AP Government & Politics Unit 3 Identifications

AP Government & Politics
Unit 3 Identifications
Directions: Using your textbook and/or other supplementary resources, define (and identify the significance of) each of
the following terms. You may format these in a way that works best for you: flashcards, graphic organizer,
Keynote/PowerPoint presentation. (Remember, if you color code and use drawings/images, then you’ll get a few bonus
points on the assignment.) These terms will be due the day of your test for this unit. This will act as a good study guide for
this unit!
1. public opinion
33. print media
2. political culture
34. electronic media
3. political socialization
35. broadcasting
4. straw polling
36. narrowcasting
5. random sampling
37. sound bites
6. margin of error (sampling error)
38. policy agenda
7. random-digit dialing
39. agenda-setting
8. 1936 Literary Digest poll
40. horse-race journalism
9. scientific polling
10. tracking poll
11. exit poll
12. political ideology
13. liberal ideology
14. conservative ideology
15. gender gap
16. “graying of America”
17. cross-pressures
18. political participation
19. civil disobedience
20. referendum
21. initiative petition
22. political efficacy
23. civic duty
24. voter registration
25. Motor Voter Act (1993)
26. mandate theory of elections
27. party identification
28. policy voting
29. electoral college
30. retrospective voting
31. mass media
32. investigative journalism