Course Outline

Department of Marketing
Patuakhali Science and Technology University
MKT 517: Integrated Marketing Communications
Course Outline: EMBA 1st Batch (5th Semester)
Faculty: Afjal Hossain, Assistant Professor
Office: Room No-C/213, Academic Building, Department of Marketing, Patuakhali Science and Technology University
Class Schedule: Room No: Conference Room
11.30 AM 2:30 PM
4.00 PM
10:00 AM
Course Description and Objective:
Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) is more essential than ever because the power has shifted from
the marketer to the consumer. Marketers are still struggling with entrenched, parochial structures that inhibit
these efforts from achieving their enormous promise. It is the number one concern of senior marketers and
communications professionals. There is real demand to understand how to connect with today's multi-tasking
consumer using a multimedia approach. Forward-thinking professionals incorporate a customer-centric, datadriven, integrated marketing approach. Interestingly IMC is embraced by marketers, 74% of IMC campaigns
are for most of their brands, the existence of functional silos and the lack of strategic consistency across
communications disciplines are regularly cited as the key barriers to implementing IMC
campaigns. Organizations use IMC plans to present a unified message to the target market. Advertising,
public relations, promotion, branding, direct marketing, and other low and high technology tools are
integrated to effectively listen to and communicate with the target market. Successful IMC plans are built on a
holistic view of the target market, with an understanding of how they think, make decisions and act. This
course will help you develop two essential skills:
1. The knowledge and tools to develop an effective integrated strategy and
2. The leadership style needed to break through organizational barriers and silos to execute the strategy
Pre-requisite: Kenneth E. Clow and Donald Baack. 2004. Integrated Advertising, Promotion and Marketing
Communications. 3rd ed. Prentice Hall Inc.
Suggested Readings:
 George E. Belch and A. Belch. 1998. Advertising & Promotion. Irwin McGraw Hill.
Method of Instruction: The course will be a combination of Lectures, Class Assignment/s, Class Test, Class
Participation, Case Preparation and Presentation, Mid-Term, Final Exam and a Group Project.
Examination/ Assignment
Mid-Term (s)/ Class Test(s)
Class Participation/ Assignment (s)/ Case Preparation and Presentation
Final Exam
Attendance Grading: As per University Rule.
Weight of Total
Grade (%)
Class Participation: Class participation is highly encouraged through the following activities 
In-class Activities and Assignments
Class involvement through Contributing to Discussion
Cooperation and Attitude
Attendance and Promptness
Showing Signs of significant gradual improvement throughout the course
Assignments: You will be assigned with small tasks or case analysis. Writing quality will count. Poorly
written papers grammar, spelling, absence of logic etc. will not help convince that your ideas are sound.
Group Project (Term Paper): Possible topics of group will be discussed in the class. The paper should be
within 30 pages with Font size 12 with 1.5 line spacing. Include a list of references at the end of the paper.
75% of the points for the paper will depend on content and the other 25% on presentation (grammar,
spelling etc.). Submit a Project Proposal of 1 page within the 7 days as given the declaration. Each team
will present their project at the end of the semester to class (dates are given on tutorial calendar).
Mid-Term Exam: The Exam will be held at the 11th Lectures at least. The exam may be a mixture of
MCQ, Fill in the Blanks, True-False identification and Short Questions. The Questions will be designed as
40% general and 60% conceptual.
Final Exam: The Final Question also will be designed as 40% general and 60% conceptual. Students will
also have to be prepared to solve a CASE.
Course Calendar:
Chapter One: Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC)
Communication and IMC Programs-The Communication Process-Barriers to Communication-Integrated Marketing
Chapter Two: Corporate Image and Brand Management
Components of Corporate Image-Role of Corporate Image-Branding-Brand Equity-Brand Extensions-Co-brandingPrivate Branding-Branding Management Process
Chapter Three: Business to Business Buyer Behavior
Business Customer-Business Buying Centers and Factors-Business Sales-Business to Business Buying Process
Chapter Four: Promotion Opportunity Analysis
IMC Plan-Communication Market Analysis-IMC Objectives-IMC Budget-Prepare Promotional Strategies-Market
Segmentation-Business GIMC Programs
Chapter Five: Advertising Management
Role of Advertisement in the IMC Process-Company Activities in Advertising MGT-Communication and Advertising
Chapter Six: Advertising Design-Message Strategies and Executional Frameworks
Message Strategies-Cognitive Strategies-Affective Strategies-Brand Strategies-Executional Frameworks-Model of
Creating an Advertisement-Advertisement Effectiveness
Chapter Seven: Advertisement Media Selection
Media Strategy-Media Planning-Media Selection-Media Mix-Media Selection in Business to Business Markets
Chapter Eight: Trade Promotion
Nature of Trade Promotion-Types of Trade Promotions-Objectives of Trade Promotions
Chapter Nine: Consumer Promotion
Coupons-Premiums-Bonus Packs-Price off
Chapter Ten: Personal Selling, Database Marketing and Customer Relationship Management
Personal Selling Services-Telemarketing-Retail Sales Presentations-Database Marketing Steps-Methods of Direct
Marketing-Permissions Marketing-Customer Relationship Management Steps
Chapter Eleven: Public Relations Events
Cause Related Marketing-Green Marketing-Public Relations Tools-Sponsorship Marketing-Event Marketing
Chapter Twelve: Internet Marketing
Marketing Functions on the Internet-E-commerce-E-commerce Incentives-Business to Business E-commerce
Be Creative and Be Professional