Week of Oct. 27

Week 11: Oct.27-31
7:30-8:00 Breakfast/Calendar Math 9:00-9:05 Restroom 11:05-11:20 Recess 11:37-12:03 Lunch 12:03-12:08 Restroom 12:20-1:10 Related Arts 1:10-2:10 Guided Reading
(Whole Group- 8:00-9:00; Centers- 9:05-9:35)
Standards: 2.OA.3 Determine whether a group of
objects (up to 20) has an odd or even number of
members, e.g., by pairing objects or counting them
by 2s; write an equation to express an even number
as a sum of two equal addends. 2.NBT.9 Explain why
addition and subtraction strategies work, using place
value and the properties of operations.
Objective: SW learn to identify even and odd
Set: SW complete the following problem of the day:
Draw base-ten blocks for a 2-digit number. Write the
number below the blocks. Add 7 to your number and
draw the blocks for the new number. Write the
number below the blocks you drew.
Monday (1)
Once the majority of the students have complete the
problem, the class will go over the problem.
TW tell the students that they have learned how to
use connecting cubes to show numbers to 100.
Today, they will learn how to identify two types of
numbers, odd and even numbers, using connecting
Remind the students about doubles facts. Tell the
students that in double facts you have two addends
that are the same number, so the sum is made up of
two equal parts.
Procedure: Using a doubles fact, demonstrate the
concept of even with connecting cubes. Tell the
students that all even numbers can be shown as two
equal parts.
Word Study
Shared Reading
**CogAT Testing**
**CogAT Testing**
Writer’s Workshop
Standards: W.2.2 Write informative/explanatory
texts in which they introduce a topic, use facts and
definitions to develop points, and provide a
concluding statement or section. W.2.5 With
guidance and support from adults and peers, focus
on a topic and strengthen writing as needed by
revising and editing. L.2.2 Demonstrate command
of the conventions of standard English
capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when
Objective: SW use a checklist to complete their
writing piece.
Set: TW tell the students today they will decide
where they are in the writing process and use a
checklist to complete their writing.
Procedure: Before the students leave the carpet
create a check list for them to use to help
determine if they are finish.
Students should check for the following things: if a
material list is included if needed, if pictures are
added for clarity, if they have included punctuation
marks and capital letters, if they used precise
nouns, and vigorous verbs.
Tell the students if they have completed everything
on the check-list then they are ready for a final
copy paper.
SW take a final copy paper from the round table
when they are ready for their final copy.
SW work independently on their final copy.
TW take one cube away. Tell the students that odd
numbers cannot be shown as two equal parts.
TW pose the following question: Which numbers 1
through 20 are even? Which numbers are odd? How
do you know?
SW work in pairs to complete the problem. One student
will pick a number 1 through 20 and connects that many
cubes in a tower. Partners will work together to
determine whether the tower can be separated into two
equal parts.
Tell the students who are not sure what step
they’re in to raise their hand and they you will
come to them.
Closure: TW tell the students that they have went
through each stage of the writing process except
one, which is publishing.
Tell the students that publishing is when they share
Week 11: Oct.27-31
7:30-8:00 Breakfast/Calendar Math 9:00-9:05 Restroom 11:05-11:20 Recess 11:37-12:03 Lunch 12:03-12:08 Restroom 12:20-1:10 Related Arts 1:10-2:10 Guided Reading
(Whole Group- 8:00-9:00; Centers- 9:05-9:35)
TW tell the students that if the tower can be
separated into two equal parts, find the number on
pg. 143 and color it blue. If the number cannot be
separated into two equal parts, find the number on
pg. 143 and color it orange.
SW switch roles and continue the activity until they
have gone through all the numbers.
Monday (2)
After the students complete the activity, have them
discuss their findings. Explain how they can
recognize two digit numbers as being odd or even by
looking in the ones place.
TW walk the students through the visual learning
bridge at the top of pg. 144-145.
CW work together to solve the guided practice
SW work independently to solve the independent
practice questions.
Conclusion: TW remind the students that this lesson
was to show them how to classify numbers as being
odd or even.
Tell the students that they will learn an odd and even
song to help them remember their odd and even
numbers. Odd and even song on youtube:
Assessment: TW use observation of the students
completion of the independent practice problems to
check their understanding. TW listen to the students
follow along in the odd and even song to check their
ability to classify odd and even numbers.
Word Study
Shared Reading
Writer’s Workshop
their writing. Tomorrow they will share their
writing with their peers.
Assessment: TW use individual conferences to
check the student’s progress on their how-to piece.
Materials: anchor chart, student how-to draft
Week 11: Oct.27-31
7:30-8:00 Breakfast/Calendar Math 9:00-9:05 Restroom 11:05-11:20 Recess 11:37-12:03 Lunch 12:03-12:08 Restroom 12:20-1:10 Related Arts 1:10-2:10 Guided Reading
(Whole Group- 8:00-9:00; Centers- 9:05-9:35)
Standards: 2.NBT.5 Fluently add and subtract within
100 using strategies based on place value, properties
of operations, and/or the relationship between
addition and subtraction. Also 2.OA.1
Objective: SW be able to use data from a chart to
solve problems.
Set: SW copy and complete the following math
problem of the day: Count by 10s to finish the
following pattern; 25, 35,___, ___, ___, ___, ___, ___.
Once the majority of the students have completed
the problem, the class will go over the problem.
Tuesday (1)
TW tell the students that today they will learn how to
solve a story problem using the information in the
problem. Today, they will learn how to use data from
a chart to help you solve problems.
Procedures: TW tell the students that it can be
useful to collect information about something and
show the information in a chart. Ask the student if
they can think of a time or place where people use
and read numbers in a chart.
Possible answers are: reading a newspaper or
magazine, doing a science experiment, recording the
scores during a game, or watching the weather
report on television.
TW direct the children’s attention to the chart on
envisions page 147.
TW tell the students to use the data to solve the
following riddle: This marine mammal is less than 40
feet long. Its length in feet is a two-digit number.
The number has a 3 in the ones place. What marine
mammal is it?
SW work in pairs to solve the riddle. The first pair to
solve the riddle correctly will receive a treat. Also,
have that pair to share their strategy to solving the
TW work through the problem step by step with the
class. Remind the students to find what the riddle is
asking them and underline it.
Word Study
Shared Reading
Standards: 2-3.8 Analyze spelling patterns in
context and parts of multisyllabic words such as
onsets and rimes. 2.RL-4 Describe how words
and phrases (e.g. regular beats, alliteration,
rhymes, repeated lines) supply rhythm and
meaning in story, poem, or song.
Standards: 2.RL-1 Ask and answer such questions as
who, what, where, when, why, and how to
demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.
Objective: SW analyze a poem. SW identify the
author’s purpose of writing the poem,
Pumpkin, Pumpkin.
Set: TW begin by telling the students that today
they will read their new poem, Pumpkin,
TW point to and read the title.
From the title ask the students what they think
the poem might be about.
Procedure: TW read the poem, as the students
listen to the poem. Tell the students to listen
for rhyming words, which are words with the
same ending sound.
After reading the poem aloud, have the
students come up and point to words with the
rhyming words.
TW ask the students what other sounds words
they know that has the same ending sound as
one of their pairs of rhyming words.
CW read the poem aloud once or twice.
After reading ask the students what the author
means when they say, “Sculpt a smile for
Halloween.”(carve a smile)
Remind the students that we can use details
from the story to determine what the author
was trying to tell us. Ask the students what was
this poem about. Point out different parts of
the poem that talks about using a pumpkin to
make food and ask why did the author include
Objective: SW make connections with different text
by comparing and contrasting Marley and the
Runaway Pumpkin and Let’s Learn About Pumpkins.
Set: TW tell the students that we compare things
every day. We compare different people, we
compare foods, etc. Today we will compare two
stories, Marley and the Runaway Pumpkin and
Let’s Learn About Pumpkins.
TW tell the students to turn to a partner and tell
them something they remember about Let’s Learn
About Pumpkins.
Procedures: Tell the students that Marley and the
Runaway Pumpkin is a similar to Let’s Learn About
Pumpkins. Tell the students to listen closely and be
ready to think about ways the stories are alike and
TW show the students the cover of the book,
Marley and the Runaway Pumpkin. Ask the
students to talk about what they see on the cover of
the book.
Do a picture walk through the book and discus the
text features in the book, illustrations.
TW read the book, while projecting it on the
Stop on page 4 to think aloud and make
comparisons. Tell the students that you are thinking
about the beginning of the stories. In Let’s Learn
About Pumpkins the author went through the life
cycle of a pumpkin seed and showed how pumpkins
grew. In Marley and the Runaway Pumpkin, the
family is shown growing a pumpkin.
Stop on pg. 10 and point out the word “vine.” Tell
the students that you remember seeing this word in
Let’s Learn About Pumpkins.
Writer’s Workshop
Standards: 2.SL-4 Tell a story or recount an
experience with appropriate facts and relevant,
descriptive details, speaking audibly in coherent
Objective: SW publish their How-To writing.
Set: TW tell the students that today will complete
the final stage of their writing process (Publishing).
Tell the students that before they present their
writing piece they will get 5 minutes to wrap their
writing up.
Give the students time to finish their writing.
Procedure: Congratulate the students for
completing their how-to writing and creating an
informative writing that teaches their friends
something new.
Tell the students that now is the time to share their
The teacher will share the rules of listening to
others and being respectful as students share their
writing pieces.
TW model how to read her writing piece with a
clear voice and holding their paper so that it does
not cover their mouth.
Remind students that each person has different
topic that will teach them something. They can
learn a lot today about different things.
Remind the students to be respectful to their
classmates. After each person presents, we will
share one thing that we liked about his/her writing.
SW share their writing to the rest of the class. After
each person presents, have a student volunteer
share something that they liked about the writing
Tell the students that you are proud of how well
each of them did during this writing unit.
Assessment: TW use the primary writing rubric to
Week 11: Oct.27-31
7:30-8:00 Breakfast/Calendar Math 9:00-9:05 Restroom 11:05-11:20 Recess 11:37-12:03 Lunch 12:03-12:08 Restroom 12:20-1:10 Related Arts 1:10-2:10 Guided Reading
(Whole Group- 8:00-9:00; Centers- 9:05-9:35)
Refer to the problem solving steps anchor chart and
remind the students that the next step is to come up
with a plan to solve the problem.
SW write the author’s purpose for the
poem. Remind the students to refer to the
author’s purpose anchor chart.
SW share possible plans to solve this problem.
Closure: TW call on volunteers to share their
author’s purpose.
TW tell the students, while referring to the problem
solving students anchor chart, that the next step is to
try their plan out.
CW try to solve the problem and do the final step,
which is to check their answer.
SW work in pairs to complete Items 2-4. For Item 2,
present the students with the following riddle: This
marine mammal is shorter than the blue whale. It’s
length in feet is a two-digit number. The number has
a 2 in the ones place. Which marine mammal is it?
Tuesday (2)
Word Study
Assessment: TW listen to the students’
discussion to check their understanding of the
poem. TW use observation of the students
written author’s purpose to check their
understanding of the author’s purpose.
Materials: Poem- Pumpkin, Pumpkin
Shared Reading
Writer’s Workshop
Have students turn and talk about the way the word
“vine” is used in both texts.
Closure: After each student finish the teacher will
pass out certificates for being experts and teaching
their classmate a new skill.
After reading, tell the students there are so many
comparisons that can be made about the two
books. Remind the students that when we compare
and contrast things, we think about how they are
alike and different.
Material: student writing piece, writing certificates
Tell the students to turn and talk to a partner about
the similarities and differences between the two
After reading have a class discussion about the
similarities and differences between the two
Record the students thoughts on a double bubble
SW make up their own riddle for items 3 and 4.
TW walk the students through the visual learning
bridge at the top of envision page 148 and 149.
CW work together to solve the guided practice
questions. Remind the students that the best way to
check that their secret number is correct is to check it
against every one of the 3 clues in the exercise.
SW work independently on the independent practice
Closure: TW close the lesson by reminding the
students that today they have learned that they can
use data in charts to solve problems.
Assessment: TW use observation of the students
independent practice problems to check for
Materials: envision worksheet
Assessment: TW listen to the students ability to
present their how-to writing to their peers. TW grade
their final writing piece using the primary writing
Closure: Tell the students that we can make
connections between books to help use
comprehend stories.
Assessment: TW listen to partner conversation to
assess the children’s ability to make comparisons.
Materials: chart paper, book-Marley and the
Runaway Pumpkin
Week 11: Oct.27-31
7:30-8:00 Breakfast/Calendar Math 9:00-9:05 Restroom 11:05-11:20 Recess 11:37-12:03 Lunch 12:03-12:08 Restroom 12:20-1:10 Related Arts 1:10-2:10 Guided Reading
(Whole Group- 8:00-9:00; Centers- 9:05-9:35)
Wednesday (1)
Standards: 2.NBT.1 Understand that the three digits
of a three-digit number represent amounts of
hundreds, tens, and ones; e.g. 706 equals 7
hundreds, 0 tens, and 6 ones. 2.NBT.3 Read and write
numbers to 1000 using base-ten numerals, number
names, and expanded form. 2.NBT.4 Compare two
three-digit numbers based on meanings of the
hundreds, tens, and ones digits, using >,=,and<
symbols to record the results of comparisons.
2.NBT.5 Fluently add and subtract within 100 using
strategies based on place value, properties of
operations, and/or the relationship between addition
and subtraction. 2.OA.3 Determine whether a group
of objects has an odd or even number of members,
e.g., by pairing objects or counting them by 2s; write
an equation to express an even number as a sum of
two equal addends.
Objective: SW use place value to complete their
candy corn math worksheet.
Set: TW tell the students that today they will do
some candy corn math to help them review for their
place value test tomorrow.
Procedure: TW start off by giving the students a bag
of candy corns. Have the students count the candy
corns and write their number in standard form on
their worksheet.
Remind the students that they previously talked
about different ways to show numbers: word form,
standard form, and picture. Model doing this with
the number 36.
Word Study
Shared Reading
Standards: 2-3.8 Analyze spelling patterns in
context and parts of multisyllabic words such as
onsets and rimes
Standards: 2.RL-5 Describe the overall structure of a
story, including describing how the beginning
introduces the story and the ending concludes the
action. 2.RL-1 Ask and answer such questions as
who, what, where, when, why, and how to
demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.
Objective: SW read common high frequency
words, create new words by hearing the same
part in given words, and sort words made by
using the beginning or ending of the word.
Set: TW tell the students that today they will do
a making words activity.
Remind the students that the making words
activity is to show them that they can use
words they know to help them spell words or
read words they do not know.
TW tell the students to get out their bag with
their word tiles.
TW tell the students to line their words up
across the top of their desk.
Set: TW tell the students that yesterday they
learned how making connections from text to text
helps them comprehend stories.
TW they will learn to use a story map to summarize
a story.
Tell the students that they summarize all the time.
When they read a book and someone ask “What
was the book about?” they summarize and tell the
most interesting parts of the book.
TW call out these words to make in this order
(is, it, sit, kit, skit, sick, tick, Rick, trick, tricks).
Procedures: Tell the students to think about getting
ready for bed. Tell them they don’t have to tell
everything, just the most important parts.
SW make the words with their letters on their
desk. TW choose a student to spell the word
aloud and build the word on the pocket chart.
Have the students turn and talk to a partner and
summarize how they get ready for bed.
SW do this with their candy corn number.
SW sort the words made on a tree map in their
ELA notebook based on beginning or ending of
the word. –it(it, sit, kit, skit,), -ick (sick, tick,
Rick, trick), -s(sit, sick), -i(is, it)
Remind the students that they previously learned
about using words like before and after to describe
numbers. Model doing this with the number 24.
TW ask the students what new words they can
make with the words they have already made.
For example: kick, pick, bit
Ask the students what number is one before and one
after their candy corn number.
SW add the new words to their tree map.
SW list this on their candy corn worksheet.
Objective: SW use a story map to summarize,
Marley and the Runaway Pumpkin.
Tell the students that as you read Marley and the
Runaway Pumpkin a second time to think about the
story and the important parts they want to include
in a summary at the end.
Project the story map while reading. Stop after
reading pg. 11 and tell the students that the story
map reminds you that you need to think about the
setting, the characters, and the problem.
Tell the students that you have been introduced to
the characters and setting in the story, so you can
fill that in on the story map.
Tell the students to listen to you summarize what
you know so far.
Writer’s Workshop
Standards: 2.W-8 Recall information from
experiences or gather information from provided
sources to answer a question.
Objective: SW “carve”/draw a pumpkin with the
teacher’s guidance to help them explain how to
carve their pumpkin.
Set: TW tell the students that they have learned
about components of a How-To writing.
Today they will use what they have learned about
How-To writing to create a How-To Carve a
Pumpkin writing.
Ask the students to raise their hands if they have
ever carved a pumpkin before.
Procedure: TW ask students: How would you write
a how-to paragraph? What would be necessary to
write a clear explanation?
Guide them toward these points and record on
anchor chart for all to see: Introduction or title that
grabs the reader’s attention and introduces topic,
writing should teach, step-by-step process in logical
order, use transition words, use precise nouns, and
vigorous verbs.
Students may offer points about mechanics, such as
correct capitalization and punctuation. Keep these
criteria separate from those that define the
form/style of how-to paragraph. This way, students
will see that good mechanics are necessary for all
writing, but the list above defines a specific genre.
Explain that each student will be writing a how-to
paragraph to explain how to carve a pumpkin. Hand
out the page entitled My Pumpkin. Guide students
in drawing the pumpkins they will carve:
Week 11: Oct.27-31
7:30-8:00 Breakfast/Calendar Math 9:00-9:05 Restroom 11:05-11:20 Recess 11:37-12:03 Lunch 12:03-12:08 Restroom 12:20-1:10 Related Arts 1:10-2:10 Guided Reading
(Whole Group- 8:00-9:00; Centers- 9:05-9:35)
Reinforce the even and odd concepts by singing the
“Odd Bod” song.
Have the students circle if their candy corn number is
even or odd on their worksheet.
Have the students answer which number is 10 more
and 10 less than their number.
Ask the students to share their method of solving
their problem. ( change the numbers, use the
hundreds chart)
TW ask the students if they remember ways we
compare numbers. (less than, greater than, equal to)
Wednesday (2)
SW compare their number to their partner’s number
and list this on their worksheet.
Closure: TW tell the students that they have review
everything that will be on their place value test
today. Remind them that there are different ways to
describe numbers and write numbers.
Assessment: TW use observation of the students
completion of the candy corn math to check their
understanding of place value. TW grade the students
candy corn math worksheet for a daily grade.
Word Study
Shared Reading
Writer’s Workshop
Conclusions: TW end by reminding the
students that they can use words they know to
help them with words they do not know.
TW say, “Dad, Mom, and Cassie have grown a large
pumpkin for the blue ribbon contest. Not they have
to figure out how to get the pumpkin to the fair.
TW tell the students that first we will visit a
pumpkin patch and they will choose a pumpkin.
Will it be tall and skinny or short and fat? Will it be a
perfect sphere or oddly shaped?
Assessment: TW observe students as they build
words and check students’ tree maps for an
understanding of sorting
Have students turn and talk to a partner about if
anything else needs to be included in the summary.
Materials: letter tiles: t,r,i,c,k,s; pocket chart,
pre-made words, ELA notebook
Read to pg. 25. Tell the students that you are going
to pause for a moment and look at the story. Tell
the students to listen to the summary now. “After
the family got the pumpkin onto the truck, Marley
jumped on the pumpkin. The pumpkin rolled off
the truck and crashed into a tree.
Have students turn and talk to a partner the
teachers summary.
TW point out that she did not mention the part
about the pumpkin hitting the mailman because
that was a small detail that does not need to be
included in the summary.
Tell the students to think about the shape of their
pumpkin and draw in on their paper.
Ask the students what will the eyes look like? Will
they be triangles, rectangles, or hexagons? Will they
be stars or flowers or little slits? Will the eyes have
any extra features like pupils or eyelashes or
eyebrows? Tell the students to draw the eyes on
their pumpkin.
Tell the students now they will make their nose.
Think about the shape and size. Will it be big and
wide, just a pair of nostrils, or thin-like? Tell the
students to imagine the nose they will carve on
their pumpkin and draw it.
Have the students turn and talk to a partner and
summarize the ending.
Tell the students that last they will do the mouth.
Ask the students if their pumpkin will be smiling,
frowning, sneering, or growling? Tell the students
that their mouth gives their pumpkin a personality.
Ask the students will they be able to see teeth.
Closure: Tell the students that we are going to use a
cumulative retell to summarize our story.
Tell the students to draw their mouth on their
Have one person come forward and tell the first
event. Have a second person come forward and tell
the second event. Have a third person come
forward and tell the third event.
Closure: Tell the students place their My Pumpkin
sheet inside their writing folder. Tomorrow they will
write the steps in order for creating their pumpkin.
Read to the end of the story.
Material: candy corn, candy corn math worksheet
Assessment: TW listen to the students conversation
to check their ability to summarize.
Assessment: TW observe the students ability to
follow steps to create their individual pumpkin.
Materials: My Pumpkin worksheet, chart paper
Materials: book- Marley and the Runaway
Week 11: Oct.27-31
7:30-8:00 Breakfast/Calendar Math 9:00-9:05 Restroom 11:05-11:20 Recess 11:37-12:03 Lunch 12:03-12:08 Restroom 12:20-1:10 Related Arts 1:10-2:10 Guided Reading
(Whole Group- 8:00-9:00; Centers- 9:05-9:35)
Standards: 2.NBT.1 Understand that the three digits
of a three-digit number represent amounts of
hundreds, tens, and ones; e.g. 706 equals 7
hundreds, 0 tens, and 6 ones. 2.NBT.2 Count within
1000; skip-count by 5s, 10s, and 100s. 2.NBT.3 Read
and write numbers to 1000 using base-ten numerals,
number names, and expanded form. 2.NBT.4
Compare two three-digit numbers based on
meanings of the hundreds, tens, and ones digits,
using >,=,and< symbols to record the results of
comparisons. 2.NBT.5 Fluently add and subtract
within 100 using strategies based on place value,
properties of operations, and/or the relationship
between addition and subtraction. 2.OA.3
Determine whether a group of objects has an odd or
even number
Objective: SW be able to complete topic 5 test.
Thursday (1)
Set: TW tell the students that today they will use
what they have learned about place value to
complete their place value test.
TW tell the students that they will complete a reteaching worksheet to help them practice for their
test today. Remind the students that the questions
on the re-teaching worksheet are very similar to
what they will see on their test today.
Procedures: TW distribute re-teaching worksheet.
Word Study
Shared Reading
Writer’s Workshop
Standards: 2.RF-3 know and apply grade-level
phonics and word analysis skills in decoding
Standards: 2.RL-1 Ask and answer such questions
as who, what, where, when, why, and how to
demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.
2.RL-I Ask and answer such questions as who, what,
where, when, why, and how to demonstrate
understanding of key details in a text. 2.RI-5 Know
and use various text features to locate key facts or
information in a text efficiently.
Standards: 2.L-1 Demonstrate command of the
conventions of standard English grammar and
usage when writing or speaking. 2.W-2 Write
informative/explanatory texts in which introduce a
topic, use facts and definition to develop points,
and provide a concluding statement section.
Objective: SW be able use reading skills to
predict unknown words.
Set: TW tell the students that today they will
play a guess the covered word game.
TW remind the students that when they come
to an unknown word when reading they should
think about what word would make sense.
They should also think about the beginning
sound in the sentence.
Procedures: TW project the guess the covered
word passage, Halloween.
Objective: SW recall what they have learned about
pumpkins. SW complete a quiz on both stories,
Let’s Learn About Pumpkins and Marley and the
Runaway Pumpkin.
Set: TW remind the students that they have read
two different text about pumpkins.
TW read the passage to the students.
TW tell the students that they will use their
comprehension of both books to complete their
KWL chart and their complete a quiz.
TW stop at the covered words and choose a
volunteer to guess the covered word.
Procedures: TW display the KWL chart from day
one lesson last week.
Closure: After all covered words have been
uncovered the class will read the passage
Tell the students to think about new information
they have learned from either book and write down
one new thing they learned about pumpkins on
their sticky note.
If time allows, the class will do an On-the-Back
activity using the word wall word “new.”
Distribute sticky notes and give students time to
SW work independently on their re-teaching
TW tell the students that went is one of our
helpful word wall words. Today, we will use it
to spell other words.
TW call students to place their sticky notes on
anchor chart.
After the students have had time to work
independently on their worksheet, the class will
review the correct answers for each problem
Tell the students to write new on scratch sheet
of paper and underline the spelling pattern-ew.
Read some of the sticky notes aloud from the
anchor chart.
TW distribute topic 5 test,
SW number their paper 1 to 5 and make the
following words using went: few, screw, grew,
blew, and stew.
TW tell the students that they will take a quiz about
both stories they have read.
SW complete test independently.
Distribute the teacher made quiz.
Closure: After each student has complete their test,
the class will go over problems that were difficult on
the test.
Read the questions aloud for the students.
Objective: SW complete a how-to carve a pumpkin
Set: TW tell the students that yesterday they did
their pumpkin drawing. Now they’re ready to write
the steps in order.
Tell the students to think about how they will carve
their pumpkin and write the steps on their Steps
for Carving sheet.
Procedure: Before writing remind students to use
precise nouns. Tell the students to use the exact
name for each person, place, or thing. For example,
when you say “French poodle,” your audience can
picture what you mean much better than when you
just say “dog.”
Remind the students to use vigorous verbs. Tell the
students that they need to tell their audience
exactly what is going on. Instead of saying,
“Maurice was in the park,” you could say, “Maurice
was dribbling a basketball at the park.”
Refer to the transition words anchor chart and
remind the students to use transition words in their
Give the students time to work on their writing.
Distribute the WOW Words thesaurus to help the
students with their word choice.
Closure: After the students have completed their
Steps for Carving template, tell them that now they
will use their template to create a how-to carve a
pumpkin paragraph.
TW give the students writing paper to write their
final writing.
Assessment: TW grade the students writing piece
using a checklist.
Week 11: Oct.27-31
7:30-8:00 Breakfast/Calendar Math 9:00-9:05 Restroom 11:05-11:20 Recess 11:37-12:03 Lunch 12:03-12:08 Restroom 12:20-1:10 Related Arts 1:10-2:10 Guided Reading
(Whole Group- 8:00-9:00; Centers- 9:05-9:35)
Word Study
Assessment: TW grade the unit test for 80%
Assess: TW use observation of students ability
to correctly guess the covered words.
Material: topic 5 test, topic 5 re-teaching sheet
Mat: sticky notes, guess the covered word
passage-Halloween, scratch sheet of paper
Shared Reading
Display the diagram in the story Let’s Learn About
Pumpkins so that the students can answer the
necessary questions.
Closure: After collecting everyone’s test the class
will discuss questions that were difficult on the
Assessment: TW grade the teacher-made quiz for
80% accuracy.
Thursday (2)
Materials: KWL chart, sticky notes, teacher-made
Writer’s Workshop
Closure: Invite each group to share its poster with
the class and tell what they think will help them
most during prewriting. Hang the posters and tell
students to use them as a resource during writing
Assessment: TTW check each groups posters for an
understanding of the strategies used for prewriting.
Materials: construction paper (long sheets-5),
Week 11: Oct.27-31
7:30-8:00 Breakfast/Calendar Math 9:00-9:05 Restroom 11:05-11:20 Recess 11:37-12:03 Lunch 12:03-12:08 Restroom 12:20-1:10 Related Arts 1:10-2:10 Guided Reading
Friday (1)
(Whole Group- 8:00-9:00; Centers- 9:05-9:35)
Word Study
Shared Reading
Writer’s Workshop
** Student Holiday**
**Student Holiday**
**Student Holiday**
**Student Holiday**
Week 11: Oct.27-31
7:30-8:00 Breakfast/Calendar Math 9:00-9:05 Restroom 11:05-11:20 Recess 11:37-12:03 Lunch 12:03-12:08 Restroom 12:20-1:10 Related Arts 1:10-2:10 Guided Reading
Friday (2)
(Whole Group- 8:00-9:00; Centers- 9:05-9:35)
Word Study
Shared Reading
Writer’s Workshop