Name: ___________________________________ Date: ____________ Periods: ______________________ Vocabulary List #7-Wildcats-Week 1 Stem Definition Words Origin numer number enumerate, numeral, numerous, supernumeraries, numerology Latin fort strong fortitude, fort, fortify, fortification, comfort, forte, fortissimo, pianoforte Latin osteo bone osteopath, osteology, osteopathy, osteoblast, osteocyte, osteotomy Greek ornith bird ornithology, ornithologist, ornithopter, orinithomoancy, ornithosis Greek polis city metropolis, megalopolis, police, polite, policy, acropolis, necropolis Greek fus pour transfusion, infusion, refuse, fusillade, fusion, infuse, confusion Latin ego I egomaniac, egocentric, egotistical, egotist, egotize, egoism, alter ego Latin spir breathe inspire, respiration, perspiration, expire, spirit, aspire, conspire Latin dia across diagonal, diameter, dialogue, dialect, diatribe, diaphanous, dialectic Latin acr sharp acrimonious, acerbity, acrid, acridine, acrimony, acerate Latin acro high, point, or tip acrobat, acronym, acropolis, acrophobia, acromegaly, acrocarpous Greek culp blame culprit, culpable, exculpate, inculpate, exculpatory Latin derm skin dermatologist, dermatitis, pachyderm, hypodermic, ectoderm, endoderm Greek zo animal zoo, protozoa, zoophilous, zooplankton, zoophagous, Mesozoic, zodiac Greek per through perception, perforation, percolate, perambulate, peregrination Latin pac peace pacify, pacific, pacifist, pacifier, pacifism, Pax Romana, pacification Latin brev short brevity, abbreviation, breve, breviary, brevirostrate, brief Latin necro death necropolis, necromancer, necrophobia, necrotic, necrobiosis Greek urb city urban, urbane, suburbs, urbanite, urbanologist, urbanism Latin pugn fight pugnacious, repugnant, pugilist, impugn, oppugn, inexpugnable Latin ecto outer ectoderm, ectozoa, ectomorph, ectothermic, ectoplasm, ectoparasite Greek plasto molded plastic, dermoplasty, rhinoplasty, plaster, plasticity, plastid Greek agog leader demagogue, pedagogue, synagogue, agogics, pedagogy, mystagogue Greek cle small molecule, corpuscle, follicle, minuscule, ventricle, particle, vesicle Latin il not illegal, illiterate, illicit, illogical, illegible, illiberal Latin Week 1 Assignments (check off each as you finish): □ Create a flashcard for each stem □ Review/Study all flashcards (at least 5 minutes/day) □ Complete List 7 Sentences □ Complete List 6 Review List 7 Sentences Directions: Write the meaning of each bolded word. Try to use the meaning of the stem and context clues. Make sure the definition fits in the sentences and makes sense! HIGHLIGHT THE MEANING OF THE STEM IN THE DEFINITION YOU WRITE!-NOT OPTIONAL Example: Unearned income must be reported to the Internal Revenue Service unearned: not earned 1. Please enumerate your reasons enumerate: ___________________________________________________ 2. Her character is one of great personal fortitude fortitude: _____________________________________________________ 3. The osteologist was called in for consultation on his bone condition. osteologist: ___________________________________________________ 4. Ornithology is a science for bird lovers of the world. ornithology: __________________________________________________ 5. Metropolitan policy called for the police metropolitan:_________________________________________________ to be polite. 6. The stubborn old man refused to have the blood transfusion. 7. Vic is not just egocentric; he is an egomaniac. transfusion: __________________________________________________ egocentric: ___________________________________________________ egomaniac: ___________________________________________________ 8. The ancient poet was inspired by the Muse of poetry. inspired: _____________________________________________________ 9. Ralph expected a pleasant dialogue but received a scathing diatribe. diatribe: _____________________________________________________ 10. The acrimonious dispute was disturbing to everyone. acrimonius: __________________________________________________ 11. Unfortunately, the culprit was exculpated and escaped punishment. exculpated: __________________________________________________ 12. A pachyderm rarely suffers from dermatitis on its trunk. pachyderm: __________________________________________________ 13. Does the zoo have a protozoan exhibit with microscopes to look through? protozoan: ___________________________________________________ 14. The perforations let water percolate through the membrane. percolate: ____________________________________________________ 15. The angry pacifists were not pacified by the president’s militaristic speech. pacifists: _____________________________________________________ 16. If you have necrophobia, avoid the necropolis. necrophobia: _________________________________________________ necropolis: ___________________________________________________ 17. Ectothermic species enjoy the summer warmth. ectothermic :__________________________________________________ 18. A plastic surgery question: “is rhinoplasty a form of dermoplasty?” rhinoplasty: __________________________________________________ dermoplasty: _________________________________________________ 19. Is a corrupt politician a demagogue or a pedagogue? demagogue: __________________________________________________ pedagogue: ___________________________________________________ 20. Is a blood corpuscle larger than a molecule? corpuscle: ____________________________________________________ Part 2 Directions: Read each sentence and based on the context of the sentence and the meaning of the stem choose the best dictionary definition or thesaurus synonym. _______ 21. 16. A long discursive speech lacks brevity a. a shortness of breath b. a shortness of problems c. expressing much in few words d. expressing interest and excitement _______ 22. Your corrupt suggestion is both illegal and illogical. a. absurd b. connected c. sensitive d. banned _______ 23. His pugnacious attitude was repugnant to his peace-loving friends a. celebrated and joyful b. offensive or hostile c. annoying and friendly d. overwhelming and complex _______ 24. The wealthy urbanite in Chicago had urbane manners. a. city resident b. city leader c. city building d. city block _______ 25. The unfortunate acrobat suffered from acrophobia. a. fear of exercise b. fear of crowds c. fear of enclosed spaces d. fear of heights List 6 Review Fill in the Blank: Fill in the blank with the best word. You will not use all of the words in the word bank Word Bank: maritime deliberate gratifying congregate liberate migratory gratitude marina 1. Electricity helped to _________________________ farmers from many back-breaking tasks. 2. The _______________________________ was dotted with the masts of hundreds of sail boats. 3. Students ______________________________ outside the school each morning at 7:30. 4. Helping those who are less fortunate can feel very _________________________________. 5. ___________________________ birds leave the Midwest in the winter and head south. segregate immigrant Name: ___________________________________ Date: ____________ Periods: ______________________ List 7 Illini-Week 1 Stem Definition Words Origin numer number enumerate, numeral, numerous, supernumeraries, numerology Latin fort strong fortitude, fort, fortify, fortification, comfort, forte, fortissimo, pianoforte Latin osteo bone osteopath, osteology, osteopathy, osteoblast, osteocyte, osteotomy Greek polis city metropolis, megalopolis, police, polite, policy, acropolis, necropolis Greek ego I egomaniac, egocentric, egotistical, egotist, egotize, egoism, alter ego Latin spir breathe inspire, respiration, perspiration, expire, spirit, aspire, conspire Latin dia across diagonal, diameter, dialogue, dialect, diatribe, diaphanous, dialectic Latin derm skin dermatologist, dermatitis, pachyderm, hypodermic, ectoderm, endoderm Greek zo animal zoo, protozoa, zoophilous, zooplankton, zoophagous, Mesozoic, zodiac Greek per through perception, perforation, percolate, perambulate, peregrination Latin pac peace pacify, pacific, pacifist, pacifier, pacifism, Pax Romana, pacification Latin urb city urban, urbane, suburbs, urbanite, urbanologist, urbanism Latin pugn fight pugnacious, repugnant, pugilist, impugn, oppugn, inexpugnable Latin ecto outer ectoderm, ectozoa, ectomorph, ectothermic, ectoplasm, ectoparasite Greek il not illegal, illiterate, illicit, illogical, illegible, illiberal Latin Week 1 Assignments (check off each as you finish): □ Create a flashcard for each stem □ Review/Study all flashcards (at least 5 minutes/day) □ Complete List 7 Sentences □ Complete List 6 Review List 6 Sentences Fill in the Blank: Fill in the blank with the best word. You will not use all of the words in the word bank Word Bank: maritime deliberate gratifying congregate liberate migratory gratitude marina 1. Electricity helped to _________________________ farmers from many back-breaking tasks. 2. The ______________________________ was dotted with the masts of hundreds of sail boats. 3. Students _____________________________ outside the school each morning at 7:30. 4. Helping those who are less fortunate can feel very ________________________________. 5. ___________________________ birds leave the Midwest in the winter and head south. segregate immigrant List 7 Sentences Directions: Write the meaning of each bolded word. Try to use the meaning of the stem and context clues. Make sure the definition fits in the sentences and makes sense! HIGHLIGHT THE MEANING OF THE STEM IN THE DEFINITION YOU WRITE!-NOT OPTIONAL Example: Unearned income must be reported to the Internal Revenue Service unearned: not earned 1. Please enumerate your reasons enumerate: ___________________________________________________ 2. Her character is one of great personal fortitude 3. The osteologist was called in for consultation on his bone condition. fortitude: _____________________________________________________ osteologist: ___________________________________________________ 4. Metropolitan policy called for the police metropolitan:__________________________________________________ to be polite. 5. Vic is not just egocentric; he is an egomaniac. egocentric: ___________________________________________________ 6. The ancient poet was inspired by the Muse of poetry. inspired: _____________________________________________________ 7. Ralph expected a pleasant dialogue but received a scathing diatribe. dialogue: ____________________________________________________ 8. A pachyderm rarely suffers from dermatitis on its trunk. pachyderm: __________________________________________________ 9. Does the zoo have a protozoan exhibit with microscopes to look through? zoo: _________________________________________________________ 10. The perforations let water percolate through the membrane. percolate: ____________________________________________________ 11. The angry pacifists were not pacified by the president’s militaristic speech. pacifists: _____________________________________________________ 12. Ectothermic species enjoy the summer warmth. ectothermic:__________________________________________________ Part 2 Directions: Read each sentence and based on the context of the sentence and the meaning of the stem choose the best dictionary definition or thesaurus synonym. _______ 13. Your corrupt suggestion is both illegal and illogical. a. absurd b. connected c. sensitive d. banned _______ 14. His pugnacious attitude was repugnant to his peace-loving friends a. celebrated and joyful b. offensive or hostile c. annoying and friendly d. overwhelming and complex _______ 15. The wealthy urbanite in Chicago had urbane manners. a. city resident b. city leader c. city building d. city block Name: ___________________________________ Date: ____________ Periods: ______________________ List 7 Huskies-Week 1 Stem Definition Words Origin numer number enumerate, numeral, numerous, supernumeraries, numerology Latin fort strong fortitude, fort, fortify, fortification, comfort, forte, fortissimo, pianoforte Latin polis city metropolis, megalopolis, police, polite, policy, acropolis, necropolis Greek dia across diagonal, diameter, dialogue, dialect, diatribe, diaphanous, dialectic Latin derm skin dermatologist, dermatitis, pachyderm, hypodermic, ectoderm, endoderm Greek zo animal zoo, protozoa, zoophilous, zooplankton, zoophagous, Mesozoic, zodiac Greek per through perception, perforation, percolate, perambulate, peregrination Latin pac peace pacify, pacific, pacifist, pacifier, pacifism, Pax Romana, pacification Latin urb city urban, urbane, suburbs, urbanite, urbanologist, urbanism Latin il not illegal, illiterate, illicit, illogical, illegible, illiberal Latin Week 1 Assignments (check off each as you finish): □ Create a flashcard for each stem □ Review/Study all flashcards (at least 5 minutes/day) □ Complete List 7 Sentences □ Complete List 6 Review List 7 Sentences Directions: Write the meaning of each bolded word. Try to use the meaning of the stem and context clues. Make sure the definition fits in the sentences and makes sense! HIGHLIGHT THE MEANING OF THE STEM IN THE DEFINITION YOU WRITE!-NOT OPTIONAL Example: Unearned income must be reported to the Internal Revenue Service unearned: not earned 1. Please enumerate your reasons enumerate: ___________________________________________________ 2. Her character is one of great personal fortitude fortitude: _____________________________________________________ 3. Metropolitan policy called for the police metropolitan:__________________________________________________ to be polite. 4. Ralph expected a pleasant dialogue but received a scathing diatribe. dialogue: ____________________________________________________ 5. A pachyderm rarely suffers from dermatitis on its trunk. pachyderm: __________________________________________________ 6. Does the zoo have a protozoan exhibit with microscopes to look through? zoo: _________________________________________________________ 7. The perforations let water percolate through the membrane. percolate: ____________________________________________________ 8. The angry pacifists were not pacified by the president’s militaristic speech. pacifists: _____________________________________________________ Part 2 Directions: Read each sentence and based on the context of the sentence and the meaning of the stem choose the best dictionary definition or thesaurus synonym. _______ 9. Your corrupt suggestion is both illegal and illogical. a. absurd b. connected c. sensitive d. banned _______ 10. The wealthy urbanite in Chicago had urbane manners. a. city resident b. city leader c. city building d. city block List 7 Review Fill in the Blank: Fill in the blank with the correct word. You will not use all of the words in the word bank Word Bank: transfer plural medium mediate primitive marine 1. Many consider a telephone with a cord _____________________ when compared to a cellphone. 2. After my family moved I was forced to ___________________________ to a new junior high. 3. My family leaves our sailboat at the city ___________________________. 4. The ______________________ of the word knife is knives. Name: ___________________________________ Date: ____________ Periods: ______________________ List 7 Redbirds –Week 1 Stem Definition Words Origin numer number enumerate, numeral, numerous Latin dia across diagonal, diameter, dialogue, dialect Latin derm skin dermatologist, dermatitis, hypodermic Greek per through perception, perforation, perambulate Latin il not illegal, illiterate, illegible Latin Definitions numerous (adj) great in number; many enumerate (v) to name one by one; list diagram (n) a picture drawn to explain an idea diagonal (n) a straight line through a figure from one corner to another perambulate (v) to walk through, over or around perforate (v) to make holes in something dermatologist (n) a doctor who specializes in the skin epidermis (n) the outer layers of skin illegal (n) not allowed by law illegible (adj) not clear enough to be read Sentences The students attempted to give the teacher numerous reasons why he had not done his homework. The Constitution enumerates the rights of citizens of the United States. On the test we had to draw a diagram to show how a circuit worked. The diagonal divided the square into two triangles. The herd perambulated the area, crossing it several times in search of food. If you perforate the convertible’s roof, you’re likely to have rain inside the car. I went to the dermatologist to get treatment for my skin cancer. Some people choose to get tattoos on their epidermis while other prefer not to. The teacher struggled to read the student’s illegible handwriting. It is illegal to have farm animals in many towns. Week 1 Assignments (check off each as you finish): □ Create a flashcard for each stem □ Review/Study all flashcards (at least 5 minutes/day) □ Complete List 7 Sentences □ Complete List 6 Review List 7 Sentences Directions: Fill in the blanks using the correct vocabulary words. Word Bank: numerous perambulated illegal diagram diagonal dermatologist illegible perforated epidermis enumerate 1. I made a ______________________________ of my neighborhood so my friend could find my house from across town. 2. The dog ____________________________________ through the fence and out onto the street. 3. The mother took her baby to the __________________________ when she noticed a rash on the skin on her baby’s head. 4. After spending several hours in the sun my _____________________________ was quite burned. 5. Cut the piece of paper across the ______________________________ line to form two triangles. 6. Disneyworld contained _________________________ attractions for the family to explore. 7. The notebook was full of ______________________________ notes that were not useful for studying. 8. The teacher make sure to _____________________________________ all of the due dates for assignments each day. 9. The gas station owner wanted to put up a massive neon orange sign, but changed his mind when he found out it was ____________________________________. 10. Most notebooks have paper with a __________________________ edge so it can be normally torn out. List 7 Review Fill in the Blank: Fill in the blank with the correct word. You will not use all of the words in the word bank Word Bank: transfer plural medium mediate primitive marine 1. Many consider a telephone with a cord ___ ___________________ when compared to a cellphone. 2. After my family moved I was forced to ____________________________ to a new junior high. 3. My family leaves our sailboat at the city ___________________________. 4. The ______________________ of the word knife is knives.