Marxism wk 3 - h6a2sociology

1 hour
100 % or referred to intervention sessions Thursday F1 4.15-5.15
Main focus should
have been how the
Interesting choice of subcultures
chose differs from
Covered main elements – music, clothing,
language, norms, values, beliefs,
Sociological terms  
Misreading question 
Internet use! 
Record your mark /10 in the first section of
your tracking sheet
Store this in the assessment section of your
I will let you know your TMG’s as soon as I am
sent them
Write essay title onto your new essay
feedback sheet
Complete your targets
On your homework sheet complete the
glossary using your sociology dictionaries
Outline and evaluate the functionalist view of
All power points and key homework's will be
uploaded here!!!!
Use it to help you !!!
Watch this clip, do you know anyone that
belongs to this subculture...
Recap functionalism
Outline the main arguments of Marxist sociologists
C – What C refers to the name of a Functionalist sociologist
OA -What OA refers to the comparison made by functionalists
between society and the human body.
P What P refers to the name of a Functionalist sociologist
S-What refers to the type of theory functionalism is – society
controls people as though they were puppets
C- What C refers to the functionalist view that all elements of society
work together and society works well
VC – What VC refers to the agreement functionalist believe people
have on what is important and so how to behave
F- The agent of primary socialisation, functionalists compare to the
SS- what SS do functionalists believe exists between members of
society when everyone shares the same norms, values & beliefs.
SO- what SO do functionalists believe is instilled through
socialisation as well as forms of social control e.g. the police.
Both view society as a
Society shapes the
behaviour and ideas of
Conflict of interests –
Marxists reject the view
that society if harmonious
– see it as based on conflict
of interests between social
Marxists don’t see society
as stable and stress the
possibility of sudden,
revolutionary change.
Getting you thinking
Discuss the questions
It was this inequality that forms the
basis of Marxism
Marxists argue the conflict in society is
between the Upper class (Bourgeoisie) and
the working class (Proletariat)
What stereotypes are there about upper class
people in British society today?
Upper class – Owners of
the ‘means of
production’ – the way to
make money usually by
producing goods for sale
E.g. factory owners
What stereotypes are there about working
class people in British society today?
Working class people
who worked for the
upper class – in their
factories or homes.
E.G factory workers
You tube clip
He saw the harm being done by industrial
society and the promise of progress to a
better world that is held.
Thought it was possible to understand
society scientifically – scientific socialism
Marx was not just a theorist, he was also a
revolutionary socialist.
“Philosophers have merely interpreted the
world; the point, however, is to change it.”
After his death , Marx’s ideas came to form
the basis of communism – a political
movement that was influential in shaping the
modern world.
Read through your handout
Read through your handout again and select
one sentence from each paragraph and write
it onto your summary sheet.
Read through your handout again and
highlight all they key sociological terms
Add them to your Sociology Dictionaries
Complete the definitions for each, use the
handout & discuss on your tables.
Read through and complete the words to give
you a summary of Marxism
How does it compare?
Recap on the main elements of Marxist
Analyse criticisms of Marxist theory
Check understanding of key terminology
What is wrong
with Marxist
2 volunteers please
 Marx’s view that class is the only important
division in society is simplistic (too simple)
 Weber argues status and power can also be
sources of inequality
 Feminists argue that gender is a more important
source of inequality
 Marx’s 2 class model is too simplistic, class can
be sub-divided into many different classes
 eg -underclass, unskilled working class, skilled working
class, lower middle class, upper middle class...
Class polarisation (separation) has not occurred
– the middle class has grown.
 Marxism is criticised for focusing only on
economic factors as the cause of the inequality
in society, this is called economic determinism
Marx’s predictions of a revolution have not come
true, there have been not revolutions in Western
Europe or North America only less economically
developed countries such as Russia in 1917
Like functionalism, Marxism has been accused
of ignoring freedom of choice – we are not
brainwashed by the ideology (ideas) of the
Oppositional subcultures can exist within the
capitalist system- punks, mods, skinheads
symbolic resistance to society (but this is
temporary) not the brainwashed individuals
Marx describes.
Too much emphasis on conflict- despite its
inequalities capitalism has managed to improve
the standard of living for most people.
All power points and key homework's will be
uploaded here!!!!
Use it to help you !!!
If you haven’t got 100%
You have been referred to compulsory intervention
Tomorrow -Thursday F1 4.15-5.15
This is a requirement of the course
Thursday F1
4.15 – 5.15
Will was away last week but will be there
expecting you all tomorrow
I have given her a list and she will take a
attach coversheet before you hand
it in...