Executive Summary (ES) Document Number: [nn] Date: Day, Month Day, Year [Project Name] [Author 1] [Author 2 - if none, leave blank line] [Author 3 - if none, leave blank line] [Author 4 - if none, leave blank line] Professor [Name] Software Engineering Department Monmouth University West Long Branch, NJ 07764-1898 Table of Contents 1 SCOPE 1 1.1 IDENTIFICATION 1 1.2 SYSTEM OVERVIEW 1 1.3 DOCUMENT OVERVIEW 1 2 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS 3 CURRENT SYSTEM OR SITUATION 4 6 1 3.1 BACKGROUND, OBJECTIVES, AND SCOPE 2 3.2 PREVIOUS SITUATION 2 MOTIVATION 4.1 5 ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 2 JUSTIFICATION FOR CHANGE 2 TARGET SOLUTION 2 5.1 PRIMARY OBJECTIVES SATISFIED BY [PROJECT-NAME] 2 5.2 DESCRIPTION OF NEEDED CHANGES 3 APPROACH 6.1 3 TECHNICAL 3 6.1.1 FEASIBILITY STUDY 3 6.1.2 REQUIREMENTS DEFINITION AND ANALYSIS 3 6.1.3 DETAILED DESIGN METHODOLOGY 4 6.1.4 GUIDELINES FOR DESIGN QUALITY 4 6.1.5 DESIGN PROCESS 4 6.1.6 PROTOTYPE DEVELOPMENT 5 6.2 PROCESS AND MANAGEMENT 6 6.2.1 PROCESS DEFINITION 6 6.2.2 TASK ASSIGNMENTS 6 i 6.2.3 PROCESS IMPROVEMENT 6 6.2.4 PRIORITY MANAGEMENT / SCHEDULES 6 6.3 7 RESULTS 7 6.3.1 DOCUMENTS DELIVERED 7 6.3.2 DESCRIPTION OF [PROJECT NAME] FUNCTIONALITY 8 NOTES 8 ii Executive Summary (ES) [Project Name] 1 Scope [This section shall be divided into the following paragraphs.] 1.1 Identification [This paragraph shall contain a full identification of the system and the software to which this document applies, including, as applicable, identification number(s), title(s), abbreviation(s), version number(s), and release number(s).] 1.2 System Overview [This paragraph shall briefly state the purpose of the system and the software to which this document applies. It shall describe the general nature of the system and software; summarize the history of system development, operation, and maintenance; identify the project sponsor, acquirer, user, developer, and support agencies; identify current and planned operating sites; and list other relevant documents.] 1.3 Document Overview [This paragraph shall summarize the purpose and contents of this document and shall describe any security or privacy considerations associated with its use.] 2 References [Use the citations and bibliography functionality of MS Word (It will make your life much easier)] Smith, Joan and John Smith. "Software Requirements Document." 2013. 3 Current System or Situation [This section shall be divided into the following paragraphs to describe the system or situation as it currently exists.] 1 Executive Summary (ES) [Project Name] 3.1 Background, Objectives, and Scope [This paragraph shall describe the background, mission or objectives, and scope of the current system or situation.] [Example: This project was done to satisfy the requirements for the SE[nnn], Software Engineering [name of course] within the M. S. in Software Engineering Program at Monmouth University during the [semester year] term. [Project Name] is intended to provide students the ability to [list the new functions and abilities ].] 3.2 Previous Situation [This paragraph describes how the current system operates and what is lacking in the current system.] 4 4.1 Motivation Justification for change [This paragraph describes how the need was identified and by whom.] [For example: Monmouth University identified an immediate need for an automated way to facilitate the student registration process. Such a system would allow [list new functionality], and would, in general, reduce the amount of time and effort students expend in the registration process. The absence of an automated procedure hampered the universities ability to [enter process impact]. 5 5.1 Target Solution Primary objectives satisfied by [PROJECT-NAME] [This paragraph shall list the primary objectives of this project.] [For example: The purpose of this project was to develop the [Project Name] application that satisfies the following objectives: What are the system objectives? Some examples are: Provide an alternative to the manual procedures. 2 Executive Summary (ES) [Project Name] The system provides both flexibility and scalability for the future. Automate the process. The system is made secure, such that malicious users access the system without knowing a secret individual password.] 5.2 Description of Needed Changes [This paragraph shall list the changes necessary to automate the manual system.] 6 Approach [This paragraph describes the approach used for the project.] [For example: The [Project Name] system was developed utilizing IEEE/ISO 12207 and Military Standard 498 (MIL-STD-498) in order to ensure the quality of the end product. A [type of] methodology was applied to the software life cycle.] 6.1 Technical 6.1.1 Feasibility Study [This paragraph describes what was completed during the feasibility study.] [For example: A Project Pre-Proposal was formulated. From it, a Project Plan was derived, including a work breakdown structure, effort/cost estimation, risk assessment, and various other project planning and quality assurance components. A high-level Operational Concept Description (OCD) was developed. Software Quality Assurance (SQA) reviews were conducted on both documents and the OCD was revised accordingly.] 6.1.2 Requirements Definition and Analysis [This paragraph describes how the software/hardware requirements were defined, both the process and the documentation.] [For example: The information contained in the OCD, and discussions with Client representative, were used to develop the Software Requirements Specification (SRS). This document defined requirements for the system’s capabilities, states and modes, entity relations, architecture, internal and external interfaces, computer resources, privacy and security, software quality, personnel, and packaging, as well as design and implementation constraints. A Software Test Description (STD) and a Software Test Plan (STP) were 3 Executive Summary (ES) [Project Name] developed, ensuring traceability to requirements defined in the SRS. SQA reviews were conducted on all documents.] 6.1.3 Detailed Design [type of] Methodology [This paragraph describes the methodology used during the development of the system design and prototype]. 6.1.4 Guidelines for Design Quality [This paragraph describes how design quality was maintained and ensured during the project.] [For example: A hierarchical organization of system components was defined. Modularity was achieved through logical partitioning of components possessing independent functions. Separate Data and Procedure representations were developed through the use of Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERDs) and Data Flow Diagrams (DFDs). System messages and common functions were recognized and designed.] 6.1.5 [Project Name] Design Process [This paragraph contains the design process utilized for the project.] [For example: Structured System Analysis and Design methods were applied. DFDs were constructed from the SRS. Processes were identified and DFDs were expanded hierarchically into levels 0, 1, and 2. Level 0: The system Context Diagram was expanded into the Level 0 DFD. Related [Project Name] requirements identified in the SRS were grouped into three processes. Level 1: The hierarchy of the DFDs was expanded. The Level 0 DFD was expanded into the Level 1 DFD. The [number] major processes were expanded into [number]. Processes were mapped to requirements, satisfying traceability to the SRS. [Number of (example: four of the eleven)] processes in the Level 1 DFD represent [Project Name] [type of] functionality and are outside the scope of the project. Level 2: The hierarchy of the DFDs was expanded again. Each process of the Level 1 DFD was expanded into a Level 2 DFD. 4 Executive Summary (ES) [Project Name] Program Structure Charts and Pseudo Code were developed and system messages were designed. The Structure Charts and Pseudo Code were refined and reconciled to the ERD, DFDs, and Tables, and their traceability to the SRS was verified. They were shared with the Prototype Team.] 6.1.6 Prototype Development Approaches [This paragraph describes the number and types of approaches used during the project life cycle.] [For example: Three different prototype approaches were researched. Due to time, skill and software constraints, two approaches were discontinued. Development [This paragraph describes what the project created and implemented.] [For example: Data Tables were created and implemented into an Oracle database. These were tested and refined. HTML files providing the graphical user interface were developed and tested on a Windows NT environment and modified as required. A Client Review was conducted during which approval of the user screens was obtained. Visual Basic code was developed to provide the interface between the user screens and the database. ] Testing [This paragraph describes how the testing was implemented and what impact, if any, did the design and requirements have on the original test outlilne.] [For example: The STD and STP were revised to correspond to the detailed design and prototype. Unit tests were conducted successfully by the developer. System testing was conducted by the Independent Test Team (ITT) and a corresponding Software Test Report (STR) was produced. [Project Name] source code was provided to the ITT members. Code review and walkthrough were conducted on a weekly basis.] 5 Executive Summary (ES) [Project Name] 6.2 Process and Management 6.2.1 Process Definition [This paragraph describes the process model used by the project.] [For example: The Waterfall Model was identified as the software process model and tailored as required to reduce project risk. Skill sets and schedule concerns were addressed by conducting detailed design and prototyping activities concurrently.] 6.2.2 Task Assignments [This paragraph describes how tasks were identified and assigned to the team members.] [For example: Activities were identified and assigned to team members based on their skill sets. A secondary person was assigned to each task to assist or take over if the primary member had problems completing the task. Administrative tasks were rotated among team members. Sub-team composition varied with each project phase; team member skills and strengths were utilized as appropriate.] 6.2.3 Process Improvement [This paragraph describes what process improvements were identified and incorporated.] [For example: Design definition and scope were re-evaluated. The need for client feedback was recognized, and a client review was conducted on [date]. The project task assignment approach was refined. Planning activities were improved by increasing their level of detail. Productivity was maximized when project processes were defined, measured, and enforced.] 6.2.4 Priority Management / Schedules [This paragraph describes how the priorities were managed and scheduled during the project.] [For example: Team members reviewed the deliverables and comments were incorporated into the documents. Team members concentrated on the next deliverable and team efforts were maximized in that direction. Drafts of deliverables were prepared well before the due date. This provided sufficient time to review and make changes to the deliverables. Team members were assigned as backup for the development of deliverable and would take on the task when necessary. ] 6 Executive Summary (ES) [Project Name] 6.3 Results 6.3.1 Documents Delivered [This paragraph lists the documents delivered as part of the project.] [For example: The following documents were delivered with the [Project Name] System: Project Pre-proposal Project Development Folder Project Plan including: Work Breakdown Structure Milestone Chart Effort Estimation Identified Project Risks Risk Mitigation Approach Software Lifecycle Model Major Product Engineering Methods and Techniques Product Assurance Approach Configuration Management Operational Concept Description Software Requirements Specification Software Test Plan Software Test Description Software Design Document Software Test Report Requirements review presentation Design review presentation Final project presentation Lessons Learned Executive Summary Program source code, database tables. 7 Executive Summary (ES) [Project Name] 6.3.2 Description of [Project Name] Functionality [This section describes the functionality of the project.] [Example: This initial version of the [Project Name] System provides the following functions. [PROJECT NAME] – 01 [Test Name] This functionality provides [what]. This function is available from [where]. [Example: User connects to the System by [enter details]. User is presented with login screen - enters ID and personal password. The user menu is presented. User selects option to “[enter option]”. User selects [enter what the user selects]. Interface to database will take place ‘behind the scenes’. The system will return [enter the system message returned]. The user can print by [enter how the user can print]. If the process does not complete satisfactorily, a message will be displayed to reflect the [message]. User will be able to return to the main menu.] 7 Notes [This section shall contain any general information that aids in understanding this document (e.g., background information, glossary, rationale). This section shall include an alphabetical listing of all acronyms, abbreviations, and their meanings as used in this document and a list of terms and definitions needed to understand this document.] 8