THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF ZANZIBAR SCHOOL OF NATURAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SCIENCE COURSE NAME COURSE CODE YEAR OF STUDY SEMESTER OF STUDY PROGRAM(S) OF STUDY CREDIT POINTS CONTACT HOURS PER WEEK PREREQUISITE COURSE (S) : : : : : : : : NONE BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS TM 1206 1 2 BTMM (Core) 10 3 HRS COURSE DESCRIPTION This is a more advanced and specific to tourism oriented communications skills course. The course is introduced to equip students with skills related to the application of the effective communications skills in service delivery, or marketing in tourism. The course aims at preparing students to effectively manage the communication routines involved in different tourism service industry as managers, accountants, decision makers and service provider. The course is more advance, and specific to tourism orientations. Some of the topics covered include effective business writing (brochures, articles, letters, memos etc.); presentations and oral communications. COURSE COMPETENCES Communicate in a concise, clear, straightforward language. Develop problem-solving and critical-thinking skills by analyzing business problems, resulting in functional business documents: memoranda, letters, brochures, and reports. Strengthen writing and analytical skills by studying inductive and deductive strategies, as well as comparing effective and ineffective business documents. Communicate effectively as perceptive and skillful communicators with interpersonal, listening, and speaking skills necessary in both independent and collaborative situations. Apply functional and flexible communication skills within the expanding business of tourism industry adhering to international, ethical, and diversity needs. COURSE OBJECTIVES The students aim at providing the advanced knowledge and skills of business communication effective for tourism industry operation. At the end of this course each student to be able to: Use written Communication skillfully in different business situations for writing, oral presentation. Apply various types of written techniques, oral communications needed in day to day tourist industry. Course Outline 1. Introduction to Effective Communication in Business Definition, characteristics, process, importance of communication in business, different kinds of communication, features of communication. Types of common spoken and written communication needs in tourism industry. Elements of communication (verbal and non-verbal communication) Process for effective business messages 2. Effective Communication Principles: Completeness, clarity, conciseness, correctness, concreteness; Gestures: considerations, manners: courtesy, presentations and follow-up or feedback. 3. Different types/styles of the business letters: Direct request, inquiries, claims and requests for adjustments, requests regarding routine business or public causes, invitations, orders, reservations, favorable replies, unsolicited favorable messages, request, sales letter, evaluating your achievements, market research, making preliminary career decisions, resume, job application letter. 4. Writing Business Report Writing business Report: Meaning and classification of business reports, preparation before writing reports, main parts of the report, organization and outline of report body, visual aids, short reports, suggestions for short report, informational memorandum reports, analytical memorandum reports with graphs, informational and analytical report, formal report, working plans, prefatory parts: documentation and other notes, supplemental parts, presentation of the formal report. Preparation of brochures ORAL PRESENTATION AND USE OF MODERN ELECTRONIC GADGETS: Oral presentations and successful listening, improving oral presentations, improving your listening. Successful informative speaking, purpose of informative speaking. Analysis of audience. Organisation and outline of the informative speech. Support for informative speeches, successful persuasive speaking. Purpose of persuasive speaking. Audience analysis. organization of the persuasive speeches. Successful business meetings. Meetings in business leadership responsibilities. Participant responsibilities. Methods of solving problems in meetings. TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES A combination of teaching/learning methodologies will be employed including lectures, seminars, group discussions, field, assignments etc. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Assessment of this course will include Coursework 40% and End of Semester Examinations 60%. The grading criteria will be as follows: Test 1 & 2 20% Seminar Presentations 10% Practicals Examination 10% 60% REFERENCES: Allred, G.J. , Brusaw, C.T. and Oliu, W. E. (2012). Handbook of Technical Writing. Macmilan. USA Murphy, H. A. (1984) Effective Business Communication . McGraw Hill Company Sundararaja, N. (2006) Effective Business Communication. SURA Boock Publishers Taylor, S. (2005). Communication for Business: A Practical Approach. Pitman Publishing. London. Taylor, S. (2004). Model Business Letters, E-mails & Other Business Documents. FT Prentice Hall