
The Story of
the Years
Cobourg Presbyterial
of the
"Not by might nor by power but by My Spirit,'
saith the Lord of Hosts.
We regret the many omissions of names and events in many of
the local histories -- due to lack of information. Many records have
been lost, some by fire, some by removal of officers and failure to pass
them on to responsible members, some because of failure to realize the
importance of sending such information to the ‘Archives’.</p><<p>
We acknowledge with gratitude the co-operation of Rev. Arthur
Reynolds of the Archives, local members, and Mrs. William Gillespie,
Vernonville, who during her four years as Press Secretary (1937-41)
kept an up-to-date scrap book. Valuable information was obtained from
Report books of early days preserved by Mrs. J. W. Roberts, District
Organizer, and passed on to her niece, Florence Hall Lean, who has
been custodian of the Presbyterial Scrap Book since the passing of
Mrs. J. J. Way, Wooler, in 1952, and who has endeavored to compile
this History from the material derived from the above named sources.</p><p>
In this attempt to reproduce the great achievements of the past,
we have ever been conscious of the fact that a great army of women
are not mentioned but have contributed to the over-all success by
great devotion and loyal support. They also have served, and form a
part of that "Great multitude which no man could number".</p><p>
Also there are other chapters, which have not been written, of
the efforts of unnumbered missionaries Who have gone forth with the
"Message", representing The Woman's Missionary Society, on the Home
and Overseas Fields. Surely, "The half has not been told."</p><p>
We also acknowledge with gratitude the co-operation of Foster
M. Russell, Publisher, Mrs. H. T. Alien, and Mrs. Frank Westington.</p><br>
In the beginning the General Secretary of the Methodist Church,
Dr. Sutherland, set in motion
influences that have revolutionized the thought and purposes of
the former Methodist woman,
that have proved such a blessing
to them, and through them, to
thousands of women and children in other lands.</p><p>
In 1881, "The Missionary Outlook" began its career; the first
number appealing strongly for
the formation of Women's Societies.</p><p>
This appeal met with ready response; the women of the church
were called – ‘they did not run
before they were sent’. They owe
their existence - not to the desire for prominence - but to the
urgent need of the Church for
their co-operation in the great
Missionary service.</p><p>
A similar experience must have
been the beginning of the Presbyterian and Congregational urge
for Women's work, for their beginnings in Organized effort were
at about the same time.</p><p>
The Watchword of the Presbyterian Society was: "The World
For Christ!" Rev. 14:6;</p><p>
That of the Congregational Society: "Whatsoever He sayeth
unto you do it."</p><p>
That of the Methodist Society:
"Not by might, nor by power, but
by my Spirit," saith the Lord of
"This is the victory that overcometh the world - even our
The United Church of Canada
Cobourg Presbyterial
"Not by might, nor by power, but
by my Spirit," saith the Lord.
As we attempt, in humility and
gratitude, to record a portion of
the thrilling history of Cobourg
Presbyterial Woman's Missionary
Society, of the United Church of
Canada, we are conscious of "being surrounded by so great a
cloud of witnesses."
‘Christian’ in ‘Pilgrim's Progress’, as he climbed the ‘Mountain of Desire’, would pause and
look backward over the road he
had travelled; and it seems fitting, that now we have completed our Pilgrimage as members of
the Woman's Missionary Society,
we too, pause for a backward
Gaining courage and inspiration, because of our reflections
on our ‘victorious’ past, we may
‘go forward’, at the command of
our great Leader and Guide, to
face a future of united effort, in
the whole Mission of the Church
and World Brotherhood.
"Joyously our thanks we offer
That through all the unfolding
Thou, 0 God, hath led us forward
Through successes, hopes and
Give to us a keen awareness
Of the challenge of today,
In the changing world about
Help us each our part to play.
Help us build the bridge and
Cross the gulfs of race and creed,
That in peace and love united
We may meet each others need.
Joyously, we face the future,
Knowing thou’wilt be our guide,
Leading ever on and upward
Through the years, whate’er betide.
Cobourg Presbyterial was so
much Methodist in background,
and so many of the Auxiliaries
had their beginning during the
early days, we cannot record our
history since Union, 1925, without some reference to this, in the
histories which follow, as milestones.
In the early days, Cobourg District, as it was then known, was
a part of the Central Branch,
which extended from Toronto to
The Dominion Woman's Missionary Society was organized in
1881. At first there were only
three Branches; Western, Central, and Eastern.
In 1893 a meeting was held in
London to divide the Central
Branch. At this time, it was
decided to divide the Central
Branch, according to Conference
limits. From that time, we were
in Bay of Quinte Branch.
Three years after Union, in
1928, Lindsay District was divided into Lindsay and Peterborough, and Cobourg District was
divided into Cobourg and Oshawa.
In 1925, Union of the Congregational, Presbyterian, Methodist
Churches came into effect. We
were hereafter to be known as
Cobourg Presbyterial Woman's
Missionary Society.
On April 20th, 1926, in Trinity
United Church, Cobourg, the Inaugural Service of Cobourg Presbyterial Woman's Missionary Society took place. Over 200 delegates and twice that many visitors attended.
Mrs. J. W. Roberts (Methodist), Mrs. J. T. Field (Congregational), and Mrs. (Rev.) W. A.
Bremner (Presbyterian), representing the three United Societies, presided over the meetings.
The new Presbyterial placed itself on record as opposed to any
backward step being taken in
Temperance reform - pledged
itself to support only such candidates as would further the Temperance cause.
Officers elected were as follows:
President: Mrs. J. W. Roberts.
Corresponding Secretary: Mrs.
George Jackson, Port Perry.
Recording Secretary: Mrs.
George Hammond, Campbellford.
Treasurer: Mrs. Pringle, Whitby.
A delightful harmony is said to
have prevailed throughout the
The second Annual Meeting was
held in Port Hope, and the third
in Brighton. Mrs. J. W. Roberts,
who had served the Cobourg District as District Organizer from
1910 until the consummation of
Union, and as President of the
new Cobourg Presbyterial Woman's Missionary Society, for
three years, resigned at this
meeting. A beautiful basket of
roses was presented to her by
Mrs. Ashton, Campbellford, and
Mrs. J. T. Field, Cobourg.
Names of other prominent workers, which appear in the records
of early days of Union were: Mrs.
(Dr.) Garland, Cobourg; Mrs.
James McKinnon, Cobourg; Mrs.
R. S. Newman, Castleton; Mrs. J.
H. Johnston, Grafton; Mrs. Boyce,
Mrs. Snelgrove, Mrs. Rose Maitland,
Brighton; Mrs. George
Hammond, Campbellford; Mrs.
(Rev.) David, Baltimore; Mrs. J.
T. Daley, Port Hope. (First President of Conference Branch),
Port Hope.
Presidents throughout the years
were -Mrs. J. W. Roberts, Grafton
Mrs. (Rev.) J. F. Mears, Port
Mrs. Ashton, Campbellford
Mrs. S. L. Terrill, Wooler
Mrs. S. J. Gray, Garden Hill
Mrs. E. C. Roberts, Campbellford
Mrs. (Rev.) P. F. Gardiner, Canton
Mrs. H. Ireland, Carman
Mrs. Eldred Lean, Cambome
Mrs. H. I. Alien, Castleton
Secretaries throughout the years
were -Mrs. George Hammond, Camp-
Mrs. J. J. Way, Wooler
Mrs. Eldred Lean, Camborne
Mrs. Hedley Ireland, Carman
Mrs. Lornee Evans, Warkworth
Mrs. Clayton Taylor, Brighton
Mrs. Russell Stewart, Centreton
Mrs. Ed. Morton, Cobourg
Press Secretaries were -Mrs. Nill, Roseneath
Mrs. Wm. Gillespie (who also
prepared a well kept scrapbook), Vernonville
Mrs. Harry Hastings, Gore's
Mrs. O. L. Morrow, Brighton
Mrs. J. J. Way, Wooler
Mrs. G. G. Marshall, Brighton
Mrs. K. Archer, Grafton
Scrap Book: Mrs. Eldred Lean,
Sectional Presidents -Western:
Mrs. Ford, Camborne
Mrs. Reynolds, Port Hope
Mrs. A. Jaynes, Cobourg
Mrs. P. F. Gardiner, Canton
Mrs. Ed. Morton, Cobourg
Mrs. J. N. Lovelace, Roseneath
Mrs. N. D. McIntosh, Cold
Mrs. H. B. Neal, Wooler
Mrs. E. C. Roberts, Campbellford
Mrs. M. A. Smale, Warkworth
Mrs. H. Ireland, Brighton
Mrs. H. I. Alien, Castleton
Mrs. James Deviney, Vernonville
Mrs. Morley Petherick, Campbellford
Treasurers were Mrs. Pringle, Whitby
Mrs. J. G. Findlay, Wicklow
Mrs. R. Crego, Roseneath
Mrs. F. K. Denyes, Brighton
Mrs. Clarence McMasters, Wooler
Mrs. Gilbert Wicks, Cobourg
Mrs. Kenneth Gotsell, Brighton
Mrs. E. Curtis Marshall, Brighton
Corresponding Secretaries Mrs. George Jackson, Port Perry
Mrs. A. Nill, Roseneath
Mrs. (Rev.) Partridge, Colborne
Mrs. F. N. Belyea, Port Hope
Mrs. Bradshaw, Cobourg
Mrs. E. H. Martyn, Port Hope
Mrs. (Rev.) A. C. Luffman, Baltimore
Mrs. M. T. Gardiner, Garden Hill
Christian Stewardship and Finance, a very vital Department of
our work, was instituted at the
beginning, Mrs. Mears named as
At the Western Rally, held at
Baltimore on October 20th, 1926,
Mrs. Mears read the By-laws of
her work, stating that it had been
the duty of her Department to
make the Allocation for each
Auxiliary in the Presbyterial.
Mrs. Mears spoke of the necessity of raising money for a separate fund for expenses, giving
different methods for doing this;
but hoped members were practising the habit of ‘Systematic
Our Allocation increasing with
the years, has usually been met,
and many years has been over
subscribed, the amount over being voted to special projects,
known as ‘Building Advance’.
We give thanks to our Heavenly Father, that we can look back
over years of generous free will
offerings as faithful women have
responded to the requirements of
ever growing needs, at home and
The fourth year (1929) our
Presbyterial accepted the allocation of $12,501.00. This year
(1961) we complete our History
by sending to Branch Treasurer
$18,511.84. Our allocation was
The splendid system of financing our W.M.S. work in the
former Methodist organization
was adopted by the United Women's Missionary Society and has
since been carried on. By use of
this system all monies were
on hand at the close of the year
previous to the carrying out of
projects at home and overseas.
The Supply Department of our
Presbyterial, over the years, has
sent countless bales of clothing,
quilts, blankets, vacation packets,
etc., etc., as required, to the
Home and Overseas Missions. No
record of the value of this practical service is available.
During the years the work of
Baby Bands, Mission Bands, CGIT
Groups, later Explorer Groups,
have been sponsored and given
In the first records (1925-26),
Mrs. (Dr.) Garland, we learn,
was not only the president of the
Cobourg Trinity Auxiliary, but
was responsible for Baby and
Mission Band as well.
Miss Hazel Cannom was the
first president of Trinity Mission
The Grafton Baby Band was referred to as doing a fine work
in the early days, and for many
yea<s has been an inspiration to
us all, under the capable leadership of Mrs. H. Bryson.
In the early years only one
Young Woman's Auxiliary was
reported (Vernonville, with six
members). Later in 1926, Bethel
Grove was reported.
During the years we have had
several Circles,^ some have become Evening Auxiliaries, some
have ceased to be. We have now
at the close of our history, five
Evening Auxiliaries; eight Affiliated Societies; givings $317.53.
One Circle with a membership
of 16; givings, $100.00.
We have 12 Baby Bands: membership, 383; givings, $130.53.
Mrs. H. Bryson, the dedicated
29 Mission Bands: membership,
808; givings, $968.58. An over-all
efficient leadership of Mrs. Clayton Thompson and Mrs. Gordon
One Explorers Group (Welcome) 12 members: givings,
Conferences for these Younger
Group Leaders have been held in
both Eastern and Western Sections every year, with leaders
from the Training School, and
candidates for the Mission Fields
in charge.
The Annual Presbyterial alternated in meeting in East and
West in January, in late years,
while the Sectional meetings
were held in June. All these Rallies have enjoyed the privilege
of hearing Missionaries on furlough, Officers of the Dominion
Board and Conference Branch
Presidents as speakers.
Many groups have enjoyed
Christian Fellowship as they have
gathered in central places from
time to time to meet outstanding
Our quota of delegates have attended the Conference Branch
Several of our officers have
been privileged to attend Dominion Board: Mesdames S. J.
Gray, P. F. Gardiner, S. L. Terrill, Harold Beatty, Eldred Lean,
H. I. Alien.
Serving on the Conference
Branch Executive were: Mrs. J.
W. Roberts, Mrs. J. G. Waite,
Mrs. G. Young, Mrs. Wm. Underwood, Mrs. H. Ireland.
'Crusade Week' was widely observed in the early days, as a
means of securing new members.
"Retirement Fund" was begun
on July 1st, 1926; the capital of
the fund kept invested, and the
interest was paid to our missionaries on their retirement.
Two days of Thanksgiving were
observed: "Easter" and "Harvest"
when groups gathered for worship and to present thank-offerings; usually a Missionary or
Presbyterial officer was speaker.
"The World Day of Prayer"
was observed every year, usually
in group attendance, and was a
time of special significance, as we
thought of prayer beginning at
the rising of the sun over the
Isles of the Pacific where the day
begins, and continuing until the
close of day in Hawaii, fortyeight hours of continuous prayer,
which in quietness and confidence brings strength and hope.
"The sun never sets on the United Church of Canada."
The offerings on that day were
part of a great project, that of
writing, translating and printing
Christian Literature in many
lands. Also through our offerings
on that day, we have a share in
the work of Bible Society in the
translation and circulation of the
The new Department of our
Society, came into effect in 1928
at the meeting of the Dominion
Board. The Department of Temperance which is now Department
of Christian Citizenship.
The Methodist Society had for
many years, Temperance Heralds, and a Temperance message
was brought to each meeting.
At this session of Dominion
Board, Mrs. Gordon Wright (an
outstanding Temperance advocate) moved, and Mrs. J. S. Gordon, of Vancouver, seconded that
a Department of Temperance be
instituted, and a secretary for
this Department be appointed
with the understanding that the
secretaryship be carried down
through the organization. This
motion carried.
The different Conference Branches carried out this recommendation with enthusiasm, revealing
the deep interest of the women
of the Society in Temperance.
The years that followed showed
an increasing emphasis on Temperance Education both in Auxiliary and younger -growps.
As Temperance became an issue in Provincial Elections, the
women of our Society joined with
others, through resolutions, dele-
gations and their vote, in protesting against the increased facilities for the sale of alcohol.
The scope of the Department
was widened to include other
phases of Citizenship and for
many years has been designated
as "The Department of Christian
Citizenship and Temperance."
In 1934, the Dominion Board
proposed that some of the Central Conference Branches experiment in holding a School for
The first one was held in Bay
of Quinte Conference, at Ontario
Ladies' College, Whitby, once
known as "Trafalgar Castle", the
last week in August, 1934, with a
registration of 72. It is recorded
that the cooperation of the Presbyterials of Bay of Quinte Conference was largely responsible
for the organization of many
such schools in the Dominion.
The programme carried out during the succeeding years was
similar to that of the first year@
such as morning devotions. Missionary Education, Study Groups
in methods for Auxiliaries, Circles, Mission Bands, Baby Bands,
CGIT Groups, Explorers.
Outstanding speakers organized
recreation, uplifting Vesper services, informal get-acquainted programmes, viewing visual aids, addresses by Scholarship students
and Missionaries.
The finances of the School
were met by donations of $25.00
from each Presbyterial and each
student paying her own expenses,
board and room.
The Dean was appointed by the
Branch and the officers elected
by the School.
Dr. and Mrs. Carscallen were
host and hostess for many years,
Dr. and Mrs. Osborne in later
The first Dean was Dr. Winnifred Thomas. The late Mrs.
Smythe was Dean for thirteen
years; Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Soper
and Mrs. Stewart in later years.
Miss Netta Brownlee, Port
Hope, has been Dean of the
Younger Group since 1934.
It has been said that through
these inspiring sessions of School
for Leaders, delegates have experienced "Heaven coming down,
our souls to meet."
The Literature Department has
been a great inspiration and
source of information throughout
the years. Miss Alice Henwood,
Port Hope, was the first Literature secretary; as we complete
our history, Mrs. Clayton Taylor
is the last.
The Congregationalists had a
Circulating Library and Mrs. J.
T. Daley acted as custodian as it
was brought into Union.
During the years we have had
the 'Book Shelf and many Auxiliaries have had Reading Circles
and Lending Libraries. The wonderful books, leaflets and programme suggestions provided for
us in our preparation of Missionary Study, must not be underestimated.
At the time of Union, each Society had a monthly Periodical.
These were combined to form
"The Missionary-Monthly." During the first years our subscriptions numbered 745 and at the
close of our history we were subscribing to 588.
The Junior Magazine known as
the "Palm Branch" in the early
days, has for many years been
known as "The World Friends."
Now we are about to conclude
our "Story of the Years", we feel
During the years we have had
a fine spirit of loyalty and dedication and have enjoyed a wonderful fellowship of kindred
Women whose names do not
appear in this record have served
faithfully in quiet corners, others
have taken over when workers
have been removed, thus the
work has gone on.
Countless Missionaries have
been sent overseas and to home
mission fields, giving their all in
service. It has been our great
privilege to have a small share
in their great unrecorded contribution.
Of the great unnumbered army
of missionaries, we name three
in whom we have had a special
interest: Miss Mary Haig, whose
home was in Baltimore, served
for forty years in Japan and Formosa; Miss Luella Rorke, once a
resident of Colborne, served forty years in Japan and Formosa;
Mrs. W. R. MacWilliams (Bessie
Winter) Wicklow, and her husband spent their alloted time in
Japan; on retirement settled in
British Columbia where they still
minister to Canadian Japanese.
In addition to our contributions to our Allocation and
Building Advance during the
years, we have made contributions to a few other projects. One
was "The Rest Fund" or "The
Retirement Fund," previously
mentioned. In 1948 a special fund
was raised in Cobourg Presbyterial for the purpose of helping
with a Protestant Church at Batawa, near Frankford, and many
of our Auxiliaries contributed to
the $308.00, which was used to
purchase pulpit furniture as a
gift from Cobourg Presbytery.
In 1952 an opportunity was
given to share in an extension to
the United Church Training
School in Toronto. Our share was
$5,800.00, and the allocation was
divided. Mrs. (Rev.) P. F. Gardiner was in charge and visited
many of the Societies presenting
the plan. In 1954 he had subscribed $4,623.00 to the amount.
Mrs. Masih, of North India, was
a guest of our Presbyterial in
1954, and a large and representative gathering greeted Mrs.
Masih i n Colborne United
Church. Mrs. Masih is the granddaughter of a Moslem millionaire, who sacrificed his wealth
and home to become a Christian.
It had not been the custom to
present gifts to visiting speakers,
but our Presbyterial joined with
others in presenting a gift of refrigeration (our share was
$32.00). We later received a letter of appreciation from Mrs.
We cannot complete our Presbyterial history without paying
tribute to the late Mrs. F. W. K.
Harris of Peterborough, who has
been a frequent and much loved
guest at outstanding events in
local and Presbyterial history.
Mrs. Harris was a former resident of Coldsprings, attending
school in Coldsprings and Cobourg Collegiate. After their retirement she and Rev. F. W. K.
Harris resided in Peterborough.
Mrs. Harris was a member of
Bay of Quinte Conference Branch
W.M.S., also former Dean of Bay
of Quinte School for Leaders,
and prominent in Peterborough
W.M.S. Circles, and brought many
inspiring messages to Cobourg
Mrs. (Dr.) J. H. McKinney,
Brooklin, Ont, formerly a resident of Cold Springs, served as
President of Bay of Quinte Conference Branch Woman's Missionary Society, and was a frequent and honored speaker at
Presbyterial and local gatherings.
As we close the door on the
past and venture into the unknown, let us consider the words
of an unknown author as he
speaks of:
Turn not in vain regret
To our fond yesterdays.
But rather, forward set
Thy face to the untrodden ways.
Open thine eyes to see
The good in store for thee:
New love, new thoughts, new
service, too,
For Him who daily maketh thy
life new.
Nor think thou, ought is lost
Or left behind upon the silent
Of thy spent years.
Give o'er our faithless fears
Whatever of real good
Of thought or deed or holier
Thy life hath known
Abideth still thine own.
And hath within significance
Of more than times' inheritance:
Thy good is prophecy
Of better still to be.
We now "Go Forward" at His
bidding, into the "Whole Mission
of the Church and the Brotherhood of man."
Alderville Woman's Missionary
Society was organized in the year
1928 - 28, and the Executive was
as follows:
President @ Mrs. Ernest Crowe.
Corresponding Secretary @ Mrs.
N. Wilding.
Other two members were @ Rev.
N. Wilding and Mrs. Norman
The next year it was reported
"disorganized." At this time there
were 15 members and $10.00 had
been sent to Branch Treasurer.
Baltimore Methodist Woman's
Missionary Society was organized
in December 1891, by Miss Ben.
nett, with seventeen members.
President@Mrs. Peake
Vice-President@Mrs. R. Teney
Sec. (Rec.)@Miss Williams
(Cor.) Sec.@Miss Mitchell
Treasurer@Miss E. A. Peake
Members: Mesdames Brisbin, J.
C. Elliott, McEvers, McCutcheon, Blezard, N. Chapman, Philp,
Ball, J. Fraser; Misses J. Blezard, C. Blezard, S. Blezard, Mitchell; Mesdames P. Smith, Peters, W. Smith, Kelly, Day, F.
Lapp, J. Mulholland, Jennie
Cochrane, E. Brisbin.
The second year there were 28
members with an average of 10.
Presidents before Union were
minister's wives: Peake, Wilson,
Mears, Elliott, Nickle.
In succeeding years, serving as
presidents, were: Mrs. A. G.
Mann, Mrs. (Rev.) J. David (several terms), Mrs. Wm. Mann,
Mrs. Henry Mann, F. Ball, J. McKague, C. D. Mann, F. Cochrane,
A. Mann, C. Brisbin (several
Five years later in 1886 there
were eighteen members with an
average attendance of seven. The
amount sent to the Branch Treasurer was $33.50.
In 1952 an Evening Auxiliary
was organized. The presidents
who have served are: Mesdames
Stephens, Jack Staples, L. West,
D. Ball, J. Clapperton, and B. C.
Secretaries: Mesdames M. Noble, G. Liriton, .,H. Butters, D.
May, L. West, J; Staples.
A Mission Band was organized
in the early years known as
"Ever Ready". Some of the leaders were: Mesdames A. G. Mann,
H. A. Burwash, C. D. Mann, A.
Jaynes, A. W. Mann, Honey, D.
May, F. Cochrane, Miss Jean Butters, Mrs. B. Roberts, Mrs. Gordon Sherwin.
Baby Bands and C.G.LT. groups
have been sponsored during the
years and supply bales sent as
Members serving on Presbyterial Executive were: Mrs. A. C.
Luffman, Miss Alice Burwash,
Mrs. Gordon Sherwin and Mrs. B.
Missionaries of special interest
to our Society were: Miss Mary
Haig, and Rev. Floyd and Mrs.
In 1960 number of members:
21; amount sent Branch, $347.60.
Mrs. Charles Buttars, a Life
Member, was responsible for making eight Life Members during
the last year of her life.
Mrs. T. W. Philp was Corresponding Secretary for a few years
previous to the organization of
Bethesda South Woman's Missionary Society in September
The first officers were: President, Mrs. J. Rosevear; VicePresident, Mrs. Keeler; Recording Secretary, Mrs. Watt; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. T. W.
Philp; Treasurer, Mrs. Hawkey.
There were seven annual members with an average attendance
of five, and the amount sent to
the Branch Treasurer the first
year was $17.67.
The second year the membership and average attendance were
the same. The amount sent was
The members were: Mesdames
Simpson, Hoskin, Raby, J. Rosevear, Taylor.
Two Mission Bands were organized, known throughout the
years as "Sunset and Sunrise"
Bands. At the time of Church
Union the leaders were: Miss Annie Budd, 'Sunrise', and Miss Ola
Watt, 'Sunset'.
During the years devoted leaders carried on the work of the
Mission Bands, some of whom
were: Mrs. H. Raby, Miss Grace
Winn, Mrs. Everet Philp, Mrs.
Albert Bell, Miss Mary Philp,
Mrs. Arthur Bickle, Miss Roberta
Philp, and Mrs. D. duff who was
leader in 1961.
Presidents during the years
were: Mesdames Keeler (2 yrs.),
Watt (5), M. Raby (2), T. W.
Philp (10), A. Simpson (2), G.
Wragg (2), H. Tinney (3), A.
Winn (2), Miss Grace Winn (4),
and as Mrs. H. May (2), Mrs. H.
Bickle (12), Mrs. H. Budd (4),
Mrs. D. Archer (2), and Mrs. S.
Macklin who was president at
the close.
Bethesda South has enjoyed a
wonderful fellowship throughout
the years within their own Society and with surrounding Auxiliaries.
At the time of Church Union
the officers were: President, Mrs.
A. Winn; Executive: Mesdames
Macklin, Everett Philp and Miss
Addie Morton.
There were at that time 32
members, and $167.00 was sent
to Branch Treasurer. In 1961
Mrs. S. Macklin was president,
with 28 members and the amount
sent to Presbyterial Treasurer
was $331.00.
The Bethesda (Harwood) Woman's Missionary Society was organized on July 16th, 1902, with
nine ladies present.
The Minister's wife, Mrs.
James Ross, moved that a Missionary Auxiliary be formed,
which was seconded by Mrs.
Wm. Isaac and carried.
Elected to office were: President, Mrs. Richard Clapperton;
Vice-president, Mrs. Wm. Isaac;
2nd Vice-president, Mrs. Alex
Skeen; Secretary, Miss Lillian
Isaac; Treasurer, Mrs. (Rev.)
James Ross.
There were 15 paid members
on the roll. Meetings were held
on the third Wednesday of each
The Golden Anniversary was
celebrated on July 16th, 1952,
with Bethesda United Church,
with many of the former members present @ three of them
charter members: Mrs. A. J. McFiggin, Miss Lillian Isaac (now
Mrs. Dawson Sherwin), and Mrs
Davidson. 115 attended. It is interesting to note that this anniversary was held on the same
day of the week, the same week
and the same date of the month
as the Society was formed 50
years before. Mrs. (Rev.) Fisher
of Brooklin was the guest
In 1902 there were 15 members @ in 1961 there were 28
paid members.
In 1903 the amount sent to
Branch Treasurer was $30.00.
In 1961 the amount sent to
Branch Treasurer was $175.00.
Mrs. Hilton Graham was made
a Life member in 1954 and in
1960, Mrs. Harrington came to
Bethesda as a Life Member.
Presidents over the years were:
Mesdames Richard dapperton,
W. R. (Rev.) Johnston, S. E.
Isaac, Miss Ina Dennison (several
terms), Mrs. W. H. (Rev.) Alp,
Mrs. (Rev.) T. McNaught, Mrs.
(Rev.) T. McCord, Mrs. A. Carruthers, Mesdames T. L. Harvey,
F. D. McCulloch, A. Lawton, Hilton Graham (several terms), Mrs.
R. E. Drope, Mesdames George
Isaac (several terms), D. Herriot,
Stewart Greer, Garnet Isaac.
Secretaries 1902 - 1961: Miss
Lillian Isaac, Mrs. Richard Clapperton, Miss Ella Isaac, Miss Lillian Isaac, Miss Ina Dennison,
Mrs. James Butters. No records
from 1932 - 1938. Miss Ina Dennison.
No early record of Mission
Band is available. In recent years
leaders were: Mrs. George Isaac,
Mrs. Jack Robson, Mrs. Glenn
The ladies of the church and
W.M.S. were formed into four
groups, three leaders on each
group, each leader to be responsible for one meeting.
We have joined with St. John's
W.A. Anglican members for
World Day of Prayer each year.
Have had Easter and Autumn
Thankoffering meetings each
year and mostly twelve meetings
a year.
Delegates have attended Sectional Rallies and Presbyterial
when possible.
In Bethesda United Church, a
memorial window commemorates
the faithful workers of the Bethesda Woman's Society, "Their
works do follow them."
Bethel Grove Woman's Missionary Society was organized in 1918
with twelve members and in that
year the amount sent to Branch
Treasurer was $46.50.
The Executive consisted of: President, Mrs. H. Bickle; Secretary,
(Cor.), Miss Ruby Dayman; Treasurer, Mrs Marshall; Superintendent of Christian Stewardship,
Mrs. Martin.
Presidents serving during the
years were: Mrs. Luther Cole and
Mrs. Stanley 'Lancaster.
After a perted of years, Bethel
Grove Woman's Missionary Society became an affiliated society,
Mrs. Stanley Etcher (W.A.) president.
Thank-offering services were
held in connection with Church
services, and contributions were
made to Conference Branch.
During the years of 1939 - 1942,
Miss Georgina Cole was associated with Cobourg Presbyterial Executive as Secretary of Mission
Brighton Woman's Missionary
Society was organized in March,
1886, by Miss Taggart, District
Organizer. No record is available
until 1892 when the following list
of officers was reported: President, Mrs. J. S. Clarke; Vice-president, Mrs. Wm. Brooks; Recording Secretary, Mrs. J. S. Davis;
Corresponding Secretary, Miss
Taggart; Treasurer, Mrs. R. Hewitt. There were 15 members, Mesdames Sanford, Reddick, Morrow, C. Lockwood, Wm. Martin,
G. Sherwood, H. J. S. Scripture,
N. B. H. Dean, Gordon, G. Miller, J. Cornwall, Miss Brooks. The
amount sent to Branch Treasurer, $26.00.
Early presidents were: Miss
Taggart, Mesdames (Rev.) Watch,
(Rev.) Clarke, Miss Taggart, Mesdames (Rev.) J. C. Wilson,
At the time of Church Union,
two auxiliaries reported, St. Andrew's, with an executive of Mesdames McLeod, Garland, Vincent
and Brown; Trinity, with an executive of Mesdames A. Edwards,
George Sullivan, A. 0. Maybee, C.
Some of the presidents known
to have served since Union:
Mesdames J. E. Anderson, Roy
Bird, Charles Hamilton, Clayton
Taylor, V. C. Chapman, and at
the close, Mrs. Clayton Taylor.
Number of members, 54; contribution to the Presbyterial Treasurer, $1131.81.
A Mission Band, known as The
Jessie Munroe Band was organized in 1899 and the name of
Thorhilda Demille was given as
corresponding secretary. There
were 43 members and that year
$26.61 was sent to Branch Treasurer. At the close of our W.M.S.
Mrs. J. L. Bundle was leader with
24 members.
Serving on the Presbyterial Executive were: Mesdames Maybee,
Fred Sherman, 0. L. Morrow,
Rose Maitland, E. C. Brown, F.
Denyes, Wm. Dunk, K. Gotsell,
Wade Morrow, M. Wright, Cecil
Marshall, Curtis Marshall, Clayton Taylor and Mrs. Hedley Ireland, who served in many offices
as secretary, president of the
Eastern Section and as president
of the Presbyterial. Mrs. Ireland
also served as Periodical Secretary on the Conference Branch
There have been many outstanding active members in the
past and in 1943 at a membership
tea, three of these were honored
when Life Membership Pins were
presented to Mrs. Fred Sherman,
Mrs. Maybee, and Mrs. 0. L. Morrow, who had spent many years
in active service.
During the year 1936-37, the
first Evening Auxiliary of Trinity - St. Andrew's United Church,
Brighton, was formed. The Senior members of the existing Mission Circle became the first
members of the new organization. Mrs. Hubert McConnell was
the first president, Miss Iva Fiddick (now Mrs. Maurice Herrington) was the corresponding secretary, and the Strangers Secretary was Miss Irene Sanford.
Fifty-five members made up
the first society and $140.00 was
sent to the Presbyterial Executive the first year.
During "Old Home Week" in
1938, the Auxiliary served tea on
the church lawn to the many visitors who came to Brighton.
One of our members, the late
Miss Agnes Quinn became a missionary to the Indians in Western Canada.
Following is the list of officers for 1961: President, Mrs. Wm.
Dunk; 1st Vice-president, Mrs. F.
J. Graham; 2nd Vice-president,
Mrs. Ross Branscombe; secretary, Mrs. George Thomson; Treasurer, Mrs. Ben Brown; Citizenship Secretary, Mrs. Robert Bird;
Stewardship Secretary, Mrs. Wm.
Robb; Supply Secretary, Mrs.
Gerald Simpson; Literature Secretary, Mrs. Clifford Rusk;
Friendship Secretary, Mrs. Leighton Rundle; Missionary Monthly
Secretary, Mrs. Lucy Scott.
We have a membership of 52
and this year 1961, have sent
$955.00 to the Presbyterial Treasurer.
The Camborne Woman's Missionary Society was organized in
1900, with a membership of five:
Mesdames James Harper, Joseph
Harper, Ed. Howell, Stevens,
Bray. These faithful interested women contributed the first
year $5.00.
By 1915 the membership had
increased to 12 annual members
and one life member; average attendance was 8. $59.55 was sent
to the Branch Treasurer. A bale
containing 5 quilts and used clothing valued at $30.00 was sent
to the Deaconess Home, Toronto.
The Cobourg District Convention was held in this church in
June, and dinner was served to
200 by the W.M.S. members and
two members had previously
been appointed to see that hay
and oats were provided for the
1917 was the year of the
"Branch Silver Jubilee". On December 6th our Auxiliary celebrated by having Mrs. J. W. Roberts of Wicklow, the District Organizer, address an open meeting
in the church. She afterwards organized "The Little Light Bearers", the first such group in the
By 1920 the membership had
increased to 32 annual members
and one Life Member (the largest
membership in the history of our
Society). The average attendance was 22. Amount sent to
Branch Treasurer was $104.00
and a bale valued at $49.00 was
Miss Susie Hinman, missionary
on furlough from India, addressed Easter Thankoffering meeting. An offering of $19.00 was
1925, the year the "United
Church of Canada" was inaugurated, was a year of changes and
advancement for the Woman's
Missionary Society.
Systematic giving by envelope
was adopted, members were divided into groups. Membership
remained the same and $112.00
was sent to Branch Treasurer.
In 1930 Mrs. George Campbell,
wife of the Minister, organized a
W.C.T.U., and during the years
thfe organization co-operated with
the W.M.S., as separate meeting
did not seem feasible. The period devoted to Christian Citizenship was a time of discussion
covering the work of both societies.
In 1933 the Society was making
use of ttm 'Travelling Library,
encouraging metre reading. Mrs.
J T. Daley, Port Hope, was Librarian.
From 1933 to 1948 the membership and average attendance
were much the same and we
were able to meet our allocation
which was $193.10 for several
On May 10th, 1950, the 25th
Anniversary of the Woman's Missionary Society of the United
Church of Canada was observed.
A FOUR-FOLD Programme was
used. (1) Worship, (2) Growing
with the years in the Society as
a whole, (3) Growing with the
years in our Auxiliary, (4) Closing Litany of Dedication to advance.
The officers each gave a brief
review of their work during the
25 years. During that time four
of our officers had been called
to higher service. Two minutes
of silence were observed in their
Membership 25; average attendance 15; reached allocation of
In 1955 the membership was
26 annual and 2 Life Members,
average attendance 14. An award
of a book, "September Monkey",
was received from Cobourg Presbyterial, our members having
read the greater number of
books during the year. The allocation in 1955 was $315.00; sent
to Presbyterial Treasurer $319.75.
The allocation from 1946 - 61
amounted to $4,779.00.
We are grateful to report having sent $4,783.00.
During the years, eleven monthly meetings were held and an
Autumn Thankoffering each year.
The Study Book and helps were
used, also suggestions for worship services, printed in the
Missionary Monthly.
The Easter Thankoffering was
usually received on Easter Sunday morning in the church service. The "World Day of Prayer"
was observed each year and contributions sent for "Building Advance."
Some of the methods used for
raising money were: (1) Offering
at each meeting. (2) Special offering at Easter and Thanksgiving. (3) In 1919 each member
was asked to donate the price of
a dozen eggs at each meeting.
This method was used until Union. (4) An autograph quilt was
made in 1931, 10 cents per name,
and sold for $6.60. (5) An afghan
was made of crocheted wool
blocks and sold for $11.00 (1932).
The first president recorded
was Mrs. (Rev.) Limbert; Vicepresident, Mrs. Bray; Recording
Secretary, Mrs. Snelgrove; Corresponding Secretary, Beatrice
Limbert; Treasurer, Mrs. James
Succeeding presidents were:
Mesdames (Rev.) Johnson, (Rev.)
Snowdon, J. Sandercock, G. Lacey, Henry Harper, (Rev.) Campbell, H. Lander, Luther Davey,
Hugh Halligan, G. Lacey, B. Palmateer, Eldred Lean.
The service of faithful officers
over the years acknowledged:
Mrs. Wm. Jibb, served as secretary for 7 years, 1917-23. Mrs.
Don Williamson as secretary for
14 years, 1923-1937. Mrs. Hugh
Halligan as secretary for 5 years,
1937-1942. Mrs. Stanley Jamieson
as secretary for 14 years, 1942 1959. Mrs. Mellville Sandercock
as treasurer for 18 years, 1944 1961. Mrs. Rue Palmateer as president for 9 years, 1951-1960.
Mrs. G. Lacey as president for
many years at intervals. Mrs.
H. Lander attended 168 meetings
(absent 12) 1947-1961.
This is a short report of 61
years of service. If time and
space would allow a full account
of the services of each member
and officer the report would still
be incomplete, for words fail to
reveal the actual deep love and
faithful devotion behind their
The following members have
served on the Presbyterial Executive: Mrs. W. J. Jibb as Christian Stewardship secretary; Mrs.
Mellville Sandercock as Associate Members secretary; Mrs. Eldred Lean as Christian Citizenship
secretary, as Recording secretary,
as vice-president and as presi'dent. Mrs. Lean also was a delegate to the Dominion Board.
The Mission Band was organized in 1925 and known as "The
Good Cheer Band." Early leaders
were: Miss Clarice Snelgrove,
Jessie Fisher, Loroa Ford, Marjorie Wood, Gertrude Williamson,
Mrs. F. J. Horwood, Mrs. Lander,
Mrs. M. Grieve, Mrs. (Rev.) Wesley, Mrs. (Rev.) P. C. Brown took
over leadership and carried on
during their pastorate. Mrs. M.
Lacey, Mrs. 0. Snelgrove and
Miss Lois Snelgrove who was
leader at the close of our Woman's Missionary Society.
We conclude this brief history
with gratitude for all help received and as the W.M.S. book is
closed may we with God's help
look forward in faith to "The
United Church Women."
"Not by might nor by power
but by My Spirit, saith the Lord
of Hosts."
1899 @ 1961
In May 1899, the Canton Woman's Missionary of the Methodist Church was organized during
the Pastorate of Rev. H. B. Kenny. The first record of minutes
was made on September 13, 1909.
Miss Annie Harris was the first
president and Mrs. Maria Abraham was first recording secretary. Four members were in attendance. Fees for members at
that time was $1.00 a member.
That year $13.00 was sent to
Branch Treasurer.
In 1901 officers were elected as
follows: President, Mrs. E. Hawkins; Rec. and Cor. Secretary,
Miss G. Hawkins; Treasurer, Mrs.
J. F. Hawkins. Members were:
Mesdames C. Harris, W. Peters,
S. Bromell, A. Barrie, M. Robinson, Abraham, Misses Ada Hawkins, Harris.
In 1916 this Society held their
first World Day of Prayer, a
service in which the women of
the world united in a common
A Mission Band was organized
in the Public School on April 3,
1914, by Rev. J. W. Cannom and
Mrs. W. A. Peters, president of
the W.M.S., with Miss Pearl Mason the first leader.
A Baby Band was organized in
1929 with Mrs. Tom Smith as
Bunker Hill School Mission
Band was organized by Mrs. S.
Bennett in 1948 with Mrs. Norman Bosnell as leader.
C.G.I.T. was first organized in
1938 but only carried on for a
year. In 1950 it was organized
again by Mrs. S. Bennett with
leaders Mrs. L. Mills and Mrs. J.
dark with sixteen members and
is still very active under the
leadership of Miss Ruth Mills and
Mrs. Gordon Austin.
Names which have been on the
Life Membership Roll are: Miss
Annie Harris, Miss Elsie Peters,
Mrs. Frank Bamsey, Mrs. Willa
Peters, Mrs. Will Callendar, Mrs.
(Rev.) H. A. Bunt, Mrs. (Rev.)
J. F. Lane, Mrs. W. J. Gist, Mrs.
Wilbur Barrie, Mrs. F. R. Currelly. On the present list are:
Mrs. M. Bickle, Miss Bertha Langdon, Mrs. C. Langdon, Mrs. F. R.
Currelly (nee Barrie), Mrs. S.
Bequests to our Society have
been received from the late Miss
Annie Harris and Miss Armanel
W.M.S. Presidents @ 1905, Mrs.
A. M. Irwin; , 1907, Mrs. W. A.
Peters; 1909,."@i>"Miss A. Harris;
1912. Mrs. (Rev.) W. Smart;
1913. Mrs. W. A. Peters; 1916,
Miss A. Harris; 1935, Mrs. T. C.
Barrie; 1936, Miss W. A. Peters;
1938, Miss B. Langdon; 1939,
Mrs. W. Barrie; 1943, Mrs. (Rev.)
P F. Gardiner; 1950, Mrs. S.
Bennett; 1959, Mrs. Ed Long;
1960, Mrs. S. Bennett to 1962,
when the group will unite with
new group to form U.C.W.
The present membership is 10
annual members and 5 Life Members. Amount sent to Branch
Treasurer 1960, $223.35 @ 17
times as much as the first recor-
ded year; 4 times as many members.
Members who have served on
the Presbyterial Executive: Mrs.
P. F. Gardiner as president (who
also attended Dominion Board);
Mrs. S. C. Bennett, Mission Band
Superintendent; Mrs. F. C. Currelly (nee Barrie) as Young People's Dept. Superintendent.
Our study this year has included Drama, Films, Missionary
Speaker Miss Mamie Gollan of
"All Nations" in Toronto.
The Woman's Missionary Society of St. John's United Church
was organized first in the Methodist Church in 1889, in response
to an appeal from the Board of
Missions, through their secretary,
the late Dr. Sutherland. He put
the question to the Christian women of the Church, as to what
they could do for their sisters
in foreign lands.
The first Auxiliary was formed
in Centenary Church, Hamilton,
on June 23, 1881.
In the first year the revenue of
the Societies was two hundred
dollars and was devoted to the
work among the Indian girls in
British Columbia.
In 1883, the Toronto and Bay
of Quinte Branches were organized. Mrs. Carman, wife of Dr.
Carman, was the first president
of Belleville District; Mrs. Levi
Massey the vice-president and
District Organizer.
Six years later when revival
services were being held in
Campbellford Church, Mrs. Massey visited the Church, and on
February 21, 1889, addressed a
meeting of women, when 61 joined the first Woman's Missionary
Society of Campbellford United
Church (then the Methodist
Officers elected were: President, Mrs. McMaster; 1st VicePresident, Mrs. J. A. Frederick;
2nd Vice-President, Mrs. John
Harris (then Miss Mason); Recording Secretary, Mrs. Eakins; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Geo.
Mills; Treasurer, Mrs. J. G. Vosper; Committee of Entertainment,
Miss Mason, Miss Mould, Mrs.
Geo. M. Mills.
Among the names of members
as remembered were: Mesdames
Jas. White, McBroom, Howson, J.
A. Irwin, Wynn, Skitch, Bailey,
Chase, Hoover, Osterhout, Cummings, Davison, Beatty, W. W.
Stevens, Peake, S. Free, A. Free,
Harris, C. West, Wm. Barnett, E.
Diamond, Lillian Reynolds, Eakins. The average attendance during the first year was 42, and the
contribution was $125.71.
Campbellford organized a Mission Band (Day Spring) with a
membership of 31; president,
Mrs. C. W. Turner; secretary, Tillie Turner.
The 50th Anniversary (Golden)
was observed in 1939. A Sunday
service was held with Mrs. C.
Maxwell Loveys, Home Secretary
of the General Board as speaker
at both services, giving interesting and inspirational addresses.
In the morning she spoke of the
work of the Woman's Missionary
Society in the far West @ in the
Peace River District and British
Columbia. Hospitals and schools
had been established which filled
urgent needs; doctors and nurses
and teachers had gone forth, filled with the spirit of the Master,
to minister to the sick, the suffering and to the children of new
In the evening, Mrs. Loveys
spoke more about the work abroad, referring particularly to the
Madras Conference, and to the
subsequent visit to Toronto of
outstanding converts and leaders
of this Conference. One felt that
missionary work was well worth
in the morning the choir rendered tne ringing antnem, "send
uuc 'me Liignc", ana Mrs. A. G.
Watson sang a lovely solo. In
the evening, the Mission circle
formed the choir, and Mrs. Stephen Twigg very sweetly sang a
solo. After the evening service
the members of the W.M.S. and
others met Mrs. Loveys downstairs and had an enjoyable
friendship hour.
On Thursday evening a social
gathering with an outstanding
programme was held, completing
the observance of 50 years of service. Mrs. Hammond was the eloquent speaker on this occasion,
giving an historical address of
great interest, paying tribute to
many workers. A birthday cake
with 50 candles was cut and served with a cup of tea.
Presidents who have served during the years include Mesdames
McMaster, J. T. Vosper, T. M.
Campbell, W. H. Ashton (two
terms), 0. Kingston, H. E. Carmahan, Geo. Oliver, Andrew Haig,
E. C. Roberts (a number of
years), W. T. Scott, A. E. Burgie,
W. D. Bennett, W. A. Kingston,
E. Hawley, Morley Petherick,
Mrs. Ashton, served in many capacities, also as president of Cobourg District, then as president
of Bay of Quinte Conference
Officers who have served during the years on District and later on Presbyterial Executives,
include Mrs. Ashton, Mrs. 0.
Kingston, Mrs. Hammond, Mrs. H.
B. Neal, Mrs. Stephens, Mrs. W.
A. Kingston, Mrs. R. J. Lambert,
Mrs. M. Petherick, also Mrs.
(Rev.) H. B. Neal on the former
District Ex.
Reported in 1960 were: Afternoon Auxiliary, 49 members, contributing $768.00; Evening Auxiliary, 59 members, contributing
$1,087.00. (The Evening Auxiliary having graduated from the
one time Mission Circle).
Mission Band, 32 members, contributing $50.00.
Note: Mrs. Ashton was for
many years a Conference Branch
Leader in Mission Bands. Mrs.
Hammond was the first Recording Secretary of the new Presbyterial elected in Trinity Church,
Cobourg, on April 20, 1926.
In 1937 or 1938 Mrs. Mills took
over the Mission Circle and re-organized it as an Evening Auxiliary. Under her leadership the
Auxiliary became strong and active.
Presidents serving through the
years were: Mesdames Mills,
Pierce, Marjorie Johnston, Edna
Cochrane, Gladys Sills, Isobel McMaster, Miss Dorothy Kingston,
Mrs. Ruth Holmes, Joyce Gunter,
Beatrice Horsman, Mrs. June
Bennett, (repeating in office)
Mrs. Ruth Holmes.
When the Auxiliary was formed under Mrs. Mills, the membership was 30. At the close of
W.M.S. history the membership
was 60. During the last 2 years
over $1,009.00 a year was sent to
the Branch TreASrurer.
CARMAN Woman's Missionary
Society was organized in 1912 by
the late Mrs. W. S. Boyce, wife
of the pastor on the Smithfield
circuit at that time.
The first president was the late
Mrs. Joel Maybee, other officers
being Mrs. Milton Maybee, Mrs.
Rickard Morgan and Mrs. Andrew German. Twenty-five annual
members and one Life Member
are recorded during the first
year. $57.10 was sent to the
Treasurer the first year.
During the past fifty years, 22
presidents have held office; four
of our past presidents have held
Presbyterial offices in Cobourg
Presbyterial. The second president, Mrs. J. L. Ross was vicepresident of Belleville Presbyterial. One of our past presidents,
Mrs. Hedley Ireland of Brighton,
has served on the Cobourg Presbyterial Executive for a period
of fifteen years. Other past presidents on the executive were:
Mrs. George Adams, Christian
Citizenship Secretary; Mrs. Everett Coltman, Supply Secretary;
Mrs. Harold Morgan, Baby Band
Secretary, and later First VicePresident. Mrs. Maurice Bulman
was Literature Secretary for a
There have been six Life Members during the years.
The Sectional Rally has been
held at Carman at least 6 times.
Bales of clothing and quilts
have been sent overseas each
year. A layette and other articles
have been donated to an orphanage in Africa. New dresses for
girls of all ages up to fourteen
were also sent to the orphanage.
In September 1937 the twentyfifth anniversary of our Society
was observed with several other
societies being guests.
On August 30, 1961, the 50th
year since organization was held
at the church with a special celebration. One hundred and fifty
were in attendance, at a day long
to be remembered, when former
residents of this community and
members of the W.M.S. renewed
acquaintance. One of the highlights of the day was the presence of the Second President,
Mrs. J. L. Ross of Wellington, the
only living charter member who
recently passed her 80th birthday, and her daughter Mrs. Kenneth Woodsworth of Toronto,
well known as a former member
of the Dominion Board of the
W.M.S. The daughter, grand-
daughter and great-granddaughter of the organizer of the Society, Mrs. W. S. Boyce, were also
among the guests.
As in the first year of organization, the number of members
for 1961 are 25 annual and one
Life Member, but the allocation
for 1961 was $507.00, as compared to the sum of $57.00 sent in
The president for the closing
year 1960 - 1961, was Mrs. Harold Morgan.
In December 1886, a Mrs.
Massey came to the Methodist
Church, Castleton, and organized
a Woman's Missionary Society
with a membership of 28. The
first president was Miss Drusilla
Richards, a school teacher, and
in 1887 the W.M.S. raised $16.30.
In 1891 Mrs. Doyle, mother of the
late Senator Iva Fallis, was president and the givings had increased to $53.00. During the early
years several ministers' wives
served as presidents. In 1893 our
Auxiliary became a member of
the new Bay of Quinte Branch.
Mrs. R. S. Newman became president in 1918 and served for 14
years, thus covering the period
of Church Union. Some grand old
ladies who served faithfully for
long terms were Mrs. Elgie
Moore, a treasurer; Mrs. Charles
Nicholl, a secretary; Mrs. Nathan
Gaffield, a president; Mrs. James
Honeywell, a secretary, and later
a president; and Mrs. Ben Andrus who was blind.
The envelope system of giving
was adopted in 1940 while Mrs.
G. Welton, daughter of Mrs.
Newman, was president. In 1948
the Baby Band was organized by
Mrs. J. C. McKague who also
served as treasurer of Auxiliary
and later as president. A secretary with many years of service
was the late Mrs. A. Kemp. Rec-
ords show that there had been a
Mission Band but it had disbanded due to lack of leadership. About 8 years ago it was re-organized by Mrs. G. Ellis and Mrs J
C. McKague.
In 1956 we celebrated our 70th
Anniversary with Mrs. J. H. McKinney, as speaker, former members and neighbouring Auxiliaries as guests. The three eldest
members did the honours, Mrs. D.
Arkles and Miss Farrell poured
tea and Mrs. G. Harnden, mother
of the president, Mrs. H. I. Alien,
cut the birthday cake. Then in
October 1961 we had a special
meeting for our 75th Anniversary
with Mrs. S. J. Gray, guest speaker, two older members, Mrs. W.
Day and Mrs. Leach pouring tea
and Mrs. Harnden again cutting
the cake.
Through the years we have
presented numerous life memberships and others have made
themselves life members. We
close this year 1961 with 7 Life
and 14 Annual Members. Since
their beginning in 1930, 4 Sectional Rallies have been held in
Castleton Church.
Our last president is Mrs. Gordon Carr, a granddaughter of a
charter member, the late Mrs.
Anthony May. Four Auxiliary
presidents and a minister's wife
served on Presibyterial Executive;
Mrs. R. S. Newman as Corresponding Secretary, 1928-31; Mrs.
(Rev.) M. L. Hinton, as Press
Secretary, 1934-37, then as Temperance Secretary, 1937-41; Mrs.
G. Welton, Secretary of Mission
Circles, 1951-55; Mrs. H. I. Alien
as Vice-President of Eastern Section, 1950-54, as 1st Vice-president, 1956-60, as President of Cobourg Presbyterial, 1960-61, and
Delegate t o Dominion Board,
We are thankful to have again
succeeded in raising our allocation which is $449.00 for 1961.
Castleton is proud to have achieved 75 years of service as a
Woman's Missionary Society.
The Centreton Branch of the
Woman's Missionary Society of
the Methodist Church, was organized in the year 1902, by Mrs. J.
W. Roberts, Grafton, Cobourg
District Organizer. The first year
there was a membership of 17,
with an average attendance of 10.
The next year the Society had 21
members, the most recorded in
any year since that time. The
first president was Mrs. (Rev.)
M. E. Sexsmith, the wife of the
minister of the Circuit, which at
that time included Grafton and
Wicklow as well as Centreton.
The other officers were: 1st
Vice-President, Mrs. John Eddy;
2nd Vice-president, Mrs. C. Wilton; Rec. Secretary, L. McCutcheon;;Cor. Secretary, E. Holland;
Treasurer, M. Osborne.
Members were: Mesdames Sargant, Mallory, Stewart, Miss McBride, Mesdames Score, Gillespie,
Wright, Jennings, McCutcheon,
W. Stewart, McKenzie, Etcher,
Binney, Miss Jennings, Honorary
Member, Rev. Sexsmith.
The presiaentSt^serving from
the time of organization until
Church Union were as follows:
Mesdames Sexsmith, Chas. Wilton, Ben Stewart, Pearl Slade,
(Rev.) A. B. Frederick, D. Blodgett, (Rev.) J. E. Glover, (Rev.)
J- N. Lovelace, W. J. McKenzie.
A complete list of presidents
since 1925 is not available but
some were Mesdames B. Stewart,
D. Blodgett, W. J. McKenzie,
Stanley McBride, J. R. McBride
(the latter serving many terms).
A complete record of sixty
years of service is not available,
but the facts on hand reveal that
allocations were received and in
most cases met during the years.
Bales of clothing were packed
for relief work; supplies, such as
quilts, mittens, scarves, children's clothing, dresses, etc., were
sent to missions; bazaars and
teas were held; Thank-offering
meetings to which sister societies
were invited were held; Miteboxes were used, then the monthly offering envelope.
In 1902 the amount of money
sent to the W.M.S. Treasurer of
the Branch was $4.00; after that
the amount was from $28.00 to
$200.00. In later years the membership decreased, owing to changes in the community.
In 1952 Centreton W.M.S. celebrated the 50th ( Golden) Anniversary by inviting neighboring
Auxiliaries to a meeting held in
the Church. The speaker was
Mrs. (Rev.) Gardiner, Presbyterial President, and the visiting ladies assisted in the program with
musical numbers. Lunch, including anniversary cake was served
in the hall and a friendship hour
enjoyed. Short speeches by some
of the ladies brought to a conclu?i(-n a pleasant afternoon of
Christian fellowship.
Through the years, meetings
have been held monthly with programmes of devotion, study and
business concerning the work to
be done.
A Mission Band was organized
by Mrs. J. E. Glover about 1920,
and assisted financially, and donations were made to "The Rest
Fund" and "Chentu Cot."
Delegates were sent to District
Conventions and brought back
reports. In recent years delegates
attended Presbyterial and Sectional Rallies.
Serving on District and Presbyterial Executives were: Mrs.
(Rev.) J. N. Lovelace, Mrs. J. R.
McBride, Mrs. R. Stewart.
In 1961 the last year as a Woman's Missionary Society, with
five members, Centreton met the
allocation of $192.00 and hope to
carry on, in the new organization
to the best of their ability, with
God's help.
"Every ability is a specific
trust from God, and the reward
for faithful stewardship is the
joy of service."
In the early days Cobourg had
two Auxiliaries. King St. Methodist Church Woman's Missionary
Society was organized on March
8th, 1888, by Mrs. S. Williams
and Mrs. Willmot of Toronto,
with a membership of 19, one of
whom was an honorary member.
Regular monthly meetings were
held with an average attendance
of 9. The amount contributed to
Missions the first year was $10.30.
The officers were: President,
Mrs. C. Copeland; Vice-President,
Mrs. (Dr.) Shepard and Mrs. Willis; Recording Secretary, Miss
Bennett; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. A. Barber; Treasurer,
Mrs. Climo. Members were: Mesdames Copeland, Shepard, Willis,
Bennett, Barber, Climo, Hopper,
Gillbard, Alien, F. Alien, O'Neil,
Ward, Hare, A. Clarke, Misses
Bennett, L. Barber, A. Wilson, N.
Shepard; Honorary Members @
Messrs Barber, W. H. Hopper.
Division St. Auxiliary was organized in 1890. The officers were:
Mrs. Rutledge, President; Vicepresident, Mrs. J. Burwash; Recording Secretary, Mrs. A. J. Bell;
Corresponding Secretary, Miss
Emma Munson; Treasurer, Mrs.
N Burwash. Members were: Mesdames Fish, McBride, Kershaw,
Sargent, Wallace, Hopper, Pope,
Mitchell, J. Kerr, R. Wilson, Henderson, J. Henderson, Stephens,
C. Minaker, Fetch, Roberts, W.
Kerr, Bain, Crossen; Misses Emily Rutledge, Hazel Burwash,
Powell, Howard, Burwash, Brooking, Jones, McEvers, Culver,
Kerr, M. Wilson.
In 1896-97 King and Division
St. Auxiliaries united and were
then known as "Cobourg Woman's Missionary Society". The
officers elected were: President,
Mrs. J. Kines; 1st Vice-President,
Mrs. McBride; 2nd Vice-Presid.
ent, Mrs. Willis; Recording Secretary, Miss Stevenson; Corresponding Secretary, Miss McEvers;
Treasurer, Mrs. W. Hopper.
Members: Mesdames T Gibbard, S. T. Bartlett, C. Ward, G.
Ward, Wm. Buck, R. Wilson, W.
Kerr, J. Henderson, E. Guillett,
C. Minaker, Jas. Crossen, J. D'
Roberts, H. Rosevear, Hoskin
English, Webb, Hayden, Hare, W.
Minnies, Henderson, O'Dell, H.
Crozier, Harper, M. Jex, W. H.
Hopper, Misses Howard, Culver
A. Wilson, M. Wilson.
Presidents remembered as serving during the ensuing years:
Miss Jones, Mesdames R. Wilson,
C. Ward, W. H. Smith, W. Pengelly, Jas. Crossen, D. W. McCamus, J. Kines, Rutledge.
On March 9th, 1926, .following
Church Union, the Cobourg Woman's Missionary Society was reorganized with officers as follows: President, Mrs. W. J. Garland; 1st Vice-president, Mrs. J.
McKinnon; 2nd Vice-president,
Mrs. Flynn; 3rd Vice-president,
Miss Mary Russell; Recording
Secretary, Mrs. Wager; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. James
Kerr; Treasurer, Mrs. Runciman.
Hereinafter known as "Trinity @
There were 110 members in
1927 and the givings were $640.
Presidents as remembered serving during the years: Mesdames
Garland, Gillespie, McKinnon,
Wager, J. T. Field, S. G. Bate,
At the close of our history Mrs.
Morton was president, and the
1961 allocation was $819.00.
Serving on the District Execu.
tive for many years as Secretary
was Mrs. J. G. Nichols; Mrs.
Skidmore, Mrs. J. T. Field, Mrs.
A. S. Cooper, Miss Russell, Mrs.
McCumion, Mrs. Jas. McKinnon,
Mrs. F. Earle, Mrs. A. Jaynes,
Mrs. Duffin, Mrs. Bradshaw, Mrs,
Morton as Mission Band and
Baby Band Secretary, then as
Western Sectional President, Mrs.
G. Wicks, as Treasurer Miss Hazel Cannom as Circle Secretary
and Miss Kay Stickney as Citizenship Secretary.
Cobourg Mission Circle had as
the first president Miss Hazel
Cannom, and the Executive Committee was: Misses May Ovens,
H. Thompson, Josephine Reynar,
L. Pender. In 1916 the leader
was Miss Vera Beedham.
A Mission Band, "The White
Star", was recorded in the report
of 1917-18, with Mrs. W. H. Hopper as leader, and a membership
of 35 @ contributing $29.00.
In, 1961, Mrs. K. S. Cooper was
leader, with 33 members and
contributing $32.00.
Many W.M.S. Rallies have been
held in Cobourg Trinity United
Church through the years, but
two outstanding in our history as
a Woman's Missionary Society
were, the inaugural meeting of
the Cobourg1' Presbyterial on April 20th, 1925, when' over two hundred delegates arid twice that
many visitors attended.
The final meeting of Bay of
Quinte Conference Branch, when
four of the six living Past Presidents led the devotional period.
Cobourg Evening Auxiliary was
organized in 1930 or 1931 with
Miss Joy Nichols as president.
Other members of the Executive
were Mrs. Barton and Mrs. R.
Parker. No records are available
but the Evening Auxiliary has
continued throughout the years.
Some known to have served as
president were: Mrs. W. Donally,
Mrs. S. Shorey, Mrs. C. E. Win-
ter, Miss Lora Pender, Mrs. A.
Bruce, Mrs. Frank Parsons, and
in 1961 Mrs. Stanyer was president.
Cold Springs Woman's Missionary Society was organized by Mrs.
Cooke, wife of St. Paul's Presbyterian Minister, in 1883, with 15
members; Mrs. Cooke was the
first president.
Presidents from that time until
1925 were: Mesdames Catherine
Thompson, James Wilgar, John
Gilchrist, George Kerr, John McBride, Henry Eagleson, Miss Lucy
Graham, Mrs. Alfred Eagleson.
Secretaries during the years
were three sisters, Miss Agnes
Bowman (Mrs. Gillespie, Miss
Nellie Bowman (Mrs. William
Dines), Miss Annie Bowman
(Mrs. J. Noble).
In 1925 the membership increased when the Congregational
and St. Paul's Presbyterian Churches joined to become St. Paul's
United Church.
On the occasion of the Fiftieth
Anniversary, Mrs. John Noble,
president, welcomed in gracious
manner, the 165 guests and outlined the purpose of the gathering.
Of the original 50 members, 13
were present and each was decorated with a rose. Mrs. Albert
Harper outlined the history of
the Auxiliary.
Mrs. George Kerr, Charter
member, conducted the memorial
service for those who had passed
away during the fifty years.
Mrs. F. W. K. Harris (Florence
Kerr), Peterborough, gave an inspiring address. She recalled the
days of thirty years ago when
she had formed the Jubilee Mission Band, of which her aunt,
Miss Lucy Graham was president
for many years. Miss Gilchrist of
Baltimore organized the Mission
Band. Mrs. Harris gave as her
closing message: "You and I are
builders, building temples of
eternal things; love, joy and
peace. It is because you and I
are eager to help others to the
Kingdom, that we are members
of the Woman's Missionary Society."
Letters of congratulation were
received from former members
who are not living here, and from
former ministers.
Rev. George Campbell, the present Pastor, gave an address,
touching on the work that was
done by Pioneers, feeling that
the same spirit had continued
throughout the years.
Mrs. (Rev.) Mears, a former
Presbyterial President of Port
Hope urged all the members to
look to the future and use all
their talents to carry on the good
Mrs. Laura Nixon Haynes of St.
Catharines, a former member,
sent congratulations and a poem
she had written.
The Seventy-Fifth Anniversary
was an inspiring occasion with
many friends and representatives
from the following Societies present: Bethesda North, Plainville,
Gore's Landing, (St. George's and
United), Baltimore Afternoon
and Evening, Bethel Grove, Bethesda South, Camborne, Grafton,
Wicklow, Vernonville, Welcome,
Canton, Cobourg, Afternoon and
Evening, Garden Hill and Fenella.
Decorations included lilies from
Miss Margaret Eagleson and Mrs.
Fisher who were unable to attend.
Mrs. Herb McKinley, President,
gave the call to worship and
Mrs. F. W. K. Harris, Peterborough, who had been the speaker at the Golden Anniversary,
led in devotions, after which
Mrs. Paul Harris sang "The
Lord's Prayer," accompanied by
Mrs. (Rev.) Luffman.
Mrs. Albert Bell gave the history of the St. Paul's Woman's
Missionary Society which had
been prepared by her sister, Miss
Edith Hoskin.
Charter members living are
Miss Margaret Eagleson and Mrs.
David Ewart.
The guest speaker was Mrs. C.
S. Patterson, Toronto, a native of
Norwood and first vice-president
of the Dominion Board. "We
must re-dedicate our lives and
study, pray and work," she said.
Rev. H. 0. Hanna of Gore's
Landing brought greetings from
the Cobourg Presbytery; Mrs. W.
McMann read greetings from Bay
of Quinte Conference Branch sent
by the president, Mrs. J. H. McKinney, who was unable to be
Mrs. Eldred Lean, president of
Cobourg W.M.S. Presbyterial, extended greetings on behalf of
the Executive and members.
Greetings were also brought by
Mrs. F. H. Dunnett, Brighton, on
behalf of Cobourg Presbyterial
Woman's Association.
An 'Honorary' and 'In Memoriam' service was conducted by
Mrs. Eldred Lean, with Mrs.
Arthur Jamieson reading the following names: Miss Margaret
Eagleson, Mesdames Wm. Dines,
Frank Fisher, David Dines, all
unable to be present.
'In Memory' since the 50th Anniversary: Mesdames Wm. McKinley, Alfred Eagleson, George
Mclntosh, Albert Harper, John
Bowman, James Gordon, George
Davidson, Wm. Gordon, John
Noble, Misses Mary McKinley,
Annie Moffatt, Mesdames Percy
Davidson, Albert Broan, James
Ritchie, Wm. Teney.
Cold Springs double trio sang,
accompanied by Mrs. Paul Harris Mrs. Luffman contributed a
piano solo.
The offering was received by
Mesdames McMann, Ada Butfars,
C. Dunn and Miss Stella Watt.
Miss Edith Hoskin presided at
the organ.
During the service a Life Membership and Pin were presented
to Mrs. W. McMann by Mrs. N.
D. Mclntosh on behalf of Mrs. J.
H. McKinney.
Refreshments were served by
the members of the Woman's
Missionary Society, assisted by
members of the Woman's Association.
The following served as presidents during the years: Mesdames John Noble, Dave Buttar,
Frank Shier, Miss Edith Hoskin,
Miss Mary McKinley, Mesdames
Wilbert Brooks, R. D. P. Davidson, Herb. McKinley, Melville
Dines, Arthur Jamieson.
Mrs. Melville Dines was president at the close of the W.M.S.,
wit;b 29 members, and contributing $480.00.
Mrs. Preston Brown, wife of
Rev. P. C. Brown, took over the
Mission Band as leader during
their pastorate, and Mrs. Clifford
Harnden was leader at the close
of our organization.
Serving on Conference Branch
Executive "was Mrs. R. D. P. Davidson. Servin^on Presbyterial
Executive, Mrs. Fred Ford as
Vice-President of the Western
Section, Miss Edna Jamieson as
C.G.I.T. Secretary, Mrs. N. D. Mclntosh as Vice-president of Western Section.
Colborne Woman's Missionary
Society was organized in February 1892. The membership was 24
with an average attendance of 10.
The amount sent to Branch Treasurer was $36.88. In 1892-3 the
membership was 29 with an average attendance of 12. In 1894
the amount sent to Branch Treas-
urer was $50.00.
The officers were: President,
Mrs. H. E. Kennedy; 1st VicePresident, Mrs. Sanderson; 2nd
Vice-President, Mrs. R. Coyle;
Recording Secretary, Miss A.
Simmons; Corresponding Secretary, Miss Reive; Treasurer, Mrs.
(Rev.) Pope.
Members: Mesdames C. E. Drewry, C. A. Gilbert, T. H. Peterson, J. Rieve, C. Larke, H. Gale,
J. C. Young, R. Clarke, J.
Smith, S. Young, Gordon Sim,
(Dr.) Gould; Misses M. Petit, L.
Fowler, Minnie Greer and Shannon Purdy.
Records available show that
Mrs. H. Kennedy continued as
president until 1900. Records are
not complete but it is known
that Mrs. F. Wilson was president 1922 - 1932. Mrs. Wesley
Bellamy and the following: Mrs.
Vandevoort, Mrs. (Rev.) S. C.
Moore, Mrs. (Rev.) H. Partridge,
Mrs. F. M. Brintnell, Mrs. May
Roberts, Mrs. McLaughlan, Mrs.
Leonard Gordon, Mrs. (Rev.) F.
M. Taylor, Mrs. Mills, President
at the close of the Woman's Missionary Society. The membership
at that time was 18 annual members and 17 Life Members. The
amount sent for allocation was
$714.00, and expense fund was
$54.89. Meetings were held every
month and Autumn and Easter
Thankoffering were special meetings.
One outstanding occasion was
when members from several Auxiliaries gathered in Colborne United Church to meet and hear a
distinguished guest, Mrs. Kenneth Masih, North India. Mrs.
Masih, a granddaughter of a Moslem millionaire, who sacrificed
his wealth and home to become a
Christian, is a beautiful young
Indian woman who wore the
graceful sari of her native land.
She expressed her gratitude of
the hospitality of Canadian wo-
men. The impression she would
carry home from Canada would
not be chiefly of the majesty of
the Rocky Mountains and the
prairies, nor the beautiful colors
of Ontario Autumn (it was then
October), but the warmth and
cordiality of the Canadian women, and the opportunity for
glimpses into Canadian life with
growth of understanding, so necessary now between Eastern and
Western lands.
On this occasion Mrs. H. Ireland, Presbyterial President, and
other officers were present, including Mrs. M. Wright, Presbyterial Secretary for C.G.I.T.
Groups, with some 50 girls from
several churches. At the close of
the meeting a rally of the C.G.I.T.
was held with the girls from
Mrs. A. B. Griffith's Group acting
as hostesses.
The Presbyterial's gift to Mrs.
Masih was a donation of $32.00
towards a refrigeration gift from
Canadian W.M.S. members. A
letter of appreciation from Mrs.
Masih was read at 1955 annual
meeting in January.
(A complete report of this
meeting with Mrs. Masih and her
message was given to Mrs. Eldred Lean, custodian of the scrapbook, by Mrs. Leonard Gordon,
for preservation).
Another outstanding event was
the occasion of the 40th Anniversary in 1932 when guest speakers were Mrs. J. W. Roberts and
Mrs. (Rev.) Mears, former Presbyterial Presidents. Mrs. Pearse
gave reminiscences of the years,
and a Life Membership Certificate and Pin were presented by
Mrs. W. A. Moore to Mrs. F. Wilson, who had been President for
ten years.
Members who have served on
Presbyterial Executive were Mrs.
J. T. Wilson, Mrs. (Rev.) Partridge, Mrs. May Roberts, Mrs.
Baxter, Mrs. Mills, Miss Shand.
Frankford Woman's Missionary
Society was organized in 1889 by
Mrs. Levi Massey, District Organizer; records are not available
for the first few years. The first
record we have shows that the
officers were: President, Mrs. H.
Bryant; 1st Vice-President, Mrs.
J. W. Hendricks; 2nd Vice-president, Mrs. J. H. Ward; Recording
Secretary, Mrs. Wm. Weese; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. W. R.
Phillip; Treasurer, Mrs. G.
The first record of members
was: Mesdames (Rev.) R. Taylor,
J. Chapman, D. F. Rose, George
Potter, H. Currey, M. Welbourne,
Wm. Chishoime, A. Fox, C.
Wayht, Wm. Rose, C. Shorey,
Geo. Ross, A. Chapman, Chapman, T. Gunter, S. Smith, Jones
Smith, N. Bonisteel, Misses Ward,
McDonald, Florence Taylor, Pearl
Taylor, Ruby Taylor, Minnie Hunter. Honorary members: Rev. R.
Taylor, Howard Taylor; 31 members, average attendance 12; amount sent to the Branch Treasurer, $64.19.
1890 was described as a year
of encouraging prosperity. The
members felt that they had reason to thank God and take courage; the increase in members
and funds was largely in advance
of last year.
The members were glad to have
Mrs. Levi Massey with them, and
were strengthened by her enthusiastic appeal to women, the result
being an addition of several new
members. Three public meetings
were held, each being a success
and $1.00 was sent to the Crosby
Girl's Home. We are pleased to
see a growing interest in this
great work and we are confident
that we are engaged in an undertaking which will meet with Divine approval.
That year there were 53 members and $109.50 sent to Branch
A few of the Presidents known
to have served in the early days
were: Mesdames J. W. Hendricks
(for many years), George Benedict and W. H. Weese.
In 1917-18 Mrs. Hendricks was
President and Mrs. S. W. Myers
Secretary, with Mrs. C. M. Hendricks as Treasurer. There were
38 members and the amount sent
to Branch Treasurer was $145.00.
A Mission Band, "Earnest Workers" was organized in 1896 with
13 members and contributing
$15.00. This continued throughout the years and in 1961 wifh
Mrs. Preston Chase as leader and
38 members, sent $36.77 to Presbyterial Treasurer. In 1937
Frankford Circle and Band took
the District Banners.
In the year of Church Union a
Circle was known to have been organizer but no records are available. In the early days Frankford was in Brighton District.
In 1954 Frankford Auxiliary
celebrated the 65th Anniversary,
having as guests members from
Stockdale, Batawa, Wooler, Zion,
Tabernacle, Sidney, from the Anglican, Free Methodists, Pentecostal and United Churches.
Mrs. Charlesworffl extended a
gracious welcome to all and called to the front the Past Presidents who were present. They
were: Mesdames C. D. Powell, P.
E. Bonisteel, J. F. Lane, J. M.
Dafoe, G. E. Dickson and W. Morrow, also Mrs. (Rev.) Lackey, a
former minister's wife, and Mrs.
(Rev.) Clarke, the wife of the
present minister.
Mrs. Charlesworth then introduced two members who had served many years, Mrs. H. J. Madill, treasurer for 14 years, and
Mrs. C. B. Reid, secretary for 8
years. Each was presented a corsage. Many messages in song
were enjoyed.
Greetings were brought by the
visiting guests and a former President, Mrs. (Rev.) J. F. Lane;
the Past Presidents of the Presbyterial, Mrs. S. J. Gray and Mrs.
S L. Terrill, also Mrs. (Rev.)
Delicious refreshments were
served, Rev. Mr. Clarke returning
thanks. This memorable gathering was closed by the benediction by Rev. J F. Lane.
Serving on the Presbyterial Executive were Mrs. Floyd Ketcheson and Mrs. Cecil Reid.
The Dartford Auxiliary of the
Woman's Missionary Society was
organized on February llth, 1892,
by Mrs. J. C. Wilson, District
Organizer for Bay of Quinte Conference. Thirteen ladies joined
the Auxiliary at that first meeting, but interest in the new organization grew until at the close
of that year, there were nineteen
members and a total of $39.00
was sent to the Branch Treasurer. In 1961 our membership is 17,
and we hope to attain our allocation of $330.00.
We are told that our first president Mrs. Jos. Boyce held that
office for thirty-five years, while
Miss Lily Copperthwaite was Recording Secretary for thirty-six
years. Surely this is a record
that will be difficult to equal.
We wish we had space to pay our
tribute to the many consecrated
women of Dartford Church who
have been part of this great Missionary movement over the years.
There were the members who
opened their homes so repeatedly for meetings; those who gave
freely of their time, their talents
and their offerings.
After Mrs. J. Boyce, our Presidents were: Mesdames John Atkinson, Wm. Runnels, Frank Wil-
son, Arthur Ward Sr., Percy
Honey, Archie McCracken, Arthur Ward Jr., Frank Atkinson,
Alex Lockhart, and presently Mrs.
Donald Pollock.
It is interesting to note, that
two of our Past Presidents have
grandchildren who have left our
community and are now engaged
in full time Christian service.
Mrs. Boyce was grandmother of
Rev. Leslie Hardy, United Church
minister at Bridgenorth, and
Miss Clella Hopkins, Missionary
in Angola.
Mrs. John Ackinson was the
grandmother of Mrs. Bruce Cole,
Missionary in Venezuela and Mrs.
Don Stezink, Missionary i n
French West Africa.
Truly it can be said of these
loyal Women's Missionary Society
members, "They rest from their
labors but their works do follow
them." It could be said of our
particular W.M.S. group that we
are both undenominational and
international, as we have members too far away from a church
of their own denomination to attend mid week services but who
enjoy our interest in missions
and our fellowship. We also have
several new Canadians who have
joined us and are making fine
contributions to the work.
Looking back over the years,
we cannot help but see that God
has richly blessed the work of
the Dartford Woman's Missionary
The first meeting of Fenella
Woman's Missionary Society was
held on January 8th, 1932. President, Mrs. Nill. Allocation $100.
Membership 23.
1933: President, Miss Florence
Macklin; Allocation $100. Membership 25.
1934: President, Miss Florence
Macklin; Allocation $100; Mem-
bership 22.
1935: President, Miss Gertrude
Knox; Allocation $90; Membership 21.
1936: President, Miss Florence
Macklin; Allocation $90; Membership 21.
1937: President, Miss Florence
Macklin; Allocation $90; Membership 22.
1938: President, Mrs. N. Leach;
Allocation $85; Membership 21.
1939: President, Mrs. S. Leach;
Allocation $85. (Only $65 sent).
Membership 15.
1940: President, Mrs. Beach;
Allocation $70; Membership 15.
1941: President, Mrs. J. Knox;
Allocation $74; Membership 15.
1942: President, Mrs. J. Knox;
Allocation $70. Membership 15
1943: President, Mrs. S. Leach.
Sent Allocation $75. To Batawa
Church $10. Membership 15.
1944: President, Mrs. W. I.
Montgomery; Allocation sent $92.
Membership 15.
1945: President, Mrs. W. I.
Montgomery; Allocation sent
$95; Membership 18.
1946: President, Mrs. N. C.
Leach; Allocation $85; Membership 15.
1947: President, Mrs. N. C.
Leach; Allocation $100. sent;
Membership 15.
1948: President, Mrs. N. C.
Leach; Allocation $100. sent;
Membership 15.
1949: President, Mrs. N. C.
Leach; Allocation $103. sent;
Membership 15.
1950: President, Mrs. N. C.
Leach; Allocation $90 sent; Membership 12.
1951: President, Mrs. N. C.
Leach; Allocation $90 sent; Membership 12.
1952: President, Mrs. N. C.
Leach; Allocation $55 sent; Membership 9.
On motion at the first meeting
it was decided to make each new
President a Life Member from
the local expense fund.
The following methods were
used to make money: Birthday
donations, Mite Boxes, Autograph
Quilts were sold, Egg donations
(price of a dozen). Sunshine
Bags, Monthly envelopes, Easter
Serving on Presbyterial Executive, Mrs. N. Chestnut.
Before Church Union in 1925
there was a Woman's Missionary
Society in the Presbyterian
Church (St. Enoch's) at Garden
Hill, but no W.M.S. in the Methodist Church near by.
Garden Hill W.M.S. was organized in 1889. The report for 188990 says "Recently organized. Has
done noble work." The President
at this time was Mrs. Jamieson,
treasurer Mrs. Hamil and secretary Miss Dodds; there were sixteen members with an average
attendance of eight. $25.00 was
Ten years later there were seven members of the auxiliary, and
one member of the General Society (Life Member) with an av^
erage attendance of four. In 1898
the contribution was $24.00 and
in 1899 it was* $19.50.
Just before Union in 1924
there were twenty-seven members and the amount of money
raised $88.00.
Until Union Garden Hill was
part of Peterborough Presbyterial.
In June 1925 seven new members from the Methodist Church
joined, and two former members
dropped out to join the Anglican
Church. In 1925 there were seven
Life Members with twenty-seven
members in all.
In 1929 there were twenty-four
members with an average attendance of twelve. The amount of
money sent to Presbyterial was
One of our most faithful and
beloved members, Mrs. S. J.
Gray, has been a member for 50
years and has held office most of
those years, being president several times.
She is a Life Member and was
on the Presbyterial executive for
thirteen years and five of those
as president.
This year 1961, we have eighteen members, two being Life
Members. We expect to meet our
allocation of $331.00 and are
planning a dinner party for our
last meeting to which our husbands are invited. We plan to
have a history of our auxiliary
at this meeting.
We look forward to the future
in "The United Church Women"
with high hopes for greater
things for the Kingdom of God.
Serving on the Presbyterial Executive for several years as President was Mrs. S. J. Gray, also
Mrs. Mark Gardiner.
In an historical sketch of Grafton which appeared in a daily
newspaper and is preserved in
the 'Tweedsmuir Historical Book'
this statement was made: 'Among
the lost causes in Grafton recorded and almost forgotten was
'The female organization,' which
held 'Tea Sales' to raise money
for Mission funds and ultimately
became the 'Woman's Missionary
The records of the Presbyterian Woman's Society were destroyed by fire.
The Methodist Woman's Missionary Society was organized in
1895 with 11 members and average attendance of 7. The amount
sent to the Branch Treasurer the
first year was $10.85.
The first President was Mrs. J.
H. Staples; 1st Vice-President,
Mrs. Wm. Hoskin; 2nd Vice-president, Miss E. Munroe; Recording Secretary, Mrs. 0. Lawless;
Corresponding Secretary, Miss E.
Lawless; Treasurer, Miss E. Massie. Members were Mesdames J.
McBride, T. Roberts and Miss L.
The membership in 1896 was 15
and average attendance 7.
The earliest record to be found
was of a meeting on April 8th,
1910, which probably took place
in the vestry of the Methodist
Church, attendance 7; 6 were elected to office. Following was
the annual meeting in April when
it was the custom to appoint or
revise the 'Heralds on the Watch
Tower' @ the Heralds reporting
monthly on the country which
they represented. Members subscribed to the 'Study Book' (price
at that time was 70 cents including postage), and the periodical
'The Outlook'. At these meetings
the collection was 25 cents.
Annually a delegate was sent to
the Conference Branch and the
report given at the July meeting,
which took the form of a Missionary tea at a member's home. Later it was known as the 'Picnic
meeting'. The presidential address was read at the August
As early as 1913 the roll call
was responded to by a Bible
Bales were sent in November
almost every year @ the first
valued at $20.65; the highest at
One quart Gems (one dozen)
were ordered from the Deaconess
Home to be returned filled
(1912). Donors of these were:
Mesdames E. C. Roberts, C. E.
Roberts, P. Morgan, J. Hare, S
Fenton, T. J. Hoskin, Wm. Findlay, Miss Jayne, Mesdames E
Carswell, Geo. Immel, Wm. Law-
less, Bert Hoskin.
Mrs. J. W. Roberts, District
Organizer, visited Grafton to organize a Mission Band immediately after Church on August 17th,
1913. This band was twice re-oroanized.
At the home of Mrs. T. J. Hoskin the Woman's Missionary Society entertained the 'Ever Willing Mission Band', who gave an
exercise 'Mother Goose and Her
Family', which was enjoyed by
everyone, young and old alike.
The attendance was 85.
Funds for Missionary purposes
were raised through General Expense Fund, Expense Fund and
Rest Fund. On the occasion of
the Silver Anniversary of the
Branch, the offering amounted to
In the early days they pledged
themselves to give 1 cent each
member, each month, for expense
money; some drew 25 cents
from the treasury to be used as
'Talent money.'
In 1913 Crusaders were appointed to districts. The Gully, Front
Road, and Grafton, to call on
members to canvass for funds
($1.00), and get new members.
Mite Boxes were introduced in
1918. Each member to take one
for herself and one for a friend;
to be opened at a Mite Box program later. Readings were given
'The Use of the Mite Box'. 'The
Troublesome Mite Box'. The amount ($4.07) received was so
gratifying that Mite Boxes were
again distributed.
Three Life Memberships were
presented by the Methodist
Grafton and Wicklow occasionally visited for special meetings.
Grafton Presbyterians and Wicklow Methodists were guests to
hear Miss Hinman, a Missionary
from India. An outstanding speaker later was Mrs. W. R. MacWilliams (Bessie Winter of
Wicklow) dressed in Japanese
costume, with her husband and
children of Japan.
On March 19th, 1926, the Woman's Missionary Society of the
Methodist and Presbyterian Churches met at the Manse to consummate Union of the two societies. The minister's wife presided
for the election of 9 officers. A
group meeting replaced the regular meeting in August to study
the constitution.
The Watch Tower Heralds were
still called to report but it was
spoken of less and less and finally petered out about 1932.
The Mite Box system continued
until the end and the expense
fund was raised by each member
contributing a cent a week.
In 1940 a Birthday Box and
Travelling Apron were used to
help the Expense Fund. Thankofferings originated in the Methodist W.M.S. and were continued
throughout the years.
A Missionary for prayer was
adopted in 1922 and the members readily chose Mrs. MacWilliams. In 1932 Mrs. MacWilliams
was home on furlough and gave
a talk on her work in Japan.
There were other special speakers through the years, some
were: Mrs. J.'*W. Roberts, Miss
Mary Haig, Japan,-."^Irs. (Rev.)
Nind, Grafton, Miss Rorke, Trinidad, Mrs. H. Hare, formerly of
Trinidad, Oshawa, Mrs. (Rev.)
Mears, a former District President; Presbyterial Presidents:
Mrs. Eldred Lean and Mrs. H. I.
Alien; Mission Band leader, Mrs.
Dunk; C.G.I.T. leader, Mrs.
Wright, and Mrs. Pitcher.
Church services took place occasionally and the roll call was
always observed. Bales were sent
annually. In 1941 a theme word
was chosen for each month's roll
call: Love, Light, Faith, etc.
Grafton had capable leadership
i n developing the younger
groups. In August 1933 the
W.M.S. had a picnic for the Mission Band and Baby Band. The
following year the C.G.I.T. was
reorganized by Mrs. German
Young who continued to act as
leader for 30 years, and was presented a Life Membership by
Grafton W.M.S
Mrs. Wm. Underwood led the
Mission Band group for 8 years.
Mrs. H. Bryson has been leader
of the Baby Band since 1942.
Summer meetings were often
held at Mrs. F. Harnden's cottage, homes of Mrs. Underwood
and Mrs. Young.
The Presbyterial was entertained in Grafton in 1933 and 1939,
also the Sectional Rally on two
1936, a joint meeting of the
W.M.S. and W.A. at the home of
Mrs. W. A. Hoskin, "The Gully",
in 1936. Those taking part in the
program were: Mrs. W. A. Hoskin, Mrs. J. Blacklock, Mrs. F.
Cameron, Mrs. J. S. Johnston,
Mrs. W. Heenan, Mrs. W. H.
Johnston, Miss Hutchison, Mrs.
We feel that the 'Grafton Female Organization' was not a
lost cause after all as there were
many faithful workers carrying
on over the years, the work that
was started, to greater achieve
ments and we cherish their memory.
Some of the names of Presidents during the years were:
Mesdames Immel, W. H. Johnston, W. Calder, Jas. Blacklock,
Fred Roberts, J. S. Johnston, K.
Archer who was President at the
close of the W.M.S.
In 1901-2 the records are reported as: President, Mrs. (Rev.) A.
M. Irwin; Vice-President, Mrs.
John Staples; Secretary, Mrs. C.
H. Winter; Cor. Secretary, Miss
Carrie Hare; Treasurer, Mrs.
Wm. Hoskin; Members, Mesdames (Rev.) Anderson, J. Stap-
les, C. H. Winter, W. Hoskin, T.
Lawless, Miss C. H. Hare, Mesdames C. Mallory, B. Mallory,
Caleb Mallory Sr., M. Winter, W.
Lapp, Trotter, Wm. Webster, T.
Hoskin, J. Coehrane, R. Hare, C.
A. Mallory, Scattered Helpers I.
Some members who served on
Presbyterial Executive: Mrs. J.
W. Roberts, President - 3 years;
Mrs. W. H. Johnston, Strangers
Secretary, 4 years; Mrs. W. Calder. Strangers Secretary, 4 years;
Mrs. G. Young, C.G.I.T. groups,
12 years; Mrs. W. Underwood, 4
years, Mission Bands; Mrs. H.
Bryson, Baby Bands, 5 years;
Mrs. K. Archer, Press, 4 years.
On Conference Branch Executive: Mrs. J. W. Roberts, VicePresident; Mrs. G. Young, Director of Girls' Camp and Girls
Work Counsellor for many years;
Mrs. W. Underwood, Mission
The history of Grafton W.M.S.
was given at the final meeting of
the W.M.S. by Mrs. K. Archer at
the home of Mrs. Mack Ruther
ford, when pictures were taken
and a social hour was enjoyed.
In 19@ when Wicklow Church
was closed the members of that
W.M.S. who were left transferred
their membership to Grafton.
Sharing our Christian heritage
and gifts with people less fortunate in all parts of the world
through the years has been the
objective of Woman's Missionary
Society workers. We are indeed
indebted to all leaders and members who laid the foundation of
the Missionary enterprise even
into the new "United Church
The Mission Band was organized in the Methodist Church but
no records are available until
the time of Union when the Executive was as follows: Margaret
Hutchison, Helen Johnston, Marjorie Roberts.
In 1960 Mrs. Frank Cameron
was the leader, and there were
45 members, contributing $40.80
to the Branch Treasury.
Gore's Landing Woman's Missionary Society was organized on
November 17th, 1926, by Mrs.
Robert Barbour (our Minister's
wife) in the home of Mrs. J. D.
Fowlie, now the home of Mr. and
Mrs. John Policy. Seventeen
members enrolled. Past Presidents are: Mesdames Barbour, F.
Pratt, Cheyne, (Rev.) Leach,
(Rev.) Mellow, (Rev.) Fisher, M.
Ames, W. Pratt, Miss Flora MacDonald, Mesdames George Harris, Milton Harris.
Miss Maude Neil was Secretary
for two months, Mrs. C. Burrison
for nine months, and Mrs. Joseph
Harris has been Secretary for the
remaining thirty-four years.
The Tenth Anniversary was
observed with a banquet in the
church basement. The ThirtyFifth Anniversary was celebrated
November 17th, 1961, when a turkey dinner was enjoyed. Mr. Seymour proposed a toast to the Woman's Missionary Society, to
which Mrs. Jos. Harris replied.
At the closing of our books we
have sixteen members. Six Life
Memberships have been presented to members.
To date, through the years,
$4, 453.00 has been submitted to
the Presbyterial Treasurer, as
well as many bales of clothing
sent out. Contributions have been
made to the Building Fund of
the United Church Training
School in Toronto, and a part in
the Batawa Church. Flowers and
boxes of good cheer have always
been sent locally when there
was a need.
At the 1961 banquet, corsages
were pinned on the four Charter
members still with us, namely:
Mrs. F. Pratt, Mrs. T. Cheyne,
Mrs. T. V. Neil and Mrs. Joseph
Serving on Presbyterial Executive: Mrs. (Rev.) Fisher, and
Mrs. H. Hastings.
The Hilton Auxiliary of the
Woman's Missionary Society was
organized in 1892. The first officers were: President, Mrs. H. R.
Fennell; Recording Secretary,
Miss Fennell; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. W. H. Poole; Treasurer, Mrs. J. F. Smith. The first
members were: Mesdames Shortt,
Crookshanks, Connor, 0. Morrow,
Misses C. Fennell, S. Breeze,
Shortt and Connor. Honorary
members, Rev. S. Crookshanks
and W. H. Poole.
Many of the meetings were for
the purpose of making quilts.
Several bales of quilts and clothing .were sent to Fisher River.
One amusing entry in the secretary's book reads: May meeting at Mrs. G. Waite's @ no attendance; collection 40 cents.
The date was 1915.
The recommended Study Book
has always been used. In October
1923, the topic was "The Life of
Loser." His'journey through the
wilderness to Adolphustown, his
bout with typhoid, and his long
years of labor, for the sum of
twenty dollars every 3 months,
was recorded. Another member
read an account of Case and
Bishop, who preached through
the district from Detroit to the
Thames River.
In the minutes of November
12th, 1925, the Secretary, Mrs. G.
Little commented: "As the new
United Church is here and we
are losing our name 'Methodist'
and taking another name, our
president thought it helpful to
review some of the work accomplished." It is interesting to note
that the allocation for this group
in 1927 was $65.00. One method
of raising money was "The Missionary Tree", laden with parcels which were sold for different
During the War years of the
1940's, the members found it
convenient to meet jointly with
the Woman's Association. Several
quilts were at these meetings for
the Red Cross.
At this time a Baby Band was
formed by Mrs. Sydney Cassan.
She later turned this group over
to Mrs. Norman Mutton and started a Mission Band. In 1958 Mrs.
Cassan organized an Explorers
Group, the first in Hilton.
During the last few years the
Auxiliary has sponsored a White
Gift Service in the Church, before Christmas. The gifts were
then sent to Earlcourt Home in
One of the presidents, Mrs.
Harry Hodges has been active in
the Hilton Woman's Missionary
Society for many years. She has
been president five times and
has supplied many programs.
Over the years, the Ministers'
Wives have played an important
part in the work of the Society.
In the minute book we find the
names of Mesdames Brookmire,
Crookshanks, Smart, Clarke,
Leigh, McCrea, Treffrey, G. Adams, I. Cumming and Van Walsem.
At the time of Church Union
the Executive was as follows:
Mesdames T. Hatten, Lloyd Herrington, M. E. Hodges, George
In 1960 the members of the Executive were: Mesdames Van
Walsam, Roy Morrow, Russel!
Amount contributed to Branch
Treasurer in 1960, $176.00. Number of members, 10.
Mission Band leader in 1960,
Mrs. Roy Chatten.
Serving on the Presbyterial Executive, Mrs. L. Adams.
Plainville women were first organized as a Mission Circle in
the Methodist Church in the year
1913-14. There were 26 members
and $17.00 was sent to the
Branch Treasurer. Mrs. Thomas,
Cole was the first president and
the Circle was organized by Mrs.
J. W. Roberts, District Organizer.
The Circle became a more mature organization and during the
years 1919-20, was organized as a
Woman's Missionary Society with
21 members. $44.00 was contributed to the Branch Treasurer that
Known officers were: President, Mrs. Wm. Lander; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. M. F.
Ames; Treasurer, Mrs. Charles
The following year the names
of Mrs. Annie Westington and
Miss Clara King were added and
the next year Miss Stella West.
During the years presidents who
served were: Mesdames Thomas
Cole, Wm. Lander, M. F. Ames,
Archie Bowman, Wilbur Cole,
Annie Westington, Louis Buttar,
Miss Clara King, Mesdames Glen
Cole, Leslie Carruthers, Clifford
Manley, Ada Westington, William
Herriott, Edgar Buttar.
Ministers' wives who have contributed greatly were: Mrs. Barbour, Mrs. James Leach, Mrs. M.
E. Fisher.
A Mission Band, known as
Victor Mission Band, was organized in 1925 just before Union
by Mrs. (Rev.) F. J. Horwood,
with Miss Ada Lander (Mrs. F.
Westington, leader (12 years).
The 25th Anniversary of the
Mission Band was observed when
Mrs. Ewart King was leader when
the Band took charge of a Sunday service. Mrs. Horwood, the
organizer, was present. Rev. F.
J. Horwood preached the sermon. Written invitations were
sent to all former members. Supper was served after the service.
The colors of the Mission Band,
green, yellow, white, colors of
the daisy, were featured in decorations. White for purity, yellow for light, green for growing.
In 1930 the Woman's Christian
Temperance Union was organized, and the two organizations
have worked conjunctively ever
The allocation for 1930 was
$287.00 and for the closing year
was $425.00.
Life Members are: Mesdames
Wm. Lander, Hillard Dodge, Wilbur Cole, Annie Westington, Miss
Clara King, Miss Ida Morton,
Mesdames T. Cole, Archie Bowman, John Tinney, Ada Westington, Gerald Lander, Earle Joice,
Miss Clara Westington, Mrs. Georgie Carruthers, Mrs. Edgar
Buttar, Mrs. Alex Buttar.
Serving on the District Executive and Presbyterial Executive
were, Ada (Lander) Westington,
and Mary Buttar, one year as
Mission Circle Secretary.
Ada Lander as CGIT Secretary
in the District and Stewardship
Secretary in the Presibyerial was
Mrs. F. Westington.
Morganston's Woman's Missionary Society was organized in 1926
or '27 as a United Auxiliary for
the Charge. The officers were:
President, Mrs. E. Reynolds; Secretary, Mrs. Burto Titchell; Treasurer, Mrs. J. C. Glover.
This Auxiliary disbanded in
1929, reporting a membership of
18 and having sent $47.00 to the
Branch Treasurer.
No records are available, but it
is known that for many years
money contributions were sent to
the W M.S. Branch Treasurer.
Norham's Woman's Missionary
Society was organized in March
1889. The officers were: President, Mrs. (Rev.) M. E. Wilson;
Vice-President, Mrs. Geo. Boyce;
Recording Secretary, Miss M.
Curtis; Treasurer, Mrs. William
Rankin. Members: Mesdames Curtis, Denike, Vanblaricomb, A.
Smith, 0. Goheen, E. Cryderman,
J. B. Stone, C. A. Mallory. Average attendance was 9; amount
contributed to Branch $17.49.
No records are available until
1936, when Mrs. J. W. Flatt was
president. In 1938, Mrs. 0. Laver
became president and continued
until 1940. In 1940 Mrs. D. H.
Evans was president. It would
seem that the W.M.S. and W.A.
then became a Federation. Norham Church finally closed and
the ladies have been affiliated
with St. Paul's, Warkworth.
There is record of a Mission
Band having been organized in
While stationed at Norham
Mrs. (Rev.) Clare served on the
District W.M.S. Executive.
The Woman's Missionary Society of the Methodist Church was
organized in 1886 by Mrs. P.
Fountain (who was made a Life
Member) with 30 members. In
various forms this organization
continued active until 1961. Few
records of this 75 year period are
available but there are a few remembered or recorded achievements.
The Methodist Church was established in Port Hope in 1813
and the first Presbyterian Church
completed in 1831. There was no
Congregational Church in Port
Hope but one family entered Union in 1925. This was the family
of Rev. (Dr.) Daly, a retired
Congregational Minister. Mrs.
Daly became the president of the
first Bay of Quinte Branch of the
Woman's Missionary Society.
The first record we have of the
Port Hope Society was for the
year 1891-2. The membership had
increased greatly following a
'Crusade for Members'. The Rev.
R. Whittington had given a lecture on "Woman's Life in Japan"
and a donation of six handsome
Japanese panels from Rev. C. T.
Cocking had sold well.
The officers were: President,
Mrs. (Rev.) Crothers; 1st VicePresident, Mrs. Harrison; 2nd
Vice-President, Mrs. Milward; Recording Secretary, Miss Wade;
Corresponding Secretary, Miss
Shepherd; Treasurer, Mrs. (Dr.)
Powers. Members: Mesdames
Burns, Outram, Jewel, L. Reynolds, Roberts, Stephens, Fountain, Trick, Parsons Sr., Green,
Hyde, Wickett Sr., Wickett J&,
Walker, Curtis, Beatty, Crocker,
McMaster, Neelands, Adams, J. L.
Thompson, Andrews, W. H. Parsons, Gould, Budge, Henwood,
Wilson, Baker, Ferguson, Thorn,
E. Mitchel, Hill, Greenaway, Chislett, Leader, Hawkins, W. H.
Brown, Brownscombe, G. R.
Read, Barrett, H. Rosevear, D.
Scott, H. V. Sanders, Sarvis, J.
Reynolds, Oke, Goheen, Byington, Rundle, Coombs, Misses Carr,
M. Mitchell, Mutton, Choate,
The amount contributed to the
Branch Treasurer that year was
Two of the early presidents
were Mrs. (Rev.) L. Young and
Mrs. (Rev.) Lanceley.
In 1917-18 the president was
Mrs. (Dr.) Shorey; Secretary,
Mrs. J. J. Read; Treasurer, Miss
Florence Wilson; Corresponding
Secretary, Mrs. Hutcheson.
After Church Union in 1926
there were 76 members and
$231.16 was sent to Presbyterial
Treasurer. The president was
Mrs. (Rev.) J. F. Mears and Executive, Mrs. E. A. Totten, Mrs.
P. Oke, Mrs. F. W. Galbraithe.
Other presidents were: Mesdames A. J. Moore, Belyea, J. B.
Reynolds, S. Hawkins, A. E.
Fulford, S. R. Caldwell, T. A.
Kennedy, J. A. Baldock, and Miss
Stella Bennett who was president
in 1961. There were at that time
38 members and $860.00 was
sent to Presbyterial Treasurer.
At the time of Union a Mission
Band was reported with the Executive named: Alaneen Shay,
Betty Garnet, Given Oke.
In 1961, Mrs. W. H. Lunney
was leader with 32 members and
amount contributed, $20.00.
On many occasions Port Hope
W.M.S. was hostess to Presbyterial Rallies and executive meetings and had the honor of entertaining the final annual meeting
of Cobourg Presbyterial, with a
large attendance.
The Afternoon Auxiliary has
enjoyed the fellowship with Sister Societies in the town and surrounding rural churches. This included visits to and from rural
groups and local Presbyterian,
Baptist, Anglican, and United
Missionary Churches.
The Port Hope Evening Auxiliary was organized in 1936 with
Mrs. E. B. Kelly as president. Dr.
Kelly had been a Medical Missionary in China, with Mrs. Kelly
as nurse and high school teacher,
This new Society had a fine beginning under Mrs. Kelly's leadership.
In 1950 a member of the Evening Auxiliary, Miss Frances McLeilan, a high school teacher, felt
a call to the ministry, and left to
complete studies and became an
ordained minister, serving in
Western Canada.
Miss Netta Brownlee, also of
the Evening Auxiliary, has been
active in the 'School for Leaders'
and more recently, Dean of the
young women attending the
Among those from Port Hope
Societies serving on District and
Presbyterials were: Mrs. (Rev.)
Mears, Mrs. J. B. Reynolds, Mrs.
(Rev.) P. F. Gardiner, Mrs. D. A.
Shay, Miss Henwood, Miss Margaret Moffatt, Mrs. Belyea, Miss
Evelyn Little, Mrs. Harold Beatty.
Mrs. (Rev.) Daly was the first
President of the Conference
Branch and the custodian of the
library brought into Union of the
Societies from the Congregational Church.
Mrs. Harold Beatty was a delegate to Dominion Board in 1953.
Salem Woman's Missionary Society was organized on March 7,
1891, in Salem Methodist Church.
Mrs. N. L. Broad, District Organizer, addressed the ladies present, then organized the Auxiliary
with the following members:
Mesdames R. B. Walt, W. Gould,
R. A. Brintnell, Misses Emma
Farrow, Janey Cooper. The officers elected were: President,
Mrs. R. B. Walt; 1st Vice-President, Mrs. W. Gould; 2nd VicePresident, Mrs. R. Brintnell; Recording Secretary, Miss Emma
Farrow; Corresponding Secretary,
Mrs. M. Dudley; Treasurer, Miss
Ella Gould.
The meetings were to be held
in the homes. Rev. E. Howard,
Miss Emma Farrow, Secretary,
Mesdames A. Stimers, J. Onyon,
Eddy were named a committee
to arrange programs. It was decided to use the 'Missionary Outlook' (a sample to be requested)
and a notice sent to the 'Outlook' and the 'Guardian' of the
organization of the Salem Auxiliary.
During the years many quilts
were made and bales of clothing
sent where needed (one to Alderville Indian Mission). An autograph quilt was made and later
presented to Mrs. (Rev.) G.
Brown. Delegates were sent to
the Branch meetings: Miss E.
Farrow to Lindsay, Miss E. Gould
to Bowmanville, Mrs. A. A. Murphy to Oshawa and Mrs. John
Farrow to Napanee.
Visits from Mrs. (Rev.) M. E.
Wilson, and District Organizers
Mrs. Walt and Mrs. Massey were
New members were added during the years. Some of the names
were: Misses Wellie Hinman and
Carruthers; Mesdames G. Metcalf. Wall Dunnett, Miss Ella
Gould, Mesdames J. G. Thorne,
W. Cochrane, A. A. Murphy, Henry Ptrrow, Mrs. (Rev.) Johnston,
Misses Evelyn Gould, N. Powell,
E. Farrow, Daisy Cochrane, Jenny Cooper, Emma Drinkwater,
Mary Drinkwater, F. Dixon, A.
Hinman, Mrs. W. Ives, Mrs. D. J.
Presidents who served during
the years w^re: Miss Wellie Hinman, Mrs. (Rev.>JHoward, Mrs.
(Rev.) Brown, Mrs. (Rev.) Johnston, Mrs. (Rev.) Robeson.
In 1895 the Auxiliary was divided, Eden forming an Auxiliary
of its own and Salem and Sharon
going together.
In 1896 Mrs. (Rev.) Robeson
was president.
Sharon continued with Salem
until 1904.
In 1918 report Salem is credited with 12 members and having
sent to Branch Treasurer $64.50.
The officers were: President,
Mrs. (Rev.) Batstone; Executive
members, Mesdames C. Peacock,
Jas. Peacock, F. W. McConnell.
At the time of Church Union
the officers were: Mesdames Jos.
Peacock, C. Peacock, H. Jackson,
W. H. Bellamy.
The last record we have of Salem as a Woman's Missionary Society was in 1940 when the Executive was listed as Mrs. R. A.
McCrae, Miss Maude Hoare, Mrs.
C. Gummer. Membership, 12; amount sent to Treasurer of Presbyterial, $25.67.
Life Members were: Mrs. Ed.
Hinman, Mrs. John Cochrane,
Miss Maude Hoare and in 1912
Miss Janey Cooper who had been
president for six years, resigned
and was presented a Life Membership.
No record of the other part of
the former Salem Auxiliary,
namely, Eden and Shiloh, is available.
From 1941 on, Salem (and
Sharon) W.A. and W.M.S. met
in a joint meeting and all money
raised was sent to Missions.
Our Woman's Missionary Society @ known then as Seymour
United W.M.S. @ was organized
in 1926. It was brought to us by
the ladies of Burnbrae Presbyterian Church, who greatly enriched our congregation at the
time of Church Union. Our
Church at that time was called
"Stephens Church" on the Seymour Charge, so the name "Seymour United W.M.S." was given
to our Society. In May 1957, we
were very grateful to have our
dreams come true, and our new
Church was dedicated to the service of God; the name was changed to "Hoards United", and
our Auxiliary as "Hoards United
The first year we had 22 members, and the givings amounted
to $168.00. Through the years
the membership was varied,
sometimes dropping to five or six,
and other years reaching the
teens. In 1934 we began having
joint W.A. and W.M.S. meetings,
and this worked out very well. If
we fell short on our allocation
we could always count on the
W.A. to help us out.
Presidents throughout the
years were: Mrs. W. Rannie, Mrs.
Jno. Rannie, Miss M. Heagle and
Mrs. W. A. Hume. Secretaries
were: Mrs. W. Hutcheon, Mrs. A.
H. Parr, Miss Jean Rannie, Mrs.
W. S. Milne, Mrs. E. Parr, Mrs.
W. Anderson and Miss M. Heagle. Treasurers were: Mrs. F.
Heagle, Mrs. E. Rannie and Mrs.
C. W. Hoard.
The Mission Circle was carried
on into Union by the young ladies of the Presbyterian Church,
and augmented by others of Stephens' Church; this group continued for eight years. A Baby Band
was formed by Mrs. John Bick,
and this group has filled a very
worthwhile place in our community. We are also very proud
of our Mission Band which has
been serving the needs of the
children for some twelve years.
We have been very fortunate
through the years in having dedicated leaders, and we feel the
children have received lessons
in sharing with the children of
other lands that should help them
throughout their lives.
As a W.M.S. Group we have
used the prescribed Study Books;
have given by envelope; filled
our quota for the hospital requirements annually; assisted in
European relief bales; shipped
good used clothing to the different Missions in Toronto, and last
year we made several refugee
This year as we graduate from
the Woman's Missionary Society
to United Church Women, we
had a membership of 13 annual
and 5 Life Members, with an allocation of $306.00. We are plea-
sed to report that again we have
met our allocation ,and at least a
third more.
We, as a small group, are
proud of our past thirty-five
years with the Woman's Missionary Society of the United Church
of Canada, and with God's help
shall step forward to continue, in
answer to the challenge from the
Gospel of St. Mark, "the gospel
must first be published among
the nations" and "go ye into all
the world and preach the gospel
to every living creature."
Serving on Presbyterial Executive were Mrs. C. Hoard and Mrs.
Clayton Thompson.
Smithfield Woman's Missionary
Society was organized in 1886.
The Executive was elected as follows: President, Miss Annie Adams; Vice-President, Mrs. John
Ireland; Recording Secretary,
Mrs. Malcolm Drewry; Corresponding Secretary, Miss Ida Newson; Treasurer, Mrs. Charles Ireland.
Members: Mesdames Malcolm
Drewry, J. Ireland, Charles Ireland, Jerry Herrington, Misses
Annie Adams, Etta Ireland, Comfort Potts, Olive Scouton, Etta
William, Minnie Dolanage, Minnie Adams, Ida Newson.
In that first year with 33
members, they contributed $44.
Presidents who served during
the years (as far as can be ascertained from limited records)
were: Mrs. (Rev.) Cleworth, Miss
A. H. Drewry, J. Fulford, G.
Smith, E. P. Flindall, S. J.
Sweetman, (Dr.) Parley, H. L.
Flindall, E. Hendricks, R. B. Harrison, Miss Ada Herrington, W.
Viola, F. Dayman, N. Blacklock.
A Mission Band, "Way-side
Scatterers", was organized with
President, Miss N. Drewry; Secretary, Rosa Breakenridge, and
continued through many years of
Due to removal of leaders,
Smithfield Auxiliary was disbanded in 1959 or 1960 with six
members; the last contribution of
Among the members who served on District and Presbyterial
Executives during the years were
Mrs. Sweetman, Mrs. E. Hendricks, Mrs. H. L. Flindall, Mrs.
Frank Dayman. rEarlier were:
Mrs. Ezra Maybee and Mrs. Bedal).
We have learned that the first
Woman's Missionary Society of
the Bay of Quinte Conference
met in Albert College, Belleville,
in 1876.
In 1881, Mrs. Levi Massey of
the Belleville Area, was elected
ae president in Hamilton, Ontario. .,
In 1884, Mrs. Massey organized
a Woman's Missionary Society in
Frankford, which included the
ladies from the surrounding churches, namely: 4th Sidney, Frankford, Tabernacle, Stockdale, Zion
and Mabees'.
In 1904 the Stockdale Auxiliary
was formed ^vhicB included the
ladies from Taberfi'a'cle and Zion
The first officers were as follows: President, Mrs. Ann McColl; 1st Vice-President, Mrs. M.
Faul; 2nd Vice-president, Mrs. W.
G. Bryant; Recording Secretary,
Mrs. J. Anderson; Corresponding
Secretary, Mrs. C. M. Hendrick;
Treasurer, Mrs. J. H. Davidson.
Presidents serving during the
years were: Mrs. Sylvester Fox,
Mrs. Chas. Hannah, Mrs. (Rev.)
R. M. Patterson, Mrs. S. Osterhout, Mrs. James Bates, from
1925, when she became a Life
Member and was still a member
when the Woman's Missionary
Society concluded our history.
In the 1918 records we find
Miss Ethel Fox was president;
there were 21 members and $58.
was sent to Branch Treasurer.
At the time of Church Union,
the president was Mrs. James
Bates and at the close of our history Mrs. Will Pitcher was serving as president, having been in
that office some years. The number of members was 10 and the
amount contributed to Presbyterial was $165.00.
We remember two secretaries,
Mrs. A. E. Wood and Mrs. Fred
Terry, and two treasurers, Mrs.
Fred Palmer and Mrs. L. Frost.
For many years the Woman's
Missionary Society of Tabernacle.
Stockdale, met on Tuesday afternoon (the first Tuesday of the
month), but we were never successful in securing new members
so have for a number of years on
the first Wednesday of the month
met with the Woman's Association, the W.A. taking charge one
month and the W.M.S. the nexl.
Our allocation has nearly always been met every year, and a
number of members have each
year attended the Rally and Sectional meeting. For over 40 years
we have had a Union noontide
We entertained the Eastern
Sectional Rally in 1948, and the
Presbyterial in June, 1958.
Mention must be made of a
very faithful member, Mrs. Sheldon Osterhout, who has always
assisted with her donations, although she has been a non-resident for a number of years.
The officers at the conclusion
of our Auxiliary are: President,
Mrs. Will Pitcher; Vice-President,
Mrs. Clinton Cox; Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. Percy Way; Literature Secretary, Mrs. Wesley
Brooks; Friendship Secretary,
Mrs. Clinton Cox; Citizenship
Secretary, Mrs. Royce Hannah;
Representative to the Official
Board, Mrs. B. J. Andrew.
Serving on the Presbyterial
Executive as CGIT leader was
Mrs. Will Pitcher.
vey, who had been recording secretary for 26 years, a presentation of a Life Membership and
Pin was made to her.
Roseneath Woman's Missionary
Society was organized in 1919 at
the home of Rev. C. C. and Mrs.
Washington, the Methodist Parsonage, Roheneath.
There are no records previous
to 1923 when Mrs. Walsh was
president and the membership
34. Amount contributed that year
was $168.52.
In the year of Church Union,
Mrs. (Rev.) J. N. Lovelace was
president, with a membership of
36, and contributions to Presbyterial Treasurer $104.58.
In 1961 Mrs. Lovelace completed another 12 years as president.
The membership was 12 and contributions to Presbyterial Treasurer $247.49.
Some of the presidents serving
during the years were: Mesdames
(Rev.) R. C. White, (Rev.) L. W.
Scott, (Rev.) E. Beech, D. Brisbin, F. Lewis, R. Crego, (Rev.) J.
N. Lovelace.
Members who have served on
the Presbyterial Executive: Mesdames Crego, Nill, Lewis, R. C.
White and Lovelace who was president of the Western Section for
a number of years.
Mrs. T. Coyle, a faithful and
active member for a number of
years, was recently honored on
her 80th birthday by members
of the W.M.S. and presented with
a Life Membership.
A Mission Band was organized
known as 'The King's Workers',
and carried on throughout the
Special Thankoffering services
were observed on Easter or Palm
Sunday each year.
On the occasion of the removal
of a Charter member, Mrs. M. Da-
The Woman's Missionary Society of Warkworth St. Paul's United Church was organized in
the Methodist Church, Warkworth, on February 18th, 1889.
(Warkworth was then in Campbellford District). Only one meeting was held for 1889. The first
president was Mrs. R. P. Hurlbitt.
There were six members with an
average attendance of five and
contributing that year $54.00.
Presidents serving throughout
the years were: Mesdames R. P
Hurlbut, (Rev.) C. J. Wilson,
(Rev.) J. W. Totten, (Rev.) S.
McCauley, A. M. Hamilton, F.
Smith, T. G. Smith, (Rev.) J. G.
Lewis, E. Drewry, (Rev.) Butler,
Wm. Hurlbut, A. M. Smale, Miss
Ella Boyce, Mesdames Jim Arkles, (Rev.) S. A. Kemp, W. J.
Harper, Wm. Barringer, (Rev.)
M. Smith, (Rev.) J. R. Cooper,
George Helson, Lome Evans,
(Rev.) Lester, Grant Alien, Joe
Greenly, Dave Evans, Howard
At the time of Church Union,
Warkworth was in Cobourg District. Mrs. W. J. Harper was president and the Executive was
Mrs. F. G. Smith, Mrs. George
Bowen and Mrs. Ed. Thompson.
In 1891 a Mission Band was
organized with 18 members. Later it was divided in Junior members and Seniors and known as
"Acorn" Band.
In 1961, Mrs. Glen Hancoch
was leader, 32 members, contributing $160.00.
The amount sent in 1961 @
$566.00; number of members 35.
Serving on District and Pres.
byterial Executives were Mrs. A
M. Smale and Mrs. Lome Evans
Wicklow Woman's Missionary
Society was organized on April
15th, 1891. Mrs. Broad, District
Organizer, met with a few of the
ladies in Wicklow in March with
a view to organizing an Auxiliary. Owing to the small number
present, she left it in the hands
of Miss D. Richards (schoolteacher), who organized the Auxiliary on April 15 with a membership of thirteen; five more were
added during the year.
Five monthly meetings were
held with an average attendance
of eight. Seven dollars was sent
to Branch Treasurer.
Officers were: President, Miss
Richards; Vice-President, Mrs.
(Rev.) M. Mounteer; Recording
Secretary, Mrs. Bellamy; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. J. W. Roberts; Treasurer, Miss Minnie
Members: Mesdames Dark, Davey, -/Usher, Bowen, Wilson,
Flynn, Winter, Fenton, Insley,
Misses Doolittle, Hall, Locke,
Stratton, McCarI, Lumley.
At this time the Auxiliary was
in Brighton District and Central
Branch which extended from Toronto to Belleville.
In 1893 the,Branph was divided
according to Conference limits so
Wicklow was then in Bay of
Quinte Branch.
The membership next year was
increased to 20 and $36.50 was
sent to Branch Treasurer. Miss
Richards made herself a Life
Member. Miss Lumley was elected 1st Vice-president and Miss
Georgie Hall 2nd Vice-president.
Miss Richards remained president as long as she taught in
Wicklow and the Auxiliary meeting was held on Saturday. President, 1907, Mrs. Bellamy; 1911,
Mrs. S. E. Roberts; 1913, Mrs. J.
W. Roberts; 1915, Miss L. Hall;
1917, Mrs. W. Winter; 1919, Miss
L. Hall. A lapse in records occurred here but presidents in later
years included Mesdames J. G.
Waite, J. G. Findlay, W. H.
Knight and J. W. Winney.
In 1916 the 25th Anniversary
was observed and Colborne Auxiliary members were guests.
When Centreton was united
with Grafton and Wicklow as a
Charge, probably in 1908, Wicklow was removed to Cobourg District.
The Cobourg District Convention of the Woman's Missionary
Society was held in Wicklow on
May 13th, 1910, afternoon and
evening. At this gathering Mrs.
J. W. Roberts was elected District Organizer and continued in
that office until the consummation of Union, then was elected
the first president of Cobourg
Presbyterial and continued in
that office for three years. Secretary for 1910-11 was Miss Retta
Serving on Presbyterial (and
previously on District) Executives were Mrs. J. G. Waite, Mrs.
J. G. Findlay and Miss Florence
Wicklow merged with Grafton
when Wicklow Church was closed in 1954. President at that
time, Mrs. A. Parkington; Secretary, Mrs. K. Taylor.
The 'Maple Leaf Mission Band
was organized in (or about)
1914. Leaders were Mrs. J. G.
Waite, Miss Bessie Winter, Miss
Florence Hall.
The Welcome Woman's Missionary Society was organized in
Welcome in 1900. The first list
of officers we have record of was
as follows: President, Mrs. W. A.
Meadows; Vice-President, Miss
Bradley; Recording Secretary,
Mrs. James Nicholls; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Sidney Bee;
Treasurer, Mrs. Thornedyke.
Members: Mesdames T. Corden, Reeves, H. Hareourt, McAlpin, Hoar. The amount sent to
Branch Treasurer that year was
For ten years no records are
available than in 1910; Mrs.
(Rev.) Rorke was president with
23 members.
In 1917 officers listed were:
Mrs. Carscallen, Mrs. P. Holdaway and Miss M. Best. There
were 18 members and $60.00 was
sent to Branch Treasurer.
Other presidents during the
years were: Mesdames Richard
Runnalls, (Rev.) Mears, W. E.
Lewis, G. Kellogg, (Rev.) Bunner, Evelyn Martyn, J. B. Reynolds, N. Chestnut and Margaret
For the last five years we have
had no active Woman's Missionary Society but have still held
Spring and Autumn Thankofferings and have continued giving
Mrs. A. M. Symons was secretary from the beginning of our
Society until 1926, when an assistant was appointed.
Over the years the membership
has remained about the same
figure, and the interest in Mission work and the study of Missionary projects has continued.
At one time there was a Woman's Missionary Society at Wesleyville and Morrish and these
Societies were often invited to
share our special meetings when
w had an outside speaker.
In 1919, Miss Luella Rorke
went to Japan as a missionary.
She sent many letters and reports to our Society, having lived
here and having members other
family here, which helped to give
Missionary work in other countries a real significance. When
she was on furlough she often
spoke at our meetings.
Serving on the District and
Presbyterial Executives in the
past were Mrs. J. B. Reynolds,
Mrs. Evelyn Martyn, Mrs. W. E.
Lewis, Mrs. Margaret Martyn.
The first record we have of
Wesleyville Auxiliary of the Woman's Missionary Society was in
1898-99 when eleven members
were listed and an average attendance of five. $13.12 was sent
to Branch Treasurer. The officers: President, Mrs. W. A. Meadows; Vice-President, Miss Bradley; Recording Secretary, Mrs. J.
Nichols; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Sidney Bee; Treasurer, Mrs. Thorndyke. Members:
Mesdames J. Harcourt, Reeves,
G. Gordon, F. Cordon, Misses
Sharpe, Reeves.
In 1901-2, President was Miss
Bradley, Port Granby; Vice-president, Mrs. Hoar; Recording Secretary, Mrs. L. Nichols; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Mabel
Wakelin; Treasurer, Mrs. Thorndyke.
Since this time no records are
available. It is known that one
member who was a member in
1909 is living in Wesleyville @
Miss C. Darke.
Wooler Woman's Missionary Society was organized on November 28th, 1893, with Mrs. (Rev.)
Thomas as President; 1st Vicepresident, Miss Nettie McColl;
2nd Vice-president, Mrs. W. Dorland; Recording Secretary, Miss
Lillie Bell; Corresponding Secretary, Miss Minnie F. Crews; Treasurer, Mrs. J. Gould. Members:
Mesdames I. Richards, George
Rowe, E. McColl, Easterly, Horsely, R. Bell, Holland, Miss Arthur.
The meetings were held on the
first Tuesday of the month, with
fifteen members present. The
mmbership fee was twenty-five
cents each quarter, one dollar a
year. The paper was 'The Outlook.'
In 1925, at the time of Church
Union, the Auxiliary was very
strong, with a membership of 84.
The president at that time was
Mrs. S. L. Terrill, and the secretary was Mrs. W. A. Smith. Both
ladies are still living and active
The contribution sent to
Branch Treasurer the first year
was $22.00. In 1960 the amount
sent was $413.00 and the number
of members was 20. 18 members
subscribed to the 'Missionary
Early presidents were: Miss
Tillie Bell, Miss Minnie Crews,
Mrs. L. H. Rowe, Mrs. S. L. Terrill (served as president at three
different times).
Mrs. Clarence McMaster was
president for seven years, 19321940.-/Mrs. E. McMaster was president for eight years, (1950-58),
followed by Mrs. (Rev.) Newman, then Mrs. A. E. Arthur.
Mrs. Clarence McMaster was acting Treasurer for 20 years (1942
to 1962).
The late Mrs. J. J. Way was
secretary for many years.
Mrs. S. L.'TerrtlI was Presbyterial President for four years,
and Mrs. J. J. Way was Presbyterial Secretary (first Recording
then Press) at the time of her
sudden death, having begun a
Presbyterial Scrap Book which
was then taken over by Mrs. Eldred Lean. Also serving on the
Presbyterial Executive were: Mrs.
C. McMaster as Treasurer and
Mrs. E. McMasters as Missionary
Monthly Secretary, and Mrs. Ervan Scott.
Special events in Wooler Woman's Missionary Society were:
The celebration of the 50th Anniversary on June 8th, 1943. Mrs.
(Rev.) Nichol, a former member,
and Mrs. Carscallen, Whitby,
were the speakers. At this time
gifts were presented to Mescames Easterly, Nichol and Rowe.
To celebrate the 60th Anniversary, several Societies were invited by President Mrs. E. McMaster. The special speaker was
Mrs. Spafford, Belleville.
An outstanding yearly event
was the Baby Band party held
on a home lawn (weather permitting) or in the church basement.
At the 1960 party the attendance
of mothers and children was 65.
Wooler had during earlier years
a Mission Circle. At the time of
Church Union the officers were:
Misses M. Teal, Francis Terrill
and Stella Nelson.
The Mission Band, 'Gospel Senders', at the time of Union, had
as an executive, Misses Julia
Spencer, Lucille Sharpe, Marie
Forbes. At the close of the Woman's Missionary Society the leader was Mrs. Jim Putnam.
The Wooler Evening Auxiliary
was organized in the United
Church Parlors on October 23rd,
1946. The young mothers found
it impossible to attend the Afternoon Auxiliary already organized. In the evening the husbands
looked after the children so the
group could be formed.
1947, members 28; 1948, members 33; 1949, members 30; 1950,
members 34; Associate 10; 1951,
members 25, Associate 11; 1952,
members 23, Associate 9; 1953,
members 17, Associate 2; 1954,
members 16, Associate 3; 1955,
members 22, Associate 5; 1956,
members 17; 1957, members 17,
Associate 8; 1958, members 21,
Associate 5; 1959, members 18,
Associate 6; 1960, members 22;
1961, members 23.
Presidents during the years:
1946-48, Mrs. Laura Lattimer;
1948 (July-Dec.) Mrs. Vera Fox;
1949-50, Mrs. Faeola Crosby;
1951, Mrs. Alice Nelson; 1952 53, Mrs. Pearl Ewing; 1954, Mrs.
Dorothy Dorland; 1955-56-57, Mrs.
Faeola Crosby; 1958-59, Mrs. Ellen Smith; 1960, Mrs. Gertrude
McColl; 1961, Mrs. Eleanor Haggarty.
We sent to Rev. Floyd Honey
(while he was in China) in 1948,
$50., and in 1950, $25. Our total
amount sent to Missions, 1947 1961, $3,235.26.
Throughout the years we used
our Missionary Monthly for our
worship service. The Christmas
and Easter services were always
inspiring. The yearly program
was based on the Study Books.
We sewed, knitted and collected many, many pounds of good
used clothing for Missions.
We invited Wooler Afternoon
Auxiliary, Brighton, Frankford,
Codrington and Tabernacle @ the
latter to try and get them interested in forming their own Auxiliary.
In 1949, our group took on the
responsibility of Junior Congregation every Sunday. We gave
every child a hymn book, when
he or she graduated to the adult
congregation. W e also took
charge of Mission Band the first
Sunday of every month. We entertained our husbands at December meetings.
Records of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society (Western
Division) of the Presbyterian
diurch of Canada, show that the
Vernonville Auxiliary was organized on October 8th, 1886, by
Mrs. MacKenzie, mother of the
The officers were: President,
Mrs. McRae; Secretary, Miss J.
Broomfield; Treasurer, Miss
Broomfield. There were 5 members. No other statistics were
given for that year.
The following year the officers
were: President, Mrs. McRae;
Secretary, Miss Gillespie; Treasurer, Miss J. Broomfield. Still
only 5 members; they contributed
In 1888 officers were: President, Mrs. (Rev.) Lord; Secretary, Miss Gillespie; Treasurer,
Miss J. Broomfield. There were
12 members (5 being members of
the General Society). They contributed $21.66.
In April, 1934, the Woman's
Missionary Society and the Woman's Association had a joint
meeting @ the Woman's Missionary Society taking the Devotions and any quilts were Woman's Association. In January,
1936, a motion carried that the
monthly offerings be divided equally for these joint societies.
The money for the quilts still to
be for the W.A. purposes.
Usually a picnic meeting was
held in August and the Mission
Band and all the children in the
community for a get-together,
with a treat of ice-cream at the
In December a pot-luck supper
was held with the Young People
assisting in the program; a pleasant evening for young and old.
World Day of Prayer was usually observed at the Manse with
Grafton members.
Presidents serving during the
years were: Mrs. Frank Sherwin,
Mrs. Chas. S. Rutherford, Mrs. C.
H. Gillespie, Mrs. Florence Learning and Mrs. James Deviney
who served as president of the
Woman's Association 1929-1947;
as president of the Joint Society,
1940-47, and again 1952-1961.
The membership in 1886 wai
5, and the givings $15.00.
The membership in 1961 was
15, and the givings $145.00.
Serving on the Presbyterial Executive as Press Secretary from
1936 until 1940 was Mrs. William
Mrs. James Deviney as presinent of the Eastern Section 1956
until 1961.
Morrish Womans' Missionary
Society was organized in 1897,
under the name of Zion and Morrish. The officers were: President, Mrs. S. Millson; Vice-President, Mrs. W. Walker; Recording
Secretary, Miss M. Welch; Corresponding Secretary, Miss M.
Tamblyn; Treasurer, Mrs. M
Members were: Mesdames Bebee, W. Bebee, Gray, Miss Martyn. Total of nine members; average attendance five; contributing $5.00.
In 1899 officers were: President, Mrs. Gray; Vice-President,
Mrs. Walker; Recording Secretary, Mrs. B. Dickinson; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Wm. Bebee; Treasurer, Mrs. M. G.
Welch. Members 6; average attendance 4; contribution $6.00.
In 1902 the records show that
there were two Zion Auxiliaries
on Welcome Circuit; Zion Morrish with seven members, contributing $10.60. President, Mrs.
Gray; Vice-president, Mrs. W. A.
Bebee; Recording Secretary, Mrs.
W. Welch; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. W. A. Bebee; Treasurer, Miss K. Martyn.
Zion East. Seven members,
contributing $16.60.
President, Mrs. T. Whitehead;
Vice-president, Miss L. Lowe;
Recording Secretary, Mrs. G.
Kinsman; Corresponding Secre-
tary, Mrs. Wm. Boyd; Treasurer
Mrs. R. Kinsman.
In 1303 it appears that Zion
members dropped out but Morrish carried on for some years.
However, we have no records until 1918 when the following officers are listed: President, Mrs.
R. J. Rowe; Vice-President, Mrs.
E. A. Symons; Secretary, Mrs. M.
J. Osborne; Treasurer, Mrs. M.
Welch. Members 15; contributions $71.73.
At the time of Union, the officers were: President, Mrs. B. S.
Dickinson; Vice-president, Mrs.
W. B. Hawthorne; Recording Secretary, Mrs. C. J. Lewis; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. C. J.
Lewis; Treasurer, Mrs. M. J. Osborne.
In 1946-47 the Morrish W.M.S.
apparently affiliated with the
W.A. but continued to send contributions to Presbyterial Treasurer.
The Mission Band @ a live organization with a membership 43
to 45 @ all through the years
carried on with the names of
Mrs. Beckett and Mrs. Best as