Welch-Long Range Plan


Running header; Long Rang Plan

APS 1: Long Rang Plan

Katie Welch

EDEX 796

Dr. Christle

September 18, 2012


Running header; Long Rang Plan


This Long Rang Plan was written for the intentions of learning how to develop a well-organized,

2 yearlong academic plan for both remedial math classes and resource/support labs. The purpose of this plan was for administrators and other teacher to analyze the teacher’s caseload; how their goals were developed based on their present levels of academic performance, interventions being used, assessment, and effective classroom management and procedures being used. In addition, this plan discusses in detail about the intervention programs, meeting their IEP goal, and how they meet the Common Core Standards.

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Description of Students:

AGB is a 13 year old black male who is in the 7 th grade. He was eligible to receive services in

1999 when he was diagnosed with having an emotional disability. AGB’s behavior continues to improve, however he does not put forth the effort in class and has to be prompted to begin assignments. His interests include swimming and video games. He is able to read 62 words per minute on a sixth grade level (6 mins to fluency). He is able to answer 5 out of 10 comprehension questions correctly on the Fall

2012 Measure of Academic Performance (MAPS). AGB scored a RIT of 204 which places him in the

28th percentile and is a 5 point increase from his Spring score. He did not meet standards in the area of

Reading on the Spring Palmetto Assessment for State Standards, scoring a 579. The mean (scale score) for same-age peers in the 7 th grade was 627.6. AGB shows strengths in listening comprehension and has weaknesses in the areas of vocabulary, sequencing, and writing skills. AGB receives services for ELA support and comes to this support lab during 2 nd period.


Sources; IEP, Student Interest Inventory, Teacher

ACB is a 13 year old white male who is in the 7 th grade. He was eligible to receive services in

2006 after being diagnosed with a Specific Learning Disability. As stated in his IEP, ACB is an intelligent young man who is nurturing, independent, and kind. He finds interests in reading, golf, history, and mythology. ACB lives with his mother, step-father, and brother. For his present levels, his scores are as follows; MAP: Spring 2012 RIT score 182 - 1st percentile, AIMS Web: 5th grade Computation: 65% accuracy and 4th grade Applied Problems: 50% accuracy. ACB shows strength in reading comprehension. On Aims Web comprehension drills he scored an average of 90% on grade level drills.

ACB also shows strengths in generating creative ideas. He shows weakness in the areas of writing mechanics, spelling, and different aspects of math. ACB struggles with remembering basic facts and continues to rely on multiplication tables, drawing pictures, or using his fingers to solve basic fact

Running header; Long Rang Plan problems. He often needs to use a calculator to access curriculum above his instructional level to help

4 him in his basic fact fluency. ACB is in the Trans Math 2 remedial math program. He also receives services for ELA support and comes to this support lab during 2 nd period.

Sources; IEP, Student Interest Inventory, Teacher

SMC is an 11 year old white female who is in the 6 th grade. She was eligible for special education in 2000 where she received services for a Speech or Language Impairment. SMC is a polite student and follows classroom procedures. She asks questions when she doesn't understand how to do math problems.

She has made progress with computation and application of math skills. SMC finds interest in cheerleading and watching her favorite shows. She lives with her mother. SMC’s present levels show that she completed 76% in computation on 4 th grade problems and 32% on 5 th grade problems. In application and concepts, she completed 48% on 5 th grade concepts. SMC shows improvement in computation with regrouping, multiplying two numbers, and dividing with remainders. For application and concepts, she shows improvement in concepts involving graphs, estimating, and working with decimals. She shows weakness in the areas of adding and subtracting fractions, converting improper fractions to mixed numbers, word problems, elapsed time, and rounding numbers. SMC receives services for ELA support and comes to this support lab during 6 th period.

Sources; IEP, Student Interest Inventory, Teacher

TWD is a 13 year old white male who is in the 8 th grade. He was eligible to receive services in 2010 after being diagnosed with a Specific Learning Disability. TWD enjoys helping others and is very intuitive and observant. He is interested in science and has shown interest in becoming a marine biologist. TWDs’ present levels show that in 2011 he received a 563 ELA PASS score in which he did not passing. He shows strengths in science and shows weakness in the area of written expression. He can express himself verbally but has difficulty putting his ideas in writing. TWD expresses himself orally much more effectively, scoring an average score of 90% on 7th grade reading comprehension drills.

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However, his score was significantly lower when he is asked to write the answers (70%). TWD receives

5 services for ELA support and comes to this support lab during 5 th period.

Source; IEP, Teacher

JMD is an 11 year old black male who is in the 6 th grade. He was eligible to receive services in 2012 after being diagnosed with a Specific Learning Disability. JMD enjoys basketball, history, reading biographies, and lives with his parents. JMD’s present levels show that when given the

WJ-III, he scored in the 2nd percentile in Board Math measuring him to be at a 3.1 grade equivalency, received a MAP math score of 202, 7 th percentile, and completed an AIMSWeb Math Computation on the

3 rd grade level with 70% accuracy. He shows strengths in the areas of basic, one-digit multiplication facts, but shows weakness in other areas of math computation on the 3 rd grade level and above. JMD is in the

Trans Math 2 remedial math program and comes during 1 st period.

Sources; IEP, Student Interest Inventory, Teacher

LKG is a 14 year old black male who is in the 8 th grade. He was eligible to receive services in 2011 after being diagnosed under the category OHI. LKG has interests in basketball, football, math and is interested in going into the Army and pursuing a career with military police. LKG lives with his parents. His present levels show that when assessed, his AIMS Web Math Computation resulted in

83% accuracy w/ calculator at 7th grade level; without calculator 30% accuracy, 100% accuracy w/calculator at 5th grade level; without calculator 90% accuracy. As for applied problems, he shows to have 70% at the 5 th grade level. LKG shows strengths in math computation, and has weakness in applied problems. LKG is in the Trans Math 3 remedial math program and comes during 3 rd period.

Sources; IEP, Student Interest Inventory, Teacher

DWG is a 13 year old white male who is in the 8 th grade. He was eligible to receive services in 2008 after being diagnosed with a Specific Learning Disability. DWG shows interest in

Running header; Long Rang Plan science, soccer, and is very creative. On the Fall 2011 MAPS, DWG scored a RIT of 218 which places

6 him in the 53rd percentile. He scored highest in the area of Literary Text. However, on the Spring 2011

PASS, he did not meet standards (lexile score was a 580) and his lowest score was in literary text. The year before (2010), DWG met standards for PASS with a score of 640. His test scores and grades are very inconsistent and so is the effort he puts forth. He has shown improvement in his writing with the use of technology, which has improved his all-around self-esteem. He shows strengths in creative ideas and literary text. DWG shows weakness in writing without technology and appears to be inconsistent with completing assignments. DWG receives services for ELA support and comes to this support lab during 4 th period.

Sources; IEP, Student Interest Inventory, Teacher

MBH is an 11 year old black male who is in the 6 th grade. He was eligible to receive services in 2007 after being diagnosed with a Speech or Language Impairment. Later in the year he qualified for services under Specific Learning Disability, which became his primary disability. MBH is a very respectful, hardworking student and is encouraging to others. He has interests in basketball, football, action books, and science. He lives with his mother, step-father, and sister. For his present levels, the

Informal Reading Inventory showed that MBH could read level 4 word list at 90% accuracy, level 5 word list at 100% accuracy, and level 6 word list read at 80% accuracy. Also, this Informal Reading Inventory showed that he could read level 5 passages at 98% accuracy; however had a comprehension with 50% accuracy. When given a Daze passage and given 3 minutes to complete, he scored 21/21 correctly. He scored a 190 on the Fall '11 MAP, placing him in the 11th percentile. He shows strength with reading fluency, but shows weaknesses in reading comprehension and making inferences. MBH receives services for ELA support and comes to this support lab during 6th period.

Sources; IEP, Student Interest Inventory, Teacher

Running header; Long Rang Plan

ABH is an 11 year old white male who is in the 6 th grade. He was eligible to receive services in 2007 after being diagnosed with a Specific Learning Disability. ABH is a very respectful,

7 hardworking student and is encouraging to others. ABH is a kind mannered young man. He shows a lot of effort and always takes pride in his work. Previously, ABH was in a self-contained setting. Beginning the

2011-12 school year, he was moved to a Resource setting with support in the areas of reading and written language. He has interests in baseball and language arts. He lives with his mother, father, brother and sister. For his present levels, ABH is completing grade level comprehension assessments with an average of 82%, however on Informal Reading Inventory at the 5th grade level, he was able to answer questions with 65% accuracy. On the 2011 PASS, ABH met standards in the area of reading with a scaled score of

611. When assessed in writing, ABH was not able to write any words in correct sequence. He did not begin the sample with a capital letter. He was able to state the rules for capitalization and punctuation, however without reminders he did not apply them in his writing. ABH shows strengths in choosing appropriate words for his writing, remaining on a given topic when asked to write, answering comprehension questions and basic detail questions. He shows weaknesses in writing words in correct sequence, applying rules for capitalization and punctuation. ABH receives services for ELA support and comes to this support lab during 6th period.

Sources; IEP, Student Interest Inventory, Teacher

JXH is a 14 year old black male who is in the 8 th grade. He was eligible to receive services in October of 2006 after being diagnosed with a Speech or Language Impairment, then one month later qualified for services under Specific Learning Disability, which became his primary disability. JXH is a very polite, relaxed, quiet, cooperative student who exhibits a strong work ethic. His interests include baseball and reading. As for JXH’s present levels, he shows strengths and needs in various areas. In the area of reading, JXH has historically struggled to keep up with grade level demands.

When given a one-minute oral reading probe, JXH read 79 words correct per minute on 7th grade level text. The average 7th grader reads 128 words per minute. JXH performs below his same age peers. As a

Running header; Long Rang Plan result, JXH’s reading fluency effects his comprehension. As for writing, JXH struggles to form letters

8 and words. His writing is slow and methodical. He often leaves out key words, writes the wrong word, and makes numerous careless errors in word usage, spelling, capitalization and punctuation. For math,

JXH’s scores on the Fall 2011 MAP test JXH earned an overall RIT score of 201 placing him in the 7th percentile for Math. This score falls in the low range for 4th graders. On the MAP subtests, JXHs’ scores were in the low range for Number & Operations, Algebra, Measurement, and Data Analysis &

Probability. JXH shows strengths in the areas of fluency where he can decode text written at grade level and concepts of basic algebra. His weaknesses are in the areas of comprehension, organizing thoughts and writing details to support his topic, and knowing the correct process to solve math word problems. JXH receives services for ELA support and comes to this support lab during 5 th period.

Sources; IEP, Student Interest Inventory, Teacher

TKJ is a 12 year old black male who is in the 7 th grade. He was eligible to receive services in March of 2009 after being diagnosed with a Specific Learning Disability. TKJ is a polite young man who participates in class, is eager to please adults and is a very hard worker. TKJ plays on the school’s football team, likes to read fiction books, and lives with his mother, father, and brothers. On an

AIMS Web Computation Probe, he scored on the 4th grade level with 80% accuracy and on the 5th grade level with 50% accuracy. On the Measures of Academic Progress Test (MAP) he scored a 203 which placed him at the 14th percentile when compared to his peers. An average 6th grade student scores between 212 and 225. His score of 203 puts him at the average 4th grade level. TKJ did not meet standards on the Palmetto Achievement of State Standards test (PASS) for the area of math. He shows strengths in the areas of basic math concepts including adding, subtracting, multiplication, division, and one step word problems. TKJ shows weakness with certain math concepts where the problem requires the student to perform multi-step problem solving, such as long division and multi digit multiplication. TKJ is in the 1 st period Trans Math 2 remedial math program.

Running header; Long Rang Plan

Sources; IEP, Student Interest Inventory, Teacher


MAL is an 11 year old white male who is in the 6 th grade. He was eligible to receive services in September of 2008 after being diagnosed with a Specific Learning Disability. He continues to work hard and put forth his best effort and is always volunteering and seems fully focused. MAL is interested in Legos and baseball. He lives with his mother, father, and sister. His present levels show that he has met PASS standard in Reading, Math, Science, and Social Studies, obtained a RIT score of 223 on the Spring 2012 MAP test placing him in the 81 st percentile, read 92 correct words per minute on a 5 th grade level reading inventory, and answered 5 out of 10 questions correctly on a 5 th grade level reading comprehension inventory. His strengths are in word recognition, but shows weakness in reading fluency where he reads in a very choppy style. This choppy reading tends to affect his comprehension of what he is reading. MAL receives services for ELA support and comes to this support lab during 6 th period.

Sources; IEP, Student Interest Inventory, Teacher

HVL is a 14 year old black male who is in the 8 th grade and qualifies for services for

Deaf and Hard of Hearing which is his primary disability. He also receives services for his secondary disability being Speech and Language Impairment. He has a profound bilateral sensorineural hearing loss and has a cochlear implant on the right side where he uses a FM system in the school setting to improve his ability to access the teacher’s voice over the background noise of the classroom. HVL is a hard working student who has a strong desire to excel academically. He is a talented artist and has interest in becoming a graphic artist. His peers and teachers often use his projects as models and examples and he excels when given the opportunity to create projects, models, or technology driven work. HVL’s present levels show that his reading fluency is near a 6th grade level. He really struggles with vocabulary and reading comprehension, therefore, he struggles with grade level text. On the Spring 2012 MAP test in the area of reading, HVL scored in the 15th percentile with a RIT of 205. This placed him at the end of 4th grade reading level. On progress monitoring drills, HVL scored an average of 123 cwpm on 7th grade

Running header; Long Rang Plan fluency drills. When presented with 5 questions about a story he read, he was able to answer 4 of the 5.


Although HLV reads fluently, he has trouble making inferences and has trouble with vocabulary. He shows strength in reading fluency, but shows weakness in reading comprehension, specifically inference questions and vocabulary. HVL receives services for ELA support and comes to this support lab during

4 th period.

Sources; IEP, Student Interest Inventory, Teacher

MJM is a 14 year old black male who is in the 8 th grade. He was eligible to receive services in

October of 2006 after qualifying under OHI. MJM is a very independent young man and has interests in football, basketball, cars, and lives with his mother. MJM has trouble beginning an assignment and needs several prompts to do so. His work completion is at 10% when he is not on his medication. He can participate in the general curriculum with appropriate accommodations and support; however, his progress in the general curriculum is at a rate slower than peers. His present levels show that he scored a

200 on the Fall of 2011 MAP test, which placed him at the 6th percentile when compared with MJM’s 7 th grade peers who typically score between 218 and 231. When given the AIMS Web assessment, MJM scored 86% accuracy at the 4th grade level and 58% accuracy at the 5th grade level for problems that involve computation only. For the area of applied problems, MJM had an accuracy of 90% at the third grade level and 41% at the 4th grade level. MJM did not meet standards on the 2011 PASS test for the area of math. MJM is in the Trans Math 3 remedial math program during 3 rd period.

Sources; IEP, Student Interest Inventory, Teacher

JTM is a 13 year old white male who is in the 8 th grade. He was eligible to receive services in

April of 2012 after being diagnosed with a Specific Learning Disability. JTM has interests in hanging out with friends and spending time outdoors. He also enjoys sports such as soccer and tennis. JTM’s present levels show that he obtained a RIT score of 213 on the Spring 2012 MAP test, placing him in the 16 th percentile, and not meeting the math portion of the PASS test in 2011. When given the WJ-III, he scored

Running header; Long Rang Plan in the 2 nd percentile for computation and math reasoning. When given an AIMSWeb assessment, JTM

11 scored 65% on math computation at the 4 th grade level and 66% accuracy on applied problems at the 3 rd grade level. JTM shows strengths in reading problems, but shows significant weakness in most math areas. JTM receives services for ELA support and comes to this support lab during 5 th period.

Sources; IEP, Student Interest Inventory, Teacher

BEM is an 11 year old white male who is in the 6 th grade. He was eligible to receive services in

February of 2009 after being diagnosed with a Specific Learning Disability. He is a kind student who gets along well with his peers. BEM’s interests are playing video games, reading, and he lives with his mother, father, sister, and brother. BEM’S present levels show that when given 10 minutes to write on a topic, he was able to construct 1 paragraph. He wrote a total of 64 words in 5 sentences. Of the 64 words, there were 9 spelling errors. Punctuation errors included quotation marks and commas. BEM had 50 words in correct word sequence. He is able to write single and multi-paragraph texts with support and encouragement. BEM shows strengths in creating multi-paragraph test when he receives support, and shows weakness in spelling. He often misspells sight words/high frequency words. BEM receives services for ELA support and comes to this support lab during 6th period.

Sources; IEP, Student Interest Inventory, Teacher

CJM is a 13 year old white male who is in the 7 th grade. He was eligible to receive services in

October of 2008 after being diagnosed with a Specific Learning Disability. His interests include basketball, soccer, and watching TV. CJM lives with his mother and father. His present levels include receiving a RIT score of 188 on the Spring 2012 MAP test, placing him in the 1 st percentile when compared to other 6th grade peers who are non-disabled, whose scores are between 218 and 231. He did not meet the Spring 2011 PASS math portion. When given an AIMSWeb probe, he scored 100% on a 4 th grade level in the area of math computation, 62% on the 6 th grade level, and received an 83% on the 3 rd grade level for applied problems, and a 40% on the 4 th grade level. CJM’s strengths include his

Running header; Long Rang Plan 12 willingness to try and his participation in class, and shows weaknesses in the areas of number operations and measurements. CJM is in the Trans Math 2 remedial math program during 5 th period.

Sources; IEP, Student Interest Inventory, Teacher

JLN is an 11 year old white female who is in the 6 th grade. She was eligible to receive services in

September of 2008 after being diagnosed with a Specific Learning Disability. JLN is a kind student who gets along well with her peers and enjoys helping others. She enjoys karate. Her present levels show that she has met 2011 PASS test standards in the area of ELA, and when given a writing topic, JLN was able to write 195 words in 4 paragraphs. Her strengths include creating compositions with multiple paragraphs, using consistent logical sequencing, and using proper transition between paragraphs. She shows weaknesses in the areas of writing mechanics, specifically using proper punctuation and using capital letters, which causes her samples to be marked as run-on sentences. JLN receives services for ELA support and comes to this support lab during 6th period.

Sources; IEP, Student Interest Inventory, Teacher

ERP is a 13 year old Asian male who is in the 7 th grade. He was eligible to receive services in

September of 2008 after being diagnosed with a Specific Learning Disability. ERP was served at the

Center for Achievement in the 2009-2010 school year as a student with a specific learning disability. He has returned to the district from a private school. Due to not having recent curriculum based measures available, the present levels will be determined over the next 30 days in the areas of reading, math, written expression, transition, and self-advocacy skills.

Sources; IEP, Student Interest Inventory, Teacher

MAR is a 14 year old black female who is in the 8 th grade. She was eligible to receive services in

February of 2007 after qualifying under the category OHI. MAR is a sweet young lady who has expressed an interest in fashion and cosmetology. Her Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) significantly impacts her

Running header; Long Rang Plan ability to meet grade level curriculum standards without the support services and classroom/testing

13 accommodations provided to her through special services. Her present levels show that she received a

RIT score of 193 on the Fall 2011 MAP math portion, placing her in the 3 rd percentile, however when compared to her peers, a typical 7th grader scores between 218 to 231 on the MAP test. MAR’s score is comparable to a student at the third grade level. Again her attention to the test could be impacted by her

ADD. When given an AIMSWeb computation probe, she scored an 80% on the 5 th grade level without using a calculator, a 65% accuracy at the 6 th grade level, and 38% at the 7 th grade level. MAR did not meet standards in math for PASS. Her strengths include knowing how to solve math computations when given a calculator, and weaknesses include computing math problems without using a calculator. MAR receives services for ELA support and comes to this support lab during 5th period.

Sources; IEP, Student Interest Inventory, Teacher

CS is a 12 year old black male who is in the 7 th grade. He was eligible to receive services in November of 2009 after being diagnosed with a Specific Learning Disability. CS is a pleasant and respectful young man. His interests include soccer and science. CS lives with this mother and brother. He enjoys structure and routine. Although he may not like change, CS needs to understand if and why changes are occurring to assist with his ability to move on. For his present levels, CS received a RIT score of 192, placing him in the 3 rd percentile, and receiving an AIMSWeb math computation score of 26 out of 38 on the 5 th grade level. His strengths include adding and subtraction with and without regrouping and some multi-digit multiplication problems. CS shows weaknesses with division, fractions with mixed denominators, and multiplying and dividing fractions. CS is in the Trans Math 2 remedial math program and comes during 1 st period.

Sources; IEP, Student Interest Inventory, Teacher

JAS is a 12 year old black male who is in the 7 th grade. He was eligible to receive services in April of 2008 after being diagnosed with a Specific Learning Disability. JAS knows all of his

Running header; Long Rang Plan 14 multiplication and division facts . For his present levels, JAS received a RIT score of 189 on the Fall 2011

ELA MAP test, placing him in the 15 th percentile. When given an AIMSWeb fluency probe, he read 70 cwpm on the 6 th grade level and earned a 70% for comprehension on the 6 th grade level. For writing, he wrote 1 out of 5 sentences correct on a writing sample. For math, he did not meet the standard for the

Spring 2011 PASS test, received a RIT score of 217 on the Fall 2011 MAP test, placing him at the 43 rd percentile, and when given math fluency probes involving single digit multiplication and division, he scored 25 out of 40 in 2 minutes. For math reasoning, he received a 30%. His strengths include concepts in math calculations and knowing his multiplication and division math facts, but he shows weaknesses in applying his math knowledge to multi-step problems, written expression, and verbalizing and articulating himself. JAS receives services for ELA support and comes to this support lab during 2 nd period.

Source; IEP, Teacher

AIW is a 14 year old black female who is in the 8 th grade. She was eligible to receive services in

May of 2005 after qualifying as being orthopedically disabled. AIW continues to need the support of an instructional assistant to provide assistance with physical needs. She also benefits from having an assistive technology station in the classroom. AIW shows interest in fashion, karate, and lives with her mother, father, and sister. AIW is an energetic and social young lady. She loves interacting with both peers and adults and is well-liked. For her present levels, AIW scored in ELA a RIT score of 193, placing her in the 5 th percentile, on AIMSWeb fluency probe received 50% accuracy on the 7 th grade level, and did not meet standard on the PASS test, receiving a 515. For writing, her progress monitoring shows that

AIW writes 1 out of 5 complex sentences in a paragraph. For math, she received a RIT score of 204 on

MAP, placing her in the 10 th percentile, she did not meet standards for PASS, received a 75% accuracy on

AIMSWeb computation on the 7 th grade level, a 70% accuracy on AIMSWeb applied problems at the 6 th grade level, and 48% accuracy on the 7 th grade level. AIW’s strengths include math, listening comprehension, spelling, and grammar. Her weaknesses include math involving operations with fractions

Running header; Long Rang Plan 15 and integers and two step equations, expanding her writing and putting more details in her writing. AIW receives services for ELA support and comes to this support lab during 4th period.

Sources; IEP, Student Interest Inventory, Teacher

B. Goals and Objectives



7 th Grade

Support Lab

2 nd prd.


7 th Grade

Math 2 &

Support Lab


6 th Grade

Support Lab


8 th Grade

Support Lab


6 th Grade

Math 2


8 th Grade


Comprehension will improve his reading comprehension skills from 5 out of 10 to 8 out of 10 as measured by curriculum based assessments


Fluency will increase his word fluency from

62 correct words per minute to 85 correct words per minute as measured by grade level weekly fluency probes

Computation Applied


Writing will increase sentence structure in writing assignments from

2 out of every 7 sentences to 4 out of every 7 sentences as measured by biweekly writing prompts will increase math computation at the

5th grade level from

65% accuracy to

85% accuracy as measured by biweekly math probes will increase correct responses to applied problems from

50% accuracy to 80% accuracy as measured by bi- weekly probes will improve math computation on a fifth grade level from 32% accuracy to 70% accuracy as measured by curriculum based assessment will increase sentence structure in writing assignments from

2 out of every 5 sentences to 4 out of every 5 sentences as measured by biweekly writing prompts will increase his accuracy on math computation from

70% accuracy to

90% accuracy as measured by biweekly computation probes will increase his accuracy

Transition will use career inventories and interest assessments to identify a minimum of 3 realistic employment options and report his findings through a written report, project or portfolio entry will use career inventories and interest assessments to identify a minimum of 3 realistic employment options and report his findings through a written report, project or portfolio entry will use career inventories and interest assessments to identify a minimum of 3 realistic employment options and report his findings through a written report, project or portfolio entry will explore one career in each of the 16 career

Running header; Long Rang Plan

Math 3


8 th Grade

Support Lab


6 th Grade

Support Lab


6 th Grade

Support Lab


8 th Grade

Support Lab


7 th Grade

Math 2


6 th Grade

Support Lab

16 will improve his comprehension from 21 to 31 will show growth from an average of 82% accuracy to an average of 90% accuracy as measured by biweekly assessments will improve reading comprehension skills from 25% accuracy to

80% accuracy as measured by curriculum based assessments will show growth in reading fluency from

82 words per minute to 120 words per minute as measured by biweekly fluency probes will increase the number of words read per minute to from 79 words per minutes on grade level text to 110 words per minute as measured by quarterly fluency drills will increase single digit multiplication and division facts from 14 out of 42 correct responses to

32 out of 42 correct responses as measured by quarterly probes will increase correct responses of 5th grade computation problems from 50% accuracy to 80% accuracy as measured by biweekly math probes will increase the number of words read per minute on a grade level passage to improve reading fluency from in solving applied problems at the 5th grade level from

70% accuracy to 85% accuracy clusters and report his findings through an oral or written report will improve his writing of details by giving at least

3-5 detail sentences for each topic sentence that is written, for at least 3 topic sentences, on at least three separate occasions will use career inventories and interest assessments to identify a minimum of 3 realistic employment options and report his findings through a written report, project or portfolio entry will increase correct word sequence in writing samples from 0 words to 20 words as measured by biweekly writing prompts will increase use of correct sentence structure in writing assignments from

3 out of every 5 sentences to 5 out of every 5 sentences as measured by quarterly writing probes will use career inventories and interest assessments to identify a minimum of 3 realistic employment options and report his findings through a written report, project or portfolio entry

Running header; Long Rang Plan

92 words per minute to 122 words per minute as measured by weekly fluency drills


8 th Grade

Support Lab will improve his reading comprehension skills from 70% accuracy to 85% accuracy as measured by curriculum based assessments


8 th Grade

Math 3


8 th Grade

Support Lab


6 th Grade

Support Lab


7 th Grade

Math 2 will increase math computation accuracy at the 5th grade level from

58% accuracy to

80% accuracy as measured by biweekly math drills will increase his computation skills at the 4th grade level from 60% accuracy to 80% accuracy as measured by biweekly math probes will increase his accuracy of computation problems at the 5th grade level from

62% to 85% accuracy as measured by biweekly probes will increase accuracy to applied problems at the 4th grade level from

40% accuracy to 80% accuracy as measured by will answer/compu te applied math problems from

43% accuracy to 70% accuracy at the 4th grade level as measured by bi-weekly assessments will increase his skills on applied math problems at the 3rd grade level from

60% accuracy to 80% accuracy as measured by bi-weekly math probes will improve his written language skills when given a grade level writing prompt by increasing his correct word sequence from 50 to 70 words as measured by biweekly probes

17 will use career inventories and interest assessments to identify a minimum of 3 realistic employment options and report his findings through a written report, project or portfolio entry will be able to give a brief description of the 16 career clusters and identify and explain at least 3 job types and report his findings through a written report, project or portfolio entry will use career inventories and interest assessments to identify a minimum of 3 realistic employment options and report his findings through a written report, project or portfolio entry

Running header; Long Rang Plan 18 bi-weekly probes


6 th Grade

Support Lab


7 th Grade

Math 2 and

Support Lab


8 th Grade

Support Lab


6 th Grade

Math 2


7 th Grade

Support Lab


8 th Grade

Support Lab will increase the number of words written correctly in a sequence from 9 words to 30 words as measured by biweekly writing probes will improve reading comprehension skills by being able to complete a story retell of a 3rd grade passage with 70% accuracy as measured by quarterly probes will increase his oral fluency and accuracy from

35 correct words per minute to 70 correct words per minute as measured by twice quarterly oral reading fluency probes will divide a 2- and

3-digit number by a single digit number(with and without remainders) with 80% accuracy as measured by math fluency drills will improve computation skills on 6th grade level from 65% accuracy to 80% accuracy as measured by biweekly math probes will be able to increase correct responses from 7 to

12 on grade level math computation probes as measured biweekly will increase recall of single digit multiplication and division facts from

12 out of 40 correct responses to 30 out of 40 correct responses, in two minutes or less, as measured by twice monthly math probes will solve independently

3 out of 5 word problems as measured by weekly math drills will improve reading comprehension skills by increasing correct responses to text questions from 50% accuracy on a 7th grade level, to 80% accuracy on a 7th grade level, as measured by curriculum based measures will select 3 careers of interest and report on those careers through a written or oral report, project or portfolio entry when presented with math reasoning problems on his instructional level, he will improve from an average of

14% correct to solving at least 75% correct, on three separate occasions, as measured by monthly curriculum based math probes will increase correct responses to applied problems at the 6th grade level from

70% accuracy to 85% accuracy as will generate a complete paragraph of at least 7 sentences with a clear introduction, details, and closing with 5 or fewer mistakes when self-edited, in spelling, punctuation and capitalization(conv entions), for at least two different writing prompts as measured by quarterly writing probes and scoring rubrics will expand her sentences in a paragraph from 1 out of 5 complex sentences to 4 out of 5 complex sentences, as measured by weekly writing prompts and with will research 2 realistic employment options and report her findings through a written report, project or portfolio entry

Running header; Long Rang Plan 19 measured by bi-weekly math fluency drills minimal prompts from the teaching aide


DWG- will improve his writing of details by giving at least 3-5 detail sentences for each topic sentence that is written, for at least 3 topic sentences, on at least three separate occasionsvery inappropriate; does not make sense; change completely to be more concrete.

“When asked to write a paragraph with a topic sentence, the student will increase from writing 3 nondetailed sentences to writing 3 detailed sentences to support the topic sentence as measured by weekly probes.”


AGB will increase sentence structure in writing assignments from 2 out of every 7 sentences to 4 out of every 7 sentences as measured by bi-weekly writing prompts

Not challenging enough; change to 7 out of 7

SMC will improve math computation on a fifth grade level from 32% accuracy to 70% accuracy as measured by curriculum based assessment-

Not challenging enough; this is her only goal. Change to


JKG- will increase his accuracy in solving applied problems at the 5th grade level from

70% accuracy to 85% accuracy –

Not much improvement anticipated; change to 100%

JXHwill increase the number of words read per minute to from 79 words per minutes on grade level text to 110 words per minute as measured by quarterly fluency drills

-Not challenging enough; change to


JTMwill increase his computation skills at the 4th grade level from 60% accuracy to

80% accuracy as measured by bi-weekly math probesnot challenging enough; change to 100%


ABH - will increase correct word sequence in writing samples from 0 words to 20 words as measured by biweekly writing prompts – not relevant; needs more data to make goal relevant.

C. Instructional Units for the Year

TransMath 2; Direct Instruction Math Class: 6 th and 7 th Graders/1 st Period and 5 th Periods

Running header; Long Rang Plan

Level 2:


Sense of



Unit 1

Unit 2

Unit 3

Unit 4

Unit 5

Unit 6

Unit 7

Unit 8

Unit 9

Review of Whole Numbers and Fractions Working with Data

Multiplication and Division of Fractions Tools for Measurement and Construction

Working with Mixed Numbers

The Concept of Decimal Numbers

Tessellations, Geometry, and Measurement

Triangles and Quadrilaterals

Operations on Decimal Numbers

Understanding Percents

Scientific Notation


Operations on Integers

Area of Two-Dimensional Shapes

Percents in Word Problems and Graphs


Finding Points on a Graph

Coordinate Graphs and Transformations

Support Lab: 7 th Grade/2 nd Period






Tues Wednesday

Academic-Reading Guidance

1 st Nine Weeks

SRA-Specific Skills

Series for Language

(All Student)

Write single paragraph compositions using the writing process.

Writing summaries of non-fictional texts and videos


Power Readingonline program

(Small Group-

Individual IEP


Individualized reading practice on computer with corresponding comprehension questions



Curriculum; Life





SRA-Specific Skills

Series for Language

(Small Group-

Individual IEP Goals)


Applied Problems:

Write single paragraph compositions using the writing process.

Writing summaries of non-fictional texts and videos


(All Students)

Learning Disabilities &


Who am I?

-Learning Style Survey

- Interest Inventory

-Defining Me Project

2 nd Nine Weeks

SRA-Specific Skills

Series for Language

Write multi-paragraph compositions using the writing process

-SRA-Multiple Skills


-Power Readingonline program

Non-Fiction and

Fiction Reading


Reading charts, graphs, other graphic organizers

-SRA-Specific Skills

Series for Language

-Inference Strategy


Applied Problems:

Write multi-paragraph compositions using the writing process.



What is a disability and an



-review terms

-parts of an IEP

-understanding my own


-participating in own IEP

-who are the team members and what are their roles

3 rd Nine Weeks

Step Up to Writing -SRA-Multiple Skills


-Power Reading-

SRA-Specific Skills

Series for Language


Running header; Long Rang Plan

Write multi-paragraph compositions using the writing process online program

Non-Fiction and

Fiction Reading


Reading charts, graphs, other graphic organizers

Vocabulary strategies

4 th Nine Weeks

Step Up to Writing

Write multi-paragraph compositions using the writing process

-SRA-Multiple Skills


-Power Readingonline program

Non-Fiction and

Fiction Reading



Applied Problems:

Write multi-paragraph compositions using the writing process

SRA-Specific Skills

Series for Language


Applied Problems:

Write multi-paragraph compositions using the writing process

What is Self-Advocacy?


-identify people who are supporters

-create circle of friends

-role playing activities in how to talk with teachers



What is Transition?

-define transition

-explanation of career clusters

-career assessment

-research project on a career in each cluster

End of Unit


-Unit Assessment –

Portfolio entries of work samples from different units

TransMath 3; Direct Instruction Math Class: 8 th Grade/3 rd Period

Level 3:




Unit 1 Fractions and Decimal Numbers

Unit 2 Variables

Unit 3 Inequalities

Unit 4 Algebraic Patters


Ratios and Proportions

Working With Rates


Unit 5 Algebraic Expressions

Unit 6 Algebraic Rules and Properties

Unit 7 Introduction to Algebraic Equations

Surface Area of Three-Dimensional Shapes

Volume of Three-Dimensional Shapes

Geometric Construction and Angle


Links and Angles Unit 8 Solving Different Kinds of Algebraic


Unit 9 Introduction to Functions Working With Coordinate Graphs

Unit 10 Square Roots and Irrational Numbers Nonlinear Functions

Support Lab: 8 th Grade/4 th Period and 5 th Periods



Tues Wednesday Thursday

Academic-Reading Academic-Math /Writing Academic-



Running header; Long Rang Plan


1 st Nine Weeks

SRA-Specific Skills

Series for Language

(All Student)

Write single paragraph compositions using the writing process.

Writing summaries of non-fictional texts and videos

PowerReadingonline program

(Small Group-

Individual IEP


Individualized reading practice on computer with corresponding comprehension questions

SRA-Specific Skills Series for Language

(Small Group-

Individual IEP Goals)


Applied Problems:

Write single paragraph compositions using the writing process.

Writing summaries of non-fictional texts and videos

SRA-Specific Skills

Series for Language

(Small Group-

Individual IEP Goals)

Write single paragraph compositions using the writing process.

Writing summaries of non-fictional texts and videos

2 nd Nine Weeks

SRA-Specific Skills

Series for Language

Write multi-paragraph compositions using the writing process

-SRA-Multiple Skills


-Power Readingonline program

Non-Fiction and

Fiction Reading


Reading charts, graphs, other graphic organizers

SRA-Specific Skills Series for Language

(Small Group-

Individual IEP Goals)


Applied Problems:

Writing summaries of non-fictional texts and videos

Write multi-paragraph compositions using the writing process.

-SRA-Specific Skills

Series for Language


Write multi-paragraph compositions using the writing process.

3 rd Nine Weeks

Step Up to Writing

Write multi-paragraph compositions using the writing process

-SRA-Multiple Skills


-Power Readingonline program

Non-Fiction and

Fiction Reading


Reading charts, graphs, other graphic organizers

Vocabulary strategies

SRA-Specific Skills Series for Language

(Small Group-

Individual IEP Goals)


Applied Problems:

Writing summaries of non-fictional texts and videos

Write multi-paragraph compositions using the writing process.

SRA-Specific Skills

Series for Language


Applied Problems:

Write multi-paragraph compositions using the writing process

4 th Nine Weeks

Step Up to Writing -SRA-Multiple Skills


-Power Reading-

SRA-Specific Skills Series for Language

SRA-Specific Skills

Series for Language


(All Students)

Who am I?

-Learning Style


- Interest Inventory

-My Story Project



What is a disability and an IEP?


-review terms

-parts of an IEP

-understanding my own IEP

-participating in own


-who are the team members and what are their roles


What is Progress


-looking at goals

-setting / writing goals

-self-monitoring progress

-using the Goal book app


Running header; Long Rang Plan

Write multi-paragraph compositions using the writing process online program

Non-Fiction and

Fiction Reading


(Small Group-

Individual IEP Goals)


Applied Problems:

Writing summaries of non-fictional texts and videos

Write multi-paragraph compositions using the writing process.



Applied Problems:

Write multi-paragraph compositions using the writing process

Self-directed IEP

-role play what an IEP meeting is like

-write script for own meeting

-role play own meeting

End of Unit


-Unit Assessment –

Portfolio entries of work samples from different units

Support Lab: 6 th Grade/5 th Period

Overview: for the year



Tues Wednesday Thursday

Academic-Reading Academic-Math/Writing Academic-


1 st Nine Weeks

SRA-Specific Skills

Series for Language

(All Student)

Write single paragraph compositions using the writing process.

Writing summaries of non-fictional texts and videos

PowerReadingonline program

(Small Group-

Individual IEP


Individualized reading practice on computer with corresponding comprehension questions

SRA-Specific Skills Series for Language

(Small Group-

Individual IEP Goals)


Applied Problems:

Write single paragraph compositions using the writing process.

Writing summaries of non-fictional texts and videos

SRA-Specific Skills

Series for Language

(Small Group-

Individual IEP Goals)

Write single paragraph compositions using the writing process.

Writing summaries of non-fictional texts and videos

2 nd Nine Weeks

SRA-Specific Skills

Series for Language

Write multi-paragraph compositions using the writing process

-SRA-Multiple Skills


-PowerReadingonline program

Non-Fiction and

Fiction Reading


Reading charts, graphs, other graphic organizers

SRA-Specific Skills Series for Language

(Small Group-

Individual IEP Goals)


Applied Problems:

Writing summaries of non-fictional texts and videos

Write multi-paragraph compositions using the

-SRA-Specific Skills

Series for Language

Write multi-paragraph compositions using the writing process.




(All Students)

Who am I?

-Learning Style


- Interest Inventory

-Wordle Project


What is a disability?

-Prior Knowledge


-Intro and discuss what each of the labels are

-Discuss the details of the disabilities

-Visible vs. Invisible


-Research Project

Running header; Long Rang Plan writing process.

3 rd Nine Weeks

Step Up to Writing

Write multi-paragraph compositions using the writing process

-SRA-Multiple Skills


-PowerReadingonline program

Non-Fiction and

Fiction Reading


Reading charts, graphs, other graphic organizers

Vocabulary strategies

SRA-Specific Skills Series for Language

Small Group-

Individual IEP Goals)


Applied Problems:

Writing summaries of non-fictional texts and videos

Write multi-paragraph compositions using the writing process.

SRA-Specific Skills

Series for Language

Write multi-paragraph compositions using the writing process

4 th Nine Weeks

Step Up to Writing

Write multi-paragraph compositions using the writing process

-SRA-Multiple Skills


-PowerReadingonline program

Non-Fiction and

Fiction Reading


SRA-Specific Skills Series for Language

Small Group-

Individual IEP Goals)


Applied Problems:

Writing summaries of non-fictional texts and videos

Write multi-paragraph compositions using the writing process.

SRA-Specific Skills

Series for Language

Write multi-paragraph compositions using the writing process



What is an IEP?

-Power Point


-Vocabulary Terms and Parts of the IEP

-IEP scavenger Hunt


What Does this Have to Do With Me?

-Disability Study

-Reflection writing about own disability

-Review own personal

IEP – complete scavenger hunt

-Have students group together to jigsaw a book about disabilities

End of Unit


-Unit Assessment –

Portfolio entries of work samples from different units

Description of Programs:


For math instruction, the teacher uses the curriculum TransMath books 2 and 3. This program focuses on accelerating students who are at-risk. This is a type of replacement curriculum that teaches computation and problem-solving skills needed while touching on grade level standards. This type of curriculum supports each student’s individual goals. Students in 6 th -8 th grades have either a computation goal, applied problems goal, or both. TransMath provides appropriate instruction and incorporates

Running header; Long Rang Plan progress monitoring to ensure that students are meeting their IEP math goal. Also, each student can get

25 online and practice skills that support these goals. This too collects data for the teacher to show how the students are progressing. Book 2 focuses on the concept of rational numbers. It meets Common Core

Content Standard for 7 th grade, standard 7.NS (Number System); applying and extends previous understanding of operations with fractions to add, subtract, multiply, and divide rational numbers. Book 3 focuses on the concept of understanding algebraic expressions. It meets Common Core Content Standard for 8 th grade, standard 8.EE (Expressions and Equations); works with radicals and integers exponents, understand connection between proportional relationships, lines, and linear equations, and analyzes and solves linear equations and pairs of simultaneous linear equations. As for sequence, Books 2 and 3 provide a scope and sequence that allows teachers to follow a given sequence which the students build on from previously learned knowledge. With the idea of a “spiral curriculum”, students use skills from previous lessons to understand the next concept in the sequence. Skill maintenance exercises touch on previously learned skills and are built into each lesson. Lastly, TM uses basic language that can be understood in all cultures. Because of its direct instruction, all students are able to benefit. TM is very scripted and written in a way so that teachers do not have to worry about cultural miscues or cultural biases.

SRA Specific Skills Series for Language Arts

The teacher uses SRA LA in her support lab. Students in this classroom go to either general education ELA, or go to a Direct Instruction classroom that uses the Language! Program. SRA LA is used as an extra intervention to help students gain proficiency in various areas of ELA. The different level books allow for these students to start at their ability level and can complete each book in a group setting or individually. This program supports each student’s IEP goal for writing and reading. It caters to students who need remediation skills, skill reinforcement, and enrichment. As for content standards, SRA

LA is consistent with Common Core State Standards. It supports various language standards that

Common Core has in place;

Running header; Long Rang Plan

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.6.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and

26 usage when writing or speaking.

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.6.2 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.7.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.7.2 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.

When looking at sequence of skills, this program builds on knowledge that the student learns from the previous level. The books are sequenced in a way that allows the student to move towards more advanced skills that are appropriate for their instructional level and also cater to their certain needs. SRA Language could come across as culturally biased. For this program, the content caters to common standards on a national level. Some of the language used in these series can be culturally biased and may not be as clear for someone who is not familiar with the English language.

SRA Multiple Skills Series: Reading

The teacher in this support lab uses SRA Reading for remedial purposes to help the student hone in on reading skills that may need additional attention. This program can be used as a reading intervention with one on one instruction, small group instruction, or whole group instruction. SRA Reading focuses on catering to each student’s specific needs in certain areas of reading. Students are assessed and put into a specific level book that will work on the student’s given area of need, especially in the areas of comprehension. These areas can include identifying main idea, identifying details, making inferences, drawing conclusions, and using vocabulary. With maintaining consistency with standards, specific skills allow teachers to implement SRA Reading while following the Common Core Standards;

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.6.1 Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.

Running header; Long Rang Plan

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.7.2 Determine two or more central ideas in a text and analyze their development

27 over the course of the text; provide an objective summary of the text.

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.8.2 Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including its relationship to supporting ideas; provide an objective summary of the text.

SRA Reading allows for the teacher to give Multiple Skills Series Placement Tests that help her to determine the appropriate level of book to use for a particular student. Once the student’s placement in the series has been determined, the teacher can then start the student in that recommended skills book. When the student has mastered that level and all of its sequenced books, the student can then move to the next level and complete another set of skills designed for that particular series. The student follows the sequence in order to meet his/her specific goal.

Although SRA Reading is very concrete and uses a direct instruction approach, this program could be culturally biased for students whose language is not of English descent. However, this program is an effective intervention for students who are ELL and need skills in order to catch up and meet certain standards.


SCOIS was designed to provide South Carolina students the resources needed to develop educational and career goals. Through a serious of modules, projects, activities, and readings, this resource allows students in these classes to meet specific goals. In meeting specific areas of need, SCOIS supports students’ IEP goals. Students take interest inventories and research certain career clusters. This helps students meet their Transition goals. Furthermore, SCOIS supports the state’s Education and Economic Development Act along with the standards and expectations for students to start thinking about their career options as early as middle school. This program meets individual student’s specific goals for transition. Along with this, the program has students

Running header; Long Rang Plan follow a series of modules that are appropriate for their given grade level. For example, 6 th graders have specific modules that prep them for the next series of modules to be done in 7 th

28 grade. Once in the 7 th

grade, new modules with specific concepts are implemented, which students will need to complete in order to successfully move onto 8 th

grade concepts where they will start their transition planning. SCOIS allows for students of all cultures and backgrounds to benefit from its content. It is unbiased in the way that student’s interests help pave the way for their career choices.

Step Up to Writing

The teacher in this classroom uses Step Up to Writing as an intervention for students to work on their writing goals. SUTW allows students to effectively work on the different mechanics of writing in their needed areas. SUTW is designed for students to work on building their writing skills based on specific IEP goals which include sentence building, sentence structure, giving appropriate details, writing in a correct sequence, spelling words correctly, building appropriate paragraph structure, and creating complex sentences. This program also provides assessments for the teacher to properly probe students on their skills. Along with following IEP goals, it also follows specific standards. For the 1 st nine weeks, the teacher focuses on getting the students in the habit of writing by doing daily journals and 5 sentence writing samples. In the 2nd nine weeks, the teacher starts to focus more on the fundamentals and lengthening their writing. The 3 rd

and 4 th

nine weeks focus on using this program as an intervention to develop more in-depth, multi-paragraph writing samples. The following standards coincide with this program;

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.6.1 Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence.

Running header; Long Rang Plan

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.6.2 Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas,

29 concepts, and information through the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.6.3 Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, relevant descriptive details, and well-structured event sequences

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.7.2c Use appropriate transitions to create cohesion and clarify the relationships among ideas and concepts

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.7.2e Establish and maintain a formal style.

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.8.2e Establish and maintain a formal style.

As for logical sequencing, SUTW allows teachers to adapt the lessons’ scope and sequences in order to cater to the students’ specific needs and goals while still meeting standards. Lastly, because the teacher is able to alter and adapt the program to support individual student’s needs, this program can help students from various cultural backgrounds. However, some of the content can be culturally biased due to its English-based concepts.

Power Up to Reading

Power Up! Reading is a researched-based, comprehensive reading program created to help middle-school students master the necessary skills needed to become successful readers.

PUR supports students’ goals in that it provides readings on the students’ instructional level

as stated in their IEPs. This program can be used as a remedial program or as whole group intervention that teaches reading strategies, writing skills, word analysis skills, and strategies used for reading comprehension. These skills support certain national standards which include;

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.6.1 Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.7.2 Determine two or more central ideas in a text and analyze their development over the course of the text; provide an objective summary of the text.

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.8.2 Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including its relationship to supporting ideas; provide an objective summary of the text.

Running header; Long Rang Plan

Furthermore, the teacher uses this program because it follows a series that allow students to

30 move at their own pace, building on what they have learned during the previous level. As the program adapts to the learners needs, it is beneficial for student who may experience cultural diversity with reading. Because of its direct and individualized instruction, cultural diversity should not be an issue when working with this program.

D. Assessment and Evaluation of Progress

The teacher uses appropriate strategies in order to effectively assess and evaluate the students. For reading, AIMSWeb is used to assess comprehension and fluency, two goals that many of the students have. Along with reading, the SRA Reading and Power Up! Reading programs provide assessments that allow the teacher to see students’ progress within each program. To check her students’ writing progression, the teacher uses writing samplings and assessment from SUTW and SRA Language. For math assessments the teacher uses AIMSWeb probes that assess the student’s computation and applied problem solving skills. To check for understanding within her instruction, the TM series also provides progress monitoring assessment after every five chapters.

To evaluate the student’s IEP and how it associates to its specific criteria, each assessment used is appropriate for its specific purpose. For example, many students have IEP goals that focus on improving their reading comprehension and fluency from one number to a specific greater number as measured by weekly curriculum based assessments. AIMSWeb comprehension and fluency probes allows for the teacher to assess this specific criteria. However when working on the PU! and SRA Reading remedial interventions, the programs themselves provide appropriate assessment that evaluates specifically what the student has learned in that particular program. As for writing, many of the students’ IEP goals focus on specific writing

Running header; Long Rang Plan concepts such as sentence structure, detail, and sequence. The SUTW and SRA Language programs provide instruction and strategies on these concepts. When a student has learned new

31 skills with writing, the programs then assess these skills. These assessments evaluate what the student has learned as it associates to the criteria based on his/her IEP goal. The same goes for math. As students are instructed with the TM series, it helps them meet the criteria of their IEP goals in math. The TM assessments evaluate their understanding in order to meet the specific

IEP math goal.

As for procedures, the teacher uses various methods when she assesses for different things. For example, when the student is being assessed for reading using an AIMSWeb probe or program assessment, the teacher will not give the students a time limit. However if their IEP goal notes specifically that the student needs to be timed, then she will implement that limitation.

Otherwise, if not stated in the IEP, she assesses them without restrictions. These assessments are always on the student’s current instructional level. Once the assessments are complete, she reviews them and compares to their previous assessments in that specific area. For example, for

PU! Reading, the teacher has the student take a placement test to see where they fit in the sequence. From here the students are instructed on a skill, practice it, and then assessed on it.

This is the student’s remedial intervention. The programs assessments show the teacher how the student is progressing.

Along with this, as stated in the IEP, the student is given a weekly or biweekly probe on level stated in the goal, such as an AIMSWeb probe. This assessment will tell the teacher how the student is progressing academically while using the PU! Program. The same goes for writing and math. For writing, the teacher instructs the student using the SUTW writing series. After a particular skill, the students are assessed on it using the program assessment tool. This will allow

Running header; Long Rang Plan 32 for the teacher to check the student’s understanding on that particular skill. After a few strategies have been practice and assessed, the teacher will use a CBM, such as a writing sample, to see how the student is progressing with the program. The samples will be given weekly or biweekly as stated in the IEP. The samples coincide with the IEP itself. As for math, the same process is implemented. The TM series uses their specific strategies to increase students’ skills in math.

After five lessons, the program implements an assessment to check for mastery on the topics learned. This program also monitors progress after every unit. The skills taught in this program support the content in the student’s IEP for math. As stated in the IEP, the teacher then uses a

CBM (AIMSWeb) to see if the student has increased their computation and applied problems goals. In the majority of the IEP’s this is done either weekly or biweekly. These assessments allow the teacher to see if the remedial programs are effective.

The teacher organized these assessments in various ways. For example, sometimes she allows the student to take the CBM’s on AIMSWeb sites, in which the data is kept online. The same goes for the PU! Reading program. This program is done online, so the students’ scores are kept track through the website. TM also has an online assessment ability that allows the teacher to go in and keep track of each student’s progression through the program. As for the writing samples, AIMSWeb printed sheets, and SRA Reading and Language, the teacher organizes this data into folders specific for each student. These folders are held in a crate marked

“Assessments”. This data will remain in her crate until she needs it for progress reports every 4 and 9 weeks of each grading period.

As for grades, the teacher uses class assessments and participation for determining grades. She collects weekly and bi-weekly progress monitoring assessments that she uses to determine student progress. Every 4 weeks she adds up student’s scores on classwork

Running header; Long Rang Plan

(worksheets), and participation (ex; 5 points for every journal entry written daily), workbook

33 practice, and independent practice. She uses the workbook and independent practices as assessments to check for understanding. If the student participated and honestly put toward an effort, the student receives full credit, determined by how many problems there were. If the student did not attempt the work, they forfeited those points. The scores are tallied up every nine weeks, which determines the student’s grade. The teacher also posts daily/weekly grades on the school’s grading website for parents to check.

E. Classroom Management Rules and Procedures

The teacher in this classroom understands her students’ behaviors, especially in the middle school grades. This understanding helps when managing and maintaining her classroom.

The rules she has in place are structured and at the same time appropriate for students in this agegroup. Along with this, her classroom management and procedures coincide with the schools expectations. Both provide guidance for students and teaches them to take responsibility and ownership for their behavior.

The classroom expectations are positively stated. Below is a list of what the teacher expects from each student in her classroom;

Be Prepared

… It is important to come in and be ready from the start of class. Not bringing the materials needed for class is not only a waste of your time, but also my time and your classmates time.

Be On Time

… Be on time for class. We have such little time together that we need to make the most of it.

Be Respectful … Showing respect to your peers and adults earns you respect.

Be On Task … Being on task is the only way to learn. This means completing assigned work, participating in class, and asking questions.

Running header; Long Rang Plan 34

Be Positive

…Being positive takes so much less energy than being negative. Some things in life are not worth getting upset over. Learn from mistakes and move on. Keep everything in perspective and focus on what’s good in your life.

These rules are consistent with the schools. Each teacher has a copy of these expectations that are posted on their classroom walls. In addition, these rules and expectations are observable. The teacher in this setting also sets certain expectations for her students. For example, when students enter her classroom, they know to get their journals and complete the daily entry as soon as they sit down. Some of them get up to sharpen pencils or quickly chat with a friend, but they know once the class has begun, they need to stay in their seats and complete the task given to them. This action shows that students know how to be on time, respect the teacher and peers, remain on task, and be positive. All of these behaviors can be observed and noted.

However if the rules are not followed, consequences are delivered in accordance with its specific behavior. For example, if a student does not comply with a teacher request, such as remaining on task or excessive talking and disrupting instruction, students are given a lunch detention with a phone call home.

If the student continues, the teacher writes up the student to his/her specific administrator with a phone call home. If the behaviors continue, the student is removed from class and taken to their specific administrator for further action.

Running header; Long Rang Plan 35
