LAB Experiments 1435 /1434 الفصل الدراسى الثاني للعام الجامعي 363cs :المقرر Course Name: Artificial Intelligence 156 الشعبة السادس:المستوي Week-7 جامعة سلمان بن عبد العزيز كلية اآلداب والعلـوم بوادي الدواسر قســـم علوم الحاسب و المعلومات Date:……………………………… Student Name: ………………………………………… Academic Number:……………………………………. Part A: Practicing Aim: Predicates- Matching Learning Objective: Prolog to test a given pair of points, whether they form a horizontal line or vertical line. 1. Check the following for matching of predicates. John is child of Ann John is child of Alex. Ann is child of bob. 2. Represent the following facts in prolog language [bob, carol, ted, alice] [X|Y] matches with X=bob Y=[carol,ted,alice] [X,Y|Z] matches with X=bob, Y=carol, Z=[ted,alice] [X,Y,Z|W] matches with X=bob, Y=carol, Z=ted W=[alice] [X,Y,Z,W|V] matches with X=bob, Y=carol, Z=ted, W=alice and V=[] [X,Y,Z,Y] won't match because Y=carol and carol != alice [X,Y,Z,W,V|U] won't match because the list does not contain 5 elements 1. Lists in prolog append([],List,List). append([H|Tail],X,[H|NewTail]) :- append(Tail,X,NewTail). Input: append([a,b,c],[d,e],X). 1 LAB Experiments 1435 /1434 الفصل الدراسى الثاني للعام الجامعي 363cs :المقرر Course Name: Artificial Intelligence 156 الشعبة السادس:المستوي Week-9 Date:……………………………… Student Name: ………………………………………… Academic Number:……………………………………. Part A: Practicing Aim: Family Tree Objective: To deuce predicate and check it from given clause. We have only clause father(A,B), e.g. father(ali,wali) e.g. to deduce grandfather relation we will do asgrandfather(A,C):- father(A,B), father(B,C). First we will create fact base to be used in both exercises. father(ali,wali). father(ali, hamza). father(ali, saad). father (ali, saud). father(ali, saeed). father(hamza,salman). father(hamza, sultan). 2 جامعة سلمان بن عبد العزيز كلية اآلداب والعلـوم بوادي الدواسر قســـم علوم الحاسب و المعلومات Deducing Uncle relationship brother(A, B) :-father(C, A),father(C, B). cousin(A, B) :-father(C, A),father(D, B),brother(C, D),C \= D. uncle(X,Y):- father(A,X), father(A, Z), father(Z,Y). Check the following exercise ?-uncle(wali, saeed). ?cousin(saeed, salman). ?-cousini(saad, saeed). Exercise 3 LAB Experiments 1435 /1434 الفصل الدراسى الثاني للعام الجامعي 363cs :المقرر Course Name: Artificial Intelligence 156 الشعبة السادس:المستوي Week- جامعة سلمان بن عبد العزيز كلية اآلداب والعلـوم بوادي الدواسر قســـم علوم الحاسب و المعلومات Student Name: Academic No: Practicing Part A: Construct the following facts using prolog John is a parent of Paul. Paul is a parent of tom. Tom is a parent of mary. Represent the following below fact using PROLOG relations If Y is a parent of X, then Y is an ancestor of X If Z is an ancestor of Y and X is a parent of Z, Then X is an ancestor of Y Part B : Exercise 1. John is ancestor of paul. 2. Paul is ancestor of tom 3. Tom is ancestor of mary. 4 LAB Experiments 1435 /1434 الفصل الدراسى الثاني للعام الجامعي 363cs :المقرر Course Name: Artificial Intelligence 156 الشعبة السادس:المستوي Week- 11 جامعة سلمان بن عبد العزيز كلية اآلداب والعلـوم بوادي الدواسر قســـم علوم الحاسب و المعلومات Student Name: Academic No: Practicing Part A: Construct the following facts using prolog Aim: Semantic Networks Represent the following facts in Prolog language. Tom is a cat. Tom caught a bird. Tom is owned by John. Tom is ginger in colour. Cats like cream. The cat sat on the mat. A cat is a mammal. A bird is an animal. All mammals are animals. 5 Mammals have fur. Exercise: 6