Nicolette Naticchione Daniel Hardaker Grade 2 A Trip To The Moon 1. Essential Questions: What or who would you encounter if you took a trip to the moon? How would life be different on the moon than it is on Earth? 2. Standards: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.2.3 Write narratives in which they recount a well-elaborated event or short sequence of events, include details to describe actions, thoughts, and feelings, use temporal words to signal event order, and provide a sense of closure. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.2.5 With guidance and support from adults and peers, focus on a topic and strengthen writing as needed by revising and editing. 3. Objectives/Assessments: Objective Assessment SWBAT write a narrative using the required vocabulary words about their imaginary trip to the moon. The teacher will assess this by collecting their writings and observing if the students used the required vocabulary words to describe their trip to the moon. SWBAT show sequential order in their writing. Students will use words such as “first,” “next,” “then,” and “lastly” to show a sequential order of events in their writing. The teacher evaluate their writing based off of the inclusion of these transitional words as well. SWBAT draw and color a picture that will accompany their story. The teacher will circulate around the room and informally assess this is being done until they turn in their work at the end of the period. 4. Materials: - Science journals - List of vocabulary words and definitions -The Moon by Seymour Simon - White board - Markers - Crayons 5. Prior Knowledge: - Students will be familiar with writing creative narrative passages - Students will know that the moon has phases from logging every night and previous lessons in the unit 6. Lesson Beginning: - I will begin the lesson by calling students over to the rug by their favorite colors. They will sit quietly while waiting for the lesson to start. I will begin by asking the students if they’ve ever wanted to be an astronaut and what they think it would be like to be one. The students will raise their hands, giving me their honest opinions. I will then prompt the students to get ready for the read aloud by saying that in the past a select few astronauts have actually gone to the moon and have seen many amazing attributes of the moon. We will then read the informational text on the moon and gain our vocabulary words from there. 7. Instructional Plan: Appx. Time: 46 minutes What I will be doing What Students will be doing Materials Time I will read the informational text to the students aloud, stopping briefly to discuss the new vocabulary words we encounter. Students will raise their hand and offer up their own definitions of the vocabulary words to help the class figure out what they mean. They will sit quietly, listening to the story otherwise. - THE BOOK 10 minutes After we finish the book, I will jot down the vocabulary words we found in the text on the whiteboard. Students will help us come up with the best student-friendly definitions for each vocabulary word about the moon. - White 5 board minutes - Markers I will then send the students back to their seats based off of what colors they are wearing that day and tell them to take out their journals when they return to their seats. Students will quietly make their way back to their seats and await further direction. N/A I will then explain to the students that we are going to write a creative story about our own trip Students will begin writing their stories based off the criteria on - Journals 20 minutes 1 minute to the moon. They will be told to use the 3 to 5 vocabulary words in their stories. They also must have it make sense by using transitional words like “first,” “next,” etc. the white board. They will raise their hands if they have any questions or are confused about a portion of the assignment. I will inform them as they are writing to be as creative as they want. They have never been to the moon so the trip is all in their imaginations. They must follow up the writing with a drawing showing what happens in their story. Students will begin working on their drawings as they finish up their narrative with the vocabulary words. - Crayons 8 - Journals minutes I will conclude by collecting the journals with the writings and drawings in them. I will look over the student’s work and anyone who did not finish can do so for homework. Students will hand in their journals. N/A 2 minutes 8. Differentiation: This lesson is adaptable and will be differentiated for many types of learners. Social learners can discuss their ideas for their writing amongst their peers they sit near to get feedback on their stories. Visual learners will benefit from the list of words on the board and the pictures in the read aloud to help reinforce the concepts learned. Auditory learners will be accommodated through the read aloud and class discussions as they will hear the vocabulary words repeated multiple times and will follow the read aloud well. This lesson also benefits those who express themselves well through writing or drawing, allowing the 2 mediums to help me evaluate their knowledge. 9. Questions: - Have you ever wanted to be an astronaut? - What do you think you would see on the moon? - Who can give me the definition of this term in their own words? 10. Classroom Management: Students will raise their hands if they want to provide a response. I will circulate around the room to ensure that each student is staying on task and getting their work done. I will also use previously established Whole-Brain teaching techniques to refocus the class and keep them engaged throughout the lesson. 11. Transitions: Students will move to the rug in the beginning of the lesson based on what their favorite color is. I will then transition into the read aloud by prompting them with questions to allow their minds to start considering the topic. Then, the students will be sent back to their seats based on what colors they are wearing that day. I will then have them take out their journals as the sit down before I give further directions as to not waste time repeating them later. 12. Closure: Students will complete their stories and pictures either in the class time given or at home for homework that night. I will end by telling them that if they choose, they can read their response aloud to the parents when we have our culminating activity at the end of the unit. Those who want to will tell me so I can make a note of it and have them review and edit their work with me during RTI or free time.