INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS MK - 673 School of Business and Economics Resource Person Program Prerequisite for the course Credit Hours Semester Class Timings Manqoosh ur Rehman MBA All Marketing Core Courses 03 Spring 2014 Thursday 6:30 to 9:30 Monday Tuesday Thursday Counselling Hours 12:00 pm to 02:30 pm 12:00 pm to 02:30 pm 03:00 pm to 06:00 pm Telephone # 111-300-200 Ext. 3393 0302-4556733 E-mail INTRODUCTION Branding is the key advantage of contemporary marketing. Developing and maintaining strong, profitable brands is the prime objective of all marketing initiatives. While all marketing activities contribute to the development of strong brands, IMC activities make the largest contribution. Towards the end of 20th century, it became clear that the traditional marketing approaches used for the development of brand equity were not working effectively. Advertising through the traditional mass media was no longer effective due to media fragmentation, changing media habits and lack of consumer confidence. A new communication approach, called IMC, was therefore developed to manage brands in the new brand communication landscape. The premise of IMC is that everything a company does, and things it does not do contribute to the development of brand image. Much of IMC is still about advertising but it goes much deeper and is much wider in scope. It takes advantage of traditional and new communication media and leverages their strengths. It also looks at new innovative ways for companies to communicate about their brand, in an integrated fashion. UMT-School of Business and Economics MK-673 1 of 4 The course takes a purely practical approach. It makes use of various case studies; hands on assignments and contemporary literature to develop students’ understanding about how the IMC activities are planned, implemented, and integrated in reality. LEARNING OBJECTIVES The course has been designed for those students who want to make careers in marketing, brand management or marketing communications. The key emphasis is on understanding the role of marketing communication in developing strong brands and meeting the firm's strategic marketing objectives. Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to: 1. Develop analytical, problem solving, planning, communication, interpersonal and creative skills. 2. Have a sound understanding of contemporary marketing communication theories and tools and know their practical applications. 3. Design and carryout research studies to solve communication problems. 4. Prepare and execute integrated marketing communication plans. 5. Produce integrated marketing communication campaigns. 6. Develop a marketing communications budget and allocate resources within this budget. 7. Evaluate the effectiveness of communication campaigns. LEARNING METHODOLOGY This course will be largely delivered through the case method. The case method is a teaching approach that consists in presenting the students with cases i.e., real life problems and putting them in the role of decision makers facing those problems. This is a participant centered teaching methodology in which students take a lead role in their own and each other’s learning. The students actively discuss the problems in the class and try to identify the causes and solutions to the problems. The teacher acts as a moderator to channel and guide the discussion. The case studies and their related material will be available on Moodle. Details of the case studies and the related literature are given in the “Calendar of Activities”. Participants are expected to read and comprehend the material, prepare the case study and discuss it in small study groups before coming to the class. Participants are expected to not only attend all classes but also fully participate in CASE discussions in a meaningful and productive manner. Plagiarism is severely punished as per university policy. Participants are advised to refrain from copying or claiming credit for anything which is not their own. The same applies to internet downloads. All sources of data or text must be acknowledged properly. UMT-School of Business and Economics MK-673 2 of 4 GRADING SYSTEM Quizzes Assignments Case Presentations Class Participation Mid Term Exam Project Total Sessional Evaluation Final Exam Total 10 % 10 % 10 % 05 % 15 % 15 % 65 % 35 % 100 % RECOMMENDED TEXT BOOK 1. Kenneth E. Clow, Donald Baack, “Integrated Advertising, Promotion and Marketing Communications’, 4th Edition, 2010, Pearson, India. (ISBN: 978-81-317-0996-2) REFERENCE BOOKS 1. William Wells, Sandra Moriarty, John Burnett, “Advertising Principles & Practice”, 7th Edition, 2008, Prentice-Hall, India. (ISBN: 81-317-1414-4). 2. Terence A. Shimp, “Advertising, Promotion and Other Aspects of Integrated Marketing Communications”, 2010, South-Western Cengage Learning (ISBN: 13: 9780-324-59360-0) 3. George Belch, Michael Belch, “Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective”, 8th Edition, 2009, McGraw Hills. (ISBN: 0073381098) 4. Graham Hughes, Chris Fill, “Marketing Communications: 2006-7”, 1st Edition, 2006, Chartered Institute of Marketing (ISBN–13: 978-0-7506-8010-3) REFERENCE MAGAZINES 1. Harvard Business Review 2. Aurora 3. Synergyzer UMT-School of Business and Economics MK-673 3 of 4 CALENDAR OF ACTIVITIES Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 Topic Case Overview of Integrated Marketing Communications IMC Role in Building - Dove the Evolution of A Brands Brand (HBS) Data Driven -Saxonvile Sausage Communication/IMC Company (HBS) Research IMC Planning - Microsoft Office 2007 Launch Campaign (Kellogg School) Strategic IMC - Tanishq: Positioning to Decisions: Capture Indian Woman’s Segmentation, Heart (HBS) Targeting & Positioning Message Strategy - Capital One: Launching A (What to Say?) Mass Media Campaign Creative Strategy - Philips: Sense & Simplicity (How to Say it?) (Thunder Bird) Message Execution/ - The Power of Persuasion: Design & Production An Exercise in Creating Persuasive Advertising (IVEY) Media Strategy - Benecol Spread and Media Planning (Darden) Social & Interactive Obama’s Integrated Media Marketing Communication Strategy (ICMR) Sales Promotion - Boots Hair Care Promotion (IVEY) 13 Personal Selling - Eureka Forbes: Managing the Selling Effort (HBS) 14 Database Marketing & - Cineplex Entertainment: CRM The Loyalty Program (IVEY) 15 Measuring Effectiveness Reading - Chapter 1: Terence A. Shimp - Integrated Marketing Communications (HBS) - Chapter 2: Terence A. Shimp - Integrated Brand Communications (Interbrand) - Chapter 6: Wells, Moriarity & Burnett - Chapter 7: Wells, Moriarity & Burnett - Hand Out - Chapter 4 & 5: Terence A. Shimp - Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning (HBS) - Chapter12: Wells, Moriarity & Burnett - Chapter 8: Terence A. Shimp - Chapter 14: Wells, Moriarity & Burnett - Chapter 8: Clow & Baack - Chapter 11: Terence A. Shimp - Perfect Message at the Perfect Moment - How Media Choices are Changing Online Advertising (HBS) - Social Media (HBS) - A Strategic Perspective on Sales Promotion (MIT) - Chapter 15: Terence A. Shimp - Personal Selling and Sales Management (HBS) - Selling as a Systematic Process (HBS) - CRM Done Right (HBR) - Why CRM Fails – and How to Fix It (MIT) IMC - Marry Kay Cosmetics Inc.: - Tagushi Method: Measuring Advertising Marketing Communications Effectiveness - Chapter 15: Clow & Baack UMT-School of Business and Economics MK-673 4 of 4