Fundamentals of Art History

Fundamentals of Art History
Course Description
Fundamentals of Art History is a one-semester course designed to develop students’
understanding and appreciation for the visual arts. This course explores the arts, artists,
and their cultures, from prehistoric times through the present. Students will begin to
explore important works of art selected from various types of media, including painting,
sculpture, architecture, and photography. As the course presents works of different
periods, students will learn the historical and geographic context necessary to gain a
deeper appreciation of the pieces. This course will provide students with a working
knowledge of concepts and an enriched vocabulary so that they can become more
informed consumers of art.
Course Objectives
When you finish this course, you will be able to:
 Trace the progression of art through history
 Identify different art periods and their historical influences
 Identify different artists and their works
 Identify and use the terms related to art
 Recognize the relationship between religion, culture, and art
 Compare works of art
Course Assignment Values
Assignment Type
10 Assignments
75 pts
7 Unit Tests
70 pts
1 Midterm Exam
18 pts
25 pts
188 pts
1 Final Exam
Course Totals
Suggested Course Schedule
The suggested time frame shown below is based on learning sessions. A learning
session is a 45-minute period of time. This course should take approximately 90
learning sessions to complete, but this schedule is just a suggestion. You may work on
each unit at your own pace, completing as many learning sessions as you’d like in one
sitting. However, keep in mind that you must finish the entire course within the time
specified by your school district.
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Content Covered
Unit 1: Introduction to Art History
In this unit, you will be introduced to the subject of art history. Important
ideas for you to consider as you go through this unit are: What is art?
What are some ways I can evaluate a work of art? How might I compare
two or more works of art? It is important for you to be able to answer
these questions in order to understand the works of art you will study. A
work’s historical context will help you understand what led the artist to
create it.
In this unit, there will be:
2 Assignments
10 pts
1 Unit Test
10 pts
Unit 2: The Ancient World
In this unit, you will learn about some of the civilizations of the ancient
world and the art they produced. Each unit will involve a discussion of the
world history that affected a particular work of art from that period or
In this unit, there will be:
2 Assignments
10 pts
1 Unit Test
10 pts
Unit 3: The Middle Ages
In this unit, you will be introduced to art inspired by the rise of the
Christian religion. To understand this art, you will need to gain an
understanding of the history of the religion and societal changes of this
time period.
In this unit, there will be:
2 Assignments
10 pts
1 Unit Test
10 pts
Unit 4: The Renaissance
In this unit, you will learn about the innovations of the art of the
Renaissance. These new techniques would influence art for hundreds of
years. The art of the Early Renaissance and the High Renaissance will
be discussed, as well as the artists and important works of northern
Europe. You will gain an understanding of the changing styles during this
period and see how the move toward naturalism reached its peak with
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the artists of the High Renaissance.
In this unit, there will be:
2 Assignments
10 pts
1 Unit Test
10 pts
Fundamentals of Art History Midterm Exam 18 pts
Unit 5: The Baroque
This unit will discuss the changing styles of the Baroque period. You will
discover the huge impact that the Protestant religion and the resulting
Catholic Counter-Reformation had on the art produced during this period.
You will also see how religious strife affects the art of different
geographical regions differently.
In this unit, there will be:
2 Assignments
10 pts
1 Unit Test
10 pts
Unit 6: The Modern World
This unit will cover Neoclassicism, Romaticism, Impressionism, and PostImpressionism. You will analyze historical figures and events and
discover how they influenced the different artistic periods.
In this unit, there will be:
2 Assignments
10 pts
1 Unit Test
10 pts
Unit 7: Art in the Later Twentieth Century
In this unit, you will learn about the changing styles and movements of
the 20th century. You will discover many changing aesthetics and watch
as art becomes a personal expression of the artist, not intended to
appeal to the viewer. You will then see how art moves back to becoming
acceptable to the average person in the Pop Art movement. You will
explore painting and sculpture as well as important architects and
photographers of the 20th century.
In this unit, there will be:
2 Assignments
10 pts
1 Unit Test
10 pts
Fundamentals of Art History Final Exam 25 pts
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Privacy Policy
No member of the Advanced Academics staff is authorized to release student
information without the written permission of the student’s parent or legal guardian.
Names, images, and/or class work of Advanced Academics students will not be
published in print, video/film, or on our public website without written student and
guardian consent.
Disability Statement
If you have a disability or condition that may affect your ability to succeed in this course,
please contact your teacher. It’s important that you discuss the problem with him or her
so accommodations may be made to give you every opportunity to perform well. Your
teacher and virtual school program coordinators are committed to helping students with
disabilities succeed, and every request will be treated with respect and confidentiality.
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