C rawford
C ounty,
P ennsylvania
Cynthia R. McCoy, Secretary
P. O. Box 231
William B. Agnew
Harmonsburg, PA 16422 Jerauld L. Smith
Office (814) 382-8208
Fax (814) 382-5058 Garage (814) 382-7140 harmonsburg@zoominternet.net
October 7, 2014
The regular monthly meeting of the Summit Township Supervisors was held, October 7, 2014; 10956 Plum
Street, Harmonsburg, PA. Those present were: Robert G. Agnew, Gene Calvert, Dennis and Donlee Hindman,
Pauline Prince, Tim Webber, Roseann Staab, Community News, Robert Whiteside, John Monette, Dan Thomas,
Ray O’Dell, Dale Nolf, William Walker, Jerry Smith, Harry McGrath, Bill Agnew and Cindy McCoy.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bill Agnew at 7:00 PM, with the Pledge to the Flag. Harry made a motion to accept the minutes of the September meetings as presented, seconded by Bill, so moved.
Chairman Agnew read correspondence from Harry McGrath resigning his position as Supervisor effective immediately, noting personal reasons. With deep regret, Bill made a motion to accept; 2 nd by Jerry, motion carried.
Mr. McGrath then left his seat at the table and joined the audience.
Dennis Hindman has prepared an application for the construction of a large barn and questioned his need to comply with Stormwater Management. Attorney Walker intervened and stated the activity of agriculture is exempt but not a structure – Construction of a new buildings or impervious area is not considered an exempt from
Stormwater management requirement. NRCS completed the building design and did not include a Stormwater
Management Plan.
Gibson Park access -Dennis explained a problem accessing Coleman’s field through Gibson Park is limited by the sign posts near the cross pipe and requested the posts be moved. Harry mentioned when Hindman first requested access, the field was to be used for the production of hay, now the crops have changed and the equipment is larger. Excess sods from the tractor/equipment and their weight have made ruts in the roadway. The signs were installed to limit access by others from going beyond that particular point, adding also for insurance. It was suggested to widen the distance between the posts to allow at least 16 feet for the equipment.
Gibson Park Site Plan: A committee meeting was held Sept 30, during which the plan was presented to those in attendance. Ashley Porter presented each with a copy and asked for comments. The final report will be available and presented at a meeting in November and then forwarded to DCNR.
Gordon Road Pipe Replacement: Project was near completion when a pipe was damaged; efforts to correct with rebar and concrete were not successful. It was decided to remove the section of damaged pipe and replace with a new pipe. Justin Dickey has been meeting with the contractor and overseeing the project and hopes to have it completed by Thursday. Either Harry or Jerry was present on the site.
Attorney Walker provided a brief update regarding CLP: the Attorney General has filed a complaint and preliminary objection to the Sherriff’s Sale for the delinquent real estate tax. The taxing bodies filed a Writ of
Execution and are currently working on a response. A hearing has not yet been scheduled; if nothing changes the
Sherriff’s Sale will go on as planned.
A request was presented by PSATS and approved for acceptance by Attorney William Walker: Adopting
Resolution #2014-4 acknowledging PSATS’s agreement to update documents and ensure continued compliance with federal and state changes, allowing The Trustees to incorporated changes into the Amended and Restated
Declaration and Agreement of Trust “Amended Trust Agreement”. If adopted by 50% of participating members the newly amended Trust Agreement will be sent for Township records in mid-November.
Kestner Subdivision #2 was presented for review. The township’s planning commission reviewed the proposed plan and had no recommendations. Mr. Kestner submitted a plan earlier in the year; this proposal includes dividing 10-acre parcel and transferring to adjoining property owner on the west, Dale Nolf. Comments from the
County Planning Office were reviewed. Bill made a motion to approve the subdivision of Kestner #2; second by
Jerry, motion carried.
John Monette reported several notices were mailed and investigations will continue. Lino – abandoned structure on Gordon. Bahr/White -bad roof on the blue house, subdivision never recorded, garage collapsing and is deemed as an unsafe structure. Peters – fire damaged structure on Reed. Morne–dilapidated structure on Phelps.
Gaetano – cottage on Reed Avenue was posted as uninhabitable last year. Brown–on Beagle–cockroach problem, resident has moved has no money to clean it up. Stallsmith – abandoned structure on Gordon.
Ghost Lake sites have been inspected and approved by MDIA as per the design drawings; Recommending that adequate personnel and fire extinguishers shall be on site at all times.
Applications: Staub – Storage Unit in Lauderdale; Barco Home Occupation Hearing; CCEPA replacement roof on office building and demolition of Sebastian structure; Sommers, Cemetery Road filled in underground garage space, will fill with dirt and rebuild as car port.
STVFD: Gene Calvert presented the Special Event Emergency Action Plan for Conneaut Lake Fall
Pumpkin Fest. The STVFD will be on the grounds of the Park for the festivities October 10, 11 and 12 with expected attendance near 5000. The Plan outlines scenarios that could happen and depicts chain of command,
NIMS protocol, and contact information.
CONNEAUT LAKE WATER TRAIL ASSOCATION : Dan Thomas, CLWTA informed members of the status of the grant applications. He has met with representatives from DCNR and County Conservation District and distributed 5 RFP’s for professional services to complete the feasibility study/site plan. Attorney Walker recommended the RFQ’s would only be used to determine budget figures for the grant applications and not to sign a contract for services. The Cindy was authorized to complete and submit the applications; the Township will be the grantee and CLWTA as the sub-grantee.
SAFTEY COMMITTEE: The application for Certification renewal of the Workplace Safety Committee has been approved. A 5% discount in the workers’ compensation rate will be effective upon renewal.
OIL AND GAS TAX FORCE: The Crawford County Oil and Gas Task Force will hold a field trip by bus to the proposed Cracker Plant facility in Beaver County. The proposed site will process natural gas that is being drilled in the region.
ADMISSION TAX: Lenny Adams submitted admission tax collected tax collected for
June/July/August/September in the amount of $4449.25.
*Road master report for activity in September 2014:
*Spray Patched Townline, Porter, Agnew and Brown Road.
*Inlet Road Pipe replacement was completed with Township personnel and lease of larger backhoe to dig and move large blocks.
*Gordon Road pipe replacement is being done by D. W. Wright Company –a pipe was damaged and is now being repaired with PCE doing in the inspections and providing consultation services.
*Ditching cleaning on Hindman Road and gravel applied on Pachuk Road at Evan’s hill to help reduce washouts.
*Road-side mowing continues daily.
*Replaced various stop signs and stop ahead signs installing reflective strips on all sign posts.
*Mowing and trimming was done at all township owned locations.
*Culvert pipes are checked daily (and removed if found) for accumulation of grass and leaf dams.
*Roads were inspected for Road Bonds on that were issued for Faust and Porter Road.
Gibson Park will be closed: water drained, doors covered, lawn care stopped and garbage service halted.
Harry asked the Board to consider his request for a voluntary lay-off; noting the township’s budget would take a hit to keep 5 road department personnel. He suggested keeping the ‘younger family-man’ employed and terminating him. (This would be discussed by The Board during an executive session.)
*RFQ results: R4 rock for Inlet Pipe: Allegheny Mineral $26.35* and Meadville Redi-Mix $33.33
*Worker Comp Policies have each renewed – Selective for township personnel annual premium
$14,726 and SWIF for the Fire Department at $11,611
*Health care coverage rates received for 2014- same plan with 6.95% increase: Individual rates $163.25 from 152.64 and Employee/Spouse $436.85 from $408.46. As per In-network there are zero deductibles; $10 copay; Routine Exams 100%; specialist $30 copay. Additional Option rate of $147.57 for Individual and $394.90
Employee/Spouse has a $500pp deductible; $40 copay; Routine Exams 100%; specialist $40. New Year begins on
December 1, Need authorization to sign papers and renew?
*Fiscal year 2012 & 2013 of the Liquid Fuels account was completed on September 15 – everything was found to be in order. A copy of the exit conference is available.
*Completed NIMS on-line Data Collection Spreadsheet. Federal funding eligibility is contingent on compliance will this filing. Township officials are required to complete ICS-100.
*Completed a RTK request – CLP/Admission Tax history/618 Bridge project finances.
*Application for Conditional Use received, hearing scheduled, and notifications sent.
*Road Bonds issued for Faust and Porter.
*Mailed and recorded notices sent by Housing Code official.
*Finalized Ladner parcel sale and transfer of escrow regarding the unconventional on-lot disposal system.
*Communications with MDIA and STVF regarding Ghost Lake inspections. Safety concerns with chainsaws emitting fumes into devil den building – contacted Dominic Baragona to discuss situation. –
*Reviewed request for driveway pipes for Semard on Ryan and Byer/Crytzer on Inlet
*Penndot – Chris Walstrom – they WILL apply lines at intersection.
*Issues with the application of seal-coat: incorrect yardage was calculated, since over the amount is over the
10% it was determined to delay project and rebid next year.
*Received a call from Penndot – they will be changing three culvert pipes on Harmonsburg Road and hope to only close the road from 8:30- 3:00.
Bill made a motion to advertise for fuel bids to be opened during the December meeting, emphasizing there would be no additional deliver charges, second by Jerry, so moved.
Bill made a motion to authorize Cindy to make the necessary plans to schedule and host the CDL training sessions, seconded by Jerry, motion carried.
Dale Nolf expressed concern about the stop sign only for the reason that it is hard to see and has been hit several times. He requested/suggested the installation of a reflective barrel around the post. Cindy will contact
Penndot to request assistance and provide a solution.
Assessment Appeal Hearing October 9 for the appeal of Albert J. Zimmerly, Jr. #5508-057-189 (Lauderdale
Estate North Shore Drive/East Canal) current assessment $85,050
County-wide bridges Inspection Reports were received.
Crawford County Association of Township Officials will meet for the fall convention to be held Tuesday,
October 21, Smith’s Country Gardens, Guys Mills. Registration will begin at 8Am. Bill/Jerry and Cindy are signed up. Since Duane is acting Roadmaster, Bill made a motion to authorize Duane to attend, seconded by Jerry, so moved.
2014 State Aid allocation for the Volunteer Fire Relief Association was received $11,843.98.
PSATS Group Trust Fund dividend for 2013 was received $41.64.
2014 Commonwealth allocation of General Municipal Pension System State Aid $8,228.65 was received.
Irrevocable Letter of Credit #1046 was received on behalf of Meadville Redi-Mix Concrete for Hindman
Road originally issued July 7, 2005.
Northwest Rural Planning Organization announced the appointment of QES (Quality Engineering
Solutions) to develop a county and municipal bridge inventory to identify bridges over 20 feet in length on the local routes system which have reasonable alternative routes and that are candidates for closure and removal. The collected information will be made available to counties and municipalities to assist them in making decisions on the repair or replacement of those identified bridges when prioritizing future projects. Upon completion, expected by September 2015, a final report will be provided to each municipality.
Publications: Mfr. & Business Association - October magazine, Penndot – moving Forward – Fall 2014,
Pa Route 6 Alliance, PennLines – October 2014, CC Office of Emergency Services – Summer newsletter, NW
Passages – September 2014 Edition, PSATS News bulletin – September 2014
Webinars: Traffic Sign Assessment and Inventory Webinar – Monday, October 20, 9 or 1.
PA One Call October 9, at Nick’s Place Restaurant.
Subdivision and Development Plans; Oct 21 @ Days Inn Meadville; $80 8:30-4.
Risk Assessment Summary & Mitigation Solutions Workshop; October 23; 10am East Mead VFD.
Long-range Transportation Plan 2015-2040 will be presented at the CC Courthouse, October 27;
2:30. Invitation was extended to participate in a public open house to evaluate the strategies, review available revenue for transportation project and review and identify candidate projects for consideration.
G191-ICS/EOC Interface Course – November 8; 8-5; Erie County Public Safety Building for all first responders, EOC Staff.
November 19 Grant writing; Franklin Community Conservation Partnership Grant Workshop. 9-1
EMA – Critical Infrastructure and Key Resources Protection & Active Shooter Preparedness and
Response - November 19 – 2-4 or 6:30-8:30; Meadville Fire Station
With no other business before the Board; Bill made a motion to move into an executive session 8:39 PM, seconded by Jerry, so moved.
Regular meeting was reconvened at 9:26 PM: The open position (for an Elected Supervisor ) will be announced in local publications accepting ‘letters of interest’. Having to name a successor within 30 days the
November meeting was rescheduled to November 3, when a replacement will be announced.
Bill made a motion, to accept the offer from Harry for voluntary lay-off, effective October 10. (Harry is currently – using his vacation hours as a 40-hour week), seconded by Jerry, motion carried.
Bill made a motion to appoint Duane Agnew and Jerry Smith each as Roadmaster and consider rate of pay adjustment for Duane following Jerry’s 6-month review by the auditors, 2 nd by Jerry, motion carried.
Bill made a motion to re-instate Gig King to full-time employment, with full benefits; effective October 8, at $15.00 per hour. Since his personal/vacation time was cleared when released in April it was decided to authorize
Holiday pay and 3 personal days (24 hours), 2 nd by Jerry, motion carried.
Jerry made a motion to pay the bills as presented; second by Bill, so moved. Bill made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Jerry, so moved. Meeting adjourned at 9:45PM.
-Cynthia R. McCoy, Secretary