Student Teaching Orientation - ISUBiologySTT

Student Teaching Orientation
January 15, 2011
Important Dates
• January 23 – First schedule and reflection due to
University Supervisor
• February 11 – Deadline to apply for graduation for
Spring 2011 (
• February 12 or April 16– APT exam dates
• March 1, 9:30 – 3:00 – Educators Job Fair in Bone
Student Center
• April 22 – Last day of student teaching
• April 29 – All Live Text work is due
Your University Supervisor and You
• The supervisor’s job is to provide with you
additional feedback and guidance
throughout the student teaching
• Let the supervisor know if issues arise
during your student teaching.
• Always acknowledge receipt of supervisor
Weekly Schedules
Weekly Reflections
Science Teaching Assessment
College of Education Democratic Ideal Moral and
Intellectual Virtues
• Projects
– Safety Plan
– Unit Plan
– IAI Part 2
Weekly Schedules
• To be completed as a preview for the
upcoming week
• To be sent to University Supervisor on
Friday (or as directed by your U.S.)
• Template can be found on the STT WIKI
Weekly Reflections
• To be completed as a review of the prior
week and shared with cooperating teacher
• Send to University Supervisor on each
Friday (cc your CT on the e-mail)
• Template can be found on the STT WIKI
Student Teaching Performance
Assessment Rubric
• Used to determine your midterm and final grade
• Based on the ISU Realizing the Democratic
Ideal framework
• Template can be found on the STT WIKI at
• Electronic copy must be posted in your Live Text
Professional Science Teaching Portfolio
• Due April 29
College of Education Democratic Ideal
Ethical and Intellectual Virtues
• Must be completed to “meets” level in
order to pass student teaching
• Evidence must be posted in your
Professional Science Teaching Portfolio in
Live Text
• Due April 29
STERS Project
• 4 assignments
• Use data to show the effectiveness of your
• Specific details are found in the
Professional Science Teaching Portfolio
on Live Text
• To be submitted via Live Text in your
Professional Science Teaching Portfolio
by April 29
Safety Plan
• Requires you to evaluate your school and
classroom and develop a plan for safety
• Templates found in the Professional
Science Teaching Portfolio in Live Text
• Due April 29
Unit Plan
• Detailed unit plan for one unit that you
teach during your student teaching
• Consists of unit plan overview, unit plan
guide, lesson plans and teaching
• Templates can be found in Professional
Science Teaching Portfolio in Live Text
• Due April 29
Final Reflective Essay
• A reflection on your growth as an
educator, based on your thoughts written
in your Initial Reflective Essay
• Details can be found in Professional
Science Teaching Portfolio in Live Text
• Due April 29
IAI Part 2
• Requires you to analyze your students, school, and
community, design and teach a lesson that takes the
results of that analysis into account, and reflect upon the
effectiveness of your teaching.
• Must be witnessed and evaluated by your cooperating
• Specific details are found in the Professional Science
Teaching Portfolio on Live Text
• To be submitted via Live Text in your Professional
Science Teaching Portfolio by April 29