BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING (HONS) INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING UTAR VISION To be a global university of educational excellence with transformative societal impact Mapping of UTAR Mission and Programme Objectives (PEO) UTAR MISSION 1. Universal values in our beliefs 2. Tenacity in overcoming challenges 3. Agility in facing new frontiers 4. Responsibility in pursuit of excellence Programme Objectives (PEO) 1. Produce multi-skilled engineer who contributes to the advancement of the discipline and is competent in solving complex engineering problems systematically using fundamental scientific and engineering principles in industrial engineering with creativity and innovation through the aids of modern analytical and design tools including research methodology. 2. Nurture engineer who strives for responsible leadership, scientific and engineering innovations and wealth creation making use of state of the art ICT and multimedia tools, and is capable of communicating and managing effectively, as a leader and/or team player in diverse sectors of industrial engineering. 3. Promote development of an engineer who is committed to personal holistic development, life-long learning, and principles of sustainable development to solve engineering problems and practices professional virtues with strong moral values in all areas of industrial engineering with considerations for natural resources, public health and safety, environment and cost effectiveness for the betterment of the profession and society. Mission 1 (U) PEO1 PEO2 PEO3 Mission 2 (T) Mission 3 (A) √ √ Mission 4 (R) √ √ 1 Mapping of Programme Objectives (PEO) and Programme Outcome (PO) Programme Outcomes (PO) Upon completion of the programme, students will be able to: 1. Acquire and apply fundamental knowledge of science, engineering and mathematics, with an engineering focus in solving complex engineering problems; 2. Apply first principles of mathematics, natural and engineering sciences to identify, study, formulate and evaluate complex engineering problems based on systematic approach and leading to authenticated conclusions; 3. Devise solutions for complex engineering problems and design systems, components or processes by taking into consideration cost-effectiveness and specific concerns for public health, safety and environment; 4. Make use of research based knowledge and methodology through critical thinking to interpret, analyse, and study complex engineering problems, designs and operational performances to reach convincing conclusions; 5. Apply original engineering techniques and state of the art engineering and IT resources to model, simulate and analyse complex engineering problems within the relevant constraints and range of validity; 6. Apply appropriate knowledge in the evaluation and assessment of subject matters pertinent to the professional engineering practice with considerations of public health and safety, community welfare and cultural perspectives as well as legal, moral and ethical responsibilities; 7. Recognise the significance of sustainable development when devising professional solutions to engineering problems with a clear understanding and pro-active considerations of environmental concerns as well as needs for eco-friendly continual growth for local and global community; 8. Apply professional virtues and principles with strong commitment to moral and ethical responsibilities during the course of engineering practice; 9. Demonstrate the ability to convey ideas and information effectively within the engineering profession and the general community when addressing complex engineering issues and activities, including unambiguous interpretation of data and instructions, enlightening oral presentations and writing skills evident in accurate documentation of designs and solutions; 10. Display capability to work competently in the context of a diverse team within multidisciplinary environment, as an individual member with teamwork fortitude or as an inspiring leader with effective management skills; 11. Recognize the need to take on independent life-long learning and continuous self improvement in the context of scientific and engineering advancement and professional development; 12. Show capability to comprehend and apply engineering and management philosophy to manage projects of in cross disciplinary content, as a member or a leader in a team realising the importance of cost-effective design and solution for sustainable development. PEO1 PEO2 PEO3 PO 1 √ PO 2 √ PO 3 √ PO 4 √ PO 5 √ PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 √ √ √ PO 9 PO 10 √ √ PO 11 PO 12 √ √ 2 Mapping of Programme Outcome (PO) and Course Outcome (CO) PO 1 - Acquire and apply fundamental knowledge of science, engineering and mathematics, with an engineering focus in solving complex engineering problems; PO 2 - Apply first principles of mathematics, natural and engineering sciences to identify, study, formulate and evaluate complex engineering problems based on systematic approach and leading to authenticated conclusions; PO 3 - Devise solutions for complex engineering problems and design systems, components or processes by taking into consideration cost-effectiveness and specific concerns for public health, safety and environment; PO 4 - Make use of research based knowledge and methodology through critical thinking to interpret, analyse, and study complex engineering problems, designs and operational performances to reach convincing conclusions; PO 5 - Apply original engineering techniques and state of the art engineering and IT resources to model, simulate and analyse complex engineering problems within the relevant constraints and range of validity; PO 6 - Apply appropriate knowledge in the evaluation and assessment of subject matters pertinent to the professional engineering practice with considerations of public health and safety, community welfare and cultural perspectives as well as legal, moral and ethical responsibilities; PO 7 - Recognise the significance of sustainable development when devising professional solutions to engineering problems with a clear understanding and pro-active considerations of environmental concerns as well as needs for eco-friendly continual growth for local and global community; PO 8 - Apply professional virtues and principles with strong commitment to moral and ethical responsibilities during the course of engineering practice; PO 9 - Demonstrate the ability to convey ideas and information effectively within the engineering profession and the general community when addressing complex engineering issues and activities, including unambiguous interpretation of data and instructions, enlightening oral presentations and writing skills evident in accurate documentation of designs and solutions; PO 10 - Display capability to work competently in the context of a diverse team within multidisciplinary environment, as an individual member with teamwork fortitude or as an inspiring leader with effective management skills; PO 11 - Recognize the need to take on independent life-long learning and continuous self improvement in the context of scientific and engineering advancement and professional development; PO 12 - Show capability to comprehend and apply engineering and management philosophy to manage projects of in cross disciplinary content, as a member or a leader in a team realising the importance of cost-effective design and solution for sustainable development. 3 Course Outcome (CO) No PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10 PO 11 PO 12 Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Programme Outcome (PO) Assessment C P F PO 1 PO 2 √ √ III √ √ VI √ √ III √ √ III √ √ III √ √ III √ III III √ III √ IV √ III Course Name Compulsory 1. 2. 3. UGCM1653 Mathematics for Engineering I (a). Use matrix method to solve simultaneous linear equations (b). Evaluate derivative and integral of given functions and apply them to solve related problems (c). Solve ordinary differential equations (d). Apply Laplace transform to solve ordinary differential equations (e). Use vector operations to solve problems in two or three dimensional geometry (f). Use the derivatives of functions of several variables to solve optimization problems UGIA1012 Statics (a). Apply fundamental scientific laws and idealization in solving mechanics problem. (b). Determine centroid and moment of inertia of an area / body of arbitrary shape. (c). Apply equations of equilibrium for particles and rigid body equilibrium problems. (d). Analyse forces acting on an element / truss system and their resultant moments. (e). Apply principle of statics to calculate the internal shear force and bending moment as functions of location along an element. (f). Operate experiment apparatus, analyse and interpret data. UGEA1313 Basic Electronics (a). Analyse the operation of diode through circuit applications (b). Design biasing circuit for transistor √ √ IV √ √ √ IV √ √ √ VI 4 Course Outcome (CO) PO 1 PO 2 √ √ √ √ √ 5. (c). Analyze gain and input/output impedances of transistor amplifiers (d). Design circuit functions using operational amplifiers UCCM2623 Numerical Methods and Statistics (a). Use numerical techniques to solve equations and linear systems (b). Apply numerical techniques to solve optimisation and calculus problems (c). Find eigenvalues and eigenvectors numerically (d). Solve ordinary and partial differential equations numerically (e). Understand the concepts of probability theory and use the tools of statistical interference to draw conclusions about a population from a sample (f). Apply the numerical and statistical methods learnt to solve simple engineering problems UDPS1043 Introduction to Operations Research 6. (a). Formulate problems into a linear programming model (b). Choose and use a suitable method to solve a linear programming or transportation problem (c). Detect the similarities and differences between simplex and revised simplex methods (d). Perform the economic interpretation and the sensitivity analysis of the optimal solution (e). Apply the duality theory to linear programming problems (f). Analyze and solve transportation, transshipment and assignment problems (g). Formulate and solve a goal programming problem (h). Solve linear programming problems using computer software UCCS1633 Fundamentals of Programming No 4. PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10 PO 11 PO 12 Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Programme Outcome (PO) Assessment C P F Course Name √ IV √ VI √ III √ √ III √ √ III √ √ III √ √ III √ √ III √ VI √ I √ I √ IV √ III √ III √ VI √ III √ 5 Course Outcome (CO) PO 1 No 7. 8. PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10 PO 11 PO 12 Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Programme Outcome (PO) Assessment C P F Course Name (a). Recognise the programming language’s structure, characteristics and features (b). Use programming language to build algorithm to solve engineering and scientific problems (c). Recognise the need and benefits of modular programming (d). Apply advanced features like data structure and dynamic memory allocation (e). Apply File I/O UGCM1713 Mathematics for Engineering II (a). Calculate double, triple, line and surface integrals (b). Evaluate curl, gradient and divergence (c). Solve various second order linear ordinary differential equations (d). Solve simple partial differential equations via separation of variables technique (e). Express complex numbers in Cartesian, polar or exponential form UGIA1023 Dynamics (a). Solve dynamical problems undergoing rectilinear, curvilinear and plane motion. (b). Apply Newton's Second Law to solve plane motion problems for particles and rigid bodies. (c). Use impulse and momentum method in solving problems related to impact for particles and rigid bodies. (d). Apply work and energy methods to calculate kinetics properties of a particle and rigid body. (e). Determine vibration properties for undamped and damped vibration system. (f). Acquire, interpret, analyse experimental results and produce a full engineering laboratory report. √ √ I √ √ III √ √ I √ √ III III √ √ √ √ III IV √ √ III √ √ III √ √ III √ III √ III √ IV √ IV IV √ √ IV 6 Course Outcome (CO) No Course Name 9. UGIA3013 Capstone Project (a). Identify current real world technology & engineering issues (b). Develop a viable project plan for the identified issues (c). Conduct design implementation activities (d). Prepare presentation and provide technical defence on the project UGIA1042 Principles of Industrial Engineering (a). Explain what is industrial engineering and how different field of Industrial Engineering work together (b). Solve elementary problems using scientific approach (c). Categorize different variable present in the operation of modern manufacturing facilities UGNA1073 Fluid Mechanics (a). Explain fluid properties, Pascal law, and to describe relationship between pressure and elevation (b). Explain the concept of hydrostatics and use it to determine pressures and forces on surfaces and buoyancy force (c). Analyze different type of flow and flow characteristics, compute the energy grade line, and calculate the friction losses and minor losses, energy added and extracted (d). Compare the Bernoulli equation and continuity principle and their application to simple flows such as Pitot-static tubes, free jets, confined flows and flow meters UGIA2182 Principles of Electrical Power and Machines (a). Apply theorems in solving magnetic circuit problems and three phase system problems (b). Apply basic principles of energy conversion in the analysis of linear and non-linear systems (c). Analyze the performance of transformer base on the 10 11 12 PO 1 PO 2 √ √ PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ PO 10 PO 11 PO 12 Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Programme Outcome (PO) C I VI VI V P F II III IV √ Assessment V √ √ √ V √ √ √ IV √ √ V √ √ √ √ IV III III 7 Course Outcome (CO) PO 1 No 13 14 15 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10 PO 11 PO 12 Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Programme Outcome (PO) Assessment C P F Course Name transformer principles (d). Differentiate and describe various types of electrical machine and motor UGIA2263 Mechanics of Solid (a). Analyse mechanical behaviours of engineering materials and allowable stresses and loads using factor of safety and material strength (b). Apply the suitable equations and methods to solve the problem and conducting experiments, analyse and interpret data that related to stress, strain, axial load, torsion, bending, deformation, transverse loading, combined loading, stress and strain transformation, deflection and internal pressure (c). Sketch the shear force and bending moment diagrams for beams and axial and torque distribution diagrams for beams, shafts, columns (d). Analyse and discuss the behaviour of concentric and eccentric loaded columns and calculate Euler critical buckling loads for various support conditions UGIA2073 Introduction to Material Science (a). Explain the structure and properties of materials (b). Classify material according to their class and differentiate different type of material base on their strength and weakness (c). Solve engineering problems using the appropriate materials UGIA2042 Thermodynamics (a). Identify and convert units within the combination of engineering system and absolute system of units (b). Use thermodynamics law and tables of properties to solve thermodynamic problems and to evaluate reversibility and feasibility of thermodynamic systems √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ IV IV III III IV √ III √ IV III √ III III 8 Course Outcome (CO) No 16 17 18 PO 1 PO 2 √ √ PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10 PO 11 PO 12 Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Programme Outcome (PO) Assessment C P F Course Name (c). Sketch the thermodynamic state diagrams and calculate the work done and heat transfers of each process (d). Conduct thermodynamic experiments, analyse data and interpret experimental results UGIA1083 Manufacturing Technology I (a). Compare and contrast engineering product manufacturing processes and inform on their limitations, especially in terms of workplace behaviour and effective use (b). Select manufacturing process routes for economic manufacture (c). Apply constraints on product design due to the process of manufacture UDPS2293 Queuing Models (a). Model physical processes and systems (b). Derive the performance measurement of various queueing models (c). Assess queueing systems using analytical methods and simulation (d). Use a computer package to construct and assess the performance of various queueing models UGPA1122 Heat and Mass Transfer (a). Relate heat transfer correlations to the corresponding mass transfer correlations based on heat and mass transfer analogy (b). Calculate the heat transfer coefficient in simple geometries and the heat transfer rate (c). Calculate the mass transfer coefficient in simple geometries and the mass transfer rate (d). Analyze the performance of heat exchangers, and mass transfer equipment √ III √ IV √ √ IV √ III √ VI √ VI √ V III III √ IV √ IV IV √ √ √ III √ 9 Course Outcome (CO) No Course Name 19 UGPA2083 Process Control & Instrumentation (a). Formulate dynamics systems by equations and by transfer functions in block diagrams using Laplace Transforms (b). Determine the response characteristics and process parameters of first-order and second-order of control system to step, impulse and sinusoidal inputs (c). Estimate the frequency response and stability limits of a control systems with techniques such as tuning proportional, proportional—integral and proportionalintegral-derivative control systems (d). Develop the overall transfer function and response for a control system involving variety of parameters and processes instrumentation such as temperature sensors and final control elements UGEA3934 Industrial Training (a). Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the job scope and responsibilities (b). Analyze, synthesize and integrate knowledge and information within the context of the task and job scope given (c). Demonstrate the ability to apply theoretical knowledge and practical skills in addressing an issue (d). Demonstrate the ability to seek, adapt and provide solutions to address challenges and concerns within the industrial attachment environment (e). Recognize and practice the concept of lifelong learning for continuous self improvement in new and relevant areas of general importance within the working environment (f). Demonstrate awareness of basic commercial, ethical, legal and social issues related to the job scope (g). Communicate and demonstrate adequate interpersonal 20 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 9 PO 10 PO 11 PO 12 C P F PO 2 √ √ III √ √ III II VI √ PO 8 Assessment PO 1 √ PO 7 Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Programme Outcome (PO) √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ III √ √ √ √ √ √ IV √ √ √ √ √ √ III √ √ √ √ √ √ III √ √ √ √ √ √ III √ √ √ √ √ √ III √ √ √ √ √ √ III 10 Course Outcome (CO) PO 1 No PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10 PO 11 PO 12 Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Programme Outcome (PO) Assessment C P F Course Name skills within the working group community 21 22 23 24 UGIA3103 Computer Aided Design And Manufacturing (a). Develop an understanding of 3D modeling, and recognition of an object in 3D space (b). Construct 2D and 3D models using different modeling approaches (c). Design feature based modeling skill to remove material from a solid model, i.e. hole, pocket, fillet, and chamfer (d). Develop CNC program base on the understanding of the principle of CAD/CAM UGIA3113 Occupational Safety and Management (a). Compare the hazards posed by various engineering operations and be able to specify necessary control measures for each of these hazards (b). Relate human error possibilities inherent in engineering operations and maintenance and handling of materials (c). Justify appropriate analytical techniques to identify hazards in the design and operation of engineering systems UGIA4122 Industrial Laboratory (a). Compare various open-ended projects to solve industry related problems (b). Explain different processes of industry and their suitability and limitation (c). Compose a laboratory report with professional and technical competency and clarity UGEA4913 Project (a). Synthesise a solution for an engineering problem; (b). Utilise systems approach in undertaking an in-depth engineering project; (c). Acquire and apply specialised in-depth knowledge of a technical topic; √ √ √ VI √ √ VI √ √ VI √ √ √ √ √ √ √ V √ √ V √ √ V √ √ V VI III III √ √ √ √ V √ √ V √ √ VI 11 Course Outcome (CO) PO 1 No 25 26 27 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10 PO 11 PO 12 Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Programme Outcome (PO) Assessment C P F Course Name (d). Applying practical aspects of engineering (e). Communicate ideas and information in written and oral form; (f). Demonstrate participation in activities that stimulate personal development capabilities. UDPS2273 Network Modeling and Integer Programming (a). Use appropriate algorithms to solve integer programming problems (b). Formulate real life problems as network flow problems (c). Explain the underlying theorems of network flow problems (d). Use appropriate algorithms to solve network flow problems (e). Perform economic interpretation of network flow solutions (f). Use software packages to solve network flow and integer programming problems UGIA3003 Quality Control and Assurance (a). Evaluate quality control and reliability issues statistically (b). Interpret results in designed experimentation (c). Relate the awareness of designs in product and process development to quality issues (d). Relate the awareness of maintenance, failure risk, health and safety to quality issues UGIA3143 Design Fundamentals for Industrial Engineering (a). Interpret nature of design activities and its basic elements (b). Justify appropriate engineering methods for each stage of the design process (c). Evaluation of products and services by applying the √ III II III √ III √ VI II √ III √ II III V √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ V √ V √ V √ V √ V √ √ V 12 Course Outcome (CO) PO 1 No PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10 PO 11 PO 12 Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Programme Outcome (PO) Assessment C P F Course Name principles of design 28 29 30 31 UGIA3153 Engineering and Service Economics (a). Explain basic of accounting and financial flow (b). Explain depreciation conventions and how they affect the cash flow analysis (c). Justify different method of project evaluation base on financial perspective UGIA4163 Manufacturing Technology II (a). Justify various modern technologies to the manufacture of products and component parts (b). Justify the most suitable process parameters for given conditions in the manufacturing process chain (c). Compare modern manufacturing strategies in various industries UGIA4173 Systems Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking (a). Explain the system structure (at hardware, software, and all other levels) in which certain applications are executed (b). Justify the best tools for studying system performance and information metrics (c). Explain the relationship between various metrics and estimate other unobserved metrics (d). Modify system parameters in order to harmonise improvements in the system’s performance UGIA3183 Systems Operations Planning, Schedule & Control (a). Justify appropriate techniques, skills, and tools to identify, formulate, analyze, and solve production, management, engineering and facilities problems (b). Explain economic principles necessary to propose and get approval of production system changes √ V √ V V √ √ √ V √ √ V √ V √ √ V √ V √ V VI √ V √ V √ 13 PO 12 √ √ III √ √ √ V √ √ √ V √ V √ √ V √ √ V Course Outcome (CO) PO 1 No Course Name 32 UGIA4253 Project Management (a). Schedule resource, budget and control cost (b). Assess risk in project management and hence risk management (c). Evaluate quality, time and cost in the project triangle UGIA4193 Facility Planning (a). Justify the techniques needed to plan, analyze, and design new or modify existing production or service facility (b). Justify the techniques needed to evaluate and design material handling and storage systems (c). Compare how changes in one system affect other systems UGIA3063 Inventory Control Analysis and Modeling (a). Justify a suitable model for a given inventory problem to find the optimum solution (b). Interpret the solution obtained from a given inventory problem (c). Justify relevant computation tools and analysis of a given inventory problems UGBIE01 Elective Group - Choose 1 Unit(s) UGIA4203 AI for Engineers (a). Interpret the concept, features and techniques in AI system (b). Formulate the appropriate techniques for searching (c). Summarize the appropriate knowledge representation for different domain problem UGIA4213 Environmental Science (a). Explain major types and sources of environmental pollutants (b). Justify the various parameters applicable to the 33 34 35 Assessment Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Programme Outcome (PO) PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 √ √ √ √ √ PO 8 PO 9 PO 10 PO 11 C P F V V √ V √ √ V √ √ VI √ VI √ √ √ V √ √ V 14 Course Outcome (CO) PO 1 No PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10 PO 11 PO 12 Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Programme Outcome (PO) Assessment C P F Course Name environmental control of water, air and soil (c). Compare the treatment technologies used for air and wastewater pollutants; solid and hazardous wastes (d). Summarise the significance of environmental pollution processes, contemporary global environmental issues, environmental policies and their effects on the present and future technological developments UGEA2463 Renewable Energy (a). Discuss the thermodynamic performance of cycles used to extract power from renewable (b). Discuss the main sources of renewable energy, the origins of those sources (c). Students have a quantitative understanding of the energy generating potential of renewable energy sources (d). Perform analyses of energy conversion from these sources, and determine analytically the power requirements, power output, and efficiency of renewable energy driven power cycles (e). Evaluate the framework within which renewable energy is studied including the economic, socio-economic, political, historical, and environmental contexts that are relevant UGEA3393 Introduction to Nuclear Engineering (a). Apply the knowledge of nuclear physics to explain, solve, analyse and evaluate nuclear reactions (b). Comprehend the working principles and operation of different types of nuclear power plants and the process of nuclear power generation (c). Discuss the reactor safety, reactor shielding and radioactive waste disposal issues (d). Identify various types of radiation detection and measurements in terms of radiation exposure, √ √ V √ √ VI √ √ III √ √ III √ √ IV √ √ IV √ √ √ V √ √ √ V √ √ II √ √ IV II √ √ √ √ 15 Course Outcome (CO) PO 1 No 36 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10 PO 11 PO 12 Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Programme Outcome (PO) Assessment C P F Course Name absorbed dose and dose equivalent (e). Explain and describe the biological effect and biomedical application of nuclear radiation UCCD1113 Introduction to Multimedia (a). Explain how multimedia technologies are used in various computing applications (b). Select appropriate multimedia components and file formats for use in various multimedia applications (c). Select appropriate tools for editing and manipulating individual multimedia components (d). Identify appropriate tools for creating multimedia applications (e). Integrate different media in a coherent manner UGBIE02 Elective Group - Choose 1 Unit(s) UBMH1013 Organization and Human Resource (a). Identify and describe the basic concepts of business organisation and management (b). Apply the knowledge of motivation, communication, conflict, group and team dynamics, leadership, structure and culture in organisation to increase the effectiveness of organisation (c). Use the knowledge of human resource to design the process of acquiring, training, appraising employees, compensating employees, and attending to their employment relations, health, and safety issues in practice UGIA4223 Quality Systems Management (a). Evaluate and apply the principles of Total Quality Management (b). Explain the quality planning process and assess the quality organizational structure (c). Assess variation and various problem solving √ IV √ I √ I √ I √ I √ VI √ I √ III √ III √ V √ V √ V 16 Course Outcome (CO) PO 1 No 37 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10 PO 11 PO 12 Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Programme Outcome (PO) Assessment C P F Course Name techniques to quality (d). Relate the human component and the use of employee empowerment in the improvement of quality UGNA4943 Environmental Impact Assessment (a). Relate the concept of environmental impact assessment with the cost benefit of the projects economically and socially; (b). Apply the principles and procedures of environmental impact assessment to evaluate the degree of environmental impacts for a particular project; (c). Create an environmental impact assessment report in accordance to the standard requirement; (d). Plan the contents of EMP reports UGNA4923 Environmental Risk Management (a). Explain definitions and concepts related to environmental risk management (b). Categorize the stages in environmental risk management and construct the risk and development rating criteria (c). Summarize the pathway for risk transportation and health impact in particular to cancer risks UBTD2033 Logistics Management (a). Identify how logistics affects the economy as well as the profitability and competitive performance of corporations (b). Comprehend how logistics supports organisations success (c). Explain the role of the key logistics activities and manage the logistic process effectively MPU33043 Engineers In Society (a). Explain and analyse the impact of technology on society from the social, political, economic and √ V √ √ √ V √ √ √ III √ √ √ VI √ √ √ VI √ V IV √ √ √ √ V √ √ √ √ √ √ √ I II I IV √ 17 PO 12 √ III √ √ IV √ √ V √ VI √ √ II √ √ II √ √ II √ √ II √ √ II √ √ II Course Outcome (CO) PO 1 No 38 39 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 Assessment Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Programme Outcome (PO) PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ PO 9 PO 10 PO 11 C P F Course Name environmental perspectives. (b). Explain and identify issues of engineering safety and legal liabilities. (c). Analyse the role played by the professional engineer in Sustainable Development. (d). Describe and apply conscientiously the professional Code of Ethics. (e). Recognizes and apply concepts related to Lifelong Learning to keep in pace with advancement of technology. UKMM1043 Basic Economics, Accounting, and Management (a). Identify the principles of economics pertaining to their job (b). Identify how economic impact planning and decision making at the workplace (c). Describe the principles of finance, costing and management accounting (d). Identify the basic dimensions of management with specific emphasis on leadership, motivation and communication (e). Identify the baiscs of project management (f). Describe the specific functions of the various key activities in human UGEG2113 Law for Engineers (a). Demonstrate a good understanding of the local legal system and the sources of Malaysia Law (b). Apply the contract law and be able to interact with the legal personnel involved in engineering service (c). Practise the legal duties and responsibilities of employers and employees (d). Identify the law pertraining to computer related crimes √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ III √ √ √ √ III √ √ √ √ III √ √ √ √ II 18 Course Outcome (CO) PO 1 No Course Name 40 UBMM1011 Sun Zi’s Art of War and Business (a). Identify the strategies and methods of war from Sun Zi’s Art of War (b). Analyse the applicability of Sn Zi’s Art of War to modern business strategies and practices (c). Apply the relevant principles and concepts of Zi’s Art of War into modern busines strategies and practices MPU32043 English for Engineering (a). Take and make notes from lectures and from technical discourse (b). Identify key points from technical texts and discourse (c). Read and comprehend technical texts and discourse (d). Interpret graphical data (e). Identify various types of reports (f). Write reports and memoranda using correct format and language (g). Write simple instructions (h). Participate in discussion and give oral presentation LANGXX0X3 National Language / Other Language MPU32013 Bahasa Kebangsaan (A) (a). Menggunakan bahasa dengan berkesan dari segi lisan dan tulisan (b). Berkomunikasi secara lisan dengan berkesan dari segi sebutan dan intonasi, tatabahasa, kosa kata, ungkapan dan laras. (c). Memahami bahan bertulis yang beraneka jenis dan gaya, dan seterusnya mengungkapkan fikiran secara lisan dan tulisan dengan bahasa yang betul dan berkesan (d). Merumuskan butiran dan memperluas sesuatu idea dengan cara yang tersusun, padat, dan berkesan, 41 42 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10 PO 11 PO 12 Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Programme Outcome (PO) Assessment C P F PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 √ √ √ I √ √ √ I √ √ √ III √ II √ √ √ √ IV II V IV √ I √ √ I III √ III √ III √ II √ V 19 Course Outcome (CO) PO 1 No PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10 PO 11 PO 12 Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Programme Outcome (PO) Assessment C P F Course Name secara lisan dan tulisan. (e). Mengarang pelbagai teks dengan bahasa yang betul dan berkesan. (f). Berkomunikasi secara lisan dan bertulis dengan sopan, di samping mengekalsuburkan nilai-nilai murni masyarakat Malaysia. UALB1003 Introduction to German Language (a). Communicate in German using basic grammar (b). Communicate in German using basic vocabulary (c). Read and write simple texts in German (d). Listen to and speak in basic German UALF1003 Introduction to French (a). Use basic grammar of French (b). Communicate orally in the French language (c). Write and read simple texts (d). Use simple vocabulary in limited situations UALJ2013 Introduction to Japanese (a). Develop basic listening and conversation skills for day– to-day communication in Japanese language (b). Develop writing skills up to the level of simple sentences (c). Introduce students to Japanese culture (e.g. annual events like New Year, Children’s Day) UALM1003 Introduction to Tamil Language (a). Use basic and common words in Tamil to interact in everyday situations (b). Speak with the correct pronunciation (c). Use elements of basic grammar for oral communication (d). Identify some essential elements of Indian culture √ V √ III √ √ √ √ III III III III √ √ √ √ III III III III √ III √ III √ III √ III √ √ √ III III II 20 Course Outcome (CO) PO 1 No 43 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10 PO 11 PO 12 Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Programme Outcome (PO) Assessment C P F Course Name UALT1003 Introduction to Thai Language (a). Use Thai language in daily life (b). Speak Thai using the vocabulary, phrases and sentences learned in the course UJLL1073 Communicative Tamil for Health Sciences (a). Use basic and common words in Tamil to interact in every day situations when dealing with patients in the hospital (b). Speak with the correct pronunciation (c). Use elements of basic grammar for oral communication in hospitals and clinics (d). Identify some essential elements of Indian culture. UJLL1093 Introduction to Korean (a). Recognize Korean characters and pronounce Korean words. (b). Comprehend basic Korean grammar and features of the culture (c). Show basic skills of reading, speaking, listening and writing in Korean. (d). Use the Koreanlanguage confidently in conversations in daily life MPU3XX3 Core Group - Choose 1 Unit(s) MPU3123 Tamadun Islam dan Tamadun Asia (a). Menyenaraikan konsep-konsep utama Tamadun Islam dan Tamadun Asia (b). Menerangkan kepentingan dan peranan agama dan budaya masing-masing dalam kehidupan (c). Mengaplikasi kemahiran komunikasi secara berkesan dalam penulisan dan lisan di peringkat individu, kumpulan dan masyarakat MPU3143 Bahasa Melayu Komunikasi 2 √ III √ III √ III √ III √ III II √ II √ V √ II √ II √ I √ II III √ √ 21 Course Outcome (CO) PO 1 No 44 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10 PO 11 PO 12 Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Programme Outcome (PO) Assessment C P F Course Name (a). Mengenal pasti sistem bunyi, sistem ejaan rumi, kosa kata dan tatabahasa Melayu dalam ayat mudah (b). Mendengar, memahami pertuturan dan bertutur dalam pelbagai situasi harian (c). Menganalisis penggunaan teknik-teknik khusus berkomunikasi dalam perbualan formal atau tidak formal (d). Membina kemahiran pelajar mendapatkan maklumat, meminta dan memberi cadangan tentang tempattempat menarik di Malaysia MPU31X3 Core Group - Choose 1 Unit(s) MPU3113 Hubungan Etnik (a). Menerangkan peranan pluraliti budaya, masyarakat dan kumpulan etnik dalam memupuk perpaduan (b). Mengenalpasti cabaran pluralisasi budaya dan pelaksanaannya dalam konteks permuafakatan sosial di Malaysia (c). Mengaplikasi kemahiran sosial dalam kalangan pelajar ke arah mewujudkan masyarakat bersatu padu (d). Menganalisis isu-isu dan cabaran dalam konteks hubungan Etnik di Malaysia. MPU3173 Malaysian Studies 3 (a). Narrate the history of Malaysia (b). Discuss the progress of the nation from the sociocultural, political and economic aspects (c). Elaborate the administrative system of Malaysia (d). Describe the contributions from the various individuals involved in defending the nation’s sovereignty and freedom (e). Relate the main policies of the government and its contribution to the national development (f). Analyze the function and contributions of Malaysia at √ II √ III √ IV √ V √ II √ II III IV √ II √ II √ II √ II √ I √ IV √ √ 22 Course Outcome (CO) PO 1 No PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10 PO 11 PO 12 Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Programme Outcome (PO) Assessment C P F Course Name international level 45 MPU34XX2 Co-Curricular MPU34012 Social Entrepreneurship Project (a). Adapt to various context of life experience (b). Demonstrate their soft skills in the areas of: ethics, communication, teamwork, leadership, entrepreneurship, emotional intelligence, critical thinking, creative thinking, problems solving and decision making (c). Apply life long learning skills (d). Demonstrate social responsibility towards community and society MPU34022 Arts and Cultural Performance Project (a). Demonstrate new talents and creativity skills through performance. (b). Apply soft skills in the areas of: professional ethics, communication, teamwork, emotional intelligence, critical thinking, creative thinking, problems solving and decision making. (c). Develop life long learning skills. (d). Appreciate aesthetic value and promote humanity. MPU34032 Community Project (a). Observe issues and protocol when dealing with people of different background, culture and practices. (b). Apply soft skills in the areas of: professional ethics, communication, teamwork, emotional intelligence, critical thinking, creative thinking, problems solving and decision making when working with people in real life community. (c). Create networking opportunities in the community. (d). Develop life long learning skills. √ III √ III √ III √ III √ √ III √ √ III √ V II √ √ III √ III √ V V √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 23 Course Outcome (CO) PO 1 No PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10 PO 11 PO 12 Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Programme Outcome (PO) Assessment C P F Course Name MPU34042 Language, Culture and Social Study Abroad 1. (a). Improve proficiency of the language of country visited. (b). Relate experience in others culture. (c). Demonstrate confidence in dealing with people of different culture. MPU34052 Team Work and Collaborative Project (a). Define problems of working with strangers /people of different background from other organisation (b). Listen and share information and ideas with others to complete a task (c). Acknowledge others’ skills, experience, creativity and contributions (d). Build practical and sustainable teamwork skill, communication skill and Emotional Intelligence through collaborative project. MPU34062 Study Soft Skills and/or Life Skills Abroad (a). Improve soft skills and life skills through learning and interacting with people of country visited (b). Relate experience of other cultures (c). Demonstrate confidence in dealing with people of different cultures Old Course Structure UCCM1653 Mathematics for Engineering I (a). Use matrix method to solve simultaneous linear equations (b). Evaluate derivative and integral of given functions and apply them to solve related problems (c). Use vector operations to solve two or three dimensional geometric problems (d). Use the derivative of functions of several variables to solve optimization problems √ III III √ √ √ III √ √ III √ √ III √ √ II √ √ IV √ √ III √ III √ III √ √ √ √ √ √ III √ √ IV √ √ III √ √ III 24 Course Outcome (CO) No 2. 3. 4. PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10 PO 11 PO 12 Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Programme Outcome (PO) Assessment C P F PO 1 PO 2 √ √ √ √ III III √ √ III √ VI √ VI √ I √ III √ III √ √ II √ √ III √ √ II √ √ III √ √ III Course Name (e). Solve linear ordinary differential equations (f). Compute Fourier series for various functions (g). Perform arithmetic of complex numbers in Cartesian, polar or exponential forms UDPS1023 Introduction to Probability and Statistics (a). Organise data in an intelligible manner from a probabilistic and statistical point of view (b). Explore, describe and compare data sets using the basic tools after collecting the data (c). Determine the joint probabilities and conditional probabilities of events (d). Apply probabilistic distribution theory to solve problems in industries (e). Use statistical software to do simple data analysis UCCS1623 Engineering Computing (a). Recognise the need and benefits of modular programming (b). Recognise the programming language’s structure, characteristics and features (c). Use programming language to build algorithm to solve engineering and scientific problems (d). Apply advanced features like data structure and dynamic memory allocation (e). Apply File I/O UCCM1663 Mathematics for Engineering II (a). Calculate double integrals, line integrals and surface integrals (b). Evaluate complex integration with Cauchy integral theorem or Residue theorem (c). Solve difference equations with z-transform method (d). Calculate and apply Laplace transform in engineering √ √ III √ √ VI √ √ √ √ III III 25 Course Outcome (CO) No PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10 PO 11 PO 12 Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Programme Outcome (PO) Assessment C P F PO 1 PO 2 √ √ III √ √ III I √ I √ I √ I √ I III √ VI √ VI √ V III VI II √ III √ I Course Name context 5. 6. 7. (e). Compute Fourier transform of various functions (f). Solve simple partial differential equations via separation of variables technique UDPS1113 Applied Statistical Methods (a). Determine joint distributions for discrete and continuous variables (b). Find probability distribution of function of random variables by methods of distribution functions, transformations and moment-generating functions (c). Perform estimation and hypothesis testing (d). Perform chi-square tests for independence and homogeneity (e). Perform analysis of variance (f). Use statistical software to perform statistical inferences UDPS3113 Queuing Models and Simulation (a). Model physical processes and systems (b). Derive the performance measurement of various queueing models (c). Assess queueing systems using analytical methods and simulation (d). Use a computer simulation package to construct and assess the performance of various queueing models UDPS2043 Project Scheduling and Network Modeling (a). Formulate real life problems as network flow problems (b). Explain the underlying theorems of network flow problems (c). Use appropriate algorithms to solve network flow problems (d). Perform economic interpretation of network flow solutions √ √ √ √ √ 26 Course Outcome (CO) PO 1 No 8. 9. PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10 PO 11 PO 12 Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Programme Outcome (PO) Assessment C P F Course Name (e). Use software packages to solve network flow problems UDPS2143 Design and Analysis of Experiments (a). Apply statistics for research in social sciences and various industries such as manufacturing and agriculture (b). Apply statistics for research in social sciences and various industries such as manufacturing and agriculture (c). Design experiments with single factor (d). Use blocks designs to analyze the relationship between the factors and treatments of an experiment (e). Perform factorial designs UGIA2243 Engineering Analysis (a). Describe a range of problems involving partial differential equations encountered in engineering and analyze multi-dimensional partial differential equation problems using various analytical methods (b). Formulate and construct various numerical schemes such as explicit or implicit finite difference approaches and finite element method to solve a range of engineering problems defined by partial differential equations that involves different types of boundary condition (c). Apply numerical schemes such as explicit and implicit finite difference schemes and finite element method to solve a range of problems involving partial differential equations encountered in engineering involving different boundary conditions (d). Formulate and solve optimization problems by linear programming and other methods such as single and multi-variable search, steepest descent and simplex method √ III √ III √ I √ VI √ III I √ IV III III III 27 Course Outcome (CO) PO 1 No 10. PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10 PO 11 PO 12 Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Programme Outcome (PO) Assessment C P F Course Name (e). Apply Gaussian random variable to analyze and predict an actual random process outcome (f). Quantify the random process properties such as autocorrelation, covariance, cross-correlation and stationarity UGBIE01 Elective Group - Choose 1 Unit(s) UDPS3123 Time Series Analysis (a). Describe the basic concepts and define the terms of time series analysis (b). Perform the parametric modelling for the time series model (c). Develop the forecasts for the time series (d). Perform model identification for time series data (e). Perform the estimation of the parameters and the adequacy checking of the model for the time series (f). Use statistical software to perform estimations of the function, fitting the model and plotting the time series object UDPS3133 Multivariate Analysis (a). Demonstrate the skill of handling multivariate data (b). Determine and calculate the statistics of multivariate data (c). Perform the analysis of covariance structure (d). Classify and group the multivariate observations (e). Interpret multivariate results graphically (f). Interpret and present the results from multivariate analysis using Statistical software UDPS2033 Sample Survey and Sampling Techniques (a). State the definition of the terms and the properties, which are related to the particular survey sample design and analysis III III √ I √ I √ √ VI I √ I III I √ IV √ IV II II II I √ √ √ √ √ √ 28 Course Outcome (CO) PO 1 No 11. 12 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10 PO 11 PO 12 Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Programme Outcome (PO) Assessment C P F Course Name (b). State the consideration of designing a questionnaire and planning a survey (c). Demonstrate the procedure of the particular sampling technique (d). Perform the estimations of means, proportions and totals by confidence intervals (e). Compute the sample size to meet specifications UDPS2013 Numerical Methods (a). Interpret the concepts and theorems of numerical methods (b). Solve mathematical problems using suitable numerical methods (c). Derive the formulas used in numerical methods (d). Perform error analysis and error estimation (e). Perform numerical methods using computer software UGEA3243 Engineers In Society (a). Explain and analyse the impact of technology on society from the social, political, economic and environmental perspectives. (b). Explain and identify issues of engineering safety and legal liabilities. (c). Analyse the role played by the professional engineer in Sustainable Development. (d). Describe and apply conscientiously the professional Code of Ethics. (e). Recognizes and apply concepts related to Lifelong Learning to keep in pace with advancement of technology. UALE1073 English for Engineering (a). Take and make notes from lectures and from technical discourse √ I √ I √ I III II √ III √ IV IV III √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ IV √ √ √ √ √ III √ √ √ √ √ IV √ √ √ √ √ V √ VI √ I √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 29 PO 12 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ I II II II √ √ √ III √ √ √ √ √ √ III II √ √ III √ √ III √ √ II √ √ III √ √ III √ √ III √ √ I √ √ II Course Outcome (CO) PO 1 No PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10 √ √ √ √ PO 11 C P F Course Name (b). (c). (d). (e). (f). 13. PO 2 Assessment Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Programme Outcome (PO) Identify key points from technical texts and discourse Read and comprehend technical texts and discourse Interpret graphical data Identify various types of reports Write reports and memoranda using correct format and language (g). Write simple instructions (h). Participate in discussion and give oral presentation LANG1XX3 Elective Group - Choose 1 Unit(s) MPW2113 Bahasa Kebangsaan (A) (a). Menggunakan bahasa dengan berkesan dari segi lisan dan tulisan (b). Berkomunikasi secara lisan dengan berkesan dari segi sebutan dan intonasi, tatabahasa, kosa kata, ungkapan dan laras. (c). Memahami bahan bertulis yang beraneka jenis dan gaya, dan seterusnya mengungkapkan fikiran secara lisan dan tulisan dengan bahasa yang betul dan berkesan (d). Merumuskan butiran dan memperluas sesuatu idea dengan cara yang tersusun, padat, dan berkesan, secara lisan dan tulisan. (e). Mengarang pelbagai teks dengan bahasa yang betul dan berkesan. (f). Berkomunikasi secara lisan dan bertulis dengan sopan, di samping mengekalsuburkan nilai-nilai murni masyarakat Malaysia. MPW2123 Bahasa Kebangsaan (B) (a). Mengetahui sistem bunyi, sistem ejaan rumi, kosa kata dan tatabahasa Melayu. (b). Mendengar dan memahami pertuturan dalam pelbagai 30 PO 12 √ √ III √ √ II √ √ V √ III √ III √ √ III III √ III √ III √ V √ IV √ III √ VI √ II √ II √ VI Course Outcome (CO) PO 1 No PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 Assessment Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Programme Outcome (PO) PO 9 PO 10 PO 11 C P F Course Name situasi harian. 14. (c). Bertutur dalam pelbagai situasi harian. (d). Membaca dan memahami bahan-bahan bacaan yang mudah. (e). Melahirkan idea dan perasaan secara lisan dan tulisan. UALC1003 Introduction to Chinese Language I (a). Pronounce simple Chinese words according to the rules of phonetic spelling (b). Write basic Chinese characters using correct stroke order (c). Speak simple Chinese sentences (d). Write simple grammatical Chinese sentences UALC1013 Introduction to Chinese Language II (a). Learn Chinese pronunciation and the rules of Chinese phonetic symbols (b). Explain Chinese grammar, vocabulary and sentences (c). Develop the understanding of Chinese articles and Chinese newspapers (d). Interpret the works of creative writing UALC1023 Introduction to Chinese Language III (a). Interpret the different types of literature (poetry, fiction and prose) (b). Evaluate and appreciate literary works produced by ancient and modern Chinese writers (c). Recognize the development of Chinese characters. (d). Identify the significant features of traditional Chinese festivals (e). Appraise the Quintessence of Confucianism and Daoism MPW2133 Pengajian Malaysia 31 Course Outcome (CO) PO 1 No 15. PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10 PO 11 PO 12 Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Programme Outcome (PO) Assessment C P F Course Name (a). Menerangkan sejarah negara dan bangsa (b). Membincangkan perkembangan masyarakat dari aspek sosiobudaya, politik dan ekonomi (c). Mengingat kembali jasa tokoh-tokoh yang terlibat dalam memperjuang dan mempertahankan kemerdekaan serta kedaulatan negara (d). Menganalisis peranan serta sumbangan Malaysia di peringkat antarabangsa (e). Menerapkan nilai-nilai patriotisme untuk meningkatkan jati diri sebagai rakyat Malaysia MPWE02 Elective Group - Choose 1 Unit(s) MPW2143 Pengajian Islam (a). Menerangkan mengenai tasawwur Islam secara tepat, (b). Menjelaskan Islam sebagai sebuah peradaban dan tamadun yang menyumbang kepada pembangunan ummah (c). Menghuraikan keupayaan Islam dalam menangani pelbagai cabaran yang dihadapi oleh masyarakat Malaysia. MPW2153 Pendidikan Moral (a). Menerangkan konsep-konsep asas dan jenis-jenis nilai moral (b). Menjelaskan beberapa teori etika dan moral serta kritikannya (c). Mengenal pasti nilai moral dalam agama (d). Mengetahui nilai tradisi dan nilai semasa masyarakat Malaysia (e). Membuat pertimbangan tentang isu moral (f). Merungkai konflik moral (g). Mengamalkan nilai-nilai mulia dalam kehidupannya sebagai pelajar √ I √ II √ II √ IV √ III √ V √ V √ V √ √ II √ √ II √ √ II √ √ I √ √ √ √ IV IV √ √ III 32 Course Outcome (CO) PO 1 No Course Name 16. USCC10X2 Elective Group - Choose 1 Unit(s) USCC1012 Communication Skills (Oral Communication) (a). Demonstrate public speaking skills and presentation skills with confidence (b). Manage difficult communication situations and overcome communication barriers (c). Apply the guidelines for inter-personal communication skills at workplace to avoid misunderstanding and conflict (d). Devise good customer service (e). Practice the guidelines and strategies of persuasion and negotiation with confidence USCC1042 Teambuilding and Leadership Skills (a). Practice leadership functions and develop useful soft skills through class projects to be a quality leader (b). Solve team problems (c). Identify the various ethical issues faced by leader at workplace and demonstrate solutions on these ethical issues through case study (d). Practice the professional guidelines to handle event protocol and etiquette USCC1052 Emotional Intelligence at the Workplace (a). Identify features related to high EQ at workplace (b). Identify the various problems faced at workplace which affect one’s EQ (c). Review various adverse situations at workplace (d). Recognize and manage anger and avoid conflicts to eliminate its destructive influences and outcomes (e). Apply the guidelines to improve EQ at various adverse situations at workplace PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10 PO 11 PO 12 Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Programme Outcome (PO) Assessment C √ I √ √ VI √ √ III √ √ VI √ √ III √ √ III √ √ III √ √ I √ √ III √ √ I √ √ I √ √ V √ √ VI √ √ III √ P F 33 Course Outcome (CO) PO 1 No PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10 PO 11 PO 12 Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Programme Outcome (PO) Assessment C P F Course Name USCC1062 Professional Ethics and Manners (a). Identify and relate the importance and issues of ethics and trust at workplace. (b). Demonstrate techniques of social and business etiquette (c). Solve case study problems related interpersonal relationship at workplace (d). Practice handling of situations with intercultural difference through class simulation USCC1122 Entrepreneurship (a). Develop a simple business plan and identify sources of capital (b). Plan and record financial matters of entrepreneurship (c). Describe the procedures to protect intellectual property (d). Identify corporate governance, ethics and value issues in doing business USCC1152 Managing Personal Finance (a). Describe the basic concept of personal financial planning and management (b). Take charge of own finances (c). Plan to build wealth for future (d). Prepare and manage major life events which affect financial status USCC1172 Sports (a). Improve knowledge, understanding, and skills of various sport activity and games (b). Appreciate the value of participation in playing games and sport activity (c). Develop personal and interpersonal skills through interacting and working with team members. (d). Demonstrate actions and strategies that contribute to √ I √ √ I √ √ III √ √ III √ √ VI √ √ √ VI I √ √ √ I √ √ I √ √ √ III VI √ √ √ VI √ √ V √ √ III √ √ VI √ √ I √ 34 Course Outcome (CO) PO 1 No PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10 PO 11 PO 12 Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Programme Outcome (PO) Assessment C P F Course Name enjoyable participation and skilful performance (e). Handle injuries and emergencies in sports activities USCC1182 Study Soft Skills and Life Skills Abroad (a). Improve soft skills and life skills through learning and interacting with people of country visited (b). Relate experience of other cultures (c). Demonstrate confidence in dealing with people of different cultures USCC1192 Community Service (a). Define community service and understand its importance and impact on society (b). Identify a community which needs their contribution and identify short and long term plans for a viable community service project involving the community members (c). Think critically and creatively to troubleshoot problems within a selected community (d). Enhance communication, teamwork, professional, and ethics skills through direct communication with communities of different cultures (e). Identify and observe sensitive issues and protocol when dealing with people from different backgrounds (f). Cultivate humanism through actual community service experience in society √ III √ √ V √ √ V √ √ I √ √ I √ √ I √ √ IV √ √ V √ √ I √ √ VI √ Note: Bloom’s Taxonomy Level: I = Remember; II = Understand; III = Apply; IV = Analyze; V = Evaluate; VI = Create (Synthesis) Assessment: C = Coursework; P = Practical; F = Final Examination 35