(Educational ideology) What is education for? Rupert Wegerif 6th October 2014 What is education for? • • • • • • • • • The national economy - beating China? Personal economy – getting a good job? Transmitting cultural knowledge? Socialisation into good behaviour? Self-realisation – becoming fully human? General learning and thinking skills? A better world – towards global peace? Liberation? Happiness? Democracy? Health? Child parking place to help parents work? Education in history • Orality –> informal education and initiation into dialogue with the voices of the tribe • Writing –> elite education into classics plus trade apprenticeships • Print –> mass education, schooling for all, 3Rs plus curriculum of key texts and textbooks • Internet -> ??? Community learning centres and Internet educational resources? The first educational technology? Eland in cave painted in blood by San people: South Africa Why schools? The disciplining of the body? Foucault ‘The chief purpose of [schools] was to make the divisions of labor central to industrialization seem natural to twentiethcentury workers. We had to be trained to inhabit the twentieth century comfortably and productively. Everything about school and work in the twentieth century was designed to create and reinforce separate subjects, separate culture, separate grades, separate functions, separate spaces for personal life, and all the other divisions.’ Cathy Davidson in ‘Now you see it’ Writing changes the brain. Literates see words as well as hearing them. Meanings become visible like things. There is a shift from holistic perception to analytic. (Dehaene 2009). Education shapes not only what you think but what you can think. It changes the frame. Ideology or theory? Ideology is the universalisation of a particular perspective usually unconsciously reflecting the self interest of that perspective. [‘Who is education for?’] Theory in education is not like theory in natural science as it has to say what we should teach as well as how we should teach it and that means how we want the world to be. WHAT IS EDUCATION FOR? Speech by Michael Gove MP to the RSA. 30 June 2009 • ‘Michael Oakeshott said that every human being is born heir to an inheritance – “an inheritance of human achievements; an inheritance of thoughts, beliefs, ideas, understandings, intellectual and practical enterprises, languages, canons, works of arts, books musical compositions and so on…”’ • ‘Every child should have the chance to be introduced to the best that has been thought, and written’ Transmission versus liberation Is transmission of ‘the best’ neutral? Or an ideology of a ruling class? Bourdieu identifies forms of ‘capital’ held by individuals and which contribute to social advantage. Individuals who possess or acquire these forms of ‘capital’ are able to reproduce their own privileged positions within society. Attitudes towards education and academic qualifications are one form of ‘capital’. Academic versus vocational Plato’s system in the Republic was knowledge-centered The mind is best developed by exposing it to the best and greatest knowledge Plato’s curriculum was based on knowledge chosen not because it is ‘useful’, but because it develops the mind - in particular ways Why is our inheritance of the ‘best’ always described as Shakespeare and Newton not e.g the radio and the combustion engine? Traditional ‘banking’ education that gives ‘knowledge’ to people maintains hierarchy and dehumanises. Authentic ‘dialogic’ education works with the words and concerns and worlds of people to increase their consciousness and potential for freedom Transmission versus teaching thinking e.g: Encylopedia Britannica vs Wikipedia Authority of truth, One-to-many A dialogue, Peer-to-peer Participation Need to check When there is so much ‘knowledge’ on the web how do we select and use it? In a time of rapid change is transmitting knowledge enough? Economy versus well-being • "In the 21st Century, our natural resource is our people - and their potential is both untapped and vast. Skills are the key to unlocking that potential. The prize for our country will be enormous - higher productivity, the creation of wealth and social justice. • "Without increased skills, we would condemn ourselves to a lingering decline in competitiveness, diminishing economic growth and a bleaker future for all. The case for action is compelling and urgent. Becoming a world leader on skills will enable the UK to compete with the best in the world. I am optimistic.“ Leitch Report 2006 Economy versus well-being Ivan Illich argued that schooling is part of a process of becoming inauthentic. We learn to trust teachers and certificates – we lose touch with our realities ‘The current search for new educational funnels must be reversed into the search for their institutional inverse: educational webs which heighten the opportunity for each one to transform each moment of his living into one of learning, sharing, and caring’ New models eg SOLE National or Global education? Danny and some of his first cousins Johannes Wegerif, Swedish Maya Wegerif, Tanzania/USA/SAfric a, mt Tsonga El Shine, rockstar, Mexico Rocio Mexico Italy China Marianna and Theo Mex Greek, London, What is education for? • Academic knowledge? Vocational skills? • Transmission of culture? Liberation from oppression? • General thinking skills? Economic skills? • Acquiring cultural capital? Conviviality and happiness? • Transmitting the past? Creating the future? • “British values” ? “Multi-culturalism”? I think it is about joining a dialogue with many voices – this is mind expanding Over to you • Education has a history and a context – as well as being within the world it creates the world • Everyone has a view of education, conscious or unconscious • ‘Common sense’ is mostly just embedded ideology – the perspective of the winners • Theories of education influence how teachers respond in the moment • Teachers can and do make a difference in many people’s lives – what kind of difference do you want to make? Links, refs and further reading Background to talk in: Rupert Wegerif (2013) Dialogic: Education for the Internet Age. And Rupert Wegerif (2010) Mindexpanding: teaching for thinking and Creativity. infed.org is a good source for articles on Illich and Friere and social reproduction. Google names and key words for other reading. Ivan Illich, De-schooling Society; Guy Claxton, Building Learning Power; Plato The Republic; Hirsch E. D What every American needs to know; Paolo Friere, The pedagogy of the oppressed. YouTube Videos: Suli Breaks: Why I hate school but love education; http://youtu.be/y_ZmM7zPLyI also Ken Robinson, Michael Gove, Sugatra Mitra BBC iPlayer audio: ‘The Educators’ http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b04dwbkt/episodes/guide A few official library-type References (so last millenium! So inefficient) Davidson, C. (2011). Now you see it! How the Brain Science of Attention Will Transform the Way We Live, Work, and Learn. New York: The Viking Press Dehaene, S. (2009). Reading in the Brain. New York: The Viking Press. Lewis-Williams, J. D. and Pearce, D. G. (2004). San Spirituality: Roots, Expressions and Social Consequences. Walnut Creek: Altamira Press. Oakeshott, M. (1989) The Voice of Liberal Learning: Michael Oakeshott on Education (T. Fuller, ed.). New Haven and London: Yale University Press.