Backward Design Lesson Plan Template School: ____Mingus Union High School________ Teacher ___ Ni Fenfen _ Grade level ____ high school students Lesson title ______Chinese Breakfast___________________________________ Step 1—Desired Results Standard Outcomes for Learning (ACTFL Standard 1.1)—Answer’s the question, what should students know, understand, and be able to do as a result of the lesson? 1. The students are able to say bread, egg, steamed bun, steamed stuffed bun, porridge, deep-fried dough sticks in Chinese. 2. The students are able to use the verbs “drink” and “eat”. 3. The students know what Chinese usually eat for breakfast and know why they eat these food. Step 2—Assessment Evidence Performance task—What will students do to show what they have learned? 1. When they play the squat game, they need to know when to squat. 2. Students are asked to make dialogues with each other and are able to do a survey about what other students eat for breakfast. 3. When the teacher says a kind of food, they need to know it is a liquid or solid food, so that they can give proper response like “eat /drink the food.” Step 3—Learning Plan Learning activities - Answer’s the question, how do I teach it? 1. Bell Work 2. The teacher greets the students by saying “Good morning!or Good afternoon.” and ask the students about the date today. 3. Review what the students have learned by using powerpoint and later by flashcards without pinyin. Ask the students questions about what they drink in the morning. Show the students how to make tea in China. 4. Arouse the students’ curiosity by asking what Chinese people eat in the morning and also what people eat in America. 5. Teach students the food that Chinese have in the morning and ask about the nutritious facts about the food. Meanwhile, teach students the verbs”eat” and “drink”. 6. Play Squat game. Give students flashcards of pinyin and Chinese characters and ask them to find the match first. Then ask all the students to come up and make a circle and replace those pinyin with Chinese characters. Then play the squat game. 7. Divide the students into two groups and ask them to do quick response. For example: the teacher says “milk”, they have to say “drink milk” , the teacher says “bread”, they have to say “eat bread”. Later the teacher can say a certain food, and ask the students to make sentences with the food. 8. Teach the sentence pattern: (1)Q:你早上喝什么? Ni zao shang he shen me? A: 我早上喝…. Wo zao shang he … (2)Q:你早上吃什么? Ni zao shang chi shen me? A: 我早上吃…. Wo zao shang chi … 9. The teacher makes a dialogue with a student first and then ask the students to divide into two groups to use the dialogues to make a survey about other students’ breakfast. And the number of students surveyed should be kept track of to see which team interviews more people. 调查diao cha (survey) 名字 牛奶 豆浆 咖啡 茶 果汁 可乐 油条 稀饭 馒头 包子 面包 鸡蛋 10. Tell the students the plan for tomorrow: use laptops to do research about the questions listed on the paper involving Chinese people’s breakfast and also find out answers to questions about the Moon Festival in China. Homework:1. review what we have learned. 2. Workbook P38-40. Step 4—Reflection What happened during my lesson? What did my students learn? How do I know? What did I learn? How will I improve my lesson next time. It is a pity that I can’t show students the real food to make them learn better. But I can make up for that by asking them to find the recipe for certain food and later try to cook that together if possible. Making tea in class takes a long time and it had better be done in another period. It would be better if the teacher can prepare different kinds of tea and use real tea cups and play traditional Chinese music to let students appreciate the real Chinese tea culture. The teacher has to make adjustments to the squat game. It is fun to do that, but making adjustments from time to time can make the game funnier. For example, the speed of giving out orders can be quicker when students are more familiar with the words and they have do move quickly and give quick response. Adapted from Tomlinson and McTighe, Integrating Differentiated Instruction + Understanding by Design, ASCD,