incandescent Light bulb (IL) or the Compact Fluorescent Light bulb (CFL)? What type of light bulbs do we use here at school? ActivInspire Software to project a slide with the Bell Ringer question onto the interactive white board Safety: None Modifications: None Which light bulb do you think is hotter? CFL Bulb Why do you think that bulb is so hot? What makes it hot? IL Bulb Bulb Stand (2) Is this light bulb safe enough to be used in household items? Is there something that can be done to make this light bulb safer? What is in the light bulb that puts off this heat? Radiometer (2) Copy of Experiment Sheet for each student Copy of data table for each group in each class period -Which light bulb do you think will use more electricity? Instruct students to skip the procedure of assigning group roles since we will be working in larger groups. What does the radiometer test? SAFETY: Bulbs may be hot. Students should not touch bulbs unless directed by a teacher. Modifications: None Why does the temperature of a light bulb matter? Have students sketch light bulbs prior to placing them in the bulb stands. Place bulbs in the bulb stands and have students record the initial temperature before turning on the light bulb. Turn on the bulbs one at a time and allow students to sketch the radiometer activity while they are turned on. Turn both light bulbs on and record temperature of both light bulbs by placing a thermometer 510 cm away from the light. Record the temperature every minute for ten minutes. Turn off the light bulbs and calculate the change in temperature after the ten minutes are completed. Instruct students that they do not need to complete step 8 on the experiment sheet. Clean up after experiment is completed and answer post-lab questions. Explain Time: 10 min. (Day 1- Group 1) (Day 2- Group 2) Encourage students to explain concepts in their own words Ask for justification Use students previous experiences as the basis or explaining concepts Clarify and correct GROUP 1 With extra time students should answer post-lab questions, students will be able to explain what has occurred during the experiment if they understand these follow up questions. If a student can put the results of their experiment into words, the instructor will see that comprehension occurred. Why was your hypothesis wrong/right? Copy of post-lab questions for each student What gives the heat bulb and light bulb their name? Safety: None Modifications: None What is their actual purpose job? What were all the variables? What is an independent variable? What is a dependent variable? misconceptions Extend Time: 38 min. (Day 1- Group 2) (Day 2- Group 1) Apply same concepts and skills in a new context resulting in deeper and broader understanding Encourage the students to apply the concepts/skills to new situations Evaluate (Day 2) Time: 5 min. Observe as students apply new concepts and skills Assess, formally and/or informally student progress toward achieving the learner outcomes Assess students’ knowledge and/or skills Allow students to assess their own learning and group process skills GROUP 2 Which light bulb is more cost efficient? What’s in a Lamp?-Students are to read the article What’s in a Lamp? And use their knowledge from this article to complete the crossword on the back of the page. Which bulb saves more energy? Let’s Compare-Students are using the sample packaging page to find particular quantitative data about CFL and IL bulbs. This will allow students to compare how much it costs to purchase and power the different bulbs. This will help them see how much money can be saved by switching to CFL bulbs. ALL: Journal Entry #2 As students answer these questions and turn in their work, the instructor will be able to assess students understanding of the material learned over the two day lesson. Homework: None either night Color Key: -Green: Opener Day 1 (Both Groups) -Purple: Group 1 on Day 1, Group 2 on Day 1 -Orange: Group 2 on Day 2, Group 1 on Day 2 -Blue: Closer Day 2 (Both Groups) Copy of What’s in a Lamp? Worksheet for each student Which bulb saves more money? Copy of pricing worksheet/sample packaging page for each student After completing this worksheet, which light bulb would you rather use? Safety: None Modifications: None Why do you think the school chooses to use the light bulbs they do? Why do you use the lights bulbs you do at home? What would you say to your parents to convince them to use different light bulbs in your home? How would this change your family’s life at home? Are there any downfalls to using a CFL bulb instead of a IL bulb? Copy of Journal Questions for each student Safety: None Modifications: None