Revision Reasons and Process What is Revision and Why? Revision is not just proofreading or the socalled cosmetic revision. Revision is to "enter into a conversation with your previous thoughts." In other words, revision may involve changing your ideas and thus your self. What is Revision and Why? (2) No writing is perfect. Every piece of writings can be revised. However, sometimes it's not easy for the writers to see their own problems or limitations. That’s why you need a second or third opinion. For junior English majors, moreover, it's important to learn how to revise with the help of your peers as well as your teachers. Other Purposes For you to enjoy producing a(nother) master piece which is both creative and intelligent; For us to attain the minimum standards of Junior composition. No requirement in length and mode, as long as you do go through “significant” revisions. Revision: How? 1. 2. 3. three stages: Rethinking; Reshaping; Copy-editing. Rethinking 1.Reseeing/rethinking: changing what a piece says or its "bones." -- What is your essay about? What do you want do about it and for what? -- Are you ready to challenge yourself? Are you able to take another perspective to look at the same issue? Do you have anything to add to it? Rethinking: examples Learning attitudes of Taiwan college students nowadays Most of English department students can never memorize the exact names of gods in mythology, but definitely, we can easily make a list of all the famous brands, such as Prada, Cucci or Chanel. Most of us still like studying, but are likely to be distracted; while still some others are engrossed in the outer world, interesting but unrealistic. For them, the black and white textbooks can never compete with the colorful and exciting life they long to have. What is knowledge? What is taste? And undue pursuit of brand names? What are the differences between proper entertainment and distractions? Rethinking: examples (2) Analysis: The Charm of the Best-selling Korean Soap Opera ― Endless Love -- Owning to dramatic plot along with regular patterns and delicate production ― wellchosen casts, touching lines, slow pace, romantic atmosphere, fairylike scenery, and appealing music, Endless Love becomes irresistible to Taiwanese. -- Really irresistible? To which groups of Taiwanese? Aren’t there problems in this lack of resistance? Rethinking: examples (3) Analysis:The King of Convenience Stores—7-11 In conclusion, it is very smart that 7-11 maintains good cooperating relationships with some famous organizations, and their useful products always surprise people. Without imitating other convenience stores, 7-11 sets up a creative and unparalleled model that always renovate their products and services. Thus, 7-11 can successfully wins most customers in this business field. Do we really prefers going to 7-11, or is it a matter of convenience? Re-Thinking: examples (4) 1. 2. 3. Women’s Magazines -Images of Beautiful and liberated women; lead the fashion trends Women are controlled by male gaze; Bazaar and Marie Claire as examples 1. Images –Cover, Ads 2. Articles -- how to be pretty, sexy, fashion, and even liberated are still the main concerns. 3. Beauty myth –relevance? 4. Women get less and less space to develop their own value and self-identity. Re-Thinking: examples (4) Women’s Magazines –All about women’s images? Kinds – “女性樣本較常閱讀的雜誌內容,前十 排名分別為:1名星/影劇娛樂、2休閒/旅遊、3 健康/醫療、4服飾/美容、5社會新聞、6消費/美 食指南、7烹飪/食譜、8兩性報導/婚姻、9財經/ 理財/股市、10小說散文。(source) E.g. Elle -- 時尚、美容、健康美容、性愛、職場 算命、生活休閒。 儂儂 -- Fashion & Accessory 、 Beauty、 Lifestyle、 別冊 Re-Thinking: examples (4) Women’s Magazines –All about women’s images? How do we prove that they are misleading: – – Quantity and kinds of stereotypical images; Text analysis of articles Solution? Re-Thinking: example (5) Your own example Re-Thinking: example (6) Your own example Restructuring 1. Reworking, reshaping; changing how a piece says it or changing its "muscle." -- How is your essay presented? And for whom? -- Do you need a new introduction? A better conclusion? Are the ideas logically and interestingly presented? Do you need more concrete details (description, dialogue, ) or examples? Restructuring: examples the government is supposed to pay more attention to this issue because the problems of cross-cultural marriage indeed would cause social events, domestic problems, and public security problems. 1. Lowly educated men or mentally retarded the wives disadvantaged; 2. Elderly; young and easy to control 3. Veterans 4. Agents: Prostitution in reality or disregarding the brides’ rights; 5. Problems in adjustment Restructuring: examples cross-cultural marriage cause social and domestic problems. 1. Kinds 1. 2. 3. 4. 2. 3. Electronic engineers – not the focus; Agents: Prostitution in reality or disregarding the brides’ rights; – not the focus; Lowly educated men or mentally retarded the wives disadvantaged; Elderly & Veterans ; age difference Problems -- adjustment, discrimination and exploitation Solutions – lessons, education of the public, revision of laws, social workers Restructuring: examples (3) Your example Of being caught stealing –start with a present dialogue with your mother Of two different kinds of car rides – juxtaposition of each moment, but not two episodes? Copyediting 1. Copyediting or proofreading for mechanics and usage; checking for deviations from standard conventions or changing the writing's "skin." -- Is your language correct and effective? -- Are there run-on sentences and problematic sentence constructions? Can sentences be combined in a better way? Are there other types of grammatic errors and usage problems? Are there typos? more creative types of revision 1. 2. 3. Narrative: changing the point of view; focusing on just one of the moments, giving a different ending. Expository essays: Change the tone of your argument (e.g. from serious to comic or ironic); add a story or some creative writing to your piece. Mixing or changing rhetoric modes: turn your expository essay into a fiction with the same point; do a collage of argumentation and fictive writings; add in pictures and other visual materials. Procedure: Get a partner (not limited to your section) 2. Two pairs form a group (or three) 3. Paper –(D) research paper or (C) a paper from the past two years 4. The partner is supposed to give written response to both the plan (rethinking, reshaping) and one draft (reshaping and copy-editing). 1. Requirements: (1) 1. Step by Step and each stage takes one week: 1. Today -- first stage: talk about your ideas with your groupmates (in person or via email); 2. Before this Friday -- after the first stage, write up an outline, and your plan for revision for your partner and teacher to respond to; 3. Writing journal: keep a writing journal to record what you feel at each stage and examine if you are capable of doing revision with the help of peer comments. Requirements: (2) 1. End product: 1. an essay with a cover sheet. 2. Writing journal– one entry of your third journal; 3. Peer comments as you go through the three stages. Cover sheet: What the paper is about and how it is presented Acknowledgement of help received. Due dates: A note to group mates or teachers on your chosen paper. The end of this week. Draft+outline+plan -- 5/6; 2nd draft – D-5/11 - C –5/18 Third:6/1 (some may need further revision) Requirements: (3) Journal wks 11-16 1. Research paper observation – 1 entry 2. Revision Peer Response to revision – 2 entries 3. Revision Journal – 1 entry with 3 parts 4. Electronic journal on Issues and Interest – 2 entries