November 3, 2014

Crawford County, Pennsylvania
Cynthia R. McCoy, Secretary
P. O. Box 231
Harmonsburg, PA 16422
Office (814) 382-8208
Fax (814) 382-5058
William B. Agnew
Jerauld L. Smith
Ludwig J. Zarembinski
Garage (814) 382-7140
November 3, 2014
The regular monthly meeting of the Summit Township supervisors was held, November 3,
2014; 10956 Plum Street, Harmonsburg, PA. Those present were: Pam Snider, Jean Agnew, Kathleen Walker,
Theresa Novosel, David Schaef, Roseanne Staab, Bob Bayak, Terry Carlson, Lud Zarembinski, Jerry Smith,
William Agnew, William Walker and Cindy McCoy.
Chairman Agnew called the meeting to order with the Pledge to the Flag at 7:00 PM. Minutes of the
October 7 meeting were approved as presented with a motion by Bill, seconded by Jerry.
First order of business; after reviewing the submitted applications and checking residency and voter
registration requirements, Bill Agnew made a motion to appoint Lud Zarembinski replacing Harry McGrath on the
Board of Supervisors. Lud has the experience including his previous appointment as supervisor and is currently
employed as Roadmaster with Vernon Township. Lud accepted the position and was sworn into office by Attorney
Members of the Henretta Memorial Library Board requested consideration from the Supervisors when/if the
current library structure is sold or transferred by the Conneaut School district. Public knowledge is the School
District is considering the disposal of the School Building in Harmonsburg which is currently being used for
storage. Since the consolidation of the three area schools this building is no longer needed. The District covers
expenses associated with the Library and controls a memorial fund in excess of $100,000. These funds are to be
used for construction/maintenance of a community library facility. Since the township is considering a new
township building they requested to be included in the plans for space for a library and co-exist. Members stated we
are in the planning stages and will gladly consider this request. The Supervisor hopes to work cooperatively in this
PCE and the Site Plan Committee will hold the final meeting November 10; 6:00 PM. Ashley Porter will
present the final plan for review and receive any comments or corrections before submitting to DCNR.
Mr. Bob Bayak approached the board to discuss his request to have a driveway pipe removed or have it
lowered. He stated he has approached the township several times over the years but nothing has been done. The
pipe protrudes from the crossing with Sherretts Road and catches on his plow equipment; to his recollection no
water runs through it. With new members on board and unaware of the previous request, Lud and Jerry will meet
with Mr. Bayak and help to resolve the matter.
The CLP Sherriff’s Sale has been delayed to December 5; the Attorney General Office has filed
preliminary objections and a petition to ‘stay’ the sale. The judge included in the order that all creditors would not
need to notified individually.
Santa, Gehrton Road 2 storage units (one replacement from fire); Robert G. Agnew, Hwy 18, 24x36 roof
only; Mozina addition to existing agriculture storage building. Conditional Use Application for Hydro Technologies
was heard October 21. EPA submitted an application to redesign/replace access doors to the camper land store.
Act 32: With amble funds available in the county’s account it was decided to waive the annual contribution
from participating county units (townships/school districts). The collection contract with Berkheimer has been
extended with a 5-year agreement reducing the commission rate charged from 1.65% to 1.6%.
Recreation Board: The Children’s Christmas Party will be held December 5; the annual $500 allocation is
included in payment list.
All roads were graded once and a few were covered twice;
Roadside mowing was completed. All yards were mowed for the last time this year.
Crack sealing on all roads where needed.
Gordon Road pipe replacement project was completed and road open to traffic October 21.
Trucks were prepared for inspection.
Gibson Park was closed, all water pumps removed and doorways boarded.
Building was cleaned for storage of signs and to keep trucks in the heat for the winter.
The ’99 plow was repaired and ready for the season.
Issues reviewed with Road Bond on Porter Road – they are very cooperative and trying to resolve the issue.
The exit drive is too steep for size of equipment to turn south onto the road.
Request to RFQ for Anti-skid /sand and have a few loads added to pile.
Truck 3 passed this inspection but was informed new tires will be needed.
Request authorization to purchase stock for replacement plow blades, shoes and tire
The rear engine seal on the ’98 truck needs replaced – may have to hire out.
Front tires will be needed on the Alamo in the spring.
Since these items are considered general maintenance; no additional approval is needed to complete these
transactions (tire purchase, vehicle repair, etc.).
WD Wright has completed the Gordon Road Pipe Replacement project; and the payment request was
submitted for review; $36,720. Jerry was on the job site during the installation and was informed of each action
taken. Once the two loads of stone are replaced the payment will be sent.
Cindy spoke with Chris Wolstrom of Penndot; they installed a cone around the north sign and painted the
stop lines. We also requested assistance to replace pipe at Porter Road intersection with Harmonsburg Road we
have the pipe and material, they will provide additional manpower and equipment to provide sufficient safety at
Bridge Inspections reports were received and are available for review.
Effective July 1, 2014 – included among other items/changes to be compliance with federal MUTCD
requirments. Mowing operations are required to have a shadow vehicle. – Mowing operations on road with fewer
than 10,000 vehicles per day where the equipment is completely off the road continue to be exempt from this
requirement under Title 67 of the PA Code, Chapter 212.402. PA adopted the Federal Requirements; compliance
should be determined by the Board of Supervisors and could/would be considered a liability/risk issue. Maybe close
the road with the ‘red arrow’ detour.
Admission Tax from Mid America Events $6270.72 for Ghost Lake 9/19-10/12.
Liquid Fuels Allocation for 2015 is $125,165.83; Turnback $10,680.
Met with Auditors on October 14 – to discuss rate of pay for J. Smith following 6-month review and
provided update of the resignation of Harry McGrath. As required when an elected official leaves office; the
accounting records must be reviewed; this was done on October 27 and 29.
On behalf of our request; PSATS will conduct a CDL Probable Cause Training and CMV/CDL records
management workshop, December 17 at Vernon Twp. Municipal Building.
Four days spent compiling information and completing two Grant applications for the canoe access.
Received delayed notification of James Sheehan, 11439 North Shore Drive for proposed seawall repair and
new construction.
3rd Qtr report from Summit Financial for Pension Plan
County Assessment to hear appeal from James D. Long
Publications: PennLines – November Edition: Mfr & Business Association – November Edition
Workshops: CCEMA – quarterly training Nov 19; 2-4 or 6:30-8; 30 Meadville Fire Station
Cindy will attend a DCNR grant workshop November 19 in Franklin
List of invoices were presented for review; Bill made a motion to pay as presented, seconded by Jerry,
motion carried. General Fund $35,112.36 (includes Foreign Fire and Pension), State Fund $36,720.00 for the
Gordon Road Pipe replacement project.
With no other business brought before the Board, Bill made a motion to adjourn, second by Lud; meeting
adjourned at 8:15 PM.
--Cynthia R. McCoy, Secretary