Construction of Parallel Lines With a

NAME: ______________________________
DATE: _________ BLOCK: ______________
6-4 iPad Explore: Rhombus
What is the definition of a Rhombus?
What quadrilateral is used in the definition of a rhombus?
What is the definition of a Parallelogram?
List all the other characteristics of a Parallelogram.
Do these characteristics of a Parallelogram also hold true for a Rhombus?
Why or why not?
NAME: ______________________________
DATE: _________ BLOCK: ______________
On the Geometry Lab webpage under Activity and Chapter 6, open the file
called “6-4 Diagonal of a Rhombus” with Sketchpad Explorer and answer
the following questions.
PART 1: Diagonal of a Rhombus
1. How does
BD intersect ÐABC? What do you notice?
2. How does
BD intersect ÐADC? What do you notice?
3. Grab point A and move it around, what happens to the Angles? Do
your answers for questions 1 and 2 still hold true?
4. What is the terminology for something that cuts another in half?
Apply Concepts: Create a Conjecture
Each Diagonal of Rhombus __________________ two angles of the
NAME: ______________________________
DATE: _________ BLOCK: ______________
Problem 1: Apply Knowledge: Find the measures of the labeled Angles.
mÐ1 = _____
mÐ2 = _____
mÐ3 = _____
mÐ4 = _____
Problem 2: Apply Knowledge: Find the measures of the labeled Angles.
mÐ1 = _____
mÐ2 = _____
mÐ3 = _____
Problem 3: Apply Knowledge: Find the measures of the labeled Angles.
mÐ1 = _____
mÐ2 = _____
mÐ3 = _____
NAME: ______________________________
DATE: _________ BLOCK: ______________
On the Geometry Lab webpage under Activity and Chapter 6, open the file
called “6-4 Angles of a Diagonal of a Rhombus” with Sketchpad Explorer
and answer the following questions.
PART 2: Diagonals of a Rhombus
1. What do you notice about the angles that are formed by the Diagonals
of a Rhombus?
2. Grab point A and move it around, does anything happen to the
3. What do we call two segments that intersect to form Right Angles?
Apply Concepts: Create a Conjecture
The Diagonals of a Rhombus are _________________________________.
NAME: ______________________________
DATE: _________ BLOCK: ______________
Problem 4: Apply Knowledge: Find the measures of the labeled Angles.
mÐ1 = _____
mÐ2 = _____
mÐ3 = _____
Problem 5: Apply Knowledge: Find the measures of the labeled Angles.
mÐ1 = _____
mÐ2 = _____
mÐ3 = _____
mÐ4 = _____
Problem 6: Apply Knowledge: Find the measures of the labeled Angles.
mÐ1 = _____
mÐ2 = _____
mÐ3 = _____
mÐ4 = _____
NAME: ______________________________
DATE: _________ BLOCK: ______________
Problem 7: Apply Knowledge: Using Algebra.
x = _____
mÐFGI = _____
mÐHGI = _____
mÐFGH = _____
Problem 7: Apply Knowledge: Using Algebra.
x = _____
mÐSLO = _____
mÐLOU = _____
mÐLSO = _____
Extension: You Create
Using the Create a Rhombus Problem Worksheet, create your very
own problem using the characteristics of a rhombus. You may model your
problem after any on this lab packet or create your very own. Use the given
Rhombus and draw in diagonals if needed. Provide an answer and
explanation on how you arrived at that answer.
Problems will be looked over and possibly used on a future Do-Now
NAME: ______________________________
DATE: _________ BLOCK: ______________
6-4 iPad Explore: Rectangle
What is the definition of a Rectangle?
What quadrilateral is used in the definition of a rectangle?
List all the other characteristics of a Parallelogram.
Do you think that the all the characteristics of a Parallelogram also hold
true for a Rectangle? Why or why not?
NAME: ______________________________
DATE: _________ BLOCK: ______________
On the Geometry Lab webpage under Activity and Chapter 6, open the file
called “6-4 Rectangle Diagonals” with Sketchpad Explorer and answer the
following questions.
PART 3: Diagonals of a Rectangle
1. What do you notice about the measures of the Diagonals of a
2. Grab point A and point D and move them around. What happened to
the measures of the Diagonals?
3. What do we call two segments that intersect to form Right Angles?
Apply Concepts: Create a Conjecture
The Diagonals of a Rectangle are _________________________________.
NAME: ______________________________
DATE: _________ BLOCK: ______________
Problem 1: Apply Knowledge: Using Algebra, find x, LP, and AM.
x = _____
LP = _____
AM = _____
Problem 2: Apply Knowledge: Find x, OS, MS, and ME.
x = _____
ME = _____
OS = _____
MS = _____
Problem 3: Apply Knowledge: Find y, HC, HY, and TO
y = _____
HC = _____
HY = _____
TO = _____
NAME: ______________________________
DATE: _________ BLOCK: ______________
Recap: Rhombus/Rectangle
What is the Definition of a Rhombus?
List all the other characteristics of a Rhombus.
What is the Definition of a Rectangle?
List all the other characteristics of a Rectangle.
Connect: Think about this
If a Rhombus and a Rectangle had a baby Quadrilateral, and it had both
properties of its parents, what type of quadrilateral would it be? Explain.
EXTRA CREDIT: Create a Rectangle Problem just like your Rhombus
Problem. Be sure to provide an Answer Key!
NAME: ______________________________
DATE: _________ BLOCK: ______________
Create a Rhombus Problem:
Reasoning/Work to Solve:
NAME: ______________________________
DATE: _________ BLOCK: ______________
Create a Rectangle Problem:
Reasoning/Work to Solve: