Coordinated Fuzzy Constrained Optimal Power Dispatch for Bilateral Contract, Balancing Electricity and Ancillary Services Markets Dr. Keerati Chayakulkheeree Department of Electrical Engineering Faculty of Engineering Sripatum University Supervisor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Weerakorn Ongsakul Energy Field of Study School of Environment Resources and Developments Asian Institute of Technology 1 This work has been supported in part by the Energy Conservation Promotion Fund of Energy Policy and Planning Office of Thailand under contract 029/2545. 2 International Journals: 1. W. Ongsakul and K. Chayakulkheeree, Constrained Optimal Power Dispatch for Electricity and Ancillary Services Auctions, Journal of Electric Power System Research, Vol. 66, pp. 193-204, 2003. 2. K. Chayakulkheeree and W. Ongsakul, Fuzzy Constrained Optimal Power Dispatch for Competitive Electricity and Ancillary Services Markets, Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, 33, 4, April 2005. 3. W. Ongsakul and K. Chayakulkheeree, Coordinated Fuzzy Constrained Optimal Power Dispatch for Bilateral Contract, Balancing Electricity and Ancillary Services Markets, IEEE Transaction on Power System, vol. 21, no. 2, May, 2006, pp. 593-604. 4. W. Ongsakul and K. Chayakulkheeree. Coordinated Constrained Optimal Power Dispatch for Bilateral Contract and Balancing Electricity Markets, International Energy Journal. , vol. 6, no. 1, part 2, Special Issue: Ancillary Services, ATC and Transmission Pricing, Optimization and AI Application, Power System Analysis, Power System Monitoring and Control, Power System Operation, June 2005, pp.2-1 - 2-18. 3 International Conference Proceedings: 1. W. Ongsakul, S. Chirarattananon, and K. Chayakulkheeree, Optimal Real Power Dispatching Algorithm for Auction Based Dispatch Problems, Proceedings of International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS), CIGRE, China, Sept. 3-5, 2001, 434-440 . 2. W. Ongsakul and K. Chayakulkheeree, Optimal Spinning Reserve Identification in Competitive Electricity Market by Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy Inference System, EuroPES2002, The International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED), Greece, June 25-28, 2002, 119-124 . 3. W. Ongsakul and K. Chayakulkheeree, Fuzzy Constrained Optimal Power Dispatch for Competitive Electricity and Ancillary Services Markets, The International Power Engineering Conference (IPEC2003), Singapore, Nov 27-29, 2003, 1004-1009 . 4. W. Ongsakul and K. Chayakulkheeree. Coordinated Constrained Optimal Power Dispatch for Bilateral Contract and Balancing Electricity Markets, International conference on Electric Supply Industry in Transition Issue and Prospect for Asia, AIT, Thailand, Jan 2004, (18-14)–(18-31) . 4 International Journal 5 International Conference 6 Overview Outline of ofthe theResearch Presentation Introduction Literature Reviews Coordinated Constrained Optimal Power Dispatch for Bilateral Contract, Balancing Electricity and Ancillary Services Markets Coordinated Fuzzy Constrained Optimal Power Dispatch for Bilateral Contract, Balancing Electricity and Ancillary Services Markets Conclusion 7 Introduction • • • Privatizations of the Thai power sector started in the early 1990s with the objective of improve efficiency, lower electricity price, and tackle financial debts. It was initially focused chiefly on the generation sector. The earlier recommended future structure of Thai ESI would follow the full competitive model. MWh Consumers Optional: Contract Spot $$$ or CfD $$$ Regulated Electricity Delivery Co Spot DisCo (REDCo) SupplyCo $$$ RetailCos Spot $$$ Info MWh Power Pool/ISO ISO/MO SA Info GridCo MWh Spot $$$ GenCos Contract $$$ Traders Contract $$$ [EPPO] 8 Introduction • • Nevertheless, there was a concern that the proposed fully competitive market could result in highly volatile pool price since the bilateral contracts are a small fraction of the total power trading.. Accordingly, the Energy Policy and Planning Office of Thailand (EPPO) had proposed to restructure the Thai electricity supply industry using the New Electricity Supply Arrangement (NESA). PowerGen 1 PowerGen 1 PowerGen 1 Existing and new IPPs GridCo Bangkok and vicinity areas Areas outside Bangkok and vicinity DisCo RetailCos SupplyCo Consumers Independent Regulatory Body Bilateral Contracts ISO DisCo SupplyCo 9 [EPPO] Introduction • In NESA, PowerGens/IPPs and consumers arrange physical • • • electrical energy transactions with each other based on their own financial interests in BCM. Instead of letting the ISO know the prices of their contracts, participants must report the quantities of their bilateral contracts to the ISO before their actual dispatch time. In BM, ISO receives hourly electricity offers from PowerGens/IPPs and demand bids from dispatchable load consumers. Under NESA, most of power purchase transactions are in the form of bilateral agreements whereas a small power exchange (PX) will be used as a system balancing mechanism. 10 Introduction • In addition to NESA, in this dissertation, both generator and consumer agree to submit curtailment bids for their bilateral contract in order to receive the financial compensation for congestion management. • In BM, ISO receives hourly electricity offers from PowerGens/IPPs and demand bids from supply companies or dispatchable load consumers. • The curtailment bids for dispatchable loads in BCM are submitted for point-to-point curtailment in which the loads can respond to the ISO dispatch instruction. • On the other hand, the curtailment on the contract of nondispatchable load is imposed only on the generation side and the load is supplied by BM. 11 Introduction • In ASM, the ancillary services offer prices and quantities are submitted by the PowerGens/IPPs. The selected ancillary services are AGC, TMSR, and TMOR. The AGC, TMSR, and TMOR are offered by the PowerGens/IPPs in $/MW and procured by ISO in hourly basis (Cheung et al., 2000; Rau, 1999). • Moreover, the reactive power offer prices and quantities are submitted by the PowerGen/IPP. The reactive power is dispatched based on minimization of combined reactive power cost and cost of real power loss. The reactive power offer prices and quantities are offered by PowerGens/IPPs in $/MVAr. 12 Coordinated Fuzzy Constrained Optimal Power Dispatch for Bilateral, Balancing Electricity and Ancillary Services Markets The problem formulation include three unbundled markets; Bilateral Contract Market (BCM) Balancing Market (BM) Ancillary Services Market (ASM) 13 Introduction Motivation • In the emerging deregulated power system, to alleviate network congestion in the bilateral contract market (BCM) when the supply in the balancing market (BM) are not enough, it may be necessary for the ISO to curtail some of the transactions for economical and security reasons. • The crisp treatment of the constraints in the OPF problem could lead to over-conservative solutions. • solving the ancillary services market (ASM) separately from the electricity market may not lead to the optimal social welfare since the ancillary services requirement are strongly related to electricity consumption. • Moreover, consumers may not respond efficiently to the ancillary service prices if the spot prices, observed by consumers, include only marginal electricity price. 14 Introduction Objective of the study The main objective of the study is to develop an efficient optimal power dispatch algorithm for competitive electricity and ancillary services markets. 15 Introduction In particular, the objectives are as follow. • To simultaneously maximize the social welfare in electricity and ancillary services market and minimize the combined reactive power cost and cost of real power loss in ancillary services market subject to power balance, ancillary service requirements, and network constraints. • To find the trade-off between operating reserves & network security and social welfare in competitive electricity and ancillary services markets by using mixed-integer fuzzy linear programming (MIFLP) and between the voltage security and combined reactive power cost and cost of real power loss in ancillary services market by using fuzzy linear programming (FLP). • To propose electricity spot price including system marginal price and ancillary services marginal prices in order to send a sharper 16 signal to consumers. Introduction Scope and limitation The scope and limitations of the study are as follows: • • • The proposed algorithm, developed in MATLAB m-file programming language requires the MATLAB optimization toolbox. Only single loading level is carried out for each test case and the ramp rate constraints are not considered in the study. The electricity offer price and quantity are monotonically increasing stair-case functions for both IEEE30 bus and Thai power 424 bus system. It is required that the PowerGens/IPPs submit the offered prices based on the typical plant incremental cost curves (Kumar and Sheblé, 1998; Huang and Zhao, 2000; Huang and Zhao, 1999; Barker Dunn and Rossi, 2001). 17 Introduction Scope and limitation • The ancillary services include only AGC, TMSR, and TMOR. • • The ancillary services which is usually procured by long-term contracts and allocated to the consumers proportionately to the MW consumed by each consumer. To test the proposed algorithm on the modified IEEE 30 bus test system, the ancillary services offer prices and quantities, reactive power offer prices and quantities, the demand bid price and quantities, and bilateral contract transactions of the modified IEEE 30 bus system are given. In the modified IEEE 30 bus system, the generator high capacity are given and the line 9-11 flow limit is reduced from the original IEEE 30 bus system. 18 Introduction Scope and limitation • The test Thai power 424 bus system is the reduced network of • the Thai power system considering only EGAT 500 kV, 230 kV and 115 kV transmission system. The lower voltage transmission systems of PEA and MEA (115 kV, 69 kV and below) will be considered as lumped loads. In the simulation on Thai power 424 bus system, the generators offer prices and quantities are obtained by linearizing the fuel cost curve. Each generator fuel cost curve is linearized in to 5 segments of linear curve and used as the offer prices and quantities of the generator. In case the generator has bilateral contract with the consumer, the remaining amount of capacity will be used as the offer prices and quantities in BM. 19 Introduction Scope and limitation • The bilateral contract transactions, the ancillary services offer • prices and quantities, and demand side bids of the Thai power 424 bus system are given. To illustrate the condition of Thai power 424 bus system under security line flow limit constraints, peak loading condition is used and three of four transmission lines from buses 51 to 52 sub-station are out of services. 20 Literature Review Optimal real power dispatch for electricity market Optimal ancillary services and reactive power dispatch for ancillary services market Optimal electricity spot pricing Fuzzy constrained optimal real and reactive power dispatch Optimal power dispatch for bilateral contract and balancing electricity markets. 21 Literature Review optimal real power dispatch for electricity market Supply Cost Minimization - Without Demand Side Bidding (DSB) - [Rau, 1999] - [Huang & Zhao 2000] - [Zhang et al, 2000] - [Cheung et al 2001] Social Welfare Maximization - With DSB - [David 1998] - [Weber 1999] - [Numnonda & Annakkage 1999] - [Kumar & Sheble 1998] 22 Literature Review Social Welfare Maximization in Electricity Market Offer and bid in quadratic form B( Pd ) Maximize B (Pd ) C (Ps ) C ( PS ) B( Pd ) C ( PS ) or maximize P ( D( Pd ) S ( Ps ))dP 0 D ( Pd ) where [David 1998] [Weber 1999] D (Pd ) dB (Pd ) dPd S (Ps ) dC (Ps ) dPs S ( PS ) 23 Literature Review Social Welfare Maximization in Electricity Market Offer and bid in linear form Prices ($/MWh) Quantities (MW) NTD NDi NG NS i i 1 j 1 i 1 j 1 SW Dij PDij Sij PGij [Numnonda & Annakkage 1999] [Kumar & Sheble 1998] 24 Literature Review Optimal real power dispatch for electricity market Reference Objective Constraints Offer and Bid Optimization Techniques Maximize Generators Profits with the Fixed Forward Market - Power balance - Ramp rate - Forward contract Multi blocks bidding with DSB Linear programming David (1998) Maximize Social Welfare - Power balance in bilateral contract, multilateral contract and real time market - Line flow limit Quadratic bidding with demand elasticity OPF Weber (1999) Maximize Social Welfare - Power balance Quadratic bidding with DSB Newton method OPF Rau (1999) Minimize Total System Cost - Power balance - Ancillary services requirement - AGC supply condition Single block bidding without DSB Mixed Integer Linear Programming (NAG software) Numnonda & Annakkage (1999) Maximize Social Welfare - Power balance - Line flow limit Multi blocks bidding with DSB Genetic Algorithm Dekrajandpetch et al (1999) Minimize Total System Cost - Power balance Linear bidding without DSB LaGrange Relaxation with Heuristic Garng & Qing (2000) Minimize Total System Cost with Maximize the Environment Index - Power balance - Ancillary services requirement - Environment index Linear bidding without DSB Genetic Algorithm Cheung et al (2000) Minimize Total System Cost - Power balance - Ancillary services requirement Multi blocks bidding without DSB Linear 25 Programming Kumar and Sheble (1998) Literature Review Optimal ancillary services and reactive power dispatch for ancillary services market Reference Process Offer Method Rau (1999) 1. Electricity dispatch (single block bid without DSB) 2. AGC, TMSR, TMOR dispatch with the AGC supply constraint. 3. TMNSR AGC, TMSR, TMOR, TMNSR are offered in terms of $/MWh - Mixed integer Linear Programming (NAG – commercial software) - Fixed AS requirement Garng and Qing (2000) 1. Electricity dispatch (linear bid without DSB) 2. AGC, TMSR and TMOR dispatch (includes environment aspect) AGC, TMSR, TMOR are offered in terms of $/MWh - GA - Fixed AS requirement Cheung et al (2000) 1. Electricity dispatch (multi block bid without DSB) 2. AGC auction with the AGC supply constraint. 3. TMSR with the remaining capacity 4. TMOR with the remaining capacity 5. TMNSR with the remaining capacity - AGC is offered in term of $/h - TMSR, TMOR, TMNSR are offered in terms $/MWh - Loss opportunity cost payment - Hybrid dispatch (LP) - Fixed AS requirement Fynn et al (2001) 1. Electricity dispatch (linear bid + start up cost without DSB) 2. Spinning reserve dispatch Spinning reserve in linear function + FOR - Recurrent neuron network solve the augmented LaGrange 26 - Fixed AS requirement Literature Review Optimal ancillary services and reactive power dispatch for ancillary services market • The optimal reactive power dispatch was generally used to improve the voltage profile and minimize system loss (Deep and Shahidehpour, 1990; Abdul-Rahman and Shahidehpour, 1993; Tomsovic, 1992). • However, in competitive electricity market, the reactive power was treated as one of the commodities in the ancillary services market and Some optimal reactive power scheduling in electricity market has been proposed (Bhattachaya and Zhong, 200; Gil et al., 2000; Dai et al., 2001). • However, cost of real power loss due to reactive power dispatch and soft characteristics of bus voltage limits were not included. 27 Literature Review Optimal electricity spot pricing The spot pricing is an important tool in the implementation of deregulation. Schwepp et al (1987) proposed the original spot pricing concept. The two important components in the spot price called incremental transmission loss and the transmission line constraint relaxation could be calculated with the power system sensitivity techniques (Wood and Wollenberg 1989). Several methods have been proposed to obtain optimal electricity spot prices (Baughman et al, 1997; El-Keib & Ma, 1997; Gil et al, 2000; Xie et al, 2000) by including constraints terms into the spot price. However, consumers may not respond efficiently to the ancillary service prices if the spot prices, observed by consumers, include only marginal electricity price. 28 Literature Review Fuzzy constrained optimal real and reactive power dispatch The fuzzy set theory is a natural and appropriate tool to represent inexact relation. Based on the fuzzy set theory, an OPF problem can be modified to include fuzzy constraints and fuzzy objective function. Guan et al (1995) applied a fuzzy set method taking into account the fuzzy nature of the line flow constraints in OPF. Edwin Liu and Guan (1996) applied a fuzzy set method to efficiently model the fuzzy line flow limits and control action curtailment in OPF. However, the developed OPFs were applied to the centralized dispatch in the vertically integrated ESI structure. The voltage control problem consisted of fuzzy voltage constraints (Tomsovic, 1992). The fuzzy voltage constraints have been applied to the real power loss minimization problem in (Abdul-Rahman and Shahideshpour, 1993; Tomsovic, 1992). However, the methods were aimed at the centralized voltage control in the vertically integrated ESI structure. 29 Literature Review Optimal power dispatch for bilateral contract and balancing electricity markets To consider the bilateral contract market (BCM) in the balancing electricity market (BM) dispatch, David (1998) minimized total BM cost and total deviation of transaction from the contract subject to power balance and line flow limits. The electricity offers in BM were in quadratic functions and the demand elasticity were present. Galiana and Illic (1998) and Fang and David (1999) proposed the optimal dispatch minimizing total deviation of transaction from the contract subject to power balance and line flow limit. In (Kockar and Galiana, 2002), the price-based curtailment on BCM has been proposed. The objective was to minimize total BCM and BM cost subject to power balance, crisp line flow limit. In their model, quadratic electricity offer using the units heat rates was used in BM and linear bid was used for bilateral contract curtailment bid. The coordination of TMSR with BCM and BM dispatch has been proposed by Wang (2002). The linear electricity offer in BM (Single block), linear demand side bid, and linear bilateral contract curtailment bid were used. The TMSR was offered in $/MWh. 30 Literature Review • To alleviate network congestion in the bilateral contract market (BCM) when the supply in the balancing market (BM) are not enough, it might be necessary for the ISO to curtail some of the transactions for economical and security reasons. • Some curtailment strategies aim to minimize deviations from transaction requests made by market participants in bilateral and multilateral contract markets. [David1998][Galiana & Illice 1999][Fang & David 1999] • To coordinate the bilateral contract market with pool dispatch, the congestion was managed in the economical manner using either BM or the bilateral contract curtailment bids. [Kockar & Galiana 2002][Wang et al 2002] 31 Literature Review • To incorporate line limit constraint, an optimal dispatch problem can be formulated as an extended problem in the optimal power flow (OPF) which involves the determination of the instantaneous optimal steady state of an electric power system. • However, a serious drawback in OPF is the crisp treatment of the constraints. Constraint limits are given fixed values that have to be met at all times. Crisp treatment of the constraints in the OPF problem usually leads to over-conservative solutions [Guan et al 1995] . • From a practical point of view, an OPF does not need to find a rigid minimum/maximum solution. Certain trade-off among objective function and constraints would be desirable than rigid constraints. • Realistic OPF solutions require special attention to the 32 constraint enforcement and control action. Literature Review • The fuzzy set theory is a natural and appropriate tool to represent inexact relation. Based on the fuzzy set theory, an OPF problem can be modified to include fuzzy constraints and fuzzy objective functions. • These developments have made it possible to overcome some of the limitations of the conventional OPF [Guan et al 1995], [Edwin Liu and Guan 1996]. • However, the developed fuzzy constrained OPFs were applied to the centralized dispatch in the vertically integrated ESI structure. 33 Literature Review The fuzzy constraints in real power optimal dispatch Proposed [Guan et al 1995] [Edwin Liu and Guan 1996] Objective: Minimize Total Operating Cost Objective: Maximize Social Welfare Line Flow It is quit obvious that linear membership function will not always be adequate for fuzzy constraints representations. Quite often S-shaped membership functions have been suggested in the research field of fuzzy mathematical programming. [Zimmermann 1991], [Leberling 1981], [Werners 1984] Line Flow Ancillary Services 34 Requirement Literature Review • The optimal reactive power dispatch is generally to improve the • • voltage profile and minimize system loss. However, in competitive electricity market, the reactive power is usually one of the commodities in ancillary services market and the practical voltage control problem consists of fuzzy voltage constraints. Some optimal reactive power scheduling in electricity market has been proposed in [Bhattacharya and Zhong 2001], [Gil et al 2000], [Dai et al 2001]. However, the practical voltage control problem consists of fuzzy voltage constraints [Tomsovic 1992]. Therefore, fuzzy optimization has been applied in the reactive power control problem [Abdul-Rahman and Shahidehpour 1993], [Tomsovic 1992]. Nonetheless, the reactive power is not treated as an ancillary service in [Abdul-Rahman and Shahidehpour 1993], [Tomsovic 1992]. 35 Literature Review The fuzzy constraints in reactive power optimal dispatch [Abdul-Rahman and Shahidehpour 1993] [Tomsovic 1992] Proposed Objective: Minimize Total Reactive Power Cost Objective: Minimize Total Real Power Loss Bus voltage magnitude Bus voltage magnitude 36 Literature Review Optimal power dispatch for bilateral contract and balancing electricity markets Reference Objective Constraints Offer Ancillary Services David (1998) Minimize total RBM cost and Minimize total deviation of transaction from the contract - Power balance - Crisp line flow limit Quadratic electricity offer in RBM (model with demand elasticity) None Galiana and Illic (1998) Minimize total deviation of transaction from the contract - Power balance - Crisp line flow limit None None Fang and David (1999) Minimize total deviation of transaction from the contract - Power balance - Crisp line flow limit None (willingness to pay to avoid deviation from contract) None 37 Literature Review Optimal power dispatch for bilateral contract and balancing electricity markets Reference Objective Constraints Offer Ancillary Services Kockar and Galiana (2002) Minimize total BCM and BM cost - Power balance - Crisp line flow limit - Quadratic electricity offer in BM (ISO must known the unit actual heat rates) - Bilateral Contract Curtailment bid None Wang (2002) Minimize total BCM and BM cost - Power balance - Crisp line flow limit - TMSR requirements - Linear electricity offer in BM (Single block) - Linear DSB - TMSR offered in $/MWh - Bilateral Contract Curtailment bid - TMSR - Replacement reserve Proposed Problem Formulation Social welfare fuzzy maximization and combined reactive power cost and cost of real power loss fuzzy minimization -Power balance -Fuzzy line flow -Fuzzy bus voltage -Fuzzy AGC, TMSR, TMOR requirements -Incremental stair-case function electricity offer in BM -Decremented stair-case function DSB -TMSR, TMOR, AGC offered in $/MWh -Reactive power offered in $/MVArh -Bilateral Contract Curtailment bid -TMSR -TMOR -AGC -Reactive power 38 Literature Review Conclusion The literature review indicates that there is growing interest to develop more suitable models for optimal real and reactive power dispatch for competitive electricity markets. Linear, non-linear optimization and artificial intelligent techniques has been applied to different models of electricity markets. Many improvements on optimal power dispatch for electricity markets has been done by coordinating electricity with ancillary services. However, most of the previous methods are based on the objective of minimizing total operating cost without demand side bids. In this dissertation, demand side bidding is included by using the objective of social welfare maximization in the coordinated constrained optimal power dispatch for BCM, BM and ASM. 39 Literature Review Several optimal spot pricing were proposed by including constraints terms. However, the marginal prices of ancillary services were not considered. This research proposes a sharper spot price signal including marginal electricity and marginal ancillary services prices and additional reactive power spot price. It has also shown that the fuzzy constrained OPF can provide a better solution than that of crisp constrained OPF. However, the fuzzy constrained OPFs were applied to the centralized dispatch in the vertically integrated ESI structure and merely either the line flow and transformer loading limits or bus voltage limits were treated as fuzzy constraints. In this research, the fuzzy constrained optimal power dispatch is used to maximize the social welfare in electricity market and minimize combined reactive power cost and cost of real power loss in the electricity market by treating the AGC, spinning and operating reserves requirements, line flow and transformer loading limits, and voltage limits as fuzzy40 constraints. Bilateral Contract Amount Offer price and quantity in BM Line Flow Fuzzy Constraints Bilateral Contract Market Ancillary Services Market Balancing Market Coordinated Fuzzy Constrained Optimal Power Dispatch Manual operation PGimax high PAGC ,i Capable for AGC Manual operation low PAGC ,i PGimin 41 0 Coordinated Fuzzy Constrained Optimal Power Dispatch for Bilateral, Balancing Electricity and Ancillary Services Markets (CFCOPD) 42 Coordinated Fuzzy Constrained Optimal Power Dispatch for Bilateral, Balancing Electricity and Ancillary Services Markets The problem formulation include three unbundled markets; Bilateral Contract Market (BCM) Balancing Market (BM) Ancillary Services Market (ASM) 43 Coordinated Fuzzy Constrained Optimal Power Dispatch for Bilateral, Balancing Electricity and Ancillary Services Markets Coordinated fuzzy constrained optimal power dispatch for bilateral contract, balancing, and ancillary services markets CFCOPD Social Welfare Fuzzy Maximization Subproblem Mixed integer fuzzy linear programming PGi PDi AGC TMSR TMOR Combined Reactive Power Cost and Cost of Real Power Loss Fuzzy Minimization Subproblem Fuzzy linear programming |VGi | Ti 44 Literature Review Social Welfare Maximization in Electricity Market Offer and bid in quadratic form B( Pd ) Maximize B (Pd ) C (Ps ) C ( PS ) B( Pd ) C ( PS ) or maximize P ( D( Pd ) S ( Ps ))dP 0 D ( Pd ) where [David 1998] [Weber 1999] D (Pd ) dB (Pd ) dPd S (Ps ) dC (Ps ) dPs S ( PS ) 45 Literature Review Social Welfare Maximization in Electricity Market Offer and bid in linear form Prices ($/MWh) Quantities (MW) NTD NDi NG NS i i 1 j 1 i 1 j 1 SW Dij PDij Sij PGij [Numnonda & Annakkage 1999] [Kumar & Sheble 1998] 46 Coordinated Fuzzy Constrained Optimal Power Dispatch for Bilateral, Balancing Electricity and Ancillary Services Markets Social Welfare Fuzzy Maximization Subproblem Maximize NS i S P OAGC AGC i i ij Gij j 1 NDi SW Dij PDij OTMSRi TMSRi OTMOR i TMORi iBD j 1 iBG DPLi NDPLi CTB DPL P BCDPL BCNDPL CTBijNDPL PGij ij Gij j 1 j 1 Curtailment bids for dispatchable demands The load that can be response to the ISO dispatch instruction in BM Curtailment bids for nondispatchable demands 47 Coordinated Fuzzy Constrained Optimal Power Dispatch for Bilateral, Balancing Electricity and Ancillary Services Markets Social Welfare Fuzzy Maximization Subproblem (cont.) Subject to NB 1. Power balance constraints PGi PDi V i V j y ij cos(ij ij ) j 1 NB QGi Q Di V i V j y ij sin(ij ij ) j 1 PGi NS i P Gij ~ PGiBC j 1 PDi NDi P Dij BC PDi j 1 PGiBC DPLGi j 1 BCDPL PGij DPLGi j 1 BCDPL PGij NDPLGi j 1 BCNDPL PGij BC Di P NDPLGi BCNDPL PGij j 1 DPLDi P j 1 BCDPL Dij DPLGi P j 1 BCDPL Gji NDPLDi BCNDPL PDij j 1 48 Coordinated Fuzzy Constrained Optimal Power Dispatch for Bilateral, Balancing Electricity and Ancillary Services Markets Social Welfare Fuzzy Maximization Subproblem (cont.) 2. Fuzzy line flow limit constraints ~ max fl fl PGi ~ DC flow sensitivity method [Wood & Wollenberg 1996] PDi 3. Fuzzy ancillary services requirement constraints ~ AGCR % AGC ( PDi Ploss ) iBD AGC iBG ~ TMSRR %TMSR ( PDi Ploss ) iBD ~ TMORR %TMOR ( PDi Ploss ) iBD i TMSR iBG i TMOR iBG i 49 Coordinated Fuzzy Constrained Optimal Power Dispatch for Bilateral, Balancing Electricity and Ancillary Services Markets Social Welfare Fuzzy Maximization Subproblem (cont.) 4. Generator maximum operating limit constraints PGi AGCi TMSRi TMORi PGimax 0 PGi PGimax Z i 5. Generator minimum operating limit and AGC regulating limit constraints [Rau 1999] low min min A i (PAGC P ) Z P ,i Gi i Gi PGi 0 0 AGC i AGC imax PGi AGCi P high AGC,i Ai Z i 0 Ai Ai Zi = 1 Unit on Zi = 0 Unit off Ai = 1 AGC on Ai = 0 AGC off Manual operation PGimax high PAGC ,i Capable for AGC Manual operation low PAGC ,i PGimin 0 50 Coordinated Fuzzy Constrained Optimal Power Dispatch for Bilateral, Balancing Electricity and Ancillary Services Markets Social Welfare Fuzzy Maximization Subproblem (cont.) 6. TMSR and TMOR limit constraints 0 TMSR i TMSR imax Z i PGimax Operating Range min min TMORi PGi Zi PGi Ui 0 0 TMORi TMORimax Ui Ui = 1 Unit supply TMOR Ui = 0 Unit not supply TMOR PGimin Unit on Supply TMOR Unit off 0 51 Coordinated Fuzzy Constrained Optimal Power Dispatch for Bilateral, Balancing Electricity and Ancillary Services Markets Combined Reactive Power Cost and Cost of Real Power Loss Fuzzy Minimization Subproblem Minimize CQL OQ iBG offer price in the leading region LG Gi QGiLG OQGiLD QGiLD Ploss offer quantity in the leading region offer price in the lagging region offer quantity in the lagging region The linearized objective function is Minimize TQC OQ iBG LD Gi LD QGij OQGiLG QGiLG Ploss 52 Coordinated Fuzzy Constrained Optimal Power Dispatch for Bilateral, Balancing Electricity and Ancillary Services Markets Subject to 1. Power balance constraints NB PGi PDi V i V j y ij cos(ij ij ) j 1 NB QGi Q Di V i V j y ij sin(ij ij ) j 1 2. Fuzzy bus voltage magnitude limit constraints ~ ~ Vi min Vi Vi max ~ 53 Coordinated Fuzzy Constrained Optimal Power Dispatch for Bilateral, Balancing Electricity and Ancillary Services Markets 3. Transformer tap-change limits Ti min Ti Ti max 4. Generator reactive power limits constraints 0 QGiLD Li QGimax OQGiLG , OQGiLD 0 QGiLG (1 Li ) QGimin QGi Li QGiLD (1 Li ) QGiLG Li 0,1 Li = 1 Lagging Li = 0 Leading QGimin QGiLG max QGiLD QGi 54 Initialize real power loss from power flow analysis Solve MIFLP for real power scheduling and ancillary services Solve power flow analysis with the real power scheduling output from MIFLP (A) VGio VGi and Ti o Ti Minimize combined reactive power cost and cost of real power loss by FLP VGi VGio VGi and Ti Ti o Ti PGi PDi AGC TMSR TMOR Solve power flow analysis (B) Any lagging generator ( 0 QGi QGimax ) violating zero low limit? No Yes Change Li from 1 to 0 Any leading generator ( QGimin QGi 0) violating zero high limit? No |VGi | Ti Yes Change Li from 0 to 1 Add the fuzzy voltage constraints in FLP problem Yes Yes Any new bus voltage limit violation? No Computational Procedure Does the combined reactive power cost and cost of real power loss of the current power flow solution lower than that of the previous power flow solution? No V Gi V Add the fuzzy line flow constraints in MIFLP problem No Yes o Gi VGi and Ti Ti o Ti Any new line flow limit violation? No Does the current power flow solution using MIFLP (A) match the current power flow solution from combined reactive power cost and cost of real power loss fuzzy minimization subproblem (B)? Yes Compute loss sensitivity factor and spot price STOP 55 Coordinated Fuzzy Constrained Optimal Power Dispatch for Bilateral, Balancing Electricity and Ancillary Services Markets The Fuzzy Constraints The hyperbolic function is used to represent the nonlinear, Sshaped, membership function. The function can be expressed as, ai bi 1 1 μi ( x) tanh Bi x i 2 2 2 Very well satisfied Strongly violated or Unsatisfied 56 Coordinated Fuzzy Constrained Optimal Power Dispatch for Bilateral, Balancing Electricity and Ancillary Services Markets The fuzzy membership functions in the social welfare fuzzy maximization 57 Coordinated Fuzzy Constrained Optimal Power Dispatch for Bilateral, Balancing Electricity and Ancillary Services Markets The fuzzy membership functions in the reactive power cost fuzzy minimization i 1.0 0.5 imin i 10 imin 4 Bus voltage magnitude max i 10 4 imax i max min imax imin i i Bi x i 1.0 Reactive power cost 0.5 i i i i i Bi x 58 Payment Schemes CEP Scheme The scheme maximize social welfare in BM as, Maximize SW NDi D P iBD j 1 ij Dij NS i S ij PGij iBG j 1 Subject to : Power balance constraints (1) Line flow limit constraints (2) Generator limit constraints Z i PGimin PGi 0 After obtain the BM dispatch solution, the scheme minimize total ancillary services cost as, Minimize ASC OAGC AGC OTMSR TMSR OTMOR TMOR iBG i i i i i i Subject to : Ancillary services requirement constraints (3) Generator limit constraints (4- 6) 59 Payment Schemes CEP Scheme Spot Price iCEP L,i QS ,i Market Clearing Price Network Quality of Supply NC Marginal Transmission Loss L,i ( ITL ) ( dPloss ) dPi QS ,i l a li i 1 df l ali dPi Total AS payment TASP AGC AGCR TMSR TMSRR TMOR TMORR Reactive Power Spot Price NB dV j dQloss dP i Q (1 ) ( j ,l j ,u ) ( loss ) dQi dQi dQi j 1 60 Payment Schemes Payments under CEP scheme i ×QDiBC i ×QDi BC PDi BM TASP × NB NDi P iCEP × PDi Dij j 1 i 1 Consumers ( L ,i QS ,i ) ×P j 1 TASP × NB Power Gens PDi Consumers BC Di NDi PDij BCM ISO Transmission Charge i 1 NSi iCEP × PGij j 1 i ×( Li ×QGiLD (1 Li ) ×QGiLG ) Bilateral Contract Power Gens AGC ×AGC i TMSR ×TMSR i TMOR ×TMOR i Payment for Electricity in BM at Bus i Payment for Ancillary Services at Bus i Payment for Reactive Power at Bus i Payment for Incremental Transmission Loss at Bus i ASM PowerGens 61 CEASP Scheme Payment Schemes The scheme maximize social welfare in BCM, BM, and ASM simultaneously as, Maximize NS i S P OAGC AGC i i ij Gij j 1 NDi SW Dij PDij OTMSRi TMSRi OTMOR i TMORi iBD j 1 iBG DPLi NDPLi CTB DPL P BCDPL BCNDPL CTBijNDPL PGij ij Gij j 1 j 1 Subject to : Power balance constraints (1) Line flow limit constraints (2) Ancillary services requirement constraints (3) Generator limit constraints (4) Generator minimum and AGC regulating limit constraints (5) TMSR and TMOR limit constraints (6) 62 Payment Schemes CEASP Scheme Spot price include marginal AS price iCEASP L,i QS ,i AGC TMSR dAGCR (1 ITLi ) dPDi dTMSRR dTMORR (1 ITLi ) TMOR (1 ITLi ). dPDi dPDi Marginal AS price AS i dAGCR dTMSRR AGC (1 ITL i ) TMSR (1 ITLi ) dPDi dPDi TMOR dTMORR (1 ITL i ). dPDi 63 Payment Schemes Payments under CEASP scheme i ×QDiBC i ×QDi iAS ×PDiBC NDi DPL BCDPL CTB P ij Gij PDij j 1 × j 1 NDPLi iBG NDPL BCNDPL CTB P PDi ij Gij j 1 iBD DPLi BM Consumers ( L,i QS ,i ) ×P BC Di BCM Consumers NDi iCEASP × PDij j 1 Power Gens ISO DPLi BCDPL CTBijDPL PGij NSi j 1 j 1 NDPLi iCEP × PGij BCNDPL CTBijNDPL PGij AGC ×AGC i TMSR ×TMSR i TMOR ×TMOR i Bilateral Contract Power Gens j 1 i ×( Li ×QGiLG (1 Li ) ×QGiLD ) Payment for Electricity in BM at Busi Payment for Ancillary Services at Busi Payment for Bilateral Contract Curtailment at Busi Payment for Reactive Power at Busi Payment for Incremental Transmission Loss at Busi ASM PowerGens 64 Numerical Results Experimentations 1. Competitive Electricity Price Scheme (CEP) 2. Competitive Electricity and Ancillary Services Prices Scheme (CEASP) 3. CEASP Scheme with Bilateral Contract Curtailment Bids 4. Fuzzy Constrained CEASP Scheme with Bilateral Contract Curtailment Bids Test Systems 1. Modified IEEE 30 Bus System 2. Thai Power 424 Bus System 65 Numerical Results Numerical Results on IEEE 30 bus system 66 Numerical Results IEEE 30 bus system • Voltage Constraint: +5%, -10% • Ancillary services requirement: • AGC 3% • TMSR 5% • TMOR 5% 67 Bilateral contract quantities and curtailment bids Numerical Results IEEE 30 bus system AS offer prices and quantities in ASM Electricity offer prices and quantities in BM 68 IEEE 30 bus system Numerical Results Electricity bid prices and quantities in BM 69 Numerical Results IEEE 30 bus system Dispatch results in BM 70 Numerical Results IEEE 30 bus system Electricity spot prices in BM 71 Numerical Results IEEE 30 bus system Item Social Welfare in BM, ASM, and ASM ($/hr) Social Welfare in BM ($/hr) Social Welfare in BM and ASM ($/hr) Electricity Market Clearing Price in BM ($/MWhr) Total Real Power Dispatch (MW) Electricity Market Clearing Quantity in BM (MW) Total Electricity Generation in BCM (MW) Real Power Loss Total Payment of ISO ($/hr) Payment to PowerGens/IPPsfor Electricity in BM ($/hr) Payment to PowerGens/IPPsfor AS in ASM ($/hr) Payment for Bilateral Contract Curtailment ($/hr) Total Consumer Payment ($/hr) Payment of Consumer in BM for Electricity in BM ($/hr) Payment of Consumer in BM for AS ($/hr) Payment of Consumer in BM with Bilateral Contract Curtailment ($/hr) Payment of Consumer in BCM for AS ($/hr) Payment of Consumer in BCM for incremental transmission loss ($/hr) ISO Surplus ($/hr) Average Electricity Price in BM ($/MWhr) Total Reactive Power Cost Payment to PowerGens/IPPsfor Reactive Power ($/hr) Payment of consumers for Reactive Power ($/hr) Average Reactive Power Price ($/MVARh) 50.000 261.000 3.218 1009.360 980.002 764.270 245.090 0.000 1209.109 1113.849 795.082 40.270 49.458 260.996 3.191 765.903 39.251 Fuzzy Constrained CEASP Scheme with Bilateral Contract Curtailment 238.919 455.442 456.698 236.820 247.651 11.670 314.568 51.624 51.815 258.798 259.577 3.185 3.176 835.701 588.802 591.922 244.623 235.047 13.530 8.732 947.958 612.818 616.716 40.960 39.375 0.000 209.842 0.000 206.791 13.530 204.990 8.732 196.942 123.643 62.652 46.762 46.818 CEP Scheme 220.880 CEASP Scheme without Bilateral Contract Curtailment 221.463 439.970 220.880 15.400 314.218 11.670 313.607 846.955 735.356 244.646 0.000 960.019 133.847 16.280 369.250 483.142 689.856 4.841 223.290 440.109 221.463 15.220 313.645 199.749 16.707 371.238 CEASP Scheme with Bilateral Contract Curtailment 113.064 12.926 360.927 481.280 688.099 4.834 112.258 12.831 363.078 481.793 682.848 4.773 483.501 72 685.224 4.771 Numerical Results Thai power 424 bus system 424 Buses 744 Transmission lines and Transformers 146 Generators 73 Numerical Results Thai power system The Offer Price The offer price of each GenCo is obtained by linearized generation cost 74 Numerical Results Thai power system The Offer Price Bilateral Contract Amount Offer price and quantity in BM 5 segments is used in the simulation 75 Numerical Results Thai power system Price (Baht/MWh) Aggregate Supply Curve of Thai Power System 76 Numerical Results Thai power system • Voltage Constraint: +5%, -10% • Ancillary services requirements [Chao and Wilson 2001] : • AGC 3% • TMSR 5% • TMOR 5% • The 16 GW loading condition with 3 of 4 lines from bus 51 to bus 52 out of services is presented. 77 Numerical Results Thai power system 3 of 4 lines out of service Line overloaded 78 Numerical Results Thai power system Fuzzy Constrained CEASP Scheme Item CEP Scheme with Bilateral Contract Curtailment Social Welfare in BM, ASM, and ASM (THB/hr) 336815.628 342012.919 343208.857 405798.883 Social Welfare in BM (THB /hr) 729605.482 732750.982 734424.957 738333.539 Social Welfare in BM and ASM (THB /hr) 336815.628 342012.919 343733.489 406546.068 Electricity Market Clearing Price in BM (THB /MWhr) 1341.665 1288.581 1235.497 896.866 Total Real Power Dispatch (MW) 16148.852 16099.242 16098.124 16097.343 Electricity Market Clearing Quantity in BM (MW) 1423.940 1376.740 1376.740 1376.740 Total Electricity Generation in BCM (MW) 14247.147 14247.147 14246.089 14245.349 Real Power Loss 477.765 475.355 475.295 475.254 Total Payment of ISO (THB /hr) 3199116.842 3030463.394 2930244.426 2230073.242 Payment to PowerGens/IPPs for Electricity in BM (THB /hr) 2531224.561 2364622.904 2263925.899 1637306.844 Payment to PowerGens/IPPs for AS in ASM (THB /hr) 667892.281 665840.489 665793.894 592019.213 Payment for Bilateral Contract Curtailment (THB /hr) 0.000 0.000 524.633 747.185 Total Consumer Payment (THB /hr) 4412877.314 4191475.677 4043062.364 3027322.906 Payment of Consumer in BM for Electricity in BM (THB /hr) 2100375.582 1949204.939 1865353.403 1354114.922 Payment of Consumer in BM for AS (THB /hr) 63523.870 61476.850 61464.313 54534.779 Payment of Consumer in BM with Bilateral Contract Curtailment (THB /hr) 0.000 0.000 524.633 747.185 Payment of Consumer in BCM for AS (THB /hr) 636974.432 636822.993 636651.129 564854.284 Payment of Consumer in BCM for incremental transmission loss (THB /hr) 1548479.561 1482494.044 1417604.573 998536.956 ISO Surplus (THB /hr) 1213760.473 1161012.284 1112817.938 797249.664 Average Electricity Price in BM (THB /MWhr) 1519.656 1460.466 1399.932 1023.720 Total Reactive Power Cost 1027858.810 994947.277 969639.128 808768.592 Payment to PowerGens/IPPs for Reactive Power (THB /hr) 231473.622 214757.082 217258.141 234080.585 Payment of consumers for Reactive Power (THB /hr) 1062737.229 1041026.722 1030855.468 966751.955 79 Average Reactive Power Price (THB /MVARh) 271.607 267.596 264.986 248.511 CEASP Scheme without Bilateral Contract Curtailment CEASP Scheme with Bilateral Contract Curtailment Conclusion Summary The dissertation proposes a coordinated fuzzy constrained optimal power dispatch for bilateral contract, balancing electricity, and ancillary services markets. The results show that the CFCOPD algorithm is efficiently and effectively maximizing the social welfare by MIFLP and minimizing the combined reactive power cost and cost of real power loss by FLP in the bilateral contract, balancing electricity, and ancillary services markets leading to a lower average electricity price to the consumer. 80 Conclusion The CFCOPD could trade off between the system security and social welfare in the social fuzzy maximization subproblem and between bus voltage magnitudes and combined reactive power cost and cost of real power loss in the combined reactive power cost and cost of real power loss fuzzy minimization subproblem. The dispatch results show that the social welfare of the fuzzy constrained CEASP scheme with bilateral contract curtailment bids is higher than those of CEP scheme, CEASP scheme, and CEASP scheme with bilateral contract curtailment bids, leading to a lower average electricity price. The proposed CFCOPD is potentially applicable to the proposed NESA for Thailand due to a higher social welfare, lower electricity price, and sharper price signal sent to all 81 market participants. Thank you 82